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MEDICAL IMAGING PHYSICS FOURTH EDITION William R. Hendee Pe eee Ce eh is Thisbok sprined o acd ee paper © Copyright © 200 by Weis, Re, New York. Al ighs saved blued simkancouly in Canada DISCLAIMER. While the author, eds, and publsie believe that drag seletion and dosage andthe specication and vege of eqn and devices ax tf thie bal, re accord wth arent ‘recommendations and practi at he tine of ableton, they accep lepl responsi fr any ‘ce or tions nko woroity expeesr lind: Cah epi to mater sone keel In ic of ongoing rexatch, equgment modifications, changes in governmental egulaions, and the ‘onsont flow of formation relating to drug therapy, drug reactons, and the use of equipmeat and eviews, the reader i urged to revi and evaiate the information provided in the package inset o¢ Insractons foreach cing, pee of equipment, oF device fr artong eer tings. amy changes ne insructions or mndcatbn of dosag ot usge and for added warnings and pecans No part of his publication may be reprotucd, stored in retrieval sstemor transmit in any frm ot by any mesns,ektromic, mechankal, photocopying eecedngscanng cr otherwise except as permite ender Section 107 or 168 of te 1976 United Sates Copyright Ac, what esherthe prot ‘writen permision of the Publisher, or authorsation throng paymert ofthe appropriate percopy fe to he Copyright Clearance Certr 222 Rowtword Drive, Dawes MA 01023. (078) 750.8400 {ax (678) 750-4743, Requests tothe Publisher for permison should be adresse othe Permissions _Deparimens, John Wily & Sone nc, 63 Thr Anemuc, New ork, SY 10158-0012, 212) 850-4011 fax (212) 850-6008, E Mai: PERMREQ @ WILEY.COM, For ordering andl customer service informatio plese call 1-800-CALL-WILEY, Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Dat is available. ISeNO-47.382264 Print inthe United Sates of America CONTENTS IN BRIEF PREFACE xv PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION xvii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xix 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 " 12 13 4 15 16 7 18 IMAGING IN MEDICINE 1 STRUCTURE OF MATTER 11 RADIOACTIVE DECAY 27 INTERACTIONS OF RADIATION 45 PRODUCTION OFX RAYS 69 RADIATION QUANTIFY AND QUALITY 91 INTERACTION OF X AND y RAYS INTHE BODY 117 RADIATION DETECTORS FOR QUANTITATIVE MEASUREMENT 127 ACCUMULATION AND ANALYSIS: OFNUCLEAR DATA 143 COMPUTERS AND IMAGE NETWORKING — 161 PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS 179) INSTRUMENTATION FOR NUCLEAR IMAGING 197 RADIOGRAPHY 217 FLUOROSCOPY 235 COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY 251 INFLUENCES ON IMAGE QUALITY 265 ANALYTIC DESCRIPTION OF IMAGE QUALITY 201, VISUAL PERCEPTION 239 19 ULTRASOUND WAVES 303, 20 ULTRASOUND TRANSDUCERS 317 21 ULTRASOUND INSTRUMENTATION 331 22 DOPPLEREFFECT 343 23 FUNDAMENTALS OF MAGNETICRESONANCE 355, 24° MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING. AND SPECTROSCOPY 307, 25° MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGINt INSTRUMENTATION, BIOEFTECTS, AND SITE PLANNING 389 26 EXPERIMENTAL RADIOBIOLOGY 403 27 HUMANRADIOBIOLOGY 413 28 PROTECTION FROM EXTERNAL SOURCES OF RADIATION & 29 PROTECTION FROM INTERNAL SOURCES OFRADIATION 455 30 FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS INMEDICAL IMAGING 467 APPENDIX 1 REVIEW OF MATHEMATICS 477, APPENDIX Il FOURIER TRANSFORM 483 APPENDIX Ill MULTIPLES AND PREFIXES 485, APPENDIX IY MASSES INATOMICMASS UNITS FOR NEUTRAL [ATOMS OF STABLE NUCLIDES AND A FEW UNSTABLE NUCLIDES 487 ANSWERS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS 491 INDEX 495 vil

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