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Intensive habitation both from humans and animals and farming practises, have caused environmental stresses at a micro

o and macro level. This results in high pathogen counts (bad bugs in the soil, walls, air etc) and the pH of the environment becomes alkaline which is ideal for further pathogen growth and attraction of nuisance flies. A typical example is the release of ammonia smells (evident in urine). Flies LOVE this and are attracted. Traditionally we have then sprayed poisons. Initially this had an effect but long term the chemicals have also entered the water and soil- adding to an already bad situation. Effectively we have placed stressed environment under more stress. ALL IS NOT LOST: Nature is extremely forgiving. If we re-introduce some give it some good bugs and address the pH of the surrounds we can re-establish the balance and this will assist in managing the nuisance flies. Question: Do we need to continue to add these good things back to the environment why cant we do it once and then it will be OK? Answer: We could if we then moved on and migrated away but if we stay in this space we continue adding badies so to counter balance this we need to keep introducing the good guys. 95% of fly species are beneficial this means they are predators of nuisance flies and assist in combating the nuisance flies (A good example of such a beneficial fly is the Black Soldier Fly which we also displayed the maggots of at Stellenbosch) FACT: These beneficial flies are seldom seen, they do not irritate you or the animals and dont transmit disease. Bee Flies are also beneficial the list is endless. 4% of fly species are what we call NUISANCE: these not only irritate but are the transmitters of various diseases e.g. TB, Cholera, Pink Eye, Typhoid, anthrax and many more. These are the little blighters we want to MANAGE and CONTROL:

WHAT CAN YOU DO: Pesticides: I do NOT recommend these. These are like napalm. They do not know which are BAD and which are beneficial: Due to lifecycles etc of various species the BAD guys build up resistance and the BENEFICIAL guys get killed In my opinion not an option and certainly not a solution ODOUR CONTROL: As flies (all flies) are attracted to ODOUR we need to eliminate/reduce odours which are attractive to the flies; So many odours are around in all forms: From putrification odours (mercaptanes etc. ) to pleasant odours eg the smell of lavender: Note: Many flies are natures pollinators of plants so many of these pleasant smell are also attractive to flies! Much research is being done on odours and their attractions/repulsions to various fly species. Volumes of questions remain unanswered, but SOME have answers (or it seems) SOIL balance: Traditional farming methods and habitation has causes soil changes and introduces many pathogens to the soil. The soil requires microbes which build humus and create a healthy environment; in fact , soil health is the one factor that is managed properly which will have a direct affect on your animals health. Good soil makes good grass. Good grass makes healthy animlas Adding/introducing populations of natural enemies (Parasitoids) to the surrounds: E.g. of BIOLOGICAL control is adding the Muscidiforax raptor speci and the nasonia spp wasps to the environment; They parasitise on nuisance flies and cause a pronounced impact on the environment. Removing adult flies from the environment e.g. The use of traps: Traps have traditionally been in the form of an attractant in a container. The attractant is a stinky sloppy solution. This is great however the flies end up in this mixture. Some drown and the next layer dont drown, cant escape so lay their eggs on the drowned flies and eat the dead flies. So the cycle of new generations continue and if the contents of this bag of flies is not BURNT, or disposed of down the sewage you are effectively breeding more flies. The alternative trap is my trap the DRY traps :These also make use of a small amount of the smelly stuff to attract the fly . however once the fly has tasted this mix it flies upward toward the light and into the chamber of the trap where it is removed from the source of food and moisture and the fly dehydrates and dies forming. (Fly biltong) see attached diagram.

HOW: Pesticide: NOT recommended Odor Control: This is managed very effectively by the use of an environmental probiotic which effectively neutralises odours by breaking up the odiferous molecules resulting in NON ODOR: The product we use is called ODOR AWAY- cultivated by PROBIO a manufacturer of beneficial microbes and based in Stellenbosch I am the agent and animal husbandry specialist for Probio. SOIL: Introduce soil microbes (soil probiotics) in good compost which has been made using beneficial (good) microbes-an easy process where manure and old bedding is converted within 3 months to beautiful life supporting compost. Parasitoids: These little wasps are not harmful at all. They do not have a sting; they are indigenous to South Africa and are bred in insectariums: The company I align with is VITAL BUGS- based in Tzaneen. I use this product as I regularly have all the suppliers product qualitatively analysed by an independent laboratory, and the product of Vital Bugs is far superior to others on the market. I am familiar with the product and can consult as to quantities and application- you however order directly from them. Fly Traps: I manufacture and supply these. They do require your to bait them. I provide a recipe which works well and is easy to make. See pictures attached as well as price list. I can send by mail. Boiling water /steam: this kills maggots instantly feed the dead ones to chickens a great source of protein Regarding placement of traps: Good question: These are called hot spots and are identified by observation in Situ (like becoming a fly whisperer?) There are certain known behaviors which are also used in placing of the traps: in fact flies are just like humans: attracted to odour, when boiling hot we seek shade and moisture and when freezing cold we like to sit in a sunny spot. Flies like to eat so we will provide them with a food and a playground in order to entice them to the area where we will catch them.

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