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Checklist 1: Executors Duties

Item Arrange for the funeral, cremation, service, etc. Pay urgent bills. Secure the deceaseds home and notify the insurer that its vacant. Give notice of termination of lease to a landlord, if the deceased was renting a home. Arrange for the protection and supervision of vacant land and buildings. List the contents of every safety deposit bo . !ind the original will. "hec# the will for validity. Get copies of the death certificate. %ave the deceaseds mail redirected. Place an obituary in the newspaper. !ind the deceaseds insurance policies and notify each insurer of the death. Place additional insurance on property if necessary. Secure all estate property. Provide for the proper management of any business operations of the deceased. "ancel &ld Age Security and "anada Pension Plan retirement benefits. "ancel Alberta %ealth "are and any private health coverage such as 'lue "ross. "ancel the deceaseds drivers license. "ancel utilities, subscriptions, television, memberships, etc. &pen an e ecutors ban# account. Apply for the "anada Pension Plan death benefit. Apply for any other pensions, annuities, death benefits, life insurance, or other benefits that are payable to the estate. %ire a lawyer to advise you on the administration of the estate, if necessary, or to bring any matter that is re)uired to be heard before the "ourt. Apply for a Grant of Probate, Grant of Administration, or Grant of Administration with +ill Anne ed.


Chapter 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1, 1(

* , -Probate., / -Administration.


0a#e a list of all the beneficiaries of the estate, with names, addresses, and ages. "ompile a list of all real property and personal property of the deceased, including descriptions, locations, and values. "ontact financial institutions, insurance companies, etc., to find out about balances. !or each piece of property, list any mortgages, leases, or other encumbrances against the property. 4f the deceased was employed, contact the employer to advise of death and find out about any unpaid wages or death benefit. "ompile a list of all of the deceaseds debts. 5otify charities of charitable be)uests. 5otify beneficiaries of their inheritances. 5otify the Public 6rustee if there is a minor or a missing person involved in the estate. 5otify spouses and former spouses of the deceased of your application. 7ecide whether to advertise for claimants, chec# all claims, and ma#e payments as funds become available. 6a#e the steps necessary to finali8e an amount payable if the amount of a debt is an issue. Set up a ledger and record all financial transactions for the estate. Pay debts of the deceased. "lose ban# accounts, cash out investments, and transfer those funds to the e ecutors account. 6ransmit real estate from the deceased into the name of the estate. Sell estate property where applicable. Advise any 9oint tenants of the death of the deceased. Advise any designated beneficiaries of their interests under life insurance policies or other property passing outside the will. 7etermine the income ta or other ta liability of the deceased and of the estate. !ile ta returns on behalf of the deceased and the estate and pay any ta owing. &btain a 6a "learance "ertificate before distributing the estate property. %ire an accountant to help with ta es.

1 -Probate., 2 -Administration. 3

3 3 3 1* 1* 1* 1* 1$ 1$ 1, 1$, 1, 11 11 11 1( 1( 13 13 13 13


7etermine how much you should be paid as e ecutor or administrator, and compile e penses. Prepare Statement of Proposed : ecutors -or Administrators. "ompensation. Prepare Statement of ;eceipts and 7isbursements. Prepare Statement of Proposed 7istribution. Prepare a release for each residuary beneficiary. 7istribute household goods and personal items. Pay specific gifts to charities and beneficiaries. Set up any trusts directed by the will. 7istribute your financial statements to the residuary beneficiaries. &btain releases from beneficiaries. &nce releases are obtained, pay yourself the agreed amount. Pay the beneficiaries their shares.

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