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Outcomes Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)

OBTL Description Student centred approach This type of education puts emphasis on the outcomes from the learner of which the teaching is intended. The outcomes are reflected in a statement called Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO). This aims to have alignments with the ILO, the Teaching and Learning Activity, and the Assessment Method The alignments allow the learner to know what is expected from them (stated in the ILO). Intended Learning Outcomes Statements of what students are expected to be able to do which resulted from the learning activities given. The ILOs are expressed from students perspective and related to criteria for assessing student performance Contains action verbs which are expressions of achievements of a student in completing the course Teaching and Learning Activities (TLA) These are activities which encourage learning of one or more intended learning outcomes. These should be in alignment with the ILOs Assessment Tasks (ATs) These are tasks to measure performances that would represent evidence that a particular learning outcome has been achieved.

Assessing how well students have attained those outcomes and converting the results into a final grade for the course.

Arguments in favour and against OBTL Arguments in Favour of OBTL Promotes high expectations and requirements and greater learning for all students Prepares students for life and work in the 21st century Fosters more authentic forms of assessment Encourages decision making regarding curriculum, teaching methods, school structure, and management at each school or district level Arguments Against OBTL Conflicts with admission practices of most colleges and universities, which rely on credit hours and standardized test scores Some outcomes focus too much on feelings, values, attitudes and beliefs, and not enough on the attainment of factual knowledge Relies on subjective evaluation, rather than objective tests and measurements Undermines local control

References: Center for Holistic Teaching and Learning.(2013) Retrieved February 4, 2014, from Office of Education Development and Gateway Education.(n.d.) Retrieved February 4, 2014, from Outcome Based Education: An Overview.(n.d.) Retrieved February 4, 2014, from

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