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An Introduction to the Yogini Dasha - Part I

A Fascinating Dasha of Parashara

Rajeev Jhanji Once upon a time, Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati were strolling in the forests of the imala!as" Pu##led $! the applica$ilit! of various dashas in astrolog!, Goddess Parvati as%ed Lord Shiva, &'here are innumera$le dasha s!stems in astrolog!, $ut in the (ali!uga, which dasha would tell us in a flash the results of a person)s (arma*+ Lord Shiva said, &It is the Yogini dasha"+ And thus Lord Shiva revealed this dasha to Goddess Parvati" In the (ali!uga, after careful e,amination of this dasha on a chart, the results do not go wrong" -! %nowing the mere name of the Yogini operating for a person, the things happening in the life of that person during the period of Yogini can $e %nown" According the .udra!amal, the Yogini dasha gives e,cellent results in (ali!uga / The dashas propounded by various ancient masters were excellent for the three yugas Satyayuga, Tretayuga and Dwaparayuga but for Kaliyuga, dasha calculatation based on Yogini dasha is great for giving all types of results. In view of the a$ove statement, it is surprising wh! this dasha is not more universall! emplo!ed" 'he conditions of applica$ilit! of three dashas 0 1imshottari, Ashtottari and Yogini 0are given thus / ut of the three dashas applicable at the time of birth, !imshottari dasha should be applied for the births at night during Shu"la #a"sha and $shtottari dasha for births during day in Krishna #a"sha. %n all other cases Yogini dasha gives results. It is generall! o$served that Yogini dasha, li%e 1imshottari dasha, gives results even if applied unconditionall!"

The Basics
'here are eight t!pes of Yoginis/ 2angala, Pingala, Dhan!a, -hramari, -hadri%a, 3l%a, Siddha and San%ata" It is $elieved that the planets 2oon, Sun, 4upiter, 2ars, 2ercur!, Saturn, 1enus and .ahu have evolved respectivel! from the Yoginis 2angala, Pingala, etc" 'he se5uence of these Yoginis, their lords and operative periods are given in 'a$le 6" Table 1 Order of Yoginis, their lords and dasha periods S.No. 6" 7" 8" 9" :" ;" <" =" Yogini 2angala Pingala Dhan!a -hramari -hadri%a 3l%a Siddha San%ata Lord 2oon Sun 4upiter 2ars 2ercur! Saturn 1enus .ahu Total #eriod & eriod 6 !ear 7 !ears 8 !ears 9 !ears : !ears ; !ears < !ears = !ears '( years

Please o$serve that the se5uence of Yoginis is alternativel! $enefic and malefic and their periods are progressivel! increasing $! one !ear"

!alc"lation of Yogini #asha

Yogini dasha is a na%shatri%a dasha $ased on the na%shatra of the 2oon at the time of $irth" >ote down the na%shatra num$er of the 2oon, ta%ing Ashwini as na%shatra num$er 6" Add 8 to it" Divide $! =" 'he remainder represents the Yogini dasha operative at the time of $irth" It should $e restricted to whole num$ers and remainder $e noted down"

Dasha at -irth ? @2oon)s na%shatra A 8B C = If the remainer is 6 the dasha operative at the time of $irth is 2angala, if 7, Pingla, and so on" Re$ainder 6 7 8 9 : ; < = or D #asha 2angala Pingala Dhan!a -hramari -hadri%a 3l%a Siddha San%ata

Dasha operating at the time of birth

Suppose a person is $orn when the 2oon was at <s6DEDF @Scorpio 6D degreesB" 'o calculate Yogini dasha operative at the time of $irth, note down the na%shatra of the 2oon which is Anuradha, na%shatra num$er 6<" 'o this figure add 8" 'he result is 7D" >ow divide $! =" 'he 5uotient is 7 and the remainder is 9" Dasha at -irth ? @>a% G of 2oon A 8B C = ? @6<A8BC= ? 7DC= Huotient ? 7, .emainer ? 9 .emainer 9 indicates that -hramari dasha was running at the time of $irth"

Calculation of Balance of dasha

'o calculate the $alance of dasha 0 1. 'he $alance of dasha is dependent on the degrees remaining to $e traversed $! the 2oon in its na%shatra" >ote down the e,tent of 2oonFs na%shatra" In the a$ove case the na%shatra is Anuradha which spans the arc <s8E7DF to <s6;E9DF" %. Su$tract the longitude of the 2oon from the na%shatra ending degree" Ind of Anuradha na%" ? <s6;E9DF Longitude of the 2oon @0B ? <s6DEDDF Difference @sa! JA)B ? <s6;E9DF &. Konvert the difference JA) into minutes $! multipl!ing its degrees with ;D and adding the remaining minutes" 'he result is 9DDF" '. 2ultipl! the full period of Yogini operating at the time of $irth with difference JA) and divide $! the full e,tent of na%shatra 68E7DF @or =DDFB" Dasha $alance ? @Period of Yogini , difference JA)B C =DDF 'he Yogini operating at the time of $irth was -hramari whose full e,tent is 9 !ears or 9= months" Dasha $alance ? @9= months , 9DDFB C =DDF ? 79 months @7 !earsB"

Calculation Sub periods of Yogini Dasha

In the maLor period of each Yogini, su$-periods of all Yoginis operate according to the propotional periods in the natural order starting from its own su$ period" Mor e,ample in the maLor period of Dhan!a, su$-periods of all Yoginis will operate starting from Dhan!a" 'he su$ periods of all Yoginis operating under their maLor periods are given in 'a$le 7" Table % ( Yogini #asha )ajor and S"b eriods
Yogini -N Su$ periods )angala ingala #han*a Bhra$ari Bhadri+a ,l+a Siddha San+ata )angala @6 !earB !-m-d D-6-6D D-D-7D D-6-DD D-6-6D D-6-7D D-7-DD D-7-6D D-7-7D ingala @7 !earsB !-m-d D-6-6D D-7-DD D-7-7D D-8-6D D-9-DD D-9-7D D-:-6D #han*a @8 !earsB !-m-d D-8-D D-9-D D-:-D D-;-D D-<-D D-=-D Bhra$ari @9 !earsB !-m-d D-:-6D D-;-7D D-=-DD D-O-6D D-6D-7D Bhadri+a @: !earsB !-m-d D-=-6D D-6D-DD D-66-7D 6-6-6D ,l+a @; !earsB !-m-d 6-D-D 6-7-D 6-9-D Siddha @< !earsB !-m-d 6-9-6D 6-;-7D San+ata @= !earsB !-m-d 6-O-6D

)angala ingala #han*a Bhra$ari Bhadri+a ,l+a Siddha

D-7-DD -

D-6-D D-7-D -

D-6-6D D-7-7D D-9-DD -

D-6-7D D-8-6D D-:-DD D-;-7D -

D-7-D D-9-D D-;-D D-=-D D-6D-D -

D-7-6D D-9-7D D-<-DD D-O-6D D-66-7D 6-7-DD -

D-7-7D D-:-6D D-=-DD D-6D-7D 6-6-6D 6-9-DD 6-;-7D

The Benefic-)alefic R"lership of Yoginis

'he eight Yoginis 2angala, Pingala, Dhan!a, -hramari, -hadri%a, 3l%a, Siddha and San%ata are governed respectivel! $! the 2oon, the Sun, 4upiter, 2ars, 2ercur!, Saturn, 1enus and .ahu" Some have the opinion that the first half of San%ata is ruled $! .ahu while the second half is ruled $! (etu" Pe see an im$alance of $enefic and malefic periods operating through Yogini dasha in the life of an individual" 'he rulership of these Yoginis is alternativel! $enefic and malefic" Out of a total period of 8; !ears of Yogini dasha, 6; !ears are ruled $! $enefic planets 0 2angala @2oon 6 !earB, Dhan!a @4upiter 8 !earsB, -hadri%a @2ercur! : !earsB and Siddha @1enus < !earsB" 'he remaining 7D !ears are ruled $! malefic planets Pingala @7 !earsB, -hramari @2ars 9 !earsB, 3l%a @Saturn ; !earsB and San%ata @.ahu = !earsB"

The Naa$a+shara
'he >aama%shara is the first letter of the alpha$et in an individual)s name" It is a common practice in India to name a new $orn child according to the >aama%shara indicated $! the pada of the na%shatra of $irth of the child" 'he na%shatra of $irth is that na%shatra in which the natal 2oon is located" Iach na%shatra has four padas or 5uarters, and each pada indicates certain letters of the alpha$et" All these alpha$ets are uni5ue" At the time of $irth, the placement of 2oon in a particular na%shatra pada decides the first alpha$et of the name of the child" If this s!stem is followed, as has $een the practice in India, $! merel! %nowing the name of a person, we can %now the na%shatra of his 2oon" 'here are man! advantages of this s!stem" Mor all the dashas $ased on the na%shatra of the 2oon, the dasha operating at the time of $irth and its appro,imate $alance can $e calculated" -! adding various periods of dashas, the present operative dasha of a person can $e found out" Since the operative Yogini dasha reveals a lot a$out the li%el! things happening in the life of a person, even in the a$sence of a proper horoscope, we can %now a lot a$out the person" 'he marital compati$ilit! of two persons is also $ased on the 2oonFs na%shatra" 'he operative period of sadhe-saati can $e %nown since it is $ased on the placement of 2oon in a sign and the transit of Saturn in or around that sign" 'he ta$le on the facing page reveals the meanings of Yoginis and the results of Yogini dasha maLor periods as given in the classics" It is generall! o$served that irrespective of the dis$ursement of planets in the horoscope of individuals, Yogini dasha periods do give results according to thier meanings as e,plained in the ta$le"

.nal*sis of /ndivid"al 0o"ses

'he %e! to interpretation of a horoscopic chart lies in the assessment of the strength and wea%ness of different houses of a horoscope" 'he twelve houses of a horoscope encompass all the areas in the life of an individual" 'he strength or wea%ness of a house will influence the results attri$uted to that particular house" 'he 5ualit!, 5uantit! and nature of results of individual houses are dependent upon the com$ined indications of the disposition of the three factors, namel!/ the house, the house lord, and the %ara%a or significator" House: 'he house is influenced either $! placement or $! aspect of planets" Influence $! the lords of malefic houses or $! natural malefics will adversel! influence the results ascri$ed to that house" Similarl! placement or aspect of $enefics or lords of $enefic houses enhances the results of the house concerned" Placement of the house lord in its own house protects the house and it will alwa!s improve the results of the house" House Lord: Disposition of the house lord in one of the trines or %endras gives positive results while placement in 'ri%a @;th, =th or 67thB houses is a negative factor for the house" Significator: Ill disposed, wea% or afflicted significator gives trou$le in respect of the areas indicated $! significator" A deep anal!sis of these three factors 0 the house, the house lord and the significator 0 will indicate whether the results attri$uted to the house will $e negative or positive and also the e,tent to which the! will $e adverse or favoura$le" .elevant divisional charts pla! a pivotal role in the final outcome of the results"

Significator lanets for the T1elve 0o"ses

Mirst ouse Sun"

Second 'hird Mourth


4upiter for wealth, 2ercur! for speech" 2ars for co-$orns and valour, Saturn for servants and su$ordinates" 2oon for mother, 1enus for conve!ances, 2ars for lands and properties" 4upiter for children, 2ercur! for education" 2ars for accidents, Saturn for sic%ness, 2ercur! for maternal relations" 1enus for spouse" Saturn for longevit!" Sun for father, 4upiter for guru, teacher or religion" Sun for profession" 4upiter for elder $rothers-sisters, and gains" Saturn for separation or renunciation, 1enus for $ed pleasures, (etu for emancipation"

ouse ouse

Mifth ouse Si,th ouse ouse


Iighth ouse >inth ouse 'enth ouse Ileventh ouse

'welfth ouse

0o"ses to be considered for different significations

Relations Mather 2other Younger $rothers and sisters Ilder $rothers and sisters Spouse 'he Sun and the ninth house from the Sun" 'he 2oon and the fourth house from the 2oon" 2ars and the third house from 2ars" 4upiter and the eleventh house from 4upiter" 1enus and the seventh house from 1enus" Some are of the opinion that for female horoscopes, 4upiter should $e considered for spouse" 4upiter and the fifth house from 4upiter" 2ercur! and the si,th house from 2ercur!"

Khildren 2aternal 3ncle Others Lands and properties Lu,uries and conve!ances Iducation Longevit!

2ars and the fourth house from 2ars" 1enus and the fourth house from 1enus" 2ercur! and the fifth house from 2ercur!" Saturn and the eighth house from Saturn"

)ara+a 0o"ses and lanets

'he eighth house from the lagna is the house of longevit!" 'he eighth from the eighth house is the third house, an alternative house of longevit!" 'welfth from an! house causes loss to that house" In this case twelfth from third and eighth houses are second and seventh houses respectivel!, which cause loss of

longevit! and as such are called death inflicting houses or mara%a houses" 'he seventh and the second lords also $ecome the %iller or mara%a planets" 'he planets posited in the mara%a houses, with the %iller planets, and the planets aspected $! the %iller planets also gain death inflicting powers and $ecome mara%a or %iller planets" 'he lord of the twelfth house is also considered a mara%a" Saturn is the unconditional mara%a for an! lagna" .ahu, if placed in si,th, eighth or twelfth house also $ecomes mara%a"

.pplication of Yogini #asha on 0oroscopic !harts

-efore appl!ing dasha s!stem to a horoscope in order to time events, a general assessment of the horoscope is essential" Iach house needs to $e e,amined from the lagna, as well as its (ara%a" In addition, while e,amining a particular house, that house needs to $e treated as lagna and all other houses considered in relation to that house" Mor e,ample, in matters of progen!, one needs to consider the fifth house from the lagna, the fifth house from the (ara%a 4upiter and also the fifth house from the fifth @i"e", the ninth house from the lagnaB" In addition, the appropriate divisional chart should also $e considered" Phile considering the appropriate divisional chart, however, it needs to $e remem$ered that the lagna of the divisional chart is additionall! significant in respect of the appropriate aspect of life signified $! that chart" In case of the Yogini Dasha, the lords of the different Yoginis are to $e considered as the operative dasha lords" 'o appl! Yogini dasha on the horoscope of an individual, first of all ta%e note of the Yogini dasha-antara @maLor and su$-periodsB operating for the period under consideration" >e,t, find the lords of the relevant Yoginis @maLor and su$-periodsB" 'hese dasha lords need to $e assessed from the following points/ 6" .ashi chart / @aB from the house under considerationQ and @$B from the significator" 7" Divisional chart / @aB from the lagnaQ @$B from the house under considerationQ and @cB from the significator" An attempt will $e made here to e,plain the method of application of Yogini dasha through some e,ample horoscopes related to var!ing areas of life of different natives" Mor constraints of space onl! the $irth charts and the dwadshamsha charts are $eing given in the present articleQ the navamsha charts are not $eing included in this discussion"

S,N 2 T03 S/4N/5/!.TOR 5OR 5.T03R

'he Sun is considered the significator for the father of a native" If the Sun and the ninth lord are wea% or placed in malefic houses, along with affliction of the ninth house, the ninth lord or the Sun $! the 'ri%a lords @;th, =th or 67th lordsB, it could $e a com$ination for ill-health or even fatalit! to the father of the native" In order to Ludge the events pertaining to one)s father, the following factors need to $e considered/ @aB .ashi chart/ the Sun, the ninth from the lagna and ninth from the Sun @$B Dwadashamsha chart/ the lagna, the Sun, the ninth from the lagna and the ninth from the Sun"

36a$ple One
'he native $elonging to Khart 6 @$orn April 79, 6O=:Q 6</8O hrs IS'Q 7=E>8OF, <<EI68FB lost his father at an earl! age" 'he ninth house is occu-pied $! the eighth lord 2ars and aspected $! a retrograde si,th lord Saturn from the third house" 'he placement of an e,alted eleventh lord 2oon also in the ninth house aspected $! a de$ilitated 4upiter from the fifth are relativel! ineffective factors for mitigating the affliction to the ninth house" 'he ninth lord in the seventh, though e,alted, is retrograde and associated with a de$ilitated 2ercur!"

'he Sun, the significator for father, is placed in the adverse eighth house associated with .ahu, without an! releiving factor" 'he ninth house from the Sun receives the aspect of the eighth lord 2ars while the ninth lord 4upiter is de$ilitated and aspected $! a retrograde Saturn" In the dwadashamsha chart, the lagna is heavil! afflicted, $eing occupied $! a de$ilitated 2ars, the malignant (etu and a retrograde 1enus" 'here is no $enefic aspect on the lagna or the lagna lord" 'he ninth lord 4upiter, which also happens to $e the si,th lord, is aspected $! a retrograde eighth lord Saturn from the si,th house" 'he ninth lord from the Sun is also heavil! afflicted"

Yogini Dasha 'he native lost his father on Octo$er 6, 6O=O when he was running the Yogini dasha of San%ata-Siddha, e5uivalent to .ahu-1enus" In the $irth chart the maLor-period lord .ahu is placed in the eighth house with the Sun, the significator for father" .ahu represents Saturn, which occupies the eighth house from the Sun and the seventh @a mara%a houseB from the ninth house" -! its placement in 2esha, it also represents 2ars which occupies the ninth house and owns eighth house from the Sun" 1enus, the su$-period lord is the owner of the ninth house from the lagna" It is a mara%a @lord of the second as well as the seventhB from the Sun and occupies the twelfth from it" In the dwadashamsha chart, 1enus as well as the .ahu-(etu a,is involve the lagna" Mrom the Sun $oth of them fall in the adverse si,-twelve a,is" Mrom the ninth house, 1enus happens to $e the retrograde lord of the eighth house associated with 2ars and (etu"

36a$ple T1o
Khart 7 @$orn Septem$er 6, 6O=OQ O/6< hrs IS'Q 7=E>8OF, <<EI68FB $elongs to the !ounger $rother of native of Khart 6" e was onl! a month old when he lost his father"

In the rashi chart the ninth lord is de$ilitated in the lagna and aspected $! a retrograde si,th lord Saturn" 'he Sun is afflicted in the twelfth house $! its association with the eighth lord 2ars and with (etu" 'he ninth from the Sun is owned $! 2ars which is afflicted $! the Sun and (etu" 'he 2oon Loins this com$ination of 2ars, Sun and (etu in the twelfth house without providing an! reliefQ it is a wea% 2oon which is de$ilitated in the >avamsha @Prepare the navamsha chart to see thisRB" In the dwadashamsha the lagna is occupied $! (etu and aspected $! 2ars" 'he Sun, the significator as well as the lagna lord, occupies the adverse si,th house" 'he ninth house from the lagna receives the aspect of the eighth lord 4upiter and the ninth lord associates with a highl! malefic retrograde si,th lord Saturn" Yogini Dasha 'he !ogini dasha operating at the time of his father)s death was 3l%a--hadri%a ruled respectivel! $! Saturn and 2ercur!" In the -irth Khart, the maLor-period lord Saturn is the si,th lord aspecting the ninth lord 1enus" Saturn also happens to $e a mara%a, $eing the lord of the si,th and the seventh houses, from the Sun" 'he su$-period lord 2ercur! is conLoined with the ninth lord 1enus and aspected $! a retrograde si,th lord Saturn" Mrom the Sun, 2ercur! occupies the mara%a second house" In the dwadashamsha chart Saturn is a mara%a $eing the lord of the si,th and the seventh houses from the lagna" Mrom the ninth, it occupies the second house" Its association with 2ars, the ninth lord, further confirms the affliction to the father during the dasha of Saturn" 2ercur! occupies the si,th house from the lagna and owns the si,th as well as the ninth from the Sun" 'o further elucidate the a$ove mentioned principles, two more charts of si$lings are $eing given here"

36a$ples Three
Khart 8 @$orn on August :, 6O=6Q </7D hrs IS'Q 7=E>8OF, <<EI68FB $elongs to a female native who lost her father in a road side accident at the tender age of seven" 2ars, the lord of the ninth from the lagna, occupies an inimical sign and is aspected $! the si,th lord Saturn" 'he Sun occupies the adverse twelfth house and falls in the .ahu-(etu a,is" 'he ninth from the Sun is aspected $! the seventh and the eight lord Saturn" 4upiter, the lord of the ninth from the Sun, is under a dual malefic influence of Saturn and 2ars"

In the dwadashamsha, the ninth lord occupies the si,th house in association with (etu and the twelfth lord 1enus and is aspected $! the

si,th lord 2ars" 'he ninth house receives the aspect of 2ars and Saturn" Mrom the Sun the ninth house is occupied $! .ahu, aspected $! the si,th lord 2oon and the twelfth lord Saturn" 1enus, the ninth lord from the Sun is associated with (etu and the si,th lord, the 2oon and aspected $! 2ars" 'he association of the fourth lord Saturn with the si,th lord 2ars in the third house, aspecting the ninth house, without an! relief from $enefic association or aspect indicates a vehicular accident to the father of the native" Yogini Dasha 'he native lost her father in >ovem$er 6O== when she was running the Yogini dasha Dhan!a-3l%a owned $! 4upiter and Saturn respectivel!" 4upiter is the lord of the si,th as well as the ninth from the Sun, is associated with the si,th and the seventh lord Saturn and aspected $! 2ars" Mrom the Sun, Saturn owns the highl! malefic seventh and eighth houses" -oth 4upiter and Saturn occup! the second house which falls in the si,th from the ninth" In the dwadashamsha chart, 4upiter as the second lord from the lagna as well as the Sun associates with the Sun in the eighth from the ninth house" Saturn in association with the si,th lord aspects the ninth from the third, the twelfth from the Sun" -oth Saturn and 4upiter aspect the ninth house from the Sun"

36a$ples 5o"r
Khart 9 @$orn on Decem$er 7;, 6O=:Q </DD hrs IS'Q 7=E>8OF, <<EI68FB $elongs the the !ounger $rother of the a$ove native" 'he Sun, the (ara%a for the father as well as the ninth lord, occupies the lagna in association with the si,th lord" 'he ninth house from the lagna as well as the Sun receives the aspect of Saturn"

In the dwadashamsha, the lagna lord is associated with the malefics 2ars, (etu and the si,th lord 2oon" 'he ninth lord from the lagna occupies the twelfth house, aspected $! the eighth lord 2ercur!" 'he ninth house receives the aspect of 2ars" Mrom the Sun, the ninth lord 4upiter in the seventh is aspected $! the eighth lord 2ars while the ninth house itself is aspected $! Saturn" Konsidering the ninth house of the dwadashamsha as the lagna, a highl! malefic com$ination consisting of 2oon, 2ars, Saturn and (etu forms in the si,th house" Mrom the ninth house, the fourth lord falls in the si,th houseQ from the Sun too, the si,th lord falls in the fourth houseQ $oth these confirm the promise of an accident in the dwadashamsha chart" Yogini Dasha 'he Yogini dasha operating at the time of the adverse event was San%ata--hadri%a e5uivalent to .ahu2ercur!" .ahu represents Saturn which latter falls in the twelfth from the lagna as well as the Sun, the (ara%a as well as the ninth lord" .ahu $! its position in 2esha also represents 2ars which owns the twelfth house from the lagna as well as the Sun and is Loined $! (etu" 2ercur!, in association with Saturn and under the aspect of the eighth lord 2oon, falls in the twelfth house from the lagna as well as the Sun" In the dwadashamsha, .ahu occupies the eighth from the lagna and the si,th from the Sun" 2ercur! owns the eight house from the lagna and the si,th house from the Sun" As the lord of the si,th from the Sun, 2ercur! occupies the fourth house and is aspected $! the 2ara%a 1enus"

'he Yogini dasha should $e applied not onl! from the lagnas of the $irth chart and the divisional chart $ut also from the house under consideration and the significator for that house" 'he position of the significator and the appropriate house thus function as alternative lagnas" 'hese principles will $e further elucidated $! appropriate e,amples in su$se5uent articles"

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