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2014 Learning Plan 2 Upper and Lower Respiratory Prob e!s M"s#" os$e eta %isorders Ob ecti!es o" t#e Course: Upon s"##ess&" #o!p etion o& t'is #o"rse( t'e st"dent wi be ab e to) 1$ %e&onstrate t#eoretical principles an' abilit( to per"or& sa"e) e""ecti!e an' e""icient ps(c#o&otor s*ills$ *now ed+e and s$i s eadin+ to !astery o& t'is #o!peten#y a, E-p ain t'e interre ations'ips a!on+ t'eory( pra#ti#e( and resear#', b, Inte+rate t'eories and #on#epts &ro! ibera ed"#ation into n"rsin+ pra#ti#e, #, %eter!ine t'e app i#ation o& psy#'o!otor s$i s &or t'e e&&i#ient( sa&e( and #o!passionate de i.ery o& # ient #are, &, Pro!ote t'e n"trition and & "id ba an#e( e i!ination( p'ysi#a a#ti.ity( restoration or !aintenan#e o& p'ysi#a independen#e( p'ysi#a #o!&ort( rest and s eep( and persona 'y+iene o& t'e # ient, 2$ Ac+uire *no,le'ge t#at pro&otes t#e sa"e 'eli!er( o" prescribe' &e'ications$ *now ed+e and s$i s eadin+ to !astery o& t'is #o!peten#y a, Estab is' a &o"ndationa "nderstandin+ o& t'e !edi#ation ad!inistration pro#ess, b, Identi&y so"r#es o& in&or!ation ne#essary to ad!inister pres#ribed !edi#ation( in# "din+ #o!patibi ity and intera#tions a!on+ pres#ribed !edi#ations and #o!p e!entary s"bstan#es, #, %eter!ine t'e sa&e ran+e o& t'e dosa+e pres#ribed, d, Ca #" ate dosa+e ne#essary to ad!inister pres#ribed !edi#ations, e, %eter!ine t'e appropriateness o& t'e ro"te &or ad!inistration o& pres#ribed !edi#ation, &, %e!onstrate t'e abi ity to prepare and ad!inister pres#ribed !edi#ation, +, %eter!ine t'e e&&e#ti.eness o& t'e pres#ribed !edi#ation, ', %e!onstrate t'e abi ity to &o ow pro#ed"re &or wor$in+ wit' #ontro ed s"bstan#es, 3$ -.plain t#e purposes) rationales) an' in'ications "or !arious nursing actions$ *now ed+e and s$i s eadin+ to !astery o& t'is #o!peten#y

In#orporate a !ode o& #riti#a t'in$in+ w'en !a$in+ # ini#a /"d+!ents and de#isions, b, Cite n"rsin+ and asso#iated iterat"re t'at s"pports t'e n"rsin+ a#tion, #, %e #o!passionate( # ient0#entered( e.iden#e0based #are t'at respe#ts # ient and &a!i y pre&eren#es, d, E-p ore p'eno!ena in n"rsin+ t'at re ates to t'e '"!an response to i ness, 4$ Ac+uire *no,le'ge "ro& t#e be#a!ioral) biological an' p#(sical sciences necessar( to pro!i'e si&ple to inter&e'iate le!el nursing actions$ *now ed+e and s$i s eadin+ to !astery o& t'is #o!peten#y a, Synt'esi1e t'eories and #on#epts &ro! ibera ed"#ation to b"i d an "nderstandin+ o& t'e '"!an e-perien#e b, Identi&y so"r#es o& in&or!ation ne#essary to de n"rsin+ a#tions to # ients and &a!i ies w'o are e-perien#in+ i ness, #, In#orporate t'eories o& a+in+ w'en pro.idin+ #are &or +eronto o+i#a # ients, d, E-p ore t'e Patterns o& *nowin+, /$ %ocu&ent pertinent) accurate an' co&plete client care in"or&ation$ *now ed+e and s$i s eadin+ to !astery o& t'is #o!peten#y a, In#orporate a standardi1ed ter!ino o+y in a #are en.iron!ent t'at re& e#ts n"rsin+2s "ni3"e #ontrib"tion to patient o"t#o!es, b, E-a!ine in&or!ation and e e#troni# !edi#a re#ord syste!s "sed to do#"!ent # ient in&or!ation, #, E-p ain t'e "se o& CIS syste!s to do#"!ent inter.entions re ated to a#' n"rse sensiti.e o"t#o!es, 6$ %e&onstrate a'!ancing *no,le'ge an' s*ill in i&ple&enting t#e nursing process in client care an' critical t#in*ing acti!ities$ *now ed+e and s$i s eadin+ to !astery o& t'is #o!peten#y a, Arti#" ate t'e #o!ponents o& t'e n"rsin+ pro#ess) Assess!ent( dia+nosis( o"t#o!e identi&i#ation( p annin+( i!p e!entation( and e.a "ation, b, Re ate t'e si- #o!ponents o& t'e n"rsin+ pro#ess to t'e n"rse2s # ini#a reasonin+, #, %is#"ss t'e si+ni&i#an#e o& n"rsin+ dia+nosis &or n"rsin+ pra#ti#e, d, %i&&erentiate between a !edi#a and n"rsin+ dia+nosis, e, %is#"ss t'e #ate+ori1ation o& n"rsin+ dia+nosis by &"n#tiona 'ea t' patterns, &, E-p ore t'e &o"r types o& dia+nosti# state!ents) A#t"a ( ris$( possib e( and we ness, +, E-p ain t'e p"rposes o& o"t#o!e identi&i#ation and p annin+, ', E-p ain t'e p"rposes o& i!p e!entation and e.a "ation, i, E-p ain a#ti.ities t'e n"rse #arries o"t to e&&e#ti.e y "se t'e n"rsin+ pro#ess, O!er!ie,: T'e p"rpose o& t'e respiratory syste! is +as e-#'an+e, Gas e-#'an+e in.o .es t'e trans&er o& o-y+en and #arbon dio-ide between t'e at!osp'ere and t'e b ood, T'e respiratory tra#t #an be


di.ided into two parts) "pper and ower, T'e nose( p'aryn-( adenoids( tonsi s( epi+ ottis( aryn-( and tra#'ea #o!prise t'e "pper respiratory tra#t, T'e ower respiratory tra#t #onsists o& t'e bron#'i( bron#'io es( a .eo ar d"#ts( and a .eo i, A t'e ower airways str"#t"res 4wit' t'e e-#eption o& t'e ri+'t and e&t !ain ste! bron#'i5( are #ontained wit'in t'e "n+s, 0#eor( Learning Acti!ities: Le,is: C'apter 67 4re.iew5 Respiratory Syste! C'apter 68 Upper Respiratory Prob e!s C'apter 69 Lower Respiratory Prob e!s C'apter 76 4re.iew5 M"s#" os$e eta Syste! C'apter 7: M"s#" os$e eta Tra"!a and Ort'opedi# S"r+ery A0I A'ult 1e'ical2Surgical Nursing) C'apter 6; Airway Mana+e!ent C'apter 6< O-y+en T'erapy and Me#'ani#a Venti ation C'apter 6= Pne"!onia C'apter 6> T"ber#" osis C'apter 69 P" !onary E!bo is! C'apter 89 M"s#" os$e eta %ia+nosti# Pro#ed"res C'apter 8? M"s#" os$e eta S"r+i#a Pro#ed"res C'apter 9; A!p"tations C'apter 9< Osteoporosis C'apter 96 @ra#t"res 3e!ie,: Re.iew) Center &or %isease Contro and Pre.ention o 'ttp)AAwww,#d#,+o.A@eat"resAPne"!oniaA o 'ttp)AAwww,#d#,+o.A!!wrApre.iewA!!wr't! Arr>:;:a<,'t! @ie ds( B, 46;;95, Ora #are inter.ention to red"#e in#iden#e o& .enti ator0asso#iated pne"!onia in t'e ne"ro o+i# intensi.e #are "nit, American Association of Neuroscience Nurse, 404>5( pp, 6?< B 6?9, Retrie.ed &ro! 'ttp)AAwww,aann,or+A#eApd&A;9<;#,pd&

Co&e to class prepare' to 'iscuss: Upper Respiratory Tra#t o Tra#'eosto!yATra#'eoto!y Lower Respiratory Tra#t %isorders o Pne"!onia

Cospita a#3"ired 4CAP5 Co!!"nity a#3"ired 4CAP5 Venti ator A#3"ired 4VAP5 o P" !onary e!bo i o Restri#ti.e Respiratory %isorders Ate e#tasis P e"ra e&&"sion M"s#" os$e eta disorders o So&t tiss"e in/"ry o @ra#t"res o A!p"tation o %is o#ations o S"b "-ations o Treat!ent Open red"#tion C osed red"#tion Tra#tion Cast i!!obi i1ation o Ort'opedi# s"r+ery Doint rep a#e!ent o Co!p i#ations Co!part!ent syndro!e @at e!bo i

0#eor( Post2class) CESI Case St"dy B R'e"!atoid Art'ritis wit' Doint Art'rop asty Learning Ob ecti!es:
1. Discuss the nursing management of the patient who requires a tracheostomy. 2. Identify the steps involved in performing tracheostomy care and suctioning an airway. 3. Differentiate normal from common abnormal findings in a physical assessment of the respiratory system. 4. Describe the types, clinical manifestations, and collaborative care of patients with pneumonia. . !"plain the nursing management of the patient with pneumonia. #. $ompare and contrast restrictive lung disorders in terms of causes, clinical manifestations, and collaborative management. %. Describe the clinical manifestations, and management of pulmonary embolism. &. 'ist the equipment a nurse should ma(e sure is in the room of a patient being admitted following a tracheotomy. ). Identify the patient*s change in body image following a tracheostomy and compare to norms. 1+. Describe client education to prevent or minimi,e ris( of complications for patients with a tracheotomy. 11. Identify the clinical manifestations associated with hypo"ia and hypercapnia 4

<6, E-p ain t'e etio o+y( # ini#a !ani&estations( pat'op'ysio o+y( and #o aborati.e #are o& so&t tiss"e in/"ries( in# "din+ strains( sprains( dis o#ations( s"b "-ations( repetiti.e strain in/"ry( and !"s# e spas!s <:, %i&&erentiate a!on+ # osed red"#tion( #ast i!!obi i1ation( open red"#tion( and tra#tion re+ardin+ p"rpose( #o!p i#ations( and n"rsin+ !ana+e!ent <=, %es#ribe t'e ne"" ar assess!ent o& an in/"red e-tre!ity <>, %es#ribe t'e #o aborati.e #are and n"rsin+ !ana+e!ent o& patient wit' spe#i&i# &ra#t"res <7, %es#ribe t'e indi#ations &or and t'e #o aborati.e #are and n"rsin+ !ana+e!ent o& t'e patient wit' an a!p"tation <8, %es#ribe t'e types o& /oint rep a#e!ent t'erapy <9, Identi&y t'e preoperati.e and postoperati.e !ana+e!ent o& t'e patient ' /oint rep a#e!ent s"r+ery

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