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Psychosomatic Energetics A New Building Block for Medicine?

Interview of Rebecca Kunz with Drs. Reimar and Ulrike Banis

Reimar Banis (born 1951) has been an established general practitioner for 18 years, previously studied to be a naturopath and is trained in various areas of alternative medicine. In the 1990s, he developed an innovative energy-medicine technique, then he and a physicist constructed a device for subtle-body energy measurement, the REBA test device.

Ulrike Banis (born 1956) is a specialist in general medicine with emphasis on surgery and gynecology, also trained in numerous naturopathic healing methods. She is further specialized in geopathies, i.e. the morbific effects of geopathic stress zones. For a number of years, Ulrike and Reimar Banis have dealt intensively with Psychosomatic Energetics and train therapists in this method both here and abroad.

Psychosomatic Energetics proceeds from the assumption that energy system blocks are in the background of many illnesses. The idea is to locate them precisely with the REBA test device and then permanently dissolve them by means of specific homeopathic remedies administered in drop form. The amazing thing about working with Psychosomatic Energetics is how effortlessly most persons find their way back to a contented existence as soon as they have resolved their conflicts. They then get, for free, everything that they previously had tried to achieve via tedious roundabout ways: joie de vivre, the capacity to love, and the feeling that their life has meaning. (Psychosomatic Energetics Manual for Therapists) The results are there for all to see: hundreds of documented cases (many of them so-called hopeless cases) validate the effectiveness of this innovative method. Rbecca Kunz met with the two doctors for a chat in their practice in Bregenz (Austria). How does the REBA device work? RB: The REBA test device was built according to my specifications by a physicist friend of mine, and with it one can measure a persons subtle-body energy. The machine emits a mixture of different frequencies which generate a kind of white noise. This noise signal is related to brain-wave frequencies, which react with stress when the organism receives too much of them. You therefore inflict more and more frequencies on a patient connected to the machine until you get a physical stress reaction. This all happens below the patients conscious awareness, i.e. the measurement does not hurt, nor can the patient influence the

Fig 1 Dieter Jossner, the builder of the REBA test device

measurement results. The more frequencies a person can take without a reaction, the healthier that person is. Sick people quickly exhibit a stress reaction. Does health imply stress resistance, then? RB: Thats right, the more frequencies you can endure, the healthier you are. Sensitive persons cannot take much stress, depending you often hear the argument: Oh, all these different vibrations in the shopping mall at night, thats not my thing UB: Those are two different things, although they are interrelated in interesting ways: a persons sensitivity is one thing; if sensitive people have a good energy situation, they are better able to deal with and regulate external stresses but if their energy state is poor and low, then many things will get on their nerves, i.e. bother them and reduce their energy even more. In general: if one is in good shape energetically, one can better stay in harmony and is less likely to lose ones equilibrium. Thats actually a very desirable combination: sensitive and yet robust. According to your books, that is most likely when we have mostly resolved our inner conflicts. Thats where the REBA device and the homeopathic treatment begin. What specifically is the procedure? What kind of energy is measured here? RB: Back in ancient India, those who meditated noticed that people are surrounded by a subtle-body field, the so-called Aura. This force (or energy) field might be compared to computer software. Its nature is informational and functional; it sees to it that the body receives the right vibration and thereby the correct mode of operation. The human Aura has four main levels associated with different functions and qualities. UB: From the body outward: The Vital Level has to do with how healthy one is in a physical sense, how well one copes physically with everyday life, whether one feels in good shape. The Emotional Level is connected with empathic/emotional vibrational capability, i.e. in part with the ability to empathize with oneself and others. The Mental Level says something about fitness for coping with everyday routine, i.e. the ability to cross a street safely, to remember where one put something, etc. The Causal Level has to do with higher vibrations, e.g. whether one listens to the inner voice, or in fact hears it at all. In a wider sense, one might say that the Causal Level reveals something about the ability to get in contact with ones own guardian angel. And so now the energetic strength of these Aura levels is measured indirectly, via the stress tolerance of the various brain waves? RB: Thats right, and its kind of like an energetic blood pressure measurement. So, for each patient, we measure these four readings as percentages, and can then make an overview

statement about the state of health. These readings are closely related to specific diseases, on both the physical and mental plane. UB: There are seven primary energy centers, known as Chakras, that depend on these four Aura levels. With the aid of small test ampoules containing homeopathic mixtures, we can now ascertain in which body segment (Chakra) an energy block is situated. This is a kind of preselection, since each Chakra is associated with certain organs, hormonal glands and/or vegetative centers. One can then refine the search and find out why this particular Chakra is not functioning at this particular time. We usually find that an emotional trauma is behind this kind of blockage and, using additional ampoules, we can draw ever nearer to the conflict theme and ultimately identify it.
Figure 1 28 conflict themes of Psychosomatic Energetics and the related energy centers (chakras)

So, a person with a ruptured ligament or a cough wouldnt come to your practice RB: No, the usual type of general-practice patients no longer come to us. For years, we treated people with all kinds of ailments, but now we specialize in chronic cases and vegetative disorders i.e. people come to us who have felt poorly for years and for whom nobody has been able to find a cause. Or people with a specific severe disease who want to do something extra for themselves; we also keep getting children to be treated who have developmental disorders. So youre the first choice for very few people ... RB: very often the last, in fact. Many of our patients already have quite a medical history and are hoping to be healed. Thats asking a lot of you how do you cope with it?

UB: If someone comes and says, make me healthy, I say: I have never made anyone healthy. Every person carries a program for health within, and the point is to rediscover it, so that the inner healer can then be useful. Im just a kind of cleaning lady who sweeps away certain blockages. I might also put the right shovel in the patients hand, so that the patient can then get moving on the healing process. RB: Its actually pretty simple: once the life energy is flowing well again, one feels good and the metabolism once again functions properly. A great many things can be healed in this manner. UB: For me its quite exciting when someone comes and says: I dont feel well, but the regular doctors say theres nothing wrong with me. I know that these people really are suffering, because who could enjoy going through life as a malingerer? When patients finally understand whats wrong with them, then they already have in their hands some of the tools for healing.

Figure 2 Typical test situation in Psychosomatic Energetics - kinesiological arm length test with the Reba machine on the right

That all sounds rather fantastic so, you take a few tailor-made homeopathic drops, and these (sometimes ancient) conflicts melt away just like that UB: It all depends, of course, on the individual: how far the patient is prepared to go down this path and implant these new thoughts and new behavior patterns. We can skip over a patients internal resistance in only a very few cases. The final recourse as to whether healing is to take place or not, is always the patient and the patients mind. Near the end of your book on Psychosomatic Energetics, it says: After the conflicts are

dissolved, thats when life truly begins and working on it only then gets started in earnest. RB: If people are energetically balanced, they can solve their problems with vigor and from their center. So the point is not that I solve patients marital problems, but rather that patients assume the responsibility for their own actions which is usually not as hard as they thought it would be. UB: Also, the drops make dreams more vivid and easier to remember. Many things that burden us then re-appear on the stage of our dreams and we learn by example how to deal in a different manner with these issues. This alters our inner attitude and makes it possible for our everyday demeanor to be clearer, which in turn has a favorable effect, for example, on our relationship. These successes then encourage us to fully develop our potential and discover new avenues in a playful spirit. We are also more likely to remain healthy with this new attitude, because we attack problems better and dont put off dealing with them for so long that we get sick again. What are the limits of your possibilities? RB: There are of course people so neurotic that they need psychotherapy supplementally to our system. We do not replace all other therapies. With the help of our system, energy can once again flow better, and thus other adjuvant therapies can also be more effective. UB: Naturally, there are definite limits: we certainly do not treat an acute disease energetically; it would be presumptuous to try to treat a heart attack, or cancer that needed surgical intervention, energetically. But after the acute crisis has been overcome, we can ask what we might also contribute, in order to break up energetic blocks and thereby best promote healing. Do you have a particular wish, a vision with respect to your work? UB: I hope that, in the not too distant future, children will receive not only the mandatory school-doctor examination that they now do, but that theyll also all get an energy check as well. RB: My desire is that the energetic laws get more attention in medicine and that the order behind them is better recognized. Energy medicine would accordingly get the position it is entitled to namely as a useful and necessary complement to todays orthodox medicine.

Literature: 1. Dr. Reimar Banis: Manual of Psychosomatic Energetics, Chrystyne Jackson Enterprises Prescott Arizona 2005 2. Dr. med. Ulrike Banis: Handbook of Psychosomatic Energetics, CoMed edition 2004 3. Dr. med. Ulrike Banis: Geopathic stress and what you can do about it, CoMed Edition 2004

Authors address: Dr. Reimar Banis MD ND Facharzt fr Allgemeinmedizin/ Naturheilverfahren Grossmatt 3 CH-6052 Hergiswil SWITZERLAND

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