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PHYSICAL REVIEW E 70, 056610 (2004)

Equiphase-sphere approximation for light scattering

by stochastically inhomogeneous microparticles
Xu Li
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208, USA

Zhigang Chen and Allen Taflove

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208, USA

Vadim Backman
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208, USA
(Received 26 May 2004; published 17 November 2004)

We report the development and validation of the equiphase-sphere (EPS) approximation for calculating the
total-scattering cross-section (TSCS) spectra of inhomogeneous microparticles having complex interior struc-
tures. We show that this closed-form, analytical approximation can accurately model the TSCS of randomly
inhomogeneous spherical particles having internal refractive index variations with geometrical scales spanning
from nanometers (i.e., subwavelength) to microns (i.e., suprawavelength). Moreover, we derive an easy-to-use
criterion for the range of validity of the EPS approximation in modeling TSCS of inhomogeneous particles.
The work discussed in this paper may positively impact tissue optical imaging and diagnostic applications.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.70.056610 PACS number(s): 42.25.Dd, 61.10.Dp

I. INTRODUCTION In this paper, we advance beyond the simple uncorrelated

Examples of inhomogeneous particles range from mineral particle inhomogeneity considered in [4], and report a
particles and atmospheric aerosols to cell nuclei in biological closed-form analytical approximation that provides accurate
tissue. Characterizing the light-scattering properties of these TSCS spectra characterization despite the internal complex-
particles is important for a variety of applications in atmo- ity of the particle. Specifically, the particles considered here
spheric science, oceanography, astronomy, and biomedical are spheres that have internal distributions of a refractive
optics [1]. index synthesized using the isotropic Gaussian random field
Analytical methods capable of accurately modeling light (GRF) model. GRF models have been used previously to
scattering by inhomogeneous particles have been developed characterize the morphology of randomly inhomogeneous
for only a small set of particle geometries, such as the con- materials and characterizing complex microstructures [6], ac-
centrically stratified sphere [2] and sphere with spherical in- counting for many features observed in naturally occurring
clusions [3]. However, naturally occurring particles usually random media. For such an assignment of a refractive index,
have much more complex shapes and internal structures. For we demonstrate that the equiphase-sphere (EPS) approxima-
such particles, approximation methods are desirable for pro- tion introduced in Refs. [7–9] provides an accurate closed-
viding practical solutions to light-scattering problems. How- form calculation of the TSCS spectra of highly inhomoge-
ever, despite significant interest in the development of ap- neous particles having GRF refractive index variations with
proximation methods for characterizing the light-scattering geometrical scales spanning nanometers to microns. More-
properties of inhomogeneous and nonspherical particles, sat- over, using the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) tech-
isfactory results have not been achieved. The complexity of nique, we derive the validity range of the EPS approximation
this problem is illustrated by a quote from Bohren in his as a function of the statistical parameters of the interior re-
chapter on light scattering in Ref. [26], “This search re- fractive index distribution. In all cases reported in this paper,
sembles that for the Holy Grail—and has been as fruitless.” validation studies are conducted using high-resolution FDTD
Recently, we have investigated the light-scattering prop- simulations that model particles having a wide range of stan-
erties of inhomogeneous spherical particles having an inter- dard deviations and correlation lengths for the internal
nal refractive index n, assigned as an uncorrelated random refractive-index distribution.
variable to uniformly sized cubic subvolumes within each
particle [4]. Numerical experiments using high-resolution II. REVIEW OF THE EPS APPROXIMATION FOR LIGHT
finite-difference-time-domain (FDTD) computational elec- SCATTERING BY MICROPARTICLES
trodynamics models [5] and supporting analyses demon-
strated that the spectral dependence of the total-scattering We recently introduced the EPS approximation for calcu-
cross section (TSCS) of such a particle can closely resemble lating the TSCS spectra of nonspherical particles with sizes
that of its homogeneous, volume-averaged counterpart if the in the resonance range [7–9]. Using a simple expression, this
size of each cubic subvolume inhomogeneity within the method explicitly links the size and shape parameters of non-
original particle is sufficiently small relative to the optical spherical particles to the oscillation feature in their TSCS
wavelength. spectra.

1539-3755/2004/70(5)/056610(8)/$22.50 70 056610-1 ©2004 The American Physical Society

LI et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 70, 056610 (2004)

In the EPS approximation, the wavelength-dependent direction of the light-ray propagation [Eq. (5)], the formulas
TSCS spectrum of a particle is given by the sum of the given by Eqs. (1), (2), and (6) provide improved accuracy for
“edge-effect” term ␴s共s兲共␭兲 and the, “volume-diffraction- calculating the TSCS spectra, particularly for particles with
effect” term ␴s共␯兲共␭兲 [7] higher refractive indices.
Motivated by the questions whether the interference struc-
␴s共␭兲 = ␴s共s兲共␭兲 + ␴s共␯兲共␭兲. 共1兲 tures are preserved for nonspherical particles, and how their
TSCS spectra are associated with the particle size and shape
Here, when the high frequency ripples resulting from inter-
characteristics, we previously introduced the concept of the
ference of the surface waves is neglected, ␴s共s兲共␭兲 can be
“equiphase sphere” [7]. Most recently, we proposed to use
approximated as [7,10] the equiphase-sphere (EPS) approximation [Eqs. (1), (2), and
␴s共s兲共␭兲 ⬇ 2S关2␲共3V/4␲兲1/3/␭兴−2/3 , 共2兲 (6)] to calculate the TSCS spectra of a variety of nonspheri-
cal particles [8,9], where ␳ is replaced by the equivalent
where S is the particle’s maximum cross-section area trans- maximum phase shift calculated according to the particle’s
verse to the direction of the incident light, and V is the vol- geometrical characteristics.
ume of the particle.
For a particle with 2␲d共n − 1兲 / ␭ Ⰷ 1 and 共n − 1兲 ⬍ 1, where
d is the mean diameter and n is the refractive index, the
volume term ␴s共␯兲共␭兲 can be approximated using the WKB
technique [11] In this section we focus our discussion on applying the

冉冕 冕 冊
EPS approximation to spherical particles with inhomoge-
␴s共␯兲共␭兲 = 2 Re 兵1 − exp关i␰共r⬘兲兴其d2r⬘ , 共3兲 neous interior refractive index. Here, ␳ of Eq. (6) is simply
S replaced by the maximum phase shift produced by the ho-
mogeneous counterpart of the particle with n0 equal to the
where r⬘ is a position vector in the plane orthogonal to the volume-averaged refractive index of the inhomogeneous par-
direction of propagation of the incident wave and ␰共r⬘兲 is the ticle. Upon this substitution, Eq. (6) predicts that the oscilla-
phase shift of a light ray crossing plane S at position r⬘. ␰共r⬘兲 tion features in the TSCS spectrum of an inhomogeneous
is expressed as particle follow that of its homogeneous counterpart with a

␰共r⬘兲 = 共2␲/␭兲 冕
关n共l共r⬘兲兲 − 1兴dl, 共4兲
volume-averaged refractive index.
In order to apply the EPS method in practice, it is impor-
tant to determine the validity conditions of this approxima-
where L共r⬘兲 is the path of the light ray crossing r⬘. For a tion. We now investigate how the internal refractive-index
homogeneous spherical particle with refractive index n0, distribution affects the validity and accuracy of the EPS ap-
proximation applied to inhomogeneous particles. The deriva-
L = d关1 − sin2 ␥共r⬘兲/n20兴1/2 , 共5兲 tion of an analytical validity condition for Eq. (3) is summa-
rized below.
where ␥ is the angle between the incident-ray propagation The validity analysis of the EPS approximation is based
direction and the radial vector pointing from the center of the on the WKB technique [Eq. (3)] from which Eq. (6) is de-
particle. After performing the integration in Eq. (3), ␴s共␯兲共␭兲 rived. For an inhomogeneous spherical particle, the relative
for a homogeneous spherical particle is given by phase shift ␰共r⬘兲 can be expressed as ␰共r⬘兲 = ␰0共r⬘兲 + ␦␰共r⬘兲.
␴s共␯兲共␭兲 = 2S关1 − 2n0 sin ␳/␳ + 4n0 sin2共␳/2兲/␳2兴, 共6兲 Here, ␰0共r⬘兲 = 2␲共n0 − 1兲L共r⬘兲 / ␭ is the phase shift of a light
ray propagating through the homogeneous counterpart of the
where ␳ = 2␲d共n0 − 1兲 / ␭ is the maximum phase shift pro- particle. The term ␦␰共r⬘兲 accounts for the phase-shift differ-
duced by the homogeneous sphere. ence due to refractive-index inhomogeneity. If
We note Eq. (6) becomes equivalent to the van de Hulst
approximation [12] ␦␰共r⬘兲 ⬍ ␲/2, 共8兲

␴s共␭兲 = 2S关1 − 2 sin ␳/␳ + 4 sin2共␳/2兲/␳2兴 共7兲 the exponent in Eq. (3) can be expanded to perform the in-
tegration analytically. This yields
for spheres with low refractive indexes. The most distinctive
feature that can be observed from both Eqs. (6) and (7) is the ␴s共␯兲 ⬇ ␴n共␯0兲 + ␦␴共␯兲 , 共9兲
“interference structure” [13], which refers to slow oscilla-
tions of TSCS as a function of wavelength with the fre- where ␴n共␯兲共␭兲 = 2S关1 − 2n0 sin ␳ / ␳ + 4n0 sin2共␳ / 2兲 / ␳2兴 is the
quency of these oscillations proportional to the diameter of scattering produced by the equiphase-sphere counterpart of
the particle. With sufficiently large ␳, the higher order term the particle, and ␦␴共␯兲 is the error term produced by
sin2共␳ / 2兲 / ␳2 can be neglected; thus the diameter of the par- refractive-index inhomogeneity. The EPS approximation is
ticle can be easily derived from the oscillation frequency by valid provided that ␦␴共␯兲 Ⰶ ␴EPS .
d = ␭1␭2 / 共␭2 − ␭1兲 / 共n0 − 1兲, where ␭1 and ␭2 are wavelengths We point out that the expansion in Eq. (9) depends on
corresponding to two adjacent maxima or minima in the condition (8). Thus, we shall examine the inequality (8) in
TSCS spectrum. In addition, by including a surface term [Eq. detail. The phase shift error ␦␰共r⬘兲 due to inhomogeneity is
(2)] and implicitly incorporating the refraction effect on the given by


FIG. 1. (Color) Examples of

inhomogeneous spherical particles
having GRF refractive-index dis-
tributions with fixed n0 = 1.5 and
Lc = 400 nm, but increasing stan-
dard deviations: (a) ␴n = 0.05, (b)
␴n = 0.098, (c) ␴n = 0.163.

␦␰共r⬘兲 = 冕

␦n共r⬘,l兲dl, 共10兲
have more significant impact on the accuracy of the EPS

where ␦n共r⬘ , l兲 denotes the refractive-index fluctuation from

its volume average at position 共r⬘ , l兲. If the spatial distribu- IV. GAUSSIAN RANDOM FIELD MODEL
tion of the refractive index has a correlation length Lc, then FOR INHOMOGENEOUS REFRACTIVE
Eq. (10) can be approximated by the sum ␦␰共r⬘兲 INDEX DISTRIBUTION
⬇ 共2␲ / ␭兲兺i=1
␦niLc. Furthermore, if n共r兲 is a stochastic func-
tion with a probability density function characterized by a In order to investigate light scattering by particles with a
standard deviation ␴n, ␦␰共r⬘兲 can be approximated as wide variety of shapes and interior structures, statistical ap-
␦␰共r⬘兲 ⬇ 2␲Lc冑N␴n/␭ 艋 2␲冑Lcd␴n/␭.
proaches are very useful for modeling the particle geometry
[14]. In particular, the Gaussian random sphere has been suc-
Therefore, the inequality (5) is replaced by cessfully used as a geometric model to study light scattering
by irregularly shaped nonspherical particles [15]. In this sec-
␤ ⬅ 4冑Lcd␴n/␭ ⬍ 1. 共12兲 tion, we describe how to use the Gaussian random field
Note that the parameter ␤ quantifies the most probable maxi- (GRF) model to synthesize the stochastic distribution of the
mum phase shift error ␦␰共r⬘兲 in an inhomogeneous particle refractive index within inhomogeneous particles.
with a stochastic distribution of its refractive index. If ␤ Three-dimensional (3D) GRFs are analogs of one-
Ⰶ 1, this phase error is negligible, and therefore EPS ap- dimensional stochastic processes having a Gaussian prob-
proximation gives accurate estimate of the TSCS spectrum of ability density function. Here, we consider the refractive in-
the inhomogeneous particle. On the other hand, when ␤ Ⰶ 1, dex n共r兲 as a function of spatial location r = 共x , y , z兲. Each
the expansion (9) may not be performed. In this case, EPS value of n共r兲 is a Gaussian random variable with mean n0
approximation may give erroneous results. We also note that = 具n共r兲典 and standard deviation ␴n = 冑具关n共r兲 − n0兴2典. For a
␤ is proportional to the square root of Lc. This indicates that GRF model with unit standard deviation, the two-point cor-
refractive index fluctuations within larger geometrical scales relation function Cn共r兲 is defined as

LI et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 70, 056610 (2004)

FIG. 2. (Color) Examples of

inhomogeneous spherical particles
having fixed n0 = 1.5 and ␴n ⬇ 0.1
but with increasing correlation
lengths. (a) Lc = 100 nm, (b) Lc
= 600 nm, (c) Lc = 1.2 ␮m.

Cn共r兲 = 具关n共0兲 − n0兴关n共r兲 − n0兴典, 共13兲 Figures 1(a)–1(c) graph shows sample inhomogeneous
spherical particles with fixed n0 = 1.5 and correlation length
Lc = 400 nm, but increasing standard deviations ranging from
␴n = 0.05 [Fig. 1(a)] to ␴n = 0.163 [Fig. 1(c)]. In each figure,
where r = 兩r兩. In this paper, we use the Gaussian function as the particle refractive-index distribution is depicted in the 3D
the correlation model view of a surface plot (left panel), a cross-sectional cut in the
2/共L /2兲2
x̂-ẑ plane (middle panel), and a cross-sectional cut in the
Cn共r兲 = e−r c , 共14兲 ŷ-ẑ plane (right panel). Each colormap of the particle interior
illustrates the spatial distribution of the particles’ refractive
indices. The corresponding scale of the variation is illus-
where Lc is the characteristic correlation length representing trated using the colorbars displayed on the right in each fig-
ure. We note that the exact geometry of the refractive-index
the length scale over which the correlation drops to a negli-
spatial distribution is unique for each case since the stochas-
gible level. For such a choice of correlation function, the
tic method is used in randomly generating these geometries.
statistics of the spatial distribution of n共r兲 is uniquely deter- However, since the three particles all have the same correla-
mined by the parameter Lc. If Lc → ⬁, we have Cn共r兲 ⬅ 1 and tion length Lc = 400 nm, their spatial refractive-index distri-
the resulting spatial distribution is homogeneous. Lower Lc butions have fluctuations on the same geometrical scale. It is
corresponds to refractive-index fluctuations in smaller geo- also evident that the standard deviation ␴n determines the
metric scales. magnitude of the refractive-index fluctuation. For example,
Various methods can be used to generate realizations of for the particle shown in Fig. 1(c), the standard deviation
the GRF model. In this paper, we have adopted the turning- ␴n = 0.163 results in refractive-index fluctuations raging ap-
band method [16], where the 3D realizations of the GRF proximately from 1.0 to 2.0.
model are generated by summing independent realizations of Figure 2 shows sample inhomogeneous spherical particles
one-dimensional random functions with directional vectors with fixed n0 = 1.5 and ␴n ⬇ 0.1 but Lc increasing from
uniformly distributed over the unit sphere. Using this 100 nm [Fig. 2(a)] to 1.2 ␮m [Fig. 2(c)]. These examples
method, we create geometrical models of spherical particles demonstrate the capability of the GRF model to mimic
with the refractive index having GRF distributions. refractive-index fluctuations occurring over a wide range of


FIG. 3. (Color) Comparison of TSCS spectra

calculated using rigorous FDTD numerical mod-
eling and EPS analyses. The spatial distribution
of the particle refractive index in the x̂-ẑ cross-
sectional cut is displayed in the left panel. (a)
␴n = 0.1, Lc = 50 nm, ␤ = 0.36. (b) ␴n = 0.08, Lc
= 100 nm, ␤ = 0.40. (c) ␴n = 0.05, Lc = 1 ␮m, ␤
= 0.78. (d) ␴n = 0.08, Lc = 600 nm, ␤ = 0.97. Good
agreement is observed between the EPS-
calculated TSCS spectra and the FDTD bench-
marks since ␤ ⬍ 1.

geometrical scales appropriate for simulation of natural scribed in our previous work [9], we calculated TSCS spectra
particles. of (n0 = 1.5, d = 4 ␮m) spherical particles ranging from
slightly inhomogeneous 共1.45艋 n 艋 1.55兲 to highly inhomo-
V. NUMERICAL VALIDATION OF THE EPS geneous 共1.0艋 n 艋 2.0兲. The numerical experiments include
APPROXIMATION AND ITS EXPECTED RANGE a wid range of geometrical scales of interior refractive-index
OF VALIDITY fluctuations with Lc ranging from 50 nm to 1.2 ␮m.
Figure 3 shows four representative results of our numeri-
We now describe our validation of the EPS approximation
cal experiments. In each example, the spatial distribution of
discussed in Secs. II and III. To this end, we have conducted the particle refractive index in one cross-sectional cut is dis-
a series of numerical experiments that compared TSCS spec- played on the left, and the TSCS spectra calculated with
tra calculated using the EPS approximation with numerical FDTD and the EPS approximation are graphed on the right.
FDTD benchmark data for a wide variety of inhomogeneous We note that although these inhomogeneous particles have a
spherical particles such as shown in Figs. 1 and 2. This com- variety of values of ␴n and Lc, the validity condition ␤
parison permits us to validate the EPS approximation and to ⬅ 4冑Lcd␴n / ␭ ⬍ 1 is satisfied for all four cases. Indeed, the
explore the correlation between the approximation accuracy TSCS spectra calculated by the EPS approximation very well
and the geometric characteristics of the refractive-index dis- matched the benchmark data provided by FDTD for all four
tribution. cases.
The FDTD method has been shown to be a robust means As Lc or ␴n of the interior refractive-index distribution
to numerically solve the Maxwell’s equations in studies of become greater, the accuracy of the EPS approximation is
light scattering problems [17]. We used a staircasing scheme expected to decline. This effect is illustrated in Fig. 4. For
with 25-nm resolution to sample the refractive-index spatial these four particles with increasing ␤, the EPS-calculated
variations of interest. Following the same procedures as de- TSCS spectra progressively deviate from the FDTD data. In

LI et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 70, 056610 (2004)

FIG. 4. (Color) Comparison of TSCS spectra

calculated using FDTD modeling and the EPS
approximation for particles with large ␴n or Lc.
(a) ␴n = 0.08, Lc = 1.0 ␮m, ␤ = 1.29. (b) ␴n = 0.13,
Lc = 800 nm, ␤ = 1.90. (c) ␴n = 0.15, Lc = 1.0 ␮m,
␤ = 2.32. (d) ␴n = 0.16, Lc = 1.0 ␮m, ␤ = 2.61. As ␤
increases well above 1, the EPS calculated TSCS
spectra progressively deviate from the FDTD

an extreme case shown in Fig. 4(d), where both the magni- rameters of refractive-index distribution (characterized by
tude and geometrical scale of the refractive-index inhomoge- the ␤ factor) on the validity and accuracy of the EPS method.
neity are large (1.0艋 n 艋 2.0, Lc = 1.0 ␮m, and ␤ = 2.6), the We used two complimentary parameters, the rms error R and
oscillatory period of the TSCS spectrum calculated by the the correlation coefficient rc to quantify the accuracy of the
EPS approximation completely departs from the FDTD approximate EPS-calculated TSCS spectra with respect to
benchmark data. the exact FDTD benchmark data. The rms error measures the
We summarize our numerical experiments with a para- overall estimation accuracy, while the correlation coefficient,
metric study to demonstrate the impact of the statistical pa- which is defined as

Š关tscsFDTD共␭i兲 − 具tscsFDTD共␭兲典兴关tscsEPS共␭i兲 − 具tscsEPS共␭兲典兴‹

rc ⬅ , 共15兲

measures the capability of the EPS approximation to repli- covering a wide variety of refractive index distributions (Lc
cate the oscillation characteristics of the TSCS spectrum. ranging from 50 nm to 1.2 ␮m and ␴n ranging from 0.02 to
Figure 5 plots the rms error R and the correlation coeffi- 0.163). In order to better illustrate the connection between
cient rc as functions of ␤ for 26 inhomogeneous spheres the quality of the EPS approximation and the accuracy mea-


FIG. 5. (Color) Accuracy measures of the

EPS approximation of the TSCS spectrum as
functions of the validity-condition parameter ␤
for 26 cases of inhomogeneous spheres covering
50 nm⬍ Lc ⬍ 1.2 ␮m and 0.02⬍ ␴n ⬍ 0.163. In
all cases, FDTD simulation results are used as the
benchmark data. (a) rms error (%) vs ␤. (b) Cor-
relation coefficient vs ␤. When ␤ ⬍ 1, the rms
error is less than 5% and the correlation coeffi-
cient is greater than 0.9.

sures, we cross-reference eight data points in Figs. 5(a) and can accurately model the TSCS of randomly inhomogeneous
5(b) with their corresponding particle geometries and TSCS spherical particles having internal refractive index variations
spectra shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. with geometrical scales spanning from nanometers (i.e., sub-
We observe from Fig. 5 that when criterion (9) is satisfied wavelength) to microns (i.e., suprawavelength). An easy-to-
共␤ ⬍ 1兲, the EPS approximation is sufficiently accurate, i.e., use criterion for the range of approximation validity has been
rc 艌 0.9 and R ⬍ 5%. It is also evident from Fig. 5(a) that provided to guide the practical application of this method.
when ␤ ⬎ 1, the accuracy of the EPS approximation degrades Although not limited to a single category of applications,
rapidly as ␤ increases. This further demonstrates the impor- the work discussed here may positively impact tissue optical
tance of the ␤ parameter in determining the validity of the imaging and diagnostic applications. It is recognized that the
EPS approximation. analysis of spectral, angular, and other characteristics of light
scattered from living tissue can provide valuable diagnostic
information [18–25]. Due to the complexity in the microar-
chitecture of biological tissue, the understanding of light
scattering by particles with complex shapes and interior
structure is of great importance for the future refinement of
We have presented the development and validation of the the current optical techniques. Importantly, the development
equiphase-sphere (EPS) approximation for the total- of methods such as the EPS approximation to analyze tissue
scattering cross-section (TSCS) spectra of inhomogeneous light scattering will enable gathering new accurate informa-
spherical particles having complex interior structures. We tion about tissue organization and its alteration in disease. In
have shown that the closed-form, analytical approximation turn, these insights can be further used for disease diagnosis

LI et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 70, 056610 (2004)

as well as the biological understanding of tissue pathophysi- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

ology. In our future work, we shall focus on developing ef-
fective techniques for analyzing the angular-dependent and The work presented in this paper was supported by the
backward scattering properties of biologically relevant National Science Foundation under Grants No. BES-
particles. 0238903 and No. ACI-0219925.

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