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PUBLICATIONS Jan-Werner Mller, November 2010:

Books: -Contesting Democracy: Political Ideas in Twentieth-Century Europe (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, forthcoming 2011) -Furcht und Freiheit: Ein anderer Liberalismus (Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp, forthcoming 2011) -Constitutional Patriotism (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2007)
(Reviews in Perspectives on Politics, Ethics, Review of Politics, European Journal of Political Theory, Nations and Nationalism, Foreign Affairs, The American Prospect, Political Studies Review, opendemocracy, Persona y Derecho [Spain], Public Reason [Romania], Sddeutsche Zeitung [Germany]) German (expanded and revised) edition: Suhrkamp Korean edition: Greenbee Chinese edition: San Hui Culture Enterprise Serbian edition: Fabrika knjiga

-A Dangerous Mind: Carl Schmitt in Post-War European Thought (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2003)
(Reviews[including of translations] in Times Literary Supplement, Political Theory, Political Studies Review, European Journal of Political Theory, The American Historical Review, Central European History, Choice, German Politics and Society, German Studies Review, German History, H-Net Reviews, Neue Zrcher Zeitung [Switzerland], Commentaire [France], Critique [France], Socital [France], Mouvements [France], Raison Publique [France], Revista de Libros [Spain], R&R: Nederlands tijdschrift voor Rechtsfilosofie en Rechtstheorie [Netherlands] Het Financieele Dagblad [Netherlands], De Groene Amsterdammer [Netherlands], NZZ am Sontag [Switzerland], Idei in Dialog [Romania], Der Staat, Frankfurter Rundschau,, Der Staat, Zeitschrift fr Genozidforschung, Literaturen, Jahrbuch Extremismus und Demokratie, Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fr Rechtsgeschichte, Historische Zeitschrift [all Germany] ) Chosen as a legal studies book of the year by Neue Juristische Wochenschrift [Germany] German edition: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, with a preface by Michael Stolleis French edition: Armand Colin Chinese edition: San Hui Culture Enterprise Japanese edition: Minerva Shobo Greek edition: Polis

-Another Country: German Intellectuals, Unification and National Identity (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2000)
(Reviews in Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, New York Review of Books, Chronicle of Higher Education, Washington Times, Choice, The American Historical Review, Political Studies, German Studies Review, German Politics and Society, German History, Bulletin of the German Historical Institute London, Nations and Nationalism, Modern Language Notes, Neue Zrcher Zeitung [Switzerland]) Chinese edition: San Hui Culture Enterprise

Edited Volumes: -(ed.) German Ideologies since 1945: Studies in the Political Thought and Culture of the Bonn Republic (New York: Palgrave, 2003)
(contributions by Alfons Sllner, Anson Rabinbach, John P. McCormick, Julia S. Angster, Dirk van Laak, Jerry Z. Muller, Dagmar Herzog, Rainer Forst, William A. Barbieri, Jr.)

-(ed.) Memory and Power in Post-War Europe: Studies in the Presence of the Past (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002)
(contributions by Timothy Snyder, Robert Gildea, Thomas U. Berger, Anne Deighton, Iver Neumann, Monroe E. Price, Tony Judt, Jeffrey Herf, Ilana R. Bet-El, Ilaria Poggiolini, Daniel Levy, Julian B. Dierkes, Timothy Garton Ash)

Guest-edited Journals: -Special section on Militant Democracy, Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory (forthcoming) -(ed. with Kim Lane Scheppele), Special Issue on Constitutional Patriotism, I-CON: International Journal of Constitutional Law, vol. 6 (2008) -(ed. with Andreas Kalyvas), Special Issue on Carl Schmitt, Cardozo Law Review, vol. 21 (2000)

Journal Articles and Book Chapters: -In the Shadow of Statism: The Peculiarities of the German Europe Debate, in: Kalypso Nicoladis and Justine Lacroix (eds.), European Stories: How National Intellectuals Debate Europe (Oxford UP, forthcoming) -Militant Democracy, in: Michel Rosenfeld and Andras Sajo (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford UP, forthcoming) -The History (and Future) of Conceptual History, in: Darrin McMahon and Samuel Moyn (eds.), Modern Intellectual History: Reappraisals and New Perspectives for the Twenty-First Century (Oxford UP, forthcoming) -On Contemporary Intellectual History, in: Journal of Contemporary History (forthcoming) -What Did They Think They Were Doing? The Political Thought of the West European 68, in: Vladimir Tismaneanu (ed.), Promises of 1968: Crisis, Illusion, and Utopia (Central European University Press, forthcoming) -On Europe, in: Peter Hayes and John Roth (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Holocaust Studies (Oxford UP, forthcoming) -Verfassungspatriotismus eine demokratische Zivilreligion?, in: Georg Kohler and Lutz Wingert (eds.), Entleerung oder Wiederaneignung der Demokratie? Probleme und Mglichkeiten demokratischer Selbstbestimmung in der transnationalen Konstellation (Suhrkamp, forthcoming)

-Value Pluralism in Twentieth-Century Anglo-American Thought, in: Mark Bevir (ed.), Modern Pluralism: Anglo-American Debates since 1880 (forthcoming) -Verfassungspatriotismus: Eine systematische Verteidigung, in: vorgnge: Zeitschrift fr Brgerrechte und Gesellschaftspolitik (forthcoming) -The Paradoxes of Post-War Italian Political Thought, in: History of European Ideas, special issue on European Social and Political Thought after 1945, ed. Edmund Neill (forthcoming) -A Post-Post-Liberal Order: How Western Europe Emerged from its Thirty-Year Crisis, in: Gert Srensen et al. (eds.), The Crisis of Europe and European Self-reflection 1914-1991(forthcoming) -Three Constitutionalist Responses to Globalization, in: Stephen Macedo and Jeffrey Tullis (eds.), The Limits of Constitutional Democracy (Princeton UP, 2010) -The Promise of Demoi-cracy: Diversity and Domination in the European Public Order, in: Jrgen Neyer and Antje Wiener (eds.), The Political Theory of the European Union (Oxford UP, 2010) -Re-Imagining Leviathan: Schmitt and Oakeshott on Hobbes and the Nature of Political Order, in: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, special issue on Hobbes and Schmitt, ed. Johan Tralau, vol. 13 (2010) -The Cold War and the Intellectual History of the Late Twentieth Century, in: The Cambridge History of the Cold War, Vol. 3: Endings 1975-1991 (Cambridge UP, 2010) -On European Memory. Some conceptual and normative remarks, in: Magorzata Pakier and Bo Strth (eds.) A European Memory? Contested Histories and Politics of Remembrance (Berghahn, 2010) -Seven Ways to Misunderstand Constitutional Patriotism, in: Notizie di Politeia, vol. 25 (2009) -Just another Vergangenheitsbewltigung? The Process of Coming to Terms with the East German Past Revisited, in: Oxford German Studies, December 2009; shorter version in Res Publica, 2009 -The Triumph of What (if anything)? Political Ideologies and Political Institutions in TwentiethCentury Europe, in: Journal of Political Ideologies, vol.14 (2009) -Nation, Verfassungspatriotismus, Leitkultur: Integrationsversuche vor und nach 1989, in: Jens Hacke and Herfried Mnkler (ed.), Wege in die neue Bundesrepublik: Politische Mythen und kollektive Selbstbilder nach 1989 (Frankfurt/Main: Campus, 2009) -A Thick Constitutional Patriotism for Europe? On Morality, Memory and Militancy, in: Erik O. Eriksen, Christian Joerges and Florian Rdl (eds.), Law, Democracy, and Solidarity in Europes Post-National Constellation (London: Routledge, 2008) -Our Philadelphia? Understanding the (Apparent) Failure of the European Constitution, in: Journal of Modern European History, Special Issue on European Constitutions, Civility, and Violence (18th century to the present), eds. Jos Harris and Robert Gerwarth, vol. 6 (2008)

-Thomas Manns Albtraum? Potential und Paradoxe europischer Erinnerungspolitik, in: Christian Joerges, Matthias Mahlmann and Ulrich K. Preu (eds.), Schmerzliche Erfahrungen der Vergangenheit und der Prozess der Konstitutionalisierung Europas (Verlag fr Sozialwissenschaften, 2008) -Die eigentlich katholische Entschrfung? Jacques Maritain und die Fluchtwege aus dem Zeitalter der Extreme, in: Zeitschrift fr Ideengeschichte, vol. 2, no. 3 (2008) -Fear and Freedom: On Cold War Liberalism, in: European Journal of Political Theory, Special Issue on Twentieth-Century European Liberalism, ed. Michael Freeden, vol. 7 (2008) -A European Constitutional Patriotism? The Case Restated, in: European Law Journal, vol. 14 (2008); shorter versions appeared as Retour sur la question du patriotisme constitutionnel europen in Raison Publique, no. 7 (2007), and as Patriotyzm konstytucyjny jako forma politycznej lojalnoci pomidzy pastwami narodowymi a Uni Europejsk? in Res Publica (Winter 2007) - Nations without Qualities? Towards a General Theory of Constitutional Patriotism, in: I-CON: International Journal of Constitutional Law, vol. 6 (2008) -Is Europe Converging on Constitutional Patriotism? (And if so: Is it Justified?), in: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, vol. 10 (2007) -Three Objections to Constitutional Patriotism, in: Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory, vol. 14 (2007) -Mit Schmitt gegen Schmitt, und gegen die liberale Weltordnung: Zur transatlantischen Debatte um Globalisierung, Empire und Pax Americana, in: Rdiger Voigt (ed.), Der Staat des Dezisionismus (Nomos, 2007) -Verfassungspatriotismus: Ein deutscher Mythos?, in: vorgnge: Zeitschrift fr Brgerrechte und Gesellschaftspolitik, no. 1 (2007) -Comprehending Conservatism: A New Framework for Analysis, in: Journal of Political Ideologies, vol. 11 (2006) -Rawls, Historian: Remarks on Political Liberalisms Historicism, in: Revue Internationale de Philosophie, vol. 60 (2006) -Die Dauerkrise des amerikanischen Konservatismus, in: Walter Reese-Schfer and Harald Bluhm (eds.), Die Intellektuellen und der Weltlauf: Schpfer und Missionare politischer Ideen in den USA, Asien und Europa nach 1945 (Nomos, 2006); a shorter version was published in Ricerche di Storia Politica -An Irregularity that cannot be regulated: Carl Schmitt and the War on Terror, in: Notizie di Politeia: Rivista di Etica e Scelte Pubbliche, vol. 22 (2006)

-On the Origins of Constitutional Patriotism, in: Contemporary Political Theory, vol. 5, no. 3 (2006) -to be reprinted in: Klaus Gnther, Christian Joerges and Camil Ungureanu (eds.), Jrgen Habermas Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy: From the Nation-State to Europe 4

and the Postnational Constellation (Ashgate, forthcoming) -reprinted in: Alexander Pavkovic and Igor Primoratz (eds.), Patriotism: Philosophical and Political Perspectives (Ashgate, 2008) -Theorie und Temperament: Was bleibt vom politischen Denken Isaiah Berlins?, in: Jahrbuch Politisches Denken 2005 (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2006) -Julien Bendas antipassionate Europe, in: European Journal of Political Theory, no. 2, vol. 5 (2006); also as LEurope dpassionne de Julien Benda in: Commentaire (forthcoming) -Visioner om global orden: Schmitt, Aron og verdensndens embedsmand, in: Slagmark, no. 43, 2005 [Denmark; translation of chapter Visions of Global Order in A Dangerous Mind] -Verfassungspatriotismus revisited, in: Daniel Morat and Undine Ruge (eds.), Deutschland denken: Beitrge fr die reflektierte Republik (Verlag fr Sozialwissenschaften, 2005) -Visioni di un ordine globale nellet post-europea: Carl Schmitt, Raymond Aron e il funzionario dello Spirito del mondo, in: Ricerche di Storia Politica, no. 2 (August 2004) [a significantly expanded version of the chapter Visions of Global Order in A Dangerous Mind] -Myth, Law and Order: Schmitt and Benjamin read Reflections on Violence, in: History of European Ideas, vol. 29 (2003) -Rawls and German Political Thought, in: European Journal of Political Theory, vol. 1 (2002) -1968 as Event, Milieu and Ideology, in: Journal of Political Ideologies, vol. 7 (2002), also in: German Ideologies since 1945 (Palgrave, 2003) -Introduction: The Power of Memory, the Memory of Power and the Power over Memory, in: Memory and Power in Post-War Europe (Cambridge UP, 2002) -The Soul in the Age of Society and Technology: Helmuth Plessners Defensive Liberalism, in: John P. McCormick (ed.), Confronting Mass Democracy and Industrial Technology: Political and Social Theory from Nietzsche to Habermas (Duke UP, 2002) -Compromised Republicans: The Fate of the Vernunftrepublikaner and the Transformation of Liberal Thought from Weimar to the Federal Republic, in: Jonathan Wright and Henning Tewes (eds.), Antisemitism, Liberalism and Democracy: Essays in Honour of Peter Pulzer (Oxford UP, 2001) -The Transition in East Germany: Incorporation, Tainted Truth and the Double Division, in: Paloma Aguilar, Alexandra Barahona de Brito and Carmen Gonzalez (eds.), The Politics of Memory: Three Decades of Truth and Justice in Transition (Oxford UP, 2001) [editions in Spanish and Portuguese] -Carl Schmitt and the Constitution of Europe, in: Cardozo Law Review, vol. 21 (2000) -Karl Heinz Bohrer on German National Identity: Recovering Romanticism and Aestheticizing the State, in: German Studies Review, vol. 23 (May 2000) -From National Identity to National Interest: The Rise (and Fall) of Germanys New Right, in: 5

German Politics, vol. 8, no. 3 (1999), also in: German Ideologies since 1945. -Carl Schmitts Method: Between Ideology, Demonology and Myth, in: Journal of Political Ideologies, vol. 4 (1999) -Liberale Neutralitt: Pluralismus, Perfektionismus oder Heuchelei?, in: Birgit Schwelling and Peter Krause (eds.), Gleichgltigkeit und Gesellschaft , with a preface by Gesine Schwan (Berlin Verlag Arno Spitz, 1998) -(with Michael W. Doyle) Anatomie eines Erfolgs: Die UN-Mission in Ostslawonien, in: Internationale Politik, vol. 53, no. 6 (1998) -Preparing for the Political: German Intellectuals confront the Berlin Republic, in: New German Critique (Fall 1997), also in: Howard Williams, Colin Wight and Norbert Kapferer (eds.), Political Thought and German Reunification: The New German Ideology? (Macmillan, 2000) -Carl Schmitt an Occasional Nationalist?, in: History of European Ideas, vol. 23 (1997) Review Essays: -The Intellectual Origins of Fascism Revisited, in: Contemporary European History (forthcoming) -Recovering the Age of Social Democracy [on Sheri Berman, The Primacy of Politics], in: Dissent, Winter 2007 -Der Umweg ber Weimar, in: Jahrbuch Politisches Denken (Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 2000) -The Old Questions and the German Revolution, in: Contemporary European History, vol. 7, no. 2 (1998) -Critical Theorist or Katechon? New Literature on Carl Schmitt, in: History of European Ideas, vol. 24, no. 2 (1998) Reviews (Selection): -Enttuschungsgeschichte: Review of Reinhard Mehring, Carl Schmitt: Aufstieg und Fall (C. H. Beck, 2009), in: Merkur: Deutsche Zeitschrift fr europisches Denken, February 2010 -Die verschlungenen Wege der Verweltlichung: Review of Charles Taylor, A Secular Age (Harvard UP, 2007), in: Neue Zrcher Zeitung, 14th August 2008 -Alastair Hannay, The Public (Routledge, 2005), in: Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, Feb. 2007 -Generationenwechsel in der Gegenaufklrung? Review of Zeev Sternhell, Les Antilumires (Fayard, 2006), in: Neue Zrcher Zeitung, 7th December 2006 -Empire auf Kredit: Review of Charles S. Maier, Among Empires (Harvard UP, 2006), in: Neue Zrcher Zeitung, 19th September 2006 -In der Identittsfalle: Review of Amartya Sen, Identity and Violence (Norton, 2006), in: Neue 6

Zrcher Zeitung, 22nd June 2006. -Claudia Koonz, The Nazi Conscience (Harvard UP, 2003), in: Journal of Modern History, vol. 78, no. 1, 2006 -Die fremde Spezies: Review of Stefan Collini, Absent Minds (Oxford UP, 2006), in: Neue Zrcher Zeitung, 30th May 2005 -Toleration in Contexts: Review of Rainer Forst, Toleranz im Konflikt: Geschichte, Gehalt und Gegenwart eines umstrittenen Begriffs (Suhrkamp, 2003), in: European Journal of Political Theory, vol. 4, no. 4, 2005 -Duncan Kelly, The State of the Political (Oxford UP, 2003), in: The American Historical Review, vol. 110, no. 3, 2005 -The Politics of Pedagogy: Review of Jrgen Habermas, The Postnational Constellation (Polity, 2001), in: European Journal of Political Theory, vol. 2, no. 1, 2003 -William David Jones, The Lost Debate: German Socialist Intellectuals and Totalitarianism (University of Illinois Press, 1999), in: Political Studies, vol. 49, no. 4, 2001 -John P. McCormick, Carl Schmitts Critique of Liberalism (Cambridge UP, 1997), in: History of Political Thought, vol. 19, no. 4 (1998) Essays and Public Affairs Commentary (Selection): -Der liberale Utopist: Friedrich von Hayek Revisited, in: Transit: Europische Revue (forthcoming) -Making Muslim Democracies, Boston Review, November/December 2010 -Ohne letzte Wahrheiten zusammenleben: berlegungen zu einer selbstkritischen Konzeption von Verfassungspatriotismus, in: Neue Zrcher Zeitung, 12 June 2010 -The Ethics of Citizenship Tests, Project Syndicate, April 2010 -The Return of Religion?, Project Syndicate, July 2009 -Die Krise als Stunde der Legislative, Neue Zrcher Zeitung, 9 July 2009 -Isaiah Berlin als Ideenhistoriker mit Sinn fr Zerrissenheit, Neue Zrcher Zeitung, 6 June 2009 -Christdemokratie als Modell Muslimischer Demokratie?, in: Transit: Europische Revue, no. 37 (Summer 2009) -Methodologie statt Ideologie, in: Neue Zrcher Zeitung, 4 May 2009

-Am Ende einer Erfolgsgeschichte? ber die europische Christdemokratie, in: Merkur: Deutsche Zeitschrift fr europisches Denken, May 2009 -From Christian Democracy to Muslim Democracy?, Project Syndicate, October 2008 7

-Patriotyzm konstytucyjny jako forma politycznej lojalnoci pomidzy pastwami narodowymi a Uni Europejsk?, in: Res Publica (Winter 2008) -Glcklicher Konservatismus: Der politische Philosoph Michael Oakeshott, in: Mekur: Deutsche Zeitschrift fr europisches Denken, October 2007 -Europische Erinnerungspolitik Revisited, in: Transit: Europische Revue, no. 33 (2007); Romanian translation in Lettre Internationale -Europe needs to make up its mind, Project Syndicate, March 2007 -Die Zivilisierung des Krieges, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 17th January 2007 -Merken, nicht ableiten: Zum Liberalismus der Ritter-Schule, in: Merkur: Deutsche Zeitschrift fr europisches Denken, February 2007 -Die Schwierigkeiten des Erinnerns, in: die tageszeitung, 20th November 2006; also as Complexits de la mmoire in Commentaire, no. 117, Spring 2007 -Die Offene Gesellschaft und ihre Feinde neu gelesen: Karl Poppers Liberalismus der Furcht und die totalitre Herausforderung, in: Transit: Europische Revue, no. 30 (Winter 2005/2006) -Bekennende Linksliberale, in: Neue Zrcher Zeitung, 17th November 2006 -Liebe, Scham und Disziplin: Eine kurze Geschichte des mitfhlenden Konservatismus, in: Bltter fr deutsche und internationale Politik, August 2006 -Konservative als Fusionsknstler: Zur produktiven Dauerkrise der amerikanischen Rechten, in: Merkur: Deutsche Zeitschrift fr europisches Denken, June 2006 -The End of Denial? Diversity, Solidarity and Constitutional Patriotism in Germany, in: Dissent, Summer 2006 -A szendvedlyes s a szenvedlymentes Eurpa, in: Ketezer [Hungary], May 2006 -Selbstkritik und Selbstbehauptung als Brgertugenden: Eine Verteidigung des Verfassungspatriotismus, in: Neue Zrcher Zeitung, 29th April 2006 -Fin de la constitution, fin du patriotisme constitutionnel? Repenser lEurope pendant la pause, in: Esprit, February 2006 -LAllemagne entre patriotisme constitutionnel et Leitkultur, in: La Vie des Ides, February 2006 -After the Double No: The EUs Best Hope, in: Boston Review, November/December 2005 -Mobilisierende Gewalt: In der Verstndnisfalle -- Terrorismus als dritter Totalitarismus, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 21st September, 2005; reprinted in Commentaire, no. 113 (Spring 2006) -Joschkas Journey, in: Prospect, September 2005; a longer version Lordre mondial selon Joschka Fischer appeared in Commentaire, no. 112 (Winter 2005-2006) 8

-Kurze Geschichte eines Schimpfwortes: Liberalismus diesseits und jenseits des Atlantiks, in: Neue Zrcher Zeitung, 4th June 2005; reprinted in: Gerhard Schwarz and Uwe Justus Wenzel (eds.), Lust und Last des Liberalismus: Philosophische und konomische Perspektiven (Zrich: Verlag Neue Zrcher Zeitung, 2006). -Am liebsten eine Republik ohne Nation, in: Bltter des deutschen Theaters, no. 1 (2005) -Verfassungspatriotismus: Eine europische Verbindlichkeit?, in: Transit: Europische Revue, no. 28 (Winter 2004/2005) -Supranational und ohne Leidenschaften, in: Neue Zrcher Zeitung, 16th October, 2004 -Europa als liberales Projekt, in: Die Welt, 6th August, 2004 -Is Euro-Patriotism Possible?, in: Dissent (Spring 2004); also as Le pouvoir des sentiments: leuro-patriotisme en question, in: La Vie des Ides, April/May 2004 -Freiheit, Furcht und German Angst: Zum Gefhlsleben eines neuen Liberalismus, in: Christina Knllig (ed.), Aufwrts, bitte! Zehn Beitrge gegen Deutschlands freien Fall (Hamburg: Europische Verlagsanstalt, 2004) -Fr Brssel sterben? Europa und der Verfassungspatriotismus, in: Neue Zrcher Zeitung, 5th November, 2003 -Europes intellectuals need to quit playing the identity game, in: European Voice, 10th July, 2003 -The Crisis of the German Right: Markets, Morality and Migration, in Foreign Service Journal, September 2001 -German Intellectuals and Democracy: The End of an Era?, in: Partisan Review, Fall 2001 -Jrgen Habermas: An Intellectual Portrait, in: Prospect (London), March 2001 -Mr Heilbrunns Fictions: On Intellectuals and Democracy in Germany, in: The National Interest, Winter 2001 -After Fascism, Ideological Waste Disposal Now What?, in: Times Higher Education Supplement, August 2000 -(with Michael W. Doyle)Lessons of a Past Reconstruction Effort in the Balkans, in: International Herald Tribune, 1st July 1999. -Interviews on European politics and philosophy by German and Chinese newspapers, German radio, French radio and National Public Radio in the US.

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