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Deus Ex Machina
Early cyberware came into existence as early as 2010, over the course of 3 centuries it has grown to levels of unimaginable complexity. Nanomachines that make up half the bloo cells in your bo y, computers able to on a molecular level interact with your nervous system, custom machine parts that can heal themselves. !he sky is the limit on cybernetics, though much of it is illegal. "ou can even get cheap cyberware on the streets these ays, assuming you can trust a street clinic enough to install it an on#t min what happene to the previous onor. $yberware is throughout all levels of society, ranging from simple tools to elite fashion statements to powerful weapons to bo ily replacement parts. %n this setting, cyberware has a vance to the point that it is not so much an invasive piece of machinery as it is simply a part of the bo y. &s such, you can '()*+E your con score for purposes of cybernetic tolerance. +et me repeat, "ou have '()*+E your con in cyber tolerance. !reat a 10 con as a 20 con normally. -e have met the machines of tomorrow, an they are us.

!his section will be split up into 3 basic categories, 1, .ea ware 2, *o yware 3, Externalware. .ea ware is generally any piece of cybernetics that irectly interfaces with the brain to achieve an effect. !he actual e/uipment oes not necessarily nee to be in the hea of the user, but the noticeable effects are cerebral. !his ten s to inclu e a multitu e of sensors, computer interfaces, neural enhancements, internal computers, etc. *o yware is generally any piece of cybernetics that is not something that must be actively turne on. *one +acing, 0uscle enhancement, artificial organs an limbs, things of this nature. Externalware is generally any piece of cybernetics that outwar ly an obviously marks the character as a cyborg or any piece of e/uipment that oes not irectly effect a bo ily function or imitate one. *alance !ails, built in armor, built in weapons, 1ump hy raulics, are all things that fall into the classification of externalware.

A note on Power:
0icrotechnology is an a vance fiel in the 2300#s. &ll cyberware is powere via internal generators that use chemical energy erive from calories ingeste normally. !hese nanoscopic plants are throughout the bloo stream, an can fee off even the regular built up fat levels in a person. !hey are esigne to specifically mimic the calorie usage in the bo y2 they won#t start in on fat eposits until the bo y oes for instance, unless they are part of a critical system 3say, an artificial heart4 an they are in anger of epowering. !he rule of thumb is basically this, !he percentage of the $yber tolerance score use up by a character is roughly how much extra calorie intake he nee s in a ay. 5o, someone who is 267 cybernetic will nee 1267 the stan ar human calorie intake, or 2600 calories instea of 2000.

Chapter 1: Headware

*alance &ugmenter $hemical &naly8er %mage &naly8er Neural &ugmentation Neural 5pee 1ack Neural 5hiel Neural $ybernetic %nterface Neural %nterface 9ack Neural *alancer 5oun &naly8er Neural %nhibitor 5enseweave Nanocomputer Neural 'efen er Balance Augmenter 0ass, : 5i8e, 1 $ost, :(r inary, 300 :;oo , <000 :&ma8ing, 1<000 Notes, !he *alance &ugmenter is basically a tiny gyroscope, attache via nanowires to the inner ear of the user. !his gyroscope augments the users balance, allowing for a bonus on all &crobatics sub skills. =or an (r inary you o not gain a bonus, but ignore 1 point of positive mo ifier. =or goo you get a flat :1 mo ifier, for ama8ing you get a flat :2 mo ifier. Chemical Analy er 0ass, : 5i8e, 1 >e/uirements, Nanocomputer $ost, :(r inary, 2000 :;oo , 6000 :&ma8ing, 10000 Notes, !he $hemical &naly8er is a small sensor in the tongue or in the en of a finger that interfaces with a Nanocomputer an provi es a chemical analysis of any li/ui it is expose to. &n (r inary $& unit gives its user a skill rating of ? for such checks, a ;oo gives a skill rating of 11, an &ma8ing gives a rating of 1<. !mage Analy er 0ass, : 5i8e, 1 >e/uirements, Nanocomputer, $ybereyes $ost, 2600 Notes, !he %mage &naly8er allows for playback an storage of any imagery seen by the users eyes within the last 10 minutes per 'ataslot put over to its usage. "eural Augmentation 0ass, 1 5i8e, 2 $ost, :(r inary, 20000 :;oo , @0000 :&ma8ing, 120000

Notes, Neural &ugmentation is the controlle release of millions of speciali8e nanobots into the brain of a sub1ect, along with the implantation of a parallel control system. !he nanobots will reinforce the neural connections in the brain, balance out brain chemicals, an forge new neural bon s. !he overall effect is an increase in the userAs intelligence. !he rawbacks are fairly high2 however, as a botche surgery will leave the user severely mentally han icappe , shoul the implantation result in a 20, the users intelligence imme iately rops to 3. &n or inary N& proce ure gives a user B1 to their intelligence score, a goo B2, an an &ma8ing B3. "eural #peed$ac% 0ass, : 5i8e, 1 $ost, :(r inary, 10000 :;oo , 100000 :&ma8ing, 200000 Notes, !he Neural 5pee 1ack is a evice that allows a user to more rationally an calmly collect their thoughts, an increases concentration significantly. &n or inary /uality one lowers the number of re/uire successes on a complex %N! skill check by 1, a goo by 2, an ama8ing by 3. !his can, however, bring about strange neurological behavior, especially with a botche implantation. %f the implantation of a 5pee 1ack is botche the user loses one point of personality permanently as he becomes very abrupt an ten s to talk /uickly without giving others a chance to inter1ect. "eural #hield 0ass, 2 5i8e, 2 $ost, :(r inary, 6000 :;oo , 16000 :&ma8ing, 30000 Notes, !he Neural 5hiel is layer of micromachines aroun the brain itself which pa incoming impacts an other trauma. %t provi es the user with extra stun points. &t (r inary, the user gains 1 extra stun point, at goo 2, at ama8ing 3. "eural Cybernetic !nter&ace 0ass, : 5i8e, 1 >e/uires, Nanocomputer, $ybereyes $ost, 2000 Notes, !he Neural $ybernetic %nterface is a small microchip attache to the nerve bun le at the base of the spine that iagnoses the status of cyberware an will isplay that iagnosis upon comman to the user. !his provi es the user or anyone 1acke into his eyes to gain a /uick i ea what, if anything is wrong with his cyberware. !his gives that person a :1 step to all me ical checks relate to iagnosing the problem an fixing it. "eural !nter&ace 'ac% 0ass, : 5i8e, 1 >e/uires, $ybereyes $ost, :(r inary, 200 :;oo , C00 :&ma8ing, 1D00 Notes, !he Neural %nterface 9ack, or Ni9ack, is simply a universal computer port imbe e in the base of the skull that allows a user to interface with vehicles, computers, or any variety of evices

on a irect level. !he full rules on the Ni9ack are within the E.*, it is liste here for its ifferent cost an its new re/uirement. "eural Balancer 0ass, : 5i8e, 1 $ost, :(r inary, 6000 :;oo , 10000 :&ma8ing, 26000 Notes, !he Neural *alancer prevents severe emotions, keeping them in check by releasing specific chemicals at times of stress, fear, or other such extreme emotions. (riginally evelope for sol iers to help them better eal with the horrors of the mo ern battlefiel , it can be useful for that but unless you get an &ma8ing mo el itAs got a lot of rawbacks as well. *asically, a neural balancer provi es a bonus to mental resolve an a penalty to interaction. &t or inary this is :1 an B1, at goo :2 an B2. &t ama8ing :3 an B3 respectively. &ma8ing /uality mo els can be interface with a Nanocomputer an turne off by the user, while lower en mo els cannot. (bviously, when eactivate , it provi es no bonus. !his was the precursor to the Neural %nhibitor, an is still use in some prisons to ay to keep violent offen ers relatively se ate . #ound Analy er 0ass, : 5i8e, 1 >e/uirements, Nanocomputer, $ybereyes $ost, 2600 Notes, !he 5oun &naly8er is i entical to the %mage &naly8er, except it interfaces with the ears. "eural !nhibitor 0ass, 1 5i8e, 2 $ost, 16000 Notes, !he Neural %nhibitor is a evice that basically prevents the brain for going into certain areas of thought. %t prevents extreme aggression, extreme emotion, an things like this. 0ore importantly, however, it was iscovere that it prevents the use of psionics. %t is common for !erran ;hosts to be implante with a neural %nhibitor which is eactivate as they enter a Fmission 8oneF. !hese can be taken by min walkers as a @ point rawback, but only if someone else has access to the onGoff switch.

#ensewea(e 0ass, < 5i8e, < >e/uirements, Nanocomputer $ost, 60000 per sense Notes, 5enseweave is a nanotreatment that allows the user, be concentrating, to run a ifferent sense through another part of his bo y, with less acuity by making a mental resolve check. 5o, for instance, you can make a 0ental >esolve check to see through the tips of your fingers for a moment like a microcam for a roun to look aroun corners an such. "anocomputer 5tats, &s per E.* $ost, 600 per point of active memory, 20 per point of 5tore 0emory, B1000 for an (r inary Erocessor, B2000 for a ;oo Erocessor, B6000 for an &ma8ing Erocessor. >e/uirements, $yberyes *asic )nit, 1200 cre s 31 point of active memory, marginal processor, 10 points of 5tore

0emory4 Notes, !he Nanocomputer is perhaps the most common piece of cyberware out there. %t is re: liste here because you o not pay for it by /uality like in the E.*, you pay for it by active memory an store memory, akin to a regular computer. "ou can run programs an other things on it 1ust like a regular computer, only with thought alone. & nanocomputer re/uires cybereyes, it simply cannot work without at least basic cybereyes to allow it to isplay to its user what its oing. !he basic nanocomputer can run 3 pieces of cyberware per point of active memory. "eural De&ender 0ass, 1 5i8e, 1 >e/uirements, Nanocomputer $ost, :(r inary, C600 :;oo , 16000 :&ma8ing, <6000 Notes, !he neural efen er is a computer system with a low power &% built in specifically esigne as a hunterG efen er. !his unit is esigne to help efen an internal nanocomputer from hacking attempts an other igital assaults. &n or inary one grants a B2 step negative to such attempts, a goo one B<, an an ama8ing one B@

Chapter ): Bodyware
'igital >eflexes &rtificial 0uscle fiber *o yplating 'efen er 5kin $ybernetic +imb, 5imple $ybernetic +imb, & vance $ybernetic +imb, >ealistic $ybernetic (rgan *one Elating Digital *e&lexes 0ass, 1 5i8e, 6 >e/uirements, Nanocomputer $ost, :(r inary, 20000 :;oo , @0000 :&ma8ing, 120000 Notes, 'igital >eflexes are basically a set of microfilaments that run throughout the muscles of the user an allow for greatly increase reaction time between the brain an the bo y. !his allows for greatly increase exterity an reaction spee s. !he user gains a B1 to his exterity score for an (r inary one, a B2 for a ;oo one, an a B3 for an ama8ing one. 5imilarly to 0ental Enhancement, the surgery for implanting this is invasive an potentially evastating if it goes wrong. %f the surgery is botche 3%E a 20 is rolle 4 you actually lose half your exterity score as your muscle control is severely amage . Arti&icial Muscle&iber 0ass, 1 5i8e, D >e/uirements, Nanocomputer $ost, :(r inary, 20000 :;oo , @0000 :&ma8ing, 120000 Notes, &rtificial 0usclefiber is /uite simply a type of wire material that reacts to varying amounts of micro current being run through it by changing si8e. %t can be much stronger then natural human muscles, an can be calibrate to assist the muscles in a bo y or to completely replace them. %n any case, an (r inary one gives you B1 to strength, a ;oo one gives you B2, an an ama8ing one gives you B3 to strength.

Body Plating 0ass, 6 5i8e, 3 $ost, D000 Notes, *o y Elating is simply small thin plates of .exatitanium implante un er the skin to protect important organs. !ypically there is a plate in front of the heart, liver, lungs, an ki neys. !his provi es the user limite armor protection2 the user gains 1 2+iG1 2.iG1En protection which stacks with other armor, however this only apply to amage that woul be mortal. De&ender #%in 0ass, 2 5i8e, @ $ost, :(r inary, 10000 :;oo , 26000 :&ma8ing, D6000 Notes, 'efen er skin is a nanomachine treatment for the skin of a user. !he skin is toughene an ma e more urable an better able to resist impact an abrasion. !his oes two things2 it gives the user a greater ability to resist pain an secon ly it gives the user ecent protection against +ow %mpact amage. (r inary efen er skin gives a bonus 1 2 armor to +i amage, goo gives a 1 3 an a :1 to >esist Eain checks, an ama8ing 1 < vs. +i an :2 to resist pain checks. Cybernetic +imb: #imple 0ass, D 5i8e, < >e/uires, Nanocomputer $ost, 1600 Notes, & simple cyberlimb is 1ust that2 a very basic cybernetic limb, either arm or leg. %t contains the bare minimum e/uipment to function. %t provi es no bonuses an cannot be fitte with other evices. %t oes not even really look human, it ten s to look more like a metallic skeletal arm or 1ust a thing metal tube with an elbow 1oint lea ing to a han . 5ome have clearly fake plastic sheathes that vaguely resemble skin, but most onAt. !his is the most basic cybernetic replacement, an is very common. !ypically only taken by working class people who lose a limb in some kin of acci ent. !his evice gives the user a B1 penalty to 5tealth checks as its servos /uietly click an whir away while it is working. Cybernetic +imb: Ad(anced 0ass, 10 5i8e, < >e/uires, Nanocomputer $ost, :(r inary, 10000 :;oo , 20000 :&ma8ing, <0000 Notes, !he & vance $yberlimb is a mechanically a vance cyberlimb, either arm or leg, that allows its user a variety of options. !he a vance cyberlimb has firmpoints that can be e/uippe with a variety of things, like a scanner, a computer, even a small gun of some kin . =urther, they provi e fatigue bonuses if all < limbs are replace . %t still oes not look like a real arm or leg, however. & itionally, the a vance cyberlimb can have other cyberware installe within it. &n (r inary one allows for up to a 5i8e 2 piece of cyberware, an has 1 firmpoint. & goo up to a si8e 3 an has 1 firmpoint, an ama8ing up to a si8e < an has 2 firmpoints. Cybernetic +imb: *ealistic 0ass, D

5i8e, < $ost, 6600 Notes, !he >ealistic $ybernetic +imb is an a vance cybernetic limb that looks an feels like a real arm or leg. %t provi es no bonuses except the use of the limb shoul it be lost to acci ent or trauma. &nyone who loses a limb an has access to significant amounts of money will receive one of these. "otes on Cyberlimbs in ,eneral $ybernetic limbs cannot grant improve strength by themselves2 while the limb itself may be able to life 600 poun s when attache to a fixture, when attache to a human bo y it cannot lift more overall then the human bo y woul be capable of lifting, as if it i it woul almost certainly islocate itself from wherever it was attache . &s such, cybernetic limbs o not provi e a strength bonus by themselves. %f the bo y has muscular enhancement a cyberlimb cab be esigne to be as strong as the rest of the bo y, but overall it cannot actually be stronger on lifting capacity or punching strength. %t can have a 0)$. har er grip then a regular han , but its overall power will not be higher then the general bo y itAs on. Cybernetic -rgan 0ass, 2 5i8e, 2 $ost, Haries 31600:26000 generally4 Notes, $ybernetic organs are simply mechanical replacements for a personAs natural organ. !hey vary in cost by complexity an organ type. !hey provi e no a itional bonuses, but are liste here for cost an si8e rules in case a player takes mortal amage an re/uires replacement surgery. Bone Plating 0ass, 10 5i8e, 3 $ost, :(r inary, 10000 :;oo , 26000 :&ma8ing, 60000 Notes, *one plating is basically a nanomachine ma e metallic sheath that goes over the userAs bones. !his provi es a bonus to en urance checks to avoi breaking bones an increases punching amage. &n or inary gives a B1 to punching amage an a :1 to en urance checks to avoi broken bones. ;oo increases those bonuses to B2 an :2, an ama8ing B3 an :3.

Chapter .: Externalware
*alance !ail $ybergun $yberbla e, >apier $yberbla e, 5tiletto $yberbla e, 5pur 5martlink )nit %mpact 9acks !hermoptic $amoflage ;rabber 5purs %mpact >einforcement %nternal Eocket Ni9ack >emote $ybereyes, *asic

$ybereyes, & vance $ybereyes, +owlight Hacuum >einforcement &ssault Ni9ack $yberbomb (xygen $ontroller 5hock Elates

Balance /ail 0ass, 3 5i8e, 2 $ost, 2000 Notes, & *alance !ail is a 2 foot long tail, available in a variety of styles that is e/uippe with a gyroscope among other things that works to keep a person well balance an able to move about /uickly an without having to think to maintain balance. !he *alance !ail provi es its user with a :1 step bonus to &crobatics checks an a :1 step bonus to o ge checks. Cybergun 0ass, 3 5i8e, 2 >e/uirements, Nanocomputer $ost, :5hotgun, 2600 :Eistol, 1200 :50;, 6000 Notes, !he $ybergun is an implante firearm built into the forearm of the user. "ou can get a 5ub 0achine ;un, a 5hotgun, or & pistol. !he weapons have the stats of a ?mm Eistol, a ?mm )8i, an a 1< gauge shotgun from the 'ark 0atter &rms an E/uipment ;ui e. !hey are loa e by a skin covere port in the arm an when fire shell casings are e1ecte similarly. Eopular ue to conceal ability, they have the rawback that they are rather ifficult to clean, re/uiring a cybernetic surgery check to clean an service in the event of a 1am or similar problem. !he *arrel of the gun typically is burie in the wrist or palm of the han , with the firing mechanism computer controlle through a Nanocomputer. Cyberblade: *apier 0ass, < 5i8e, 3 $ost, <000 Notes, !he >apier style cyberbla e is an arm mounte bla e that fol s out an clicks into place. !he rapier style one sli es out of the forearm an locks into place on a slot in the palm of the han . !his bla e follows the stats of a E+3 >apier, though the bla e can be upgra e as per stan ar cost to a Hibroweapon or any other mo ern Ia vance melee weaponA type. Cyberblade: #tiletto 0ass, 1 5i8e, 1 $ost, 2000 Notes, Exactly the same as a cyber:rapier, except the bla e is a stiletto type knife2 about C inches long an nee le sharp. Hery popular with thugs an muggers. Cyberblade: #pur 0ass, 1 5i8e, 1 $ost, @000

Notes, $yberspurs are small bla es that come out of strategic locations, like elbows, wrists, an knees. !hey upgra e han to han amage2 any melee amage that woul be consi ere stun 3like a punch4 is upgra e to woun amage when using cyberspurs. !hey are retractable, so they onAt always have to be in place, in case you want to knock out somebo y instea of kill them. #martlin% 0nit 0ass, : 5i8e, 1 >e/uirements, Ni9ack, Nanocomputer, $ybereyes $ost, 1000 more then smartlink system it can support, D000 more if ama8ing Notes, !he internal 5martlink is basically the same as the stan ar smartlink, except it is cybernetically implante in the bo y, which allows for greater interaction with the senses of the user. -ith this the user more or less becomes Jone with the gunK, allowing for a great leap in shooting ability. &n &ma8ing 5martlink can only be use in this way. !mpact 'ac%s 0ass, @ 5i8e, 3 >e/uirements, 2 $yberlimbs $ost, 2000 Notes, %mpact 9acks are basically powerful hy raulic 1acks built into a cyberleg or cyberarm, which are esigne to release a powerful 1olt of concussive force when use . !his allows for either a very high 1ump shoul they be installe in cyberlegs, or a much more powerful punch shoul they be installe in cyberarms. %n cyberlegs they will effectively triple the users 1umping capability, though it shoul be note not their ability to not take amage on falls. %n arms they will upgra e the first han to han attack in any given roun to +iG;. (nly one attack per roun can be upgra e in this manner as it takes a few moments for the 1acks to reset. /hermoptic Camo&lage 0ass, 2 5i8e, < >e/uirements, &ma8ing Nanocomputer $ost, :(r inary, 60000 :;oo , 100000 :&ma8ing, 200000 Notes, !his functions exactly the same as a set of stan ar thermoptic camouflage, except that it is weave into the skin of the user instea of being a physical cloak or armor setting of some kin . !his is EL!>E0E+" illegal in almost all places, an is reserve for black ops operatives generally. 5till, if you are well connecte you can probably track some own. !he a vantage to having this installe cybernetically is that it canAt be remove from you, an you cannot tell you have it on simple inspection 3or even etaile scans4 until itAs activate , then itAs too late. !his makes is 0)$. better for infiltration then stan ar !hermoptics. ,rabber #purs 0ass, 1 5i8e, 1 $ost, 1600 Notes, ;rabber 5purs are basically cybernetically implante spikes that are in the han s an feet, allowing a bonus to climb checks. !hey also a 1 point to any melee attacks when use . !his evice provi es a :1 step bonus to climb checks. !mpact *esistance 0ass, 2

5i8e, 2 >e/uirement, *one Elating $ost, 600 per 10 feet up to 60, 2000 per 10 feet up to 100, 6000 per 10 feet up to 300 Notes, %mpact >esistance is a process by which nanomachines an other small evices are installe within a bo y to reinforce 1oints an organs an bones to prevent amage to the bo y from impact. !his translates to the ability to simply ignore amage from falls as long as you make an acrobatics check to lan on your feet. !he system can protect you up to 300 feet worth of fall. *eyon that height, start counting amage up as if falling 310 feet 3assuming you are fully upgra e M was falling 10 feet, or any part thereof. =or instance, if you are protecte up to 60 feet treat a @0 foot fall as if it was a 10 foot one. *ut (N+" if the user makes an acrobatics check to lan on their feet. !nternal Poc%et 0ass, 1 5i8e, 3 $ost, 1000 Notes, !he internal pocket can take many forms, but the basic function is the same. %t is basically a stealthily implante carrying case ma e by opening up the free space between the organs of the bo y. %t can carry up to 6 poun s worth of gear. "i'ac% *emote 0ass, 1 5i8e, 1 $ost, 200 Notes, !his is simply a small cable spool an 1ack that allows the user to pull out a plug for a Ni9ack an irectly attach it to a piece of electronics. !his allows for a irect interface, an is generally 1ust useful. !he cable is 3 feet in length. Cybereyes: Basic 0ass, : 5i8e, 1 $ost, 600 Notes, *asic $ybereyes consist of a pair of mechanical eyes. *asic $ybereyes are the simple kin that provi es no benefits beyon a set of regular human eyes. !hey are liste here for replacement costs an such in case of eye amage to a E$. Cybereyes: Ad(anced 0ass, : 5i8e, 1 $ost, 2600 Notes, & vance cybereyes contain a isplay link that works like a .)' except that anything run through it must be either cybernetically implante or run through a Ni9ack interface. & itionally, it provi es 8oom capabilities an other kin of things. Cybereyes: +owlight 0ass, : 5i8e, 1 $ost, 3200 Notes2 & set of a vance set of cybereyes e/uippe with a lowlight capabilities. !hey give you all the bonuses of an a vance cybereyes, plus they give you a 6x 8oom an the ability to see in the ark similar to lowlight goggles. 1acuum *ein&orcement 0ass, 2 5i8e, 3

$ost, <6000 Notes, Hacuum >einforcement consists of a nanomachine treatment to the skin, along with a reinforcement of the lungs an bloo vessels. !his allows a human being to survive brief exposure to har vacuum. !he Nanomachines form a material layer that instantly toughens in the skin to provi e ecompression protection an ra iation protection, while the lungs an the bloo vessels are reinforce to prevent ecompression. -ith this system a user can treat irect space exposure the same way they woul treat being un erwater. ;iving them at least a few minutes time to get insi e. %t can be combine with an oxygen tank or an internal oxygen supply. 5till, any more then 6 or 10 minutes an you start running the risk of ra iation poisoning an other unpleasant si e effects. Assault "i'ac% 0ass, 1 5i8e, 1 $ost, C600 Notes, &n assault Ni9ack is specifically esigne for hacking a computer irectly or another personAs cyberware2 it provi es a :1 step bonus to such attempts. Cyberbomb 0ass, 1 5i8e, 2 $ost, 2600 Notes, & $yberbomb is basically a grena e that is installe within the bo y an set with either a remote etonator, or a run through a Nanocomputer to etect certain etonation re/uirements. !his can be such things as JL !imeK or J-hen the heart stops for more then 3 minutesK or really any other parameter you coul set through a computer. %t explo es as per the power of a =ragmentation ;rena e, instantly killing whomever it is installe in. -xygen Controller 0ass, 3 5i8e, 2 >e/uirements, Nanocomputer $ost, 260 Notes, &n (xygen $ontroller is basically a small evice set near the heart which has an external slot which allows you to sli e Ioxygen barsA which are small bars ma e of a carbon material fille with oxygen. !his can be turne on or off at will by the user, an contains 1 hours worth of oxygen. !he system basically suppresses the breathing autonamous impulse in the lungs an supplies the bloo stream irectly. !his can take some getting use to, but it can be a real life saver for space workers an anyone who is exploring an environment without breathable air. #hoc% Plates 0ass, 2 5i8e, 2 $ost, 1000 Notes, 5hock Elates are basically sub ermal capacitors esigne to release an electrical ischarge on impact. %n effect, turning the userAs knees, elbows, an knuckles into ta8ers. & 1 <s EnG( to any han to han attacks. $an only be use on 2 attacks per roun . Bioware *ioware is the catchall term for any genetically grown organ or glan specifically esigne an tailore for use in humans, in or er to provi e an enhancement of some kin . !he term also applies to genetic treatments an genetic bo y mo ifications. !his is a less a vance technology then $yberware, but it is still a growing fiel . !he 5ecrets of the .uman ;enome are still being explore , an new breakthroughs are being evelope almost aily in corp labs throughout the ;$=. Even the )E' is getting in on the action to a certain extent, immuni8ing its sol iers an

increasing a renal gla capacity among other things. >are are the genetic monstrosities, the horren ous mutants create by genetic labs gone horribly wrong, but exist they o. !he intro uction of the 8erg has increase this fiel of research (ne .un re =ol , as even the most basic 8erg xenoforms are for all intents an purposes genetically perfect. !he holy grail of scientific evelopment in this fiel is the 8erg JL geneK, the genetic capability to change a creature actively on a cellular level in such a way that it oes not take effect within the next generation, but that it takes effect >%;.! N(-. !he chemical that oes this is known, an can be use to a limite egree, how it oes this is not yet known at all, an everyone is working on being able to synthesi8e this.

Bioware *ules
*ioware works basically like mutations, except they o not have rawbacks. & piece of bioware re/uires space similarly to cyberware2 a bo y can only take so much mo ification. )nlike $yberware in this setting, however, you only receive your $on in J*ioware EointsK. *ioware is in some cases not compatible with cyberware. !his is han le with a sort of common sense rule2 you canAt have hyperenhance muscles an cybernetic muscles for instance, an an organ that is replace cybernetically cannot be enhance with bioware.

A "ote on Mutations
*asically, there will be a list of the beneficial mutations liste here, that will inclu e cost an re/uire IspaceA. !hese mutations can be bought with money, 1ust like a piece of e/uipment. (nly mutations liste here are available2 if its not liste here you canAt buy it.

Bioware +ist
0etabolism !urbo 5upercharge &ntiHiral 5mart Elatelets Narco ;lan *iopsi Neuron !herapy & renalmax *onex !reatment *iosplicing !ailore Eheromones Metabolism /urbo 5i8e, 1 $ost, 3000 Notes, 0etabolism !urbo allows a user to burn fatigue points to gain a bonus to spee . =or every point of fatigue IspentA, the user gains a bonus of 10 to all movement rates. #upercharged Anti(iral 5i8e, 1 $ost, <600 Notes, 5upercharge &ntiviral allows a :1 step bonus to Ehysical >esolve checks to avoi the effects of a virus or other isease. #mart Platelets 5i8e, 2 $ost, 1D000 Notes, 5mart Elatelets consist of genetically programme bloo cells esigne to rapi ly close woun s an prevent blee ing. 5ubtract 1 point from any Iwoun A taken, to a minimum of 1. "arco ,land 5i8e, 2

$ost, 10000 Notes, & Narco ;lan is an implante glan that pro uces a simple painkiller. -henever you go over a certain pain threshol it starts working an irectly pumping small amounts of painkiller into your bloo stream. !his provi es you with a :1 step bonus to >esist Eain checks. Bio2psi "euron /herapy 5i8e, 2 $ost ,66000 Notes, *io:psi neuron therapy was originally suppose to be a metho by which you coul make a non:psionically active human a !alent. %t i not work at all, but it was not a total failure. !his treatment makes a person psionically aware, as per the Eerk. =ollows all rules of the Eerk. Adrenalmax 5i8e, 3 $ost, 10000 Notes, & renalmax is a treatment for the a renal glan s in a user so they pro uce stronger natural steroi s, an pro uce it more rea ily. -hen a user takes half of any of their amage tracts except fatigue you gain 1 point of strength an ignore further stun amage until you take 6 points over your IunconsciousA track2 these extra stun points o not transfer to woun s. Bonex /reatment 5i8e, 1 $ost, 2600 Notes, *onex !reatment strengthens the bones of the user significantly. %t toughens the bones an spee s up their natural healing process. !he total effect of this is that the bones heal 0)$. faster2 ivi e the time re/uire to heal broken bones in half. /ailored Pheromones 5i8e, 1 $ost, 16000 Notes, !ailore Eheromones consist of genetically enhance pheromone glan s, which release o orless chemicals which naturally effect others reactions. "ou get a :1 bonus to all %nteraction checks. Biosplicing 5i8e, .alf of the total maximum points the user has. $ost, 6000:300000 Notes, *iosplicing is the latest in cosmetic surgery. %tAs the result of extensive bioweapons evelopment by the now outlaw corporation *altic Eharmaceuticals. !he process was sol to various black market clinics an its sprea aroun . %tAs illegal in the )E' an itAs illegal to have the surgery in the ;$=, though they will not arrest someone who has ha it one. *asically, the user is suspen e within a flui tank for 2 weeks while programme chemicals an nanomachines are pumpe throughout their bo y. !his bo ily mo ification allows for animal traits to be place onto a human2 serpentine tongues, cat eyes, wolfen ears, whatever. )sually this is purely cosmetic, %t can apply various stat boosts to the user or a variety of other attacks like natural claw attacks, night vision, an all kin s of strange things. !his is generally up to the '0 an the player to work out, but shoul be kept reasonable an the abilities shoul not outstrip other bioware or cyberware unless the cost oes as well.

PHB Bene&icial Mutations

Adaptation: En(ironment 5i8e, 2 per type

$ost, 3600 per type Adaptation: ,ra(ity 5i8e, 1 per type $ost, 2600 per type Biorhythm Control 5i8e, 1 $ost, 6600 !mpro(ed Constitution 5i8e, < $ost, 16000 !mpro(ed Dexterity 5i8e, 3 $ost, 1D000 N$an be stacke with igital reflexes !mpro(ed Durability 5i8e, 2 $ost, 6000 !mpro(ed !mmunity 5i8e, 1 $ost, 2000 !mpro(ed *e&lexes 5i8e, 2 $ost, 10000 /oxin /olerance 5i8e, 1 $ost, @600 Enhanced Healing 5i8e, 3 $ost, 26000 Enhanced #enses 5i8e, 2 $ost, 10000 *adiation /olerance 5i8e, 2 $ost, 6000 Psionic *esistance 5i8e, 2 $ost, 600000 Note, 0ilitary spec only. (nly available through very ifficult to follow channels. Enhanced Constitution

5i8e, < $ost, 30000 Enhanced Dexterity 5i8e, 3 $ost, 32000 Hyper Constitution 5i8e, < $ost, @0000 Enhanced Dexterity 5i8e 3 $ost, @<000

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