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ADJUSTMENT Methods used for keeping and restoring harmony between the individual and his environment.

Adjustment mechanisms we can group in to two categories. Direct methods which are employed by the individual intentionally at the conscious level. Indirect methods- those methods by which a person tries to seek temporary adjustment to protect himself for the time being. This indirect method of achieving adjustment is known as Defense mechanism. Purely psychic or mental devices. Ways of perceiving things, situations as he wants.

Escape Get free from someone or succeed in avoiding something bad. Possible through regression or day dreaming Regression Going backward or returning to the past. Individual tends to regress to his early childhood or infantile responses in order to save himself from mental tensions. E g: an adult may cry like a child and indulge in temper tantrums. Day- dreaming (Fantasy) Form of escapism where the individual goes away from the real world and enters into a dream world in which he gets everything which he could not get in the real world. Fantasy is common among adolescents. Eg.child dream about getting I rank and people congratulating him. Denial Refusal to acknowledge an unacceptable truth or emotion. Operates through; Rationalization Projection Repression Rationalization: Mechanism by which the individual justifies his beliefs and action which is otherwise unjustified, by giving socially acceptable reasons for it.

Two types of rationalization are known Sour-grape type and sweet lemon type. Sour grape type When the individual is unable to reach his goal due to his personal deficiency, he starts blaming the other factors in order to give suitable reasons for his failure. Eg; A child who has failed in the exam blames the question paper or the teacher. Sweet-lemon type A bitter thing is accepted as good. Eg; A person who lost his purse with Rs. 5 feels happy that he had not lost it when it contained 50 rupees. Projection: Through projection one tries to see or attribute ones own inferior impulses and traits in other persons or objects. Blaming others. Eg.A man who is a liar will think that all others are liars. A student who fails in the exam will charge upon the teacher that she has not taught well. Repression: Is a mechanism in which painful experiences, conflicts and unfulfilled desires are pushed down into our unconscious. Unconsciously tries to forget the things that might make him anxious or uncomfortable. One tries to get temporary relief from the situation. Substitution: A person or a thing acting or using in the place of another. Sublimation Displacement Compensation Sublimation It is a highly developed positive mechanism. Through this mechanism the unacceptable and intolerable impulses or urges are redirected into socially acceptable channels. Device by which an individuals anti-social elements are made socially acceptable. Repression of urges leads to abnormal behavior. Sublimation redirects such urges in to new pathways of creative efforts. Eg; an adolescent boy acting as a hero in a play gets satisfied with his role, which he cannot experience in actual life. Repression of urges leads to abnormal behavior . Sublimation redirects such urges in to new pathways of creative efforts. Eg; An adolescent boy acting as a hero in a play gets satisfied with his role ,which he cannot experience in actual life. Repression of urges leads to abnormal behavior . Sublimation redirects such urges in to new pathways of creative efforts. Eg; An adolescent boy acting as a hero in a play gets satisfied with his role ,which he cannot experience in actual life.

Displacement In displacement a person shows his hostility towards some person or object instead of showing it directly to the real object or person . Eg ;A housewife who cannot show her anger to her husband shows her anger on household utensils and break them. Compensation In compensation the failure or deficiency in one area is compensated by excelling himself in some other area and getting recognition in that area. Eg A student who is poor in academic achievements turns to sports and games and shines well.

CONFLICT Douglas and Holland. Conflict means a painful emotional state which results from a tension between opposed and contradictory wishes. L.f. Shaffer Conflicts may be defined as a state of affairs in which two or more incompatible behavior tends are evoked that cannot be satisfied fully at the same time. Conflicts are a painful state or condition of an individual. He feels intense emotional tension during this state. The tension is the result of the presence of two or more desires or wishes in the individual. These wishes are contradictory in nature and cannot be satisfied fully at the same time. He is not able to choose between the two opposing desires become tense and restless. Thus becoming a victim of the two opposing desires ,he suffers from an inner conflict to do or not to do one or the other satisfying one Types of conflicts Approach approach conflicts Approach-avoidance conflicts Avoidance -avoidance conflicts Approach approach conflicts An individual is facing problem of making a choice between two or more positive goals which are equally motivating and important. This conflicts are of little danger And temporary in character. When a step is taken towards the realization of one goal the attraction towards the other fades. Approach-avoidance One is faced with a problem of choice between approaching and avoiding tendencies at the same time. An individual may be motivated towards a kind of behavioral activity which may be wrong, evil or degrading but at the same time the attraction of behavior is so strong that he becomes restless without doing it. This type of conflicts are distinctly serious; may bring about the most severe emotional tension &give rise to so many complexes and anxieties Avoidance -avoidance conflicts Individual is caught in such a situation where he must choose between two or more possible negative courses of action.

Like caught between the devil and the deep sea. Both choices are equally unattractive and hence the natural tendency is to escape from them or to do nothing. We can conclude conflicts as The creation of the dissatisfaction felt by an individual due to the non-fulfillment of the two contradictory desires. INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATIONAL PLAN (IEP) An individualized educational plan means one that is designed to meet the unique educational needs of one child. The IEP must be tailored to the individual student's needs as identified by the evaluation process and must help teachers and related service providers understand the student's disability and how the disability affects the learning process. IEP should describe how the student learns, how the student best demonstrates that learning and what teachers and service providers will do to help the student learn more effectively. Services for each student must be individually considered and recommended and should not depend on known or existing services. Each IEP must be designed to meet the specific needs of one student and must be a truly individualized document. Components An IEP must be written according to the needs of one student, and it must include the following: The child's present levels of academic and functional performance Measurable annual goals, including academic and functional goals. How the child's progress toward meeting the annual goals are to be measured and reported to the parents Special education services, related services, and supplementary aids to be provided to the child Schedule of services to be provided, including when the services are to begin, the frequency, duration and location for the provision of services Program modifications or supports provided to school personnel on behalf of the child Explanation of any time the child will not participate along with no disabled children Accommodations to be provided during state and district assessments that are necessary to the measuring child's academic and functional performance Additionally, when the student is 16 years old, a statement of post-secondary goals and a plan for providing what the student needs to make a successful transition is required.


Is a state in which the individual is not in harmony with the environment. When the interaction of the individual with his environment is happy the individual is adjusted . When the interaction is not in harmony with the environment ,he shows characteristics of maladjustment. How to minimize Maladjustment Balanced growth and development Childs physical mental as well as his social, emotional and aesthetic development should be properly attended. Satisfaction of the basic needs. Awareness of strength and weakness The child should be accepted with all his limitations and shortcomings. Setting a proper level of aspiration

Developing tension tolerance. Harmony with the demands of the society and culture Providing healthy environment. Schools have a function beyond the inculcation of knowledge and skills. Schools have to educate them in such a way that they may develop capacity to live with themselves and with other people as mature and responsible citizens. Making school environment wholesome. Schools have to educate them in such a way that they may develop capacity to live with themselves and with other people as mature and responsible citizens. Making school environment wholesome. The teacher should maintain a warm climate of human relationships with children. The children should feel warm, secure, relaxed and happy. Understanding maladjustment problems. Creating friendly tone. Teacher should know a great deal more about his children than about his subject matter. The open-question techniques, art- expression, discussion techniques, goniometric devices are some of the ways, teacher can understand the maladjustment of the pupils. Teacher should be a parent figure, and a source of emotional support. Their needs of recognition and belongingness should be satisfied. Provision of guidance and counseling.

MENTAL HEALTH Mental health is the ability to make wholesome personal and social adjustment. It is the developing capacity of the individual to form harmonious relations with others and contribute constructively to changes in his social and physical environment. Hadfield Mental health is the full and harmonious functioning of the whole personality. Cutts and moseley Mental health as the ability to adjust satisfactorily to the various strains of the environment we meet in life and mental hygeine is the means we take to assure this adjustment. Mental health of the learner Is very important for efficient learning and proper personality development. A student with a healthy personality normally stands for a better chance of engaging in creative and productive activities. Approaches learning and problem solving tasks more constructively School accomplishments will be will be more satisfying. Mental health andeducation are closely related. Learning is dependent on sound mental health. Mentally healthy children have a desire to acquire more and more information and skills that will give them better control over their environment. Characteristics A mentally healthy idividual possesses: Socially adaptable behaviour. Emotionally satisfied His desires are in harmony with socially approved norms. Possesses good habits and constructive attitudes. Capable of making decisions and assuming responsibilities in accordance with his capacities.

Self confident and free from internal conflicts and tensions. Able to adapt successfully to the changing needs. Role of the teacher Some provision for regular physical training and medical care . Should be helped in acquiring balanced emotional development and to exercise control over their emotions. Find out rejected and maladjusted children help them in their adjustment with classmates. Develop pupils self respect and self esteem by compliments for work. Help the children to set a proper level of aspiration. Help to develop proper patience and power of tolerance to face failures and frustrations in life. Encourage self-discipline. Provide sex education.

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