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Marketing to Millennials

The How, The What and the Wherefore

Did you know?

In the month of November, Millennials spent

96 hours

(or 4 full days) online.

Average Monthly Time Spent in Hours per User by Media Platform

96.0 87.0

65.9 49.1 43.6


58.9 42.9 35.2

Age 18-34 Total Digital

Age 35-54 Desktop

Age 55+ Mobile

Nearly one out of every five millennials are mobile-only users. Compared to 5% of 35-54 year olds and 3% of 55+

Age 18-34




Age 35-54




Age 55+

42% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

55% 70% 80%

3% 90% 100%

Desktop Only

Desktop + Mobile

Mobile Only

Smartphone Use

U.S. Smartphone Use by Age Demographic

Age 18-34 81%

Age 35-54


Age 55+


More than 4 out of every 5 Millennials have a smartphone, compared to only 2 out of 5 people 55+

Social Network Usage

U.S. Use of 7 Leading Social Networks

100% 80% 60% 46% 40% 20% 0%
39% 30% 27% 27% 17% 27% 32% 19% 33% 26% 91% 85%


Age 18-34
Facebook Instagram Twitter Tumblr

Age 35-54
Pinterest LinkedIn Snapchat

U.S. Total Billions of Minutes: Facebook vs All Other Leading Social Networks in November, 2013

67.8 20.7 59.1

21.5 7.5 2.1

Facebook 18-34 35-54

All Others 55+

Percent Share of Total Minutes Spent on Social (U.S.)

Age 18-34 Age 35-54 Age 55+ 0% 10% 20% Instagram 76 89 91 30% 40% Twitter 50% 60% Tumblr 70% 80% 10 6 3 2 90% 4 3 100%




Despite Millennials spending a lower percentage of their time on Facebook than the other age groups, its important to note that this is still more time overall. 76% of a Millennials time spent on Facebook is, in fact, substantially more than 91% of a 55+ individuals.

TV Viewing Behavior

Millennials TV Use as Compared to the General Adult Population

Used On-Demand at least 10 times in last 30 days 119

Prefers watching TV shows on Internet


Skips ads when watching recorded TV shows


Always watches TV shows online


National Average

Millennials are harder than any other age demographic to reach with TV advertising, as they watch more TV online than any other demographic, skip more ads when watching recorded TV, and have more subscriptions to TiVO, Netflix, etc than any other age group. 10%

Does NOT skip ads when watching recorded TV Shows


Do skip ads when watching recorded TV Shows

My question
Who are these 10% of people who DONT skip the commercials when watching recorded tV?

I mean Right?

U.S. Monthly Online Videos per Viewer

355.9 259.4 178.4

Age 18-34

Age 35-54

Age 55+

special thanks to:

The Whitepaper Marketing to Millennials: 5 Things Every Marketer Should Know

Get the Facebook Ads Ebook its FREE!

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