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MITOSIS Observation Interphase G1 Synthesis G2 Division Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis MEIOSIS chromosomes shorten and thicken,

nucleolus diminishes chromosome align at equatorial plane sister chromatids separate and doubled chromosomes move toward opposite poles chromosome regroup into two nuclear regions cell plate formation or cleavage furrow formation 2n = a 2n = a 2n = a 2n = a 4c 4c 4c per cell, 2c per pole 2c nucleus and cytoplasm are enlarging toward mature size DNA replication or synthesis, chromatin fiber is doubled synthesis of RNA and proteins, doubled chromatin is folded 2c 4c 4c Chromosome number 2n = a DNA Content 2c

Observation MEIOSIS I (REDUCTIONAL DIVISION) Prophase I Leptotene Zygotene Pachytene Diplotene Diakinesis Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I Interkinesis MEIOSIS II (EQUATIONAL DIVISION) Division Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis

Chromosome number 2n = a 2n = a

chromatin appears as long thin threads synapsis or pairing of homologous chromosomes thickening of chromosomes , chromatid breaks and repairs, crossing over longitudinal separation of bivalents bivalents are evenly distributed in the nucleus, nucleolus begins to disentegrate bivalents align at the equatorial plane, chromatic ends are on equatorial plane univalents (I)/ homologues separate and move toward opposite poles chromosomes regroup and their coiled structure begin to relax

2n = a 2n = a per cell , n = a/2 per pole 2n = a per cell , n = a/2 per pole n = a/2

chromosomes shorten and thicken, nucleolus diminishes chromosome align at equatorial plate/plane sister chromatids separate, doubled chromosomes move toward opposite poles chromosome regroup into two nuclear regions cell plate formation or cleavage furrow formation

n = a/2 n = a/2 n = a/2 n = a/2

Relevance of Mitosis in genetics 1. Parental and daughter nuclei have identical genetic and chromosome content, therefore, 2. Genes can arise only from pre-existing gen. Chromosome retain the same properties/ shape therefore integrity of genes is retained as well 3. Mutations can be retained and perpetuated cell generation after cell generation 4. Mitosis assures continuity and constancy of genetic make-up of cells, tissue and organ. Relevance of Meiosis in genetics 1. 2. 3. 4. Conservation of chromosome number of species generation after generation Combination and recombination of maternal and paternal chromosomes Provides the physical basis for segregation of paired genes Crossing-over at pachytene results to new genetic combination and recombination

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