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Spring 2014 First Edition Table of Content Spring a Journey of Self Love

Healing Trauma Every Little Girl Has A Story Spring Medicine: Matters of the Heart
Spring Message for those on the Frontlines: Happy Spring and a warm welcome to the sun in you! May the sun return your inner light and bring truth to tough situations you may find yourself in. May the return of the light bring possibility to the impossible, bring redemption to a past we cannot take back and bring vision of what to do next.

Self Care Practices

Celebrate the Spring Equinox March 20th, 2014

The change of season promises us a new day requiring us to stop, listen and reconnect with the heart, the place where humanity and unconditional LOVE live. This spring I invite you to dream of what your Rebirth looks like , what would it look like to BIRTH A NEW DAY in your organization and in your life?! What would it look like to BIRTH JUSTICE in this world? What would it look like to lead from the heart? To forgive, to accept and to let go. The world is asking us to make decisions, be active and in participation with our lives. Ask yourself, "what is ready to be born at this time, in me and through me? What am I doing and who I a being? What am I birthing for the collective, team and family that I belong to?"

Birthing Justice & Leading with the Heart

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Spring: A Journey of Self LOVE

Self love has become a romanticized journey that doesnt acknowledge the tears that come when are body, mind and spirit starts letting go of what no longer serves a purpose in our lives. My journey of self love has been a long complicated, contradictory, challenging, healing, wound opening and closing, depressing, uplifting, grounding, earth shattering, death and rebirth journey. Self love is ultimately a journey of accountability and accountability is ultimately a journey of self love. Setting boundaries and prioritizing yourself while being generous to others. Taking a stand for yourself and still loving others. Accepting and acknowledging yourself first and others second just as they show up without wanting to change them or fix them. I promise two things, there is another side to it and it is worth the trip. Once you get to the other side of yourself you will never be the same, actually you might even be unrecognizable. But in the meantime, have compassion with yourself and those around you getting to know the new you and take the time to mourn the loss of those pieces of yourself that have supported you in surviving this far. Cry, get angry, hold on, thank them and then bury them. Being whole always includes finding pieces that no longer fit and reshaping them to make ourselves stronger and sustainable. In BOLD Rebirth and Delicioulsy in LOVE with myself DEE

Healing Trauma: Every little girl has a story

Calling all the little girls to come out and play, Spring is coming! But what if your little girl does not want come out and. Little girls don't come out to play if they are in fear, scared, embarrassed, sad, not feeling loved, cared for or safe. If your little girl had something to say, one wish she could make come true what would it be? If your little girl was in front of you and you could hold her hand, what would you tell her? What do you need to nurture the little girl in you this spring season?
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Choose to love cause the act of self love itself is a revolutionary journey that not only deserves no apology but a team of people who love you more than you love yourself, a self care team, an accountability team, and a team of abundant unconditional love and compassion. Who is on your team? Do they know?

Spring Medicine: Matters of the Heart

How do we lead with our heart?
To be in alignment we must first be in balance with the medicine that each season brings us. There is no coincidence that Spring is about rebirth. It is here that the earth reflects to us what is possible, our beauty and our ability to heal ourselves and create justice from war zones. Spring invites us to speak and see with our hearts. To tap into our inner child and let joy and laughter lead our struggles. You might ask yourself: How do you lead with your heart, when your heart is broken?, when you have experienced loss, physical or sexual abuse as a child, been assaulted, felt loss, rejection or abandonment by family members and from you feeling that this world has let you down. How do you lead your life with your heart when spring has already come in with death in our communities and in our lives, when injustice continues to prevail, when our organizations still need resources and we are still unemployed? How do you lead with your heart when your own movement has broken your heart? For in this very place you have experienced betrayal, shame, criticism, judgment and isolation. HEALING THE HEART! Remember with everything going on we sometimes forget our purpose or why we started social

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LOVE as a human right= SELF LOVE

Love is a basic human right that we are all born to give unconditionally. Unfortunately, capitalism makes us choose power over love. It violates our human right to love and be loved. All forms of child abuse are consequence of living in an unjust world whose strategically uses love to both reward and punish people. Poverty breeds unhealthy love amongst people through the many forms of interpersonal violence that develops as the impact of trauma. The more our political leaders embody war and violence in the name of love and safety it becomes imperative for us to embody love and humanity for ourselves =SELF LOVE!

Spring Medicine Self Care Practices

justice in the first place. Look within your heart to find the answers, don't let this spring throw you back into your past, instead, take a stand and delve into your childhood to confront the pain that lies and loss produces in our souls. Create a self care action plan that includes fun, play, laughter and joy and take your inner child outside to play. Include a fun calender in your organization and in your life!

1. Element: EARTH make sure that you go outside, get some exercise, take your shoes off and become one with the earth. 2. CHAKRA: HEART/ RE-BIRTH & SELF LOVE adorn your little girl and go do things that make you feel beautiful, take a bath, mediate, get involved in a cause that you love , be generous and abundant. 3. FEELING: Forgive & Let go of resentments and trauma that have happened to you during childhood. Find your little girl and set her FREE! 4. ORGAN : LIVER is the organ of the season, support its detox and renewal by eating healthy, bitter greens, raw food, juicing and herbal cleansing 5. CRYSTAL Rose Quartz comes in rings, stones to carry in your pocket. Write down loving affirmations on your mirror. Carry them and say them to your- self. 5. SPIRITUAL AWAKENING Spring is a time, look within to identify what/who has broken your heart and cleanse your home body and your spirit!

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Healing Trauma Every Little Girl Has a Story (Continued)

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Trauma in early childhood has such a profound impact on young women that it follows her well into adulthood without her knowing. With no safe spaces for healing young women become drug addicts, self mutilate, have unsafe sex, are in unhealthy relationships and turn to food for emotional support. A once loving and happy little girl is now fighting to save her life. Honoring the

earth traditions of our Indigenous ancestors, every spring, young and adult women get to give birth to themselves all over again. Women of all ages have the opportunity to let go of trauma from child sexual abuse, abandonment, adoption, foster care, regrets, and self blame from a child hood they had no control over and reclaim self love & inner beauty lost to broken hearts during infancy.

Are you in a situation that is making you stretch outside your comfort level forcing you to use your faith? Are doors closing, friends and partners doing you wrong? Did something happen that set you back? Well seasons change for a reason and it is to stir things up in your life so that doors you no longer need open close and to open doors you never knew you could. If a friend has walked away, if you lost your job, in a relationship you know you should leave or holding on to things that no longer serve you the TIME IS NOW. SPRING is about making you a priority so embrace the changes that self love has to offer! 5

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Spring Equinox March 20th, 2014

The Spring equinox is the day the earth is balanced with dark and light. This balance represents our ability to create balance as justice in our lives. Finding balance with what we need and what we want is justice. Plant the seed of justice this springtime and declare that as it grows humanity will find the necessary balance within to create another world filled with love and compassion. The Spring equinox is also a time to heal the mother daughter connection, restore the joy and laughter of your childhood and mend the heart of the little girl in you that doesnt want to play with your sisters. On March 20th turn to the east and open your arms to a new day, a new you. The east is the direction of renewal. It is here that we learn trust and self love and acceptance unconditionally the way a child does. It is in this season that you let go of all the trauma that has broken your heart. Let the sun shine heal your spirit child. It is only in the healing of our inner child that we are able to lead from the heart. In BOLD Rebirth and Love DEE

Creating healing spaces globally so that people on the frontlines, community, organizations and movements lead us into a new world from a place of extraordinary power and not from incomplete trauma.

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