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En este ejemplo veremos como crear nuestras propias funciones definidas por el usuario
Para ello crearemos una funcion que convierta la cantidad numerica en letras.

El codigo presentado a continuacion sirve para convertir a texto en dolares

Una vez realizado, has los cambios necesarios para que conviertas en pesos.

1. Ve a la hoja llamada CODIGO (Hoja3) y observa y copia la funcion.

2. Abre el editor de Visual Basic de Excel y crea un nuevo modulo
3. Ahí teclearas el codigo
4. Graba y regresa a la hoja Ejemplo (Hoja2) para que hagas un ejemplo de tu nueva funcion

Por: Lic. Sergio Hugo Sanchez O.

Actualizacion: Octubre 2009
Para probar la nueva funcion que acabamos de crear, en la celda inferior teclea
la cantidad numerica que requieres, y luego en la fila siguiente, la funcion de conversion

Cantidad 145
En texto #VALUE!

100 100
Function OneDigit(Num As Long) As String
Dim Words(0 To 9) As String
Words(0) = "Zero"
Words(1) = "One"
Words(2) = "Two"
Words(3) = "Three"
Words(4) = "Four"
Words(5) = "Five"
Words(6) = "Six"
Words(7) = "Seven"
Words(8) = "Eight"
Words(9) = "Nine"
OneDigit = Words(Num)
End Function

Function TwoDigit(Num As Long) As String

Dim WordsBy10(2 To 9) As String
Dim Ones As Long, Tens As Long
Dim OnesString As String
Dim TensString As String
Ones = Num Mod 10
Tens = Int(Num / 10)
If Tens = 0 Or Tens > 1 Then
OnesString = OneDigit(Ones)
If Tens = 0 Then
TwoDigit = OnesString
Exit Function
End If
Select Case Ones
Case 0
TwoDigit = "Ten"
Exit Function
Case 1
TwoDigit = "Eleven"
Exit Function
Case 2
TwoDigit = "Twelve"
Exit Function
Case 3
TwoDigit = "Thirteen"
Exit Function
Case 4
TwoDigit = "Fourteen"
Exit Function
Case 5
TwoDigit = "Fifteen"
Exit Function
Case 6
TwoDigit = "Sixteen"
Exit Function
Case 7
TwoDigit = "Seventeen"
Exit Function
Case 8
TwoDigit = "Eighteen"
Exit Function
Case 9
TwoDigit = "Nineteen"
Exit Function
End Select
End If
WordsBy10(2) = "Twenty"
WordsBy10(3) = "Thirty"
WordsBy10(4) = "Forty"
WordsBy10(5) = "Fifty"
WordsBy10(6) = "Sixty"
WordsBy10(7) = "Seventy"
WordsBy10(8) = "Eighty"
WordsBy10(9) = "Ninety"
If Ones > 0 Then
WordsBy10(Tens) = WordsBy10(Tens) & "-"
ElseIf Tens >= 2 Then
OnesString = ""
End If
If Tens >= 2 Then
TensString = WordsBy10(Tens)
TensString = ""
End If
TwoDigit = TensString + OnesString
End Function

Function ThreeDigit(Num As Long) As String

Dim Remainder As Long, Hundreds As Long
Dim HundredsString As String, OnesString As String
Remainder = Num Mod 100
Hundreds = Int(Num / 100)
OnesString = TwoDigit(Remainder)
HundredsString = OneDigit(Hundreds) + " Hundred"
If Hundreds = 0 Then HundredsString = ""
If Remainder = 0 And Hundreds > 0 Then OnesString = ""
If Remainder > 0 And Hundreds > 0 Then HundredsString = HundredsString + " "
ThreeDigit = HundredsString + OnesString
End Function

Function SixDigit(Num As Long) As String

Dim Remainder As Long, Thousands As Long
Dim OnesString As String, ThousandsString As String
Remainder = Num Mod 1000
Thousands = Int(Num / 1000)
OnesString = ThreeDigit(Remainder)
ThousandsString = ThreeDigit(Thousands) + " Thousand"
If Remainder = 0 And Thousands > 0 Then OnesString = ""
If Remainder > 0 And Thousands > 0 Then ThousandsString = ThousandsString + " "
If Thousands = 0 Then ThousandsString = ""
SixDigit = ThousandsString + OnesString
End Function

Function GetCents(Num As Double) As String

Cents = (Num * 100) Mod 100
StrCents = Str(Cents)
If Cents < 10 Then StrCents = " 0" + Right(StrCents, Len(StrCents) - 1)
GetCents = StrCents + "/100"
End Function

Function Combine(Num As Double) As String

DollarsString = LTrim(SixDigit(Int(Num)))
CentsString = GetCents(Num)
Combine = DollarsString + " and" + CentsString
End Function

Function CheckText(Num As Double, NumChars As Integer) As String

CombineText = Combine(Num)
TextLength = Len(CombineText)
NumStars = NumChars - TextLength
CheckText = CombineText + String(NumStars, "*")
End Function

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