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This Rental Agreement is made and executed on the -2014 , ! and et"een#

$ri Komm Suresh Babu $%o& Veges Rao,aged a out '1 !ears,(cc#Engineer, A))RE$$# *&N(#2++%2, GA,-LARAMARAM, *.)ERA/A) 000000&cell# xxxxxxxxx ,mail# xxxxxxxxx1gmail&com, *ereina2ter called the (3NER% 45R$T 6ART. "hich term shall mean and include his heirs, legal re7resentati8es, executors, administrators, successors and assignees etc o2 the (NE 6ART& AN) $ri , 4ull A))RE$$# $%o& , aged a out !ears, (cc#

*ereina2ter called the TENANT%$E9(N) 6ART. "hich term shall mean and include his heirs,legal re7resentati8es,executors,administrators,successors and assignees etc o2 the (T*ER 6ART& 3hereas the 2irst 7art! is the a solute o"ner o2 *ouse N(&2-++%2 consisting o2 Ground, 2irst and second 2loor "ith 7ent house situated at GA,-LARAMAM,*!dera ad hereina2ter called the said 7remises& 3hereas the Tenant a77roaced the ("ner to rent out the said 7remises , consisting o2 2loor 7ortion ,situated at A))RE$$# *&N(#2-++%2, GA,-LARAMARAM, *.)ERA/A) 000000 "hich is herein a2ter re2erred to as schedule 7ro7ert! on a monthl! rent o2 %-:Ru7ees (nl!; 7er month exclusi8e o2 maintenance 2or a 7eriod o2 11:ele8en; months rene"a le 2or ele8en months, 2or sta!ing 2amil! & 3hereas the o"ner has agreed to lease the said 7remises to the tenant on the 2ollo"ing mutuall! agreed terms and conditions& 1& The rent is 2or a 7eriod o2 12 months, rene"a le 2or ele8en months, and deemed to ha8e commenced 2rom date 2& That the total agreed rent 7er month is %- :Ru7ees onl!; 7er month inclusi8e o2 maintenance and the tenant has agreed to <ee7 one month ad8ance sum o2 Rs& %- :Ru7ees onl!; as securit! de7osit& The rent shall e enhanced at the rate o2 10= 2rom next 11 months 7eriod& '& That the electricit! and "ater consum7tion charges 2or the said 7remises shall e 7aid ! the tenant 2rom time to time & 4& That the tenant shall <ee7 the schedule 7ortion is neat and good condition and use the same onl! 2or running the 2amil! and shall not use 2or an! illegal 7ur7ose& 0& That the tenant shall not su -let the schedule 6ro7ert! or 7art "hich the 7ossession in 2a8our o2 the third 7art! "ithout the consent o2 the o"ner& >& That the tenant shall not ma<e an! alternations in the schedule 7ro7ert! "ithout 7rior "ritten 7ermission o2 the o"ner& +& That the o"ner has 7ro8ided the said 7remises and the tenant shall e entitled to use and en?o!

the internal 2ittings @ 2urniture etc in the said 7ortion during the currenc! o2 lease "ithout causing an! damage li<e scre"s on the "all, rea<ing "indo" glasses, "riting on the "alls%doors, damaging 2loor and shall ensure them in good and 2unctional condition at the time o2 8acating the schedule 7ortion& And 2urther agreed et"een the 7arties that i2 an! damage%loss is caused to an! o2 the internal 2ittings etc, the 8alue o2 the same shall e 7aid ! the tenants at the time o2 8acating the said 2lat or it shall e deducted 2rom the ad8ance& A& ("ner has the right to 8isit scheduled rented 7ro7ert! "ee<l! inter8als to chec< the 7ro7ert! condition& B& That in case the tenant 8iolate an! o2 the terms and conditions sti7ulated herein a o8e 2ails to 7a!%de7osit rent 2or a 7eriod o2 1 month, the o"ner shall e entitled to terminate the rent lease ! gi8ing one month notice and in such an e8ent the tenants shall 8acate 7ossession o2 the schedule 7remises and hando8er the same to the o"ner& 10& That in case the tenant intends to 8acate the scheduled 7ortion at an! time e2ore the ex7ir! o2 lea8es 7eriod the tenant shall gi8e one month in ad8ance notice in "riting to the o"ner intimation his intention to ena le the o"ner to ma<e a77ro7riate arrangements either 2or his occu7ation o2 2or letting it out to the others%8ice-8ersa& 11& (n ex7ir! o2 his rental lease, the 7arties ma! "ith mutual consent rene" the rental 2or such 2urther 7eriod on such terms and conditions "hich ma! e agreed u7on mutuall! 12& The deed shall e su ?ect to the la"s and regulations a77lied in the state o2 Andhra 6radesh& An! dis7ute regarding the execution o2 this rental deed "ill e re2erred to the ?urisdiction o2 courts *!dera ad%$ecundera ad onl! ! oth 7arties& 5n "itness "hereo2 the 7arties here to ha8e set their res7ecti8e signatures on these 7resents "ith 2ree "ill and consent "ithout an! 2orce or coercion in the 7resence o2 the "itness on the da!, month and !ear a o8e mentioned&

1& (3NER%45R$T 6ART.



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