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Field Based Internship Plan

Zach OBrien UEN 2012

ISSL #1 Visionary Leadership Standar d

Visionary Leadership/Experience Area (Condensed Criteria) Uses data for Establishment of Achievement Goals Uses best %ractice in Program #m%rovement Artic+lates,Promotes -igh E.%ectations for !eaching,Learning Aligns ed+cational %rograms /, istrict 0ision and Goals

E ! "E#e$"Sec"Sp Ed (Indicate Grade Level) Approximate o!rs Secondary10 hrs. Elementary10 hrs. Secondary& hrs. Secondary& hrs. Secondary1 hrs. S%ecial Ed.10 hrs.

%ES!&I'(ION PLC English ata !eams P"#S $eetings Senior Pro*ect Committee Senior Pro*ect Committee Academy,English C+rric+l+m Alignment S%ecial (eeds Collaboration and ifferentiated #nstr+ction /ith Co2 !eacher

Esti$ated !o$p#etion %ate S%ring &01' (ov. &01) Se%t. &01' Se%t. &01' $ay &01' (ov. &01&

"# "c "d


Provides Leadershi% for $a*or #nitiatives and Change Efforts Comm+nicates effectively /ith vario+s sta4eholders on %rogress

Elementary13 hrs.

P"#S $eetings

$arch &01)


Secondary1 hr.

School (e/sletter Articles

Se%t. &01'

ISSL #2 Instr)ctiona# Leadership

Standard 2 %a

Instr!ctional Leadership (Condensed Criteria)

E ! "E#e$"Sec"Sp Ed (Indicate Grade Level) Approximate o!rs


Esti$ated !o$p#etion %ate


%c %d

Provides leadershi% for Assessing, evelo%ing,#m%roving Climate and C+lt+re Systematically,5airly 6ecogni7ing,Celebrating Staff,St+dent Accom%lishment Enco+rages design of more effective learning e.%eriences for st+dents $onitors,Eval+ates Effective C+rric+l+m,#nstr+ction,Assessment Eval+ates Staff and Provides ongoing coaching for im%rovement Ens+res %rofessional develo%ment that enhances teaching,learning Uses research,theory to develo%,revise %rofessional gro/th %lan Promotes collaboration /ith all sta4eholders Accessible and a%%roachable to all sta4eholders 0isible and engaged in the comm+nity Artic+lates and reinforces desired school c+lt+re: sho/ing evidence

S%ecial Ed. )2hrs. Secondary 8 & hrs. . Secondary 8 ' hrs.

L+nchroom +ty P"#S

(ov. &01& Se%t. &01'

istrict C+rric+l+m Assessments

ec. &01'


%$ %& %h %i

S%ecial Ed. 8 10hrs. S%ecial Ed. 8 10 hrs. Secondary& hrs. Secondary3 hrs. Secondary3 hrs. Elementary 8 ;hrs.

#EP $eetings Attend #EP $eetings (ortheast #o/a 5ood "an4 5ood rive Athletic Event S+%ervision Athletic Event S+%ervision Present P"#S ata to Staff

9ct. &01' (ov. &01' (ov. &01' (ov. &01& 5eb. &01' Se%t. &01'

%' %(

ISSL #* Or+ani,ationa# Leadership

Standar d*

Or+ani,ationa# Leadership (Condensed Criteria) Com%lies /ith state and federal mandates and local board %olicies 6ecr+itment: selection: ind+ction: and retention of staff for <+ality instr+ction Addresses c+rrent and %otential iss+es in a timely manner Effectively,efficiently manages fiscal and %hysical reso+rces Protects instr+ctional time Uses effective comm+nication /,internal and e.ternal a+diences abo+t school o%erations

E ! "E#e$"Sec"Sp Ed (Indicate Grade Level) Approximate o!rs S%ecial Ed.1 hr. Early Childhood' hrs.


Esti$ated !o$p#etion %ate (ov. &01' (ov. &01'

#EP $eetings Safety Committee +ties

)# )c )d )e )$

Secondary1 hr. Secondary1 hr. Secondary 102hrs. Secondary 2' hrs.

Addressing St+dent isci%line #ss+es #ntervie/ istrict C59 Literacy Professional evelo%ment Coaching "as4etball,Parent $eetings

(ov. &01' A%ril &01) Se%t. &01' (ov. &01'

Standard -


ISSL #- !o##a.orati/e Leadership !o##a.orati/e Leadership E ! "E#e$"Sec"Sp %ES!&I'(ION (Condensed Criteria) Ed (Indicate Grade Level) Approximate o!rs Engages families and comm+nity: and %romotes Secondary10 hrs. Parent2!eacher Conferences shared res%onsibility for st+dent learning and Early Child2 10 hrs. -a%%y !imes ed+cation

Esti$ated !o$p#etion %ate

$arch &01' S+mmer &01'

*# *c

Promotes,s+%%orts str+ct+re for family,comm+nity involvement 5acilitates connections of st+dents,families to health,social services that s+%%ort a foc+s on learning Collaboratively establishes a c+lt+re that /elcomes and honors families and comm+nity and see4s /ays to engage them in st+dent

Secondary 8 3 hrs. Elementary &0 8hrs. Secondary10 hrs.

5ield !ri% Leader to =ohn eere and 9mega =r. >aha/4s S+mmer "as4etball Cam% Parent !eacher Conferences

(ovember &01& S+mmer &01) $arch &01'



ISSL #0 Ethica# Leadership Standard 0


Ethica# Leadership (Condensed Criteria) emonstrates ethical and %rofessional behavior

E ! "E#e$"Sec"Sp Ed (Indicate Grade Level) Approximate o!rs Secondary10 hrs. Secondary1 hr. Early Child 8 3hrs.

%ES!&I'(ION Coaching "as4etball Addressing St+dent isci%line #ss+es -a%%y !imes Coaching "as4etball Collaboration /ith S%ecial (eeds Co2 !eacher -el% %ara2ed+cator /ith st+dents in Physical Ed+cation Senior Pro*ect Committee

Esti$ated !o$p#etion %ate =an+ary &01' (ovember &01& S+mmer &01' =an+ary &01' =an+ary &01' (ovember &01' Se%t. &01'


+c +d

emonstrates val+es: beliefs: and attit+des that /ill ins%ire others to higher levels of %erformance 5osters and maintains caring: %rofessional relationshi%s /ith staff emonstrates a%%reciation for and sensitivity to diversity in the school comm+nity emonstrates res%ect for divergent o%inions

Secondary10 hrs. S%ecial Ed+cation10 hrs. S%ecial Ed+cation 8 & hrs. S%ecial Ed.& hrs.


ISSL #1 'o#itica# Leadership Standar d1

,-a ,-# ,-c

'o#itica# Leadership (Condensed Criteria) Collaborates /ith service %roviders,decision2 ma4ers to im%rove teaching and learning Advocates for the /elfare of all members of the learning comm+nity esigns and im%lements a%%ro%riate strategies to reach desired goals

E ! "E#e$"Sec"Sp Ed (Indicate Grade Level) Approximate o!rs Elementary 8 1& hrs. S%ecial Ed.& hrs. Secondary & 8 hrs.

%ES!&I'(ION Union 6e%resentative #ntervie/ School Attorney Literacy Professional evelo%ment

Esti$ated !o$p#etion %ate $ay &01) (ov. &01' Se%t. &01&

'ro+ra$2&e3)ired Internship E4periences 'ro+ra$2&e3)ired E4perience 9)##2%ay 'rincipa# Shado:in+ Location 5schoo#6 a+ency6 .)siness6 7 contact peop#e8 %escription Esti$ated !o$p#etion %ate

Waverly High School

Shadow principal during regular school day and professional learning day Northeast Iowa ood !rive Shadow '(&()

August 2013

Non2pro;it"Socia# Ser/ice E4perience B)siness Internship E4perience

Waterloo West High School Ne$t %evel &$tre"e itness

Nove"#er 2013 *ay 2013

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