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Nanotechnology is a branch of science that deals with particles 1-100

nanometers in size. Experts believe possible dangers of nanotechnology lie in
how these tiny particles might interact with the environment, and more
importantly, with the human body. Billions of dollars are being spent to
incorporate nanoparticles into products that are already being marketed to the
public; when this investment is compared to the the comparatively scant research
into nanotech health issues, some scientists become concerned.

Experts say the issue is that elements encountered at the nanoscale behave
differently than their larger counterparts. As an example, graphite's properties are
well known and it holds specific position in toxicology guidelines. Nobel winning
physicist Richard Smalley of Rice University discovered carbon nanotubes and
fullerenes (buckyballs) — nanoparticles of carbon — which are legally
categorized as graphite, yet they behave in ways unlike graphite making the
classification a potentially dangerous one.

Case in point: in March 2004 tests conducted by environmental toxicologist Eva

Oberdörster, Ph.D., with Southern Methodist University in Texas found extensive
brain damage to fish exposed to fullerenes for a period of just 48 hours at a
relatively moderate dose of 0.5 parts per million (commiserate with levels of other
kinds of pollution found in bays). The fish also exhibited changed gene markers
in their livers, indicating their entire physiology was affected. In a concurrent test,
the fullerenes killed water fleas, an important link in the marine food chain.

Oberdörster could not say whether fullerenes would also cause brain damage in
humans but cautioned that more studies are necessary and that the
accumulation of fullerenes over time could be a concern, particularly if they were
allowed to enter the food chain. Earlier studies in 2002 by CBEN (Center for
Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology) indicated nanoparticles
accumulated in the bodies of lab animals, and still other studies showed
fullerenes travel freely through soil and could be absorbed by earthworms. This is
a potential link up the food chain to humans and presents one of the possible
dangers of nanotechnology.

Other nanoparticles have also been shown to have adverse effects. Research
from University of California in San Diego in early 2002 revealed cadmium
selenide nanoparticles, also called quantum dots, can cause cadmium poisoning
in humans. In 2004 British scientist Vyvyan Howard published initial findings that
indicated gold nanoparticles might move through a mother's placenta to the fetus;
and as far back as 1997 scientists at Oxford discovered nanoparticles used in
sunscreen created free radicals that damaged DNA.

Complicating the dangers of nanotechnology, size and shape of nanoparticles

affect the level of toxicity, preempting the ease of uniform categories even when
considering a single element. In general, experts report smaller particles are
more bioactive and toxic. Their ability to interact with other living systems
increases because they can easily cross the skin, lung, and in some cases the
blood/brain barriers. Once inside the body, there may be further biochemical
reactions like the creation of free radicals that damage cells.

While the body has built-in defenses for natural particles it encounters, the
danger of nanotechnology is that it is introducing entirely new type of particles.
Particles some experts say the body is likely to find toxic.

Highest at risk are workers employed by manufacturers producing products that

contain nanoparticles. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) reports over 2 million Americans are exposed to high levels of
nanoparticles and they believe this figure will rise to 4 million in the near future.
NIOSH publishes safety guidelines and other information for those employed in
the nanoindustry.
There is no doubt that nanoparticles have interesting and useful properties. That
said, many groups propose a moratorium on marketing and urge research to
precede manufacturing rather than proceed it. Strong economic drives and
competition in the marketplace may be taking precedence over methodical
scientific prudence when it comes to public health and possible dangers of

Some have compared the situation to that of asbestos dust -- another material
that was assumed safe until it was learned that it can cause cancer from
accumulation in the body. Today 3,000 deaths per year are still attributed to
asbestos from decades-old use. Those concerned with possible dangers of
nanotechnology wish to avoid a similar or even worse scenario down the road,
especially considering the growing market for nanoparticles in such diverse
products as car paint, tennis rackets, and make-up.
Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is a new method of computing with a hypothetical computer,

capable of processing speeds impossible by traditional computers. Though the
earliest quantum computers have been built, when practical quantum computing
machines hit the market, they will revolutionize an entire industry. However,
significant progress must be made before quantum computers have a
mainstream use.

Quantum computing works by being able to make multiple calculations at one

time. Traditional computing works by only making one calculation at a time. While
traditional machines do these calculations at an impressive speed, only doing
one at a time does limit their capabilities. Quantum computers have no such
limitations and can do multiple calculations as fast or faster than traditional

Though this may not sound like a major advancement, the ability to make
multiple calculations at once can make a big difference in quantum computing. In
fact, quantum computers could make today's supercomputers look like children's
toys. In fact, quantum computing has the potential to make computers using its
technology millions of times more powerful than today's most powerful

The key to quantum computing is the qubit. Qubits are different than traditional
bits, which can only hold a value of 0 or 1, commonly known as binary to
computer users. Instead of being one or the other, qubits can hold a value of
both 0 and 1, as well as all values between 0 and 1. Qubits are very small
properties, being made of atoms, ions, photons or electrons.
Because quantum computing uses such small instruments on which to store
information, the data can become easily corrupted. In order to make quantum
computing practical, an effective way must be devised to stabilize qubits so that
their values will not change under normal circumstances. If the value does
change, it will be to 0 or 1. This makes a qubit no more effective than a traditional

While the capabilities of quantum computing are exciting, the concept can also
be dangerous. A practical quantum computer, if it fell into the wrong hands, could
be a very dangerous piece of equipment. Due to the fact that quantum computers
are able to process many calculations and work with very large numbers, they
would be able to code and decode information very quickly. In fact, current
encryption methods would be no problem for a quantum computer. This would
put very sensitive information at risk of being hacked for a number of nefarious

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