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Technical Assistance Consultants Report

Project Number: 37049-023 February 2012

TA 7189-INO Institutional Strengthening for Integrated Water Resources Management in the 6 Cis River Basin Territory
Decision Support Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management in The Citarum River Basin Financed by the Government of The Netherlands, Multi-Donor Trust Fund under the Water Financing Partnership Facility, Climate Change Fund and ADB's Technical Assistance Special Fund (TASF)

This consultants report does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB or the Government concerned, and ADB and the Government cannot be held liable for its contents. (For project preparatory technical assistance: All the views expressed herein may not be incorporated into the proposed projects design.

Prepared by K-Water Institute Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-Water) Jeonmin-dong, Yusung-gu, Daejeon, Korea 306-711 For Directorate General of Water Resources Ministry of Public Works Republic of Indonesia and the Asian Development Bank

NOTE (i) The fiscal year (FY) of {the Government and its agencies} ends on {day month}. FY before a calendar year denotes the year in which the fiscal year ends, e.g., FY2011 ends on 31 December 2011 In this report, "$" refers to US dollars.




February 2012

Korea Water Resources Corporation, Korea

Executive Summary
1. Introduction The surface and ground water resources in the Citarum River Basin (CRB) are critical to the social and economic development of Indonesia. They are essential for urban and industrial development in the heavily urbanized Jabodetabek and Bandung areas, especially for export industries, agricultural production through major irrigation systems, rural water supplies, electricity generation, and fisheries. K-water and its international and domestic consultants in collaboration with Perum Jasa Tirta II (PJT-II) under supervision of BBWSC and ADB have developed a Decision Support System (DSS) for IWRM in the Citarum River Basin (CRB) which is Package D of TA 7189-INO: Institutional Strengthening for Integrated Water Resources Management (ISIWRM) in the 6 Cis River Basin Territory, a program supported by ADB. Ultimately, the DSS is envisioned to consist of hydrological and GIS databases; analytical models such as rainfall-runoff, water allocation and water quality models; and optimized monitoring activities for acquisition of hydrological and water quality data. The main tasks during the first phase included 1) data collection and analysis, 2) hydrologic and GIS database development, 3) rainfall-runoff model development, and 4) institutional strengthening and capacity building. This report presents the development and results accomplished during the first phase of Package D. 2. Main Achievement and Findings 2.1. Data Collection and Analysis

Data collection and monitoring network analysis are continuous and iterative exercises, requiring tremendous amount of time and effort. The initial large, consistent, and usable data was obtained from PJT-II. Then, additional data were obtained from other agencies such as BPLHD, Package C, etc. Significant analysis and re-organization efforts were needed to bring these data into a consistent, usable format. There were large gaps in the collected data as well as anomalous measurements. The monitoring networks for data acquisition were analyzed for rainfall, flow, and water quality monitoring stations. Based on international guidelines and in-depth analysis, optimized monitoring locations were recommended to satisfy minimum densities for proper data coverage and to suit the future perceived modeling requirements. 2.2. GIS and Hydrological Database Development

A GIS and hydrological database was developed to enhance data management and sharing among the stakeholders in the basin and to provide essential data for analytical models. The database and its constituent elements have emerged out of extensive consultations conducted through a systematic framework. The database is capable of importing information and data values from a number of different sources and formats including text messages from mobile phones. The data import capabilities were built on the basis of requirements for data input that started coming in from different agencies and their data

flow regimes from field collection to storage. What makes the database unique is the multifarious data import options available in the database which suit developing country conditions where data comes from multiple means and sources and in multiple formats. The DSS database developed in this project was populated with the collected data for hydrological and spatial database and equipped with a data management tool named as DSS Data Manager. They are all integrated and communicate directly with one another. The GIS-based integrated database interacts with data management system and the users through a convenient Graphic User Interface. The DSS Data Manager is to manage hydrological & GIS data stored in the database and to share data among different agencies playing various functions in managing the Citarum River Basin. 2.3. Rainfall-Runoff Forecasting System Development

A rainfall-runoff model was constructed for CRB area by employing RRFS, a long-term, hydrologic rainfall-runoff model enabling the continuous simulation of daily, monthly and yearly runoff. The model was built considering the three dams in the upstream area and WTC and ETC in the downstream area. Various water usages (domestic, agricultural, and industrial uses) were carefully taken into account. Through the land use and soil map of CRB, the model was calibrated and verified using the observed flow data acquired during the data collection activities. A reasonable modeling accuracy was obtained. Additionally, an Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP) method was implemented for future runoff prediction with past rainfall scenario analyses and for improvement of runoff prediction. The accuracy of runoff prediction with ESP was higher than the nave prediction with past data. Besides, the accuracy was improved by applying weather forecast pretreatment. Hence, monthly runoff prediction through ESP method was found to be appropriate. The rainfall-runoff model developed using RRFS will provide basic input data for the water allocation model scheduled in the later phase of this project. Additionally, RRFS- based mid- and long-term ESP systems will play an important role in risk assessment and probability analysis for dam operation and water allocation plan. 2.4. Institutional and Capacity Building For successful implementation of DSS, the development was a consultative process to bring all the stakeholders on board and to ensure that the specific needs of the stakeholders would be addressed. Many meetings were organized throughout the project to get the stakeholders on board. Also, several workshops and trainings were conducted including counterpart training in Korea and inter-agency meetings for institutional strengthening and capacity building. The project team met with all hydrological and water resources data collection agencies operating in CRB, and identified how their existing systems and data could cross-communicate or be integrated in a central system. In addition, the project team met regularly with stakeholders and roadmap consultants to review ongoing and planned IWRM activities and tried to investigate opportunities to create synergy among stakeholder organizations. 3. Summary and Future Plan


The objectives of this project are to develop an effective DSS for IWRM for CRB that can be extended to 6 Cis River Basin Territory in the future and to strengthen the capacity of water resources engineers for better water quantity and quality management. Once fully developed and implemented, the DSS is expected to serve as a standardized framework on which all current monitoring, modeling, and conservation practices can be integrated and analyzed by the river basin managers. It is intended that the DSS be suitably comprehensive and will provide support to all river managers without need for additional tools. To complete the DSS development, an additional funding of approximately US$5.0 million is required. The Government of Indonesia has submitted a requisition proposal to Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) for the required funding. If the funding is successfully secured, several tasks such as monitoring system improvement, development of Water Information System (WIMS), and institutional strengthening and capacity building are to be conducted to fully develop the DSS.


I. Pendahuluan

Sumber air permukaan dan sumber air tanah di Citarum River Basin adalah sangat penting untuk pembangunan sosial dan ekonomi Indonesia. Mereka sangat penting untuk pembangunan perkotaan dan industri di Jabodetabek yang sangat padat dan daerah Bandung, terutama untuk industri ekspor, produksi pertanian melalui sistem irigasi besar, pasokan air pedesaan dan perkotaan, pembangkit listrik, dan perikanan. K-Water dan partner konsultan internasional dan domestik bekerja sama dengan Perum Jasa Tirta II (PJT II) di bawah pengawasan BBWSC dan ADB telah mengembangkan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (Decision Support System/DSS) untuk IWRM di Sungai Citarum (CRB) dalam Paket D yang merupakan bagian dari TA 7189-INO: Institutional Strengthening for Integrated Water Resources Management (ISIWRM) in the 6 Cis River Basin Territory, sebuah program yang didukung oleh ADB. Pada akhirnya, DSS dibuat terdiri dari database hidrologi dan GIS; model analitis seperti curah hujan-limpasan (RRFS), alokasi air dan model kualitas air dll, dan kegiatan pemantauan dioptimalkan untuk perolehan data hidrologi dan kualitas air. Tugas utama selama fase pertama adalah 1) pengumpulan data & analisis, 2) pengembangan hidrologi & database GIS, 3) curah hujan-limpasan pengembangan/RRFS model, dan 4) penguatan kelembagaan & kapasitas SDM. Laporan ini menyajikan pengembangan dan hasil yang dicapai selama tahap pertama Paket D.
II. Hasil Utama dan Temuan
a. Pengumpulan Data dan Analisis

Pengumpulan data dan analisis jaringan pemantauan terus menerus dan pengulanganpengulangan interkasi, membutuhkan sejumlah besar waktu dan usaha. Sejumlah data awal yang besar, konsisten, dan dapat digunakan diperoleh dari PJT-II. Kemudian, data tambahan diperoleh dari lembaga lain seperti BPLHD, Dinas Pengairan Jabar, Paket C, dll. Analisis yang signifikan dan upaya melakukan re-organisasi data yang diperlukan untuk membawa data ke dalam format yang konsisten dan yang dapat digunakan cukup melelahkan. Ada kesenjangan yang besar dalam data yang dikumpulkan serta pengukuran yang anomali. Jaringan pemantauan untuk akuisisi data dianalisis untuk curah hujan, aliran, dan stasiun pemantauan kualitas air. Berdasarkan pedoman internasional dan analisis mendalam, optimalisasi lokasi monitoring direkomendasikan untuk memenuhi kepadatan minimum untuk cakupan data yang tepat dan sesuai dengan persyaratan pemodelan masa depan.
b. GIS dan Pengembangan Basis Data Hidrologi

Sebuah GIS dan database hidrologi dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan manajemen data dan berbagi di antara para pemangku kepentingan dalam DAS Citarum dan untuk menyediakan data penting bagi model analitis. Database dan elemen penyusunnya telah disiapkan oleh konsultasi secara luas serta dilakukan melalui kerangka kerja sistematis. Database tersebut mampu mengimpor nilai informasi dan data dari sejumlah sumber yang berbeda format termasuk pesan teks dari ponsel. Kemampuan data impor dibangun atas dasar persyaratan untuk input data yang mulai datang dari lembaga yang berbeda dan

aturan data mereka yang masuk dari petugas lapangan untuk disimpan. Apa yang membuat database ini unik adalah tersedianya aneka pilihan jenis data dalam system database yang sesuai kondisi negara berkembang dimana data datang dari berbagai sarana pengiriman dan berbagai sumber data dan dalam berbagai format. Database DSS yang dikembangkan dalam proyek ini diisi dengan data yang dikumpulkan untuk database hidrologi dan spasial serta dilengkapi dengan alat manajemen data dinamakan sebagai Data Manager DSS. Mereka semua terintegrasi dan berkomunikasi langsung satu sama lain. Database berbasis GIS terpadu berinteraksi dengan sistem manajemen data dan pengguna melalui Graphic User Interface secara nyaman. Tugas Para Data Manager DSS adalah untuk mengelola data hidrologi & GIS yang disimpan dalam system database dan berbagi data antar instansi yang berbeda tugas fungsinya dalam mengelola Daerah Aliran Sungai Citarum.
c. Pengembangan Sistem Peramalan Curah Hujan-Limpasan

Sebuah model curah hujan-limpasan dibangun untuk daerah CRB menggunakan model RRFS, jangka panjang, hidrologi curah hujan-limpasan model yang memungkinkan simulasi limpasan harian, bulanan dan tahunan secara menerus. Model dibangun mempertimbangkan tiga bendungan di daerah hulu dan WTC dan ETC di daerah hilir. Penggunaan air (domesitic, pertanian, dan industri) dengan hati-hati diperhitungkan. Melalui penggunaan lahan dan peta tanah CRB, model tersebut dikalibrasi dan diverifikasi menggunakan data aliran yang diamati dan diperoleh selama kegiatan pengumpulan data. Sebuah akurasi pemodelan yang wajar diperoleh. Selain itu, sebuah metode Predition Ensamble Debit (Ensemble Stream-flow Prediction / ESP) diterapkan untuk scenario prediksi limpasan masa depan dengan analisis curah hujan masa lalu untuk perbaikan prediksi limpasan. Ketepatan prediksi limpasan dengan ESP lebih tinggi dari prediksi naif dengan data masa lalu. Selain itu, akurasi ditingkatkan dengan menerapkan pretreatment prakiraan cuaca. Oleh karena itu, limpasan prediksi bulanan melalui metode ESP ditemukan adalah cocok/sesuai. Model curah hujan limpasan-dikembangkan menggunakan RRFS akan memberikan masukan data dasar untuk model alokasi air yang dijadwalkan dibuat pada tahap pengembangan selanjutnya dari proyek ini. Selain itu, RRFS berbasis system ESP pertengahan dan jangka panjang akan memainkan peran penting dalam penilaian risiko dan analisis probabilitas untuk operasi bendungan dan rencana alokasi air.
d. Kelembagaan dan Peningkatan Kapasitas

Untuk keberhasilan implementasi DSS, pengembangannya merupakan suatu proses konsultatif untuk membawa semua pemangku kepentingan terlibat dan untuk memastikan bahwa kebutuhan khusus dari para pemangku kepentingan akan ditangani dan difasilitasi. Banyak rapat yang diselenggarakan sepanjang proyek untuk mengajak stakeholder keatas pentas IWRM. Juga, beberapa lokakarya dan pelatihan dilakukan termasuk training di Korea dan rapat rapat antar badan untuk penguatan kelembagaan dan peningkatan kapasitas SDM terutama insinyur yang akan berperan aktif dalam menjalankan DSS. Tim proyek bertemu dengan semua instansi pengelola dan pengumpul data hidrologi yang beroperasi di CRB, dan mengidentifikasi bagaimana sistem yang ada dan data dapat crossberkomunikasi atau diintegrasikan dalam sistem terpusat. Selain itu, tim proyek bertemu secara teratur dengan para pemangku kepentingan dan konsultan ICWRMIP Roadmap


untuk meninjau kegiatan IWRM yang sedang berjalan maupun dalam rencana dan mencoba untuk menyelidiki peluang dalam menciptakan sinergi antara organisasi pemangku kepentingan.
III. Ringkasan dan Rencana Kedepan

Tujuan dari proyek ini adalah untuk mengembangkan efektif DSS untuk pelaksanaan IWRM di Citarum River Basin yang dapat juga digunakan oleh ke 6 Wilayah Sungai di masa depan dan untuk memperkuat kapasitas insinyur sumber daya air dalam mengelola kuantitas dan kualitas air yang lebih baik. Setelah sepenuhnya dikembangkan dan diimplementasikan, DSS diharapkan dapat berfungsi sebagai kerangka kerja standar di mana semua pengelolaan, pemodelan, dan praktek konservasi saat ini dapat diintegrasikan dan dianalisis oleh Manajer Daerah Aliran Sungai. Hal ini dimaksudkan bahwa DSS harus komprehensif dan akan memberikan dukungan untuk semua manajer sungai tanpa perlu alat tambahan. Untuk menyelesaikan pengembangan DSS, sebuah dana tambahan sekitar US $ 5,0 juta diperlukan. Pemerintah Indonesia telah mengajukan proposal permintaan untuk Badan Kerjasama Internasional Korea (KOICA) guna mendapat dana yang diperlukan. Jika dana tersebut berhasil diamankan, beberapa tugas seperti perbaikan sistem moitoring, Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Sumber Daya Air (WIMS), dan penguatan kelembagaan serta peningkatan kapasitas SDM dapat dilakukan untuk sepenuhnya mengembangkan dan mengoperasikan decision support system ini.


Implementation Team
K-water, Korea
s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s Dr. Jeongkon Kim, Senior Water Management Specialist, Project Manager Dr. Ick Hwan Ko, Senior Water Resources Specialist, Project Advisor Dr. Sangyoung Park, Senior GIS & Non-point Source Specialist, On-site Team Leader Mr. Sanguk Lee, Reservoir Water Quality Specialist Dr. Sang Jin Lee, Senior Hydrologist Dr. Joo Cheol Kim, Hydrologist Dr. Seongho Cho, Water Quality Management Specialist Mr. Fouad Kahn, Water Quality and DB Specialist Dr. Eui Ho Hwang, DB & IT Systems Specialist Dr. Shin Uk Kang, Water Resources Systems Specialist Dr. Ki Uk Cha, Senior Water Resources System Specialist Mr. Hyun Sik Kim, Senior Water Resources Specialist Mr. Chul Kyun Shin, Water Resources Specialist Mr. Yoo Jin Kim, DB Development Leader Mr. Ho Jin Lee, Senior DB Specialist Mr. Shin Jae Kang, Senior GIS Specialist Mr. Soenarto Soendjaja & Minanto, On-site Deputy Team Leader Dr. Arno Kuntoro & Mohammad Farid, Hydrologist Dr. Hadi Kardhana, Hydrological Modeling Specialist Dr. Marisa Ling, GIS Specialist Mr. Robby Maulana, Software Programmer Ms. Veronica Kasim & Nur Aksar Sari, Project Coordinator BBWSC: Raden Didi Garnida, Dani Hamdan and Riska Hilmi PJT-II: Reni Mayasari, Erni Murniati and Hendra Rachtono BPSDA: Sumarno, Indra Kurniawan, Brilian Parmawati and Adhi Kurniawan Bina Program: Meita Rudiahningsih, Kalmah, Arie Setyorini and Aryo Hudiotomo BDIJ: Nely Mulyaningsih and Adi Primadika Diaz BPLHD: Sofyan Hadi and Windi Dwi Windiandi

Consultants (Websolus), Korea

Consultants, Indonesia

Counterparts, Indonesia

s PusAir: Rebiet Rimba Rinjani


Advisory Group
s s s s s s s s s Dr. Thomas Panella, Principal Water Resources Specialist of ADB Mr. Eric Quincieu, ADB Consultant Dr. A. Hasanudin, Head of BBWSC Dr. Mohamad Hassan, Director-General of DGWR Dr. Setiawan, Head of the West Java BPLHD Mr. Dedi Djunaedi, Director of PSDA Mr. Herman Idurus, Director of Water Management, PJT-II Dr. Deuk Koo Koh, Executive Director of R&D, K-water Mr. Phyll Sun Hwang, Director of Water Resources Operations Center, K-water


Table of Content
1. Introduction .....................................................................................................1
1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 Project Background .....................................................................................1 Roadmap .......................................................................................................2 Decision Support System for IWRM (Package D) ......................................3 Overview of Data Collection ........................................................................6 GIS Data ........................................................................................................7 2.2.1 Base Layers .........................................................................................7 2.2.2 Hydrological Information Layers ...........................................................9 2.2.3 Geological Information Layers ............................................................11 2.3 Hydrological Data Analysis and Monitoring Network Design .................14 2.3.1 Data Analysis .....................................................................................14 2.3.2 Monitoring Network Design ................................................................20 2.4 Water Quality Data Analysis and Monitoring Network Design ................31 2.4.1 Data Analysis .....................................................................................31 2.4.2 Design of Water Quality Monitoring Network ......................................37

2. Data Collection and Monitoring Network Design .........................................6

3. Development of DB and GIS Database .......................................................41

3.1 3.2 3.3 Introduction ................................................................................................41 Database System Development Process for DSS ....................................42 Hydrological Database ...............................................................................44 3.3.1 Status of Existing Data Storage System .............................................45 3.3.2 Population Status ...............................................................................49 3.3.3 User Requirement Analysis ................................................................50 3.3.4 Design of DB Structure .......................................................................55 3.4 Development of GIS Database...................................................................58 3.4.1 Data Preparation and Selection for GIS Database..............................59 3.4.2 Final GIS Layers.................................................................................63 3.5 DSS Database .............................................................................................65 3.5.1 Menu Diagram....................................................................................65 3.5.2 Key Features of DSS Data Manager ..................................................66 3.5.3 Graphical User Interface.....................................................................72 3.6 Information Systems Implementation Program .......................................78 3.6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................78 3.6.2 System Configuration .........................................................................79 x

3.6.3 Database Server Configuration ..........................................................82 3.6.4 GIS Server Configuration ...................................................................83 3.6.5 Data Manager Configuration ..............................................................89 3.6.6 Issues and Recommendation .............................................................97

4. Development of Rainfall-Runoff Forecast System ................................... 100

4.1 4.2 RRFS Introduction ....................................................................................100 Model Construction ..................................................................................101 4.2.1 Sub-catchment delineation of CRB...................................................101 4.2.2 Input Data.........................................................................................106 4.3 Result of Application in CRB ...................................................................107 4.3.1 Model Calibration and Verification ....................................................107 4.3.2 Simulation in the Canals Considering Water Allocation ....................113 4.4 Application of ESP Technique with PDF Ratio Method .........................120 4.4.1 Overview of ESP Technique .............................................................120 4.4.2 Probabilistic Weather Outlooks and PDF Ratio Method ....................121 4.4.3 Case Study of ESP Technique with PDF Ratio .................................125 4.5 5.1 Results ......................................................................................................135 Summary of Stakeholder Consultations .................................................138 5.1.1 Balai Data and Information and Balai PSDA Citarum, PWRS ...........138 5.1.2 PJT-II ...............................................................................................138 5.1.3 BPLHD .............................................................................................138 5.1.4 BMKG Bogor ....................................................................................138 5.1.5 Water Balance and Water Quality Modeling, RIBASIM .....................139 5.1.6 PusAir ..............................................................................................139 5.1.7 West Java Communication and Information Agency.........................139 5.1.8 National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) ....................139 5.2 Counterpart Activity .................................................................................140 5.2.1 Counterparts Training .......................................................................140 5.2.2 Training Program at K-water............................................................140 5.3 Institutional Arrangement ........................................................................142 5.3.1 Current Status of Institutions in Water Resources Data Management in Citarum Basin...................................................................................142 5.4 The Institutional Development of DSS Project for IWRM in Citarum Basin .........................................................................................................145 5.4.1 Scope of Works ................................................................................145 5.4.2 Regulations ......................................................................................146 5.4.3 Human Resources............................................................................146 xi

5. Capacity Building and Institutional Arrangement .................................... 136

5.4.4 Technology.......................................................................................146 5.4.5 Fund .................................................................................................146 5.4.6 Working Environment .......................................................................146 5.4.7 Recommendations on Initial Design of Institutional Setup for DSS Implementation .................................................................................147 5.4.8 Collaboration Plan between Institutions ............................................148 5.5 The Strategic Issues of Institutional Development ................................149 5.5.1 Inter-agency Workshop on Legal Framework for DSS Implementation (9-10 August 2011, Bandung)...........................................................150 5.5.2 Data Sharing Management Workshop (1-2 February 2012, Bandung) .........................................................................................................150

6. Future Plan & Summary ............................................................................. 151

6.1 Proposal for Further Work .......................................................................151 6.1.1 Funding for the Future Phases .........................................................151 6.1.2 Project Description ...........................................................................151 6.1.3 Project Objective (Short Term and Long Term) ................................151 6.1.4 Scope of Works ................................................................................152 6.1.5 Outputs of each phase: ....................................................................153 6.1.6 Project Sustainability ........................................................................153 6.2 6.3 6.4 Database Extension .................................................................................154 DSS Development ....................................................................................154 Summary ...................................................................................................155

7. References .................................................................................................. 157


Appendix 1:Graphics User Interface for GIS and Hydrological Database . 159 Appendix 2:Structure Code List .................................................................... 172 Appendix 3:UCD Specification ....................................................................... 193 Appendix 4:Data Flow Diagrams ................................................................... 197 Appendix 5:GIS Maps in Database ................................................................ 206 Appendix 6:Class Diagrams........................................................................... 212 Appendix 7:ERD (Entity-Relationship Diagram) ........................................... 225 Appendix 8:Summary of Meetings ................................................................ 291


List of Figures
Figure 1: Citarum River Basin...................................................................................... 1 Figure 2: Strategic Framework for Roadmap Development ...................................... 3 Figure 3: Scope of Work for Counter Part Agencies .................................................. 5 Figure 4: Location of CRB in Java Island, DEM, Administrative and Transport Network ......................................................................................................... 8 Figure 5: Land Cover in CRB ....................................................................................... 8 Figure 6: Village Wise Population in CRB ................................................................... 9 Figure 7: Water Reservoirs, Stream and Canal Network and Stream Network Structures in CRB ....................................................................................... 10 Figure 8: Sub-catchments, Flow Meters, Rainfall and Weather Stations and Water Quality Sampling Locations in CRB .......................................................... 10 Figure 9: Geology in CRB .......................................................................................... 11 Figure 10: Soil Water Content in CRB ....................................................................... 12 Figure 11: Lithology in CRB ....................................................................................... 12 Figure 12: NRCS Soil Classification .......................................................................... 13 Figure 13: Soil Texture Classification ....................................................................... 13 Figure 14: Rainfall Station Locations in CRB ........................................................... 15 Figure 15: Flow Monitoring Locations from PJT-II ................................................... 15 Figure 16: Rainfall Data Availability .......................................................................... 16 Figure 17: Spatial Coverage of Rainfall Data ............................................................ 17 Figure 18: Observed Discharge Data at (a) Saguling, (b) Cirata, and (c) Juanda. .. 19 Figure 19: Stream Network Identification ................................................................. 21 Figure 20: DEM Based Sub-catchment Delineation at Different Resolutions ......... 21 Figure 21: The Selected Rainfall Stations in CRB on DEM ...................................... 23 Figure 22: The Selected Rainfall Stations in CRB against Population Density ...... 23 Figure 23: Suggested Rainfall Station Locations ..................................................... 26 Figure 24: Suggested Flow Station Locations .......................................................... 28 Figure 25: Current Water Quality Monitoring Stations ............................................. 31 Figure 26: Monthly Variation of DO, BOD, and COD ................................................ 34 Figure 27: Variation of NH3-N, NO2-N, and NO3-N ................................................... 35 Figure 28: Correlation Coefficients of BOD and COD .............................................. 36 Figure 29: Watershed Area Weighted BOD Concentration of the Major Sites........ 38 Figure 30: Suggested Water Quality Monitoring Stations ....................................... 39 Figure 31: Suggested Water Quality Monitoring Stations (Upstream of Inlet Saguling) ..................................................................................................... 39


Figure 32: Suggested Water Quality Monitoring Stations (Saguling, Cirata and Jatiluhur Reservoir) .................................................................................... 40 Figure 33: Suggested Water Quality Monitoring Stations (East Tarum Canal) ...... 40 Figure 34: The Purpose of Integrated Database Development ................................ 41 Figure 35: Configuration Hydrological and GIS Database System ......................... 42 Figure 36: Development Process .............................................................................. 43 Figure 37: Identification of Data for Hydrological Database Development............. 44 Figure 38: Water Information System (SISDA) Developed by PJT-II ....................... 46 Figure 39: Hydrology Information System Developed by PusAir ............................ 47 Figure 40: Procedure of Data Management in DPSDA ............................................. 48 Figure 41: Water Quality Information System (SISLING) Developed by BPLHD .... 49 Figure 42: The Gauge Station Code Structure .......................................................... 55 Figure 43: ERD of Hydrological Database................................................................. 57 Figure 44: Database Component Diagram ................................................................ 58 Figure 45: GIS Database Structure ............................................................................ 59 Figure 46: GIS Layers Applied in DSS Database ...................................................... 64 Figure 47: DSS Data Manager Main Screen .............................................................. 65 Figure 48: Menu Diagram ........................................................................................... 65 Figure 49: Data Input Wizard ..................................................................................... 66 Figure 50: Data Export to Excel Format .................................................................... 67 Figure 51: Data Validation Screen ............................................................................. 67 Figure 52: Integrated RRFS Screenshot ................................................................... 68 Figure 53: Reports ...................................................................................................... 70 Figure 54: DSS Data Manager Manuals ..................................................................... 71 Figure 55: Home Screen............................................................................................. 72 Figure 56: Result of Searched data in table and graph ............................................ 73 Figure 57: Data Import Wizard ................................................................................... 74 Figure 58: Preview of Imported Data ......................................................................... 75 Figure 59: GIS View Button ........................................................................................ 75 Figure 60: GIS Map Screen ........................................................................................ 76 Figure 61: GIS Map Icons ........................................................................................... 77 Figure 62: Progress of DSS Database Operation ..................................................... 78 Figure 63: Hardware Configuration ........................................................................... 79 Figure 64: Server Requirements ................................................................................ 80 Figure 65: Client Requirements ................................................................................. 80 Figure 66: Software Installed in DSS Server ............................................................. 81 Figure 67: SQL Server Configuration Manager ........................................................ 82 Figure 68: Context Menu of SQL Server Service ...................................................... 82 xiv

Figure 69: ArcGIS Server Manager Login Screen..................................................... 83 Figure 70: ArcGIS Server Manager Configuration Screen ....................................... 84 Figure 71: List of GIS Maps on Service ..................................................................... 84 Figure 72: Start, Stop, and Restart Function ............................................................ 85 Figure 73: Select GIS map for Detailed Information ................................................. 85 Figure 74: Parameters Menu Screen ......................................................................... 86 Figure 75: Capabilities Menu Screen......................................................................... 86 Figure 76: Pooling Screen.......................................................................................... 87 Figure 77: Caching Screen......................................................................................... 87 Figure 78: Log Files Menu Screen ............................................................................. 88 Figure 79: Location of DataManager.exe.config File .............................................. 89 Figure 80: Content of DataManager.exe.config File ............................................... 89 Figure 81: ArcGIS server IP configuration Screen ................................................... 90 Figure 82: Authentication Management Screen ....................................................... 91 Figure 83: Authentication Management Detail Button ............................................. 91 Figure 84: Changing Authority of Account ............................................................... 92 Figure 85: Adding New Account ................................................................................ 92 Figure 86: User Management Menu ........................................................................... 93 Figure 87: Filtering Tool ............................................................................................. 93 Figure 88: Result Screen of Using Filtering Tool ..................................................... 94 Figure 89: Detail Button on User Management Screen ............................................ 94 Figure 90: User Information Screen .......................................................................... 95 Figure 91: Adding New Account ................................................................................ 95 Figure 92: Setting Information for New Account ...................................................... 96 Figure 93: Network Configuration 1 .......................................................................... 97 Figure 94: Network Configuration 2 .......................................................................... 98 Figure 95: Network Configuration 3 .......................................................................... 99 Figure 96: Rainfall Runoff Forecasting System ...................................................... 100 Figure 97: Sub-Catchment Delineation ................................................................... 101 Figure 98: Final CRB Sub-catchment Division ....................................................... 102 Figure 99: Drainage Schematic in Central CRB ...................................................... 103 Figure 100: Schematic diagram of drainage system of WTC................................. 104 Figure 101: Schematic diagram of drainage system of ETC.................................. 105 Figure 102: Schematic diagram of drainage system of NTC ................................. 105 Figure 103: RRFS Modeling Calibration Results in 2002 Saguling Dam ............ 109 Figure 104: RRFS Modeling Calibration Results in 2002 Cirata Dam................. 109 Figure 105: RRFS Modeling Calibration Results in 2002 Juanda Dam .............. 110


Figure 106: RRFS Modeling Verification Results in 2004 Saguling Dam ........... 110 Figure 107: RRFS Modeling Verification Results in 2004 Juanda Dam.............. 110 Figure 108: RRFS Modeling Verification Results in 2005 Saguling Dam ........... 111 Figure 109: RRFS Modeling Verification Results in 2005 Juanda Dam.............. 111 Figure 110: Yearly Histogram of Runoff Ratio in Saguling and Cirata ................. 112 Figure 111: Yearly Histogram of Runoff Ratio in Juanda ...................................... 113 Figure 112: Water Availability and Distribution Schematic in CRB....................... 113 Figure 113: WTC Simulation Schematic Diagram................................................... 114 Figure 114: Simulation Results of Bekasi Weir Inflow ........................................... 115 Figure 115: Simulation Results of Cikarang Weir Inflow ....................................... 116 Figure 116: Simulation Results of Cibeet Weir Inflow ............................................ 117 Figure 117: ETC Simulation Schematic Diagram.................................................... 118 Figure 118: Simulation Results of Barugbug Weir Inflow ...................................... 119 Figure 119: Simulation Results of Macan Weir Inflow ........................................... 119 Figure 120: Simulation Results of Salam Darma Weir Inflow ................................ 119 Figure 121: Schematic diagram of RRFS-ESP System ......................................... 120 Figure 122: Generation of ESP Scenarios............................................................... 120 Figure 123: A priori Distribution of Rainfall ............................................................ 123 Figure 124: Distribution of Rainfall with Above Forecast ...................................... 123 Figure 125: Distribution of Rainfall with Normal Forecast..................................... 124 Figure 126: Distribution of Rainfall with Below Outlook ........................................ 124 Figure 127: ESP Result of Monthly Inflow into Saguling Dam, Jan. 2005 ............. 127 Figure 128: ESP Probability of Monthly Inflow into Saguling Dam, Jan 2005 ...... 128 Figure 129: Saguling January Rainfall PDF with Normal Weather Forecast ........ 131 Figure 130: Saguling February Rainfall PDF with Above Weather Forecast ........ 131 Figure 131: Saguling April Rainfall PDF with Below Weather Forecast ................ 132 Figure 132: Cumulative Probability of ESP Scenario for

Q33.3 and Q66.7 ............... 133 Q33.3 and Q66.7 ..... 133

Figure 133: Cumulative Probability of PDF ratio Scenario for

Figure 134: Seven Trainees in Korea, 10-14 May 2011 ........................................... 141 Figure 135: Citarum River Basins Stakeholders in Administration System of Indonesia Government .......................................................................144 Figure 136: Initial Design of Institutional Setup for DSS Implementation .............147 Figure 137: Institutional Framework for DSS Implementation ................................147 Figure 138: Anternative No.1: Collaboration between Institutions ........................148 Figure 139: Anternative No.2: Collaboration between Institutions ........................148 Figure 140: User group of Water Information Management System ......................152


List of Tables
Table 1: Data Collection and Source Summary ...........................................................6 Table 2: Recommended Minimum Densities for Rainfall Stations ...........................22 Table 3: Rainfall Station Location Suggestion for Monitoring Optimization ...........24 Table 4: Suggested Rainfall Station Locations .........................................................25 Table 5: Suggested Flow Station Locations ..............................................................28 Table 6: Monitored Water Quality Parameters from each Agency. ..........................32 Table 7: Major Water Quality Monitoring Sites of the Citarum River Mainstream ...37 Table 8: Hydrological Database Layers .....................................................................45 Table 9: Data Population Status .................................................................................49 Table 10: Program Usage ............................................................................................50 Table 11: URS (User Requirement Specification) ......................................................52 Table 12: Station Code Structure ...............................................................................56 Table 13: GIS Data Collected from PJT-II ...................................................................59 Table 14: GIS Maps Selected for Database Base Layer ............................................63 Table 15: GIS Map Icon Legend ..................................................................................77 Table 16: Hardware Explanation .................................................................................79 Table 17: Software Installed in DSS Server ...............................................................81 Table 18: Results of Model Calibration ....................................................................108 Table 19: Result of Error Analysis for Verification Period ......................................111 Table 20: Runoff Ratio of Main Control Points in CRB ...........................................112 Table 21: Example of Probability Weather Forecasting ..........................................121 Table 22: Interval Probability with respect to Weather Forecasting ......................121 Table 23: Nave Forecasting of Monthly Rainfall .....................................................125 Table 24: Nave Forecasting of Monthly Inflow .......................................................126 Table 25: Observational Rainfall by Month ..............................................................129 Table 26: Weather Forecasts by Month ....................................................................130 Table 27: Prediction Score by ESP and PDF ratio ...................................................134 Table 28: Summary of Meetings ...............................................................................136 Table 29: List of Trainee Selected from DGWR .......................................................140 Table 30: Training Agenda in Korea, K-water Headquarter, Daejeon.....................141 Table 31: Legal Mandates and Role in Water Resources Data Management ........142 Table 32: Legal Mandates and Role in Other Institutions .......................................143


ADB AE AWLR AWS BAPPEDA BBWSC BFLIM BII BII-BFP BMKG BPDAS BPLHD CFC CMSS CRB CSO DAMS DAS DGWR DISKOMINFO DPSDA DSS ESP ETC GIS GOI GR4J GUI HEC-RAS ICWRMIP IRWMS ISDI ISIWRM IWRM JICA JIS KMA KModSim KOICA K-water LOA LPSE MODQUAL MOE MOU NGO NSDI Asian Development Bank Absolute Error Automatic Water Level Recorder Automatic Weather Station Local Government Planning Board Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Citarum Maximum Subsurface Runoff Rate Baseflow Infiltration Index Baseflow Infiltration Index-Baseflow Percent Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika Balai Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai Badan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah Cibeet Feeder Canal Communication Message Support System Citarum River Basin Civil Society Organization Data Acquisition and Management System Daerah Aliran Sungai Directorate General of Water Resources Dinas Komunikasi Dan Informatika Dinas Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air Decision Support System Ensemble Stream-flow Prediction East Tarum Canal Geographic Information System Government of Indonesia Ge'nie Rural a' 4 parame'tres Journalier Graphic User Interface Hydrologic Engineering Centers River Analysis System Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Investment Program Integrated Real-Time Basin Water Management System Indonesian Spatial Data Infrastructure Institutional Strengthening for Integrated Water Resources Management Integrated Water Resources Management Japan International Cooperation Agency Jatiluhur Irrigation Scheme Korea Meteorological Administration Korea Modified Simyld Korea International Cooperation Agency Korea Water Resources Corporation Letter of Agreement Layanan Pengadaan Secara Electronik Water Quality Model Ministry of Environment Memorandum of Understanding Non-Government Organization National Spatial Data Infrastructure



North Tarum Canal Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (Offices of West Java Province) Provincial Agriculture Service Percent of total Baseflow going to Lower Zone routing Project Implementation Unit Perum Jasa Tirta II Project Management Office Puslitbang Sumber Daya Air Provincial Water Resources Service River Basin Organization River Basin Territory Roadmap Coordination Management Unit Research Center for Water Resources Reciprocal Distance Square River Basin Simulation Model Root Mean Square Error Rainfall Record Rainfall-Runoff Forecasting System Spatial Data Infrastructure Sistem Informasi Sumber Dava Air Soil Moisture Index Soil Moisture Index-Runoff Percent Surface-Subsurface Separation Tinggi Muka Air Terms of Reference Retention time of baseflow Virtual Private Network Water Management Information System Water Level Water Level Recorder West Tarum Canal


1. Introduction
1.1 Project Background

The surface and groundwater resources in the Citarum River Basin (CRB), Indonesia, shown in Figure 1: are critical to social and economic development of the country. They are essential for urban and industrial development (particularly in Jabodetabek and Bandung areas) including export industries, agricultural production through major irrigation systems, rural water supplies, electricity generation, and fisheries. While the water resources of the CRB are relatively abundant, competition for these resources has increased significantly over the past twenty years leading to a situation of acute water stress and excessive depletion of aquifers in some places. Rapid urbanization has significantly increased the exposure to flood risk. Environmental degradation has reached a level that compromises public health and livelihoods, particularly for the urban and rural poor, and incurs additional economic and financial costs related to the source of bulk water supply and its treatment. The adoption of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) principles and sustainability of the water resource was emphasized in the 2004 Water Law. The Water Law introduces the concept of management within the boundaries of a river basin and reflects the principles of decentralization and devolvement of authority to local levels as promoted by the program of regional autonomy. A Roadmap (Strategic investment plan) has been prepared for basin-wide IWRM based on a Vision of basin stakeholder for Government and community working together for clean, healthy, and productive catchments and rivers bringing sustainable benefits to all people in the CRB.


Juanda Dam

Cirata Dam

Saguling Dan

Figure 1: Citarum River Basin



The process for the development of a roadmap for the Citarum River Basin has followed the basic methodology of strategic planning. s Fundamentally, the approach has been to ask the following three questions: Where do we want to go (with water resource management in the basin)? Where are we now (that is, what are the existing issues/problems)? How can we get from where we are now to where we want to go (the road we need to take)? Much has been written about the current issues for water resource management in the basin, and the key issues are well documented in a variety of documents produced in the last decade. The problems are numerous and cover a variety of areas, including severe deterioration of water quality, deforestation and degradation of upland catchments, mining of groundwater and degradation of water control infrastructure. These problems have severe economic and social cost consequences to the people of the basin. The roadmap itself is simply a set of strategies (and projects/actions to implement those strategies) that define the path between the present situation with respect to water resources in the basin and the desired outcomes (or vision) for the future that is, what needs to be done to achieve the objectives. s This has been achieved using the following vision-oriented approach: Reaffirm and more clearly define a shared vision of stakeholders for the future of the Citarum River Basin (to the year 2020); Compare the present status of water resources in the basin to the vision, in order to identify the strategic direction that needs to be taken (the road so to speak); Formulate objectives in a number of key areas that would, if achieved, lead to the fulfillment of the vision; Develop a set of interventions (projects) the successful implementation of which would achieve the objectives in each key area. Close to seventy interventions have been identified as necessary for the achievement of the objectives (and hence the vision) for the Citarum River Basin. These have come from a variety of sources. The costs that have been assumed for each of these come from those sources (factored into 2006-dollar terms) and can only be considered as indicative, and of course must be firmed up during project preparation. The strategic framework to arrive at the roadmap was developed in consultation with a broad range of basin stakeholders to ensure that an integrated approach to the formulation of the roadmap would be ensured. This is represented in the house diagram in Figure 2, where the vision for the basin is supported by activities in a number of key areas, five of which are seen to be pillars, with a foundation of two crosscutting key areas-the foundation. The roadmap identified seven key areas of intervention.

The government and community working together for clean, healthy and productive catchment and rivers, bringing sustainable benefits to all people of the Citarum River Basin

Main Key Areas (Pillars)

Management of Institution and program

Development of Water Resources

Water Share

Environmental Protection

Disaster Management

Key Supporting Areas (Foundation)

Community Empowerment

Data and Information

Figure 2: Strategic Framework for Roadmap Development The six Cis or six rivers basin territory comprises of the basins of Citarum, Ciliwung, Cisadane, Cidanau, Ciujung and Cidurian rivers in West Java, Jakarta and Banten provinces and includes the metropolitan conurbation of Jabodetabek. Institutional Strengthening for Integrated Water Resources Management (ISIWRM) in the 6 Cis River Basin Territory (TA 7189) will fund a range of interventions across the water sector that relate to water and land management and are necessary to pursue the introduction of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the six Cis river basins. Information sharing is a basic principle of IWRM planning, and data, information, and decision support are key components to the Roadmap for IWRM in the CRB. This includes collecting, validating, archiving, managing, and disseminating relevant data covering surface and groundwater quantity and quality, as well as other natural resource data such as soils, geology, land cover, and ecosystems, including such socioeconomic data as population, poverty, and land use. This information can be used to research catchment processes and demography; developing new technologies for water conservation and environmental protection; and developing and implementing decision-support tools, including geographic information systems, hydrologic and hydraulic models, and other analytical tools. 1.3 Decision Support System for IWRM (Package D)

Package D is a part of key area 7 of the roadmap which focuses on data and information. The objectives of Package D is to develop an effective Decision Support System (DSS) for IWRM of CRB that can be extended to 6 Cis River Basin Territory in the future and to strengthen the capacity of water resources engineers for better water quantity and quality management. The DSS is expected to serve as a standardized framework on which all current monitoring, modeling, and conservation practices can be integrated and analyzed by the river basin managers. It is intended that the DSS be suitably comprehensive and will provide support to all river managers without need for additional tools. Ultimately, the DSS is envisioned to consist of hydrological and GIS databases; analytical models such as rainfallrunoff, water allocation and water quality models; and optimized monitoring activities for acquisition of hydrological and water quality data.

The DSS is expected to serve the following functions in the CRB;


Operation s Water Resources Management Establish short-term water supply plan Balancing seasonal water demands between users through reservoir and streamflow management


Management s Hydrological and GIS Data Management Data collection, archiving, management and validation Data sharing and dissemination among agencies and stakeholders s Water Resources Management Quantify spatial and temporal runoff amounts Drought contingency planning and water rights analysis s Water Quality Management Simulation of steady state water quality (BOD, TN, TP) in stream Reservoir water quality management Propose water quality improvement alternatives


Planning s Monitoring, Planning and Evaluation for IWRM in CRB

Various stakeholder agencies responsible for participating in the task of DSS developed have been grouped into three blocks, with each block being responsible for ensuring complete compliance with K-water in DSS development, provision of local support, active participation in capacity building and consultations. The responsible agencies with their relative DSS components assigned are shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Scope of Work for Counter Part Agencies

The main tasks during the first phase included 1) data collection & analysis, 2) hydrologic & GIS database development, 3) rainfall-runoff model development, and 4) institutional strengthening & capacity building. K-water and its international and domestic consultants have been in charge of the DSS development in collaboration with Perum Jasa Tirta II (PJTII) under supervision of BBWSC and ADB. This report presents the development and results accomplished during the first phase of Package D. This report describes the details of the database and RRFS implementation as well as presents recommendations for further improvement of monitoring networks. The complete details of the information systems support and capacity-building activities have also been provided. Further, scopes of work are presented for future phases of the project to ensure continuity and sustainability of project outputs.

2. Data Collection and Monitoring Network Design

Data collection and monitoring network analysis are seen as continuous and iterative exercises, though most of the available data in the CRB has already been obtained and compiled within the project. The following sections summarize the results of data collection and monitoring network design processes. 2.1 Overview of Data Collection

The initial cache of large, consistent usable data was obtained from PJT-II. This data could be organized into the following data sets: Rainfall, Water Quality, Dam Intake, Release and Storage, River Flow Measurements, Temperature, and GIS. The second large cache of data that progresses the modeling effort significantly was the rainfall data obtained from Component B of the project. The complete data collection summary is shown in Table 1. Table 1: Data Collection and Source Summary
No Data Agency Data Description

SISDA (Information System of Water Resources) - Working Jurisdiction Boundary GIS Database/Layer PJT-II GIS Database/Layer GIS Database/Layer GIS Database/Layer GIS Database/Layer GIS Database/Layer c.a.: 80 stations, up to 2008 22 stations, up to 2005 4 stations PJT-II Update of SISDA Database 24 stations, up to 2009/2010 DPSDA/ BPLHD 22 stations, up to 2009 10 stations, up to 2009 - Administrative Boundary - Reservoir, Road, River - Catchment Area - Observation Station - Hydraulic Structures Hydrology Data, e.g.: - Rainfall Data for Upper CRB - River Discharge Data - Climatology Data for Upper CRB Update of SISDA Data Hydrology & Water Quality Data: - Rainfall Data for Upper CRB


- River Discharge Data - Water Quality Data for Upper CRB Hydrology and GIS Data

5 6

- Rainfall Data for 6Cis - GIS Data for 6Cis Hydrology and GIS Data

Package-B BBWSC 6

c.a.: 400 stations, up to 2009/2010 GIS Database/Layer

Significant analysis and re-organization effort was needed to bring this data into a consistent usable format. There were large gaps in the collected data as well as anomalous measurements. Details about the analysis required to clean up this data will be discussed in detail in the following sections.


GIS Data

PJT-IIs SISDA system has been the primary source of GIS data so far. The data obtained so far contains more than 80 different layers which can broadly be categorized in the following fifteen data types: Reservoir Locations; Structures on Tarum Canals; Administrative Boundaries; Water Resources Infrastructure; Flow Stations; Water Flow Network (rivers, streams, canals); Digital Elevation Model; Rainfall and Weather Stations; Transport Network (roads, rails etc.); Water Quality Sampling Locations; Landuse; Irrigation Water Sources for upper and lower CRB; Sub-catchment Delineation; Soil Type and Geology; Population Data This data is shown in composite maps in the following sections.

2.2.1 Base Layers The base layer can be presented in three different maps of Location of CRB, DEM, Administrative and Transport Network; Landuse; Population. Figure 4 shows the location of CRB within Java Island, the DEM obtained from USGS Hydrosheds database, the city district boundaries and the main rail and road network. The DEM displayed here has been the one utilized for RRFS modeling as discussed in later sections. The Land cover as obtained from satellite imagery is shown in Figure 5. The population distribution with respect to village boundaries is shown in Figure 6. While this map also shows the village boundaries layers, part of the administrative divisions data obtained, for clarity this layer is not shown in the administrative and location map.

Figure 4: Location of CRB in Java Island, DEM, Administrative and Transport Network

Figure 5: Land Cover in CRB


Figure 6: Village Wise Population in CRB 2.2.2 Hydrological Information Layers The hydrological information is captured in two maps here. The first map covers location of water reservoirs, stream and canal network and civil works structures located on that network, and the second map covers sub-catchment delineations, flow meters, weather, rainfall station, and water quality sampling locations. The water network map presented in Figure 7 covers the following layer groups: Water Reservoirs; Stream and Canal Network; Bridges; Culverts and other Structures on the stream; and canal network. The sub-catchments and hydrological instrument map shown in Figure 8 covers the following layer groups: Sub-catchment Delineation; Flow Meter Locations; Weir Locations; Weather and Rainfall Station Locations; and Water Quality Sampling Locations. The data from these maps will be utilized in RRFS and all future modeling.

Figure 7: Water Reservoirs, Stream and Canal Network and Stream Network Structures in CRB

Figure 8: Sub-catchments, Flow Meters, Rainfall and Weather Stations and Water Quality Sampling Locations in CRB

2.2.3 Geological Information Layers The geological information is presented in five maps of Geology, Soil Water Content; Lithology, NRCS Soil Classification, and Soil Texture Classification. Figure 9 ~ Figure 13 shows the geology, soil water content for soils less than 200 mm depth, lithology, NRCS soil classification based on one, and soil texture classification based on one measurement. Most of the data presented here will be used for future rainfall-runoff modeling.

Figure 9: Geology in CRB


Figure 10: Soil Water Content in CRB

Figure 11: Lithology in CRB


Figure 12: NRCS Soil Classification

Figure 13: Soil Texture Classification



Hydrological Data Analysis and Monitoring Network Design

2.3.1 Data Analysis In this project, hydrological (mostly rainfall) data were used for two main purposes: 1) as data input for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling; 2) as database for developing a Decision Support System for CRB. For technical applications, a good hydrological measurement network is essential to obtain high accuracy hydrology data. The location of hydrology station and data time interval can be managed so that the network data may represent the whole hydrological cycle in the river basin. The data analysis primarily consisted of analysis of data for usability in incorporation in modeling and database building activity. The data analysis included cleaning of data from null and anomalous values, identifying outliers and identifying sections of data which continuous and congruous for further utilization. The needs for hydrological data depend on the dominant activities and nature of regional development. In the highly populated urban area such as DKI Jakarta, hydrology measurements mainly conducted as part of flood mitigation system, while in the lower of Jatiluhur, hydrology measurement mainly related to water management for irrigation. In the past, most hydrological measurements in Indonesia were managed by Central Government under Department of Public Works. After the policy for local autonomy was implemented, hydrology measurements were conducted by different agencies with different purposes and requirements. For Citarum River Basin (CRB), the hydrological measurements were mainly conducted by BBWSC (Balai Besar Wilayah Sungan Citarum), DPSDA (Dinas Pengembangan Sumber Daya Air), BMKG (Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika), and Perum Jasa Tirta II (PJT-II). In general, the availability and accuracy of hydrology data in Indonesia, especially in CRB, varies by time and locations. A good and long time series of rainfall data is needed to obtain a relatively accurate rainfall prediction. However, rainfall data availability in Indonesia is still far from ideal, for the following reasons: Number of rainfall stations is not sufficient to cover the rainfall variability in the river basin, Number of data available in a rainfall station is not sufficient to construct a long time series data for more advance analysis (e.g.: data series less than 10 years), and Many data series contain empty/error values. The rainfall data obtained from PJT-II consisted of intermittent data between 1980 and 2010 obtained from 153 stations. The second cache of rainfall data was obtained from Component B. Flow data was obtained from 39 flow stations and the maximum spread of data was from 1989 to 2010. This was supplemented with weir discharge data from 22 weir locations spreading temporally from 1992 to 2007. Daily release, storage and intake data from Saguling, Cirata, and Jatiluhur dams was obtained from PJT-II for a time-period from 1991 to 2009. Figure 14 & Figure 15 show the major monitoring locations of rainfall and flow/discharge in CRB.


Figure 14: Rainfall Station Locations in CRB

Figure 15: Flow Monitoring Locations from PJT-II


a. Temporal Coverage of Rainfall Data For the period of 1980-2009, from about 400 rainfall stations in CRB and its nearby area, only about 150 stations contain of blank data less than 30%. Data availability for the period of 1991-2000 was slightly higher, but lower for the period of 2001-2009 as shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16: Rainfall Data Availability


b. Spatial Coverage of Rainfall Data After completion of data mapping to sub-watersheds, the rainfall data for each sub-watershed was calculated. Ideal coverage of a rainfall station in mountainous area is 100-250 km2/station (WMO). Rainfall stations are not uniformly distributed in CRB. Upper CRB (e.g. Bandung) and Lower CRB (e.g.: Karawang) have relatively sufficient number of stations, while other areas (e.g.: Cianjur, Sumedang) seem to have only few number of stations with a long series of data.

Figure 17: Spatial Coverage of Rainfall Data


c. Gap Analysis of Rainfall Data For the period of 1980-2009, about 150 stations contain blank data less than 30%. To ensure data quality as input for RRFS modeling, filling of empty data was conducted for stations with small number of blank data: For high coverage area: stations with data availability > 60% for the period of 19802009 (30 years) For low coverage area: stations with data availability > 60% for the period of 19912000 (10 years) or 2001-2009 (9 years) Data of one rainfall station which collected from different sources/agencies can be merged into one data series According to Box-Plot analysis of the rainfall data, fifteen out of the thirty years the ninetieth percentile annual accumulated rainfall falls below 4000 mm. For all of the years the ninetieth percentile is below 5000 mm. This amounts to a maximum average rainfall of less than 14 mm per day (90th percentile). The minimum rainfall instances exceeded 1000 mm for only two out of the thirty years. The median rainfall for all years was between 1000 to 3000 mm. No significant pattern of dry or comparatively wetter periods emerges indicating that spread of rainfall over the last three decades has generally been fairly uniform. This result was also confirmed by the Cluster Analysis conducted in this study.

d. Discharge Data Discharge data at the three dams of Saguling, Jatiluhur, and Citaram from 1991 to 2007 are shown in Figure 18. This date range was chosen for analysis of correlation between rainfall data and observed flow data at the dams. The analysis demonstrated enough correlation rendering further rainfall-runoff modeling, a promising prospect. Although the data of the three dams were quite complete, many data from other locations were discontinuous and contained null entries and zero entries which were indistinguishable. Further analysis was performed on this data to identify usable segments. After a series of significant analysis, the data was sorted and sectioned for inclusion in the database.


(a) Saguling

(b) Cirata

(c) Juanda Figure 18: Observed Discharge Data at (a) Saguling, (b) Cirata, and (c) Juanda.

2.3.2 Monitoring Network Design The first process in data analysis consisted of delineating the sub-catchments on the basis of DEM. This is essential because DEM based placement of both, the rainfall stations and the river flow gauges are crucial to collecting data sets adequate for rainfall-runoff modeling. Similarly, the stream network for major flow paths affected by the topography of the area needs to be identified.

a. Sub-catchment Delineation and Stream Network Identification To delineate the sub-catchment and to identify the flow pattern from topography as obtained from USGS SRTM-90 Digital Elevation Maps (DEMs), the six-step process as described below and explained in Figure 19 was used. The ArcHydro modules for ArcGIS developed at University of Texas were used for the following processing. The DEM is obtained from USGS Hydrosheds and cropped to the CRB boundary. Using DEM, the flow direction for each discrete cell is identified. Using DEM, the stream network is defined, etched, and segmented. The flow direction is implemented upon stream network to obtain stream segmentation with drainage line. Sub-catchment grid is delineated using stream segmented with drainage line and flow direction map. At this stage, the resolution of the sub-catchment delineation and stream network identification can be defined. The greater the resolution at which subcatchments are delineated, the more the no. of sub-catchments there would be in the basin. For the purposes of this application, sub-catchment was delineated at three different resolutions as shown in Figure 20. The stream network is vectorized. At this point, the sub-catchment delineation being utilized does not take into account topographical information. The basin is divided into 48 sub-catchments. To improve further the monitoring network, a schematic based on sub-catchment delineation b) from Figure 20 will be utilized. This delineation divides the basin into 109 sub-catchments based on DEM. It is suggested that in the future, this delineation may be utilized for further refined modeling and monitoring network optimization. The sub-catchment delineation and stream network so identified takes into account the topography of the CRB.


Figure 19: Stream Network Identification

a) No. of sub-catchments=39

b) No. of sub-catchments=109

c) No. of sub-catchments=1163

Figure 20: DEM Based Sub-catchment Delineation at Different Resolutions b. Rainfall Monitoring Network Design According to WMO guidelines (Guide to Hydrological Practices, 2008), recommended minimum densities for rainfall stations is as shown in Table 2. Non-recording gauges are for obtaining daily data. In addition to daily depth of rainfall, the state of the weather is to be measured at each standard rainfall station. Recording gauges are for obtaining rainfall data in the order of minutes to hours. In developing networks, it is suggested to have at least 10% of gauges as recording gauges, to be placed in areas subject to intense, short-duration rainfalls, and in urban areas where the time resolution needed for rainfall measurements is of the order minutes to hours.

Table 2: Recommended Minimum Densities for Rainfall Stations

Physiographic Unit Area in km2 per rainfall station Non-Recording Recording

Coastal Mountains Interior Hilly/undulating Small Island Urban Area Polar/arid

900 250 575 575 25 10 000

9 000 2 500 5 750 5 750 250 10-20 100 000

The selected rainfall stations in CRB being utilized for modeling, together with topography and demographical conditions, are shown in Figure 21 and Figure 22. As can be seen, 23 out of the 48 sub-catchments require at least one additional non-recording station while two subcatchments require additional recording stations. Based on rainfall data availability, topography and demographic conditions in CRB, the proposed number of rainfall stations is shown in Table 3. Rainfall station placement followed a simple algorithm based on the above analysis. Based on the deficiencies identified in Table 3, additional rainfall stations were placed in the appropriate sub-catchment. While placing the rainfall stations, if a sub-catchment covered multiple subcatchments as identified in Figure 20 (b), then the rainfall station was placed in a subcatchment where there were minimum no. of rainfall stations. So for instance if subcatchment C8 (requiring 1 additional rainfall meter) covered sub-catchment 2, 3, and 4 from Figure 20 (b) and both sub-catchments 3 and 4 have one rainfall station each already, then the additional rainfall station should be placed within sub-catchment 2. In the second round, a rainfall station was placed in each of the 109 sub-catchments from Figure 20 (b) which did not already have a rainfall station. The suggested rainfall station locations based on the above algorithm are shown in Figure 23. A total of 49 additional rainfall station locations were suggested. The latitude and longitude for the location are shown in Table 4.


Figure 21: The Selected Rainfall Stations in CRB on DEM

Figure 22: The Selected Rainfall Stations in CRB against Population Density


Table 3: Rainfall Station Location Suggestion for Monitoring Optimization1

Sub-Catchme nt Are a (km2) C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 I10 I11 J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 J9 J10 J11 J12 J13 J14 J15 J16 J17 J18 J19 J20 J21 J22 J23 J24 1348.5 1009.3 916.9 850.0 491.0 72.9 244.8 155.7 244.3 224.0 55.6 289.2 110.2 559.2 82.2 246.8 125.2 464.4 420.8 111.8 96.1 174.3 134.2 371.3 70.6 217.4 75.5 192.0 70.5 942.7 220.2 116.1 74.0 147.8 213.5 119.3 164.4 132.1 317.3 230.8 103.4 98.8 30.0 358.1 264.5 146.8 194.6 68.8 231.3 Ge ne ral Condition Topography Mountainous Mountainous Mountainous Mountainous Mountainous Mountainous Mountainous Flat Mountainous Mountainous Flat Mountainous Flat Flat Flat Mountainous Flat Flat Mountainous Flat Flat Flat Flat Mountainous Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Mountainous Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Mountainous Mountainous Mountainous Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Numbe r of Rainfall Stations Re cording Navailable 2 1 Non Re cording De mography Navailable Nminimum Nadd Urban Urban Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Urban Rural Urban Urban Urban Rural Rural Urban Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural 13 8 1 1 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 0 3 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 10 1 0 2 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 3 0 0 7 1 2 7 7 0 6 5 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Notes: : Number of rainfall station with sufficient number of data : Minimum number of rainfall station based on WMO standard : Proposed number of additional rainfall station

Navailable Nminimum Nadd


Table 4: Suggested Rainfall Station Locations

Suggested Rainfall Station ID Latitude Longitude Suggested Rainfall Station ID Latitude Longitude

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

107.1979 107.2243 107.0749 107.2086 107.2247 107.2906 107.2962 107.2896 107.2815 107.2708 107.1097 107.1857 107.193 107.1093 107.1657 107.1085 107.0093 106.954 106.8876 106.8383 106.947 106.9503 106.9006 108.0369 107.9119

-7.06206 -6.9451 -6.87309 -6.85603 -6.87202 -6.75532 -6.73666 -6.73161 -6.73402 -6.45745 -6.6054 -6.52207 -6.4375 -6.50012 -6.40618 -6.42086 -6.31754 -6.55067 -6.54932 -6.53665 -6.41416 -6.13196 -6.14873 -6.53474 -6.50979

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

107.8204 107.8635 107.8231 107.6528 107.6944 107.5661 107.4571 107.5378 107.2513 107.5519 107.5712 107.6119 107.7098 107.6943 107.4144 107.1199 107.358 107.3607 108.0446 107.4432 107.3771 107.0896 107.0439 106.8928

-6.46108 -6.39598 -6.19754 -6.47578 -6.28772 -6.47181 -6.41535 -6.42338 -6.00462 -6.94526 -6.98131 -6.98712 -6.98903 -6.97135 -6.89651 -6.66287 -6.51242 -6.57585 -6.3447 -6.15364 -6.04814 -6.11151 -6.08123 -6.39783


Figure 23: Suggested Rainfall Station Locations c. River Flow Monitoring Network Design According to Government of Western Australia guidelines, surface water monitoring sites should be used to determine the sites water balance including its inflow and outflow, detention or retention of storage, and flows to or from water-dependent environments (WDEs). This is particularly important in catchments where significant changes in flow volumes, nutrients, and any contaminants could be expected post-development and which would need to be managed. The proponent needs to collect sufficient data to demonstrate, as part of the required water management documents, that the pre-development hydrologic, hydrogeologic, and ecological characteristics of the downstream catchment and receiving environment can be protected and maintained. Correct site selection is critical to obtaining accurate flow data. The primary criterion is a site where a consistent relationship between water level and flow rate is known or can be established. This usually requires a site, which has low flow-velocity at the level recorder and an increase in water gradient downstream of the measurement site. A site will not be appropriate if it is; Affected by backwater conditions from obstructions, debris, or sediment from hundreds of meters downstream In drains with minimal gradient (longitudinal slopes) In tidally affected waterways Where pumping occurs and pumping records are not available

All sites will need a means of converting water height to flow via rating curve development or by using total flow and velocity loggers. The accuracy of the flow data can be improved by manual discharge measurements (gauging) over a range of flow rates. Loggers should be set to record water levels at five-minute intervals to ensure that peak water levels are recorded in flash storm events. Data from data-loggers should be downloaded with a frequency that coincides with the frequency of manual monitoring in the area. Site selection should take into consideration, the following; A site at the lower side or outlet of the catchment, and/or sites where flow leaves the study area At least one site where any significant flow enters the study area Sites near the lower side of any sub-catchments (i.e. immediately upstream of a waterway confluence or a wetland) Sites should be in flowing water and not backwater affected from downstream Sites should be unaffected by local inflows (i.e. drains/pipes discharging immediately upstream) Sites should have a uniform cross- and long-section, a weir structure, and rated gauge board to enable calculation of instantaneous flows. On the whole, the method generally practiced for stage gauge location is to locate one flow meter at the outlet of each sub-catchment. The network density and data collection resolution is increased by delineating sub-catchments at a finer level and by locating stage gauges at the appropriate sites for the smaller sub-catchments. The following simple algorithm was followed to identify locations for placing new stage gauges. Install a stage gauge at the drainage outlet of each sub-catchment from Figure 20 (b). If there is an existing stage gauge at the location, there is no need to install additional stage gauge. Based on the above methodology, the stage gauging station locations are shown in Figure 24. A total of 103 new flow station locations are suggested. The coordinates for the locations are given in Table 5.


Figure 24: Suggested Flow Station Locations Table 5: Suggested Flow Station Locations
Suggested Flow Station Number Latitude Longitude Suggested Flow Station Number Latitude Longitude

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

107.7251 107.7355 107.7297 107.6187 107.5505 107.6013 107.6117 107.6096 107.4082 107.1975 107.1933 107.2114 107.2034 107.1813 107.1856

-6.98954 -7.02319 -7.02056 -6.99384 -6.98677 -6.98094 -6.97566 -6.98154 -6.92489 -7.01317 -7.02711 -6.88676 -6.88359 -6.8521 -6.86011 28

53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67

107.5269 107.3897 107.3804 107.3668 107.2223 107.1471 107.1402 107.1316 106.9077 106.897 106.8279 106.9672 106.9219 106.9305 106.9337

-6.42864 -6.54421 -6.54283 -6.53861 -6.46289 -6.56173 -6.43826 -6.43116 -6.49059 -6.48634 -6.13031 -6.30363 -6.18123 -6.18655 -6.17958

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

107.2294 107.2359 107.4049 107.4418 107.3155 107.4364 107.3252 107.5353 107.5395 107.7155 107.7085 107.7137 107.7063 107.6292 107.7062 107.2783 107.2843 107.282 107.2755 107.1479 107.1388 107.3065 107.305 107.2948 107.2985 107.7915 107.7979 107.9136 108.0815 108.0447 108.0362 108.0546 107.9061 107.8974 107.9088 107.7348 107.7234

-6.84117 -6.84382 -6.91527 -6.90277 -6.81775 -6.89637 -6.8161 -6.94457 -6.93277 -6.9912 -6.98589 -6.96819 -6.98055 -6.98901 -6.96503 -6.76064 -6.77132 -6.74028 -6.72907 -6.57439 -6.57335 -6.72357 -6.73429 -6.73005 -6.71986 -6.70125 -6.70389 -6.54269 -6.34962 -6.36589 -6.36487 -6.3241 -6.53952 -6.49017 -6.47941 -6.50321 -6.50256

68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103

106.9403 106.9623 107.0629 107.0237 107.0698 107.1058 107.1143 107.0851 107.0926 107.157 107.1645 107.2653 107.2725 107.5223 107.7045 107.711 107.7226 107.8326 107.8418 107.9118 107.8226 107.816 107.7034 107.6505 107.6027 107.4891 107.4367 107.4255 107.4612 107.4419 107.3955 107.3434 107.2444 107.2847 107.2745 107.0187

-6.10245 -6.10237 -6.12019 -6.07697 -6.11481 -6.1484 -6.13927 -6.18971 -6.1929 -6.23119 -6.23383 -6.28059 -6.28015 -6.42353 -6.3363 -6.34951 -6.34744 -6.28826 -6.287 -6.25371 -6.22289 -6.19042 -6.23456 -6.24927 -6.19439 -6.16067 -6.17055 -6.1706 -6.14367 -6.12075 -6.0337 -5.98146 -5.97331 -6.25046 -6.24515 -5.93992



Suggestion for Improving Monitoring Stations

Rainfall Measurement

In addition to the standard rain gauges from which daily precipitation data is recorded, data must be built of at most fifteen-minute time series to conduct appropriate rainfall-runoff modeling for storm events. This would require installation of automated weather observing systems to record precipitation data at a higher temporal resolution as the rain event is happening. According to World Meteorological Organization Training Material on Automated Weather Observing Systems, It has become a necessity to obtain more reliable and continuous meteorological data and transfer these data in due course to those who are concerned Atmosphere is alive and it has to be observed continuously by recording all significant changes and phenomena. This can be possible by using AWOS only. It is impossible to make continuous observations by using un-automated systems. There are two primary types of automated systems in current general use. The automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) generally report data at 20-minute intervals and are not sensitive enough to document rapidly changing weather conditions. Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) are the mostly widely used in USA and developed countries and are capable of documenting rapidly changing weather conditions. While the development of a comprehensive ASOS system should be undertaken by developing nations in the long terms, at present the installation of such a system would be cost prohibitive. The transition should start with installation of AWOS towards gradual replacement of manual rainfall metering systems.


Flow Measurement

Hydrostatic pressure level sensors are submersible sensors used for measuring the level of liquids (including corrosive liquids) in deep tanks or water in reservoirs. Pressure water level loggers provide accuracy and reliability across a wide range of applications. Non-contact ultrasonic level sensors emit ultrasonic (20 kHz to 200 kHz) acoustic waves from a transducer which also detects and measures the reflected waves. This type of sensor is ideal for measuring bulk solids such as sand, cement, grain, rice, and plastic pellets as well as liquids with high viscosity such as slurries, heavy oil, grease, and latex. Often called RF due to the radio frequency signals that are applied to the capacitance circuits, Capacitance Level Sensors are excellent for measuring a wide range of liquids, slurries, and solids. Capacitance Level Sensors can be used to measure media with dielectric constants between 1.1 and 90. Capacitance level sensors are rugged, contain no moving parts, are easy to clean and simple to use. Also known as microwave level sensors, radar level sensors are ideal for use in environments where temperature varies and in moist, dusty, or vaporous environments. The microwaves are able to penetrate temperature and vapor layers that can be problematic for other types of water level sensor. Objects with high dielectric constants such as metal and conductive water will reflect microwaves. Conversely, media with low dielectric constants (glass, plastics, foodstuffs, paper) will absorb the microwaves by varying degrees. Radar water level sensors are ideal for use in a vacuum as the microwaves are electromagnetic energy and don't require air molecules to propagate.



Water Quality Data Analysis and Monitoring Network Design

2.4.1 Data Analysis The information of current monitoring stations in the CRB is shown in Figure 25. In the upper stream of the Saguling reservoir, 10 monitoring stations are in the mainstream of CRB and 7 stations are located in the entrance of tributaries. Water quality data was obtained exclusively from the database of PJT-II. The data spanned twenty-seven (27) years from 1993 to 2010. While in some years data was available from as many as 78 stations, in most of the years data was obtained from 41 stations. Initially, the data consisted of 29 parameters, up until the year 1998; from 1999 onwards the water samples were analyzed for only 16 parameters. The water quality parameters monitored by each agency in CRB is summarized in Table 6.

Figure 25: Current Water Quality Monitoring Stations


Table 6: Monitored Water Quality Parameters from each Agency. Parameters

PHYSICAL Temperature Dissolved solids SS Turbidity Ammonium Iron Boron Detergent Phenol Fluoride Total phosphate Cadmium Chloride BOD COD Chromium VI Manganese Oil-grease Nickel Nitrate Nitrite DO pH SAR Zinc Sulfate Copper Lead Mercury Arsenic Cobalt Barium Cyanide Chloride Sulfide Selenium Fecal coliforms Total coliforms

PusAir / BPLHD







High concentration of BOD and algal bloom cause low concentration of dissolved oxygen and negative effects on fish farming. Algal bloom is one of the most important processes in the aquatic ecosystem and BOD - DO relationship is not sufficient to explain fate of DO in the reservoir. In the Citarum River Basin, chlorophyll-a data is not measured and current data is not sufficient to explain algal bloom process and its impact on water body of the reservoirs. For preliminary data analysis, 5 stations of the Citarum River Basin were chosen such as Nanjung, outlet of Saguling, Cirata, and Jatiluhur, and Curug weir and those data from 2005 to 2009. The results of DO, BOD, and COD at the inlet of the Saguling reservoir, Nanjung, which corresponds to the downstream of Bandung city and three sequential reservoirs (Saguling, Cirata, and Jatiluhur) including the Curug Weir are shown in Figure 26. Generally, the variation of DO, BOD, and COD at the Nanjung station is greater than other ones and it tends to decrease in downstream reservoirs. Most data exceeded the limitation by PP 82/2001 class 1 and 2, which are usable for recreational, gardening agricultural, farming, and any other use with the similar requirements. In Figure 27, variations of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate was displayed and it shows a tendency to improve water quality toward downstream. Nutrient data such as ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate required for ecological modeling are very limited. It is necessary to increase the number of sampling parameters and frequencies required for modeling of algae growth. In Figure 28, it reveals that the correlation coefficient between BOD and COD is above 0.9 which requires additional analysis to identify whether it is due to watershed characteristics or other factors such as data sampling and analysis methodologies.


10 Nanjung 8 Saguling Cirata Jatiluhur Curug

DO (mg/L)

6 4 2 0 J-05 J-05 J-06 J-06 J-07 J-07 J-08 J-08 J-09 J-09

Time in Days
50 Nanjung 40 Saguling Cirata Jatiluhur Curug

BOD (mg/L)

30 20 10 0 J-05 J-05 J-06 J-06 J-07 J-07 J-08 J-08 J-09 J-09

Time in Days
100 Nanjung 80 Saguling Cirata Jatiluhur Curug

COD (mg/L)

60 40 20 0 J-05 J-05 J-06 J-06 J-07 J-07 J-08 J-08 J-09 J-09

Time in Days

Figure 26: Monthly Variation of DO, BOD, and COD


5 Nanjung 4 Saguling Cirata Jatiluhur Curug

NH3 -N (mg/L)

3 2 1 0 J-05 J-05 J-06 J-06 J-07 J-07 J-08 J-08 J-09 J-09

Time in Days
1.0 Nanjung 0.8 Saguling Cirata Jatiluhur Curug

NO 2-N (mg/L)

0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 J-05 J-05 J-06 J-06 J-07 J-07 J-08 J-08 J-09 J-09

Time in Days
5 Nanjung 4 Saguling Cirata Jatiluhur Curug

NO3-N (mg/L)

3 2 1 0 J-05 J-05 J-06 J-06 J-07 J-07 J-08 J-08 J-09 J-09

Time in Days

Figure 27: Variation of NH3-N, NO2-N, and NO3-N




Nanjung Saguling Cirata Jatiluhur Curug

y = 2.69 x - 1.28(R2 = 0.99)

90 80 70

COD (mg/L)

y = 2.18 x + 1.38(R2 = 0.97) y = 2.34 x + 0.39(R2 = 0.92)

COD (mg/L)

60 50 40 30 20

y = 2.69 x - 1.28 R2 = 0.99

y = 2.5 x + 0.1(R2 = 1.00)

y = 2.34 x + 0.40(R2 = 0.92)

10 0 0 5 10 15 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

BOD (mg/L)
50 50

BOD (mg/L)



COD (mg/L)

30 y = 2.18 x + 1.38 R2 = 0.97 20

COD (mg/L)

30 y = 2.34 x + 0.39 R2 = 0.92 20



0 0 5 10 15 20

0 0 5 10 15 20

BOD (mg/L)
50 50

BOD (mg/L)

40 40

COD (mg/L)


COD (mg/L)

30 y = 2.34 x + 0.40 R2 = 0.92 20

20 y = 2.5 x + 0.1 R2 = 1.00 10


0 0 5 10 15 20

0 0 5 10 15 20

BOD (mg/L)

BOD (mg/L)

Figure 28: Correlation Coefficients of BOD and COD


2.4.2 Design of Water Quality Monitoring Network The objectives of water quality monitoring are as follows; Characterizing water resources Identifying water quality problems and trends Developing water quality management priorities and plans Developing and implementing water quality management programs Evaluating the effectiveness of management actions To achieve these objectives, it is necessary to determine adequate monitoring location and frequency. In the Citarum River mainstream, watershed boundary is defined distinctly only in the restricted area between the most upstream and the Curugn Weir. Therefore, in this study, the restricted stations are considered. The watershed areas, their relative contribution for the major water quality monitoring sites in the mainstreams of CRB are summarized in Table 7. In Figure 29, it shows watershed areas multiplied by average BOD values from 2005 to 2009 for the monitoring stations presented in Table 7. The results indicate that the areaweighted BOD values changed drastically. Table 7: Major Water Quality Monitoring Sites of the Citarum River Mainstream
Monitoring Station Watershed Area(km2) Watershed Area (%)

Margahayu Nanjung Batujajar Inlet Saguling Outlet Saguling Inlet Cirata Outlet Cirata Inlet Jatiluhur Outlet Jatiluhur Bendung Curug

1,438.2 1,754.8 1,808.5 1,808.5 2,300.9 2,414.4 4,148.1 4,292.0 4,620.3 4,906.1

29.3% 35.8% 36.9% 36.9% 46.9% 49.2% 84.6% 87.5% 94.2% 100.0%


Average Conc. of BOD Watershed Area(%)


Majalaya Margahayu Batujajar Inlet Jatiluhur Outlet Saguling Outlet Jatiluhur Sapan Nanjung Inlet Saguling Inlet Cirata Outlet Cirata Bendung Curug Wangisagara

Figure 29: Watershed Area Weighted BOD Concentration of the Major Sites Currently, the number of monitoring stations of West Tarum Canal is sufficient to capture waste load changes in each watershed and tributary. However, due to most pollutant sources from human related activities, additional water quality monitoring stations need to be installed in other major tributaries and main reservoirs to cover the information on loading upstream and downstream of the urbanized areas. Then, enough information of the water quality changes between major tributaries and mainstream should be collected through the installed water quality monitoring stations in CRB. Suggested additional water quality monitoring stations are shown in Figure 30. The details of the reasons for additional monitoring stations are explained. Due to radical changes of BOD concentration by the weighted watershed area between Majalay and Sapan, four additional stations (Cirasea, Cipamokolan, Cicadas, and Ciwidey) need to be installed in the upstream of Sapan and Margahayu as shown in Figure 31 for proper monitoring this area. Between Cirata and Jatiluhur reservoir, three more stations (Cisokan, Cimeta, and Cikundul) need to be installed to monitor the changes of waste load, and in the Saguling and Cirata reservoir additional four monitoring stations need to be installed respectively (Figure 32). In East Tarum Canal, there are five monitoring stations, 19 additional stations (7 major tributaries of Ciherang, Cilamaya, Cijeongol, Ciasem, Cigaung, Ciborosole, and Cipunagara and major points of the East Tarum Canal) need to be added for proper water quality monitoring as shown in Figure 33.


Figure 30: Suggested Water Quality Monitoring Stations

Figure 31: Suggested Water Quality Monitoring Stations (Upstream of Inlet Saguling)


Figure 32: Suggested Water Quality Monitoring Stations (Saguling, Cirata and Jatiluhur Reservoir)

Figure 33: Suggested Water Quality Monitoring Stations (East Tarum Canal)


3. Development of DB and GIS Database

3.1 Introduction

The main objective for development of GIS and hydrological database is to build a central repository of all hydrological, metrological and spatial data for archiving, analyzing, and sharing data and for supporting the DSS. Currently there are many in-house databases developed by stakeholder organizations in CRB. However there is no central database which could be used to extract and update information by all organizations. An integrated and centralized database is needed to ensure the reliability of data as well as the smooth flow of information amongst agencies for effective river basin management. Therefore, data would be made easily accessible and retrievable for various different classes of users from experts to technicians. The purpose and goal of development of the integrated database is described in Figure 34.

Figure 34: The Purpose of Integrated Database Development The DSS database was constructed with collection of data (hydrological and spatial data) and data management tool so called DSS Data Manager which was developed considering user requirements. The DSS database is all integrated and communicated directly with one another as follows: GIS-Database: to serve as a central database for data sharing throughout the whole basin; Hydrological Database: to store rainfall, water level, flow, ground water level, and water quality; DSS Data Manager: to manage hydrological & GIS data stored in database and share data between every agency which is managing Citarum River Basin;

The main function of hydrological and GIS database is shown below: Data archiving, analysis, validation, management and support of DSS modules Providing user interface, data analysis tools, and reports for the database Data sharing and dissemination among the related agencies Review the quality of information for removing any gaps Spatial presentation of the hydrological data and meta-data

The GIS based integrated database interacts with data management system and the users through a convenient Graphic User Interface. A hydrological database was tagged on the spatial database to construct the integrated DSS database as shown in Figure 35.

Figure 35: Configuration Hydrological and GIS Database System


Database System Development Process for DSS

Like any other software development, there are four stages in database development as shown in Figure 36. The first phase is reviewing the status of existing system such as database, software, and data management tools running on the stakeholders machines. Investigation and evaluation for existing system are important to design the target database and DSS, and needed to make a conceptual diagram of the running system. To develop a user friendly and sophisticated database, the software development team gathered requirements from stakeholders and made out a User Requirement Specification (URS) document as a main reference not only in designing use case diagrams to plan users behaviors in the software, but also in designing database structures.

Figure 36: Development Process The second phase is crucial designing database, because the design itself ensures that the developed database needs to be fulfilled users needs and requirements. Main activities in this phase are designing the system architecture, user screens using the Use Case Diagram and data storage by using Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD). The third phase is implementing the design of the database. In this phase, the developed design must be converted into a machine-readable format and after this process, the coding process or the code generation process is performed. Generally, coding processes is divided into 3 major modules: Graphical User Interface (GUI) development module as a communication interface between user and machine, Database Manipulation (insert, update, delete, etc.) module, and the Service module. The Service module provides interconnectivity between Server Application and Client Application that exist as server services on server machine. Server Application shall respond to all client applications requests using this service. Therefore, this service is the main core in data storage, data searching, and data manipulation activities and includes data importer and data exporter modules. The last phase is testing database. If the database is ready for testing, it starts debugging database. After that, the database will be applied and database developer team starts to figure out any exceptions or errors including not only syntax errors that must be fixed but also algorithmic errors. If an error is identified, then re-coding or fixing has to be done. Final activities in this phase are creating user manual/documentation and delivering developed database to stakeholders including training users how to implement developed database.


Hydrological Database

The objective of hydrological database development is building the hydrological data storage system for archiving data such as rainfall, water level, discharge, water quality. All of the acquired hydrological data from previous data collection activities are integrated into hydrological database. After gathered from different agencies, all the data were thoroughly investigated for accuracy, duplication, and usability following the process shown in Figure 37. Those classified as usable data were used for constructing the integrated database. The process for data integration and classifying available data is as follows:

Check data duplication from the gathered data schema Investigate common data code such as basin, gauge station, and facilities by the code comparison table such as the national guidelines for river stretches and hydro-stations codification available in DGWR-WRM Classify the data table by the attribute information Check available data at the same data table Select available data to integrate hydrological database Metadata

Figure 37: Identification of Data for Hydrological Database Development

Basically hydrological database contain time-series data such as rainfall, water level, stream flow, and so on. The range of database construction has been determined by considering the data quality and availability on the DSS in Citarum River Basin. Through discussions with each agency, the detailed ranges to be covered by hydrological database have been determined as shown in Table 8.

Table 8: Hydrological Database Layers

Section Contents Related Agencies

Gauge Station Information


Water Level

Meteorological data

Dam & Reservoir

Water Demand

Water Quality

Station Name, Location (Longitude, Latitude) Recording Type Recording Period and Frequency, Competent Authority Management History Station Name Real Time Data Daily, Monthly, Yearly data Annual Summary Table Data Station Name Real Time Data Discharge Daily, Monthly, Yearly data Station List & Specification Real Time Data Daily, Monthly, Yearly data Rainfall, Temperature, Air pressure, Wind Direction & Velocity. Dam List & Specification Dam Operation Information (Storage Level, Inflow, Outflow) Level-Storage Relationship Power Generation Information Domestic Demand Agricultural Demand Industrial Demand Station List & Specification Water Quality Parameter (BOD, COD, TN, TP, ) Pollutant Information Treatment Facility Information




3.3.1 Status of Existing Data Storage System Many data storage systems, analysis models and decision support systems have been developed through several projects in the past. However currently, there is scarcely available system for water management organization such as River Basin Organizations (RBO) in CRB, because handover of the database and modeling systems from the project consultants to the RBO has not been successful. Thus, those existing database systems are too complicated to be successfully adopted for river basin management. The stakeholders interest now lies in an effective database that is user-friendly and actually can be applied and shared amongst all stakeholder agencies.


a. Existing Data Storage System in PJT-II In early 2001, PJT-II began developing their own database system, collaborating with other institutions, specifically with Balai Agroklimat and Hidrologi (Baliklimat), part of the Ministry of Agriculture. In 2006, the system became operational, which is called SISDAPJT-II (Sistem Informasi Sumber Daya Air-PJT-II). Since 2008, PJT-II has been expanding the database system to include the irrigation areas with the collaboration of Baliklimat. Recently, PJT-II is working on developing the new version of SISDA with an upgraded database and GUI in Figure 38 and integrated with hydrological database including spatial presentation of data and meta-data.

SISDA database has 59 data tables including rainfall, water level, meteorological data, water supply intake for Jakarta, reservoir, water quality and electricity generation data. The data is accessible through a GIS based GUI. Mainly daily rainfall, river and weir discharge, meteorological data and water supply data are available, while hourly and minutely data are also stored, the records are sporadic, limited and not normally utilized for any predictive modeling. Also reservoir data including Jatiluhur, Cirata and Saguling reservoirs are provided daily and only monthly water quality data is available.

Figure 38: Water Information System (SISDA) Developed by PJT-II


b. Existing Data Storage System in PusAir PusAir has a number of departments deals with databases and currently utilizes only two main databases (hydrological and water quality database) in water resources management in CRB.

Hydrological data is maintained by Experimental Station Hydrology and Water Management department of which head is Mr. Ilfan Sudono. The Experimental Station Hydrology and Water Management have two data processing software (HITA 1.1 and NEO-PERDAS). HITA 1.1 converts time series graph from magnetic recording papers into digital data and NEO-PERDAS has a function to convert river water level into river discharge. At present, PusAir is developing a new database and data information system. For the new database system, firstly the processed data and collected data from DPSDA, BBWSC and PJT-II are transformed to CSV file format, stored in My-SQL database operated on a Linux server. The information in My-SQL database is provided by users in PusAir through the web GIS based hydrological information in-house system. This information system is accessible only to local users in PusAir, which means PJT-II, DPSDA and BBWSC etc. located in and outside PusAir cannot access the My-SQL database and hydrological information system in PusAir. A screenshot of the hydrology information system with PusAir is shown in Figure 39.

Figure 39: Hydrology Information System Developed by PusAir


c. Existing Data Storage System in DPSDA DPSDA maintains two types of data processing and management software (NEO-PERDAS and PHU). NEO-PERDAS is provided by PusAir as mentioned above and PHU (Provinsi Hydrologi Unit) operated in DOS mode was developed in-house with the assistance of a local university using Visual and Turbo Basic. PHU handles both data entry and extreme analysis value. They have no formal systematic database (for example Oracle or SQL) besides; data is saved in spreadsheets as MS Excel files. Raw stream flow data from the Balai PSDA is usually only processed once per year and entered into the database. DPSDA uses the database to create an annual publication. This report is circulated amongst divisions of PWRS and served to other organizations upon request. Access to raw data is not allowed for external stakeholders. Some of the data is posted online on the Dinas Komunikasi and Informasi (communication and Information office) website. Only a sample of the analysis results has been posted online while the complete analysis is kept in the office. Other agencies should request to the office if they are interested in collecting that data.

Data Measurement Observer (RF) Observer (WL)

Data Collection and Processing


1st Screening

2nd Screening


Balai PSDA Citarum

Balai Data dan Informasi InInformasi


Figure 40: Procedure of Data Management in DPSDA

d. Existing Data Storage System in BPLHD BPLHD has developed its own environmental information system database called SISLING. This system is connected to a MapInfo GIS system which is capable of archiving spatial and temporal data as shown in Figure 41. It is developed to meet the needs of integration and interconnection of separate software between the river water, wastewater and GIS map information. Data entry is carried out manually and there are two main categories of input data i.e. data that has to be entered manually and data that can be exported from spreadsheets. Two main analysis reports are available, which are developed and displayed using MapInfo GIS 9.0; the individual index of water quality status and series of indices of water quality status. The index is determined according to the classes of water resources status based on the Government Regulation 82/2001. Only the analyses results are posted online, while detailed data is provided to organizations upon request.


Figure 41: Water Quality Information System (SISLING) Developed by BPLHD

3.3.2 Population Status Data population in DSS database system is completed in Table 9, however; it still needs to be polished by the operator at each agency. Each operator has to fill out some missing data, match data parameters between each agency such as water quality, validate the data from each relevant agency and update latest data which are not populated by DSS developers.

Table 9: Data Population Status

Data Type Rainfall AWS Dam Dam Plan Weir AWLR Water Level Water Quality Data Interval Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Data Provider BBWSC 1980-2009 1995-2010 DPSDA 1980-2009 PJT-II 1999-2011 1962-2011 2011 2003-2011 1989-2006 1990-2002 1992-2011 BPLHD 2001-2011 Other 1980-2009 Total Station 117 3 3 3 12 1 27 95


3.3.3 User Requirement Analysis The usage of planned database was analyzed by interviewing each stakeholder and reviewing the existing software and database. The main purpose of database usage for PJT-II is supporting storage of all the hydrological data, searching data, exporting data, creating reports, and running RRFS model. And it is needed that database will also contain operation plan menu of dam, weir, and water demand. Operation plan menu is only for PJT-II, therefore only PJT-II staff will be able to use this menu in database. In terms of BBWSC and DPSDA, the usages is supporting storage of the hydrological data, searching and exporting data, creating reports, and running RRFS, and publishing yearbook. Publishing the yearbook is very important feature and it follows from user requirement specification. In terms of BPLHD, the usage is supporting storage of the hydrological data, searching data, exporting data, creating reports, and running RRFS model. Based on the TOR, water quality features will be developed in the second phase of database development. BMKG and PusAir can only search data and export data to excel format, because they do not have their own hydrological data. However; if the development team has enough time, DSS will also support a new feature which user can manage water quality of river and industry. This feature follows from the user requirement specification (PusAir). Table 10: Program Usage
No. Input Data End User Usage Remarks


- Store all of the hydrological data from station in DB server. - Search & edit hydrological data. - Export hydrological data to excel format. - Create & Print reports. - Share all of the hydrological data with other agency. - Support operation of Dam. - Support operation of weir. - Support operation of water demand. - Modeling tools : RRFS

Water level data Rainfall data AWS data Weir data Dam data Water quality data Water demand data





- Store all of the hydrological data from station in DB server. - Search & edit hydrological data. - Export hydrological data to excel format. - Create & Print reports. - Share all of the hydrological data with other agency. - Publish Year Book of hydrological data. - Modeling tools : RRFS - Store all of the hydrological data from station in DB server. - Search & edit hydrological data. - Export hydrological data to excel format. - Create & Print reports. - Share all of the hydrological data with other agency. - Publish Year Book of hydrological data. - Modeling tools : RRFS - Store all of the hydrological data from station in DB server. - Search & edit hydrological data. - Export hydrological data to excel format. - Create & Print reports. - Share all of the hydrological data with other agency. - Support management of water quality in river & industry. - Search hydrological data. - Export hydrological data to excel format. - Create & Print reports. - Search hydrological data. - Export hydrological data to excel format. - Create & Print reports.

Water level data Rainfall data

Water level data Rainfall data

Water Quality


Water quality data Rainfall data Weather data


a. User Requirement Specification Without doubt, the User Requirements Specification (URS) is the most critical of documents because all of the development process including analysis, design, coding, and testing for planned database and system is determined by user requirements and needs. The table below is the user requirements sorted by each stakeholder. Based on the meeting, PJT-II really concerns about water resource management such as weir, dam, reservoir, and water supply have been incorporated.


BBWSC and DPSDA are having hard time storing the data into their database. The idea is to simplify data storage by using database software and solve the complicated method of storing data. Another important mission for them is publishing yearbook annually. Development team will try to create feature that can directly extract the material for publishing the yearbook in a few simple steps. PusAir requested feature of providing chart of water quality information for each water quality standard parameter efficiently and succinctly (showing the maximum, minimum and average). Development team will try to create function to select maximum, minimum, and average water quality data in a year (chart of annual report and comparison with other water quality sampling point). As a result, they will be able to see the trends of water quality data at those locations. Table 11: URS (User Requirement Specification)
No. REQG-001 Sources Requirements Need to save water level, water discharge information, and rating curve formula Follow up Create table to store rating curve formula (update once a year) Some of rainfall data can be collected from AWS. Data AWS folder (daily.xls, hourly.xls, minutely.xls) Some of rainfall data can be collected from AWLR. Data AWLR folder (dayeuhkolot_daily.TXT, dayeuhkolot_hourly.TXT, dayeuhkolot_yearly.TXT) Data AWLR folder (dayeuhkolot_daily.TXT, dayeuhkolot_hourly.TXT, dayeuhkolot_yearly.TXT) Data AWS folder (daily.xls, hourly.xls, minutely.xls) Unfortunately, PJT-II did not have column space on water quality table to save water discharge information Observer still hold the field note document of hourly water level & water discharge data. In other case, the hourly water level & water discharge data stored on excel document, in division office Based on : file name= LCD_I_Dam_Operation_201 10223.xlsm, sheet name=Rencana_OP Remarks


Save rainfall from ARR


Create table of rainfall data considering to standard format (.TXT)

REQG-003 REQG-004 REQG-005

Save water level data from AWLR Save weather/climatological ly data from AWS Save water discharge data as additional parameter of water quality Save hourly water level & water discharge data from observer into database, besides the daily data Save annual operational plan of dam (maximum threshold, minimum threshold, normal characteristic, wet characteristic, and dry characteristic)

PJT-II (Erni)

Create table of water level data by considering to standard format (.TXT) Create weather table by considering to standard format (.xls) Create water discharge column in the water quality table


Create hourly level data table



Create Operational Plan of Dam table based on annual dam operational plan




In manner of comparison, PJT-II needs to save actual data (water level, water discharge, hydropower production) from gauge stations of each operating dam (Cirata dam, Saguling dam, and Jatiluhur/ Ir.Djuanda dam) Save water-quality standard parameters based on government regulation (SK.Governor of DKI, SK.Governor of West Java and Government Regulation

Create separate table for each dam data, including water level, water discharge, hydropower production because the member of data for each dams are different, especially Jatiluhur dam

Create table



Save water quality standards parameter based on government regulation

Create wq_standards_industry table to store water quality standards for Industry Create GUI to import WQ standards for industry Create wq_standards_river table to store water quality standards for main river Create GUI to import WQ standards on the river Create table of water sampling of wastewater disposal of industry named water_sampling_industr y table Create GUI to facilitate user to import watersampling data from industrys waste water disposal. Create table of water sampling of main river stream flow named water_sampling_river table Create GUI to facilitate user to import watersampling data taken from the main river

BPLHD concerns more detail about the WQ parameter than PJT-II. BBWSC separates the WQ standard parameter based on the classification of industry. For example, water sampling taken from Coca Cola (soft drink) factory will be just compared with WQ standards for Soft drink industry Please refer to Baku Mutu Industri.xls WQ standard for main river stream flow can be review at folder \Format Data Import BPLHD\Baku Mutu Air Sungai\

BPLHD REQG-011 Import water sampling of wastewater disposal of industry in form of excel files

Please refer to: \Format Data Import BPLHD\Format Industri\Data Pemantauan.xls


Import water sampling of main river stream flow in form of excel files

WQ data in form of all data in one format. Please refer to : \Format Data Import BPLHD\Format Sungai\format import CITARUM.xls WQ data in form of one sheet one sampling point, please refer to : \Format Data Import BPLHD\Format Sungai\Data Pemantauan Wangisagara.xls



Import Water Quality score based on comparison using pollution Index method (WQ on river stream flow) Import Water Quality score based on comparison using STORET method (WQ on river stream flow)

Create Water_Quality_IP table (IP = Index Pencemaran/Pollution Index) Create GUI to import data. Create Water_Quality_Storet table Create GUI to import data

Please refer to : \Format Data Import BPLHD\Format Sungai\Indeks Pencemaran.xls


Please refer to: \Format Data Import BPLHD\Format Sungai\ Storet Wangisagara.xls Example format: ..\format data dpsda\ P0401 Cibeureum(RAINFALL DATA).xls Database of rainfall data (in form of .db files, database file of Database Desktop from Delphi 7) can be review at \format data dpsda\DATA folder and subfolder Daily WATER DISCHARGE in a year.xls


Import rainfall data in form of excel files

Create GUI to import rainfall data which consider to standard data format from DPSDA


Import daily data on annual report/yearbook of water level data in form of excel files Import AWLR data (recording interval : hourly) BBWSC Import Rainfall data (annual report)

Create GUI to import water level data from DPSDA Create functionality to parse the raw data and to store AWLR data into AWLR table Create function to parse rainfall data and to store rainfall data into rainfall table Create function to select maximum water quality data, minimum water quality data, and average of water quality data in a year (chart of annual report and comparison with other water quality sampling point). E.g. chart of BOD of water sampling for Majalaya, Nanjung, and so on So, they can see the trends of water quality data on those location

REQG-017 REQG-18

Standard data format of rainfall data is similar with DPSDAs standard format


PusAir (Mr.Iskandar)

Provide chart of water quality information for each water quality standard parameter efficiently and informative (showing the maximum, minimum and average)

The final use case diagrams derived from user requirement analysis are presented in Appendix 3.


b. Data Flow Diagrams and Importer Modules In this phase, the sources of data are identified and then each data source is characterized with respect to the main characteristics of the data, the fields, and the type of entry specifications. A flow diagram is drawn for each data source and type identifying the complete route and all the processing in between required for the data to arrive at the database from collection at the field. Similarly, legacy datasets are analyzed for their route into the database. This process allows for the identification of importer modules that would be required in order to process all the data types flowing into the database. The final data flow diagrams for all the data sources and each data type are presented in Appendix 3:

3.3.4 Design of DB Structure a. Standardization of DB Station codes form the basis of location identification in the GIS database being built. These station codes has to be defined to make each station has a unique code, so we can distinguish every station belongs to each agency and make it possible to expend the database to other river basin in the future.

b. Gauge Station Code Structure To distinguish between each hydrological structure, the structure needs a unique code to be assigned to it for GIS programming as shown in Figure 42.

Figure 42: The Gauge Station Code Structure


Table 12 is the gauge station code specification which development team used for: Table 12: Station Code Structure
River Territory Type Agency Reg. Number


2 10 : Dam 20 : Weir 30 : Rainfall 40 : Water Discharge 50 : AWS 60 : Water Quality

1 0 : BBWSC 1 : BPLHD 2 : DSPDA 3 : PJT-II 4 : PusAir


10 : Citarum

000 ~ 999

c. Code List This code is used only for the programming, therefore only administrators can edit it and users can only search and see the structure information, so they cannot change the code. All the assigned structure code is shown in Appendix 2.

d. Development of Class Diagrams In a database, classes are elements that are a combination of variables and algorithm. As such, a class can have different states (different values for its variables) as well as different behaviors in response to events. Classes constitute a fundamental aspect of object-oriented programming and definition of classes as well as the identification of relationship between these classes is fundamental step in any database design. The complete classes identified and their respective class diagrams are shown in Appendix 3:

e. Database ERD In software engineering, an Entity-Relationship Model (ERM) is an abstract and conceptual representation of data. Entity-relationship modeling is a database modeling method, used to produce a type of conceptual schema or semantic data model of a system, often a relational database, and its requirements in a top-down fashion. Diagrams created by this process are called Entity-Relationship Diagrams, ER Diagrams, or ERDs.


class Database Schema

Contain i nformation about region, watershed, agency, etc... Dam Base Info Rainfall + RF_DAT A_DAILY + RF_GAUGE_INFO use + AGENCY_INFO + CATCHM ENT_INFO + DIST RICT _INFO + PROVINCE_INFO + RIVER_T ERRITORY_INFO + SUB_CAT CHMENT _INFO + SUB_DISTRICT_INFO + VILLAGE_INFO use AWS (Automatic Weather Station) + AWS_DAILY + AWS_GAUGE_INFO + AWS_HOURLY + AWS_MINUTELY use use use use use Weir + WEIR_DAT A_Barugbug + WEIR_DAT A_Bekasi + WEIR_DAT A_Ci karang + WEIR_DAT A_Gadung + WEIR_DAT A_Jengkol + WEIR_DAT A_Macan + WEIR_DAT A_Sal amdarma + WEIR_DAT A + WEIR_DAT A_Waduk_Cipancuh + WEIR_DAT A_Ci beet + WEIR_INFO use + DAM_DATA_Cirata + DAM_DATA_Jatiluhur + DAM_OPER_PLAN + DAM_DATA_Sagul ing + DAM_INFO





Figure 43: ERD of Hydrological Database Entity-Relationship Diagrams establish how fields are linked or joined to each other within tables of a database. Establishing ERDs is the first step towards development and design of all the tables that will eventually be incorporated in the database. The ERDs for the hydrological and GIS database is shown in Figure 43 and the ERDs for all the other data tables are presented in Appendix 7. f. Component Diagram Development team has been using Model View View Model (MVVM) as common software design pattern to develop the application. Model components are the components that directly handle functionality of data manipulation, data searching, data recognition to read raw data from a file, or data writer to export some data to a file. In the Unified Modeling Language, a component diagram depicts how components are wired together to form larger components and/or software systems. They are used to illustrate the structure of arbitrarily complex systems. Component diagram represent the perspective implementation of the system and reflect grouping of the different design elements of a system, such as classes of the system. Components are the objects that interact with each other in the system. Components connect to each other to make an integrated system by some relation/association. Relation/association lines are representation of a command delegation, functionality requirement, data binding, or component dependency. The database component diagram is shown in Figure 44.


Figure 44: Database Component Diagram


Development of GIS Database

The main objective for development of GIS database is to build a central repository of all hydrological, hydro-geological, metrological, land use, and groundwater data; history and that being collected in real time. The GIS database will provide a geo referenced data archiving solution for DSS operators and managers. The data would be made easily accessible and retrievable for various different classes of users from experts to technicians.

GIS database are composed of three parts as shown in Figure 45: Data Table: collection of rows, each contains the same fields; Feature Class: table with a shape fields containing a point, line, or polygon geometries for geographic features; Raster dataset: contain raster which represent continuous geographic phenomena;


Figure 45: GIS Database Structure

3.4.1 Data Preparation and Selection for GIS Database GIS data are mostly obtained from Water Resources Information System (Sistem Informasi Sumber Daya Air/SISDA) of PJT-II and consists of administrative boundary, diversion and intake structure, reservoir location, sub-catchment, discharge observation points, roads, soil type, water quality, land-use, rainfall station, etc. The list of data collected from PJT-II is summarized in Table 13. Some of the GIS layers are presented in the following paragraph.

Table 13: GIS Data Collected from PJT-II

No Layers Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Administrative boundaries Boundary of working jurisdiction Diversion & intake structure of east tarum canal Diversion & intake structure of west tarum canal Diversion & intake structure of north tarum canal Secondary diversion & intake structure Bendung (dam)

Polygon of Java island, province, district, subdistrict, village Polyline of boundary Point location (X, Y) Point location (X, Y) Point location (X, Y) Point location (X, Y) Point location (X, Y)


8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Das (catchment) Debit (discharge) Elevation vegetation type Planting group Culvert Hydro (river network) Climate Infrastructure Artery Road Rail Road Express Road Bridge Soil type Slope Physical condition Water quality Critical land Landuse Landuse 2007 Population Transportation infrastructure Main canal Secondary canal Siltrap Siphon Lake dam swamp Rainfall station Aquaduct Drop structure Dam lake Daker (working jurisdiction)

Polygon of sub-catchment Point location (X, Y) Classification of elevation (<1200, 1200-2000,20003000, >3000) Polygon of planting group Point location (X, Y) Polyline of river network with length Point location (X, Y) Point location without (X, Y) coordinate Polyline with length (meter) Polyline with length (meter) Polyline with length (meter) Point location (X, Y) of the center Polygon of soil type Polygon of slope classification Polygon of physical condition such as hills, alluvial valleys, swamps, etc. Point location (latitude, longitude) Polygon of critical land Polygon of landuse Polygon of landuse Polygon of population density Point of infrastructures (bus terminal, railway station, harbor) Polyline with length (meter) Polyline with length (meter) Point location (X, Y) of the center Point location (X, Y) of the center Polygon of lake_dam_swamp Point location (X, Y) of the center Point location (X, Y) of the center Point location (X, Y) of the center Polygon of dam_lake Polygon of working jurisdiction of observers


All the collected and validated maps are shown in Appendix 1. a. Administrative Boundaries The administrative boundaries are divided into province, district, sub-district, and village. The smallest administrative boundary in CRB is called desa/village. Fields on the attribute table are as follows: (i) area, (ii) perimeter, (iii) provinces ID, (iv) districts ID, (v) subdistricts ID, (vi) villages ID, (vii) province, (viii) districts name, (ix) sub-districts name, and (x) villages name. CRB covers two provinces (West Java and DKI Jakarta), 17 districts (kabupaten/kota), 42 sub-districts (kecamatan), and 2377 villages (desa). The smallest village area is 1.83 km2 (Desa Pademangan Barat, Kecamatan Pademangan, Kota Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta Province) and the largest area is 9.05 km2 (Desa Jatisari, Kecamatan Cileungsi, Kota Bogor, West Java Province).

b. Diversion and Intake Structure of East Tarum Canal (ETC) There are 62 locations of diversion and intake structure along East Tarum Canal (ETC). The structure of ETC covers the information of X, Y coordinate, code for each structures point and the dimension of each structure. The contribution from Curug Weir to ETC is about 88% and ETC has supplied municipal water to Subang and Karawang Districts.

c. Diversion and Intake Structure of West Tarum Canal (WTC) There are 43 locations of diversion and intake structure along West Tarum Canal (WTC). WTC starts from Curug weir on the Citarum river and ends at a junction with the Ciliwung river. The field attributes covers (i) buildings name, (ii) canals name, (iii) remarks, (iv) X, Y coordinates of the center of the building. WTC was operated since 1968 and was conveying raw water of the Citarum river for both irrigation water supply and domestic, municipal and industrial water supply. The raw water is pumped up at the Curug Weir site by 17 hydraulic pumps. WTC is also one of the key suppliers for raw water to the water treatment plants (WTP) of PAM-Jaya in Jakarta. The WTP that receives raw water from WTC is Pejompongan I & II, Pulogadung and Buaran I & II. In addition, WTC has supplied water to Bekasi City through the municipal water supply agency, PDAM Bekasi.

d. Diversion and Intake Structure of North Tarum Canal (NTC) There are 64 locations of diversion and intake structure along North Tarum Canal (NTC). The municipality of Karawang abstracts water from the NTC for the municipal use. The field attributes covers (i) buildings name, (ii) canals name, (iii) remarks, (iv) X, Y coordinates of the center of the building.

e. Secondary Diversion and Intake Structure There are 1,561 locations of secondary diversion and intake structure in the downstream of CRB. The field attributes covers (i) buildings code, (ii) buildings name, (iii) secondary canals name, (iv) short information on structures, and (v) X and Y coordinates of the building.

f. Weirs (Bendung) There are 56 weirs location inside Citarum River Basin. Field in attribute table covers (i) X and Y coordinate, (ii) weirs name, (iii) rivers name, (iv) weirs type, (v) gates type, (vi) gates dimension, (vii) maximum discharge, (viii) function of each weir, (ix) condition, (x) operator, (xi) district. (xii) sub-district, (xiii) village, (xiv) built in year, and (xv) start of operations year. One of the most important weirs, called Curug Weir, is situated on the mainstream about 15 km upstream from the Walahar Weir and has, since 1965, diverted the river water to the West and East Tarum Canals through pumped systems. Although the diversion systems have also supplied raw water for the municipal and industrial uses to the urbanized areas located along the canals, the most significant role thereof is to supply to Jakarta City. In order to cope with the increasing water demand in the water supply areas, each canal system extracts river flow from the tributary of the Citarum river and the other nearby river at some places where the canal crosses one of them. For instance, the 70 km long West Tarum Canal takes water from the Cibeet river, a tributary of the Citarum river, on its way to Jakarta, while the East Tarum Canal from the Cipunagara river at the Salamdarma Weir, which is the nearby river discharging into Java Sea to east of the Citarum river. Thus, the water resources of the Citarum river Basin and its neighboring basins, which cover a total catchment area of 11,000 km2, have been effectively utilized through the integrated water network in order to meet the water demands in the previously mentioned target areas. In the western part of the network, the West Tarum Canal (WTC) passes through the Cikarang and Bekasi river and extracts more additional water from these two (2) rivers. Eventually, the aggregated total catchment area of the Citarum Water Resources Network covers a total area of 13,000 km2 and the cities of Jakarta and Bogor are the major beneficiary areas thereof.

g. Main & Secondary Canal Main canal is stored as poly-line in the GIS data. The information in attribute table includes canal name, length of canal, and canal code.

h. Lake Information of lakes in CRB is stored as polygon without (X, Y) coordinate. Field of attribute table includes area of the lake.


3.4.2 Final GIS Layers The database base map will consist of 13 essential maps. The selection of these maps has taken into account not just data consistency but all the user requirements as discussed in later sections. The layers are shown in Table 14. The applied GIS layers in DSS Database are shown in Figure 46.

Table 14: GIS Maps Selected for Database Base Layer

No GIS data Name of Shape File

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

River territory information River system Rainfall observe station information AWS information Water discharge observe station information Water quality observe station information Dam information Weir information Intake point information contour information Catchment information Sub catchment information Map of west java

batas_wilker_pline Hidro rainfall station_final Lklim Debit kualitas_air waduk_srtv / waduk_situl / waduk_situz Bending bagi_sadap_induk_stt / bagi_sadap_stb / bagi_sadap_stu DEM CRB final_catchment10mar11 final_catchment10mar11 adm_jawa_poly_utm


Figure 46: GIS Layers Applied in DSS Database



DSS Database

DSS data manager is the software developed to manage hydrological and GIS data for relevant operator. Figure 47 is the main screen of data manager.

Figure 47: DSS Data Manager Main Screen 3.5.1 Menu Diagram The Menu diagram from the GUI is shown as follows;

Figure 48: Menu Diagram


Each agency has its own database related to Citarum River Basin. However, the database should be integrated and expanded to cover the whole country in the future. Therefore DSS data manager is also designed to share data between every agency which are managing Citarum River Basin and also developed to construct integrated database in national level. For the first step, this project is starting with CRB and the data manager is developed considering this progress plan. For the next step, development team should build up understanding with another agency and make a contract and then create a new database space for them. Each agency will populate the data manager with their own data and the populated data will be automatically shared with other agencies. DSS data manager can also provide a clear and reliable database by searching, comparing, and analyzing hydrological data at one glance by sharing data between each agency. 3.5.2 Key Features of DSS Data Manager a. Data Input Each agency can input data by using Data Input Wizard without changing the previous format which is used before. Through this process, agencies do not have to duplicate work to maintain the database. User can input data directly to the data table by typing or copy & paste manually as well.

Figure 49: Data Input Wizard


b. Data Output Each agency can export their data in excel format and other agencies data as well.

Figure 50: Data Export to Excel Format

c. Data Validation User can check the data after importing by using Data Import Wizard or manual method. After importing the data, user can easily notice an abnormal data by cross checking the tablet data at the chart window as well.

Figure 51: Data Validation Screen


d. Integrated Modeling Tools Modeling tools can be integrated with DSS database which user does not need to input data separately only to run the models. RRFS is developed and integrated exclusively for DSS data manager and Citarum River Basin.

Figure 52: Integrated RRFS Screenshot e. Create Reports DSS data manager includes feature which can create reports based on user requirements such as yearbook, rainfall report, dam operation report, and water quality report. These reports are based on URS (User Requirement Specification) collected by agencies.


(a) Publish Year Book

(b) Annual Rainfall


(c) Water Quality

(d) Dam Operation Figure 53: Reports


f. Manual The DSS data manager also provides a manual for administrators and a help document for end users. These documents and written in English and fully translated into Bahasa Indonesia as well.

Figure 54: DSS Data Manager Manuals


3.5.3 Graphical User Interface In computing, a GUI (Graphical User Interface) is a type of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices with images rather than text commands. A GUI represents the information and actions available to a user through graphical icons and visual indicators such as secondary notation, as opposed to text-based interfaces, typed command labels or text navigation. The actions are usually performed through direct manipulation of the graphical element. a. Main Screen Basically, user can see GIS map which has geometrical data. By clicking the target point in the map, users also get information of area, station, dam, and weir. GIS map can also be panned, zoomed-in, and zoomed-out on with GIS map tool. On the bottom of GIS screen, user will be able to see mini map and map scale information.

Figure 55: Main Screen


b. Data Search and Review Screens User can search all kinds of hydrological data from each agency, which is composed of the data of rainfall, AWS, water level, water quality, water demand, dam, and weir. User can search data by agency name, date, station type, district, and sub district and the search result will be viewable in table and graphical view.

Figure 56: Result of Searched data in table and graph


c. Data Import Wizard User will be able to input data in few steps by using data import wizard. It reads the file which user selected and stores the data to the database. First step; user has to select agency type such as BBWSC, PJT-II, DPSDA, BPLHD and PusAir. Second step; user has to select data type such as AWS, rainfall, weir. etc. and also whether it is automatic or manual station. Third step; user has to browse for and upload excel file or text file which contains the data.

Figure 57: Data Import Wizard


After all of these steps, user will be able to check the data which is imported and validate the data before it is stored in the database as shown in Figure 58.

Figure 58: Preview of Imported Data

d. Opening GIS Map DSS software is based on GIS map data. Most of the hydrological data collecting stations are located on the GIS map and each location contains data from each observation station. The GIS Map data bar is shown in Figure 59. Step 1. after you login the DSS software, click on 'GIS View' button to see GIS map of Citarum River Basin.

Figure 59: GIS View Button


Step 2. as clicking on 'GIS View' button and you will be able to adjust the GIS map using your mouse.

Figure 60: GIS Map Screen

Step 3. You can adjust the GIS map with simple mouse operations. Move: click and drag the GIS map in any direction. Zoom in: wheel the mouse up to zoom in to certain area. Zoom out: wheel the mouse down to zoom out the map.


e. GIS Map Icon Legends You will see some icons on the GIS map in Figure 61 which represents observation stations and legend of each icon in Table 15.

Figure 61: GIS Map Icons

Table 15: GIS Map Icon Legend Icons Explanation

Rainfall station AWS (Automatic Weather Station) Water quality station Weir Water level station



Information Systems Implementation Program

Information systems implementation is an important component of the project involving the deployment and setup of the hardware and configurations needed to sustainably execute the project. In this section, it will introduce how the information systems network and hardware will be setup and provides some details on the efforts underway to get the DSS deployed and up and running.

3.6.1 Introduction a. How DSS Database Works DSS will be served as a standardized framework on which all current monitoring, modeling, and conservation practices can be integrated and analyzed by the river basin managers. The database is schematized in Figure 62.

Figure 62: Progress of DSS Database Operation


3.6.2 System Configuration a. Hardware Configuration DSS hardware consists of two servers; the database server and GIS server. In database server, Microsoft SQL Server is installed which stores and manages entire hydrological data. In GIS server, it stores and manages GIS data related to Citarum River Basin. Following is the figure of DSS hardware configuration.

Figure 63: Hardware Configuration

A public IP should be assigned to each server for the access from outside client, and each server uses RAID-1 method for the backup and safety of data. Table 16: Hardware Explanation
Hardware UPS Modem DB Server GIS Server Monitor Explanation Uninterruptible Power Supply Internet Connection Modem Database Server GIS Server For Server Management 79 Scalability, Performance, Stability Scalability, Performance, Stability Management Satisfy Requirements Stability

b. System Requirements For proper operation and performance of DSS system, DSS server and client should satisfy following requirements.

Figure 64: Server Requirements

Figure 65: Client Requirements


c. Software Configuration Development team has installed various software, which are necessary for operation. The software list is shown in Figure 66 and Table 17.

Figure 66: Software Installed in DSS Server

Table 17: Software Installed in DSS Server

Software Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition Anti-Virus Vaccine Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition ArcGIS Server v10 DSS Software Explanation Operating System for Database and GIS server Protection of External Attack Storage and Management of Hydrological Data Storage and Management of GIS Data Hydrological Data Search and Input


3.6.3 Database Server Configuration a. Start & End of Database Service Database services can be controlled for server management. SQL Server Configuration Manager Program which is installed in database server is needed to be run for starting the control of database service.

Figure 67: SQL Server Configuration Manager

If server administrator makes a right-click on the SQL Server, context menu will be showed up as below. Now Administrator can start, stop, and restart the SQL server service using this menu.

Figure 68: Context Menu of SQL Server Service


3.6.4 GIS Server Configuration The following section presents details on the GIS Server configuration. a. ArcGIS Server Manager Connection Administrator has to use ArcGIS Server Manager to manage ArcGIS servers data. ArcGIS Server Manager is hosted by ArcGIS server and it is a web-based program, therefore administrator should access by installed web browser. Input the connection address of ArcGIS Server Manager after running web browser. Connection address is http://GIS Server IP Address/ArcGIS/Manager.

Figure 69: ArcGIS Server Manager Login Screen


If you input the account and password administrator will be able to see the screen for configuration.

Figure 70: ArcGIS Server Manager Configuration Screen

Click on Manage Services menu to check the GIS maps which are currently on service.

Figure 71: List of GIS Maps on Service


Administrator will be able to see list of GIS maps and administrator can also start, stop, and restart the service of GIS maps.

Figure 72: Start, Stop, and Restart Function

If administrator wants to see more detail about the GIS map, administrator can click on the GIS map list.

Figure 73: Select GIS map for Detailed Information


Now, administrator will be able to see detailed information and administrator can edit the information and also setup GIS map address which are currently on service in the Parameters menu screen.

Figure 74: Parameters Menu Screen In Capabilities screen, administrator can select the map which wants to be serviced.

Figure 75: Capabilities Menu Screen


In pooling screen, administrator can set the minimum and maximum value of server stress. Set the values depend on the server specification.

Figure 76: Pooling Screen In Caching screen, administrator can set Map Cache information to increase the server performance.

Figure 77: Caching Screen


After setting entire configurations, click on Save and Restart button which located on the right-bottom of the screen to apply configuration and the ArcGIS server will be restarted.

b. ArcGIS Server Management Administrator can check the log information of the ArcGIS servers operation status, in purpose of observation and maintenance. Click on Log Files menu to start.

Figure 78: Log Files Menu Screen

Administrator can see the entire log and information recorded up to date in this screen.


3.6.5 Data Manager Configuration Following section explains the data manager configuration in detail. a. Database Connection Setting Database connection information is included in the distributed DSS software. If administrator wants to change the configuration, it can be changed by using programs such as Notepad. DataManager.exe.config is located in the same directory which is installed DSS software.

Figure 79: Location of DataManager.exe.config File

If you open the file, you will be able to see a configure information as below which has XML format.

Figure 80: Content of DataManager.exe.config File


Change the IP address in the database server and save the file. Then restart the DSS software and the new IP address of database server will be assigned. b. ArcGIS Server Connection Setting DSS software contains a feature which can check and setup the ArcGIS server connection information. If the ArcGIS server IP is changed, user has to change the connection information to use DSS softwares GIS map and it can be done in the Management menu screen. Run DSS software and go to Config menu which is under Management menu, then user will be able to see a screen as below. User can change the IP address in ArcGIS Server Rest API Address menu. Change the address and click on the Save button which is located on the toolbar to save the address and then DSS software will try to connect to the new IP address and receive GIS data from the new IP address.

Figure 81: ArcGIS server IP configuration Screen


c. Authority Setting Administrator can assign authority to each account in Authentication Management menu. User can only use the menu for which he or she has authority to access. Click on Authentication Management menu which is under Management menu.

Figure 82: Authentication Management Screen

Administrator can change which user will have authority through the menu options. If administrator needs to change that information, then click on Detail button to start.

Figure 83: Authentication Management Detail Button


If administrator clicks on the Detail button, the detailed information of selected account will appear and the authority can be changed, saved, and deleted.

Figure 84: Changing Authority of Account Administrator has to click on Add button to add a new account for DSS software.

Figure 85: Adding New Account After clicking on Add button, a screen will be appeared using which administrator can add new account and then click on save button to finish adding new account for DSS software.

d. User Account Setting Administrator can search and setup account which can access DSS software. For doing this, run DSS software and go to User Management menu, which is located under Management menu.

Figure 86: User Management Menu

First, administrator will see the list of accounts which are currently in use. On the top of the list, there is a filtering tool which administrator can use to see only the selected parameter. For example, if administrator wants to see certain agency, selects the agency on the filtering tool.

Figure 87: Filtering Tool


Now the account only belonging to selected agency will be appeared on the screen.

Figure 88: Result Screen of Using Filtering Tool

If administrator wants to change the information of certain account, he or she can click on Detail button, which is located on the end of the account row.

Figure 89: Detail Button on User Management Screen


Information screen will be appeared on the top of the list when administrator clicks on Detail button.

Figure 90: User Information Screen

After changing information, click on save button. If administrator wants to delete account, just click on Delete button, otherwise, to add a new account, click on Add button to start.

Figure 91: Adding New Account


If administrator clicks on add button, a screen will be appeared on the top of the list through which administrator can input information for a new account. Enter the information of new account and click on save button, then a new account will be created.

Figure 92: Setting Information for New Account


3.6.6 Issues and Recommendation The DSS data manager development is completed and the software is ready to be installed in the actual server for operation. The following section provides information on some of the challenges that were encountered during the development phase. a. Limitation of Network Bandwidth and Availability Considering the current network configuration of DSS, there is an issue of minimum network bandwidth for DSS software implementation in PJT-II. Because of this reason, we propose a few network configurations which can solve this bandwidth problem.

Figure 93: Network Configuration 1


Figure 94: Network Configuration 2


Figure 95: Network Configuration 3


4. Development of Rainfall-Runoff Forecast System

One of the fundamental steps in any water basin management is rainfall-runoff analysis, which also provides basic data for water resources allocation and water quality analyses. This chapter describes results of development and application of the rainfall-runoff forecasting system for CRB. 4.1 RRFS Introduction

RRFS shown in Figure 96 is a rainfall-runoff forecasting system developed by K-water based on US Armys Stream flow Synthesis and Reservoir Regulation (SSARR) Model. RRFS is a long-term, hydrologic rainfall-runoff model for continuous simulation of daily, monthly, and yearly runoffs. It was designed to facilitate the conjunctional operation and control of reservoirs by simulating runoff, serving as a base for water use management. Some of the key advantages of RRFS over other rainfall-runoff models are: 1) Advanced GUI for intuitive and easy use, 2) Flexible conceptual model for incorporation of more complicated calculations as required, 3) Minimum data requirements for easy initial deployment, and 4) Ensemble stream flow prediction for comprehensive coverage of all potential event probabilities and their outcomes. The details of basic logic of RRFS engine, parameter estimation, and application processes are given in the RRFS manual.

Figure 96: Rainfall Runoff Forecasting System



Model Construction

4.2.1 Sub-catchment delineation of CRB After significant consultations, the existing sub-catchment delineation already in use by PJTII was selected as a basic scheme for initial RRFS development and implementation in line with overall objective of synergizing the DSS development with existing practices. The catchment delineation is shown in Figure 97, which also shows the three regions of CRB divided for RRFS implementation. There are 14 catchments in Citarum basin, 24 catchments in upper Jatiluhur area, and 11 catchments in Cilicis area.

Figure 97: Sub-Catchment Delineation


Due to the parallel distribution pattern of sub-catchment which flows from the South to the North, the drainage system is complicated if each catchment is considered independently. Therefore, the existing hydrologic drainage system was modified based on WTC (West Tarum Canal), ETC (East Tarum Canal), and NTC (North Tarum Canal) which pass through the I- and J-regions. Based on an analysis of the basin, the sub-catchments were reorganized as Figure 98.

Figure 98: Final CRB Sub-catchment Division


The schematic diagram of CRB is composed of Central CRB, West Tarum Canal, East Tarum Canal, and North Tarum Canal shown in Figure 99 to Figure 102.

Figure 99: Drainage Schematic in Central CRB


In RRFS, the flow network can be modeled using five types of water elements: A basin represents a basin or sub-catchment of which essential parameters are rainfall and flow characteristics. A channel is essentially a transfer point that can incorporate lag or delay in the flow and also approximates flow through parts of the stream network where evapotranspiration and seepage is negligible. A transfer point is a point in the network where no input or output takes place; however the flow can be observed. Transfer points are model equivalents of flow monitoring stations on the ground. An intake point is essentially another transfer point with the ability to input flow into the overall balance. These can be used to model as parts of the network where flow is entered in the network through manmade pipelines or channels. A dam has all the properties of channel, intake point, and transfer point. Additionally, it can also be used as a way to divert flow away from the network. Dams can be used to model water reservoirs, man-made or natural, in the network.

a. WTC WTC is the artificial canal which flows to the West from the water source, Curung weir. Runoff diagram is shown in Figure 100 and its starting point is node 17 in Figure 99. Node 17 is the intake point in CRB-RRFS described as WTC in Figure 99.
Out let
17-5 17-4













Figure 100: Schematic diagram of drainage system of WTC

Cibeet river located in C-region flows to the WTC through the node 26, Cibeet Feeder Canal (CFC), and Suppression from Cibeet (SFC) in Figure 99, and node 17-1 in sequence. After Cibeet river is formed, two main tributaries (Cikarang and Bekasi river) flow to the WTC through the node 17-2 and 17-3. Two other tributaries (Cipinang and Ciliwung) flow to the WTC through the 17-4 and 17-5 located at the right before outlet node. In this diagram, three sub-catchments (I4, I5, and I7) in southern sides of I-region are not included because WTC is an artificial channel and some area passes through the urban area; however, it will be added later after considering input of expert opinion. Of the basins of WTC 2, 3, and 4 will be included in the flow diagram easily by adding inflow node at the end of each channel.


I8 and I9 in the northern side of I-region are the areas which could not be expected to have return flow. The water in this area will be used for agricultural purposes by adding intake node.

b. ETC ETC is the artificial canal which flows to the East from the water source, Curung weir. Runoff diagram is shown in Figure 101 and its starting point is node 18 in Figure 99. Node 18 is the intake point in CRB-RRFS described as ETC.














Out let






J1+ J2+ J10


Figure 101: Schematic diagram of drainage system of ETC

Seven main tributaries flow in to the ETC through each node. Especially, Cipunegara river inflows through node 18-6 to the ETC and there are three sub-catchments (J1, J2, and J10) which contribute this river. It will be divided as it is for simulating better analysis instead of as one merged catchment. Three sub-catchments (J6, J8, and J11) in southern sides of J-region are not included; however, those will be included in the diagram easily by adding inflow node at the end of each channel. J13, J14, J15, J16, and J17 in the northern side of J-region are the area which could not expected to have return flow. They are also considered that the water in this area will be used for agricultural purposes by adding intake node. c. NTC NTC is the canal located in downstream of CRB which flows to the east through the J14 node. Runoff diagram is shown in Figure 102 and its starting point is node 31 in Figure 99. Node 31 is the intake point in CRB-RRFS.
31 NTC Out let

Figure 102: Schematic diagram of drainage system of NTC

It will be possible to add inflow and intake nodes as described in the case of WTC and ETC.


4.2.2 Input Data The input data used in the RRFS model can be largely divided into three types: physical, hydrometeorologic, and water demand data. a. Physical Data To implement reservoir operation function of RRFS, three dams (Saguling, Cirata, and Juanda) were taken into consideration. Channel routing is implemented by continuous virtual reservoir routing method which parameters represent the number of virtual reservoir and retention time. Basin routing in RRFS is implemented independently using flow fields such as surface, sub-surface, base-flow, and lower zone. Each flow field assumes that there are a lot of virtual reservoirs and each reservoir is routed. Parameters of each flow field represent the number of virtual reservoir and retention time and each parameter is estimated with basin area, main channel length, and travel time. Accurate flow duration curve can be estimated by water allocation analysis for the relation between catchments and flow such as to and from catchments for water allocation. b. Hydrometeorologic Data To estimate spatial variance of rainfall by elevation, area ratio by elevation is the main input data for RRFS simulation. In this study, basin area and area ratio by elevation were calculated by dividing a basin into several bands based on DEM. To draw the graph of one of the parameter (SMI-ROP) in RRFS, initial value of SMI-ROP is determined by land use and soil type. The value of SMI01 was estimated with upstream data of three dams, SMI02 using dam, and SMI03 using downstream data of Juanda dam. Because the average basin rainfall based on the observed rainfall and temperature data by Thiessen method was estimated with an assumptive of flat area, it is necessary to apply rainfall weights by elevation to adjust this assumption as real basin condition. In this study, rainfall weights by elevation is estimated as calibrating constant, that is calculated based on 100% of rainfall weights at the average elevation in each catchment. Calibrating constant defines the increment of rainfall (mm) by 1 m increment of elevation. c. Water Demand Data Water demand data for CRB can be divided into three parts: agriculture, municipal and industrial water demands.
s Agricultural Data

In the upstream of Jatiluhur, water demand for each sub-catchment can be computed by standard irrigation demand per ha (about 1.1 liter/ha/s) which is multiplied by the total agriculture area in each sub-catchment. Irrigation demand is assumed constant for each month and year. Based on this calculation, an average annual irrigation demand of about 149.8m3/s for the upstream part of Jatiluhur is distributed into sub-catchments. In the downstream of Jatiluhur, Water demand for each sub-catchment is derived from annual water balance data which is available from 1990 to 2009 from PJT-II and total agriculture area in each sub-catchment. Irrigation demand of each month is assumed as constant and then total irrigation water demand for each sub-catchment is computed by:


SubCatchmentIrrigationArea SubCatchmentIrr.Demand = TotalIrr.Demand TotalIrrigationArea

An average annual irrigation demand of about 168.6m3/s is distributed into sub-catchments in downstream of Jatiluhur.
s Municipal and Industrial

For upstream of Jatiluhur, analysis result from the document of Integrated Water Resources Management Project (ICWRMP), Appendix I, Water Demand, 2006, can be used. The municipal water demand for the downstream of Jatiluhur together with water demand prediction from PJT-II. For the period 2010-2011, water demand for municipal and industry is estimated as: s s s Total for East Tarum Canal: 0.88m3/s Total for West Tarum Canal: 21.44m3/s Total for North Tarum Canal: 2.5m3/s

These values are further distributed into sub-catchments.

s Return flow estimation

Intake amount of water usage in a basin or river is able to return to the inside or outside of its basin or river. The return flow rate is one of the important factors to simulate water allocation analysis; however, there is no simultaneous equipment to measure intake and flow for estimating return flow. The return flow is estimated with the constant rate of intake in CRB. The return flow rate for municipal and industrial water usages is set at 65% and that of agricultural water usage is set at 35%. 4.3 Result of Application in CRB

4.3.1 Model Calibration and Verification Parameters of the model were calibrated against observed flow data in the central region of CRB by employing the input data described in the previous section. Then, the calibrated model was verified using other sets of observed flow data at the same locations. The appropriateness of the model calibration and verification was estimated using two methods of Relative Bias (RB) and Relative Root Mean Square Error (RRMSE). RB and RRMSE are simultaneously used to examine the result of yearly simulation and daily simulation, respectively.


1 n 2 ( Fi - Qi ) n i =1 MQ

Where, Fi=calculated discharge on ith day, Qi=observed discharge on ith day


1 n M F = Fi n i =1 MQ = 1 n Qi n i =1

Where, MF=mean annual calculated discharge, MQ=mean annual observed discharge Table 18: Results of Model Calibration
Dam Year
1997 1998 1999 Saguling 2000 2001 2002 2003 1997 1998 1999 Cirata 2000 2001 2002 2003 1997 1998 1999 Juanda 2000 2001 2002 2003

Low Flow
Obs(m /s) ) 29.04

High Flow
0.37 RRMS E 1.52 0.35 0.54 0.63 0.56 1.30 2.76 1.52 1.31 1.39 1.49 2.35 1.68 1.22 0.19 0.18 0.32 0.15 0.29 0.24 1.16 Obs(m /s)

Sim(m /s)

RB -0.14 0.08 -0.05 -0.23 0.32 1.58 -0.24 -0.28 -0.30 -0.29 -0.41 -0.34 0.07 0.05 0.11 0.26 0.07 0.04 0.04 -0.32

Sim(m3/s) 108.82 188.31 119.18 117.56 138.58 178.25 127.00 172.24 282.38 223.30 172.87 249.48 297.58 151.17 167.93 246.37 197.97 171.48 210.36 271.48 131.03

RB 0.04 0.06 -0.12 0.05 -0.04 0.13 0.29 -0.27 -0.32 -0.31 -0.34 -0.28 -0.29 -0.16 0.00 0.08 -0.04 0.08 0.12 -0.04 -0.06

39.71 88.25 71.70 60.22 70.96 49.25 62.92 75.66 177.83 145.05 135.65 161.95 92.85 84.36 92.51 225.34 179.04 173.18 231.60 139.34 83.66

104.72 177.90 135.63 111.63 144.98 157.59 98.73 236.83 412.44 322.68 263.85 346.14 419.39 178.95 167.92 229.06 206.22 159.28 188.63 281.49 140.07

RRMS E 0.43 0.47 0.36 0.30 0.36 0.40 0.84 0.90 0.98 1.20 1.02 1.02 1.04 0.85 0.11 0.09 0.26 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.33

102.98 66.22 63.71 92.31 37.33 24.42 99.36 248.04 208.52 190.63 275.43 141.10 79.02 88.44 203.64 142.15 162.21 223.53 133.56 122.49


Before model calibration, RRFS was run with selected parameters for warming-up process. Then, the data from 1997 to 2003 are used for calibration. The calibration results using RB and RRMSE with high flow (Jan to Apr) and low flow (May to Dec) of three dams inflow are shown in Table 18. The calibration results in 2002 for Saguling, Cirata and Juanda dams are shown in Figure 103, Figure 104, and Figure 105, respectively. To check veracity, calibrated model was run with rainfall data from 2004 onwards. The results in 2004 and 2005 are shown Figure 106-Figure 109. The RB and RRMSE for high flow (Jan to Apr) and low flow (May to Dec) of three dams inflow are shown in Table 19.

Discharge(m /s)

10 Saguling OBS Saguling COM

1 2002-01-01 2002-02-20 2002-04-11 2002-05-31 2002-07-20 2002-09-08 2002-10-28 2002-12-17


Figure 103: RRFS Modeling Calibration Results in 2002 Saguling Dam


Cirata OBS Cirata COM

3 Discharge(m /s)


10 2002-01-01 2002-02-20 2002-04-11 2002-05-31 2002-07-20 2002-09-08 2002-10-28 2002-12-17


Figure 104: RRFS Modeling Calibration Results in 2002 Cirata Dam



Juanda OBS Juanda COM

D ischarge(m /s)


10 2002-01-01 2002-02-20 2002-04-11 2002-05-31 2002-07-20 2002-09-08 2002-10-28 2002-12-17


Figure 105: RRFS Modeling Calibration Results in 2002 Juanda Dam

Figure 106: RRFS Modeling Verification Results in 2004 Saguling Dam

Figure 107: RRFS Modeling Verification Results in 2004 Juanda Dam


Figure 108: RRFS Modeling Verification Results in 2005 Saguling Dam

Figure 109: RRFS Modeling Verification Results in 2005 Juanda Dam Table 19: Result of Error Analysis for Verification Period
Dam Year 2004 2005 2004 2005 2004 2005

Sim(m /s)

Low Flow Low3 Flow 51.50 55.84 96.40 120.37 137.39 164.32

High Flow
RB RRMSE Obs(m3/s) Sim(m3/s) RB RRMSE


36.33 49.79 138.09 173.61 132.43 168.91

0.42 0.12 -0.30 -0.31 0.04 -0.03

1.28 0.52 2.08 1.77 0.46 0.26

125.58 164.36 320.22 373.82 183.49 256.87

138.76 154.55 195.39 261.80 208.59 240.24

0.10 -0.06 -0.39 -0.30 0.14 -0.06

0.44 0.36 1.25 1.02 0.16 0.16




a. Runoff Ratio Estimation at the main Control Points Based on the observed data and simulation results from 1997 to 2005, the runoff ratios at the main control inflow points were estimated as shown in Table 20. The results in the form of histogram are also presented in Figure 110 and Figure 111 for Saguling dam and Juanda dam, respectively. In most cases, the runoff ratios of simulation results are higher than those estimated from the observed data. Table 20: Runoff Ratio of Main Control Points in CRB
Year Saguling+Cirata Observed RRFS Observed Juanda RRFS

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Ave

0.61 0.76 0.72 0.74 0.87 0.68 0.42 0.68 0.73 0.69

0.69 0.77 0.73 0.74 0.77 0.73 0.67 0.72 0.74 0.73

0.55 0.53 0.48 0.66 0.62 0.62 0.34 0.48 0.55 0.54

0.58 0.59 0.56 0.72 0.67 0.64 0.28 0.53 0.55 0.57

Figure 110: Yearly Histogram of Runoff Ratio in Saguling and Cirata


Figure 111: Yearly Histogram of Runoff Ratio in Juanda 4.3.2 Simulation in the Canals Considering Water Allocation a. Canal Structure and Water Allocation In Jatiluhur Dam of central CRB, Curug weir is installed to supply domestic and industrial water for metropolitan area and agricultural water for farming fields. The West and East Tarum Canals are connected to this structure as the water supply canals. The schematic diagram of water availability and allocation in CRB is shown in Figure 112 and the number in the colored box represents daily inflow and water allocation, with values at each station being the inflow and allocation on September 2 2009 as an example. The number in yellow box represents inflow amount into the canal from mainstream. The number in gray box near three dams represents inflow amount of Dam while the number in blue and pink box near canal shows water supply and water use such as domestic, industrial, agricultural, and return flow.

Figure 112: Water Availability and Distribution Schematic in CRB


b. RRFS Simulation considering West and East Tarum Canals As mentioned in previous section, the capacity of expanded RRFS runoff simulation in whole CRB was evaluated considering the contribution of runoff to the West and East Tarum Canal. The WTC simulation schematic diagram of I-region is shown in Figure 113 and there are three adjacent hydraulic structures to the WTC such as Bekasi, Cikarang, and Cibeet weirs making direct impact on the runoff of the WTC. The colored sub-basins in Figure 113 correspond to the drainage basins directly contributing to the inflow into Bekasi, Cikarang, and Cibeet weirs. Figure 114, Figure 115, and show the simulation results of three weirs inflow during 2001 and 2006 by hydrographs and hyetographs.

Figure 113: WTC Simulation Schematic Diagram


(a) 2001-2003

(b) 2004-2006 Figure 114: Simulation Results of Bekasi Weir Inflow


(a) 2001-2003

(b) 2004-2006 Figure 115: Simulation Results of Cikarang Weir Inflow


(a) 2001-2003

(b) 2004-2006 Figure 116: Simulation Results of Cibeet Weir Inflow


The ETC simulation schematic diagram of J-region is shown in Figure 117. There are five adjacent hydraulic structures to the ETC such as Barugbug, Jengkol, Macan, Gadung, and Salam Darma weir. As mentioned in previous section, Jengkol and Gadung weir located in the northern of East Tarum Canal did not have any impact on the runoff of the ETC. Due to this reason, the simulation was conducted focusing on the other three weirs inflows. The colored sub-basins in Figure 117 correspond to the drainage basins directly contributing to the inflow into Barugbug, Mancan and Salam Darma weirs. Figure 118 , Figure 119, and Figure 120 show the simulation results of Barugbug, Macan, and Salam Darma weirs inflow in 2004, 2005, and 2009 by hydrographs and hyetographs. The results are reasonably accurate similar to the case of WTC with three weirs.

Figure 117: ETC Simulation Schematic Diagram


Figure 118: Simulation Results of Barugbug Weir Inflow

Figure 119: Simulation Results of Macan Weir Inflow

Figure 120: Simulation Results of Salam Darma Weir Inflow



Application of ESP Technique with PDF Ratio Method

4.4.1 Overview of ESP Technique Ensemble Stream flow Prediction (ESP) is one of the representative probabilistic runoff forecasting methods that generate many stream flow scenarios from all possible rainfall scenarios using the deterministic rainfall runoff model (e.g. RRFS). In this method, the initial conditions of a basin at the time of forecasting (e.g. soil moisture contents, water stage, etc.) are combined with historical weather ensemble data that can be simulated in the future. That is, this method attempts to obtain multiple runoff scenarios resulting from the application of all possible rainfall scenarios to a deterministic rainfall-runoff model. The use of RRFS enables the implementation of ESP quite easy through combination with probabilistic weather forecasting. In this phase of DSS development, RRFS model including ESP has been developed for rainfall-runoff forecasting in the CRB and calibrated and validated main parameters using observed daily rainfall data. Schematic diagram of ESP estimating method combined with RRFS is shown in Figure 121 and Figure 122.

Figure 121: Schematic diagram of RRFS-ESP System

Figure 122: Generation of ESP Scenarios


The key point of ESP method is the process for assigning a weight to each stream flow scenario. The uncertainty of input data could be compensated through this process. One of the simplest methods of weighting scenarios is assigning the same weight value to the all scenarios. For instance, pre-mentioned 30 scenarios are imposed 1/30 probability per each scenario. Advanced method of weighting data is imposing higher weight or probability to the past year, which has similar hydrologic status with target year. If the weather outlook is given in the form of probability forecast, two methods, Croley and PDF ratio, have been used to estimate weighted value. Two drawbacks of Croley method are that a lot of weather probability forecast is required to estimate weight and that all forecasted scenarios in the same forecasting categories have the same probabilities because this method ignores the distribution of climate variable. In other words, the method is discontinuous, which increases or decreases the probability of scenarios equally to satisfy weather probability forecast condition. On the other hand, in the PDF ratio method, continuous weight is estimated by considering the distribution of climate variables. This method is also used to estimate weight with only single weather probability forecast unlike Croley method.

4.4.2 Probabilistic Weather Outlooks and PDF Ratio Method In the case of Korea Meteorological Agency (KMA), daily and bi-weekly probability forecasts of 87 areas, categorized as A (Above), N (Normal), and B (Below), have been provided through the KMA website since 2010. As an example, the A category probability forecast in Daejeon is shown in Table 21 and the high, medium, and low probability compared to the annual temperature and rainfall are 50%, 30%, and 20% respectively. The result of applicable probability per category is stated in Table 22. Table 21: Example of Probability Weather Forecasting
September, Daejeon, Korea Temperature Probability Forecast Rainfall Probability Forecast 50% 50% High 30% High 30% 20% 20%

Table 22: Interval Probability with respect to Weather Forecasting

High A N B 50% 30% 20% Medium 30% 50% 30% Low 20% 20% 50% Sum 100% 100% 100%

Each of the above climate scenarios is modified through PDF ratio by applying former climate data and used as input data of RRFS such as one probability forecast in Table 21. Through this method, validated probability is estimated by each scenarios probability (1/N) multiplied by weight value, and the weighted value is induced by following process.


If f ( y ) , f ( y ) are prior and post distributions of weather forecast, the expected value of Y Y function G ( y ) can be calculated as:

E[G ( y )] = G ( y ) fY ( y )dy E[G ( y )] = G ( y ) fY ( y )dy

(1) (2)

E[ ] is the expectation operator and equation (2) can be converted as:

fY ( y ) E[G ( y )] = G ( y ) fY ( y )dy fY ( y ) qi = 1 N fY ( y ) fY ( y )


From equation (3), it is possible to confirm that the expected value of G ( y ) reflected by f ( y ) (the post probability distribution) can be calculated by applying

ratio f ( y ) and f ( y ) to f ( y ) (the prior distribution as shown in equation (4)). According Y Y Y to these results, validated probability, q can be calculated by using weighted value and the i ratio of f ( y ) and f ( y ) .

For example, if the monthly rainfall follows log-normal distribution with average m = 20.08mm and standard deviation s = 2.72mm , the prior probability distribution fY ( y ) at any given point is shown in Figure 123. The position of quantile of accumulated probability 33.3 % and 66.7% are R33.3 = 13.0mm and R66.7 = 30.9mm , respectively, and these represent upper limits of low and medium interval. The fY ( y ) and fY ( y ) represents of weather forecast A, N, B, which are shown in Figure 124, Figure 125, and Figure 126, respectively. The continuous ratios of fY ( y ) and fY ( y ) are also shown in these figures.


Figure 123: A priori Distribution of Rainfall

Figure 124: Distribution of Rainfall with Above Forecast


Figure 125: Distribution of Rainfall with Normal Forecast

Figure 126: Distribution of Rainfall with Below Outlook


4.4.3 Case Study of ESP Technique with PDF Ratio In this analysis, the method of ESP-PDF ratio is applied for monthly inflow prediction at the Saguling dam. The target period is from January to December 2005, and the rainfall scenario during the target period is 30 years daily rainfall (1980 to 2009). a. Nave Forecasting After nave forecasting of meteorological characteristics such as monthly rainfall and inflow in the target area, three intervals of high, medium, and low are set. Hydrological data used in nave forecasting are 30 years monthly rainfall from 1980 to 2009 and 10 years monthly inflow of dam from 1996 to 2005. The interval limit of monthly rainfall and inflow are shown in Table 23 and Table 24, respectively. If the average rainfall is 150mm and inflow is 4000m3/sec at the Saguling dam in January, the rainfall is categorized as Low and the inflow is categorized as Medium. In this analysis, the result of nave forecasting rainfall in Table 23 is used for combining weather forecast, and the result of nave forecasting inflow in Table 24 is used for the quantitative standard for reliability verification of forecasting system in the ESP forecast process. Table 23: Nave Forecasting of Monthly Rainfall

R33.3 (mm) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 208.16 155.63 216.81 187.65 99.82 36.65 20.82 14.91 27.31 69.94 181.48 222.82

R66.7 (mm) 251.08 228.93 291.49 252.15 147.65 82.65 52.23 56.55 66.38 181.08 278.77 268.90


Table 24: Nave Forecasting of Monthly Inflow


Q33.3 (m3 / sec)

Q66.7 (m3 / sec)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

3565.13 3144.24 3811.00 3596.88 1913.58 882.23 784.02 255.10 291.84 337.86 1325.72 2275.49

4224.54 4029.50 5055.29 4810.65 3390.13 1731.68 1196.38 523.39 846.04 1954.43 4659.12 3750.03


b. Forecasting by ESP Technique ESP forecasting for the target period is implemented to compare with nave forecasting. The main input for the rainfall scenario of RRFS is daily rainfall from 1980 to 2009, and the parameters for initial conditions of the basin are set as of December 31 2004. The results of simulated inflow scenario in Saguling in January 2005 are shown in Figure 127, and accumulated probability of ESP forecasting scenario is shown in Figure 128. If the ESP forecasting was not combined with any specific prior processing method, it is assumed that the weighted values of forecasting flow per scenario in Figure 127 are the same as accumulated probability values in Figure 128 or 50% of the values.

Figure 127: ESP Result of Monthly Inflow into Saguling Dam, Jan. 2005


. Figure 128: ESP Probability of Monthly Inflow into Saguling Dam, Jan 2005


c. Forecasting Renewal by PDF ratio Method To conduct the prior process of ESP forecasting flow scenario by using PDF ratio method, weather forecast in the form of probability forecast is required. Unfortunately, this information for the interested basin is not available. In this analysis, the probability forecast was calculated by observed rainfall in the target month and the forecast interval as summarized in Table 23. The observed monthly rainfall in the Saguling dam is shown in Table 25. The weather forecast in the target month is determined by the analysis, where the target months rainfall will fall on forecasting interval in Table 23. For instance, the observed rainfall in January 2005 is 209 mm and it is between R33.3 (208.16mm) and R66.7 (251.08mm), then the weather forecast in January 2005 is N (Normal). The monthly weather forecast results are shown in Table 26. Table 25: Observational Rainfall by Month
Month Rainfall(mm)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

209.00 326.50 250.00 176.50 78.50 111.00 58.00 59.50 68.50 109.00 182.50 223.50


Table 26: Weather Forecasts by Month

Month Weather Outlook

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Monthly probability distribution goodness of fit test for former rainfall data is required to use PDF ratio method. However, in this analysis, goodness of fit test is not implemented as the consistency, and the weighted value are calculated by assuming that all data are log-normally distributed. In other words, if the verified former rainfall data distribution fY ( y ) and probability forecast distribution are the same as the log-normal distribution and only f ( y) average and standard deviation are changed, the ratio of fY ( y ) and Y in Figure 124 to f ( y ) Figure 126 are calculated by equation (4). The fY ( y ) and Y in the Saguling dam, for the months of January (Normal), February (Above), and April (Below) are shown in Figure 129 to Figure 131, respectively. The probability density function drawn by the thick line represents weather forecast.
fY ( y )


Figure 129: Saguling January Rainfall PDF with Normal Weather Forecast

Figure 130: Saguling February Rainfall PDF with Above Weather Forecast


Figure 131: Saguling April Rainfall PDF with Below Weather Forecast

d. Quantitative Analysis of Prediction Results The accuracy of monthly inflow prediction was analyzed with monthly-observed inflow by ESP and PDF ratio methods. In deterministic model, the accuracy can be evaluated by comparing observed data and with predicted data which is provided as a single value. However, it is impossible to evaluate the results of ESP method application of model by comparing with observed data because ESP method in this study predicted outlooks data based on as various scenarios forms. In this case, a Prediction score can be used to evaluate the accuracy of prediction. Therefore, the prediction score represents prediction probability in the interval of observed flow occurrence. If nave prediction results are used, every monthly prediction score will be calculated as 0.333. According to this logic, the accuracy of renewed scenario per method will can be evaluated from prediction score estimation. The accumulated probability of Q and Q in Table 24 is drawn in Figure 132 and Figure 33.3 66.7 133, respectively. The two dashed lines represent the accumulative probability of 33.3% and 66.7%, respectively, and blue square dots represent monthly observed inflow. Monthly prediction score per ratio estimated from the result of Figure 132 and Figure 133 are summarized in


Table 27. In here, one of the remarkable point is that the predicted average score of the ESP ratio is higher than 0.333. Overall, through this result, the accuracy of the prediction result by ESP ratio is higher than that by nave prediction, in other words that is, the application of ESP system developed in project this study must be reasonable. The prediction score of PDF ratio is also higher than that of ESP ratio. As a result, it can be concluded that the accuracy of prediction can be improved with renewed prediction result by ESP ratio using probability weather forecast.

Figure 132: Cumulative Probability of ESP Scenario for Q and Q 33.3 66.7

Figure 133: Cumulative Probability of PDF ratio Scenario for Q and Q 33.3 66.7

Table 27: Prediction Score by ESP and PDF ratio


Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 average

0.14 0.55 0.67 0.70 0.52 0.25 0.23 0.46 0.35 0.40 0.61 0.18 0.42

0.14 0.57 0.68 0.62 0.32 0.07 0.36 0.55 0.45 0.65 0.87 0.24 0.46




In this study project, RRFS model for the of CRB area has been was built constructed and the application was reviewed by implementing basic probability flow forecast simulation. The C-region connected main three dams were divided into 14 sub-catchments and schematic diagram was developed considering the role of the three main dams, canals and water usage (agriculture, industry, and household). Through the land use and soil map of CRB, main parameters were calculated for each sub-catchment such as Soil Moisture Index-Runoff Percent (SMI-ROP), Baseflow Infiltration Index- Baseflow Percent (BII-BFP), and SurfaceSubsurface Separation (S-SS) input data were prepared. Through this conceptual model of CRB-RRFS, the relative bias and relative root mean square error of high and low runoff in three dams and the appropriateness of runoff area was reviewed using observed. The above data between from 1997 and 2005 was simulated for verification and the simulated observed value was found to be appropriate. The CRB-RRFS in C-region was expanded to West Tarum Canal and East Tarum Canal area and the simulated results of expanded diagram showed high correlation to observations. The appropriateness of runoff prediction is also was analyzed with ESP method, which is . It was implemented in this project study not only for future runoff prediction with past rainfall scenario analysis, but also for improvement of runoff prediction through comparative analysis of ESP and PDF ratio using ESP connected to probability weather forecast provided by the Meteorological Agency. The accuracy of runoff prediction with ESP is higher than nave prediction with past data only. Besides, the accuracy was improved by applying weather forecast pretreatment. Hence, monthly runoff prediction through ESP method is appropriate and it will be necessary to conduct do further research to verify the application of ESP method for expanded basin and for additional hydrological analysis. The developed rainfall-runoff model developed for the CRB area using RRFS will provide the basic input data such as runoff data for each sub-catchment and at main control points to for water allocation model to be developed in the next phase., KModSim , such as runoff data for each sub-catchment and main control points. Additionally, CRB-RRFS for the mid- and long-term prediction RRFS based on the ESP-PDF system will play an important role in risk assessment and probability analysis for dam operation and water allocation planning.


5. Capacity Building and Institutional Arrangement

For the successful development and implementation of the Decision Support system (DSS) in the Citarum River Basin (CRB), consultative process that brings all the stakeholders on board to address their specific needs is very important. The followings are the objectives of the stakeholder consultation process which scopes out the work of capacity building and institution development: Identify and meet with all hydrological and water resources data collection agencies operating in CRB Identify how their existing systems and data can cross-communicate or be integrated in a central system Meet regularly with stakeholders and roadmap consultants to review ongoing and planned IWRM activities Investigate opportunities to create synergy among stakeholder organizations Collect and disseminate information relevant to the ongoing roadmap activities and DSS among stakeholders The list of consultation meetings with stakeholders is summarized in Table 28. Table 28: Summary of Meetings
Date/ Location
20 Sept 2010 / PJT-II Purwakarta 29 Sept 2010 / PJT-II Bandung office 30 Sept 2010 / BPLHD office 19 20 Oct 2010 / Balai Data & Information, PWRS 21 Oct 2010 / PJT-II Purwakarta 22 Oct 2010 / BPLHD office 26 Oct 2010 / Akmani Hotel, Jakarta 2 Nov 2010 / BMKG Bogor

Kickoff Meeting Technical meeting Introduction of K-water to BPLHD West Java Information collecting for database Information collecting for database Information collecting for database Wrap up ADB 4th Review mission Information collecting for hydrology database WTC water balance & water quality modeling Information collecting for Ribasim

Scope of work & objective of DSS for IWRM in CRB Technical aspect of DSS development Introduction of K-water DSS Data collection Explanation & presentation of existing DSS in PJT-II Explanation and presentation of existing DSS in BPLHD Review draft Memorandum of Understanding Hydrological data collection, data handling & database Water quality modeling, GIS & spatial planning

4 Nov 2010 / Package B1 office

9 Nov 2010 / PusAir office West Java Communication & Informatics Services office

Information collecting for hydrology, water quality & database Information collecting for database and publication of data & information using electronic device

Hydrology and water quality database Data collection


14 Dec 2010 / PJT-II Purwakarta 1 Feb 2011 / Bandung K-water PMO office 2 Mar 2011 / PJT-II Bandung office 21 Mar 2011 / BBWS Citarum, Bandung 1 Apr 2011 / PusAir, Bandung 23 May 2011 / Package B office, RCMU office 8 June 2011 / Package B office 21 June 2011 / Horizon Hotel, Bandung 21 June 2011 / PMO K-water, Bandung 22 June 2011 / PMO K-water, Bandung 22 June 2011 / DWRM Office, Jakarta

Inception Workshop Coordination meeting between Package D and B2 Initial inter-agency meeting Counterpart meeting Counterpart meeting Coordination meeting Hydrology synchronization Midterm Workshop

Discussion on Package D Inception Report JSM 2.2 model result in component D, DSS Role of each agency in process of DSS development, mobilization of counterparts Required support from counterpart on DSS Required support from counterpart on DSS

Midterm Workshop follow-up

Synchronizing the hydrology analysis Progress of DB management, institutional development & RRFS development until June 2011 Action plan for accelerating the National Policy for SIH3, business plan, institutional capacity survey and rationalization of station. DSS Software Training Synergizing the preparation of national policy on hydrology, hydrogeology, hydro-climatology system information (SIH3) and budget securing for next phase Synergizing the preparation of national policy on hydrology, hydrogeology, and hydroclimatology system information (SIH3) Presentation of DSS Project Instruction and demonstration on data import wizard, and knowledge sharing on DSS management and operation. Presentation of DSS Project Brief Presentation of DSS Project Summary of DSS Project, Requirement for DSS operation, demo of user interface. Discussion on Draft Recommendation from DGWR to NWRC Discussion on data base & GIS servers locations. Discussion on data sharing concept Discussion on data base & GIS servers locations.

DSS Software training

National Policy on SIH3

22 June 2011 / NWRC Office, Jakarta 5 July 2011 / PLTA Bengkok office, Bandung 12 July 2011 / PMO K-water, Bandung 15 July 2011 / PLTA Saguling, Cioray, Rajamandala 20 July 2011 / BBWS Citarum, Bandung 27 July 2011 / BBWS Citarum, Bandung 26 October 2011 24 November 2011 12,13,14,15 December 2011 February 2012

National Policy on SIH3 Regular meeting of Forum Coordination of Water Governance Operation Secretariat (SPKTPA) Workshop on Data Population and Knowledge Sharing for implementation of DSS IP-UP Saguling / Member of SPKTPA Coordination with Head of BBWS Citarum Coordination with BBWS Citarum Consultation meeting with DWRM Consultation meeting with PJTII Consultation meetings with Dinas PSDA Jabar, PusAir, BPLHD Jabar, and BBWS Citarum Consultation meeting with BBWS Citarum



Summary of Stakeholder Consultations

Among the consultation meetings, significant consultation sessions, trainings and meetings are summarized as follow; 5.1.1 Balai Data and Information and Balai PSDA Citarum, PWRS Discussion about data collection and database of Balai Data & Information and Balai PSDA Citarum and field visit conducted to see examples of river gauging and rainfall gauging stations on 19-20 October 2010. The key points raised by the chairman during the discussion were as follows; the software of database was provided by Sub Directorate of Hydrology and Water Quality, DWRM-DGWR, which was modified to become Provincial Hydrology Unit (PHU). Based on the official agreement between BBWSC and Dinas PSDA the operation and maintenance of most hydrological stations within Citarum River Basin would be handed over to BBWSC starting at the beginning of 2011.

5.1.2 PJT-II Several discussions with PJT-II regarding information collection for database were held from 21 October 2010 up to November 2011 in PJT-II Jatiluhur office as well as in PMO Office in Bandung. Remarks from the chairman of PJT-II mentioned human based communication still being used for most equipment (telephone, fax, sms and email). Urgent development and improvement of communication system is required. A lot of data from PJT II was being used as basic database for DSS design format and now has been put in place as database in the Server of Database.

5.1.3 BPLHD Several discussions from 22 October 2010 up to January 2012 were led by Chairman of BPLHD and Deputy Chairperson and from these discussions, produced several key points such as sustainability of implementation of CRB DSS, which is essential, and that BPLHD will support K-water in developing this DSS by providing staff members as counterparts. The format of water quality data monitoring from BPLHD will be used as a standard for the water quality database in DSS design.

5.1.4 BMKG Bogor The meeting with BMKG Bogor regarding hydrology data collection, held on 02 November 2010, was attended by head of Bogor Climatologically Station and his staff. The whole meeting was centred on the mission of providing forecast for rainfall, weather and climatology to other institutions and the community. The Head of BMKG explained that collecting data from the observers was still done through fax, email, telephone, and post mail and that there are just 2 automatic rainfall recorders located in Geophysical Bandung and Geophysical Lembang office. However, all data collected was stored and processed in Bogor office. In addition, all institutions using data information from BMKG should cite the source of data. The hydro-climatology data from BMKG has been transferred from data file of Package B1 Consultant of 6 Cis TA-7189 to the database of the DSS.


5.1.5 Water Balance and Water Quality Modeling, RIBASIM The meeting about hydrological data, water demand projection, spatial planning and satellite images, water quality modeling, and GIS layers was held on 4 November 2010, in Package B1 Consultant office, Jakarta. On that day, there was another discussion about collecting RIBASIM information in Package B1 office, Jakarta. RIBASIM models main purpose is simulating water balance within 6 Cis river basin territory for period 2010, 2010-2030, 2030-2050 for drafting POLA (mid/long term) in 6 Cis territory.

5.1.6 PusAir Meeting was held on 9 November 2010, in PusAir office, Bandung. The Head of Experimental Station for Hydrology and Water Allocation mentioned his concern for the mission of PusAir, which is to collect data from hydrological data collection agencies in Indonesia, including Balai PSDA Citarum, BBWSC and Saguling reservoir (country level). K-water has collected all data from PusAir by official letter via the Head of PusAir. PusAir considers web-based data sharing management to be beneficial for integrated water resources management not only in Citarum River Basin but also in all river basins throughout Indonesia.

5.1.7 West Java Communication and Information Agency The meeting regarding database and publication using electronic devices in West Java Communication and Information agency was held on 9 November 2010. Head of the agency mentioned that Diskominfo would support development of CRB DSS in line with its task to facilitate and control communication and informatics post, telemetric and electronic data processing.

5.1.8 National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) The intention of the meeting on 11 January 2012 was to have a discussion with Director of Water Resources and Irrigation, BAPPNEAS regarding institutional setup and data sharing management in DSS for Citarum River Basin. The Director of WRI has provided guidance for the workshop in February 2012 on Data Sharing Management and has encouraged the West Java Provincial Administration to take more active roles in Citarum integrated water resources management through Team for Synchronizing the Planning and Optimization of Institutions Cooperation in Integrated Citarum River Basin Management or SPOKI Team established by Governor of West Java. (Decree No.050.05/Kep.1589-Bapp/2011 on December 5, 2011) A complete summary and description of all the meetings is given in Appendix 8.



Counterpart Activity

The following section provides details of interaction and training involving counterparts from agencies. 5.2.1 Counterparts Training Several workshops and a training have been conducted so far including Inception Workshop, Midterm Workshop, Legal Framework Workshop, Data Sharing Management Workshop, Final Workshop, counterpart training in Korea and main meeting facilitated by K-water.

5.2.2 Training Program at K-water Training of 7 selected counterparts from various agencies was held in Korea from 10 - 14 May 2011 which focused on database and RRFS developed by K-water for DSS project. This training was very important for DSS management in the future as it educated the operators and staff members of each agency to commit themselves to DSS operation and maintenance. Workshop regarding the database and DSS development on monitoring and hydrology analysis in K-water clearly presented how sophisticated and well managed the DSS would be. Table 29: List of Trainee Selected from DGWR
Institution Name Position

Directorate of Water Resources Management Directorate of Bina Program Provincial Monitoring and Environment Pollution Agency (BPLHD) West Java Perum Jasa Tirta II BBWS Citarum Balai Data dan Informasi of West Java Province PusAir

Briliyan Parmawati, ST, MPSDA. Wahyudin, ST.

Staff of the Sub Directorate for Hydrology & Water Quality, Directorate of WRM Staff of the Sub Directorate for Data and Information, Bina Program, Directorate of WRM Computer Operator in Sub Directorate for Monitoring & Environment Pollution, BPLHD West Java Head of Division for Program, Planning Bureau, PJT-II Head of Section for General Planning & Program, BBWSC Staff of Information System for Water Resources, Balai Data and Information, Prof. West Java Staff of R&D, Experimental Station for Water Environment, PusAir

Windi Dwi Windiandini Reni Mayasari, ST, M.Si. Dani Hamdan, ST, M.Sc. Adi Primadika Diaz, S.Si. Rebiet Rimba Rinjani, ST


Figure 134: Seven Trainees in Korea, 10-14 May 2011 Table 30: Training Agenda in Korea, K-water Headquarter, Daejeon Monday (May 9) Tuesday (May 10) Wednesday (May 11) Thursday (May 12) Friday (May 13) Saturday (May 14) Departure from Jakarta Arrival at Incheon Airport K-water Head Quarter tour & Workshop
Field trip (Geumnam Weir, Daecheong dam, Water Treatment Plant)

Field trip, Kyung-in Ara Waterway, Cheong-Gye Stream Wrap up meeting, Departure from Korea



Institutional Arrangement

5.3.1 Current Status of Institutions in Water Resources Data Management in Citarum Basin

a. Institutions and Their Mandates in Water Resources Data Management The governmental institutions, their mandates and roles in water resources data management are presented in Table 31. Table 31: Legal Mandates and Role in Water Resources Data Management
Institutions Name
National Water Resources Council (Dewan Nasional Sumber Daya Air) is a national apex body who main duty is to assist President in national water resources management policy

Legal Mandates
Law No.7-2004 on Water Resources Gov. Reg. No.42/2008 on Water Resources Management; Presidential Regulation No.12-08 Presidential Decree No.6-2009 Law No. 7/2004 on Water Resources Gov Reg. No.42/2008 on Water Resources Management MPW Decree: No.11A/PRT/M/2006 No.12/PRT/M/2006 No.26/PRT/M/2006 No.23/PRT/M/2008 DGWR Decree: No.42/KPTS/D/2007 Law No.7/2004 on Water Resources Gov Reg No.43-2008 on Groundwater Gov Reg 82/2001 on Water Quality Management Min ESDM Reg No.18/2010 on Organization and Governance of MESDM KEPPRES no.46 & 48 year 2002 on Position, Tasks and Organization of BMG UU.No.23/1997 on Environment Protection and Management UU. No.5/1990 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Conservation; UU.No.32-2009 on Environment Management and Protection UU.No.7-2004 on Water Resources; UU.No.32-2004 on Regional Government; PP.No.38-2007 on Distribution of Governmental Administration Affairs

Main Role

Manager of national water resources management policy development

Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Citarum / Citarum River Basin Organization which has its mandate from Ministry of Public Works and DGWR

Manager of hydrological data in the Cimanuk Basin

Badan Geology/Dinas Energy and Mineral Resources / Dinas ESDM West Java which has its mandate from Governor of West Java

Manager of groundwater (quantity and quality) data in west java basins including Bandung and Sumedang groundwater basin Manager of meteorology, climatology, and geophysics data in West Java area covering Citarum River Basin Manager of water quality manager in West Java covering Citarum River Basin Manager of irrigation area in West Java which is the biggest user in Citarum Basin

Badan Meteorogy, Climatology and Geophysis Bogor which has its mandate from the President

Badan Environment Protection and Management West Java (BPLHD jabar) which has its mandates from the Governor of West Java Dinas Water Resources West Java which has its mandates from the Governor of West Java


PJT-II the state own corporation which has its mandates from the Government of Indonesia Dinas Communication and Information West Java has its mandates from Governor of West Java Agency for National Mapping Coordination/BAKOSURTANAL has its mandates from Government Balai of River Basin Management has its mandates from Ministry of Forestry State Own Company IX West Java / PERHUTANI has its mandates from Ministry of Forestry

PP. No.7-2010 on Establishment of PJTII UU.No.24 2010 on Information Transparency PERPRES No.9 tahun 2005 on Position, Tasks dan Organization of Cabinet of GOI UU.No.4-2011 on Geo-Spatial Information KEPPRES No. 178-2000 on Organization and Governance of Non Ministry UU. No. 19/2004 and UU. No.41/1999 on Forestry UU. No.18/2004 on Plant Estate (Perkebunan) UU. No. 19/2004 and UU. No.41/1999 on Forestry UU. No.18/2004 on Plant Estate (Perkebunan)

Water Distributor in Citarum basin which is the biggest user for water supply and irrigation Manager of west java hub for disseminating all data and information with in West Java area Coordinator and Regulator of spatial mapping with in the whole Indonesia Manager of conservation in Citarum River Basin has also collected some sedimentation and surface erosion data Manager of spring water in forest area in West Java including in Citarum River Basin

The other institutions that have indirect relations with water resources data management is summarized in Table 32 and these governmental institutions within Government of Indonesia administration system could be laid out as the Figure 135. Table 32: Legal Mandates and Role in Other Institutions
Institutions Name Legal Mandates Main Role

State Own Company of Java Bali Electricity has its mandates from Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources State Own Company of Indonesia Power has its mandates from Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Water Supply District Own Company of Karawang, Purwakarta and Bandung Water Supply City Own Company of Bandung Water Supply Provincial Own Company of DKI Jakarta Some large textile industries company in Bandung District


Main user of water for Cirata hydro power in Citarum River Basin Main user of water for Saguling hydro power in Citarum River Basin User of Citarum water managing water quality for their own purposes User of Citarum water managing water quality for their own purposes User of Citarum water managing water quality for their own purposes User of Citarum water managing water quantity and quality for their own purposes












































DAS Agencies providing input data to development of WIMS





Figure 135: Citarum River Basins Stakeholders in Administration System of Indonesia Government

b. Current Status Currently, PJT-II, DPSDA Jabar, BPLHD Jabar, BMG Bogor and BBWS Citarum are carrying out data and information management of hydrology (rainfall, runoff, and climatological data) and water quality. It seems that PJT-II and DPSDA are more active in managing data and information of hydrology. According to Government Regulation No.7/2010 on PJT-II article 4 items 2 (f) and 2 (g), the task of PJT-II is monitoring and evaluating water quantity and quality of water source within their jurisdiction and also to disseminate the results to beneficiary of water resources, community, and managers of water resources. PJT-II also has responsibility on data and information of hydrology and water quality considering its task as operator of water resources management. DPSDA Jabar is a water resources management agency under Governor of West Java which is responsible for monitoring and evaluating water quantity and quality of water resources in their jurisdiction. Historically, DPSDA Jabar has carried out hydrology related activities in the entire province of West Java. According to the Water Law (UU No.7/2004 on Water Resources), BBWS Citarum has authority from Central Governments descendant delegation to manage all aspects of water resources management in Citarum basin. So far, it is under jurisdiction of BBWS Citarum. Jurisdiction of PJT-II on hydrology is still useful for their operational management, while jurisdiction of DPSDA on hydrology in Citarum has been vague. Currently, MOU of hydrology management between DPSDA Jabar and BBWS Citarum is in place, however, not effectively implemented. 5.4 The Institutional Development of DSS Project for IWRM in Citarum Basin

5.4.1 Scope of Works The scopes of work for institution development inter-alia are as follow: Review and analyze current institutional arrangements for data sharing, collaboration, staff allocation and prepare recommendations for improvement; Provide institutional recommendations for the long term development of the DSS; Facilitate the implementation plan to improve the existing data collection, storage, and sharing procedures for the agencies related to the Citarum River Basin; Assess the past, current and projected expenditure of the data collection agencies and assist integration, rationalization and harmonization of their future development plans for the data collection infrastructure and programs;


5.4.2 Regulations It is recommended that regulations under Government Regulation or Peraturan Pemerintah should be provided. In these regulations, the following critical issues must be addressed: Synergy in each agencys roles in water resources data management with overlapping current task and function; Sustainability of budget resources Sustainability of staffing system in agencies; Level of human resources skill in terms of managerial and technical skills; Construction of wireless/man less/gateway technology infrastructure, which has interoperability capacity for collaborating and sharing information from all different protocols provided by different water resources data management centers. After implementation of the regulation above, Ministerial Regulation and/or Ministerial Decree and/or Memorandum of Understanding among the main stakeholders, which contain implementation guidelines and/or manuals that are more technical and operational rules, shall be developed. It is important to note that only these types of regulations would have legal public binding. 5.4.3 Human Resources It is recommended that human resources development in a real action plan be built based on the existing condition. Training, exercise and comparative study, manual and guideline provision are few of many ways of achieving human resources development. More than that, the structure of organizations shall include the working unit with persistence rank which looks after the entire water information management system (WIMS). 5.4.4 Technology The technology should be improved and maintained with proper human resources and budget allocation every year. The existing technology should be upgraded using affordable and applicable new technology. 5.4.5 Fund It is recommended all main stakeholders construct business plan regarding the mandates borne by each institution for the sake of WIMS operation. To ensure that this action plan can be sustainably maintained, it is recommended each Ministerial Regulation include the legal document as instruction. 5.4.6 Working Environment There is no progress under a working environment that is not supportive and encouraging. Commitment and knowledge are the two pillars to build leadership upon. It is recommended leadership training and exercise be provided for top and mid-level managers of each institution that manage water data and information.

5.4.7 Recommendations on Initial Design of Institutional Setup for DSS Implementation

Figure 136: Initial Design of Institutional Setup for DSS Implementation In the implementation of DSS, currently PJT-II, BBWSC, PusAir, DPSDA, DESDM, BMKG Bogor, Balai DAS Citarum, PERHUTANI, IP, PIJB and BPLHD are identified as data providers and Citarum River Basin (CRB) as main end user. All agencies (data providers) have to carry out data validation independently before input to the DSS. BBWSC and DPSDA will utilize the DSS to publish Year book of hydrological data. PJT-II will utilize the DSS for the operation of reservoir, weir, and water demand estimation.

Figure 137: Institutional Framework for DSS Implementation BBWSC as the administrator has authority to read, write, and delete data in order to maintain the integrity of the database. PJT-II has authority to read, write, and delete for operating water resources facilities such as dam, weir and intake (Input of annual dam operation plan). DPSDA and BPLHD have authority to read while collecting data and validating collected data. PusAir, BMKG and other users would have a role only as an end user who can search all of the data in DSS. This is presented in Alternative No.1 in Figure 138.

5.4.8 Collaboration Plan between Institutions

Synchronize Data Use RRFS

Synchronize Data Use RRFS

Figure 138: Anternative No.1: Collaboration between Institutions

Synchronize Data Use RRFS

Synchronize Data Use RRFS

Figure 139: Anternative No.2: Collaboration between Institutions

Considering the effectiveness of information consumption by the public, DPSDA and BPLHD should re-arrange the data into a more easy-to-comprehend information and readable formats (map as an image, low bandwidth consumption) for the general public. Nevertheless, regarding data transparency, not all of the data is published for public consumption as noted by representative of Dinas Kominfo (Mr. Purnomos) in his statement during the Technical

Meeting. Moreover, there is a matter of low bandwidth consumption. To accommodate this situation, the Alternative No.2 was preferable for the Stakeholders in the Workshop that was held on February 1, 2012. 5.5 The Strategic Issues of Institutional Development

The main current policies are: The water resources information comprises of information on the hydrological, hydrometeorological, and hydro-geological information, water resources and water resources infrastructure, water resources policies, water resources technology, the ecology and environment of the water sources and the surrounding areas, and the social economic and cultural activities of the community related to the water sources of concern. The water resources data and information management is spread among public institutions and managed by various institutions based on their legal mandates. The water resources data and information management could be done through collaboration among those institutions. However, accuracy and validity of the data and information remain the responsibility of the owner of data according to the mandates. The data and information should be accessed by all parties that are concerned with the water resources. Therefore, the data and information sharing for a river basin is inevitable. The Governor of West Java has issued a decree No.050.05/Kep.1589-Bapp/2011 for establishment of a team for Synchronizing the Planning and Optimization of Institutions cooperation in Integrated Citarum River Basin management or SPOKI team at 5 December 2011. This team is chaired by the Secretary of West Java Province and the Chairman of BAPPEDA Jabar, in charge of daily Secretary Duty. The team has several duties but among those, two are very important for the development of cooperation between Institutions: Coordination between the organizations of the regional and related institutions at Central, Provincial and Regency / City Level. Synchronizing planning and optimization of institutional cooperation in handling of the integrated Citarum river area with good regional annual, medium term and longterm development plans.. The strategic issues that could be derived from the collected policies above are: Design of wireless/man-less/gateway information technology infrastructure, which has interoperability capacity, for collaborating and sharing information from different protocols provided by various water resources data management centers. The discrepancies among the institutions interest should be eliminated and objectives streamlined into one goal i.e. CITA CITARUM the vision of west java people for Citarum river. In this case, the importance of role of West Java Provincial Government through SPOKI team should be emphasized. Synergy in each agencys roles in water resources data management with overlapping current tasks and functions into integrated data sharing management; Sustainability of budget resources and staffing system in agencies; Level of human resources skill-set, especially managerial and technical skill;

For the institution to achieve optimal results, capacity study, analysis, and two inter-agencies workshops were conducted to find and formulate the national policies on water resources data information system management. These policies have been worked out by NWRC and thereby accelerate and intensify the communication among the agencies who are managing the water resources data and information. The second workshop was to agree upon the concept of data sharing management in DSS implementation for IWRM in Citarum River Basin. The findings of two inter-agency workshops for project (up to 29 February 2012) are summarized below: 5.5.1 Inter-agency Workshop on Legal Framework for DSS Implementation (9-10 August 2011, Bandung) This inter-agency workshop was aimed at developing the findings and formulations of main national policies that have been worked out by National Water Resources Council (NWRC) and accelerating and intensifying the communication among the agencies who are managing the water resources data and information. All supporting platforms that are required for representing, disseminating, and distributing data and information were opened to officials and the public. The objective of the workshop was to assist the finalization of the legal format of national policy framework on water resources information management as an instrument for integrated water resources management, stipulated in Government Regulation No.422008. 5.5.2 Data Sharing Management Workshop (1-2 February 2012, Bandung) Currently, data and information in water related fields are managed in a segmented way by sectors and regional institutions in Indonesia, which makes it difficult to utilize Decision Support System (DSS). The most distinctive categories of dataset for water resources are Water Quality, Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Hydrometeorology (WQH3). Their formats should be streamlined and made uniform for practical implementation of DSS. These issues were emphasized at the coordination meeting for DSS Project (Package D) in K-water Bandung office on 4 May 2011, TA 7189-INO coordination meeting on 16 November 2011, and also during consultation meeting with BAPPENAS on 11 January 2012. The provision of data sharing agreement among the stakeholders of Citarum RBT, which is based on regulation for operational management level, would be a solution for these issues. In addition, it would build a commitment among the stakeholders. This kind of agreement should be complemented with concrete Annual Works Plan (AWP) and Annual Budget Plan (ABP) for each institution involved for the next five years. In relation, an inter-agency workshop was conducted as a focus group discussion among the main stakeholders in West Java for building a sense of togetherness and homogeneous understanding of the importance of water resources data sharing in Citarum River Basin. The workshop participants agreed on the concept of data sharing mechanism and technology in one-day workshop. After the workshop, training for the stakeholders technical staff and counterparts was conducted to practice the Data Sharing Management plus the RRFS.


6. Future Plan & Summary

6.1 Proposal for Further Work

Following section explains plans for future work on the project. 6.1.1 Funding for the Future Phases On 14 March 2011, the MPW Secretary General has issued a funding request to Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) for the next phases of the DSS development. A letter has been sent as well to Bappenas for inclusion of this project into the blue book. Further discussion with KOICA and Bappenas will be needed to confirm funding for the future phases of the project. The summary of the future project request to KOICA is presented below.

6.1.2 Project Description Title: Advanced Water Information Management System (WIMS) and Institutional Capacity Building of River Basin Organization in the Citarum River Basin (CRB) Project duration: (January 2013 December 2014) Estimated Project cost: 5,000,000 USD

6.1.3 Project Objective (Short Term and Long Term) Short-term objectives of the project include development, implementation and transfer of a comprehensive Water Information Management System (WIMS) as a standard platform for water resource management for river basin organization (RBO) including a hydrological and GIS database and water quantity and quality modeling tools. The WIMS will help diminish environmental and water resources degradation through advanced water resources management by improving a) monitoring and forecasting capabilities, b) software and hardware infrastructure for water resources management and c) institutional capacity building of RBO and related agencies. Long-term objectives will include a) poverty alleviation through efficient resource management, b) more sustainable economic development, c) improvement in public health and environment and d) climate change preparedness through development of more robust and sustainable water management system and better forecasting.


6.1.4 Scope of Works a. Monitoring System Improvement Analyze density, location and functionality of rainfall, intake, flow stations and water quality sampling locations in the Citarum River Basin Recommend optimum locations for additional stations for better monitoring Install state of the art monitoring equipment at selected stations for real-time monitoring on a pilot basis Provide training on operation and maintenance of equipment b. Development and Implementation of WIMS Develop a comprehensive WIMS including software for water allocation management and modeling and forecasting tools for water quality and runoff connected to a comprehensive database for integrated river basin management Implementation of WIMS, testing, stabilization and optimization Development of public dissemination portal c. hydrological database and web-based information

Institutional Strengthening and Infrastructure Support Support for network and hardware setup Operation of information management system and on the job training Capacity building for RBO through trainings and workshops

Figure 140: User group of Water Information Management System


6.1.5 Outputs of each phase: a. Phase 1 (2012) A comprehensive state-of-the-art water information management system Tools for better forecast and planning of water resources and usage A central hydrological database with current water resources information for decision makers Trained and qualified staff for water resource management system operations


Phase 2 (2013) Implementation of water resources management system, testing, on-job training of counterparts and stabilization Portal for public access to hydrological database Institutionalization of information flow management protocols, procedures and systems for more efficient inter-agency cooperation Enhanced water management and planning systems and procedures for agencies that will integrate the WIMS into ongoing operations Business plan for long-term development and sustainable management of the WIMS using government resources

6.1.6 Project Sustainability Extensive on-job training, classroom based training as well as training in Korea will be provided to ensure successful operation of project using local human resource after project completion. An important contribution towards sustainability will be working closely with RBO and other counterparts to understand their responsibilities and processes and demonstrate the benefits of WIMS for operations. To accompany this, the project will have a strong institutional and management focus that will work to formalize information sharing and mainstream use of the WIMS in planning and management. The project will work with the government to create a business plan for long-term development and management of the WIMS using government resources.



Database Extension

Currently, DSS database is not available to conserve agriculture water demand, industrial water demand, domestic water demand data, and intake of PAM Jaya (Drinking Water Company). This data is required to support water allocation modeling and calculate water balance. Water demand is sophisticated data, so it needs further analysis to normalize so it can be easily managed in the database. Besides that, it is related to discharge data in hydraulic structure such as reservoir and weir. In case of water quality data, current DSS database saves only water quality observations from river water. Disposal discharge from industry is not available to be saved in DSS DB. It has different data format, but it is crucial to measure not only water quality on the river/stream, but also water quality in the pollutant outflow. So it is required to analyze such data and create appropriate data table in the database. So, in the next phase, we will add water demand data table and also industry's water quality data table in the database. 6.3 DSS Development

In the next phase, there will be additional features added to the database to increase DSS usability, especially in managing water quantity and water quality data: Monitoring, Planning, and Evaluation for IWRM in Citarum River Basin to support the basin managers and water basin council Long-term water allocation planning Operational Water Resources Management Establish short-term water supply plan Balance seasonal water demands between users through reservoir and stream flow management integrated river-reservoir system operational planning Quantify spatial and temporal runoff amounts Improve the efficiency of basin reservoir system management Water allocation monitoring and evaluation Trans-basin operational planning and monitoring Water resources DB and information management s Three Dams Operational Planning and Management for; Dry climate Normal climate Wet climate Severe climate Emergency condition



The primary tasks envisioned to be completed during the inception period as per the original scope of work for DSS development for IWRM in CRB; Package D of Institutional Strengthening for Integrated Water Resources Management in the 6 Cis Territory, included the following; Data collection and analysis for DSS in CRB Identification of data gaps and recommendations to eradicate those data gaps through improved monitoring GIS hydrological database development and deployment RRFS model development and implementation for CRB Institutional strengthening and capacity building This report presents the findings of the above five exercises as well as a listing of identified issues that may delay or hinder the future progress of DSS deployment and extension project. The cynosure of project activities during the period up to final report was water quantity and quality monitoring network, hydrological and GIS database development, RRFS development, information support system, and capacity building and institutional strengthening. Through site visits and several missions to Indonesia, during which extensive consultations were conducted with all stakeholder organizations, the important stakeholder organizations were identified. Their organization structures were studied and manpower interviewed to develop extensive profiles of existing human resource capability. PJT-II was identified as a significant stakeholder in terms of data availability, as they were the organization with the largest database of centrally stored and managed coherent data in the form of SISDA database and modeling system. For network modeling, Package B consultants were identified as the significant partners in terms of data availability. PusAir has been identified as the organization with the largest qualified human resource base to contribute towards capacity building, as there is the center of water research. Although the datasets collected on rainfall and stream flow are generally adequate to build a base model especially for upper Citarum, there are many gaps and inconsistencies in the data. So far, rainfalls, water demand, flow and dam operation data have been collected from PJT-II. Further, several layers of GIS data have been collected from PJT-II system. The collected data have been analyzed for consistency and density. Based on the recommendations in midterm, the monitoring network optimization of rainfall, flow meter, and water quality and optimization of data collection methodology are developed. GIS data are mostly obtained from Water Resources Information System (Sistem Informasi Sumber Daya Air/SISDA) of PJT-II, and consists of administrative boundary, diversion and intake structure, reservoir location, sub-catchment, discharge observation points, roads, soil type, water quality, land-use, rainfall station, etc. The area of Citarum River Basin is bounded by working jurisdiction.

The process of development followed from user requirement analysis, specification, drawing flow diagrams and importer modules, design UI, development of class diagrams and Entity Resource Diagram development. As a result, the final DSS software for managing database is fully proficient in handling requirements of all the stakeholders in the project. While developing there were some issues and challenges such as difference of data format, different parameters, clearance of data field attributes, and missing data. However, development team overcame all of these issues by discussing with every agency and collecting feedbacks. The main features of DSS data manager are as below: Constructed an integrated GIS based database connecting each agency. Data input (Data Import Wizard) Data output (Excel format) Data validation (Using charts and alert system) Integrated modeling tools (RRFS) Create reports (Year book, rainfall, dam operation, and water quality report) Support of User manual (English, Bahasa Indonesia) Final calibration, validation and finer scaled calibration of the RRFS model and complete deployment for CRB are finished as of February 2012. In the next phase, the developed RRFS will provide the basic input data for water allocation model, KModSim, such as runoff data per sub-basins and of main control points. The mid- and long-term RRFS based on ESPPDF system will also play an important role in risk assessment and probability analysis for dam operation and water allocation plan. Most phases of DSS development are seen as iterative with constant feedback from stakeholders being incorporated into the project even during deployment. The future of DSS development will see a continuation of this cycle of inclusive development and implementation. In the next phase, there will be additional features to increase DSS usability, especially in managing water quantity and water quality data: (i) Monitoring, Planning, and Evaluation for IWRM in Citarum River Basin to support the basin managers and water basin council, (ii) Long-term water allocation planning, (iii) Operational Water Resources Management, and (vi) Three Dams Operational Planning and Management. The primary finding of the project was the significance of stakeholder engagement and consultation in making the project successful and sustainable. Accordingly, the database design and development team was relocated to the project site to stay in direct coordination with the stakeholders in real time. The relevant findings of the exercise were included in the database within the design phase. It should be emphasized that stakeholder consultation and engagement has to take main stage as the key activity in any technology implementation project of such kind especially in the area of water resources and environment where local knowledge incorporation is key to project success.

7. References
ADB Technical Assistant, Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Program (ICWRMP) (TA4381-INO-Phase III), ADB, (2006). ADB Technical Assistant, Report on Data and Decision Support Systems (TA7189-REOT-0020), ADB, (2010). ADB, Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors, ADB, (2008). Jatiluhur Water Resources Management Project Preparation Study (JWRMP), NEDECO, (1998). K-water, Development of a Water Quality Management System for the West Tarum Canal of Citarum River Basin in West Java Province, Indonesia, (2008). Lee, S.U., Kim, J.K., Noh, J.W., Ko, I.H., Assessment of Selective Withdrawal Facility in the Imha Reservoir Using CE-QUAL-W2 Model, Korea Institute of Water and Environment, Korea Water Resources Corporation, Korean Society on Water Quality, (2007). Rockwood, D.M., Columbia basin stream-flow routing by computer, Transactions, American Society of Civil Engineers, No. 3119 (1961). Rockwood, D.M., Application of stream-flow synthesis and reservoir regulation SSARR Program to the lower Mekong river, The Use of Analog and Digital Computer in Hydrology Symposium, International Association of Scientific Hydrology, UNESCO, pp. 329-344 (1968). Technical Assistance, Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Project (ICWRMP) (TA4381-INO), Nippon Koei Co., LTD, (2006). Teunis H. op ten Noort, Mission Report, Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Project (TA-4381-INO), (2006). USACE, SSARR User manual, North Pacific Div., Portland (1991). Ministry of Science and Technology, 21st Century Frontier R&D Program, -Sustainable Water Resources Research Program-, (2007). Wells, S.A., Cole, T.M., Theoretical Basis for the CE-QUAL-W2 River Basin Model, Engineer Research and Development Center Vicksburg MS Environmental Lab, (2000).




Appendix 1: Graphics User Interface for GIS and Hydrological Database

Image 1: Administrative Boundaries of Java Island

Image 2: Working Jurisdiction of CRB


Image 3: Diversion and Intake Structure of West Tarum

Image 4: Diversion and Intake Structure of East Tarum

Image 5: Diversion and Intake Structure of North Tarum


Image 6: Secondary Diversion and Intake Structure

Image 7: Dam Structure

Image 8: Sub-Basins of CRB


Image 9: Discharge Observation Locations in CRB

Image 10: Elevation Vegetation Type in CRB

Image 11: Planting Group in CRB


Image 12: Culvert Location in CRB

Image 13: Hydro (River Network) in CRB

Image 14: Climate Station Location in CRB


Image 15: Infrastructure Location in CRB

Image 16: Artery Road in CRB

Image 17: Rail Road in CRB


Image 18: Express Road in CRB

Image 19: Bridge Location in CRB

Image 20: Soil Type in CRB


Image 21: Slope of CRB

Image 22: Physical Condition of CRB

Image 23: Water Quality Observation Location in CRB


Image 24: Critical Land in CRB

Image 25: Landuse of CRB

Image 26: Landuse of CRB in 2007


Image 27: Population in CRB

Image 28: Transportation Infrastructure Location in CRB

Image 29: Main Canal in CRB


Image 30: Secondary Canal in CRB

Image 31: Siltrap Location in CRB

Image 32: Siphon Location in CRB


Image 33: Swamp Location in CRB

Image 34: Rainfall Station Location in CRB

Image 35: Aquaduct Location in CRB


Image 36: Drop Structure Location in CRB

Image 37: Lake Location in CRB

Image 38: Working Jurisdiction of Observers in CRB


Appendix 2: Structure Code List


AWS (Automatic Weather Station)

Code River Territory ID Catchment ID Agency ID Station Name Station Type Sub-basin ID District ID Sub-district ID

10503001 10503002 10503003 10503004 10503005 10503006 10503007 10503008 10503009 Dam

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Chincona Ciparay Cicalengka Bandung Saguling Cisokan Plered Sukatani Citalang

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101

3204 3204 3204 3277 3204 3203 3214 3214 3214

3204040 3204080 3204100 3277010 3204240 3203150 3214060 3214090 3214100

River Territory ID

Catchment ID

Agency ID




Province ID

District ID

Sub-district ID

10103001 10109002 10109003

10 10 10

1001 1001 1001

3 3 3

Dam Jatiluhur Dam Cirata Dam Saguling

0 0 0

Jatiluhur Cirata Saguling

32 32 32

3214 3204 3204



Catchment ID Agency ID Name Sub-catchment ID Province ID District ID Sub-district ID

10300003 10300004 10300005 10300011 10300014 10300015 10300016 10300018 10300020 10300025 10300102 10300110 10300111 10300117 10300120 10300121 10300122 10300123 10300124 10300125 10300126 10300127 10300201

1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ciparay Dago Bengkok Lembang Cisondari_1 Cibeureum_2 Paseh Cicalengka_1 Ujung Berung Margahayu1 Montaya Cisomang Ciherang_Kalijati Cisampih Jatiroke Kertamanah Cileunca Cipanas Pengalengan Cipeusing Tanjungsari Cisalak Ciluluk Rancaekek Cikancung

100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101

32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

3204 3273 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3213 3213 3211 3204 3204 3204 3204 3213 3213 3204 3211 3204

3204130 3273260 3204320 3204020 3204050 3204080 3204100 3204290 3204320 3204220 3204390 3213080 3213080 3211010 3204050 3204040 3204040 3204340 3213040 3213030 3204080 3211030 3204090

10300202 10302017 10302021 10302034 10302035 10302042 10302043 10302048 10302049 10302050 10302051 10302052 10302053 10302054 10302055 10302063 10302064 10302066 10302068 10302114 10302115 10302116 10302118 10302119 10302200

1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001

0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Cisurupan/Cibiru Cicalengka_2 Kayu Ambon Cianten Cibinong Panjang Naringgul Bangkir Cikedung Indramayu Juntinyuat Kertasemaya Krangkeng Losarang Sumurwatu Halim Perdanakusuma Tanjuk Priok Babakan Depok 9TP Kasso Malang Darmaraja Gudang Uyah Pamulihan Ujung Jaya Ciherang/Cangkuang

100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101

32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

3273 3204 3204 3201 3276 3201 3201 3212 3212 3212 3212 3212 3212 3212 3212 3172 3175 3275 3276 3211 3211 3211 3211 3211 3204

3273110 3204100 3204320 3201020 3276040 3201110 3201110 3212150 3212040 3212150 3212110 3212080 3212090 3212180 3212220 3172040 3175030 3275070 3276010 3211171 3211080 3211050 3211032 3211130 3204161

10303128 10303129 10303130 10303131 10303132 10303133 10303134 10303135 10303136 10303137 10303138 10303139 10303140 10303141 10303142 10303143 10303144 10303145 10303146 10303147 10303148 10303149 10303150 10303151 10303152

1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Montaya Cisokan(Cirata) Sindanglaya Cipicung(Cirata) Ciseuti-265 Cibukamanah 119.a Dam(Cirata) Muara Curugagung 312.2 Cipeundeuy-313.3 Cinangling-313.1 Dangdeur 153/b Gantar CBN3.b Bend.Cipamingkis89.a Kroya-Cbn.6 Pagaden 152 Cipancuh-Cbn.18 Tamiang-Cbn.29 Cibandung 331/1 Gabus Wetan-Cbn.5 Pundong-115.b Cibarusah_85 Cikampek-112.a Salamdarma-153 Pawelutan 75

100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101

32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

3204 3203 3211 3214 3211 3204 3214 3271 3213 3213 3213 3213 3212 3201 3212 3213 3212 3212 3213 3212 3214 3201 3215 3213 3213

3204230 3203150 3211170 3214020 3211171 3204390 3214020 3271020 3213010 3213080 3213080 3213070 3212011 3201170 3212020 3213140 3212011 3212020 3213130 3212030 3214110 3201170 3215040 3213160 3213170

10303153 10303154 10303155 10303156 10303157 10303158 10303159 10303160 10303161 10303162 10303163 10303164 10303165 10303166 10303167 10303168 10303169 10303170 10303171 10303172 10303173 10303174 10303175 10303176 10303177

1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Cilentah 321.2 Dawuan-112 Leuweung SemutCbn.15 Cigadung 153 Barugbug-113.c Ciberes-323.1 Rancabango 324/3 wanguk-Cbn.16 Bendung Cibeet 8.a Purwasari Jatisari-111 Tulangkacang-Cbn.14 Telar-110.B Karangtoman-824.2 Wanasari-332.2 Cikalong-113.b Ciasem 324/1 Tambakdahan-333.3 Anjatan-Cbn.1 Bojongkeding 331.2 Tanjung-111.B PEDES B.Tut.4 Citapen-110.a Setu_Bks.13 KARAWANG

100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101

32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

3214 3215 3212 3213 3213 3213 3213 3212 3215 3215 3215 3212 3215 3213 3213 3215 3213 3213 3212 3213 3215 3215 3213 3216 3215

3214101 3215040 3212030 3213160 3213110 3213110 3213110 3212210 3215010 3215050 3215070 3212200 3215072 3213180 3213170 3215070 3213180 3213190 3212210 3213200 3215070 3215060 3213180 3216010 3215112

10303178 10303179 10303180 10303181 10303182 10303183 10303184 10303185 10303186 10303187 10303188 10303189 10303190 10303191 10303192 10303193 10303194 10303195 10303196 10303197 10303198 10303199 10309001 10309002 10309006

1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 9

Cikeas-Dkt.26 Bendung Cikarang_9.a Sukra-Cbn.21 Cigugur 344.1 Karanganyar-74 Cibitung-78.c Pilar_82.a Pusakanagara-345/1 Gempol Haji-128.a Pebayuran_Bks.4c Rawamerta 96.a Pamanukan 333/1 Kranji-Dkt.25 Sarengseng_82.c Gabus_Dkt.70 Pacing-Bks.5 Rawarorotan_Dkt.30 Teluk Bango.Bks.7 Teluk Bango-82.d Gempol Lor-94 a/c Pangakaran_82.a Teluk Buyung 78.d/Dkt Majalaya Pacet Bandung Telemetri

100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101

32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

3275 3216 3212 3213 3213 3216 3216 3213 3215 3216 3215 3213 3275 3216 3216 3216 3175 3216 3215 3215 3215 3215 3204 3204 3273

3275020 3216071 3212220 3213200 3213200 3216071 3216071 3213200 3215081 3216050 3215120 3213210 3275060 3216062 3216110 3216130 3175060 3216130 3215190 3215170 3215200 3215200 3204080 3204060 3273260

10309007 10309008 10309009 10309010 10309012 10309013 10309019 10309022 10309023 10309024 10309026 10309027 10309028 10309029 10309030 10309031 10309032 10309033 10309036 10309037 10309038 10309039 10309040 10309041 10309044

1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Pangalengan Chinchona Ciwidey Gambung Cisondari_2 Cibeureum_1 Sukawana Batujajar Padalarang Cililin Saguling Dam Cemara Bendung Bekasi Cikarang Lemah Abang Rengas Bandung Tapak Serang Empang Citeko Darmaga Gadog Gunung Mas Katulampa Kranji Pasir Muncang

100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101

32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3273 3275 3216 3216 3216 3216 3271 3201 3201 3201 3201 3271 3276 3201

3204040 3204040 3204020 3204020 3204020 3204050 3204330 3204240 3204360 3204200 3204230 3273250 3275040 3216061 3216061 3216050 3216071 3271010 3201110 3201060 3201120 3201110 3271020 3276040 3201120

10309045 10309046 10309047 10309056 10309057 10309058 10309059 10309060 10309061 10309062 10309065 10309067 10309069 10309070 10309071 10309072 10309073 10309074 10309075 10309076 10309077 10309078 10309079 10309080 10309081

1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Cimulang Klapa Nunggal Tunggilis Bantarhuni Bugel Bugis Leuweungsemut Karangasem Ponggang Cipayung Pasar Minggu BMG Pusat Depok 36a Batujaya Cibadar Cibuaya Cilamaya Gempol Lor Karawang Leuweung Seureuh Pacing_Tub16 Pengakaran Pataruman Pedes Peundeuy

100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101

32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

3201 3201 3201 3212 3212 3212 3212 3212 3213 3216 3175 3173 3276 3216 3215 3215 3215 3215 3215 3215 3215 3216 3215 3215 3215

3201231 3201180 3201180 3212011 3212190 3212210 3212030 3212190 3213040 3216041 3171020 3173020 3276010 3216140 3215161 3215160 3215081 3215160 3215113 3215040 3215150 3216140 3215150 3215140 3215081

10309082 10309083 10309084 10309085 10309086 10309087 10309088 10309089 10309090 10309091 10309092 10309093 10309094 10309095 10309096 10309097 10309098 10309099 10309100 10309101 10309103 10309104 10309105 10309106 10309107

1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Plawad Pondok Balas Rawamerta Rengas Dengklok Telaga Sari_2 Rawa Gempol_1 Rawa Gempol_2 Teluk Bango Walahar_101b Pasirukem Teluk Buyung Ceuplik Tempuran_br12 Talenpare_btp2 Gebang Malang Pegadungan Cibukanamah Cikao Bandung Ciracas Cirata Darangdan Pondok Salam Purwakarta Sadang Wanayasa

100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101

32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

3215 3215 3215 3215 3215 3215 3215 3216 3215 3215 3215 3215 3215 3213 3215 3215 3204 3214 3214 3214 3214 3214 3214 3214 3214

3215112 3215140 3215112 3215140 3215040 3215081 3215081 3216130 3215020 3215081 3215200 3215040 3215161 3213220 3215081 3215120 3204390 3214100 3214081 3214020 3214060 3214091 3214100 3214112 3214080

10309108 10309109 10309112 10309113

1001 1001 1001 1001

9 9 9 9

Ciherang Ciherang_168b Pamanukan Subang

100101 100101 100101 100101

32 32 32 32

3213 3214 3213 3213

3213080 3214112 3213220 3213070


Water Level (Water Discharge)

Code River Territory ID Catchment ID Agency ID Station Name Sub-catchment ID District ID Sub-district ID

10400001 10400004 10400005 10400006 10400008 10400009 10400010 10400012 10400019 10400021 10400042 10400043 10400044 10400045 10402002 10402003 10402007 10402011 10402013 10402014

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2

Cisangkuy-Pataruman Citarum-Majalaya Cisangkuy-Kamasan Citarum-Dayeuh Kolot Cikapundung-Pasir Luyu Citarum-Nanjung Cikeruh-Cikuda Cidurian-Sukapada Cilalawi-Cilalawi Cipunagara-Kiara Payung Cijalupang-Peundey Citarik-Rancakemit Cikondang-Cihaur Cikeruh-Babakan Bandung Ciwidey-Cukang Genteng Cirasea-Cengkrong Citarik-Bd.Cangkuang Cipanjalu-Kepuh Cikapundung-Gandok Cikapundung-Maribaya

100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101

3204 3204 3204 3204 3273 3204 3211 3273 3214 3213 3204 3204 3203 3211 3204 3204 3204 3204 3273 3204

3204040 3204120 3204160 3204140 3273060 3204250 3211010 3273220 3214050 3213160 3204100 3204110 3203120 3211010 3204020 3204130 3204100 3204300 3273260 3204320

10402015 10402016 10402017 10402018 10402020 10403022 10403023 10403024 10403025 10403026 10403027 10403028 10403029 10403030 10403031 10403032 10403033 10403034 10403035 10403036 10403037 10403038 10403039 10403040 10403041

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001

2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Cigulung-Maribaya Cibeureum-Cihideung Cimahi-Cicakung Ciasem-Curug Agung Cilamaya-Cipeundeuy Bendung Cisomang Bendung Curug Agung Bendung Pondoksalam Bendung Cileuleuy Bendung Lalanang Bendung Leuwi Nangka Bendung Cipamingkis B.Pangsor Bendung Pedati Bendung Macan Pundong Bendung Salam Darma Barugbug Bendung Beet Bendung Walahar Jengkol Bendung Gadung Bendung Cikeas Bendung Karang Bendung Bekasi

100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101

3204 3204 3204 3213 3214 3214 3213 3214 3213 3212 3213 3201 3213 3212 3213 3214 3213 3215 3216 3215 3213 3213 3201 3216 3275

3204320 3204320 3204340 3213010 3214111 3214060 3213010 3214091 3213070 3212020 3213080 3201170 3213140 3212020 3213130 3214110 3213160 3215070 3216031 3215020 3213180 3213170 3201190 3216061 3275050

10403046 10403047 10403048 10403049 10403050 10403051 10403052 10403053 10403054 10403055 10403056 10403057 10403058 10403059 10403060 10403061 10403062 10403063 10403064 10403065 10403066 10403067 10403068 10403069

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Sapan Gandok-Citarum Pembuang Situ Wanayasa Situ Wanayasa Cikao AWLR Ciherang AWLR Cikao-Cipaisan Sungai Cikao-Jemb. Kujang Waduk Cipancuh Bendung Curug Sta. Pompa STB SITT / ETC Bendung Cigentis-Waru Sungai Ciherang SS. Pangkalan Bendung Paweulutan Kedung Gede SITU / NTC Sungai Cikeas Intake Buaran SITB / WTC-Bd. Gergaji Intake Pejompongan Intake Pulogadung Intake Cakung

100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101

3204 3273 3214 3214 3214 3214 3214 3214 3212 3214 3214 3214 3216 3214 3216 3213 3216 3215 3275 3275 3172 3172 3172 3172

3204280 3273190 3214091 3214091 3214100 3214112 3214101 3214101 3212011 3214101 3214101 3214101 3216030 3214110 3216021 3213170 3216022 3215040 3275050 3275010 3172070 3172070 3172070 3172070

Water Quality
Code Catchment ID Agency ID District ID Station Name Interval Sub-district ID Sub-catchment ID

10601001 10601002 10601003 10601004 10601005 10601006 10601007 10601008 10601009 10601010 10603001 10603002 10603003 10603004 10603005 10603006 10603007 10603008 10603009 10603010 10603011 10603012 10603013 10603014 10603015 10603016

1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3215 3216 3273 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3273 3204 3273 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204

Wangisagara Majalaya Sapan Cijeruk Dayeuh Kolot Burujul Nanjung Curug Walahar Tanjung Pura Outlet Situ Cisanti Wangisagara Majalaya Rancaekek Sapan Sapan Sapan Sapan Buah Batu Jalan Asia Afrika Dayeuh Kolot Banjaran Dayeuh Kolot Palasari Margahayu Burujul

3204070 3204120 3204280 3204280 3204140 3204190 3204250 3204250 3215020 3216050 3273180 3204070 3204120 3204110 3204280 3204280 3273090 3204280 3273080 3204050 3204270 3204160 3204270 3204270 3204180 3204250

100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101

10603017 10603018 10603019 10603020 10603021 10603022 10603023 10603024 10603025 10603026 10603027 10603028 10603029 10603030 10603031 10603032 10603033 10603034 10603035 10603036 10603037 10603038 10603039 10603040 10603041 10603042 10603043 10603044 10603045

1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3214 3214 3215 3215 3215 3214 3215 3215 3216 3215 3216 3216 3201 3201 3201 3201 3275 3275 3275 3275 3216 3216 3216 3216

Nanjung Nanjung Batujajar Inlet PLTA Saguling Outlet PLTA Saguling Inlet PLTA Cirata Outlet PLTA Cirata Cikao Bandung Sebelum PT IBR Sesudah PT IBR Bendung Curug Bendung Walahar Jalan Rumah Sakit Tanjungpura Tunggakjati Rengasdengklok Muara Gembong Leuwi Nutug Cileungsi Cibinong Bantar Gebang Bojong Kulur Bekasi Makro Bekasi PJKA Kampung Muara Kampung Muara Warung Pojok Cibitung Coca Cola Cibitung

3204250 3204240 3204240 3204230 3204370 3214020 3214020 3215020 3215020 3215020 3214101 3215020 3215031 3216050 3215113 3216130 3216150 3201200 3201190 3201200 3201190 3275011 3275050 3275070 3275070 3216090 3216071 3216071 3216071

100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101

10603046 10603047 10603048 10603049 10603050 10603051 10603052 10603053 10603054 10603055 10603056 10603057 10603058 10603059 10603060 10603061 10603062 10603063 10603064 10603065 10603066 10603067 10603068 10603069 10603070 10603071 10603072 10603073 10603074

1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3216 3216 3215 3215 3214 3214 3215 3213 3213 3214 3214 3214 3215 3216 3216 3275 3172 3172 3172 3172 3172 3215 3216 3275 3215 3215 3215 3215 3215

Setelah Muara Sadang Cilemahabang Sebelum PT Pupuk Kujang Sesudah PT Pupuk Kujang Cibungur Sesudah PT Sanfu Setelah PT ABB (Associated British Budi) Ciasem Pamanukan Cikembang Cikao Bandung Bendung Curug B.Tb. 10 B.Tb. 23 B.Tb. 35 B.Tb. 45 B.Tb. 49 Intake PAM Buaran Intake PAM Pulo Gadung B.Tb. 51 Intake PAM Pejompongan Karawang Cikarang Sebelum Bendung Bekasi Batujaya Rengasdengklok Warung Bambu Bendung Walahar Cikampek Utara

3216071 3216061 3215050 3215050 3214110 3214111 3215070 3213220 3213210 3214010 3214101 3214101 3215020 3216022 3216071 3275050 3172070 3172070 3172070 3172060 3172060 3215032 3216071 3275050 3215190 3215150 3215040 3215020 3215072

100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101

10603075 10603076 10603077 10603078 10603079 10603080 10603081 10603082 10603083 10603084 10603085 10603086 10603087 10603088 10603089 10603090

1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3214 3214 3214 3214 3214 3214 3214 3214 3214 3214 3214 3214 3214 3214 3214 3214

Parung Kalong Sodong Bojong Jamaras Kerenceng Karamba Cilalawi PDAM Taroko Baras Barat Tailrace DAM Pasir Astana Pasir Kole Tajur Sindang Inlet PLTA Ir. H. Djuanda

3214020 3214020 3214011 3214011 3214011 3214010 3214010 3214010 3214010 3214010 3214011 3214011 3214011 3214010 3214010 3214011

100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101 100101


Code River Territory ID Catchment ID Agency ID Division Name Type Longitude Latitude

10203001 10203002 10203003 10203004 10203005 10203006 10203007 10203008 10203009 10203010 10203011 10203012 10203013 10203014 10203015 10203016 10203017 10203018 10203019 10203020 10203021 10203022 10203023

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

2 0 3 2 0 0 3 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bendung Cisomang Bendung Cinangka Bendung Curug Agung Bendung Pondok Salam Bendung Arsadipura Bendung Surupan Bendung Cileuleuy Bendung Sukahurip Bendung Cilalanang Bendung Leuwinangka Bendung Parakanbadak Bendung Jati Bendung Ranca Kando Bendung Ciomas Bogor Bendung Waru Bendung Huni Bendung Menteng Bendung Gunungbubut Bendung Cimanggu Bendung Pagelaran Bendung Cibarengkok Bendung Cipicung Bendung Cirawa

2 0 4 2 0 0 4 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



10203024 10203025 10203026 10203027 10203028 10203029 10203030 10203031 10203032 10203033 10203034 10203035 10203036 10203037 10203038 10203039 10203040 10203041 10203042 10203043 10203044 10203045 10203046 10203047 10203048

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

0 0 1 0 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 2 3 0 3 3 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 3 0

Bendung Cibayar Bendung Ciomas Karawang Bendung Cipamingkis Bendung Jungkur Bendung Pedati Bendung Pangsor Bendung Legeh Bendung Macan Bendung Cipicung Bendung Curug Bendung Barasole Bendung Pundong Bendung Salamdarma Bendung Pawelutan Bendung Barugbug Bendung Gadung Bendung Bugis Bendung Beet Bendung Walahar Bendung Rejag Bendung Telar Bendung Karangtoman Bendung Kalong Bendung Jengkol Bendung Leuweungseureuh

0 0 1 0 4 4 0 3 0 0 0 2 3 0 3 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0



10203049 10203050 10203051 10203052 10203053 10203054 10203055 10203056 10203057 10203058 10203059

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 3 1

Bendung Cikeas Bendung Cikarang Bendung Ranggon Bendung Lemahabang Bendung Bekasi Bendung Gergaji Bendung Buana Bendung Cakung Situ Wanayasa Waduk Cipancuh Siphon Cibeet

1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 4 1




Appendix 3: UCD Specification

UCD (Use Case Diagram) As we know that Use Case Diagram is a type of behavioral diagram defined by and created from a Use-case analysis. Its purpose is to present a graphical overview of the functionality provided by a system in terms of actors, their goals (represented as use cases, in shape of circle), and any dependencies between those use cases. Box 1: UCD Specification
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

View GIS Map View User Manual Manage Hydrological Data Search Data Import Data Export Data Operational Management Manage Dam Operation Manage Weir Operation Manage Water Demand Operation Model RRFS Other Modeling tools A Other Modeling tools B Create report wizard Manage Station Search Station Add Station Edit Station Delete Station

User views the GIS Map on main window. User can read user manual, help feature or step-by-step procedure to operate the software. User can manage hydrological data. Sub-case of Manage Hydrological Data (no.3) which user can search data using search parameter such as agency type, station type, data type, interval date, etc. Sub-case of Manage Hydrological Data (no.3) which user can import data from Excel file or TXT file depends on the data type their going to import. Sub-case of Manage Hydrological Data (no.3) which user can export data to Excel file depends on what kind of data that they are going to export. User can manage the operational of water management. Sub-case of Operational Management (no.7) which user can manage dam operational. Sub-case of Operational Management (no.7) which user can manage weir operational, such as water discharge in weir, water level, and water availability in weir. Sub-case of Operational Management (no.7) which user can manage water demand operation, especially for irrigation water demand evaluation & drinking water demand evaluation. User can use modeling tools. Sub-case of Model (No.11) that user can simulate Rainfall Runoff modeling. Sub-case of Model (No.11) which user can simulate other Modeling Tools A (Proposed : Water Allocation Modeling) Sub-case of Model (No.11) which user can simulate other Modeling Tools B (Proposed : Water Quality Modeling) User can create report using a wizard. E.g. : create annual report of rainfall data. User can manage station information. User can search station information using search parameter such as agency type, station name, station type, etc. User can add new station information. User can edit or update station information. User can delete station information.



PJT-II has rights to search, import, and export data from Hydrological Data menu. They can also run RRFS model, create report and manage stations. DSS also includes a special menu named Operation Plan where they can see dam, weir, and water demand information. Operation Plan menu is only for PJT-II.

Image 39: UCD of PJT-II



In terms of usage, BBWSC, DPSDA, and BPLHD have same rights. Search, import, and export data from Hydrological Data menu. They can also run RRFS model, create report and manage stations.

Image 40: UCD of BBWSC / DPSDA / BPLHD


UCD of PusAir / BMKG

In terms of usage, PusAir and BMKG have same rights. Each agency can search and export data from Hydrological Data menu. They can also run RRFS model, create reports from other agency.

Image 41: UCD of PusAir / BMKG


Appendix 4: Data Flow Diagrams

Code Definition Currently each observe station has a code based on the database structure, however some the code definition is not completely assigned and almost none of the code has a unique value. Therefore, all of the observer stations are redefined to make the code complete and unique.

Image 42: Code Definition

River Territory / Basin: Currently the development is based on Citarum basin only, but concerning the future of the DSS program, we added a code to define which basin it is located. Catchment: Each agency has its own catchment definition, but for an integrated database, we redefined the catchment definition based on RRFS model from K-water. Gauge station type: There are many type of observe station in Citarum basin. In purpose of distinction, this code is added as the notes below image 5. Agency: DSS is not belonged to one institution. Therefore this code is added to define which agency is on the management of each observe station. Reg. Number: This is a unique number allocated to each observe station.


Data Flow Analysis Hydrological data was analyzed by visiting the stakeholder and gathers some basic information of existing system, data, and tools running on the stakeholder. Investigation and evaluation needed to make a rough image of running system, and make a deep analysis to maintain automation for future software. To make good software, which user friendly and has more automation, software development team gathers some requirement from stakeholder. There so, software development team provides some users request documentation, called User Requirement Specification (URS) document. This document is not only a main reference in designing use case diagram to plan user behaviors in the software but also in designing database structures. Each agency that collects hydrological data (PJT-II/DPSDA/BBWSC/BPLHD) has different procedure of data collection. Following figures are description of each agencys procedure sorted by station type.
Water Quantity Water Level AWLR with telemetry system (PJT-II)

PJT-II has two type of AWLR with telemetry system. One is using SMS communication method that send data automatically to HQ by SMS and another one is using dial-up communication method that sends data manually to HQ.

Image 43: Water Level AWLR with telemetry system (PJT-II) In the case of using SMS communication, Table grabber extracts raw data from each observer station that is recorded in text format. And PROJEX calculates data to minutely, hourly and daily data. This process works hourly and automatically. The observe station using Dial-up communication method, use a software named CIMSTA which calculates raw data to minutely, hourly and daily data. This process works manually and the HQ staff receives the data at 7 oclock in the morning. Even though PJT-II has six of telemetry station, only two are operating well. The details are in Box 2.

Box 2: AWLR Station Status

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Station Cikao River in Gipaisan Citarum River in Majalaya Citarum River in Sapan Citarum River in Dayeankolot Citarum River in Kedunggede Ibeet in upstream of Siphon Method PSTN PSTN GSM/SMS GSM/Dial-up PSTN PSTN Status BROKEN BROKEN IN USE IN USE BROKEN BROKEN

Water Level AWLR without telemetry system (PJT-II)

Image 44: Water Level AWLR without telemetry system (PJT-II) Most of observe station which PJT-II operates, are recording water level manually. The raw data are recorded in a cassette and each section staff collects the cassette once a month. After collecting the cassette, PJT-II use EPROM reader that can extract data from cassette. Then they use CIMSTA to calculate data to minutely, hourly and daily data.
Water Demand (PJT-II)

PJT-II also has an annual plan for water demand. There manage three kinds of area which is irrigation area, industry area, and water supply company. However, PJT-II has no spatial data for industry.

Image 45: Water Demand (PJT-II) Each division collects the data and validates the data at the bi-weekly meeting named TEPHASA Meeting with PJT-II HQ.

Water Level (DPSDA)

Not all of water level data and sets of spatial data are uploaded on official website of DPSDA ( It contains just only some part of whole data. DPSDA will disseminate the annual report (yearbook) if it requested by people / other agency.

Image 46: Water Level (DPSDA) The observe station does not record data in digital format. They have only hard (paper) copy of data and DPSDA receives the hard copy directly from each observed station staff. DPSDA also uses a software name PHU the input data in digital format. It can also extract data in the excel file format.
Water Level AWLR with telemetry system (BBWSC)

BBWSC has four stations of AWLR, however there are also manual gauge at the same location for case of emergency. This manual gauge is not in operation when AWLR is in normal condition.

Image 47: Water Level AWLR with telemetry system (BBWSC) Raw data from observation station are transmitted automatically with BBWSCs own software. The software stores the data in text format and input average of hourly data as daily data in excel format. With this excel format they publish a yearbook of hydrological data annually.

Water Level Manual (BBWSC)

BBWSC has 20 stations (include the location of AWLR). Collected data is exactly same as DPSDAs data.

Image 48: Water Level Manual (BBWSC) Same as automatic water level station, manual water level station data are used as a data for the yearbook of hydrological data.
Water Level Manual (PJT-II)

PJT-II considers 07:00 water level data as daily water level data.

Image 49: Water Level - Manual (PJT-II) Usually PJT-II HQ collects data from each division bi-weekly and save the data in the SQL database. But HQ also receives 7 a.m. data by SMS directly by the observation staff once a day. They use this daily data to input values in the LCD excel file to keep the monitoring system up to date.

Water Quality Water Quality (PJT-II)

Most of stations location in fixed, however water quality observe stations location and numbers of station changes every month.

Image 50: Water Quality (PJT-II) Each division collects sample of water form targeted location. Then send the sample to the laboratory. After analysis of the sample water, laboratory sends the result report in a carbon copy format. Each division directly inputs the data to the database, not by the HQ office.
Water Quality (BPLHD)

BPLHD use software named SISLING to store data into the database and extract analysis data which they can use as a report form. However, the database is secured by password and they do not even know it. If we want to store all of previous data to DSS, they should collect all of the excel file and input to DSS database by using data input wizard.

Image 51: Water Quality (BPLHD)


Climatology Rainfall Automatic (PJT-II)

Procedure of rainfall (automatic) is exactly same as AWLR (with telemetry).

Image 52: Rainfall - Automatic (PJT-II)

Rainfall Manual (PJT-II)

Image 53: Rainfall Manual (PJT-II)


AWS Automatic Weather Station (PJT-II)

Procedure of rainfall (automatic) is exactly same as AWLR (without telemetry).

Image 54: AWS - Automatic Weather Station (PJT-II)

Rainfall (DPSDA)

Same as water level data in DPSDA, not all of rainfall and sets of spatial data are uploaded on official website of DPSDA ( It contains just only some part of whole data. DPSDA will disseminate the annual report (yearbook) if it requested by people / other agency.

Image 55: Rainfall (DPSDA)

Rainfall (BBWSC)

BBWSC has 21 stations and collected data is exactly same as DPSDAs data.

Image 56: Rainfall (BBWSC)


Dam Operation Dam (PJT-II)

PJT-II considers 00:00 data as daily data. PJT-II makes an annual plan for normal, dry, and wet season to operate the dam effectively.

Image 57: Dam (PJT-II) According from the user requirement specification, development team will try to implement Dam Operation Plan feature which PJT-II staff can input annual plan and compare with actual values.
Weir (PJT-II)

Procedure of data collection is exactly same as water level (manual); only the raw data is different. PJT-II needs to store daily rainfall and discharge data to database, also the data sent by SMS needs to be stored.

Image 58: Weir (PJT-II) Importing weir data to DSS database was the most complicated process while developing the data input module because the format of weir data are all different from another. Therefore, we decided to develop an individual import module only for weir data.

Appendix 5: GIS Maps in Database

AWS (Automatic Weather Station)




Rainfall Station


Water Discharge


Water Quality




Appendix 6: Class Diagrams

Image 59: Data Objects


Image 60: Document View Model


Image 61: Data Export Wizard


Image 62: Data Import Wizard


Image 63: Data Search


Image 64: Document


Image 65: GIS Interaction


Image 66: GIS & Data Search Interaction


Image 67: Main


Image 68: Pane


Image 69: Station Management


Image 70: Enumeration


Image 71: Miscellaneous Models


Appendix 7: ERD (Entity-Relationship Diagram)

Hydrological database tables are grouped into 9 conceptual packages, as follows: Base Info package: All of tables are the basic information in the database and depended by all station information such as agency, catchment, district, subdistrict, province, river territory, sub catchment and village. River_Territory_Info table may be needed in the future for expansion, not only Citarum River Basin but also other river basin. Rainfall package: RF_Data_Daily table contains rainfall data that measured and recorded every day (daily data). RF_Data_Daily table depends on RF_Gauge_Info table that contains rainfall gauge station information. This is because every record on RF_Data_Daily has a code of rainfall gauge station which provided by RF_Gauge_Info table. AWS package: BBWSC and PJT-II have AWS (Automatic Weather Station) recording climatological data such as rainfall, humidity, temperature, etc. But, they have different interval in data recording related to applied configuration in the equipment. Therefore, climatological data are separately stored into 3 tables based on its interval; there are six-minutely, hourly, and daily. AWS_Daily table stores daily climatological data. AWS_Hourly table stores hourly climatological data. Meanwhile, AWS_Minutely table stores six-minutely climatological data. All of those tables are depends on AWS_Gauge_Info table which contains all registered AWS stations from BBWSC and PJT-II. Water Level package: Rating_Curve_Formula table contains rating curve formulation for each registered water level gauge station. WL_Data_AWLR_Daily table contains AWLR data that measured and recorded everyday by equipment, meanwhile WL_Data_AWLR_Hourly table contains hourly data and WL_Data_AWLR_Minutely table contains six-minutely data. For water level data which measured by manual equipment, there is WL_Data_Man table which can store all of those data. All of tables in this package are depends on WL_Gauge_Info table which contains all water level gauge station, whether it is automatic or manual equipment. Water Quality package: This package stores all data which related to water quality in the river (mainstream) including water quality sampling point information (water quality gauge station), water quality parameter, water quality measurement data, and water quality standard based on government regulation (Indonesia : Baku Mutu Kualitas Air). Water Quality (Industry) package: This package stores all data which related to water quality in the industrys outlet including water quality gauge station information (industry), industry classification (to implement equitable water quality standards and rules), and water quality standard for industry.


Dam package: Collected data from each dam are different based on schematic or characteristic of the dam. There so, we need to store data in separate table. Dam_Data_Cirata table stores all collected data from Cirata dam, Dam_Data_Saguling table stores all collected data from Saguling dam, and Dam_Data_Jatiluhur table stores all collected data from Jatiluhur dam. As we know that PJT-II creates annual dam operation plan for each dam, and make this operation plan as a main indicator in water level monitoring and evaluation. There so, this crucial information must be stores in database, we creates a Dam_Oper_Plan table to store this information. Weir package: As we know that there are some weir schematic and each schematic provides different amount of data types, so we need to separate data comes from special weir and common weir. Special weir can be identified such as Barugbug weir, Bekasi weir, Cikarang weir, Gadung weir, Jengkol weir, Macan weir, Salamdarma weir, and Cibeet weir. Water Demand package contains WD_Data_Daily, WD_Intake_Point_Info, and WD_Pam_Intake_Plan table. This package stores all collected data related to water demand especially water intake by PAM DKI Jakarta (public water services) such as Pejompongan, Pulogadung, and Buaran. To implement the design of software, the design must be converted into a machine-readable form. There so, the coding process or the code generation process performed on this phase. Generally, coding processes are divides into 3 big modules, Graphical User Interface (GUI) development as a communication interface between user and machine. Next module is the database manipulation (insert, update, delete, etc.) module. Firstly, the database must be established. Last, the Service module, this module provides interconnectivity between Server Application and Client Application that existed as server services on server machine. Server application shall response to all client applications request by this service. So, this service is the main core in data storing, data searching, and data manipulation activities including data importer and data exporter.


Hydrological D/B Type: Package Package: Data Model Detail: Created on 05/01/2006 and last modified on 28/03/2011

Database Schema Created By: Robbie on 09/03/2011 Last Modified: 30/01/2012, Version: 1.0

class Database Schema

DSS Software ERD(Entity Relationship Diagram)

Doc No : ERD-MAIN-01 Version : 1.0

Contain information about region, watershed, agency, etc... Dam Base Info Rainfall + RF_DATA_DAILY + RF_GAUGE_INFO use + AGENCY_INFO + CAT CHMENT _INFO + DISTRICT _INFO + PROVINCE_INFO + RIVER_TERRITORY_INFO + SUB_CAT CHMENT_INFO + SUB_DIST RICT_INFO + VILLAGE_INFO use AWS (Automatic Weather Station) + AWS_DAILY + AWS_GAUGE_INFO + AWS_HOURLY + AWS_MINUT ELY use use Weir + WEIR_DAT A_Waduk_Cipancuh + WEIR_SCHEMATIC + WEIR_SCHEMATIC_IMAGE + WEIR_DAT A_Barugbug + WEIR_DAT A_Bekasi + WEIR_DAT A_Cikarang + WEIR_DAT A_Gadung + WEIR_DAT A_Jengkol use + WEIR_DAT A_Macan + WEIR_DAT A_Salamdarma + WEIR_DAT A + WEIR_DAT A_Cibeet + WEIR_INFO use + DAM_DATA + DAM_OPER_PLAN + DAM_INFO




Image Info + IMAGE_DAT A

Image 72: DSS software ERD


AWS (Auto Weather Station) Type: Package Package: Hydrological D/B Detail: Created on 05/04/2011 and last modified on 05/04/2011

AWS Created By: zemna on 05/04/2011 Last Modified: 30/01/2012, Version: 1.0

class AWS

AWS(Automatic Weather Station) Database Structure - 1/2

Base Info::RIVER_TERRITORY_INFO col umn *PK i d: i nt nam e: varchar(50) PK + PK _RIVER_T E RRIT ORY_INFO(int) AWS_GAUGE_INFO 1 col um n *PK code: varchar(50) ol d_stati on_i d: varchar(50) FK river_terri tory_i d: i nt FK catchment_id: i nt FK agency_id: i nt FK vi ll age_i d: i nt stati on_name: varchar(50) stati on_type: i nt l ongi tude: fl oat l ati tude: fl oat el evati on: fl oat observati on_start_ti me: datetim e status: int FK + FK _AWS_GAUGE_INFO_AGENCY _INFO(i nt) + FK _AWS_GAUGE_INFO_CAT CHMENT _INFO(i nt) + FK _AWS_GAUGE_INFO_RIVER_T ERRIT ORY_INFO(i nt) + FK _AWS_GAUGE_INFO_VILLAGE_INFO(i nt) P K + PK_AWS_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) 1

Doc No : ERD-AWS-01 Versi on : 1.0

Base Info::VILLAGE_INFO col umn *PK i d: i nt nam e: varchar(50) 0..*

0..* Base Info::CATCHME NT_INFO col umn *PK i d: i nt FK ri ver_terri tory_i d: i nt name: varchar(50) 1 0..*


Base Info::AGENCY _INFO column *PK id: i nt name: varchar(50)

Associated Agency - PJT -II

AWS _GAUGE_INFO - S tore i nformati on about autom ati c weather stati on

AWS(Automatic Weather Station) Database Strucure - 2/2

AWS_DAILY col umn *pfK code: varchar(50) *PK date: dateti m e T N: fl oat T X : fl oat T M : fl oat IT N: varchar(50) IT X: varchar(50) UN: fl oat UX : fl oat UM : fl oat IUN: varchar(50) IUX: varchar(50) U4: varchar(50) U6: varchar(50) U8: varchar(50) U9: varchar(50) RR: fl oat RRX: fl oat IRRX : varchar(50) DRR: varchar(50) HH: varchar(50) VN: fl oat VNE: fl oat VE : fl oat VS E: fl oat VS : fl oat VS O: float VO: fl oat VNO: float GIX: fl oat VT : fl oat VX : fl oat IVX: varchar(50) RG: fl oat PS : fl oat PS X: fl oat IPSX : varchar(50) BA : fl oat BA N: fl oat BA X: fl oat IBAN: varchar(50) IBAX : varchar(50)

Doc No : ERD-AWS-02 Versi on : 1.0

AWS_HOURLY col um n *pfK code: varchar(50) *PK date: dateti me hour: dateti me T : fl oat U: fl oat U8: varchar(50) U9: varchar(50) RR: fl oat RRX: float DRR: varchar(50) VT : fl oat VX: fl oat VM: float GV: fl oat RG: fl oat PS: fl oat HH: varchar(50) BA: fl oat FK + FK _AWS_HOURLY _AWS_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) P K + PK_AWS _HOURLY(varchar, dateti me)

AWS_M INUTELY col umn *pfK code: varchar(50) *PK date: datetim e RR: fl oat FK + FK_AWS_MINUT ELY _AWS_GAUGE _INFO(varchar) PK + P K_A WS_MINUT ELY(varchar, dateti me)

Associated Agency - PJT -II

AWS_M INUTELY - 6-mi nutes weather data AWS_HOURLY - hourl y weather data AWS_DAILY - dai ly weather data

FK + FK_AWS_DAILY_AWS_GA UGE _INFO(varchar) PK + PK _AWS_DAILY(varchar, dateti me)

Image 73: AWS (Auto Weather Station)


AWS_DAILY Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: AWS (Automatic Weather Station) Detail: Created on 18/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of daily AWS data.
PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec



True True False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False


varchar datetime float float float varchar varchar float float float varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar float float varchar varchar varchar float

True True False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False

False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False


50 50

50 50 50 50 50 50

50 50 50

AWS gauge station code record date Minimum Temperature (0C) Maximum Temperature (0C) Average Temperature (0C) Time of Minimum Temperature ( Time of Maximum Temperature ( Minimum Humidity (%) Maximum Humidity (%) Average Humidity (%) Time of Minimum Humidity ( Time of maximum humidity ( Duration of temperature less than 40% ( Duration of temperature condition between 60% up to 80% (in %) Duration of temperature condition between 80% up to 90% (in %) Duration of temperature condition more than 90% (in %) Rainfall (mm) Maximum rainfall intensity (mm) Time of maximum rainfall ( Rainfall duration ( Duration of leaf humidity equal to 1; humid; ( Wind distance to the


False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False


float float float float float float float float float float varchar float float float varchar float float float varchar varchar

False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False

False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False 50 50 50 50

North (Km) Wind distance to the North East (Km) Wind distance to the East (Km) Wind distance to the South East (Km) Wind distance to the South (Km) Wind distance to the South West (Km) Wind distance to the West (Km) Wind distance to the North West (Km) Wind direction of maximum wind distance (degree or 0) Total wind distance (Km) Wind speed (m/s) Time of maximum wind speed ( Total of global radiation (J/cm2) Total electric current on Solar Panel (mAh) Actual electric current from Solar Panel (mAh) Time of maximum current( Battery voltage at 00.00 am (Volt) Minimum battery voltage (Volt) Maximum battery voltage (Volt) Time of minimum battery ( Time of maximum battery (

Constraints Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public

code code date

Relationships Columns Association Notes

(code = code)


AWS_GAUGE_INFO Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: AWS (Automatic Weather Station) Detail: Created on 16/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of AWS gauge station information.
PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False False False False False False False False False False False

code old_station _id river_territ ory_id catchment_ id agency_id village_id station_na me station_typ e longitude latitude elevation observation _start_time status

varchar varchar int int int int varchar int float float float datetime int

True False False False False False False False False False False False False

False False False False False False False False False False False False False

50 50

Gauge Station code Old Station ID River Territory Catchment ID Agency ID Village ID


Station Name 0 : manual 1 : automatic Longitude Latitude Elevatiaon Start date of observation 0 = not operating 1 = operating

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public Public Public Public

agency_id catchment_id river_territory_id village_id code


Columns Association Notes

(agency_id = id) (catchment_id = id)

(code = code) (code = code) (river_territory_id = id) (code = code)


AWS_HOURLY Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: AWS (Automatic Weather Station) Detail: Created on 18/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Hourly AWS data

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True True False False False False False False False False False False False False False

code date hour T U U8 U9 RR RRX DRR VT VX VM GV RG

varchar datetime datetime float float varchar varchar float float varchar float float float float float

True True False False False False False False False False False False False False False

False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False


50 50


Station code Record date Record hour Temperature (0C) Humidity (%) Duration of humidity between 80% to 90% ( Duration of humidity more than 90% ( Rainfall (mm) Maximum rainfall (mm) Rainfall duration ( Total wind (km) Maximum wind speed (m/s) Average wind speed (m/s) Average wind direction from last 10 minutes (0) Total of global radiation (J/cm2)


False False False


float varchar float

False False False

False False False 50

Electric Current on Solar Panel (mAh) Duration of humid; leaf humidity = 1 ( battery status/Voltage (Volt)

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public

code code date

Columns Association Notes

(code = code)


AWS_MINUTELY Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: AWS (Automatic Weather Station) Detail: Created on 25/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of minutely AWS data. (Only rainfall data)
PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True True False

code date RR

varchar datetim e float

True True False

False False False


Station code Record Date Rainfall (mm)

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes



Public Public

code code date



(code = code)


Base Info Type: Package Package: Hydrological D/B Detail: Created on 05/04/2011 and last modified on 06/04/2011

Base Info Created By: zemna on 05/04/2011 Last Modified: 20/10/2011, Version: 1.0

class Base Info

Base Information Database Structure - [Region]

Doc No : ERD-BI-01 Version : 1.0

PROVINCE_INFO column *PK id: int name: varchar(50) PK + PK_PROVINCE_INFO(int) 1 0..*

DISTRICT_INFO column *PK id: int name: varchar(50) FK province_id: int 1 FK + FK_DISTRICT _INFO_PROVINCE_INFO(int) PK + PK_DIST RICT_INFO(int) 0..*

SUB_DISTRICT_INFO column *PK id: int name: varchar(50) FK district_id: int 1 FK + FK_SUB_DISTRICT _INFO_DIST RICT_INFO(int) PK + PK_SUB_DIST RICT_INFO(int) 0..*

VILLAGE_INFO column *PK id: int name: varchar(50) sub_district_id: int PK + PK_VILLAGE_INFO(int)

Associated Agency - ALL

PROVINCE_INFO - Province Information DISTRICT_INFO - District Information SUB_DISTRICT_INFO - Sub District Information VILLAGE_INFO - Village Information

Image 74: Base Information Database Structure (Region)


class Base Info

Base Information Database Structure - [Watershed, Agency]

Doc No : ERD-BI-02 Version : 1.0

CATCHMENT_INFO column *PK id: int FK river_territory_id: int name: varchar(50) area_km: float area_ha: float 0..* perimeter: float PK + PK_CATCHMENT_INFO(int) FK + FK_CATCHMENT_INFO_RIVER_TERRITORY(int) 1

RIVER_TERRITORY_INFO column *PK id: int name: varchar(50) PK + PK_RIVER_T ERRIT ORY_INFO(int)

AGENCY_INFO column *PK id: int name: varchar(50) PK + PK_AGENCY_INFO(int)

0..* SUB_CATCHMENT_INFO column *PK id: int FK catchment_id: int name: varchar(50) area: float area_ha: float perimeter: float FK + FK_SUB_CATCHMENT_INFO_CATCHMENT_INFO(int) PK + PK_SUB_CATCHMENT_INFO(int)

Associated Agency - ALL

RIVER_TERRITORY_INFO - River Territory Information CATCHMENT_INFO - Catchment Information SUB_CATCHMENT_INFO - Sub Catchment Informaion AGENCY_INFO - Agency Information

Image 75: Base Information Database Structure (Watershed, Agency)

AGENCY_INFO Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: Base Info Detail: Created on 09/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Agency information

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False

id name

int varchar

True False

False False


Agency ID Agency's Name

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes





Columns Association Notes

(agency_id = id)

(agency_id = id) (agency_id = id) (agency_id = id) (agency_id = id)


CATCHMENT_INFO Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: Base Info Detail: Created on 09/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Catchment information

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False False False False

id river_territory _id name area_km area_ha perimeter

int int varchar float float float

True False False False False False

False False False False False False 0 50 0 0

Catchment ID River Territory ID Catchment name Total area in KM2 Total area in ha Perimeter

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public

id river_territory_id


Columns Association Notes

(catchment_id = id) (catchment_id = id) (catchment_id = id) (catchment_id = id) (catchment_id = id) (river_territory_ id = id) (catchment_id = id)


DISTRICT_INFO Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: Base Info Detail: Created on 23/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of District information
PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False

id name province_id

int varchar int

True False False

False False False

50 0

District ID District's name Province ID

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public

province_id id

Columns Association Notes

(district_id = id) (district_id = id) (province_id = id)



PROVINCE_INFO Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: Base Info Detail: Created on 23/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Province information
PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False

id name

int varchar

True False

False False


Province ID Province name

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes




Columns Association Notes

(province_id = id)


RIVER_TERRITORY_INFO Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: Base Info Detail: Created on 10/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of River Territory information

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False

id name

int varchar

True False

False False


River Territory ID River Territory name

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes





Columns Association Notes

(river_territ ory_id = id) (river_territ ory_id = id)


SUB_CATCHMENT_INFO Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: Base Info Detail: Created on 09/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Sub-Catchment information

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False False False False

id catchment_ id name area area_ha perimeter

int int varchar float float float

True False False False False False

False False False False False False 0 50 0 0

Sub-Catchment ID Catchment ID Sub-catchment name Total area in Km2 Total area in ha Perimeter

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public

catchment_id id

Columns Association Notes

(catchment_id = id)



SUB_DISTRICT_INFO Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: Base Info Detail: Created on 23/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Sub-district information

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len




True False False

id name district_id

int varchar int

True False False

False False False 50 0 0 0

Sub-district ID Sub-district name District ID

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public

district_id id

Columns Association Notes

(district_id = id)


VILLAGE_INFO Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: Base Info Detail: Created on 23/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of village information

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False

id name sub_district_id

int varchar int

True False False

False False False


Village ID Village name Sub-district ID

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes






(village_id = id)


Dam Type: Package Package: Hydrological D/B Detail: Created on 05/04/2011 and last modified on 06/04/2011.

Dam Created B: zemna on 05/04/2011 Last Modified: 30/01/2012, Version: 1.0

class Dam

Dam Database Structure (Info, Operation Plan, Data)

DAM_OPER_PLAN column *PK rec_id: bigint FK code: varchar(50) date: datetime normal: float dry: float wet: float maks: float min: float

Doc No : ERD-DAM-01 Version : 1.0

Base Info::VILLAGE_INFO column *PK id: int name: varchar(50) DAM_INFO 1 column *PK code: varchar(50) old_dam_id: varchar(50) FK river_territory_id: int FK catchment_id: int 0..* FK agency_id: int FK village_id: int name: varchar(50) type: int location_category: int longitude: float latitude: float 0..* elevation: float status: int postfix: varchar(50) FK FK_DAM_INFO_AGENCY_INFO(int) 0..* + + FK_DAM_INFO_CAT CHMENT _INFO(int) + FK_DAM_INFO_VILLAGE_INFO(int) Base Info::AGENCY_INFO column *PK id: int name: varchar(50) PK + PK_DAM_INFO(varchar) 1

FK FK_DAM_OPER_PLAN_DAM_INFO(varchar) 0..* + PK + PK_DAM_OPER_PLAN(bigint) 1

Base Info::CATCHMENT_INFO column *PK id: int FK river_territory_id: int name: varchar(50)

DAM_DATA column *pfK code: varchar(8) *PK date: datetime T MA: float AM: float AML: float 0..* AK: float AKTb: float HJV: float Spillway: float T otal: float power_production_kwh: float power_production_MW: float FK + FK_DAM_DAT A_DAM_INFO(varchar) PK + PK_DAM_DAT A(varchar, datetime)

Associated Agency - PJT-II

DAM_INFO - Dam Information DAM_OPER_PLAN - Annual DAM Operational Plan.

Image 76: Dam Database Structure (Info, Operation Plan, Data)


DAM_DATA Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: Dam Detail: Created on 20/10/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of water quantity data in DAM, including the amount of power production.

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True True False False False False False False False False False

code date TMA AM AML AK AKTb HJV Spillway Total power_production _kwh

varc har datet ime float float float float float float float float float

True True False False False False False False False False False

False False False False False False False False False False False

Dam Code Record Date Water level Inflow Inflow from Overflow Outflow Outflow in the turbine Outflow in the Hollow Jet Overflow in the Spillway Total Outflow Amount of power production in Kilo Watt per Hour (KWH) Total of power production in Mega Watt (MW)


power_production _MW




Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public

code code date

Columns Association Notes

(code = code)



DAM_OPER_PLAN Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: Dam Detail: Created on 24/03/2011 and last modified on 20/10/2011 Notes: Reservoir Operational Plan PJT-II

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False False False False False False

rec_id code date normal dry wet maks min

bigint varcha r dateti me float float float float float

True False False False False False False False

False False False False False False False False 50 0 0 code of water level gauge station Planned Date water level estimation for normal condition water level estimation for dry condition water level estimation for wet condition maximum threshold minimum threshold

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public

code rec_id

Columns Association Notes

(code = code)



DAM_INFO Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: Dam Detail: Created on 16/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of DAM structure information

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False False False False False

code old_dam_id river_territory _id catchment_id agency_id village_id name

varcha r varcha r int int int int varcha r int

True False False False False False False

False False False False False False False

50 50

Dam Code Old Code River Territory ID Catchment ID Agency ID Village ID


Dam Name 0 : dam 1 : weir 2 : syphon 3 : diversion intake structure 0 : located in main canal 1 : located in secondary canal 2 : other Longitude Latitude Elevation 0 = not operating 1 = operating





False False False False False False

location_categ ory longitude latitude elevation status postfix

int float float float int varcha r

False False False False False False

False False False False False False 50

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public Public Public

agency_id catchment_id village_id code


Columns Association Notes

(code = code)

(catchment_id = id) (agency_id = id) (code = code)



Image Info Type: Package Package: Hydrological D/B Detail: Created on 20/10/2011.

Image Info Created By: HP on 20/10/2011 Last Modified: 30/01/2012, Version: 1.0

dm Image Info

Image Data (For all gauge station and hydraulic structure)

Dam::DAM_INFO IMAGE_DATA column *pfK code: varchar(8) *PK index: int image: image hash: varchar(32) column 1 *PK code: varchar(50) 0..* AWS (Automatic Weather Station)::AWS_GAUGE_INFO column *PK code: varchar(50) 1

0..* FK + FK_IMAGE_DATA_AWS_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) + FK_IMAGE_DATA_DAM_INFO(varchar) 0..* + FK_IMAGE_DATA_RF_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) + FK_IMAGE_DATA_WEIR_INFO(varchar) + FK_IMAGE_DATA_WL_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) 0..* + FK_IMAGE_DATA_WQ_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) unique + UQ_IMAGE_DATA_code(varchar) PK + PK_IMAGE_DATA(varchar, int) 0..*

Rainfall::RF_GAUGE_INFO 1 column *PK code: varchar(50)

0..* WaterLev el::WL_GAUGE_INFO 1 column *PK code: varchar(50)

1 Weir::WEIR_INFO column *PK code: varchar(8) 1 WaterQuality::WQ_GAUGE_INFO column *PK code: varchar(50)

Image 77: Image Data (for all gauge station and hydraulic structure)


IMAGE_DATA Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: Image Info Detail: Created on 20/10/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Image data. This image includes figures or photos of each hydraulic structure and gauge station in CRBDSS.

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True True False False

code index image hash

varchar int image varchar

True True False False

True True False False

8 0 0 32

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

gauge station codes or hydraulic structure codes Indexing for image of a station. Image data in DBImage format Generated hash number to identify each pictures.

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes



code index


Rainfall Type: Package Package: Hydrological D/B Detail: Created on 05/04/2011and last modified on 30/01/2012. Notes: Rainfall (mm)

Rainfall Created By: zemna on 05/04/2011 Last Modified: 06/04/2011, Version: 1.0

class Rainfall

Rainfall Database Structure

Doc No : ERD-RF-01 Versi on : 1.0

Base Info::VILLAGE_INFO column *PK id: int name: varchar(50)

1 RF_GAUGE_INFO column *PK code: varchar(50) old_stati on_id: varchar(50) 0..* FK vil lage_id: int FK catchment_id: i nt FK agency_id: int name: varchar(50) l ongi tude: fl oat l atitude: float elevati on: float 0..* observation_start_time: datetime status: int FK + FK_RF_GAUGE_INFO_AGENCY_INFO(int) 0..* + FK_RF_GAUGE_INFO_CATCHMENT_INFO(int) + FK_RF_GAUGE_INFO_VILLAGE_INFO(int)

RF_DATA_DAILY column *pfK code: varchar(50) *PK date: datetime value: float 1 0..* FK + FK_RF_DATA_DAILY_RF_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) PK + PK_RF_DAT A_DAILY(varchar, dateti me)

Base Info::CATCHMENT_INFO column *PK id: int FK river_terri tory_id: int name: varchar(50)

Base Info::AGENCY_INFO column *PK id: int name: varchar(50)

PK + PK_RF_GAUGE_INFO(varchar)

Associated Agency - BBWSC, DPSDA, PJT-II

RF_GAUGE_INFO - Store gauge informati on RF_DATA_DAILY - Store dail y rainfall data

Image 78: Rainfall Database Structure


RF_DATA_DAILY Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: Rainfall Detail: Created on 18/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of daily Rainfall data

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True True False

code date value

varchar datetime float

True True False

False False False


RF gauge station code record date

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public

code code date

Columns Association Notes

(code = code)



RF_GAUGE_INFO Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: Rainfall Detail: Created on 03/04/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Rainfall Gauge Station information

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False False False False False False False False False

code old_station_id village_id catchment_id agency_id name longitude latitude elevation observation_st art_time status

varchar varchar int int int varchar float float float datetime int

True False False False False False False False False False False

False False False False False False False False False False False

50 50


RF Gauge Station code Old Station ID Village ID Catchment ID Agency ID RF station name Longitude Latitude Elevation Start date of observation 0 = not operating 1 = operating

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public Public Public

agency_id catchment_id village_id code

Columns Association Notes

(code = code)



User Info Type: Package Package: Hydrological D/B Detail: Created on 20/10/2011and last modified on 20/10/2011.

\USER_INFO Created By: HP on 20/10/2011 Last Modified: 30/01/2012, Version: 1.0

dm USER_INFO AUTHORITY_INFO column *PK No: int * Name: varchar(100) * DataSearch: bit * DataModify: bit * DamOperationPlan: bit * WeirSchematic: bit * DataImport: bit * StationManagement: bit * UserManagement: bit PK + PK_AUTHORITY_INFO(int) USER_INFO column *PK ID: varchar(20) * Name: varchar(50) FK Agency: int *FK Authority: int * Password: varchar(50) PK + PK_USER_INFO(varchar) FK + FK_USER_INFO_AGENCY_INFO(int) + FK_USER_INFO_AUTHORITY_INFO(int) 0..*

Image 79: User Info


AUTHORITY_INFO Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: User Info Detail: Created on 20/10/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Authority group information

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False False False False False False False

No Name Data Search Data Modify Dam Operation Plan Weir Schematic Data Import Station Management User Management

int varchar bit bit bit bit bit bit bit

True True True True True True True True True

True False False False False False False False False

0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Authority Number Authority Name Allow Data Search Allow Data Modify Allow Dam Operation Plan Allow Weir Schematic Allow Data Import Allow Station Management Allow User Management

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes




Columns Association Notes

(Authority = No)



USER_INFO Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: User Info Detail: Created on 20/10/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of User Account information

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False False False

ID Name Agency Authority Password

varchar varchar int int varchar

True True False True True

True False False False False

20 50 0 50

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

User ID User Name Agency ID Authority ID User Password

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public Public

ID Agency Authority

Columns Association Notes

(Authority = No)



WaterLevel Type Package Package: Hydrological D/B Detail: Created on 05/04/2011 and last modified on 05/04/2011.

WaterLevel Created By: zemna on 05/04/2011 Last Modified: 30/01/2012, Version: 1.0

class WaterLev el

WaterLevel Database Structure - [Information]

Doc No : ERD-WL-01 Version : 1.0

Base Info::V ILLAGE _INFO col um n *P K i d: int name: varchar(50) WL_GAUGE_INFO 1 col umn *PK code: varchar(50) ol d_station_i d: varchar(50) FK ri ver_terri tory_id: i nt FK catchm ent_i d: i nt FK agency_i d: i nt FK vi l l age_i d: i nt stati on_name: varchar(50) equi pment_type: i nt l ongi tude: float l atitude: fl oat el evati on: fl oat observati on_start_ti me: dateti me status: i nt operator_name: varchar(50) operator_phone: varchar(50) FK + FK_WL_GAUGE _INFO_AGENCY_INFO(i nt) + FK_WL_GAUGE _INFO_CA T CHM ENT _INFO(i nt) + FK_WL_GAUGE _INFO_VILLA GE _INFO(i nt) PK + P K_WL_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) 1


WL_RATING_CURVE col umn *PK rec_i d: bigi nt FK code: varchar(50) year: int RQ_formul a: varchar(50) 1 0..* FK + FK_RAT ING_CURVE_FORMULA_WL_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) PK + PK _RA T ING_CURVE_FORM ULA (bi gi nt)

Base Info::CATCHMENT_INFO col um n *P K i d: int FK river_terri tory_i d: int name: varchar(50)



Base Info::AGENCY_INFO col um n *P K i d: int name: varchar(50)

Associated Agency - BBWSC, PJT -II

WL_GAUGE _INFO - Water l evel station i nformati on RATING_CURVE _FORMULA - Rati ng curve formul a data

WaterLevel Database Structure - [Data]

Doc No : ERD-WL-02 Version : 1.0

WL_DATA_AWLR_MINUTE LY col um n *pfK code: varchar(50) *PK dateti m e: dateti me RR: float HO: fl oat FK + FK_WL_DAT A_AWLR_M INUT ELY_WL_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) P K + PK_WL_DAT A_AWLR_MINUT ELY (varchar, dateti me)

WL_DATA_AWLR_HOURLY column *pfK code: varchar(50) *PK dateti me: datetim e T : fl oat RR: fl oat HON: fl oat HOX: fl oat BA: fl oat FK + FK_WL_DAT A_AWLR_HOURLY_WL_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) PK + PK_WL_DA T A_AWLR_HOURLY(varchar, dateti me)

WL_DATA_AWLR_DAILY col umn *pfK code: varchar(50) *PK datetim e: dateti me T N: fl oat T X : fl oat T M : fl oat IT N: varchar(50) IT X: varchar(50) RR: fl oat RRX: fl oat IRRX : varchar(50) HOM : fl oat HON: float HOX: float IHON: varchar(50) IHOX: varchar(50) PS : fl oat BA : fl oat BA X: fl oat BA N: fl oat FK + FK_WL_DA T A_A WLR_DAILY_WL_GA UGE_INFO(varchar) PK + PK _WL_DAT A_AWLR_DAILY(varchar, dateti me)

WL_DATA_M AN col umn *pfK code: varchar(8) *PK date: datetim e water_l evel : float di scharge: fl oat PK + PK _WL_DAT A_MA N(varchar, dateti me) FK + FK_WL_DA T A_M AN_WL_GAUGE _INFO(varchar)

Associated Agency - BBWSC, PJT -II

WL_DATA_AWLR_MINUTELY - 6-mi nutes water level data WL_DATA_AWLR_HOURLY - Hourly water l evel data WL_DATA_AWLR_DAILY - Dai l y water l evel data WL_DATA_MAN - Manual l y measured water l evel data

Image 80: Water Level Database Structure


WL_DATA_AWLR_DAILY Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: Water Level Detail: Created on 24/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Water Level data in AWLR gauge station which daily recorded.
PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True True False False False False

code datetime TN TX TM ITN

varchar datetime float float float varchar

True True False False False False

False False False False False False


code of AWLR station Minimum Temperature (0C) Maximum Temperature (0C) Average Temperature (0C) Time when Minimum Temperature occurred ( e.g. : 12h18, 13h42 Time when Maximum Temperature occurred ( e.g. : 12h18, 13h42 daily rainfall (mm) Maximum Rainfall per hour (mm/jam), jam = hour Time of Maximum Rainfall occurred value : >>>> = ? <<<< = ? Minimum Water Level ---- = -1111 Maximum Water Level ---- = -1111 time of minimum water level occurred ( e.g. : 12h18, 13h42 Time of Maximum Water Level occurred ( e.g. : 12h18, 13h42 total electric current on sonar panel (mAh) Battery voltage at 24.00 in V (Volt) Maximum battery voltage in V (Volt) Minimum battery voltage in V (Volt)


False False False False False False False False False False False False False


varchar float float varchar float float float varchar varchar float float float float

False False False False False False False False False False False False False

False False False False False False False False False False False False False



50 50


Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public

code code datetime

Columns Association Notes

(code = code)


WL_DATA_AWLR_HOURLY Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: Water Level Detail: Created on 24/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Water Level data from AWLR gauge station, which hourly recorded.
PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True True False False False False

code datetime T RR HON HOX

varchar datetime float float float float

True True False False False False

False False False False False False

50 Concate ("Date" data + "Hour" data) Temperature (0C) Rainfall Minimum water level ---- = -1111 Maximum water level ---- = -1111 battery status/voltage, exactly at 59 minutes and 59 seconds (Volt)






Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes



Public Public

code code, datetime



(code = code)



WL_DATA_AWLR_MINUTELY Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: Water Level Detail: Created on 24/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Water Level data from AWLR gauge station which recorded every 6 minute.

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True True False False

code datetime RR HO

varchar datetime float float

True True False False

False False False False

50 Rainfall ---- = -1111 Water Level ---- = -1111 <<<< = -3333 >>>> = -6666

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public

code code, datetime

Columns Association Notes

(code = code)



WL_DATA_MAN Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: Water Level Detail: Created on 20/04/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True True False False

code date water_level discharge

varchar datetim e float float

True True False False

True True False False

8 0 0 0

0 23 53 53

0 3 0 0

Code of Water Level Gauge Station Date of measurement Water Level Water Discharge

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public

code, date code

Columns Association Notes

(code = code)



WL_GAUGE_INFO Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: Water Level Detail: Created on 09/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: This table consist Automatic Water Level gauge station info and Manual Water Level gauge station info.

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False False False False False False False False False False False False

code old_station_id river_territory_i d catchment_id agency_id village_id station_name equipment_type longitude latitude elevation observation_star t_time status operator_name

varchar varchar int int int int varchar int float float float datetim e int varchar

True False False False False False False False False False False False False False

False False False False False False False False False False False False False False

50 50

50 option : 0 = manual 1 = automatic 2 = telemetric








0 = not operating 1 = operating field operator's name Phone number of field operator/obse rver

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public Public Public

agency_id catchment_id village_id code


Columns Association Notes

(code = code)

(code = code)

(code = code)

(code = code)

(code = code) (agency_id = id) (catchment_id = id)



WL_RATING_CURVE Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: Water Level Detail: Created on 24/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Rating Curve formula for each water level gauge station. Rating Curve formula is used in calculating Water Discharge.

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False

rec_id code year

bigint varchar int

True False False

False False False 50 water level gauge station code published year of Rating Curve formula Rating Curve Formula Formula to calculate Water Discharge from Water Level data. Just for reference, updated once a year.







Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public

code rec_id

Columns Association Notes

(code = code)



WaterQuality Type: Package Package: Hydrological D/B Detail: Created on 05/04/2011 and last modified on 05/04/2011.

WaterQuality Created By: zemna on 05/04/2011 Last Modified: 30/01/2012, Version: 1.0

class WaterQuality

WaterQuality Database Structure

Doc No : ERD-WQ-01 Versi on : 1.0

Base Info::DISTRICT_INFO Base Info::VILLAGE _INFO col umn *PK i d: i nt name: varchar(50) WQ_GAUGE_INFO 1 column *P K code: varchar(50) ol d_stati on_id: varchar(50) FK ri ver_territory_i d: i nt FK catchm ent_i d: i nt FK agency_i d: int di vi si on_i d: i nt FK di stri ct_id: i nt FK vil l age_i d: i nt stati on_nam e: varchar(50) interval : varchar(50) equi pm ent_type: i nt longi tude: fl oat latitude: fl oat el evation: fl oat observati on_start_ti me: dateti me status: i nt operator_name: varchar(50) FK + FK_WQ_GAUGE_INFO_AGENCY_INFO(int) + FK_WQ_GAUGE_INFO_CAT CHMENT _INFO(int) + FK_WQ_GAUGE_INFO_DIST RICT _INFO(int) + FK_WQ_GAUGE_INFO_VILLAGE_INFO(i nt) 1 PK + PK_WQ_GAUGE _INFO(varchar) column *P K id: i nt name: varchar(50) FK provi nce_id: i nt FK + FK_DIST RICT _INFO_PROVINCE_INFO(int) 1 PK + PK_DIST RICT _INFO(i nt)

0..* Base Info::CATCHMENT_INFO col umn *PK i d: i nt FK river_terri tory_i d: int name: varchar(50)




Base Info::AGENCY_INFO col umn *PK i d: i nt name: varchar(50)

Associated Agency - BPLHD, PJT -II

WQ_GAUGE_INFO - Water Qual i ty station i nformati on

WaterQuality Database Stucture - 2/2

Doc No : ERD-WQ-02 Versi on : 1.0

WQ_PARAM column *PK param_code: varchar(4) B PLHDnam e: varchar(50) category: varchar(10) uni t: varchar(20) * type: i nt = ((0)) P JT IIname: varchar(50) PK + P K_WQ_PARAM(varchar) 1 0..*

Contains whol e of water quali ty data type i ncl udi ng water quali ty param eter for i ndustry.

WQ_STD_RIVE R col umn *pfK ri ver_class_code: i nt *pfK param_code: varchar(4) *PK date: dateti me val ue1: fl oat val ue2: fl oat 0..* uni que + UQ_WQ_ST D_RIVER_date(dateti me) + UQ_WQ_ST D_RIVER_param_code(varchar) + UQ_WQ_ST D_RIVER_ri ver_cl ass_code(int) PK + PK _WQ_ST D_RIVE R(i nt, varchar, dateti m e)

WQ_DATA col umn *pfK code: varchar(8) *pfK param_code: varchar(4) *PK date: dateti me value: float *PK depth: i nt PK + PK_WQ_DAT A_1(varchar, varchar, datetim e, i nt) FK + FK_WQ_DAT A_WQ_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) + FK_WQ_DAT A_WQ_PA RAM(varchar)

FK + FK_WQ_ST D_RIVER_RIV ER_CLASS_INFO(int) + FK_WQ_ST D_RIVER_WQ_PARAM (varchar) 0..* 1 RIVE R_CLASS_INFO column *P K ri ver_cl ass_code: i nt * regul ati on_date: date regul ati on_no: varchar(50) name: varchar(50) water_use: text uni que + UQ_RIVER_CLASS _INFO_ri ver_cl ass_code(int) PK + PK_RIVER_CLASS_INFO(i nt)

Associated Agency - BPLHD, PJT -II, PUSAIR

RIVE R_CLASS_INFO - Ri ver cl assi fi cati on based on government regul ati on WQ_PARAM - Contai ns whol e of water qual i ty data type WQ_STD_RIVER - Annual water quali ty standard WQ_DATA - Water Qual i ty data

Image 81: Water Quality Database Structure


RIVER_CLASS_INFO Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: Water Quality Detail: Created on 30/01/2012 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of River Class information. It has includes river classification based on government regulation in case of water quality monitoring process.

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False

river_class_cod e regulation_date

int date

True True

True False

River Class code Regulation started Government's regulation number of River Classification associated with water quality monitoring. e.g. : - PP 82 tahun 2001 - Keputusan Gubernur Jawa Barat RiverClass name : eg : Kelas I, Kelas II, Kelas III, Kelas IV Water Usage specification. Ex: Irrigation, Industry, Drinking Water, or Fresh Water Resort.



varch ar






varch ar









Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public

river_class_code river_class_code

Columns Association Notes

(river_class_code = river_class_code)



WQ_STD_RIVER Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: Water Quality Detail: Created on 30/01/2012 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Water Quality Standard for Water Quality monitoring on the river. These Water Quality Standards are based on government regulation which associated with water quality monitoring process. Ex: PP 82 Tahun 2001, it is includes water quality standard for each River Class.

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True True True False False

river_class_c ode param_code date value1 value2

int varc har datet ime float float

True True True False False

True True True False False 4

River Class code. WQ Parameter Code Date of entry, date of regulation started. Minimum Acceptable Concentration Maximum Acceptable Concentration

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public Public Public Public Public

date param_code river_class_code river_class_code, param_code, date river_class_code param_code

Columns Association Notes

(param_code = param_code) (river_class_code = river_class_code)



WQ_GAUGE_INFO Database: SQL Server 2005, Stereotype: table, Package: Water Quality Detail: Created on 16/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Water Quality gauge station. It's includes location of each gauge station and base information related to the gauge station.

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False

code old_station_id

catchment_id agency_id division_id district_id village_id station_name interval equipment_type longitude latitude elevation observation_star t_time status operator_name

varchar varchar int int int int int int varchar varchar int float float float datetime int varchar

True False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False

False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False

50 50

50 50 daily, monthly, semimonthly, annually 0 : manual


0 = not operating 1 = operating Field operator name

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public Public Public Public

agency_id catchment_id district_id village_id code


Columns Association Notes

(agency_id = id) (catchment_id = id)

(code = code) (district_id = id)


WQ_DATA Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: Water Quality Detail: Created on 18/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Water Quality measurement data.

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True True True False True

code param_co de date value depth

varchar varchar datetime float int

True True True False True

True True True False True

8 4 0 0 0

0 0 23 53 0

0 0 3 0 0

Code of Water Quality Gauge Station Water Quality Parameter Code Date of measurement Value of measurement Depth of measurement

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes



Public Public Public

code, param_code, date, depth code param_code



(param_code = param_code) (code = code)



WQ_PARAM Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: Water Quality Detail: Created on 18/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Water Quality Parameter, includes physical, biological and chemical parameter for monitoring water quality in the river stream and industry's waste disposal.

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False False False

param_code BPLHDnam e category unit type

varchar varchar varchar varchar int

True False False False True

True False False False False

4 50 10 20

0 0

0 0 ((0))







Code of parameter Parameter name (BPLHD's naming) Parameter Category (Chemical, Physical) Unit of parameter Parameter type. 0 = WQ Parameter for River Stream 1 = WQ Parameter for Industry Parameter name (PJT-II's naming)

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes




Columns Association Notes

(param_code = param_code) (param_code = param_code)



Weir Type: Package Package: Hydrological D/B Detail: Created on 05/04/2011 and last modified on 05/04/2011.

Weir Created By: zemna on 05/04/2011 Last Modified: 30/01/2012, Version: 1.0

cla s s We ir

Weir Database Structure - [Information]

Doc No : E RD-WE -0 1 Ve rs i on : 1. 0

Ba s e I nfo::VI LLAGE _I NFO col um n *P K id : i nt na m e: WEI R_ INFO varch ar(50 ) 1 (vill ag e_ id = id ) co lum n *P K co d e: va rcha r(8 ) o ld_ weir_i d: va rcha r(5 0 ) *FK ri ve r_t errito ry_i d: in t *FK ca tchm e nt _id : in t *FK a ge ncy_ id : i nt * d ivi s io n: in t *FK vi lla ge _ id: b ig in t * n am e : varch ar(50 ) * type : in t lo ca tio n _cate g ory: in t lo ng it ud e: fl oa t la tit ud e: fl oa t e levat io n: fl oa t * s t atu s : i nt p os t fix: va rch a r(5 0) s che m at ic_ im a ge s : im a ge *FK p rovin ce _i d: in t *FK d is trict_i d: in t *FK s u b_ d is t rict_i d: in t P K + P K_ WEI R_ INFO(varch ar) 1 FK + FK_ WEI R_ INFO_ AGE NCY _I NFO(in t) + FK_ WEI R_ INFO_ CA T CHM ENT _I NFO(in t) + FK_ WEI R_ INFO_ DI ST RICT _ INFO(i nt) + FK_ WEI R_ INFO_ PROVI NCE _INFO(in t) + FK_ WEI R_ INFO_ RI VE R_T ERRIT ORY _I NFO(in t) + FK_ WEI R_ INFO_ SUB _DIS TRICT _I NFO(in t) + FK_ WEI R_ INFO_ VI LL AGE _I NFO(bi gi nt) WEI R_ SCHEM AT I C_ IM AGE co lum n *P K cod e: cha r(8 ) im g : im ag e h ash: va rcha r(3 2 ) P K + P K_ WEI R_ S CHE MA T IC_I MA GE(ch ar)

0.. * Bas e I nfo::CATCHM ENT _ INFO col um n *P K id : i nt FK river_t errito ry_id : in t na m e: varch ar(50 )

1 0.. *

0.. * Ba s e I nfo::AGE NCY _I NFO col um n *P K id : i nt na m e:

varch ar(50 )

Ass oc ia te d Agency - PJT-II

Wei r h as d iffe re nt d ata f orm a t b y its type If we ir type is g en eral, d ata i s stored in WE IR_DA TA ta b le If we ir type is s p e cia l, da ta is s t ore d in WEI R_ DAT A _p ostfi x t ab le

Weir Database Stucture - [General Type]

Doc No : E RD-WE -0 2 Ve rs i on : 1. 0

WE IR_S CHE M ATIC col um n *P K Date : da te tim e B ekas i Ut ara: fl oa t B ekas i : flo at B ua ra n: fl oa t P ulo g ad un g: f loa t P ejo m po n ga n: fl oa t K ara n g1 : flo at K ara n g2 : flo at K ara n g3 : flo at B ekas i 2: fl oa t Cik a ra ng : flo at Cipa m in gkis : fl oa t Cibe e t: flo at Wal ah ar: f lo at S TU: flo at S TT : flo at S TB : flo at CFC: flo at Cik a o: fl oa t Ja ti luh ur: flo at Cira ta : f lo at S ag ul ing : flo a t B aru g bu g1 : flo at B aru g bu g2 : flo at S un ga pa n : f lo at B en gg al a: fl oa t Je n gk o l1 : flo at Je n gk o l2 : flo at Cije ng k o l: flo a t Gad un g1 : flo a t Gad un g2 : flo a t M acan : flo at Ciasem : fl oa t Ciga d un g: fl oa t S ala m da rm a 1: fl oa t S ala m da rm a 2: fl oa t B MC: flo a t Cipu n eg ara: fl oa t

WEI R_ DATA co lum n *p fK cod e: varcha r(8) *P K d ate : da te tim e Q1: fl oa t Ove rfl ow: flo at Q2: fl oa t PK + P K_ WEI R_ DAT A _1 (va rcha r, da te tim e ) FK + FK_ WEI R_ DA T A_ WE IR_ INFO(va rch a r)

Ass oc ia te d Agency - PJT-II

Dev is ion I I S om a ng , S T _Wa na ya s a , P u nd on g, P on do k _ Sa la m , Wa ru , Wal ah ar Dev is ion I II (South of Ja ti luhur Ir ri ga tion Ar ea ) Curu g _A gu n g, Ci leu le uy, L e uwin an gka, P an gsor, P ed at i, La lan a ng

P K + P K_ WeirSche m at ic(da te tim e )

Weir Database Structure - [Devision I]

Doc No : E RD-WE -0 3 Ve rs i on : 1. 0

WE IR_DAT A_Cibee t co lu m n * PK d at e: d at eti m e o ve rf low: flo a t sup le s i: fl oa t o ut flo w: f lo at Q1 : flo at Q2 : flo at P K + P K _WE IR_DA TA _Cib e et_ 1 (da te tim e )

WE IR_DAT A_Cik ar ang colu m n *P K da te : da te tim e s u pl es i : flo at overflo w: f loa t ou tfl ow_o f_ flu s h _ ga te : f loa t ou tfl ow_o f_ weir_g at e: fl oa t used _wa ter_b y_ wes t _b ekasi: flo a t s e nt _to _sukat an i: flo a t used _wa ter_t o_ s uk a tan i: fl oa t overflo w_ o f_CB L: fl oa t Q1 : flo a t Q2 : flo a t P K + PK _ W E IR_ DA T A_ Ci k a ra ng _1 (d at eti me )

WE IR_DAT A_Be ka si col um n *P K da te : da te tim e s u pl esi_f rom _ B TB 45 : flo a t overflo w: f loa t in take_ P am _ Ja ya : flo at in take_ B ekasi_Uta ra : flo at ou tfl ow: flo a t Q1: fl oa t Q2: fl oa t P K + PK _ WEIR_ DA T A_ B ek as i _1 (d at eti m e)

Ass oc ia te d Agency - PJT-II

Data wil l b e s ave d t o e a ch WEI R_ DAT A _p ostfi x t ab le

Weir Database Structure - [Devision III]

Jatil uhur irrigation area

Doc No : E RD-WE -0 4 Ve rs i on : 1. 0

South of Jati l uhur Irri gati o n Area

WE IR_DAT A_ Ba rugbug col um n *P K da te : da te tim e Q2 : flo a t Q1 : flo a t s u pl es i _t o_ ST T : Ove rflo w: f lo at

WE IR_DATA_J engk ol co lu m n * PK da te : d at et im e s up le s i _from _ BT T : Q2 : flo at Q1 : flo at Q1 _S S : flo at Overflo w: f loa t

WEI R_ DATA_ M ac a n co lu mn *P K d at e: d ate ti me sup le s i_ fro m _B T T: fl oa t Q2 : f lo at Q1 _s u p lesi_ to _S TT : flo a t Q1 _B M 8Hili r: flo a t Q1 _S S: f loa t Ove rf low: flo a t PK + P K _WE IR_DAT A _M a ca n_ 1(da te tim e )

f lo at

flo at

P K + PK _ W E IR_ DA T A_ Ba ru gb u g(d a tet im e)

WE IR_DAT A_Wa duk _Cipancuh colu m n *P K da te : da te tim e wa te r_ leve l: flo at Q1 : flo a t P K + PK _ W E IR_ DA T A_ Wad uk_Cip an cu h _1 (d ate ti me )

P K + PK _WE IR_DA TA _ Je ng k o l_ 1(d a tet im e)

W E IR_ DAT A_ Sa la mda rma col um n *P K Da te : da te tim e Su p lesi_ ST T : f lo at Q2 : flo a t Q1 _ Ind u k _ Bu gi s : flo a t Q1 _ SS : flo at Fl ushin g: f loa t Ove rflo w: f lo at P K + PK _ W E IR_ DA T A_ Sa la m da rm a _1 (d ate ti me )

WE IR_DAT A_Ga dung co lu m n * PK d a te: d at et im e sup le s i_ from _ BT T : Q2 : flo at Q_ Be n du ng : flo at Q1 _S S : flo at Overflo w: fl oa t

f lo at

P K + P K _WE IR_DA TA _ Ga du n g_ 1(da te tim e )

Ass oc ia te d Agency - PJT-II

Data wil l b e s ave d t o e a ch WEI R_ DAT A _p ostfi x t ab le

Image 82: Weir Database Structure


WEIR_DATA_Waduk_Cipancuh Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: Weir Detail: Created on 20/10/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Water Discharge data in Cipancuh Weir

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False

date water_level Q1

datetime float float

True False False

True False False

0 0 0

23 53 53

3 0 0

Date Water Level Q1

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes





WEIR_SCHEMATIC Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: Weir Detail: Created on 20/10/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Discharge data for each weir in form of Weir Schematic diagram.

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False False False False False False False False False False False False False

Date Bekasi Utara Bekasi

dateti me float float float float float float float float float float float float float float

True False False False False False False False False False False False False False False

True False False False False False False False False False False False False False False

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 271

23 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Date of Measurement Water Discharge in Bekasi Utara water level gauge station Water Discharge in Bekasi water level gauge station Water Discharge in Buaran water level gauge station Water Discharge in Pulogadung water level gauge station Water Discharge in Pejompongan water level gauge station Water Discharge in Karang1 water level gauge station Water Discharge in Karang2 water level gauge station Water Discharge in Karang3 water level gauge station Water Discharge in Bekasi2 water level gauge station Water Discharge in Cikarang water level gauge station Water Discharge in Cipamingkis water level gauge station Water Discharge in Cibeet water level gauge station Water Discharge in Walahar water level gauge station Water Discharge in STU water level gauge

Buaran Pulogadu ng Pejompon gan Karang1




Cikarang Cipaming kis Cibeet

Walahar STU

False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False


float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float

False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False

False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0






Saguling Barugbug 1 Barugbug 2 Sungapan








station Water Discharge in STT water level gauge station Water Discharge in STB water level gauge station Water Discharge in CFC water level gauge station Water Discharge in Cikao water level gauge station Water Discharge in Jatiluhur water level gauge station Water Discharge in Cirata water level gauge station Water Discharge in Saguling water level gauge station Water Discharge in Barugbug1 water level gauge station Water Discharge in Barugbug 2 water level gauge station Water Discharge in Sungapan water level gauge station Water Discharge in Benggala water level gauge station Water Discharge in Jengkol1 water level gauge station Water Discharge in Jengkol2 water level gauge station Water Discharge in Cijengkol water level gauge station Water Discharge in Gadung1 water level gauge station Water Discharge in Gadung2 water level gauge station Water Discharge in Macan water level gauge station








Water Discharge in Ciasem water level gauge station Water Discharge in Cigadung water level gauge station Water Discharge in Salamdarma1 water level gauge station Water Discharge in Salamdarma2 water level gauge station Water Discharge in BMC water level gauge station Water Discharge in Cipunegara water level gauge station

False False False False False

Cigadung Salamdar ma1 Salamdar ma2 BMC Cipunega ra

float float float float float

False False False False False

False False False False False

0 0 0 0 0

53 53 53 53 53

0 0 0 0 0

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes





WEIR_SCHEMATIC_IMAGE Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: Weir Detail: Created on 20/10/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Weir Schematic image for each weir structure.

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False

code img hash

char image varchar

True False False

True False False

8 0 32

0 0 0

0 0 0 weir schematic image in DBImage format. generated hash value for associated weir schematic image

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes




WEIR_DATA_Barugbug Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: Weir Detail: Created on 16/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of water discharge data in Barugbug weir.

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False False False

date Q2 Q1 suplesi_to_ STT Overflow

datetime float float float float

True False False False False

True False False False False

0 0 0 0 0

23 53 53 53 53

3 0 0 0 0

Date Q2 Q1 Supply Overflow

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes





WEIR_DATA_Bekasi Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: Weir Detail: Created on 10/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of water discharge data in Bekasi weir

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False

date suplesi_fro m_BTB45 overflow intake_Pam _Jaya

datetime float float

True False False

True False False

0 0 0

23 53 53

3 0 0

Date Supply water Overflow Intake by PAM Jaya Ind : Penyaluran ke PAM Jaya Suplesi ke DKI Jakarta Intake by Bekasi Utara Ind : Penyaluran ke Bekasi Utara Suplesi ke Bekasi Utara Bocoran bendung Q1 Q2







intake_Bek asi_Utara outflow Q1 Q2





False False False

float float float

False False False

False False False

0 0 0

53 53 53

0 0 0

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes





WEIR_DATA_Cikarang Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: Weir Detail: Created on 10/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of water discharge data in Cikarang weir

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False False False False False False False False False

date suplesi overflow outflow_of_flu sh_gate outflow_of_w eir_gate used_water_by _west_bekasi sent_to_sukata ni used_water_to _sukatani overflow_of_ CBL Q1 Q2

datetime float float float float float float float float float float

True False False False False False False False False False False

True False False False False False False False False False False

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Date Suplesi dari Btb.34b Overflow Bocoran Pintu Pengurasan Bocoran Pintu Bendung Dimanfaatkan ke Bekasi Barat Dikirim ke Sukatani dimanfaatkan ke sukatani limpasan CBL Q1 Q2

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes





WEIR_DATA_Gadung Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: Weir Detail: Created on 16/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of water discharge data in Gadung weir

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False False False False

date suplesi_from_ BTT Q2 Q_Bendung Q1_SS Overflow

datetime float float float float float

True False False False False False

True False False False False False

0 0 0 0 0 0

23 53 53 53 53 53

3 0 0 0 0 0

Date Supply Q2 Q_Benndug Q1 Overflow

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes




WEIR_DATA_Jengkol Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: Weir Detail: Created on 16/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of water discharge data in Jengkol weir

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False False False False

date suplesi_from_ BTT Q2 Q1 Q1_SS Overflow

datetime float float float float float

True False False False False False

True False False False False False

0 0 0 0 0 0

23 53 53 53 53 53

3 0 0 0 0 0

Date Supply Q2 Q1 Q1_SS Overflow

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes





WEIR_DATA_Macan Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: Weir Detail: Created on 16/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of water discharge data in Macan weir

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False False False False False

date suplesi_from_ BTT Q2 Q1_suplesi_to _STT Q1_BM8Hilir Q1_SS Overflow

datetime float float float float float float

True False False False False False False

True False False False False False False

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 53 53 53 53 53 53

3 0 0 0 0 0 0

Date Supply From BTT Q2 Q1 (Supply to STT) Q1 (BM8Hilir) Q1 (SS) Overflow

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes




WEIR_DATA_Salamdarma Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: Weir Detail: Created on 16/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of water discharge data in Salamdarma weir.

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False False False False False

Date Suplesi_STT Q2 Q1_Induk_Bu gis Q1_SS Flushing Overflow

datetime float float float float float float

True False False False False False False

True False False False False False False

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 53 53 53 53 53 53

3 0 0 0 0 0 0

Date Supply (STT) Q2 Q1 (Induk Bugis) Q1 (SS) Flushing Overflow

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes

PK_WEIR_DATA_Salamd arma_1



WEIR_DATA Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: Weir Detail: Created on 16/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of water discharge data for each weir which have general data (Q1, Q2, and Overflow)

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True True False False False

code date Q1 Overflow Q2

varchar datetime float float float

True True False False False

True True False False False

8 0 0 0 0

0 23 53 53 53

0 3 0 0 0

Weir Code Date Inflow Overflow Outflow

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public

code, date code

Columns Association Notes

(code = code)



WEIR_DATA_Cibeet Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: Weir Detail: Created on 10/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of water discharge data in Cibeet weir

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False False False False

date overflow suplesi outflow Q1 Q2

datetime float float float float float

True False False False False False

True False False False False False

0 0 0 0 0 0

23 53 53 53 53 53

3 0 0 0 0 0

Date Overflow Supply Outflow Q1 Q2

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes




WEIR_INFO Database: SQL Server 2008, Stereotype: table, Package: Weir Detail: Created on 16/03/2011 and last modified on 30/01/2012 Notes: Table of Weir structure information.

PK Name Type Not Null Unique Len Prec Scale Init Notes

True False False False False False False False False False False False False False

code old_weir_id river_territor y_id catchment_id agency_id division village_id name type location_cate gory longitude latitude elevation status

varchar varchar int int int int bigint varchar int int float float float int

True False True True True True True True True False False False False True

True False False False False False False False False False False False False False 280

8 50 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 53 53 53 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Weir Code Old Weir ID River Territory ID Catchment ID Agency ID Division Village ID Weir Name 0 : General, 1 : Special Location Category Longitude Latitude Elevation 0 : Not Operating,

False False False False False

postfix schematic_i mages province_id district_id sub_district_i d

varchar image int int int

False False True True True

False False False False False

50 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

1 : Operating Postfix Schematic Image Province ID District ID Sub-district ID

Name Type Columns Initial Code Notes


Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public

code agency_id catchment_id district_id province_id river_territory_id sub_district_id village_id

Columns Association Notes

(code = code) (agency_id = id) (catchment_id = id) (village_id = id)



Diagram Documentation Database Schema - (Logical diagram)

class Databas e Sche ma

DSS Software ERD(Entity Relationship Diagram)

Doc No : ERD-MAIN-01 Ve rsi on : 1.0

Contai n i nforma ti on abou t regi on, watershed, age ncy, e tc... Dam Base Info Rainfall + RF_DAT A_DAILY + RF_GAUGE_INFO u se + AGENCY_ INFO + CAT CHMENT _INFO + DISTRICT _INFO + PROVINCE_INFO + RIVER_T ERRITORY_INFO + SUB_CAT CHMENT _INFO + SUB_DIST RICT_ INFO + VILLAGE_INFO use AWS (Automatic Weather Station) + AWS_DAILY + AWS_GAUGE_INFO + AWS_HOURL Y + AWS_MINUT ELY use use Weir + WEIR_DAT A_ Wa duk_Ci pancuh + WEIR_SCHEMAT IC + WEIR_SCHEMAT IC_IMAGE + WEIR_DAT A_ Barugb ug + WEIR_DAT A_ Bekasi + WEIR_DAT A_ Ci karang + WEIR_DAT A_ Gadun g + WEIR_DAT A_ Jen gkol use + WEIR_DAT A_ Ma can + WEIR_DAT A_ Sal amdarma + WEIR_DAT A + WEIR_DAT A_ Ci beet + WEIR_INFO use + DAM_DATA + DAM_OPER_PLAN + DAM_INFO




Image Info + IMAGE_DAT A

Image 83: DSS Software ERD


AWS - (Logical diagram)

class AWS

AWS(Automatic Weather Station) Database Structure - 1/2

Base Info::RIVER_TERRITORY_INFO col umn *PK id: int name: varchar(50) PK + PK_RIVER_TERRIT ORY_INFO(int) AWS_GAUGE_INFO 1 col umn *PK code: varch ar(50) old_stati on_i d: varchar(50) FK ri ver_terri tory_id: int FK catchment_ id: int FK agency_id: i nt 0..* FK vi ll age_id: i nt station_name: varchar(5 0) station_type : i nt 0..* longi tude: float latitude: flo at elevati on: fl oat observati on_start_ti me: dateti me 0..* status: i nt FK 0..* + FK_AWS_GAUGE_INFO_AGENCY_INFO(int) + FK_AWS_GAUGE_INFO_CAT CHMENT_INFO(int) + FK_AWS_GAUGE_INFO_RIVER_TERRITORY_INFO(i nt) + FK_AWS_GAUGE_INFO_VILLAGE_ INFO(i nt) PK + PK_AWS_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) 1

Do c No : ERD-AWS-01 Versi on : 1.0

Base Info::VILLAGE_INFO col umn *PK id: int name: varchar(50)

Base Info::CATCHMENT_INFO col umn *PK id: int FK ri ver_terri to ry_id: int name: varchar(50) 1

Base Info::AGENCY_INFO col umn *PK i d: i nt name: varchar(50)

Associated Agency - PJT-II

AWS_GAUGE_INFO - Sto re informati on about automatic weather station

Image 84: AWS Database Structure 1/2

class AWS

AWS(Automatic Weather Station) Database Strucure - 2/2

AWS_DAILY col umn *pfK co de: varcha r(50) *PK date: d atetime TN: fl oat TX: fl oat TM: fl oat IT N: varchar(50) IT X: varchar(50) UN: fl oat UX: fl oat UM: fl oat IUN: varchar(50) IUX: varchar(50) U4 : varchar(50) U6 : varchar(50) U8 : varchar(50) U9 : varchar(50) RR: fl oat RRX: fl oat IRRX: varchar(50) DRR: varcha r(50) HH: varchar(50) VN: fl oat VNE: fl oat VE: fl oat VSE: fl oat VS: fl oat VSO: fl oat VO: flo at VNO: fl oat GIX: fl oat VT : fl oat VX: fl oat IVX: varchar(50) RG: flo at PS: fl oat PSX: fl oat IPSX: varchar(50) BA: fl oat BAN: fl oat BAX: fl oat IBAN: varchar(50) IBAX: varchar(50)

Doc No : ERD-AWS-02 Version : 1.0

AWS_HOURLY col umn *pfK code: varch ar(50) *PK date: dateti me hour: dateti me T : floa t U: floa t U8: varcha r(50) U9: varcha r(50) RR: fl oat RRX: fl oat DRR: varch ar(50) VT: fl oat VX: fl oat VM: fl oat GV: fl oat RG: fl oat PS: fl oat HH: va rchar(50) BA: fl oat FK + FK_AWS_HOURLY_AWS_GAUGE_INFO(varcha r) PK + PK_AWS_HOURLY(va rchar, date ti me )

AWS_MINUTELY col umn *pfK cod e: varchar(50) *PK date : da tetime RR: fl oat FK + FK_ AWS_MINUT EL Y_AWS_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) PK + PK_AWS_MINUTELY(varchar, datetime)

Associated Agency - PJT -II

AWS_MINUTELY - 6 -min utes weath er data AWS_HOURLY - h ourl y weather data AWS_DAILY - d ail y weath er data

FK + FK_AWS_DAILY_ AWS_ GAUGE_INFO(varchar) PK + PK_AWS_DAILY(varcha r, da tetime)

Image 85: AWS Database Structure 2/2


Base Info - (Logical diagram)

class Base Info

Base Information Database Structure - [Region]

Doc No : ERD-BI-01 Versi on : 1.0

PROVINCE_INFO column *PK i d: int na me: varchar(50) PK + PK_PROVINCE_INFO(i nt) 1 0..*

DISTRICT_INFO column *PK i d: i nt name: varchar(5 0) FK province_id: int 1 FK + FK_DISTRICT_INFO_PROVINCE_INFO(i nt) PK + PK_ DIST RICT _INFO(int) 0..*

SUB_ DISTRICT_INFO col umn *PK id: i nt name: varchar(50) FK district_i d: i nt 1 FK + FK_SUB_DIST RICT _INFO_DISTRICT_INFO(i nt) PK + PK_SUB_DIST RICT_INFO(i nt) 0..*

VILLAGE_INFO col umn *PK id: int name: varchar(50) sub_district_i d: i nt PK + PK_VILLAGE_INFO(i nt)

Associated Agency - ALL

PROVINCE_INFO - Pro vi nce Information DISTRICT_INFO - District Information SUB_DISTRICT_ INFO - Sub Di strict Information VILLAGE_INFO - Vil l age Informa ti on

Image 86: Base Information Database Structure

class Base Info

Base Information Database Structure - [Watershed, Agency]

Doc No : ERD-BI-02 Versi on : 1.0

CATCHMENT_INFO col umn *PK id: i nt FK ri ver_territory_id: i nt name: varchar(50) area _km: fl oat area _ha: float 0..* peri meter: float PK + PK_CAT CHMENT_INFO(int) FK + FK_ CATCHMENT _INFO_RIVER_TERRIT ORY(int) 1

RIVER_TERRITORY_INFO col umn *PK id: i nt name: varchar(50) PK + PK_RIVER_TERRITORY_INFO(i nt)

AGENCY_INFO column *PK i d: i nt name: varchar(50) PK + PK_AGENCY_INFO(i nt)

0..* SUB_CATCHMENT_ INFO col umn *PK id: in t FK catchment_id: int name : varchar(50) area: float area_ ha: float peri meter: float FK + FK_SUB_CAT CHMENT_INFO_ CATCHMENT _INFO(i nt) PK + PK_SUB_CATCHMENT _INFO(int)

Associated Agency - ALL

RIVER_TERRITORY_INFO - River T erritory Informati on CATCHMENT_INFO - Catchment Information SUB_CATCHMENT_INFO - Sub Catchment Informai on AGENCY_INFO - Agency Information

Image 87: Base Information Database Structure


Dam - (Logical diagram)

class Dam

Image Data (For all gauge station and hydraulic structure)

DAM_OPER_PLAN col umn *PK rec_id: bigi nt FK code: varchar(50) date: dateti me normal : fl oat dry: fl oat wet: fl oat maks: float mi n: fl oat

Doc No : ERD-DAM-01 Versi on : 1.0

Base Info::VILLAGE_INFO column *PK i d: i nt name: varchar(50) DAM_INFO 1 column *PK code: varchar(50) ol d_dam_id: varchar(50) FK river_terri tory_i d: int FK catchment_id: i nt 0..* FK agency_id: i nt FK vil l age_id: i nt name: varchar(50) type: int l ocati on_category: int l ongi tude: float l atitude: float 0..* el evation: fl oat status: i nt postfi x: varchar(50) FK FK_DAM_INFO_AGENCY_INFO(i nt) 0..* + + FK_DAM_INFO_CAT CHMENT _INFO(i nt) + FK_DAM_INFO_VILLAGE_INFO(i nt) Base Info::AGENCY_INFO column *PK i d: i nt name: varchar(50) PK + PK_DAM_INFO(varchar) 1

FK FK_DAM_OPER_PLAN_DAM_INFO(varchar) 0..* + PK + PK_DAM_OPER_PLAN(bi gi nt) 1

Base Info::CATCHMENT_INFO column *PK i d: i nt FK ri ver_terri tory_i d: int name: varchar(50)

DAM_DATA col umn *pfK code: varchar(8) *PK date: datetime TMA: fl oat AM: float AML: float 0..* AK: float AKT b: float HJV: fl oat Spil lway: fl oat Total : fl oat power_production_kwh: fl oat power_production_MW: float FK + FK_DAM_DAT A_DAM_INFO(varchar) PK + PK_DAM_DAT A(varchar, datetime)

Associated Agency - PJT -II

DAM_INFO - Dam Information DAM_OPER_PLAN - Annual DAM Operati onal Pl an.

Image 88: Image Data

Image Info - (Data Modeling diagram)

dm Image Info

Image Data (For all gauge station and hydraulic structure)

Dam::DAM_INFO IMAGE_DATA col umn *pfK code: varchar(8) *PK i ndex: i nt i mage: image hash: varchar(32) col umn 1 *PK code: varchar(50) 0..* AWS (Automatic Weather Station)::AWS_GAUGE_INFO col umn *PK code: varchar(50) 1

Doc No : ERD-IMAGE-01 Version : 1.0

0..* FK + FK_IMAGE_DATA_AWS_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) + FK_IMAGE_DATA_DAM_INFO(varchar) 0..* + FK_IMAGE_DATA_RF_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) + FK_IMAGE_DATA_WEIR_INFO(varchar) + FK_IMAGE_DATA_WL_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) 0..* + FK_IMAGE_DATA_WQ_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) unique + UQ_IMAGE_DATA_code(varchar) PK + PK_IMAGE_DATA(varchar, i nt) 0..* 0..*

Rainfall::RF_GAUGE_INFO col umn 1 *PK code: varchar(50)

WaterLev el::WL_GAUGE_INFO 1 col umn *PK code: varchar(50)

1 Weir::WEIR_INFO column *PK code: varchar(8) WaterQuality::WQ_GAUGE_INFO column 1 *PK code: varchar(50)

Image 89: Image Data


Rainfall - (Logical diagram)

class Rainfall

Rainfall Database Structure

Doc No : ERD-RF-01 Versi on : 1.0

Base Info::VILLAGE_INFO column *PK i d: i nt name: varchar(50)

1 RF_GAUGE_INFO col umn *PK code: varchar(50) ol d_station_i d: varchar(50) 0..* FK vi ll age_i d: i nt FK catchment_id: int FK agency_i d: i nt name: varchar(50) l ongitude: float l atitude: float el evati on: fl oat 0..* observation_start_ti me: dateti me status: int FK + FK_RF_GAUGE_INFO_AGENCY_INFO(i nt) 0..* + FK_RF_GAUGE_INFO_CATCHMENT_INFO(i nt) + FK_RF_GAUGE_INFO_VILLAGE_INFO(i nt)

RF_DATA_DAILY col umn *pfK code: varchar(50) *PK date: dateti me val ue: fl oat 1 0..* FK + FK_RF_DATA_DAILY_RF_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) PK + PK_RF_DATA_DAILY(varchar, dateti me)

Base Info::CATCHMENT_INFO column *PK i d: i nt FK ri ver_terri tory_i d: i nt name: varchar(50)

Base Info::AGENCY_INFO column *PK i d: i nt name: varchar(50)

PK + PK_RF_GAUGE_INFO(varchar)

Associated Agency - BBWSC, DPSDA, PJT-II

RF_GAUGE_INFO - Store gauge informati on RF_DATA_DAILY - Store dai ly rainfall data

Image 90: Rainfall Database Structure

USER_INFO - (Data Modeling diagram)


Base Information Database Structure - [Watershed, Agency]

Doc No : ERD-BI-02 Version : 1.0

USER_INFO col umn *PK ID: varchar(20) * Name: varchar(50) FK Agency: int *FK Authori ty: int * Password: varchar(50) PK + PK_USER_INFO(varchar) FK + FK_USER_INFO_AGENCY_INFO(i nt) + FK_USER_INFO_AUTHORITY_INFO(int)

AUTHORITY_INFO column *PK No: int * Name: varchar(100) * DataSearch: bi t * DataModi fy: bit * DamOperationPlan: bi t 1 * Wei rSchematic: bit * DataImport: bit * Stati onManagement: bit * UserManagement: bit PK + PK_AUT HORIT Y_INFO(int)


Image 91: Base Information Database Structure


Water Level - (Logical diagram)

class WaterLev el

WaterLevel Database Structure - [Information]

Doc No : ERD-WL-01 Versi on : 1.0

Base Info::VILLAGE_INFO colum n *PK i d: int name: varchar(50) WL_GAUGE_INFO 1 column *PK code: varchar(50) old_station_i d: varchar(50) FK river_territory_i d: i nt FK catchm ent_id: i nt FK agency_i d: i nt 0..* FK vill age_i d: i nt station_name: varchar(50) equipm ent_type: int l ongi tude: float l atitude: fl oat elevati on: fl oat observation_start_time: dateti me 0..* status: int operator_name: varchar(50) operator_phone: varchar(50) FK + FK_WL_GAUGE_INFO_AGENCY_INFO(i nt) 0..* + FK_WL_GAUGE_INFO_CATCHMENT_INFO(i nt) + FK_WL_GAUGE_INFO_VILLAGE_INFO(int) Base Info::AGENCY_INFO colum n *PK i d: int name: varchar(50) PK + PK_WL_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) 1

WL_RATING_CURVE col um n *PK rec_i d: bigi nt FK code: varchar(50) year: int RQ_form ula: varchar(50) 1 0..* FK + FK_RAT ING_CURVE_FORM ULA_WL_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) PK + PK_RATING_CURVE_FORMULA(bi gint)

Base Info::CATCHMENT_INFO colum n *PK i d: int FK river_terri tory_id: i nt name: varchar(50)

Associated Agency - BBWSC, PJT -II

WL_GAUGE_INFO - Water l evel station i nformati on RATING_CURVE_FORMULA - Rating curve formula data

Image 92: Water Level Database Structure (Information)

class WaterLev el

WaterLevel Database Structure - [Data]

Doc No : ERD-WL-02 Versi on : 1.0

WL_DATA_AWLR_MINUTELY col umn *pfK code: varchar(50) *PK dateti me: dateti me RR: fl oat HO: float FK + FK_WL_DAT A_AWLR_MINUTELY_WL_GAUGE_INFO(varcha r) PK + PK_WL_DAT A_AWLR_MINUT ELY(varchar, dateti me)

WL_DATA_AWLR_HOURLY col umn *pfK code: varch ar(50) *PK datetime: d atetime T: fl oat RR: float HON: float HOX: float BA: float FK + FK_WL_DAT A_AWLR_HOURLY_WL_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) PK + PK_WL_DATA_AWLR_HOURLY(varchar, datetime)

WL_DATA_AWLR_DAILY colu mn *pfK code: varcha r(50) *PK d atetime: da tetime T N: float T X: float T M: float IT N: varchar(50) IT X: varchar(50) RR: float RRX: fl oat IRRX: varchar(50) HOM: float HON: float HOX: float IHON: varcha r(50) IHOX: varcha r(50) PS: float BA: float BAX: fl oat BAN: fl oat FK + FK_WL_DATA_AWLR_DAILY_WL_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) PK + PK_WL_DAT A_AWLR_DAILY(varchar, datetime)

WL_DATA_ MAN column *pfK code: varchar(8) *PK date: datetime water_level : float di scharge: fl oat PK + PK_WL_DAT A_MAN(varchar, dateti me) FK + FK_WL_DATA_MAN_WL_GAUGE_INFO(varcha r)

Associated Agency - BBWSC, PJT-II

WL_DATA_AWLR_MINUTELY - 6-minutes wate r level data WL_DATA_AWLR_HOURLY - Hourly water l evel data WL_DATA_AWLR_DAILY - Dai ly water l eve l data WL_DATA_MAN - Manual ly measured water l evel data

Image 93: Water Level Database Structure (Data)


Water Quality - (Logical diagram)

class WaterQuality

WaterQuality Database Structure

Doc No : ERD-WQ-01 Versi on : 1.0

Base Info::DISTRICT_INFO Base Info::VILLAGE_INFO col umn *PK id: int name: varchar(50) WQ_GAUGE_INFO 1 col umn *PK code: varchar(50) old_station_i d: varchar(50) FK ri ver_te rritory_id: in t FK catchment_id: int FK agency_i d: i nt divisi on_i d: i nt 0..* FK distri ct_i d: i nt FK vi ll age_i d: i nt station_ name: varchar(50) interval : varchar(50) equipment_type: i nt longi tu de: float 0..* latitude: fl oat elevati on: fl oat observation_start_ti me: dateti me status: int operator_name: va rchar(50) 0..* FK + FK_WQ_GAUGE_INFO_AGENCY_INFO(int) + FK_WQ_GAUGE_INFO_CAT CHMENT_INFO(i nt) + FK_WQ_GAUGE_INFO_DISTRICT _INFO(i nt) + FK_WQ_GAUGE_INFO_VILLAGE_INFO(i nt) 1 PK + PK_WQ_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) col umn *PK id: int name: varchar(50) FK province_i d: i nt FK + FK_DISTRICT _INFO_PROVINCE_INFO(int) 1 PK + PK_DIST RICT_INFO(in t)

Base Info::CATCHMENT_INFO col umn *PK id: int FK ri ver_terri tory_id: int name: varchar(50)


Base Info::AGENCY_INFO col umn *PK id: int name: varchar(50)

Associated Agency - BPLHD, PJT -II

WQ_GAUGE_INFO - Water Quali ty station information

Image 94: Water Quality Database Structure 1/2

class WaterQuality

WaterQuality Database Stucture - 2/2

Doc No : ERD-WQ-02 Versi on : 1.0

WQ_PARAM col umn *PK param_cod e: varchar(4) BPLHDname: varchar(50) category: varchar(10) unit: varchar(20) * type: i nt = ((0)) PJTIIname: varchar(50 ) PK + PK_WQ_PARAM(varch ar) 1 0..*

Contain s whole of water quali ty data type includi ng water qual ity parameter for i ndustry.

WQ_STD_RIVER col umn *pfK ri ver_cl ass_code: i nt *pfK param_cod e: varchar(4) *PK date: date ti me val ue1: flo at val ue2: flo at 0..* u nique + UQ_WQ_STD_RIVER_ date(datetime) + UQ_WQ_STD_RIVER_ param_code (varchar) + UQ_WQ_STD_RIVER_ ri ver_cl ass_code(i nt) PK + PK_WQ_ST D_RIVER(i nt, varchar, dateti me)

WQ_DATA col umn *pfK code: va rchar(8) *pfK param_code: varchar(4) *PK date: dateti me val ue: fl oat *PK depth: in t PK + PK_WQ_ DATA_1(varchar, varcha r, dateti me, int) FK + FK_WQ_DAT A_WQ_GAUGE_INFO(varchar) + FK_WQ_DAT A_WQ_PARAM(varchar)

FK + FK_WQ_STD_RIVER_ RIVER_CLASS_INFO(i nt) + FK_WQ_STD_RIVER_ WQ_PARAM(varchar) 0..* 1 RIVER_CLASS_INFO colu mn *PK ri ver_cl ass_co de: i nt * regul ati on_date: date regul ati on_no: varchar(50 ) n ame: varcha r(50) water_use: te xt uni que + UQ_RIVER_CLASS_INFO_ri ver_cl ass_code(i nt) PK + PK_RIVER_CLASS_INFO(int)

Associated Agency - BPLHD, PJT -II, PUSAIR

RIVER_CLASS_ INFO - River classi fi cati on based on governmen t regul ati on WQ_PARAM - Contains whol e of water qual ity data type WQ_STD_RIVER - Annual water q uali ty standard WQ_DATA - Water Quali ty d ata

Image 95: Water Quality Database Structure 2/2


Weir - (Logical diagram)

class Weir

Weir Database Structure - [Information]

Doc No : ERD-WE-01 Versi on : 1.0

Base Info::VILLAGE_ INFO column *PK i d: i nt name: varchar(50) WEIR_INFO 1 col umn *PK co de: varchar(8) (vi ll age_i d = id) old _wei r_i d: varchar(50) *FK ri ver_territory_i d: i nt *FK ca tchment_id: i nt *FK agency_i d: i nt * divi sion: int 0..* *FK vi l lage_i d: bi gi nt * name: varchar(50) * type: int location_categ ory: i nt lon gitude: floa t lati tude: fl oat ele vation: fl oat 0..* * sta tus: int postfi x: varcha r(50) sch ematic_images: image *FK pro vi nce_i d: i nt *FK district_i d: i nt *FK sub_di strict_i d: int 0..* PK + PK_WEIR_INFO(varchar) 1 FK + FK_WEIR_INFO_AGENCY_INFO(int) + FK_WEIR_INFO_CAT CHMENT_INFO(in t) + FK_WEIR_INFO_DISTRICT _INFO(i nt) + FK_WEIR_INFO_PROVINCE_INFO(int) + FK_WEIR_INFO_RIVER_TERRITORY_INFO(i nt) + FK_WEIR_INFO_SUB_DIST RICT_INFO(i nt) + FK_WEIR_INFO_VILLAGE_ INFO(bi gint) WEIR_SCHEMATIC_IMAGE col umn *pfK code: varchar(8) img: image hash: varchar(32) FK + FK_WEIR_SCHEMAT IC_IMAGE_WEIR_INFO(varchar) unique UQ_WEIR_SCHEMAT IC_IMAGE_code(varchar) 0..* + PK + PK_WEIR_SCHEMATIC_IMAGE(varchar) 1

Base Info::CATCHMENT_INFO column *PK i d: i nt FK river_terri tory_i d: i nt name: varchar(50)

Base Info::AGENCY_INFO column *PK i d: i nt name: varchar(50)

Associated Agency - PJT-II

Weir has di fferen t data forma t by its type If we ir type is general, data i s stored i n WEIR_DATA tabl e If we ir type is special , data is stored in WEIR_DAT A_p ostfix table

Image 96: Weir Database Structure (Information)

class Weir

Weir Database Stucture - [General Type]

WEIR_SCHEMATIC column *PK Date: dateti me Bekasi Utara: fl oat Bekasi : float Buara n: float Pulog adung: floa t Pejompongan: fl oat Karan g1: float Karan g2: float Karan g3: float Bekasi 2: float Cikarang: fl oat Cipami ngkis: fl oat Cibee t: fl oat Walah ar: fl oat STU: fl oat STT : fl oat STB: fl oat CFC: float Cikao : float Jati lu hur: fl oat Cirata : float Sagul ing: fl oat Barug bug1: float Barug bug2: float Sungapan: fl oat Benggal a: float Jengkol 1: float Jengkol 2: float Cij engkol : float Gadu ng1: float Gadu ng2: float Maca n: float Ciase m: fl oat Cigad ung: float Salamdarma1: fl oat Salamdarma2: fl oat BMC: fl oat Cipun egara: fl oat PK + PK_Wei rSchemati c(dateti me)

Doc No : ERD-WE-02 Versi on : 1.0

WEIR_DATA column *pfK code: varchar(8) *PK da te: datetime Q1 : float Overfl ow: fl oat Q2 : float PK + PK_WEIR_DAT A_1(varchar, dateti me) FK + FK_WEIR_DAT A_WEIR_INFO(varchar)

Associated Agenc y - PJT -II

Dev ision II Soma ng, ST _Wan ayasa, Pundong, Pondok_Salam, Wa ru, Walahar Dev ision III (South of Jatiluhur Irrigation Area) Curug _Agung, Cil eul euy, Leuwi nangka, Pa ngsor, Pedati, Lal anang

Image 97: Weir Database Structure (General Type)


Im age 98: Weir Database Structure (Division I)

Image 99: Weir Database Structure (Division III)


Appendix 8: Summary of Meetings

Kick Off Meeting

The kick off meeting was held to discuss the scope, action plan and involvement of stakeholders on 20 September 2010 at DGWR MoPW. Director of DWRM, DGWR in his opening speech, stated that he anticipated K-waters approach of knowledge transfer and every stakeholder should accommodate it by assigning proper level of counterpart for the project. ADB suggested that the DSS system would be a web-based system to accommodate every stakeholder for free access to database. To ensure long-term sustainability and proper data sharing, a mutual agreement for data sharing was drafted between BBWS Citarum and DPSDA. Through the discussion, the operation of DSS would be designated to permanent agencies like PJT-II or PusAir. BBWS Citarum has been mandated to be a River Manager by the Law No.7-2004, Government Regulation No.42.-2008 and Decree of the Minister of Public Work. DSS should be placed in BBWS Citarum, and considering BBWS Citarum has just established in 2007, the need for capacity building of the staff of BBWS Citarum is urgent.

Image 100: Kick Off Meeting, 20 Sept 2010, DGWR meeting room, Jakarta

Inception Workshop Package D inception workshop discussed the inception report, held on 14 December 2010, PJT-II Headquarter Office, Purwakarta. ADB (Dr. Thomas Panella) mentioned that the success of DSS needs proactive participation from all stakeholders. MOU for data sharing between BBWS Citarum and DPSDA was drafted. And clarification for relationship between agencies in the DSS development and operation will be done by K-water.


Image 101: Inception workshop, 14 Dec 2010, Purwakarta Technical Meeting

Discussion on the technical aspects of DSS development with stakeholders was held on 29 September 2010 in PJT-II Bandung office. During this meeting, ADB stated that a formal letter from DGWR for coordination meeting purposes should be prepared and ADB would follow up a MOU for all agencies. K-water would consider the needs of various stakeholders in DSS development. DGWR as an implementing agency would assign the counterparts to Package D.

Image 102: Technical Meeting, 29 Sept 2010, PJT-II Bandung office ADB 4th Review Mission warp up meeting The draft Memorandum of Understanding was reviewed at the wrap up meeting on 26 October 2010, Akmani Hotel, Jakarta. Several comments on paragraphs in the draft of MOU related to problems of each agency in implementing respected projects were discussed during the meeting. Most comments from participant were of concern for their projects and there was no objection or comment from other participants to the progress of Package D.

Coordination Meeting between Package D and B2

The meeting about JSM (Java Spatial Model) 2.2-model result was held on 1 February 2011, PJT-II Bandung office. JSM 2.2 needs no licenses but needs metadata for description result. Package D needs to collect JSM 2.2 model and all relevant data from package B.
Initial inter-agency meeting

Initial inter-agency meeting held on 2 March 2011, PJT-II Bandung office discussed objective and scope of DSS development, especially on the role, contribution and budget of each agency. The Chairman mentioned that counterpart involvement is essential for ensuring proper knowledge transfer and to keep sustainability of operation and updating DSS.
Discussion with counterpart from BBWS Citarum

Discussion about required support from counterpart and introduction data management system of BBWS C (Neoperdas) held on 21 March 2011, BBWS Citarum, Bandung. As BBWS C and DPSDA signed joint operation (KSO) on 16 July 2010, DPSDA will not process data but solely collect them while BBWS C processes the data. Hydrological activity in BBWS C is more advanced than expected and they have 9 staff members in hydrology section.
Discussion with counterpart from PusAir

Discussion about counterpart required support on DSS development was held on 1 April 2011, PusAir, and Bandung. PusAir collected and maintained water quality data in Indonesia (country level); however, the established local autonomy and each jurisdiction level have taken over the river basin management (BPLHD and BBWS). As research center, PusAir provides training in hydrology and water quality management.
Coordination meeting with Package B

The coordination meeting held on 23 May 2011, Package B office, Jakarta, discussed about some part of modeling and planning that have been done in package B quite similar with DSS modeling and how it could be done harmoniously. And further meeting and coordination needed to avoid duplication of works. In a meeting with RCMU, Jakarta on the same date, discussed about progress and information about International Law Firm providing funding for River Information System as part of their CSR program.


Initial inter-agency Workshops 9-10 August 2011 Workshopn on Legal Framework for DSS Implementation The Summary The implementation of Government Regulation (GR)/PP should not reduce the subject that have been stipulated in GR/PP, but be able to translate into more operational terminology. format data. The SIH3 backbones for data collaboration/data sharing should be specifically translated into clear policy terminology so that it can be implemented. Data custodians are the Government institutions in charge of H3 component; The governmental manager of data and information in each element of H3 should be of Echelon Rank III at minimum to be able to coordinate smoothly. The budget allocation should be clearly defined in the national program and separated from other program budget allocation in one DIPA of each concerned government institution. The human resources for managing data and information should be trained continuously and not easily moved to other posts.

Image 103: The Opening of the Workshop August 2011


1 February 2012 Workshop on Data Sharing Management The Summary The Director of DWRM-DGWR (Mr.Djajamurni WD) in Opening Speech mentioned DGWRs continuous support for ICWRM implementation and especially on Data Sharing Management for DSS implementation in CRB, which is one of the important activities of TA.7189-INO. Institutional Strengthening for Integrated Water Resources Management in the 6 Cis River Basin Territory. The DSS is required to assist Decision Makers manage water resources in an integrated and rational manner. Without that, it is almost impossible for technical management tools to conduct IWRM in any river basin. The need of the DSS is due to data which is scattered among the institutions in Central and West Java governments, therefore, data sharing is inevitable for a sustainable and reliable DSS. The national legal umbrella for the data sharing is now being processed in the State Secretariat to be put under Presidential Regulation for guarantee of smooth and consistent regional and basin wide implementation. The Secretary of West Java Province (Mr.Lex Laksamana), in his opening remarks, requested the stakeholder of water resources data in Citarum River Basin to conduct their functions and tasks for their own benefits and for the Citarum vision i.e. Cita Citarum. Therefore, the spirit of the word, sharing should be implanted in each of activities to achieve the vision of Cita Citarum. Sharing is a spirit of a balance of giving and taking that has to be facilitated using open information technology that is being prepared in Decision Support System (DSS) by DGWR with the technical assistance from ADB. The DSS should be completed for the data sharing management could be established sustainably in achieving integrated water resources management of Citarum River Basin. He especially thanked DGWR and ADB that has launched the ICWRMIP and continue to support all coordination tasks in implementation through Team SPOKI who has been assigned to by the Governor of West Java since 5 December 2011. The Secretary of BAPPEDA Jabar mentioned in his closing remarks that if we could establish this data sharing management for integrated water resources management in Citarum River Basin, and then we would be able to utilize and manage the Citarum optimally for the people of West Java and DKI Jakarta. There is no way to achieve the Cita Citarum without any collaboration in activities of every stakeholder for Citarum River Basin. The BAPPEDA West Java will support all program and budget that are required by West Java Dinas in implementing ICWRMP, including the data sharing management. Implementation coordination will be conducted through Team SPOKI, which has been instructed through West Java Governor Decree No.050.05/Kep.1589-Bapp/2011 since 5 December 2011. All participants understood and agreed that data sharing is inevitable not only for the DSS to be used effectively but also for the nationwide sharing purposes, except PJT II. This is because the DSS data managements open virtual data sharing platform has not been completed yet. Only demo version is presented in the workshop, therefore, the PJT II do not see how they can gain any benefits this, hence not willing to participate. PJT II claimed that they already had a DSS for their use for their own purposes and they have been collaborating with BMKG Bogor through SPKTPA without any data sharing complexity or other difficulties. They will participate in the data sharing after they know clearly what data can be shared, what benefits can be gained, how these data and benefits will be shared,

what the level of users is, how the data security will be conducted and when this can be started. Those could be verified for each stakeholder and agreed upon before they sign the document of specific collaboration agreement. They support and will participate in the process of verification.

Image 104: Opening Ceremony by the Secretary of West Java Province

Image 105: Workshop Attendees from Main Data Stakeholders in CRB Discussion with Management of PJT II Discussions with PJT II on Server specifications and locations have been done several times from October 2011 to December 2011, and in the last meeting on 29 Decemeber, it was agreed that the location of Data Server and GIS Server will be in BBWS Citarum and not in PJT II. This agreement is based on: The internet provider in Purwakarta, where the PJT II Headquarter is, does not provide public domain service (dedicated URL); The PJT II can lend or transfer the assets (two servers) to BBWS Citarum because the assets belongs to the Public Company (PERUM); The BBWS Citarum by law and regulation has mandates to manage the water resources within Citarum river territory (wilayah sungai). Discussion with Management of BBWS Citarum

Discussions with The Head of BBWS Citarum on data sharing, server specification and location were conducted several times during November 2011 and Janauary 2012 and some conclusions were derived: The workshop on data sharing management should be led by the SPOKI Team that was established by Governor of West Java, to coordinate all activities in ICWRMIP. This Team is hired by the Secretary of West Java; The specifications and location have been agreed upon by the BBWS Citarum, where cheap and reliable Cloud System Fee has been used; The technical staff that will manage the two servers which will be located within the Internet Provider will be assigned and trained using the DSS version Feb 2012. Discussion with the Management of BPLHD Jabar Discussion with the Management of BPLHD Jabar on data sharing were carried out during November 2011 and January 2012. The most important result was that they will support the use of DSS data management as a virtual platform of data sharing management in Citarum river with some prerequisite, i.e: Data mapping which would verify the type of available data, data format, data reporting format, and dissemination method; Analysis on stakeholders available data gaps and overlaps based on their mandates; Several focus group discussions on the topics of mechanism of data sharing, specific collaboration agreement and business plans. These discussions will discuss deeply about: Goal and Purpose, scope of agreement, object of data sharing, configuration of virtual platform base, configuration of data required for each stakeholder, report configuration, copy right of data, level of data security, AWP/ABP, working coverage, coordination meeting period, data custodian, administration level of the data sharing management, dispute settlement, mechanism of data sharing implementation, and period of the agreement. Discussion with the Dinas PSDA Jabar Discussion with the Management of Dinas PSDA were carried out during November and December on the specific collaboration agreement that was made between Dinas and BBWS Citarum. This was not working because there were no support from the Legislative party when it came to financing. The most crucial matter was to agree that the data and information in water resources are essenstial for integrated water resources management, especially for water resources in West Java ,an important source for DKI Jakarta, the Capita City of Indonesia. The sample of agreement was given and was prepared for an initial template in data sharing agreement among the data stakeholder in Citarum River Basin.


Discussion with the Management of Directorate WRI, BAPPENAS The discussion was held on 11 January 2012. The important inputs derived from this meeting are as follows: Every institutions which are dealing with water resources data and information has their legal mandates and is established for the sake of integrity of the Indonesia Governance and Administration, therefore every institution has its own purpose; When we discuss data sharing, we should be bear in mind that sharing means, take and give instead of solely give or take. That is why the DSS should be co-owned or jointly operated. This is schematically shown in figure below:

Synchronize Data Use RRFS

Synchronize Data Use RRFS

Director of DWRI, DR. Donny Azdan, stated that DSS could be a platform for virtual data sharing management during the developmental period. There is no reason to not continue DSS development including the lack of funding. ADB 6th Review Mission Meeting The ADB 6th Mission started off with the kickoff meeting in Bandung chaired by Director of WRI, Bappenas on 17 January 2012, followed by specific discussion on 25 january 2012 for Package D, DSS for IWRM in Citarum RB. One of important decisions by the ADB Mission was the DSS for IWRM in CRB Stage I will be continued by National Experts and no International Experts inputs will be put in place until the Proposal from GOI to KOICA is launched in March 2013 with a New Project.


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