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Secondary Lesson Plan Template

Use this lesson plan format and include supplementary materials (e.g. activities, handouts, lecture notes). Date: February 21, 2014 Title: Drawing Conclusions and Connecting the Details Description (1-2 sentences : !tudents will analy"e the use o# si$iles, $etaphors, personi#ication and sy$bols in poetry% !ub&ect: 'anguage (rts ()th *rade +nstruction ti$e: ,- $inutes !tudent.s le/el by grade: )th grade !tandard(s to be addressed: ((ll 0ee1 2'%4 3 Deter$ine the $eaning o# words and phrases as they are used in a te4t, including #igurati/e and connotati/e $eanings5 analy"e the i$pact o# rhy$es and other repetitions o# sounds on a speci#ic /erse or stan"a o# a poe$ or section o# a story or dra$a% 0%2 3 0rite in#or$ati/e6e4planatory te4ts to e4a$ine a topic and con/ey ideas, concepts, and in#or$ation through the selection, organi"ation and analysis o# rele/ant content% 0%2%D 3 7se precise language and do$ain-speci#ic /ocabulary to in#or$ about or e4plain a topic% 0%) 3 Conduct short research pro&ects to answer a 8uestion, drawing on se/eral sources% '%1%( - 94plain the #unction o# phrases and clauses in general and their #unction in speci#ic sentences% '%- 3 (c8uire and use accurately grade-appropriate general acade$ic and do$ain-speci#ic words and phrases5 gather /ocabulary 1nowledge when considering a word or phrase i$portant to co$prehension or e4pression%

9nduring 7nderstandings69ssential :uestions targeted in this lesson (#or units created using the 7nderstanding ;y Design #ra$ewor1 only : <oetry is an e4citing e4pression o# the natural world%

'earning =b&ecti/es #or this lesson (0ritten using /erbs #ro$ ;loo$.s Ta4ono$y : !tudents will utili"e appositi/es in #ull sentences% !tudents will re#lect on e4tended $etaphor assign$ent, ac1nowledging challenges and strengths%

Identified student needs and plans for differentiation: Students ill !e divided into t o different poem collections. "ne is more advanced than the other. Students ho performed !etter than #$% on the pre&assessment ill !e reading the second collection. "ne student ill have access to a computer in order to complete his assignments. I ill rite out directions specifically for one student ho struggles ith organi'ation.

!peci#ic resources needed #or this lesson: Free 2eading ;oo15 Copies o# Tests5

+nstructional $ethod(s used in this lesson: +ndi/idual, *roup Discussion 'esson !e8uence: 1% 2e/iew Four 94a$ples o# Figurati/e 'anguage a$ong whole group 2% !plit into collection groups and read through #irst poe$% Discuss #igurati/e language within poe$s in groups o# > or 4% >% *roup one begins appositi/e wor1sheet pg% -1,, while group two and + go o/er their poe$% !witch a#ter 10 $inutes% 4% *ra$$ar 3 (ppositi/es 'ecture ?% +ndi/idual 0or1 <g% -1, 1-4 -% Finish @etaphor (ssign$ent )% Free 2ead i# ti$e Aoo1 (Aow will you get students e4cited about learning6+ntroduce students to your ob&ecti/esB Direct instruction6@odeling *uided practice +ndependent practice Chec1(s #or understanding and sca##olding o# student learning (ssess$ent o#6#or learning Closure o# the lesson ;ridge to ne4t lesson

Aow will you $odi#y or ad&ust this lesson in the #utureB

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