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IEEE 802.

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IEEE 802.1ad[note 1 i! an Ethernet net"orkin# !tandard informally kno"n a! IEEE 802.1QinQ and i! an amendment to IEEE !tandard IEEE 802.1$%1&&8. 'he techni()e i! al!o kno"n a!provider bridging, Stacked VLANs or !imply QinQ or Q-in-Q. 'he ori#inal 802.1$ !pecification allo"! a !in#le *+,- header to .e in!erted into an Ethernet frame. $in$ allo"! m)ltiple *+,- header! to .e in!erted into a !in#le frame, an e!!ential capa.ility for implementin# /etro Ethernet net"ork topolo#ie!. 0)!t a! $in$ e1tend! 802.1$, $in$ it!elf i! e1tended .y other /etro Ethernet protocol!.[specify In a m)ltiple *+,- header conte1t, o)t of con2enience the term 3*+,- ta#3 or 4)!t 3ta#3 for !hort i! often )!ed in place of 3802.1$ *+,- header3. $in$ allo"! m)ltiple *+,- ta#! in an Ethernet frame5 to#ether the!e ta#! con!tit)te a ta# !tack. When )!ed in the conte1t of an Ethernet frame, a $in$ frame i! a frame that ha! 2 *+,- 802.1$ header! (do).le%ta##ed). 'here i! a mild conf)!ion re#ardin# the namin# .eca)!e the 802.1ad !tandard "a! #ro"n o)t of the 802.1QinQ protocol ("hich "a! de2eloped .a!ed the trademarked method 802.1Q, "ith capital 3$3 a! a di!tinction in!tead of the 802.1( a! the !tandardi!ed protocol) "hich ori#inally )!ed 01&100 a! ethernet type in!tead of 0188a8. While the net"ork ind)!try )!)ally mi1 the namin# the proper, !tandardi!ed name i! 802.1ad "hich !ometime! #et! appended .y the other alternati2e name! mentioned a.o2e5 the plain 3802.1$in$3 name )!)ally refer! to the old !tandard "hich i! no" con!idered o.!olete.
Contents [hide]

1 Background 2 Frame ormat ! Tag operations " #$amples

o o
' (ee also

".1 %irtual net&orks ".2 Problems &ith previous e$ample

) *e erences

+ #$ternal links



802.1$in$ !pecifie! architect)re and .rid#e protocol! to pro2ide !eparate in!tance! of the /,6 !er2ice! to m)ltiple independent )!er! of a 7rid#ed +ocal ,rea -et"ork in a manner that doe! not re()ire cooperation amon# the )!er!, and re()ire! a minim)m of cooperation .et"een the )!er! and the pro2ider of the /,6 !er2ice. 'he idea i! to pro2ide, for e1ample, the po!!i.ility for c)!tomer! to r)n their o"n *+,-! in!ide !er2ice pro2ider8! pro2ided *+,-. 'hi! "ay the !er2ice pro2ider can 4)!t confi#)re one *+,- for the c)!tomer and c)!tomer can then treat that *+,- a! if it "a! a tr)nk. IEEE 802.1$in$ "a! created for the follo"in# rea!on!9 1. 802.1$ ha! a *+,- I: field, "hich ha! a theoretical limit of 2 12;<0&= ta#!. With the #ro"th of net"ork!, thi! limitation ha! .ecome more ac)te. , do).le%ta##ed frame ha! a theoretical limitation of <0&=><0&=;1=???21=, !)fficient to accommodate net"ork #ro"th for the ne1t !e2eral year!. 2. 'he addition of a !econd ta# allo"! operation! that "o)ld not ha2e .een a2aila.le had the *+,- I: field !imply .een e1panded from 12 .it! to 2< .it! (or any other lar#e 2al)e). @a2in# m)ltiple ta#!Athe ta# !tackAallo"! !"itche! to more ea!ily modify frame!. In a ta# !tack !cheme, !"itche! can add (3p)!h3), remo2e (3pop3) or modify !in#le or m)ltiple ta#!. B. , m)lti%ta##ed frame not only ha! m)ltiple *+,- I:!, .)t ha! m)ltiple Ether'ype! and other *+,- header .it field!.


, ta# !tack create! a mechani!m for Internet Cer2ice Dro2ider! to encap!)late c)!tomer !in#le%ta##ed 802.1$ traffic "ith a !in#le ta#, the final frame .ein# a $in$ frame. 'he o)ter ta# i! )!ed to identify and !e#re#ate traffic from different c)!tomer!5 the inner ta# i! pre!er2ed from the ori#inal frame.


$in$ frame! are con2enient mean! of con!tr)ctin# +ayer 2 t)nnel!, or applyin# $)ality of !er2ice ($oC) policie!, etc.

=. 802.1$in$ i! )p"ard compati.le "ith 802.1$. ,ltho)#h 802.1$in$ i! limited to t"o ta#!, there i! no ceilin# on the !tandard limitin# a !in#le frame to more than t"o ta#!, allo"in# for #ro"th in the protocol. In practice Cer2ice Dro2ider topolo#ie! often anticipate and )tiliEe frame! ha2in# more than t"o ta#!.

?. It i! ea!ier for net"orkin# e()ipment maker! to modify their e1i!tin# e()ipment .y creatin# m)ltiple 802.1$ header! than to modify their e()ipment to implement !ome hypothetical ne" non%802.1$ e1tended *+,- I: field header.

#ra$e %or$at

In!ertion of 802.1ad :o).le'a# in Ethernet%II frame

'he!e e1ample! are for an Ethernet II framin# (len#thFethertype field ;G ethertype) frame. 'hi! co)ld al!o .e applied to 802.B frame! (len#thFethertype field ;G len#th), "ith or "itho)t an ++6 (i.e. +o#ical +ink 6ontrol), ++6HC-,D header. 'he top frame i! a !imple Ethernet II frame. 'he middle frame ha! a .1$ (!horthand for 802.1q) ta# added to it. 'he .ottom frame ha! yet another .1$ ta# added to it. , .1$ header, "hich i! < .yte! lon#, i! added to an )nta##ed Ethernet II frame in the follo"in# manner9 1. 'he <%.yte ta# i! in!erted .et"een the /,6 Co)rce ,ddre!! (C,/,6) of the )nta##ed frame and it! ethertype field. 2. 'he ne"ly in!erted *+,- header8! ethertype i! !et to 018100 to identify the follo"in# data a! a *+,- ta#. B. 12 .it! are )!ed for the *+,- I:, the other .it! in the *+,- field! are filled in accordin# to the $oC policy, etc. of the interface at "hich the ta# impo!ition occ)rred. -otice that after the in!ertion of a .1$ header to an )nta##ed frame, the frame8! ori#inal ethertype appear! to ha2e .een chan#ed to 018100. 'he )nta##ed frame8! ori#inal ethertype in the !in#le%ta# frame i! no" located ad4acent to the payload. It! 2al)e i! )nchan#ed. , !econd .1$ header i! added to a !in#le%ta##ed frame in the follo"in# manner9 1. 'he !econd ta# i! in!erted in front of the fir!t ta#, meanin# the !econd ta# i! clo!er to the Ethernet header than the fir!t (ori#inal) ta#. 2. 'he !econd ta# i! in!erted .et"een the /,6 C,/,6 and the fir!t (ori#inal) ta#.

B. 'he !econd ta# i! a!!i#ned an ethertype of 0188a8 (in!tead of the .1$ !tandard 018100) .y defa)lt. ('he old 802.1$in$ [non!tandard protocol )!ed 01&100.) <. 12 .it! are )!ed for the *+,- I:, the other .it! in the *+,- field! are filled in accordin# to the $oC policy, etc. of the interface at "hich the ta# impo!ition occ)rred. ,ny third or !).!e()ent ta# impo!ition "ill in!ert the ta# in front of, clo!e!t to the Ethernet header, than the precedin# ta#!. 'he frame8! ori#inal (from )nta##ed) ethertype i! al"ay! located a.o2e all the ta#!, ne1t to the payload. In the ca!e of an 802.B frame, thi! ethertype "o)ld .e a len#th 2al)e in!tead, and "o)ld contain the len#th from there to the end of the frame. In the ca!e of an 802.B frame "ith an ++6 header, the ++6 header !tay! a.o2e the len#th field, ad4acent to the payload. 'he con2ention! for 802.1ad terminolo#y typically are a! follo"!9


'he inner tag i! the ta# "hich i! clo!e!t to the payload portion of the frame5 it i! officially called C-TAG (6)!tomer ta#, "ith ethertype 018100).

2. 'he outer tag i! the one clo!erFclo!e!t to the Ethernet header5 it! name i! S-TAG (Cer2ice ta#, ethertype 0188a8).

!. ".

tag 1 i! the o)ter ta#5 tag 2, the second tag, i! the inner ta#. 'he ta# n) ha! nothin# to do "ith the order in "hich the ta#! "ere added, etc. It i! !imply a con2ention. For a !in#le%ta##ed (802.1() frame, that ta# i! de!i#nated tag 1 "hen mi1ed "ith 802.1ad ta#!.

I. In frame! ha2in# more than one ta#, the ta#! are n)m.ered 1 to -, and appear !e()entially and conti#)o)!ly in the frame from Ethernet header to payload. In thi! ca!e the innermo!t ta# i! the 6%',J and all other ta#! are C%',J!. In IEEE 802.1ad the 6FI i! replaced .y a :rop Eli#a.ility Indicator (:EI), increa!in# the f)nctionality of the D6D field.

&ag operations

In a ta# !tack, push and pop operation! are done at the o)ter ta# end of the !tack, therefore9 'he ta# added .y a ta# push operation .ecome! a ne" o)ter ta#. 'he ta# to .e remo2ed .y a ta# pop operation i! the c)rrent o)ter ta#.
[edit [edit

Virt"a( net)orks

Cimple $in$ E1ample

'hi! !imple e1ample "ill ill)!trate a practical )!e of 802.1ad. 'he dia#ram !ho"! !"itche! a! he1a#on!, and a Cer2ice Dro2ider (CD) net"ork encompa!!in# all item! "ithin the dotted o2al. 'he item! on the periphery of the o2al are net"ork! .elon#in# to CD c)!tomer!. :ifferent phy!ical location! appear in the !haded rectan#le, and incl)de .oth c)!tomer and CD net"ork component!. , Cer2ice Dro2ider (CD) offer! +2 connecti2ity to c)!tomer! in the citie! of Ceattle and 'acoma. '"o corporation!, 3,cme3 and 3KLM3, ha2e a camp)! located in .oth Ceattle and 'acoma. ,ll camp)!e! r)n Ethernet +,-!, and the c)!tomer! intend to connect thro)#h the CD8! +2 *D- net"ork !o that their camp)!e! are in the !ame +,- (+2 net"ork). It i! de!ira.le for ,cme and KLM to ha2e a !in#le +,- in .oth Ceattle and 'acoma, o.2iatin# the alternati2e of ha2in# t"o +,-! in "hich traffic m)!t .e ro)ted .et"een the +,-!. 'he CD ha! t"o !"itche!, one in Ceattle (C%C"itch N1), and one in 'acoma (C%C"itch N2). 'he c)!tomer! interface to the CD net"ork in !"itche! de!i#nated 3,3 and 373. Each c)!tomer ha! it! o"n pair of , and 7 !"itche!. ,cme !"itch , i! connected to C%C"itch N1 thro)#h link 3,135 the re!t of the link! are la.elled. C%C"itch N1 and N2 are connected .y link C12.

,cme8! +,- )!e! *+,- I:! 10,11,12 in their net"ork. 'he connection! ,1 and ,2 are Ethernet tr)nk! that ha2e !in#le%ta##ed *+,- traffic, the traffic )!in# I:! 10,11,12. +ike"i!e KLM )!e! I:! 11,12,1B in their net"ork, !o K1 and K2 are al!o tr)nk! "ith !in#le ta##ed traffic of I:! 11,12,1B. 'he CD, ha2in# one net"ork and one connection .et"een C%C"itch N1 and C%C"itch N2, m)!t !e#re#ate ,cme8! and KLM8! traffic. Cince .oth ,cme and KLM !hare !ome *+,- I:!, traffic cannot .e !e#re#ated .y c)!tomer *+,- I:. 'he !ol)tion i! for the CD to )!e 802.1ad in their net"ork. 'hey a!!i#n a !in#le, )ni()e o)ter *+,ta# I: of 100 for ,cme, and a )ni()e o)ter *+,- I: of 101 for KLM. ,ll traffic !ent from ,cme , to the CD net"ork (!ent on ,1, de!tined for ,cme 7) "ill ha2e a ta# of I:;100 p)!hed. 'he inner ta# "ill .e either 10,11,12, the ori#inal ,cme ta#. 'he traffic "ill .e !ent thro)#h C12 in thi! format, and 4)!t .efore it e1it! C%C"itch N2 .o)nd for ,cme 7 (link ,2), all traffic "ill )nder#o a !in#le pop operation, remo2in# the o)ter *+,- ta# "ith the I: 100. 'hi! pop operation i! the in2er!e of the former p)!h operation, "ith the net re!)lt of no chan#e to the traffic. 'he traffic pa!!e! thro)#h the CD net"ork a! 802.1ad frame!, .)t no 802.1ad frame! are !ent to or recei2ed from the c)!tomer.

*rob(e$s )it+ previo"s e'a$p(e

,n e1perienced net"ork en#ineer "ill immediately reco#niEe the !hortcomin#! of the a.o2e e1ample. 'hi! i! the rea!on "hy 802.1ad i! more of a definition for a method of addin# m)ltiple ta#! to a frame than it i! an end%to%end !elf%contained !ol)tion. It i! )!ed in con4)nction "ith other protocol! and !tandard!. 'he pro.lem! "ith the a.o2e e1ample are9 1. /any !"itche! .rid#e Ethernet traffic .a!ed on /,6 addre!!e!Anot on *+,- I:!. 'hi! i! called Chared *+,- +earnin# and i! done per 802.1d /,6 learnin#F/,6 a#in#, etc. 2. Cho)ld ,cme and KLM )!e the !ame /,6 addre!!e! in their net"ork!, thi! "ill ca)!e pro.lem! "ith the /,6 learnin#, a! the a!!)mption in /,6 learnin# i! that no t"o ho!t! )!e the !ame /,6 addre!!. In other "ord!, a /,6 !ho)ld only .e learned from a !in#le !"itch8! port. B. 'he CD net"ork m)!t learn all c)!tomer /,6 addre!!e! in order to !"itch them. 'hi! doe! not !cale "ell. <. 'here i! no pro2i!ion in the a.o2e e1ample for +2 protocol frame!, Cpannin# 'ree .ein# the mo!t important. I. ,dditional $oC capa.ilitie! are lackin#. =. 7rid#e! that )!e Independent *+,- +earnin# (I*+), i.e., the fir!t *+,- ta# i! incl)ded a! part of the C,/,6 addre!!, circ)m2ent the pro.lem! mentioned in para#raph! 1 and 2. I*+ re!ol2e! the pro.lem of /,6 addre!!e! po!! .ein# )!ed .y more than one c)!tomer (de2ice /,6 addre!!e! !ho)ld .e )ni()e, !o thi! i! more of a theoretical pro.lem).

@o"e2er, !"itche! en ro)te !till ha2e to learn all in!erted *+,-F/,6 addre!! com.ination! (=0 .it!). ?. 7roadca!t! from +,- to +,- i! al"ay! an i!!)e to con!ider. Dro2ider 7rid#e! (802.1ad) and Dro2ider 7rid#e! (D77) addre!! the a.o2e pro.lem! .y a f)rther modified C,/,6 learnin# method.

See a(so
6onnection%oriented Ethernet 6arrier Ethernet /etro Ethernet IEEE 802.1 IEEE 802.1ah%2008 Dro2ider 7rid#e! IEEE 802.1a( Chorte!t Dath 7rid#in# Dro2ider 7rid#e 'raffic En#ineerin#



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