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SELTA is not endorsingany specificcandidatesfor the Boardof Education.HoweverSELTA

making the fottowing responsesavailable to you. Pteaseconsider it with any other
informationyou have when makingyour decisionconcerningyour selectionof the school
boardcandidates whenyouvote on November3'd.

1. givea brief biography

Ptease of yoursetfincludingoccupation,
"My nameis HeatherAtten. I am marriedandhavetwo chitdren.I workat Beachwood
HighSchoolin specialeducation. I specifyin Autism. I was bornin raisedin South
Euctid. My husbandwas raisedin Lyndhurstwhere my motherin taw was also a
productof SouthEuctidLyndhurstschoots."

2. Whyare you runningfor the Board?

"l feel that there needsto be a freshview on the board. I believethere needsto be
more communityinvolvementand understanding att the way around. lt takesthe
viltageto makea communitysuccessful.lf I want to seechangeI needto step up,
makea difference.I believein beingjust andfare. Everybody counts."
3. Whatis yourimpression
of SELTA do you haveaboutSELTA?
andwhat knowtedge

"l am awarethat SELTAis the unionthat represents

our staff. SELTA
is the
for contracts.

4. Recenttythere hasbeena significantlevetof controversy

a sataryincrease
awardedto the Superintendentby the Boardof Education.Howdo youfeet aboutthe
salaryincreaseandthe controversythat hasdevetoped?

"l feel that what hasbeendonehasbeendoneandwe haveto moveforward.,'

5. ThestartingBachetor's Degreesalaryfor a teacherin our districtis S37,307.Starting

1ataryin Mayfietdis 539,306,solon is 542,357,Beachwood is 43,69g,orange ii
543,014, ctevetandHeightsis 539,500,Euctidis537,475and shakeris541,449.What
are your impressions regardingteachersataryin our district? What factorsdo you

"l betievein H.Q.T.I believein raisngthe bar."

6. Whatare yourimpressions
of studentconductin our district?

"My daughtersgiveme the mostinsightinto studentconductand at leastat the high

schoolit feetstikewe are improving.I atsohearfrom securityguardsandsomeSELTA
membersto keep up on this issue. We can atwaysdo better and I tookforwardto
hearingmorefrom yourmembers."

"l try to lookon individualbasesI don't like to btanketstudents.,'


7. Whatpowerand authoritydo you believeteacherscurrentlyhavewith regardto:

(i.e., disruptivestudentin the ctassroom)


"l believethey havea lot of authority."


"l believein joint effort to makesurecorriculam

is effectiveto a highstandard
roomto lookat the individualstudentsneedsweatherit be academically or behaviorly
or both."

8. wouldbe importantto youin order

lf etectedto the Board,what informationsources
to makedecisions? Withwhomandhowwouldyoucommunicate?

"l betievein listeningto all who are invotvedin the accademicprocess."That means
the communityon a whote. By phone and emait. Al[ levelsof communicationare
importantthat is the key to makingany relationship work. Yesthat meansteachers,
admistration, parent,students,staff andstate."

9. in two or threeyears,what factorswouldyou

lf a levy becomesa financialnecessity
take into accountin determiningwhetherto personatty and pubtictysupportthe levy
or wouldyouopposea levyrequestwithinthat timeframe?

"l woutdneedtime to investigate


10. Doesour district currentlycommunicate

with the communityand doesit
adequatelysecureinputfrom the community?

"l don't feel it does. Thatis part of why I decidedto runfor the boardto seewhatwe
asa boardwho represent the community cando to worktogether."


1. Pleasegivea brief biographyof yoursetfinctudingoccupation,educationand famity.

MSMfnfo Systems,
CWRU Weatherhead,
Famity Wife,Amy,kids- Ryan(Brush),
- Atex(Memorial)"

2. Whyareyourunningfor the Board?

"l believein getting involvedin the communityand feel that we need a few good
people here and now. I representmiddte-class families that want to provideour
studentswith a highquatityeducationopportunity."

3. Whatis yourimpression
of SELTA do you haveaboutSELTA?
andwhat knowtedge

exceptthe obvious(assoc
"Not muchknowledge/impression of teachers)."

4. Recentlythere hasbeena significanttevelof controversyconcerninga salaryincrease

awardedto the Superintendentby the Boardof Education.Howdo you feel aboutthe
salaryincreaseandthd controversythat hasdeveloped?

"l thinkthat wasa majorbtunderby the boardand poorjudgementon the part of the
superintendent and board. Theyhaveput future leviesat risk and put themselves
their prioritiesaheadof the kidsandcommunity.(setfish)"

5. The startingBachelor'sDegreesalaryfor a teacherin our districtis 537,307.Starting

sataryin Mayfietdis 539,306,Sotonis 542,357,Beachwood is_43,688,Orangeis
543,014,Cleveland Heightsis 539,500,Euctidis 537,475andShakeris 541,449.What
are your impressionsregardingteachersalaryin our district? What factors do you

"White the numbershere would indicate that our satarystructure is lower than
surroundingdistricts,cannotmakea judgementwithoutseeingthe big picture. Job
performance,financialhealth,experienceatt drivesatary."

6. Whatare yourimpressions
of studentconductin our district?

"My impression is that studentconductis goodoveratt. I think the district doesa good
job with disciplineand safety/security. In somecases,I belivethat studentscan be
disruptivein class,especiatlywith subs."

7. Whatpowerandauthoritydo you believeteacherscurrentlyhavewith regardto:

(i.e., disruptivestudentin the classroom)


"Not famitiarwith specificpoticy."


"Teachersmustfoltowdistrict curriculumbut not familiarwith degreeof flexibitityor

inputin formingcurriculum."

8. woutdbe importantto youin order

lf electedto the Board,what informationsources
to makedecisions? Withwhomandhowwouldyoucommunicate?


9. lf a tevybecomesa financialnecessityin two or three years,what factorswoutdyou

whetherto personatly
take into accountin determining and pubtictysupportthe tevy
or wouldyou opposea levy requestwithin that timeframe?

"Too manyfactorswould haveto be considered.Cannotanswerthis question. Woutd

hopewe wouldnot haveto requesta tevyin that time frame."

10. Doesour district.rrr*,,, communicate with the communityand doesit

adequatetysecureinput from the community?

"Noon both"


1. givea brief biography

Ptease of yoursetfincludingoccupation,

"RegisteredNurse,President OneHomeHealthCare,Masterof Sciencein

of Retiabte
Nursing,anddivorcedwith children.

2. Whyare yourunningfor the Board?

"My desireis to workto changethe wayin whichthe schootsystemis operatingthat is

causingconcernand angeron the part of the community.Also,to createa schoot
systemthat can use the financialresourcesthat are avaitable,to help improvethe
educationalexperience of the students."

3. Whatis yourimpression do youhaveaboutSELTA?


"SELTAis dedicatedto promotingeducationaIsuccess,provide teacherswith

opportunitiesfor high quatity professional
developmentand raise awareness that
educatorsare hightyquatifiedprofessionalhavethe skittsto ensurethe educational
experienceof their students."

4. Recenttytherehasbe€na significant[eve[of controversy a sataryincrease

awardedto the Superintendent by the Boardof Education.Howdo youfeel aboutthe
salaryincreaseand the controversythat hasdeveloped?

"l'm totallyagainstthe pay raise. lfeet the concernof the community shouldbe
broughtbackinto discussionso that everyonein the communityfeelsthat the school
board is actuatly working for the communityand not for themsetvesand the

5. The startingBachelor'sDegreesataryfor a teacherin our districtis 537,307.Starting

sataryin Mayfietdis 539,306,Sotonis 542,357,Beachwood is 43,688,Orangeis
543,014, ClevelandHeightsis $39,500,Euctidis 537,475and Shaker is 541,449.What
are your impressions regardingteachersalaryin our district? What factorsdo you
believeshoutddrive teachersalary?

"Beinga former SchoolNurseand a Vocationalteacher,teacherswork very hard to

ensure studentssuccess. Our district property taxes are very simitar to the
surroundingsuburbs. Thereforeif the budget permits, I woutd work toward an
increasein teacherssalaries.I believe540,000
in comparison
to othersurrounding
is a
fair beginning."

6. Whatare yourimpressions
of studentconductin our district?

"A large portionof the studentsappearto be out-of-controt.Personatly perhdpsa

disciplinecommitteeshoutdbe implemented whenall etsefail. But, prior perhapsan
advisoryteamfor studentscouldpossibty
controlsomeof the issues."


7. Whatpowerand authoritydo you betieveteacherscurrentlyhavewith regardto:

(i.e., disruptivestudentin the ctassroom)


"Otherthen sittingdisruptivestudentsctoserto the teacheror providingthem with

activatesthat coutd possibtykeepthem focus;a teacherhasvery little powerother
then writing a referral. Studentsgo to the office, sent backto ctass,and probtems
beganall overagain."


"Curricutardecisions are timitedto teachers.But, teachersshoutdhavea majorpart

in the curricutardecisionmakingsincethat are the maineducators
for the students."

8. lf electedto the Board,what informationsources

wouldbe importantto you in order
to makedecisions?With whomandhowwouldyoucommunicate?

"lnformationsourceswouldconsistof Demographic information,Statisticson testing

and achievements' that the district has made. Businessesin the communityfor
studentmentoring,and tappinginto innovativeprogramsthat other districtswithin
the nationare using Whomand how I woutdcommunicate?Meetingwith teacher
unions,members of the studentcouncil,andadministrators."

9. lf a tevy becomesa financiatnecessityin two or three years,what factorswoutdyou

take into accountin determiningwhetherto personally and pubtictysupportthe tevy
or woutdyouopposea levy requestwithin that timeframe?

"Revenueavaitableto schoolsare fixed andinftexible,the costof educationcontinue

to rise. Manyof the risingcostare out of the controlof the schoolboardbut, I woutd
opposea levyrequestso soon. I believeat least5 yearswoutdbe an appropriatetime
to discussa levy."

10. Doesour districtcurrentlycommunicate adequatety

with the communityand doesit
adequatetysecure input from the community?

"Abitity to articulate a vision (inadequate). lmplementa vision (somewhat),

demonstrateabitity to plan programsto motivatefamitiesto achievea schootvision
and promoteinvotvement in the vision(inadequate)."


1. Pleasegivea brief biography

of yoursetfinctudingoccupation,

"l am marriedto JamesJonesandhave3 boysthat are SE-Lstudents.Shiloh-8th grade

at Memorial,Bryan-4thgradeat GreenviewandJames-1't grade at Rowtand.Currentty
a DeputyBaitiff for The CtevelandHeightsMunicipalCourt. I graduatedfrom The
ClevelandSchoolof Scienceafter comptetingtheir CottegePreparatoryProgramin
1994. I possessan Associates
Degreein ParalegatStudiesthat wasearnedfrom Parls
Cottegein Aurora,Colorado.My current statusis that of a Seniorat ClevelandState
Universityseekingmy Bachelor'sDegreein PoliticatScience.UpongraduationI have
ptanson enteringLawSchoolat Cleveland-MarshatlCollegeof Law."

2. Whyare you runningfor the Board?

"My run for the BoardbeganbecauseI am a very involvedparent in the education

cycle of my chitdrenand their peers. As a parent I betievethat the foundationof
educationis one of the mostimportantthingsone canchooseto nurtureif they want
to be successfulin tife! Duringour tenurein this districtI haveseenandcontinueto
see great achievements in the tife of my chitdrenand great progress in the area of
their education.Thesgachievements can continueto surpassexpectations onlyif we
as parentsfirst creat6da strongfoundationin the lives of our chitdrenand then
supportthe educationalcomponent. Not the reverse! | have a stronginterestin
seeingothersexperience what we haveexperienced within our famityand with SE-L
schools. I believe that my desirescan be futfitted through my tenure as a Board
Member. I haveservedon a varietyof PTAsand spentmanyhourswithin the buitdings
which I do enjoy, but that work is focusedmore on day-to-dayand week-to-week
operationswhere as a BoardMembermy task woutd more focusedon other aspects
that contributemore directlyto maintainingthe missionof the district as a whote
opposed to a particularbuilding."

3. Whatis your impression

of SELTA do you haveaboutSELTA?
and what knowtedge

"My impressionof SELTAprior to the candidacywas that it is the "force and voice"
establishedsotetyfor the benefitof teachersas professionals
and studentsas the fruit
of teacherslaborso to speak. Thisorganizationunitesthe teacherstogetherin hopes
of assistingthem in providingthe bestenvironment for teachersand studentsall the
white assistingto improvethe schoots.My knowledge of SELTAis that it's a strong
institutionand tobbyingforcewith the objectiveof makingsurethe voicesof teachers
are heard in regardsto better facitities, sataries,classroomsizes, and overatl
performance asthey educatethe studentsasprofessionals."

4. Recenttythere hasbeena significant[eve[of controversy

concerninga sataryincrease
awardedto the Superintendentby the Boardof Education.Howdo you feel aboutthe
sataryincreaseandthe controversythat hasdeveloped?

"The controversy that hasdevetoped in tight of the Superintendents salaryincrease

was createdand didn't haveto occur. I feel (as a residentfirst and a candidate
second)that atmostanythingan entity wantsto pass....can be passed if and only if you
"appropriately"communicateinformation,minimizethe level of emotionin the
situationand tasttybe clear and recognizabte as to what it is the entity wantsor
prefersto occurafter their actionstake ptace! | in my currentcapacityam not privy
to anyof the "ctosedmeeting"informationanddetailsof the processes that occurred
from 2005-2009.Soit wouldnot be fitting of me to issuean answerof "yesor no"
regardingwhat would I have voted. I do feel that the mannerin which the
informationwas presentedto the communityover sucha longtime spancouldhave
been communicated more efficiently. The mannerin which the informationwas
"revisited"duringthe 4 year time spanand the mannerin which the decisionwas
finalizedcouldhavebeenhandteddifferentty. I havespentweeksdigesting the satary
increaseissueand I have reatizedonce againthat officialswho are seryantsto the
pubticwhethervotedin or hiredand appointedmustbe cognizantof the wordsthey
utitizewhencommunicating to the people. I am a firm betieverthat cautionhasto be
continualtyexercisedwhen retayingand suppressing pertinentinformationto the
community,which isn't futty exercisedin many entities not only The Boardof
Education.Lastty,we as a communityhaveto want to knowand sometimes haveto
searcha bit harder and becomemore comfortablein askingquestionsprior to,
opposed to waitingfor informationto be disseminated to us."

5. ThestartingBachetor'sDegreesalaryfor a teacherin our districtis 537,307.Starting

sataryin Mayfietdis 539,306,Solonis 542,357,Beachwood is 43,688,Orangeis
543,014,Cteveland Heights
is $39,500,Euclidis537,475and Shakeris541,449.What
are your impressionsregardingteachersataryin our district? What factorsdo you

"My impression regardingteachersataryin SE-Ldistrict-ln exchange for the massive

amountof time, dedication,and tasksthat teachersperformI feel that they are not
appropriatety compensated. Lowsataryin my opinionis not necessarily onlya teacher
problembut it is our probtemas a society.As a PoliticalSciencemajor I did a report
on schoolfunding,the constructionof it and the processin which the fundingis
distributedacrossthe table. I mustadmit I am stitl astonished as I was5 yearsagoat
the "top heaviness"of pubticschoolfundingandhowteachingsalarieswerenot in the
"top heavy" sectionof the pay scale. Teachers,from my experiencein raisingmy
childrenand my collegestudiesare unfairlycompensated becauseof the funding
altocationmodelsthat we are usingin the pubticsector. Somefactorsthat I feel
shoulddrive teachersataryare credentiats, experience, dedicationto the profession
(in relationto longevityin the fietd) and resultsof the classroom, schootanddistrict
achievements. Teachers whocomeinto the profession straightfrom cotlegewith tittte
or no experience,I understand the low end of the sataryscatesbut I am not in
agreementwith how the gap in wagesexpandswith the numbersof yearsin service
dueto salarycaps."

6. Whatare yourimpressions
of studentconductin our district?

"Studentconducthas to monitor with a fine toothed comb becausemany students

comeinto the schootswith a varietyof issues. Studentconductin our district in
comparison to neighboringdistrictsis at a [ow. Dowe haveissues?Yes,we do but I
think we do a great job at anticipatingwhat potentialtycouldoccur. Our teachers
from my interactiontheseyearsare greatat identifyingpotentialissuesand "putting
out fires before they begin to flame". Studentconductis such a complexissue
becauseit is inter-retatedwith the life a studentbeyondthe scopeof their ctassroom.
Disciptinefor inappropriateconductmustinvotvecarefulexamination and reasonable
recommendations which againsendme back to question#5. Teachersare paid tow
salariesbut are mandatedto teach,mentor,referee,and input vatuesinto students
who often times appearin the ctassroom hopeless
empty and vatueless, and with a
weak foundationfrom home. Studentconductwitl atwaysbe an intense topic of
discussion becausethe sotutionwitl not be resolvedon the school[eve[ without the
cooperationof parentswho haveto providea stabtefoundationin the homefirst."

7. Whatpowerand authoritydo you betieveteacherscurrentlyhavewith regardto:

(i.e., disruptivestudentin the classroom)


"With regardsto Student DisciptineI believe that teachershave a high level of

authorityand poweronly becausethey havethe authorityto passor fait a studentif
the studentis removedfrom classfro disciptineissues. Grantedthat is one form of
powerbut the averageteacherthat hasa passionaboutthe work that they havebeen
catledto do will possessa personalsenseof hurt when faitinga student. Faitinga
studenthasa devastatingoutcomeon the students'future and I don't believethe
averageteachercameinto the profession of educationto fait students!Therefore,on
the same note the power is restricted becausethey want to see successin the
studentsand are wittingto go throughthe disciptinescenarios to beat the oddsand
savea chitdby pushingthemto achieve."


"As a teacherCurricularDecisions are presentedin a structuredformat that must be

adheredto but the mannerin whicha teacherpresents the learningmateriatsto their
classis wheremuchof their creativitycomesinto play. Theyhavethe capabilitiesto
exploredifferentmechanisms to teachthe studentsand I think that is wheremuchof
the joy in the profession
is constructed."

8. lf electedto the Board,what informationsourceswoutdbe importantto you in order

to makedecisions?With whomand howwoutdyou communicate?

"lf etected to the board informationsourcesthat would be important to me for

decisionmakingpurposes woutdbe the voicesandconcernsof the teacherswho are on
the front tine daity and havefirst handknowtedgeof the situations.The teachersare
in there on the battte fietd and see what is effective and not effective. Equalty,I
would haveto considerthe resuttsof studentachievement in the individualschools
and the district overalt,the graduationratesand dissectingthe standards,scores,and
procedures.The valuabteinput from the communityis vital but we mustrealizeand
understand that so manyemotionsare involvedwith communityinput becauseyou are

then acceptingpersonatopinionsandexperiences.Whensomeonehasbeenpersonally
affectedby somethingit is difficutt for them to seebeyondthe scopeof what manner
they havebeenoffendedor hurt. Socommunityinput is an importantfactor but often
time it is ditutedwith personal

9. lf a tevy becomesa financiatnecessityin two or three years,what factorswouldyou

take into accountin determiningwhetherto personatty and pubtictysupportthe tevy
or woutdyou opposea levy requestwithin that timeframe?

"Currenttyin tight of recenteventsin the district asa new BoardMemberI wouldhave

to opposea levyinitiattyandexploreEVERY other optionprior to considering a tevy. A
major breachof trust and communication breakdownhasoccurredand I feet it would
bestsuit the Board,the community,the district andthe overatlatmosphere to begina
restorationprocessin attemptsto reuniteall the components to makethis relationship
run smoothtyfor the next 3-4 years. lt's goingto be a roughprocessbut a process
that wilt be successfutwith a cottaboration
of att the entitiesinvotved."

10. Doesour district currenttycommunicate with the communityand doesit

adequatetysecureinputfrom the community?

"Ourdistrictdoescommunicate with the communityandthe resources are in ptaceto

receiveinput from the communitybut they like manycomponents in life which need
to be reviewedregularly,adjustedand exploredto see if they are effective for the
current time and situation. Many resourcesare available and often time the
communitydoesn't know where to locatethem, don't have the desireto want to
exercisethe time to locatethem or simptydon't careto be BoardMembersanddo the
work to know the pertinent information. This exptainswhy we have an Election
processfor peoplesuchas myselfwho havethe desireto seethingshappenand want
to invest the time and inform the peopte, work with the district and assistthe
teachersin futfitting their dreams of teachingand seeing districts tike South
Euctid/Lyndhurst thrivein the midstof eraswheremostschootdistrictsare crumbting
due to corruption,lack of famity foundationsand tow salariesfor high classteachers

"Thank you greatly for your time and considerationin my for The SE-LBoardof


1. Pleasegivea brief biography

of yoursetfinctudingoccupation,

- B.S.Systems
1984graduateMiamiUniversity Anatysis
Family: Wife, Becky(Brush1977),Daughters5 - Brush2003,Brush2009,one
currentseniorandtwo currentfreshmenBrush
Employer: SnowBrothersApptiance - Lyndhurst"

7. Whyare you runningfor the Board?

"l know that a strong schoolsystemis the buitdingbtock that keepsa community
strong. lwant to continuemy effortsto makeour districtthe bestthat it canbe."

3. Whatis yourimpressionof SELTA do you haveaboutSELTA?

andwhat knowtedge

"As a currentboardmemberI am very famitiarwith SELTA.


4. Recenttythere hasbedna significantlevetof controversyconcerninga sataryincrease

awardedto the Superintendent by the Boardof Education.Howdo you feel aboutthe
salaryincreaseand the controversythat hasdeveloped?

"l hope that my positionon this issueis wett knownas I voted againstthis salary

5. The startingBachetor'sDegreesalaryfor a teacherin our districtis 537,307.Starting

salary in Mayfietdis 539,306,Solonis 542,357,Beachwood is 43,688,Orangeis
543,014,Cteveland Heightsis $39,500,Euctidis537,475and Shakeris541,449.What
are your impressionsregardingteachersalaryin our district? What factors do you
betieveshoulddrive teachersatary?

"l betieveour satary/benefitstructureas a whole is competitivewith neighboring

districts. I woutdtike to seeperformance
playa largerrotein teachersalary."

6. Whatareyourimpressions
of studentconductin our district?

"My daughtersgive me the mostinsightinto studentconductand at leastat the high

schoolit feels like we are improving.I alsohearfrom securityguardsand someSELTA
membersto keep up on this issue. We can atwaysdo better and I look forward to
hearingmorefrom yourmembers."

7. Whatpowerand authoritydo you betieveteacherscurrenttyhavewith regardto:

(i.e., disruptivestudentin the ctassroom)


"Myfeelingis that teachersdo not haveenoughinput/controlof theseissues."


"Myfeelingis that teachersdo not haveenoughinput/controlof theseissues."

8. wouldbe importantto you in order

lf etectedto the Board,what informationsources
to makedecisions?With whomand howwoutdyou communicate?

"l try to hearfrom as manydifferentsourcesas possible.Students,parents,residents

without childrenin our system,tocatpotiticians,teachers,custodians,etc. I think a
boardmemberthat ontygetsinformationthru the superintendent is missingvital input
to their decisionmakingprocess."

9. lf a levy becomesa financiatnecessityin two or three years,what factorswouldyou

take into accountin determiningwhetherto personatty and pubtictysupportthe [evy
or wouldyouopposea.tevyrequestwithin that timeframe?

"Unfortunatetythe levy cycle is a burdenschoolboardsmust bear until the state

makesa changein funding. As long as the board has done atl due diligencein
extendingcurrentlevyfundsI wouldsupporta [evy."

10. Doesour districtcurrentlycommunicate with the communityand doesit

adequatetysecureinput from the community?


1. Pleasegivea brief biography

of yourselfinctudingoccupation,

"l was born in Chicago,lltinois. Relocated

to Houston,Texas,after father'sdeath.
Educatedin the HoustonIndependent SchoolDistrict,whereI earnedmy highschool
diptomafrom RobertShawStertingSeniorHighSchoot.

ln 1978,I was the recipientof the Universityof TexasMedicalSchoolPharmacology


I hotd a Bachetorof ScienceDegreeand Masterof ScienceDegreein Educationfrom

TexasSouthernUniversity.AttendingTexasSouthernUniversityas a DoctoralStudent
in UrbanEducation andCurriculumandInstruction.

Grant Peer Reviewerfor the United States Departmentof EducationOffice of

and lmprovementandSafeandDrugFreeSchools.

Consultantproviding presentationson
SpeciaI EducationAdvocate/EducationaI
"lncreasing Achievement
in UrbanLearners."


FormerHoustonIndependent SchoolDistrictHealthand Kinesiology

Athtetic Director, PhysicaIEducation/HealthTeacher, SuccessFor Att Reading
Teacher,Safeand DrugFreeSchoolCoordinator.

Two Time Recipientof the City of Houston/Texas

Department of the YearAward.

SouthEuctidresidentfor nineyears.

Marriedto DetbertLongino,sevenchitdren,two in the SouthEuctid-Lyndhurst

District,Jacob(Brush)and Delbertll (Rowland)."

2. Whyare you runningfor the Board?

"A passionfor restoringacademicrigorto pubticeducation,a demonstrated abilityto

securefederalfundingto increaseacademicachievement, a tegacyof effectiveness, a
commitmentto communityand a willingness to tacktethe toughchallenges headon
with a wiseheadand an openheartare the reasons why I choseto run for the South
Euctid-Lyndhurst SchoolBoard. As a parent, teacher, and a specialeducation
advocate,I havea provenabitity to engageand includeeverydiversevoiceneededto
makeequitabtedecisions for all childrenand famities. As an EducationalConsuttant
and a Grant Peer Reviewerfor the UnitedStatesDepartmentof EducationOffice of
Innovation and lmprovement andSafeand DrugFreeSchools, I am verywett informed
and knowledgeable on Educational PoticiesandFunding that affectour schools.I have
the abitityto communicateandseekthe funds. My tife and principtes are buittaround
onequestion,"Howwill I makea difference?"

3. Whatis yourimpression
of SELTA do youhaveaboutSELTA?
andwhat knowledge

"Educationis the fundamentalfoundationof our society. This simpteprincipte,I

betievedrivesthe ongoingeffortsof the SouthEuctid-Lyndhurst
TeacherAssociation as
it representsteachersin the workplaceduringthesetremendouslychallenging times.
With the currenteconomyteachersare beingaskedto do more for a larger,more
diversestudentpopulation, whilefacinggreaterobstactes
in andout of the ctassroom,
with far fewer resources.The SouthEuctid-LyndhurstTeacherAssociation createsan
environment whereteachershaveeveryopportunityto do their bestfor atl students.
The South Euctid-Lyndhurst TeacherAssociationis a unified voice for effective
educators. "

4. Recenttythere hasbeena significantlevel of controversy

concerninga salaryincrease
awardedto the Superintendentby the Boardof Education.Howdo youfeel aboutthe
salaryincreaseandthe controversythat hasdevetoped?

"ln today'seconomyand the possibtereductionof 5,784,148.31 in state aid (Ohio

SupremeCourtstot machineruting)that wouldaffect K-12funding,the 27%increase
in the superintendent's salaryin this economicdeclinewas nonsensicat. The salary,
benefits,and perks of the superintendent shoutdhave been discussed with the
communityinsteadof behindcloseddoors. The presentboard membersbudget
projectionsfor five yearsare only projectionsand the membersshouldhaveknown
the potentialimpactof revenuereductions due to chattenges to GovernorStricktand's
plan to poputateOhio racetrackswith video slot machinesand ODEwaiver from
meetingmaintenance of effort (MOE). As a schoolboard member,I woutd keep
abreastof atl policiesandreportfinancialdatareliabtyto att stakeholders.

5. The startingBachetor's
Degreesalaryfor a teacherin our districtis 537,307.Starting
salaryin Mayfieldis 539,306,Solonis 542,357,Beachwood is 43,688,Orangeis
543,014,ClevelandHeightsis 539,500,Euclidis 537,475and Shakeris$41,449.What
are your impressionsregardingteachersalaryin our district? What factorsdo you

"South Euctid-Lyndhurst SchoolDistrictteachersalariesare low in comparison to

Euctidwho local propertytax revenueper pupit is 55,968.12,and Sotonwho local
propertytax revenueper pupitis 59,830.35.Our mostpreciousclassroom resources
are teachers.Withthe passage of the 5.4-mittlevyin November2008our schoolboard
could have increaseteacher wagesin order to competewith other districts to
retain/maintaineffectiveteachersin the ctassroom.Our teachersand supportstaff
base salarieswere increasedby onty 2.75 percentsafter the wage freeze teachers
receivedlast year. Effectiveteachersprovidethe educationour familieswant and
need. Effectiveteacherskeep our communityand our schooldesirabte. Effective
teachersincreasestudentenrollment,which increasesschoolfunding. As a board
member,I will ensureour educationdollarsbe directedto instruction. Academic
job performance,
credit, responsibilities, merit or studentoutcomes,longevityand
districtenrollmentarefactorsthat I believeshoulddriveteacher'ssalaries."

6. Whatareyourimpressions
of studentconductin our district?

"Everyschoolin the SouthEuctid-Lyndhurst SchootDistricthasa disciptinepolicyto

addressinappropriate behaviors suchas makingverbatthreats,harassment, assaults,
intimidation,extortion, disruptivebehavior,etc. Schoolpoliciesof inappropriate
behavior and correspondingdisciptinary consequencesare outline in the
parent/studenthandbooks.SouthEuctid-Lyndhurst SchoolDistricthasimplemented
several prevention and interventionprograms,and other school improvement
strategiesto preventand managebehaviors and improvethe overallschoolclimate.
However,South Euctid-Lyndhurst Schoolsmust have fair, firm, and consistent
disciplineenforcementin every ctassroom to reducethe tiketihoodof crime and
violence. Disciptineand schoolctimate strategies,combinedwith balancedand
reasonable securitymeasures targeting"hot spots"on schoolcampuses can createa
saferand more securectimatefor all childrenin the district. Thus,everystudent
attendinga SouthEuctid-Lyndhurst schootswitt reachthe stagein whichthey havethe
cognitiveabitityto understand the worldin whichthey live and understandtheir own
actionsin a moratand legalcontext."

7. Whatpowerand authoritydo you believeteacherscurrentlyhavewith regardto:

(i.e., disruptivestudentin the ctassroom)


"lt is a tautologyto saythat teachersare situatedin the web of disciptinary

membersof a disciptinary society;however,it is significantto note that the power
that teachersin the SouthEuctid-Lyndhurst SchoolDistrictconsciously exerciseis is visibleandidentifiablebut with limitedparameters."


"Cteartyteachersin the South Euctid-Lyndhurst SchootDistrict participatein a

muttipticityof curriculumdecision-makingat the schooland district [eve[. Our
teachers are involved as imptementers/receivers, adapters, developersand
and needassessments,
our teachershavebeen
abte to determineour students'needsto developand implementan appropriate

8. lf electedto the Board,what informationsourceswouldbe importantto youin order

to makedecisions? Withwhomandhowwouldyoucommunicate?

"Fundingand Staff Professional

Development informationsourceswouldbe important
to me. I woutdcommunicate via emait,text message,in person,membership
mai[. Someof my informationsourcesare:

OhioDepartment of Education
CharlotteJones-Ward,Consuttantfor statefunding
The UnitedStatesDepartment of Education
for federalfunding
The EnvironmentalProtectionAgencyRegion5 CherytNewton DivisionDirectorfor
America'sPromise Alliance,Marguerite
AmericanEducational Research Panelon Research
Association andTeacherEducation
NationalAllianceof BtackSchoolEducators
WittiamJ. Etlerbee,
Jr., Ed.D.

Texas SouthernUniversity,Cherry Ross Gooden, Ed.D., Dr. JawanzaJunjufu,

EducationaI Consultant
ThePetersGroup,StephenG. Peters,CEO/President
BuckeyeInstituteof PubticPoticySotutions"

9. lf a levy becomesa financialnecessityin two or three years,what factorswouldyou

take into accountin determiningwhetherto personally and pubtictysupportthe levy
or wouldyouopposea levyrequestwithinthat timeframe?

"The financing of elementaryand secondaryeducationin Ohio is through a

combinationof state-coltectedtaxes and tocattycotlectedpropertytaxes. The
economyand the voiceof the stakehotders would be factorsthat I wouldhaveto take
into accountbeforeI support,or opposea levy. An increasein taxeswoutdbe a fiscal
crisisfor the residents
of SouthEuctid-Lyndhurstif the economyhasnot changefor the
better in two to three years. As a schoolboardmember,I woutdbe an advocatefor
an atternativefundingsystem. I would strongtysuggestand encourageaggressive
tobbyingeffortsto makeamendments that woutdrevisethe assessment of residentiat
propertytaxes. I wouldexplorenontraditionalareasof supplemental financingsuch
as grantsand corporatesponsorships. Thereis a wealthof potentiatfunding. Skitted
in both the No ChitdLeft BehindAct and federatgrantsare what is neededon the
schoolboard. I am the ontycandidate with bothof thoseskitls."

10. Doesour district currentlycommunicate

with the communityand doesit
adequatetysecureinputfrom the community?

"Our district desperatelyneedsto update it communication systemsto ensure is importantthat staff, parentsandstudents
havetheir voicesheard,and feel comfortabteapproaching boardmembersto discuss
issues.Asour communitycontinues to grow,we needto be surewe are makinggood,
carefulchoicesabouteverythingfrom hiringstaff to buitdingnewschoots.The South
Euctid-Lyndhurst SchoolBoardneedsto reachout to the communitywith aggressive
communication tools to facititateinput and feedbackon all stakeholders
issuesLONGbeforea votingboardmeeting.Asa schoolboardmember,I woutdtiketo
create parent liaisonsthat woutdregutarlymeet with the schoolboardto serveas a
"go between"for this type of communication.As the boardfacesthese kindsof
challenges,the parentboardscoutdseryeas a fitter for a[[ parentconcernsaswe[[ as
a communication providerto the communityat large."


1. Pleasegivea brief biographyof yourselfinctudingoccupation,educationandfamily.

"My nameis LisaMarkoand I am a residentof the City of Lyndhurst,where I have

livedfor the past 15 yrs. I am marriedto JosephMarko,with 4 Chitdren,Joseph-21
(SeniorUniv.Cinn),Robert19 (Sophomore CWRU), gr. Brush)& Cody
Karalyn15, (1Oth
13 (8'ngr. Memorial).lam a licensedRea[EstateTitte Agent,and I haveworkedin
the Financeand Rea[Estateindustryfor over 20 yrs. I graduatedfrom Mttoughby
SouthHighSchootandattendedLaketand Community Cottege.

z. Whyare you runningfor the Board?

"l havebeenvery activein the schoots,in a votunteercapacity,for manyyears;as a

parent, PTA member, PTA Board member and as a concernedcitizen striving to
improveour district by workingon or headinglevy efforts. In workingwith staff,
teachers,administratorsand parentsI believe I have a goodidea of the chattenges
facingour districtin th.evariousbuitdings
bothinsideandout of the ctassrooms.

As a parentof two successfut

Brushgraduatesand two chitdrenstitl attendingour SEL
Schools,I want to makesure our chitdrencontinueto receivethe quatityeducation
they deserve,nowandin the future.

As a residentof our community,I want our schoolsto be morethan just effective. We

need to make sure our administratorsare implementingthe programsnecessaryto
keep our schoolscompetitive. We need sound schoolsto keep residentsin our
communityand to attract newfamiliesto the area.

Asa business woman,I want to makesureour boardhasa soundfiscalptanaswetl as

responsible spending. We have many challenges facingour district from declining
propertyvatuesto GovernorStricktand'sPlan for Schools;from studentto teacher
ratios and state mandates,to tough economictimes. Our schoolboard needsto
ditigenttyaddressthe concernsof our communityand embracetheir commentsand

3. Whatis your impression andwhat knowledgedo you haveaboutSELTA?


"l am awareof SELTAand the rote of the teachersunionin the SE-LSchoolSystem.I

am atso awarethat SELTAptayeda pivotal rote in the passageof the recentschool

4. Recentlythere hasbeena significantlevel of controversyconcerninga salaryincrease

awardedto the Superintendentby the Boardof Education.Howdo you feel aboutthe
salaryincreaseandthe controversythat hasdeveloped?

"l wasnot pleasewith the board'sdecisionto giveDr. Zeleithe recentsataryincrease

and was very disappointed in the mannerin which they went about awardingthe
increase.Certainlyany "goodidea" meritsdiscussion anddebateandwitt standup to
both boardand publicscrutiny. 5o if the boardfett Dr. Zelei'sraisewastruly a good
idea why wasit broughtforwardin a way that would appearquestionabte.We have
madesuchgreatstridesas a districtwith our pubticperception,but this increaseand
the mannerin which it was passedwitt take manyyearsto recoverfrom. I feet the
contract should have been negotiated in January prior to the other contract
negotiationsand it shoutdhave been a decisionall membersof the schoolboard

5. The startingBachetor's
Degreesalaryfor a teacherin our districtis 537,307.Starting
salaryin Mayfietdis 539,306,Sotonis 542,357,Beachwood is 43,688,Orangeis
543,014,Cleveland Heights
is Euctid
539,500, is537,475 and Shaker is541,449.What
are your impressionsregardingteachersataryin our district? What factorsdo you

"l am very surprisedto see how low the startingsataryis for our district comparedto
the otherdistricts;howeversomeof the districtspresented heredo havemuchhigher
tax base. Teacher'ssatariesare a priority for our district, in order to keep good
teachersin SELwe mustbe competitive,or they witt looketsewhere.I havetwo Brush
graduatesand two studentsin the schoolsystem,and I appreciatethe great teachers
that havehetpedmy childrendevelopedinto goodstudents. I knowthat the pubtic
looksto the state report card as an indicatorof the schootsystem,but I feel there are
other things that need to be factored in when we look at our teachers and
compensation. "

6. Whatareyourimpressions
of studentconductin our district?

"l am an active parent in our schools,involvedin the PTAand Athtetic Boosters. I

knowwe havea large numberof great studentsin the district; howeverwe do have
somebehaviorthat tendsto bringthe district down. We needto showcase the goodin
our district. Thereare so many positivethingsgoingon in our schootsandwe needto
be recognized for what thosestudentsare doing,and not for the actionsof thosethat
do not know how to act appropriatety. I betieve in Respect,Responsibitity and


7. Whatpowerand authoritydo you believeteacherscurrentlyhavewith regardto:

(i.e., disruptivestudentin the classroom)


"The teacherhasthe authorityto removea disruptivestudentfrom the ctassroom

the administration
then dealswith the disciplineof the student."


"The CurricutumDirectordevelopscurriculumcontent,instructionalstrategies,and
performance assessments to meetthe needsof all students.The Curricutum
usesstate and nationatstandardsto devetopprogramsand looksto the teachersand
to producethe mostcurrent and developmentatty
administrators appropriatecontent
andmaterialsfor students."

8. lf etectedto the Board,what informationsources

wouldbe importantto youin order
to makedecisions? Withwhomandhowwoutdyoucommunicate?

"As an elected representativeof the pubtic I feet it is very importantto represent

them to the best of my abitity. This woutd inctudecommunicating with them in
variouswaysand encouraging their participationin the schoolsand in the education
our youth. I alsofeet'the teachersand staff at our schootsare a vatuablesourceof
information. The boardneedsto work ditigenttywith them towardsonecommongoat.
Oneof the hot topicsright nowis the StateReportCard,I feet the teachersand staff
are the ctosestto the studentsand can provideinsightinto what we needto do as a
district to makethe necessarychangesto continueto improve. I knowwe havegreat
educationalprogramsat our schoolsand we need to try to figure out why some
studentsaren't makingthe grade,anddevelopprograms to improvetheir resutts."

9. lf a tevy becomesa financiatnecessityin two or three years,what factorswoutdyou

take into accountin determiningwhetherto personally and pubtictysupportthe levy
or wouldyou opposea tevyrequestwithin that timeframe?

"l feet I understandhow pubticschootsare fundedand knowthat leviesare a way of

tife. I wil[ atwayssupportschoo[leviesbecauseeducationis the buitdingblockfor our
future. The fundingfor pubticschootsneedsto be aggressively addressed on a State
level and we needto hotd the statesaccountabte for the way our schootsare funded.
Untit this is changedwe will continueto havego to the pubticfor levies. As a board
we needto havea soundfiscalplanand showthe pubticwe are beingresponsibte with
the fundsthey approve."

10. Doesour district currentlycommunicate

with the communityand doesit
adequatelysecureinput from the community?

"l think the numberone problemwith our schoolboardand the administration is the
lack of communicationwith the community. I betievesomeof the membersof our
boardof educationforget they are electedby the pubticand are to seryethe pubtic.
Thatinctudesembracing the pubticanddiligentlyaddressingtheir concerns."

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