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Ahmed Hamdi Abd El Rafe'

Address: 7 Tag El Din Mohammed St., Ain Shams, Cairo Cell Phone: 010 63036343 Home Telephone: 02 229 3!6! E-mail" eng.ahmedhamdi22#hotmail.$om


OBJECTIVE: See%ing a &osition as an ele$tri$al engineer 'or a re&(ta)le $om&an* in +hi$h m* s%ills, a)ilities, e,&erien$e and a$ademi$ )a$%gro(nd $an )e +ell (tili-ed and de.elo&ed in a +a* that ens(res the $om&an*/s s($$ess.


ACADE IC BAC!"RO#$D: 2000 1 200! 2a$helor o' Ele$tri$al 3o+er Engineering 4 Ma$hines De&artment 4 Mono('ia 5ni.ersit* 6She)in El 7ome8.

9rade" 9ood 3ro:e$t 9rade" E,$ellent


Ta)r* Al ;ega- Se$ondar* S$hool.


E%PERIE$CE: <(ne 2012 1 C(rrentl* =or%ing at Ci&il Home for Tradin' ( Con)ra*)in' in the 'ollo+ing 3ro:e$t"


S$o&e o' +or%" ?es&onsi)le 'or @ands$a&e Ele$tri$al =or% >@ighting, 3o+er and EarthingA. ana'emen) in the 'ollo+ing


<(l* 2010 1 Ma* 2012 =or%ing at OPTI A for Reen'ineerin' and Pro.e*)

i. Hori/on all + 0)h 1e))lemen) + $e2 Cairo 4 As Site Engineer 1 s(&er.ising all o' Bire Alarm, @ighting, So(nd, 3o+er and

Earthing =or%s 'or the entire )(ilding.


all of Arabia + 3)h of O*)ober Ci)4 4 As Site Engineer in the 'ollo+ing stores" >@e.iCs 1 Tim)erland 1 ?o$%&ort 1 9eo, 1 D(i$ 1 EansA S(&er.ising all o' Bire Alarm, @ighting, 3o+er and So(nd =or%s.

iii. 1#$CIT5 all + 1hera)on + Cairo 4 As Site Engineer in the 'ollo+ing stores"

>Bort(ne 1 Magra)* 1 MoCmen 4 Ma%ani ?esta(rant 1 ?eem El 2a+adi ?esta(rant 1 7A ?esta(rant 1 Faia ?esta(rantA S(&er.ising all o' Bire Alarm, @ighting, 3o+er and So(nd =or%s.

Go.em)er 2009 till <(l* 2010 =or%ing at E$CO 6En'ineerin' Cons)r,*)ion Offi*e7 4 As Site Engineer in A8 B,ildin' a) Ci)4 1)ars - s(&er.ising all o' Bire Alarm, @ighting, So(nd, 3o+er and Earthing and @ightening =or%s 'or the entire )(ilding. "eneral Responsibili)ies: 3ro.ide te$hni$al engineering in'ormation and inter&retation o' &lans, detail sheets and s&e$i'i$ations 'or S()$ontra$tors.

Contin(all* 'ind sol(tions to ele$tri$al dra+ings and s&e$i'i$ations )* $on'erring +ith the Te$hni$al H''i$e. Coordinate these sol(tions +ith the .ario(s s()$ontra$tors. Assists in s(&er.ising 'ield em&lo*ees assigned to a &arti$(lar ele$tri$al dis$i&line +or% area. Assist in and sol(tion o' &otential 'ield &ro)lems, re'erring them to Te$hni$al H''i$e.

?e&ort a$$(rate I(antities 'or la)or $ost re&ortsJ a$$(ratel* monitor material ledgers to determine i' I(antities remaining in the estimate are s(''i$ient to $om&lete the &ro:e$t in the 'ield. Coordinate ins&e$tions +ith $ons(ltants and a(thorities as reI(ired. Kns&e$t 'alse +or% 'or $on'orman$e to design dra+ings. Contin(all* (&date dra+ings +ith $hanges as iss(ed )* H+nerLCons(ltants. Ens(re ele$tri$al +or% $om&lies +ith all engineering standards, $odes, s&e$i'i$ations and design instr($tion. A)ilit* to read &lansLdra+ings and de.elo& As42(ilts.


De$em)er 200! till Se&tem)er 2009 =or%ing at TADA Com&an* >Km&ort 4 E,&ort 4 Contra$torA 4 Designing and e,e$(ting lo+ and medi(m ele$tri$al net+or%s +hi$h in$l(des" load $al$(lations, distri)(tion )oards 8C.2 and '(ses >;.?A8, $a)les, trans'ormer and earthing s*stems.

3ro:e$ts done 6#nder )he s,per&ision of E'4p)ian Armed 9or*es En'ineerin' Depar)men) - ana'emen) 1e*)or" i. Knstalling the ele$tri$al net+or% 'or the Maadi Ksland. ii. Kn$reasing e''i$ien$* o' 8&rinting ho(se8 )* $hanging its trans'ormer )* larger one. iii. Maintenan$e 'or di''erent distri)(tion )oards. i.. 2ani S+ai' gates lighting >Ge+ 5&&er Eg*&t ?oadA. .. El ;aiaa ?esort in ?as Sedr installation o' a $om&lete ele$tri$al net+or% in$l(ded >Trans'ormer, Main Distri)(tion 2oard, and S() Distri)(tion 2oard, Et$.A .i. @o+ M medi(m .oltages net+or% in !th Settlement 4 Ge+ Cairo. .ii. Com&leting lighting net+or% 2* solar Energ* in 7ostol &ort in As+an


CO P#TER 1!I::1: Bamiliar +ith the 'ollo+ing &rograms"

14 24

A(to Cad. Mi$roso't H''i$e >=ord 4 E,$elA.


1!I::1 :
14 24 34

A)ilit* to +or% (nder &ress(re. A)ilit* to learn I(i$%l*. E,$ellent Comm(ni$ation S%ills.


:A$"#A"E: Arabi*: Mother Tong(e En'lish: 9ood PER1O$A: DATA: Da)e of Bir)h: 12.11.19 3 $a)ionali)4: Eg*&tian ari)al 1)a),s: Single ili)ar4 1)a),s: E,em&ted


Referen*es and Cer)ifi*a)es ;ill Be 9,rnished #pon Re<,es)

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