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Unitatea de nvmnt: coala Gimnazial Dumitru I. Ionescu Calvini Disciplina: Lim a !n"lez #ro$esor: Dinu Laura Clasa%nr.

ore pe spt.: a &II'a( L)( * ore%spt. +n ,colar: *-).%*-)/ 0anualul: #at12a3 to en"lis1 4 !n"lis1 5crap oo6

78! )st 5!0!57!9 NO. ) * UNIT 9evision Lessons Tastes and Behavior Greetin"s $rom... :1at do 3ou li6e; +n unusual e<perience. 7a le manners around t1e 2orld.% 71e s2ord in t1e stone A Birthday Party Invitations 71e sleepover part3 :1at a messB Cirt1da3s in t1e United 5tates% 71an6s"ivin" and t1e #il"rim Dat1ers ).*. *.). *... ..). .... ).*. *.). *.*. ..). /.). O.R. CONTENTS 71e tenses ' as6in" $or = "ivin" opinions> ad?ectives endin" in -ed and -ing; li6es and disli6es@ -ing $orm> ad?ectives descri in" personalit3( $ood( 2eat1er( places> 5imple #ast 7ense ' $actual and cultural in$ormation: table manners around the world and in Romania 'invitin" people> acceptin"%re$usin" invitations> "ivin" e<cuses> descri in" processes> e<pressin" t1an6s ' 0odal ver s> #resent Continuous'2it1 $uture meanin"> #assive &oice' 5imple #resent> ' 2ords e<pressin" de"rees o$ intensit3> ' $actual and cultural in$ormation: celebrating birthdays in the U.S. and a typical Romanian birthday ' descri in" a route in a museum> tal6in" a out museums> descri in" = comparin" people and t1in"s> ' #ast #er$ect 7ense> comparatives @, not as ... as, the same as> to be made of> ' $actual and cultural in$ormation: museums around the world and in Romania ' e<pressin" t1ou"1ts = $eelin"s> descri in" $eelin"s = personalities> e<pressin" opinions> ' colours> t3pes o$ $lo2er> ' ad?ectives endin" in-ish> #ast Continuous and #ast 5imple K21en = 21ileL> adver s o$ de"ree: extremely, uite, a bit!> ' $actual and cultural in$ormation: the meaning of colours in different parts of the world and in Romania * Hours Week * A 5* 5. 5/ 5) Obs.

5E 5A 5F

8allo2een G7ric6 or 7reat

useu!s 71e sapp1ire rin" and t1e diamond nec6lace 71e 2a< museum +n outstandin" e<1i ition 5i"1ts around t1e 2orld% :1en $riends1ip $ades Co"ours + colour$ul 2orld 8ave 3ou "ot "reen $in"ers; :1atJs 3our $avourite colour; Colours in$luence people all over t1e 2orld% 9o in 8ood and t1e Clac6 Cloa6

).*. )... ..*. /.*. E.).

5H 5I 5)-

).). )... *.). .... /.). /.*.

5)5)) 5)*

:inter 8olida3

Round u# I $a!e Damous people Damous events Damous places 71e 5even :onders o$ t1e :orld% 8enr3 &III

all )... *.). *.*. *... .... /.).

' Grammar e<ercises usin" #ast 5imple vs. #ast Continuous. ' "ivin" and as6in" $or in$ormation> suppl3in" additional in$ormation> descri in" countries = continents> ' ?o s> 2ords relatin" to climate( $auna( $orm o$ "overnment> ' de$inin" = non'de$inin" relative clauses> t1e de$inite article> ' $actual and cultural in$ormation: wonders of the world and wonders in Romania ' tal6in" a out t3pes o$ $ilms> e<pressin" de"rees o$ certaint3 in present situations> ma6in" su""estions> a"reein" = disa"reein"> tal6in" a out leisure time = entertainment> reportin" some od3 elseJs 2ords> ' modal ver s> 9eported 5peec1'statements Ksay vs. tellL> determiners used 21en estimatin" t1in"s> ' $actual and cultural in$ormation: popular festi"als in the world and in Romania


5)/ 5)E 5)A

Entertain!ent Dilm stills Leisure surve3 5urve3 ' Grap1s and reports Destivals around t1e 2orld% #oca1ontas

).). )./. *.*. ..). /.). E.).

5)A E 5)F 5)H

78! *nd 5!0!57!9 I. Round u# Whee"s 0oll3Ms 21eel arro2 8e said 1e loved trains Crazes across t1e a"es Nn and o$$ 21eels% :a"on trains Round u# II ).) ).* *.) *.. ..) ... /.) all ' "rammar e<ercises usin" reported speec1> / ' pro?ect 2or6 ' tal6in" a out means o$ transport> descri in" 1o ies> e<pressin" a ilities> tal6in" a out $as1iona le pastimes> A ' p1rasal ver s> reported Ouestions in #resent 7ense> modals: can, could, able to> ' $actual and cultural in$ormation: past and present transportation in the world and in Romania ' readin" practice a out Leonardo da &inci> ' "rammar practice Kt1e articleL . * 5) 5* &alentineMs Da3


5. 5/ 5E 5A 5F

0ot1erMs Da3



Pro%ress and Chan%e 71e "ood old da3s #1one messa"es 7omorro2Ms 2orld !urope o$ t1e $uture% 71e stor3 o$ t1e "ood !arl Prob"e! So"vin% !ni"mas +re 3ou "ood in a crisis; :e can solve it to"et1er !<pressive "estures around t1e 2orld% It started as a $air3tale Wishes 5impl3 t1e est I 2is1 our 2is1es came true Nn t1e air Good luc6( ad luc6B% :is1es and ric1es $ina""y round u#


'e<pressin" permission( o li"ation and ).*. pro1i ition> "ivin" instruction( telep1onin"( *.). leavin" messa"es> spea6in" a out pro"ress in t1e / *.*. $uture> ..). ' adver s o$ manner( used to( Duture Continuous( /.). will be able to> ' $actual and cultural in$ormation: predictions for #urope and Romania 'tal6in" a out present results o$ past actions( a out ).). events in t1e recent past> as6in" and "ivin" advice. )... ' 0odal ver s: should$ shouldn%t ha"e &ast A *.). &articiple> #resent #er$ect 7ense> 71e * nd .... Conditional. /.). ' $actual and cultural in$ormation: gestures in /.*. different cultures and in Romania ).*. *.). *.*. ..). /.). all ' e<pressin" 2is1es $or unreal t1in"s in t1e present> tal6in" a out unreal conditions and situations no2 and in t1e $uture> A ' ' wish ' had!> ' $actual and cultural in$ormation: superstitions around the world and in Romania ' modals and conditionals> reported e<ercises> / ' pro?ect 2or6 a out c1ildrenMs da3

5H 5I

5)5)) 5)*

!asterMs 8ereB


5). 5)/ 5)E 5)A 5)F C1ildrenMs Da3


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