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UTTARA BANK LIMITED .............................


New Renewal Renewal with Enhancement Resched lin! Othe"s

Please Tick

CREDIT APPLICATION FORM For Financing Small Medium Corporate Others Enterprise Enterprise (Large) Enterprise

(To be filled in by the Applicant !orro"er)

#e"$ice C%nce"n T"adin! C%nce"n Man &act "in! C%nce"n

Please Tick

The #elationship Manager ''''''( !ranch )ttara !an* Limited '''''(( +,( +.( -ame of the Applicant !orro"er Address & a) !usiness /resent b) $istance from the branch c) /ermanent Address of o"ner of the firm & & & -ot more than ((((((((( 0ilometer( &

$ate of re%uest&


(a) -ame of the o"ner(s) (1ndi2idual /roprietor /artners $irectors Others) : SL( -o( +,( +.( (b) $etails of the family members( (Father Mother Spouses) : SL( -o( #elation -ame of the person Age "ith the /ersons o"ner +,( +.( (c) 8ho "ill run the business in absence of the borro"er : -ame 3 residential address "ith Father4s Mother5s 6usband4s name 3 phone no( Share 6olding in 7
/ersonal -et 8orth in Ta*a (supported by papers)



Engaged "ith the

business /rofession

Educational 9ualification


Account -o( "ith date of opening& (Current Sa2ings CC O$ etc() : -ature Sl( -o( -ame Style of the Account of the Account +,( +.(

Account -o(

Opening $ate



Cate!%". %& A//licant 0 1%""%we" : 'Please tick+ /roprietorship /artnership /ri2ate Ltd( Co( /ublic Ltd( Co Corporation
Co; operati2e society



'a+ Date %& Esta2lishment 0 C%mmencement %& 1 siness : Sl( -o +,( +.( +?( +:( 1tems
(supported by papers)


1ssue date

1ssued by



Trade Licence Ta> 1dentification 1mport #egistration E>port #egistration

(b) /artnership $eed ( 1n case of partnership firm) & #egistered ( enclosed) (c) Memorandum 3 Articles of Association 3 Certificate of 1ncorporation (1n case of Limited Company) & (enclosed) 3. Date %& &i"st limit sancti%ned 4 /"esent limit 'i& an. + : (a) "ith our !an* -ature of Loan First sanctioned limit /resent a2ailing limit (b) 8ith other !an* First sanctioned limit /resent a2ailing Limit +@( 'a+ In$estment in 2 siness : 'As /e" 1alance #heet+ 1tems Current year A( Capital a) AuthoriBed Capital (1ncase of Limited T*( Company) b) /aid )p Capital (1n case of Limited Company) c) Total Capital Funds including reser2es (1ncase of Limited Company) d) 1n2estment (For other than Limited Company) !( Total Fi>ed Assets T*( Less& Land 3 !uilding T*( -et /osition T*( /roAected year (!orro"er Code (((((((((((((((() -ature of Loan Security 6eld


$ate of Sanction


(supported by papers)
Limit $ate of Sanction =alidity

T*( T*(

(b) -o( of "or*er engaged employed& ( )se separate sheet C if necessary) Sl( -o( -ame of the Employees $uty +,( +.(





-ature and details of business & (/lease tic*) (a) -ature of business&;
8holesaler #etailer Manufacturer 1mporter E>porter #endering ser2ice Contractor Supplier 3 1ndentor Others

(b) 1tems of business&


!ac*ground and !usiness E>perience "ith training of the applicant borro"er & ( )se separate sheet C if necessary)

(a)Family !ac*ground
of the business& (b) Applicant4s Educational 9ualification (c) !usiness E>perience (d) Training of the Applicant (if any) ,,(

& & & &

Encumbered unencumbered $etails of loan liabilities


/articulars of Assets and liabilities in /ersonal -ame of the o"ner (s) & ( )se separate sheet C if necessary) /resent Location /articulars Mar*et =alue $escription Land !uilding $eposit "ith the ban* Stoc*s Shares $ebentures Sanchayapatras Others -ames of Sister Concern Allied Concern Subsidiaries Affiliates & -ame and Address -ames and #esidential of the company Firm Address of O"ners -ames of /re2ious 3 /resent !an*ers & (a) Facilities Sought & Sl -o( -ature of Facilities Amount , . (b) =alue of collateral security as per Engineer4s Sur2eyor4s 2aluation) Mar*et =alue(

-ature of !usiness

7 of Share 6olding

,?( ,:(


Security Offered

Tenor =alidity #epayment Terms

Forced Sale =alue $istress =alue


$istance of the security location from the branch(

& -ot more than '''(( *ilometer(



1ORRO6ER7# 1A#IC FACT #*EET $ate of #e%uest& (((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Add"ess Fa> E e;mail address Ta> 1$ -o( (if any): Father4s -ational 1$ Card E (if any):

'i+ 1ORRO6ER7# PROFILE : Name /hone E Off & #es & -ational 1$ Card E (if any): Father4s -ame 'ii+ 'a+ REFERENCE# 'AT LEA#T T6O+ : Name /hone E Off & #es & -ational 1$ Card E (if any): 'ii+ '2+ Name /hone E Off & #es & -ational 1$ Card E (if any):

Add"ess Fa> E e F mail Address Ta> 1$ -o( (if any):

Add"ess Fa> E e F mail Address Ta> 1$ -o( (if any):

'iii+ NAT)RE OF 1)#INE## 0 PROFE##ION: 1ndustrial Commercial Agricultural 'i$+ E8I#TIN( LIMIT# AND #TAT)# : Amount Fund !ased -on F Fund !ased '$+ RE9)E#TED LIMIT#: Amount Fund !ased -on F Fund !ased (2i) $etails of payment schedule if term loan sought( (2ii) Latest 1ncome Ta> 8ealth Ta> Form to be submitted by the borro"er E>piry $ate #egular


Any other

Status Amount O2erdue (if any)

Amount #escheduled restructured (if any)


I ce"ti&. and nde"take that the In&%"mati%n & "nished a2%$e is t" e t% the 2est %& m. kn%wled!e


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