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Half hour of RADIO With D.C. ,R.J. and C.C 1 .Introduction (2 minutes) 2 . rea!in" ne#s ($ minutes) %.

Weather (2 minutes) &.'(ort (2 minutes) $. Health minute (1 minute) ). Ad*ertisment (% minutes) +. ,usic ( & minutes) -. .raffic ( % minutes) /. ,usic (& minutes) 10. .hin"s around the #orld1from ne#s(a(er(& minutes) 1. 2oooooooood mornin" Romania3 Ha*e 4ou noticed56 Wo#, it is such a #onderful and shin4 da43 I ho(e 4ou are read4 for another da4 #ith une7(ected ne#s and sur(rises3 2. ,4 name is D.C. and e*er4 da4 I 8rin" 4ou the mornin" ne#s3 1A*iatorilor a*enue is 8loc!ed due to an accident #hich caused the death of one (erson and in9ured another %. 1.he 2o*ernment decided to raise oil (rice , a"ain, announces the (rime1minister :ictor ;onta. 1;rotest in front of :ictoria ;alace .;eo(le are discontented a8out o*errated (rices. 1<ni*ersitatii area is cro#ded #ith (olicemen. ;olice su(er*ise the center of ucharest. ;a4 attention and do not dri*e too fast. 1Construction of the connectin" road 8et#een hi"h#a4s A1 and A2 is 8loc!ed in 9ustice until a decision #ill 8e made. %. .oda4,#eather in ucharest #ill 8e *er4 shin4 and 8eautiful, #ith tem(eratures 8et#een 2+and %0 C in the afternoon . 4 the e*enin" it is (ossi8le to rain, #ith stron" #ind.

&.12i"i ecali #as con*icted to (rison % 4ears #ith e7ecution. After a (ro8ation (eriod of 21 da4s in Raho*a (rison, he #ill 8e mo*ed to Jila*a (rison. 1Oltchim, the hand8all team, #as defeated toda4 84 Corona ,in Cu( semifinals. $. Des(ite all the contradictions , there are some 8enefits of sun8athin". .his is the latest research result of dermatolo"ists from 'cotland. .hus,sun li"ht can decrease 8lood (ressure, 84 e7(osin" the s!in,8lood *essels "et a su8stance named nitric acid. ).Cosmote "i*es 4ou unlimited internet on la(to( and ta8 84 su8scri(tion and for the first time #ith card. +.,usic1'lee(4 Re8els1 etter Da4 -.1Hea*4 traffic on D=1 in .imisul de 'us area 1.raffic is 8loc!ed in ;iata :ictoriei area due to an accident. 1.ens of lorries #ere sto((ed on the #a4 out to Hun"ar4. If 4ou ha*e another traffic information, (lease "i*e us a messa"e at 12+2. /.,usic1De(eche ,ode1>n9o4 the silence 10.Did 4ou !no#5 .hat the smallest man on >arth is a =e(alese of )$ cm hei"ht His name is ?ha"endra .ha(a,and #ei"hs $,$ !".He is on 2uinness oo! of Records and he #as named an am8assador of tourism for Himala4a mountains. .hat a man from <.?. called the (olice 8ecause he too! the moon for a <@O. 5.hat a *illa"er from @umel, @rance, called the (olice 1+) times 8ecause he "ot 8ored.

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