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award both marks for correct answer 10 000 / 800 000 ( 100); 1.25 / 1.3 / 1(%); 2


R any reference to energy / light missing the plant reflected (off plant) / only certain wavelength of light can !e" a! or!ed / # ed; ora a! or!ed !y / hit " non$photo ynthetic part ; e.g. !ar% pa e thro#gh leaf / &i e chlorophyll / &i e chloropla t ; o&e i heat that i # ed in evaporation / re piration; &a' 2

(iii) (iv)

!acteria / na&ed !acteri#& deco&po er; (Nitrobacter" Nitrosomonas) take the first 2 answers( death / dead re&ain ; e'cretion; R waste products ege tion; other #ita!le &ethod; e.g. in ect &o#lting hatched egg &o#lting (f#r / feather ) R leaves


Primary consumers are eating and) prod#cer have" cell wall / cell#lo e; ora diffic#lt to dige t / &#ch &aterial" wa ted / ege ted; energy # ed !y g#t &icroorgani & ; ora &#ch &aterial cannot !e eaten (!y pri&ary con #&er); ora




tart with previo# ly #ncoloni ed area / !are gro#nd / !are roc% / *+; ref to pioneer pecie / na&ed pioneer; erie of recogni a!le" ere / tage ; progre e to" cli&a' / final e,#ili!ri#& tage; ta!ili e environ&ent; oil develop&ent / increa e h#&# / organic &aterial; change oil p-; hold &ore water; relea e &ore &ineral or n#trient / increa e . content or fi' . / hold ion ; for& &icroha!itat / red#ce e'po #re / provide helter / red#ce ero ion;

&a' 2


&a' 3

Macmillan Academy


any two from following( gra/ing; !#rning; &owing / application of fertili/er / application of elective her!icide; e'po #re to wind; gra a!le to contin#e to grow (lin%ed to a tate&ent a!ove);


increa e ; plant at later tage are large / plant in early tage are &all; tree / hr#! . are woody" appear later in #cce ion;



pop#lation; ha!itat; co&&#nity; eco y te&; (fir t) trophic; R tropic prod#cer /(photo) a#totroph /a#totrophic; (pri&ary) con #&er /heterotroph /heterotrophic/her!ivore; R carnivore/other qualified consumer 0


(a) (!)

(clinically) o!e e/o!e ity; R morbidly obese Diet B e ential fatty acid /linoleic acid/linolenic acid/fat ol#!le vita&in /*/1 /2/3; Diet C #gar /na&ed #gar/ tarch; A vitamin C



4; energy inta%e (of 4) i lower 56*; energy inta%e i le than energy # ed 56*;

2 1


Macmillan Academy


(no fr#it &ay &ean) c#rvy/de cri!ed; R vitamin C deficiency unless qualified rai ed" chole terol/717" level in !lood; R intake fatty #! tance depo ited in artery wall /athero clero i ; coronary arterie ; narrow l#&en; red#ce " !lood/o'ygen" delivered to heart &# cle; 8-1/heart attac%/angina; thro&!o i /clot; rai ed !lood pre #re/hyperten ion; tro%e; tre on liver; tre on %idney; d#e to e'ce protein/a&ino acid /#rea; *9:; *9:; e.g. depo ition of #!c#taneo# fat/*+ o!e ity tre on ;oint anore'ia/!#li&ia/o! e ion on diet con tipation !owel cancer hypoglycae&ia giddine lethargy/fatig#e/tiredne [but R lack of energy !

3 &a'


relea e of car!on dio'ide; fro& f#ngal re piration; availa!le for photo ynthe i /car!on fi'ation; e'tracell#lar dige tion; na&ed en/y&e( ); relea e of" inorganic #! tance/&ineral /na&ed &ineral; R nutrients" nitrogen A nitrogenous compound #pta%e thro#gh" root /root hair ; na&ed # e of &ineral in plant ; ref. to h#&# ; ref. to !eneficial role of h#&# in oil; e.g. increa e water retention" i&prove oil tr#ct#re" ta!ili/e oil

&a' <

Macmillan Academy


ref to" leaching/r#noff" into waterway ; ca# ing algal !loo& ; !loc%ing of light for a,#atic plant ; ref to" deco&po ition/high n#&!er of deco&po er ; leading to high 451; reference to =!l#e$!a!y> yndro&e; lin% to hae&oglo!in; &a' <


1 2 3 < 5 ? 0 8 @ 10

ref to etting grid/area to !e a&pled; #ita!le y te&atic &ethod cho en/ref to !elt/line tran ect; ref to repetition of line tran ect ; # e of ,#adrat ; # e of appropriate i/ed ,#adrat; detail of reg#lar ,#adrat placing;

identify pecie /# e of %ey ; pre ence or a! ence in ,#adrat; calc#lation of % of pecie fre,#ency; &ea #re % cover/# e of appropriate cale; e.g. (4ra#n$!lan,#et/*8A56/ 1*A56/15BC.) 11 ref to analy i of data/# e of %ite diagra&; 12 *9:; ref to relevant tati tical analy i " e.g. Dpear&an 6an% 8orrelation QWC - clear well-organised answer using specialist terms

&a' 0 1


plant /protocti t ; ani&al /f#ngi/protocti t ; A protoctists once only R ta#a that are not kingdoms 2


energy &ove&ent/loco&otion/&# cle contraction/cilia/flagella; active tran port; A e#ample ana!olic reaction /*+; A e.g. protein synthesis/DN$ replication (&ove&ent of chro&o o&e in) &ito i /&eio i ; nerve i&p#l e/electroche&ical gradient ; &aintain !ody te&perat#re/generate heat; *9:; (eg !iol#&ine cence/electrical di charge) *9:; (detail of any point)

% ma#

Macmillan Academy

carbon in" !ioche&ical /&acro&olec#le ; A in organic matter e.g. car!ohydrate/protein/lipid/n#cleotide/n#cleic acid; A named e#amples growth; repair; *9:; e.g. detail of any point) (c) (nitrifying !acteria) help/increa e" plant growth; !acteria &a%e nitrate (availa!le); plant need nitrate; for" a&ino acid /protein/chlorophyll/1.*; for" new cell /&ito i /new leave ; (i) (ii) (e) (i) (ii) che&oheterotrophic; photoa#totrophic; car!on; R C&2

% ma#

&a' <

&a' 2 1 1 1


Desulfovibrio" # e #lph#r (D)/&a%e hydrogen #lphide (- 2D); green #lph#r !acteria" # e -2D/&a%e D; colo#rle #lph#r !acteria # e -2D; #lph#r !acteria;

&a' 2 1

(f) (g)


C. perfringens i&ilar to C. difficile/*+; (!acteria) anaero!ic; (ti #e da&age/poor !lood #pply) decrea e o'ygen availa!le; condition #ita!le for Clostridium to &#ltiply; *9:;

&a' 2



(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

denitrification; 6hi/o!i#&; active tran port / diff# ion; nitrification;

1 1 1 1

Macmillan Academy


ma# % for each method ploughing-in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 leg#&e / na&ed e.g." po e " (root) nod#le / nitrogen fi'ing !acteria; 'hi(obium" perfor& nitrogen fi'ation / de cri!ed; nitrogeno# co&po#nd are pre ent in" root / nod#le / leg#&e / plant ; &ade availa!le to oil if" plo#ghed in / not re&oved; root / *+" deco&po ed / acted on !y deco&po er / rot / decay; nitrogeno# co&po#nd relea ed (!y deco&po er ); for&ation of nitrate; % ma#

crop rotation different" crop / plant " have different (n#trient / nitrate) re,#ire&ent ; ! 1" 11 12 13 each year" different de&and &ade on the oil / n#trient not !eing re&oved at the a&e rate; in" < / fallow" year" no (little) n#trient re&oved / # ed for gra/ing ani&al ; n#trient level allowed to !#ild #p; # e leg#&e in rotation; t#!er / root" crop to i&prove oil tr#ct#re; % ma# < &a'


idea of oil develop&ent; A ref to depth or fertility of oil (increa e)" organic &aterial / h#&# ; (increa e) in availa!ility of water; &ineral availa!le; A n#trient ( o&e pioneer pecie ) carry o#t nitrogen fi'ation; photo ynthe i (fi'ing car!on); create ha!itat / provide helter; *9:; e.g. increa e weathering" ta!ili e and / oil

2 &a'

Macmillan Academy


(i) (ii)

final tage in #cce ion / *+; (co&&#nity) in e,#ili!ri#& with environ&ent; eat / tra&ple" eedling (of hr#! / tree ) / *+; R eat gra prevent " #cce ion / e ta!li h&ent of ne't ere;

1 &a' 1 &a'



award two marks if correct answer )*+,-. is given incorrect answer )or no answer. but correct working / * mark << / 23@ ( 100) 18.<%;; ecf applied for minor addition errors 0/1 2 2


1 2 3 < 5 ? 0 8 @

lay" tape / tring" acro path; R along the path incl#de tra&pled and non tra&pled area in a&e tran ect; # e of ,#adrat; ref to how ,#adrat i placed; R rando& co#nt n#&!er of plant / percentage cover of plant ; plot a graph; repeat the tran ect; carry o#t tati tical te t (Bann$+hitney / Dpear&an> ran%); *9:; e.g. detail of a&pling techni,#e

5 &a'


plot i/e; oil type; oil p-; plant cover; a pect / locality; ref to te&perat#re lin%ed to a pect; lope; ref to rainfall or irrigation; ti&e period; *9:; e.g. tillage" &ethod of c#ltivation" degree of co&paction *9:; e.g. previo# # e of land

&a' 3

Macmillan Academy


1 2 3 < 5 ? 0 8 @

e#trophication; increa ed growth of" algae / eaweed ; !loc%" light / pace; ref to co&petition; ( o) alter food chain / e'a&ple; deco&po ition of" ewage / dead organi & ; ref to aero!ic !acteria / increa ed 451 / le o'ygen in water; fi h / ea l#g / ponge / coral " die; (lin%ed to o'ygen lo ) *9:; e.g. increa ed &ineral n#trient increa e # cepti!ility of coral to di ea e" increa ed n#&!er of anaero!ic pecie " ref to heavy &etal to'icity

< &a'



do not credit if any incorrect answer included (i) (ii) fo'; gra / clover / leg#&e; 1 1 1


(i) (ii)

nitrogen fi'ation / -a!er (proce ); A red#ction lightning; A o'idation / co&!ine with o'ygen A lightening> R th#nder tor& / lighting denitrifying; A correct e.g. (: e#do&ona ) R .itro!acter / .itro o&ona / 6hi/o!i#& fi'e nitrogen / provide fi'ed nitrogen or .-< ; R a&&onia ref to# clover / leg#&e / na&ed leg#&e" &a%ing" a&ino acid / polypeptide / protein; (plant ha ) no need to rely on (fi'ed) nitrogen co&po#nd in oil; R ref to fertilisers free$living pecie provide" a&&oni#& (ion ) / fi'ed nitrogen" for nitrifying !acteria / nitrification;

1 1

(iii) (iv)

2 &a'

Macmillan Academy



higher" n#&!er / proportion / percentage / ratio / fraction" of &o#nd have thy&e ; (c.f. ,#adrat ) ora A fig " e.g. F v G" 2(1 v 1(1" 3? v 2< 1 look for a statement and a reason # e &aller ,#adrat ; e.g. 50 c& 50 c& for fair te t ; *+ # e grid and rando& n#&!er ; throwing %ey !ia ed ; *+ e ti&ate" percentage cover / a!#ndance ; A point (fra&e) ,#adrat &ay !e ingle plant in o&e a&ple and &any in other ; !igger t#dy area / &ore data ; (%eep e,#al n#&!er &o#nd and ,#adrat ) i&prove relia!ility / *+ ; record other plant ; co#ld infl#ence thy&e ; &ea #re / note" a!iotic varia!le ; A e'a&ple e'planation of how na&ed varia!le affect thy&e ; *9: ; *9: ; < &a'




(i) (ii)

(place) where" organi & / ani&al / plant / pop#lation / co&&#nity" live ; R things / named organism role of organi & in# the eco y te& / *+; A habitat / environment / community / area / place R population living / !iotic# and" non$living / a!iotic" co&ponent that interact;

1 1 1

(iii) (!)

pop#lation H one pecie and co&&#nity H &ore than one / all" pecie / pop#lation;

1 .


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

o&e food not" eaten / acce i!le; A an e#ample o&e# food / energy" not dige ted / ege ted / lo t a faece ; ( o&e a i&ilated) food / energy" lo t in e'cretion; ref to deco&po er ; ( o&e a i&ilated) food / energy" lo t in re piration; energy lo t# a heat / in &ove&ent / in &eta!oli &; &all proportion energy # ed for# growth / &aterial# and i availa!le to ne't trophic level; plant &aterial diffic#lt to dige t / ani&al &aterial can !e dige ted

3 &a'


Macmillan Academy

ea ily; 2 3 4 5 6 ref to" cell#lo e / lignin / wood; no cell#la e; (ani&al) give i&ilar pectr#& of a&ino acid (a con #&er); le of the prod#cer availa!le to the 1I con #&er than 1I con #&er availa!le to the 2I con #&er; *9:; e.g. ref to g#t !acteria 2 &a'

ignore references to numbers of organisms eaten or si(e of organisms



nat#ral change in pecie co&po ition (in an area) ; ref to directional change ; ref to na&ed e'a&ple in the diagra& (either pecie or category) ; over a period of ti&e ; a n#&!er of recogni a!le tage / ere / eral tage ; one ere change the condition for the ne't ; e.g. depth of oil increa e / oil ta!ili ation ; lead to a cli&a' co&&#nity ; creation of niche ; ref to nitrogen fi'ation ; *9: ; e.g. pioneer pecie develop&ent of deeper oil ; oil" !eco&e rich in h#&# / ha &ore n#trient / i &ore fertile ; do&inant pecie change ; plant pecie get larger / hr#! to tree / increa e in !io&a / larger root y te& ; R oil tr#ct#re i&prove #n,#alified ; *9: ; $iotic H ani&al pecie / n#&!er of oil organi & / deco&po er / detritivore / decrea e in !iodiver ity ; *9: ; a$iotic H p- of oil / nitrogen or &ineral content of oil / oil te't#re / wind peed / h#&idity / hading / light inten ity / oil water retention ; *9: ; e.g. te&perat#re

< &a'


2 &a'


2 &a'


J; 9; K; D;




advantages )ma# 2. can !e # ed with any pecie (irre pective of i/e);

Macmillan Academy


doe not re,#ire to di ting#i h one individ#al fro& another; ,#ic% to a e ; R i&ple disadvantages #!;ective / *+; do&inant pecie &ay !e over$e ti&ated; (!) (i) line e ta!li hed" fro& hore to d#ne lac% / fro&) to); ,#adrat # ed; 2 #ita!le i/e / act#al i/e tated (&ini&#& 0.25& ); R if no #nit given placed contin#o# ly / at pecified interval along line; %ey to identify pecie ; a!#ndance recorded in each ,#adrat; !are gro#nd recorded; 1 2 3 4 5 *8A56 cale converted to n#&erical cale; reading at each ite recorded (on graph paper); width of diagra& related to *8A56 (&ay!e hown on diagra&); point fro& each ite ;oined together; repeated for each pecie fo#nd pre ent; &a' 3

&a' <


&a' 3


# e of" ther&o&eter / pro!e; pro!e &# t !e cali!rated; p# hed into" and / oil" to a&e depth each ti&e; repetition at each a&pling point; (i) (ii) a tage d#ring the proce of #cce ion;

&a' 2 1


ea co#ch / &arra& gra " grow in !are and; d#ne !#ild #p / ta!ili ed !y gra e ; 56 coloni er e ta!li hed on !are" roc% / oil; e'a&ple; (if not and d#ne ) ref to pioneer pecie ; organic &atter !#ild #p / h#&# content increa e ; for&ing oil / depth of oil increa e ; other pecie ta%e over fro& gra e ; A na&ed e'a&ple fro& Aig. 1 root ta!ili e oil tr#ct#re; diver ity of pecie increa e ; cli&a' event#ally reached; *9:; *9:; e.g. reference to deflected #cce ion" growth of hr#!

&a' <


1 2 3 4

#n i the energy o#rce (for the y te&); prod#cer / (green) plant " trap / # e / a! or! ( #n> energy); photo ynthe i ; not all energy trapped and rea on;

Macmillan Academy

5 6 7 ! 1" 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 1! 2" 21 22 23

energy # ed for" plant &eta!oli & / plant proce e / e.g.; A re piration o thi energy not" pa ed on / availa!le" to con #&er; ( o&e energy) # ed for" growth / torage; o thi energy i " pa ed on / availa!le" to con #&er; 1 con #&er / her!ivore" eat " prod#cer / plant; o&e prod#cer" not edi!le / not acce i!le / e.g.; o&e" not dige ted / ege ted / lo t a faece ; 2 con #&er / carnivore / o&nivore" eat " 1 con #&er / her!ivore; o&e part of ani&al not edi!le / e.g.; energy # ed !y ani&al in &oving (to feed); energy" # ed / lo t" in" dige tion / e'cretion / weating / e.g.; A re piration tran fer / lo " to" deco&po er / !acteria / f#ngi / aprotroph ; energy lo t a heat fro& re piration; net prod#ctivity H gro prod#ctivity L re piration; o&e ref to e ti&ate of efficiency of tran fer (a general tate&ent); ,#ote of (co&parative) fig#re fro& diagra&; &anip#lation of fig#re to ill# trate a point; %&' ??12 and 1<1@8 *9:; *9:; e.g. lo o#t of eco y te& another &anip#lation of fig#re availa!le energy li&iting length of chain
o o o

&a' @ 1

QWC ( legi$le te)t wit* accurate spelling# punctuation and grammar ;



anaero!ic condition enco#rage denitrifying !acteria; convert nitrate ion to (ga eo# ) nitrogen; red#ce availa!le nitrogen; #ndew doe not rely on" oil nitrate / oil nitrogen; ref to" hydroly i / dige tion / # e of en/y&e " on in ect protein ; relea ing a&ino acid ; ref to dea&ination;

ma# %

&a' <


6ed#ce a&o#nt of air in oil; root tarved of o'ygen; re piration !eco&e anaero!ic; in #fficient energy relea ed; not a!le to a! or! (eno#gh)" ion / na&ed ion; via active tran port;

&a' 3



et o#t a grid in each area or ite / de cription of how the grid i e ta!li hed; # e rando& n#&!er ; how generated; e.g. rando& n#&!er ta!le / # e of calc#lator to give co$ordinate ; at that point / co$ordinate" &ea #re neare t plant;

Macmillan Academy

repeat (1< ti&e ); (!) (i) total height ; divided !y the n#&!er of plant (in the a&ple); provide an average height for the a&ple; &ea #re of" varia!ility / pread of height (in a&ple); R range #& of difference fro& the &ean; ?8% of val#e lie within &ean M 1 D.1.; @5% of val#e lie within &ean M 2 D.1.;

&a' <

&a' 2


&a' 2


greater pread fro& &ean in ite + / ora; R range height of plant in ite + i &ore varia!le / ora; (i) that there i no ignificant difference; !etween the &ean height in ite A and the &ean height in ite +; A re #lt any difference i entirely d#e to chance; there i a ignificant difference !etween the &ean at the two ite ; the difference i d#e to o&ething other than chance; re;ect the n#ll hypothe i ; with 28 degree of freedo&; at the 5% confidence level; A pN0.05 / N0.01 / N0.001 the critical t val#e i " 2.05 / 2.0? / 3.?0; calc#lated val#e" e'ceed / i &#ch higher than" thi ; a #&ing the a&ple how a nor&al di tri!#tion;

&a' 1


&a' 2


&a' <


accept reverse arguments if responses are referring to cereal plants !oth have root nod#le ; with 'hi(obium !acteria; which are nitrogen$fi'ing; L E convert nitrogen (ga )" to nitrate ion / a&&oni#& co&po#nd ; A .53 / .-< R a&&onia / .-3 plant convert the e to a&ino acid ; which are # ed to &a%e protein; high level of protein tored in eed ;

&a' <

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accept any three correct statements based on the data222 for e#ample pop#lation of" &ite / pringtail " &#ch greater / &ore than twice the n#&!er" in the cli&a' fore t than !efore tree e ta!li hed ora n#&!er of pecie of pringtail greate t in the cli&a' co&&#nity ora &all difference in n#&!er / no ignificant difference" !etween area with yo#ng tree and area with &at#re tree there were alway (&any) &ore &ite than pringtail in the a&ple


mark )i. and )ii. to ma# % each 3 the question to ma# (i) nitrifying bacteria E L convert" a&&oni#& / .-< " to" nitrate CCC / nitrite / .52 ; A ammonia / N4% nitrite" converted to" nitrate (9) / .53 ; A one mark for single step 5ammonium to nitrate (6) re,#ire " aero!ic condition / o'ygen / aerated oil; (nitrate (9) ion ) can !e" ta%en #p / # ed" !y plant ; (ii) denitrifying bacteria re&ove nitrate (9) (ion ) / convert nitrate (9) (ion ) to nitrogen (ga ); in" anaero!ic condition / o'ygen poor oil / non$aerated oil; recycle nitrogen / f#rther # e of nitrogen (!y fi'ing); prevent nitrogen !eing trapped / *+;

< &a'

2 .


look for prokaryote feature no n#cle# / no n#clear &e&!rane / no n#cleol# / 1.* free (in cytopla &); R 1.* &oving na%ed 1.* / 1.* not a ociated with protein / no chro&o o&e ; circ#lar / loop" 1.*; no" &e&!rane$!o#nd organelle / e.g.; &aller / 18n& / 00D" ri!o o&e ; no 26; cell wall" not cell#lo e / poly accharide and" a&ino acid / &#rein; *9:; e.g. &e o o&e / pla &id

1 &a'


glyco idic (lin%) and peptide (!ond ) (in correct conte't); conden ation; ref. 5- gro#p ; ref. .-2 and 5- gro#p; water" re&oved / prod#ced / !y$prod#ct; en/y&e; *9:; e.g. energy re,#ired iron / Ae; ignore pluses / minuses

3 &a' 1


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treat en(yme as neutral nitrogena e; leghae&oglo!in; hae&oglo!in;

2 &a' 1

(v) (vi)

(nitrogen) fi'ation; A red#ction

type of inhi!ition (co&petitive / non$co&petitive / rever i!le / irrever i!le); !a ic &ode of action (e.g. !ind to active ite); detail; con e,#ence (e.g. prevent " #! trate / nitrogen" fro& !inding); 2 &a'


pri&ary con #&er / her!ivore; ignore e.g. R vegetarian


Macmillan Academy


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