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This paper was prepared by an independent working group, supported by the Prime Minister s !cience, "ngineering and #nnovation $ouncil %PM!"#$& !ecretariat and the 'ustralian (eological !urvey )rganisation %'(!)&

This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY... AUSTRALIAS MINERALS INDUSTRY! NATIONALLY VITAL, GLO"ALLY SIGNI#ICANT....... +ation,-ide .enefits from Mining $ase !tudy 01 #rish 2uck gave 'ustralia 3ntold -ealth 'ustralia s First,$lass, #nternational 4eputation / / 5

GOVERNMENT-INDUSTRY COLLA"ORATION! SUCCESS IN EXPLORATION...$ $ase !tudy *1 !alt .ush $over $onceals Mineral 4iches $ase !tudy 71 Mineral "xploration and "nvironmental Management $ase !tudy 91 Pro:ect F'2$)+,4educing Time, $ost and 2and #mpact 6 08 00

INNOVATION IN EXPLORATION! THE %EY TO #UTURE SUCCESS....11 $ase !tudy ;1 'ustralian #ngenuity -ins 2ucrative #nternational Pri<e 0*

21ST CENTURY CHALLENGE! MAINTAINING THE EDGE...1 The Tyranny of Depth 4ecommendation 0 Maintaining the #ntellectual "dge 4ecommendation * $hanging !ocial =alues and "xpectations 4ecommendation 7 )pportunities for 'ustralia 4ecommendation 9 07 09 09 09 09 0; 0; 0/

CONCLUSIONS..1$ APPENDICIES18 'ppendix '1 'ustralian Mineral "xploration 4esearch and Development1 -ho s -ho 'ustralian 3niversities 'ustralian (eological !urvey )rganisation %'(!)& !tate?Territory (eological !urveys $!#4) Division of "xploration and Mining $ooperative 4esearch $entres %$4$s& 'ustralian Minerals #ndustry 4esearch 'ssociation %'M#4'& Minerals #ndustry 0> 0> 0> 06 *8 *8 *0 **

This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration


The 'ustralian minerals industry is 'ustralia s largest export earner, contributing @97.> billion to 'ustralia s economy in the year 0666,*888. #n the same year, 'ustralia was among the top three producers of ten of the most valued minerals in the world, including gold, diamond, <inc, tantalum and nickel. The value of the minerals industry is etched in 'ustralian history and identity, and has helped 'ustralia achieve its position as the sixth wealthiest nation, per capita. The benefits of the minerals industry to the 'ustralian community extend far beyond export profits. $ontributing significantly to the development of regional infrastructure, including railways and roads, manufacturing, and information technology, the 'ustralian minerals industry is the highest value adder to the 'ustralian gross domestic product %(DP& per person employed. 'lthough 'ustralia was the top,ranking country in the world for exploration budgets in *888, it also showed the largest decline of any country or region. $hallenges such as accessing deeper mineral deposits, maintaining the intellectual edge and managing changes in social values and expectations are the main issues currently facing the 'ustralian minerals industry. +evertheless, 'ustralia is considered to be highly prospective for new ma:or mineral discoveries. #t has a history of stable government and a history of uniAue collaboration between government and industry in mineral exploration. Most of the world s remaining mineral deposits are concealed beneath the surface. +ew understanding, new technologies and highly trained specialists are needed to discover these mineral deposits, which the world reAuires. The concepts, technologies and people involved will need to make ma:or contributions to the management of humanity s impact on the natural environment. There are challenges for 'ustralia if it wishes to build on its existing strengths in the exploration industry and become the global leader in that sector. Bowever, with a competitive business environment, government support for a new phase of regional surveys to stimulate private sector investment, and continuing efforts to develop world,class research and tertiary education establishments, 'ustralia can become the global centre for mineral exploration industry within this decade.


'ustralia s largest export earner is the minerals industry. #t , C contributed @97.> billion in mineral and energy exports to 'ustralia s economy in 0666D *888, accounting for 99.6E of 'ustralia s total merchandise exports or 79.>E of total goods and services,0 C contributed @0.6 billion %as a conservative estimate& in high,technology exports in mining services in 0666D*888, which is more than 'ustralia s current wine industry exports, 0 C was among the top three producers of ten of the world s most valued minerals in 0666 %see Table 0&,*,7 C dwarfed all other sectors in terms of value added per worker,for example, it was more than four times the national average to national income or gross product in 066;D6/9, and
This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration

9 C accounted for 06E of the value of 'ustralia s fixed assets and natural capital in 066>.;

1999 .auxite

#1 Producer
Australia Australia

#2 Producer (uinea 4ussia 3!' .ra<il $hina !outh 'frica $anada .ra<il $hina

#3 Producer .ra<il .otswana


Diamond Gold Iron Ore Lithium Mineral Sands Nickel Tantalum Lead Finc

!outh 'frica $hina $hile




$anada 3!' $anada


T&'() 1! A*+,-&(.&+ */+*-0&++)1 2./)-&( 0-31*4,.3/ -&,)+ 'ustralia was ranked the sixth wealthiest nation in the world on a per capita basis in 0669,/ and much of that wealth was due to the minerals industry. )ver the past *8 years the resource sector has contributed around @;88 billion to 'ustralia s wealthalmost 0.; times the earnings of the agricultural sector over the same period %see Figure 0&.

This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration

Australian Industry Exports

1980 - 2000
50000 45000 40000 35000 million 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0
2 6 7 8 1 3 1 3 4 5 9 0 2 4 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /9 /9 /9 /9 /9 /9 94 5 81 82 83 85 86 87 90 92 93 95 80 84 88 89 91 /9 19 6
















Fiscal year

#.5*-) 1! A*+,-&(.&/ I/1*+,-6 E703-,+ 1880-2000. #n *888, 'ustralia attracted more than 05E of the world s total budgeted exploration expenditure %see Figure *a&. This was more than any other country, giving 'ustralia the highest exploration expenditure allocated per sAuare kilometre %see Figure *b&.5 #t is no coincidence, therefore, that 'ustralia s national wealth increases at times of increased mineral exploration and mining. #.5*-) 2'! P-39)4,)1 5(3'&( )70(3-&,.3/ )70)/1.,*-) :3- ,;) 6)&- 2000 /3-2&(.+)1 '6 (&/1 &-)& <US=>+?*&-) @.(32),-)A.

This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.


Australia's mineral exploration

/ #.5*-) 2&! D.+,-.'*,.3/ 3: B3-(1 )70(3-&,.3/ '*15),+ ./ US= '6 CDC )70(3-&,.3/ 4320&/.)+. #0 "0 !0 30 20 10 0 Australia



This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration

Exploration &ud'ets 2000

()A 10% ( 234!5 "#$$#%&'

*est o% +orld 8% ( 196!7 "#$$#%&'

Paci%ic, )E Asia 9% ( 199!2 "#$$#%&'

$anada 15% ( 348 "#$$#%&'

A%rica 13% ( 293!1 "#$$#%&'

Australia 17% ( 404!8 "#$$#%&'

This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration


Nation-Wide Benefits from Mining

The minerals industry has contributed enormously to building the national infrastructure. Mining operations were the impetus for building towns and road and port facilities throughout 'ustralia, and have opened up outback areas that otherwise would have remained isolated and unproductive. "ntire towns in regional and rural 'ustralia developed around mines and many, such as .roken Bill, Mt #sa and Galgoorlie, are recognised as Auintessential 'ustralian towns %see $ase !tudy 0&. $ities such as +ewcastle, -ollongong and -hyalla have prospered indirectly from mining. !ignificant benefits flow to other ma:or 'ustralian industriessuch as transport, construction and manufacturingbecause of the minerals industry. The early days of the =ictorian gold rush encouraged $obb and $o and 'ustralia s first railway %established in 0>;9& to expand beyond Melbourne to service the .allarat goldfields and the new rural populations of =ictoria. Today trains up to *./ kilometres in length, transport iron ore daily, across the Pilbara region in -estern 'ustralia to ports for export.; #n 0666,*888, total payments to government from mining were @9.5; billion, consisting of @7.;* billion in taxes and royalties and @0.*7 billion in transport levies.> Mining spawned some of 'ustralia s ma:or companies %such as .BP and -M$& and led directly to new industries such as ore smelting and refining and steel making. #n addition, industries that supply mining companies have developed, and now earn export dollars in their own right %eg. mining and engineering contractor, Benry -alker "ltin&. The flow,on effects from mining to other sectors of the 'ustralian economy include goods and services expenditure in excess of @0; billion %0666&.; C&+) S,*16 1! I-.+; (*4@ 5&E) A*+,-&(.& */,3(1 B)&(,; #n Hune 0>67 three #rishmen1 Paddy Bannan, Tom Flanagan and Dan !hea were travelling from $oolgardie to a prospect at Mount Ioulle, when one horse threw a shoe and they had to make camp on the slopes of Mount $harlotte. 2ike every good prospector, Bannan kept his eyes down and fossicked around the campsite. 's luck would have it, he picked up lumps of gold and triggered the richest gold rush in 'ustralian history at what became known as Galgoorlie. .ut the real treasures were not on the slopes covered by Bannan. They were far below in the rich lodes known as the (olden MileJthe richest sAuare mile of gold ore in the world. For 'ustralia, Galgoorlie was a golden milestoneK the greatest since .allarat and .endigo. 2ike the =ictorian discoveries, it changed the course of 'ustralian history. -ithin 08 years the population of -estern 'ustralia Auadrupled %from less than 98 888 people&, and a water pipeline was constructed from Mundaring -eir near Perth to Galgoorlie in one of the great feats of 'ustralian engineering. The continuing productivity of the goldfields made possible the transcontinental railway that linked 'ustralia from coast to coast. "arly prospectors moved on. They were replaced by miners who designed or improved the best of the world s mining machinery to extract gold from the rich underground deposits. (old from Galgoorlie helped sustain the nation s fortunes through ma:or depressions in the 0>68s and 0678s. )ver the past century, -estern 'ustralia has produced more than 58E of 'ustralia s gold, with more than 97 million ounces coming from the (olden MileJthe richest single goldfield in 'ustralian history.
This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration

Australias First-Class, International Reputation

#nternationally, 'ustralia s reputation in the minerals industry is unsurpassed. Many 'ustralian technological and scientific innovations have contributed directly to better exploration, mining, environmental and land practices.6 )ne such innovationJa collaborative effort by the mining industry, communities and governmentJis 'ustralia s .est Practice "nvironmental Management in Mining program. Through a series of booklets written by experts in their field, it promotes an integrated approach to managing environmental issues through all phases of mineral production, operation and eventual closure?rehabilitation. This program is recognised world,wide as a benchmark. The world"s first #$ustralia"s %est Practice Environ ental Manage ent in Mining progra &' the best e(a ple of cooperation between the private sector and govern ent I have ever seen.
Mr )obert !oodland, President, International $ssociation on I pact $ssess ent, *orld %ank, +,,-+.

Public reporting on environmental and social issues is now widespread under a $ode for "nvironmental Management developed by the 'ustralian minerals industry. #t commits the industry to , C C C C sustainable development and integrated environmental management, the application of risk,management techniAues, setting environmental targets, rehabilitation and decommissioning, and reporting to governments and the community.00


/ ines for ed probably the ost efficient industry in $ustralia, by international standards, but a big section of the public and any politicians ca e to think that the da00ling procession of ineral discoveries had depended ore on luck than on effort and ingenuity.
!eoffrey %lainey, 1istorian, +,,2+2

"xploration is the life,blood of mining. The industry would be unsustainable were it not for the new deposits discovered through exploration. !uccessful exploration involves skill, innovation, commitment and perseverance. #t also involves great risk with the potential for creating great wealth. *MC #*estern Mining Corporation& attributes its growth entirely to successful e(ploration which, in turn, is attributed to the successful application of geological science.
)oy *oodal 3or er 4irector of E(ploration, *MC, +,52+6 This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration

08 "xploration investment reAuires a perception of prospectivity and an investment climate that is stable and financially competitiveJfeatures that 'ustralia has traditionally demonstrated. #t also reAuires a huge research and development effort on geoscientific concepts, and exploration methods and technologies. 'ustralia s proud record of mineral exploration success is due in no small part to the particularly strong collaborative research and development effort between industry and government %see Figure 7&. The impact of this collaboration is highlighted by past successes %see $ase !tudy *&. Private,sector risk taken within a knowledge framework supported by government is now commonly cited as Lworld s best practice Ja practice other countries that have not realised their mineral potential are attempting to emulate.


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.eoscience *esearc/ 0 1e2elopment

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*a4 3inerals 0 3ineral Processin'

This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration

#.5*-) ! T;) A*+,-&(.&/ M./)-&(+ I/1*+,-6 F 3/) 3: ,;) 23+, )::.4.)/, &/1 +*44)++:*( ./ ,;) B3-(1

C&+) S,*16 2! S&(, '*+; 43E)- 43/4)&(+ 2./)-&( -.4;)+ #n 065; -estern Mining $orporation %-M$& drilled an area of salt bush and native pines *88 kilometres north of 'delaide because company geologists noted an anomaly on '(!) s magnetic and gravity survey maps that fitted an exploration model they were testing. #t was risky because the company was drilling where there was no surface evidence for minerals. .ut -M$ s borehole intersected a giant lode some 788 metres below the surface. 't this depth, copper, uranium, gold and silver ore,bodies had formed a mineralised <one more than five kilometres long and three kilometres wide. #t is now known as )lympic DamJa truly world, class deposit. #t , C exports copper and uranium and is a ma:or producer of gold and sliver, C produced its one,millionth tonne of copper on 70 March *880, C produced 9;88 tonnes of uranium in *888, making it the second largest single production centre in the world, and the energy supplier for nine countries with its uranium, C employs 0*88 people directly and sustains more than ;888 additional :obs in support industries, C pays more than @*8 million a year in state royalties and much more in Pay 's Iou "arn %P'I"& and taxes, and C will provide benefits to !outh 'ustralians for more than ;8 years. The origins of 'ustralia s strong industry,government collaboration in mineral exploration research and development not only lies in the strong historical and economic importance of our minerals industry. #t also lies in the fact that the geology of each part of the globe is uniAue in detail, and geological research therefore reAuires a strong element of local geological knowledge.*; The necessary research needs to be indigenous and cannot be imported. (iven the high public good element of such research, the result has been a large number of government, funded research agencies that elucidate 'ustralia s uniAue geology, develop exploration techniAues appropriate to 'ustralia, and appropriately educate and train personnel.*; Details of the agencies involved in 'ustralia s mineral exploration research and development are provided in 'ppendix '. -ithin the broad spectrum of research and development our universities are focussed on basic research into geological processes and 'ustralia s geology, with some strategic research on mineral exploration models built on an understanding of the genesis of our mineral deposits. The 'ustralian (eological !urvey )rganisation %'(!)&, in collaboration with the state and +orthern Territory geological surveys, undertakes strategic research that produces pre,competitive geoscience data and information on the nation s mineral prospectivity. The $ommonwealth !cientific and #ndustrial 4esearch )rganisation s %$!#4) s& focus is on the applied end of the research and development spectrum, including in particular the development of exploration tools and techniAues that are most appropriate to the uniAue 'ustralian geological environment. =arious mineral,exploration focussed $ooperative 4esearch $entres %$4$s& bring these agencies together with industry partners to solve particular problems, and some of the most important recent breakthroughs and innovations have come from the $4$s. ' good example is the T"MP"!T airborne electromagnetic exploration system that is not only an important exploration tool, but also a new techniAue for environmental management %see $ase !tudy 7&.

This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration

0* C&+) S,*16 ! M./)-&( E70(3-&,.3/ &/1 E/E.-3/2)/,&( 2&/&5)2)/, - TEMPEST $!#4) and -orld (eoscience $orporation %now Fugro 2td& through the $ooperative 4esearch $entre developed the recently completed airborne system, known as T"MP"!T, for 'ustralian Mineral "xploration Technologies %$4$ 'M"T&. #t represents the culmination of more than six years collaborative research and development by private and public sector scientists and engineers. #t was developed for world,wide exploration for minerals such as gold, diamonds, nickel, copper, lead and <inc buried at depths of up to 788 meters. #ts ability to detect underground water and groundwater salinity also makes it a valuable environmental management tool. T"MP"!T is installed in a Trislander aircraft and uses an ultra,sensitive receiver towed below the aircraft in a Lbird to detect minute magnetic fields induced in the earth by T"MP"!TMs powerful electromagnetic pulse generator. This information is processed by computer to produce 7D images of the earth, which help geologists map sub,surface geology and determine the best location to drill. The former Director of $4$ 'M"T, Dr .rian !pies, said the T"MP"!T system, and other new technology developed by the $entre, would play an important role in maintaining the viability of 'ustraliaMs minerals export industry1 Minerals are our largest co odity e(port, but our e(isting ines are largely based on surface discoveries ade any years ago/because uch of $ustralia is covered by silt and rubble, new ore bodies are beco ing harder to find and local e(plorers are increasingly looking offshore. $ustralia urgently needs this new technology which is cost7effective, has ini al environ ental i pact, and is opti ised for local conditions. TEMPEST will help us find new world7class deposits and so protect our e(port inco e. The syste 8s sensitivity, wide range of applications and the high 9uality of the data it produces ean that $ustralia now leads the word in the develop ent of airborne electro agnetic :$EM; ineral e(ploration syste s.
4r %rian Spies 3or er 4irector of C)C $MET

$4$ 'M"T was established in 066* under the $ommonwealth (overnmentMs $ooperative 4esearch $entre Program to deliver to industry dramatically improved electromagnetic methods for mineral exploration in 'ustralian conditions. -ith the successful development of T"MP"!T, $4$ 'M"T had fulfilled its mission and wound up in *888.

'lthough industry supports public,sector research and development, usually through the 'ustralian Minerals #ndustry 4esearch 'ssociation %'M#4'&, individual companies, where appropriate, undertake their own in,house applied research. The results of such work generally remain within the company, but there are some notable exceptions. )ne in particular is the breakthrough made by .roken Bill Pty 2td %.BP& in developing the first airborne gravity surveying having a sensitivity sufficient enough for mineral exploration. The system is known as F'2$)+ and its development is presented as $ase !tudy 9.

This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration


C&+) S,*16 G! P-39)4, #ALCON F R)1*4./5 T.2), C3+, &/1 L&/1 I20&4, F'2$)+ is a recently developed mineral exploration tool that minimises environmental impacts usually associated with mineral exploration activities. For the first time, F'2$)+ has enabled .BP to perform high,resolution gravity gradiometer surveys from the air. The radical new airborne exploration system is based on technology designed for use in the 3! +avyMs Trident submarines and developed by 2ockheed,Martin. #n 'ustralia and +orth 'merica, .BP has two fully operational airborne gravity gradiometer %'((& systems in use. Pro:ect F'2$)+ was the result of a strategic vision of a small group of .BP 4esearch and Minerals Discovery employees in the early 0668s. Following a worldwide search for suitable gravity technologies, .BP initiated a feasibility study into the most appropriate technology in 0667. The manufacture of two operational systems commenced in 066; and the first airborne gravity mapping system entered operational service in late 0666. .BP 4esearch managed the development and construction of the airborne gravity gradiometer and the development of data processing and interpretation software. This new tool significantly reduces the time and cost of identifying mineral resource targets and improves the efficiency of exploration programs, providing a significant competitive edge. The benefits of F'2$)+ for mineral exploration are provided by , C C C C access to new terrains, faster target identification, better target screening, and new regional perspective

From an environmental perspective, F'2$)+ reduces the need for ground surveys, which may involve constructing access tracks, and drilling or digging trenches to extract rock samples. ' deployment program developed by .BP Minerals Discovery is being implemented to evaluate brownfield %expansion of an existing facility or site& and greenfield %development of new operations from the ground up& opportunities. Bowever, the benefits of F'2$)+ may be more widely extended in the future, with potential applications in the discovery of oil and gas.

INNOVA!ION IN ()&ORA!A!ION' !* + % !O F#!#R $#CC $$

'n important spin off of 'ustralian mineral exploration research and development has been the growth of exports of exploration and mining services. Through the development of remote sensing exploration technologies like T"MP"!T and F'2$)+, and, before them, various spaceborne and other airborne platforms, 'ustralia has been at the forefront of imaging, 7D, modelling and interactive geology software development. These developments have extended to mine planning and production and today 'ustralia supplies between /8E and 58E of all the mining software used worldwide. )ne of the leading 'ustralian companies in 7D,modelling and interactive geology is -estern 'ustralian based Fractal (raphics. #ts innovations are applied internationally and it is now recognised as a world leader %see $ase !tudy ;&
This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration

09 To maximise 'ustralia s influence in the global mining services industry, more than 088 companies have formed 'ustmine,a collective dedicated to the promotion of 'ustralia as a source of innovative technologies, eAuipment, products and services for the mining industry throughout the world. 'ustmine had combined exports exceeding @0.; billion in 0666,*888.** To improve competitiveness, 'ustralia needs to continue investing in innovation in exploration by developing , C new data,acAuisition tools that allow geoscientists to probe further under the "arth s surface, C better analytical methods to interpret both existing and new geoscience data, and C new exploration models that overcome the predictive weaknesses of current models. -ith the strength and support of governmentDindustry collaboration, 'ustralia is well positioned to enter a new stage of successful exploration. C&+) S,*16 D! A*+,-&(.&/ ./5)/*.,6 B./+ (*4-&,.E) ./,)-/&,.3/&( 0-.H) "arly in *880, (old$orp offered 3!@;88 888 pri<e money to exploration experts anywhere in the world to help find the next six million ounces of gold at its high,grade gold mine at 4ed 2ake, )ntario, $anada. Through the #nternet, (old$orp provided a geological database and software to visualise and analyse data. -ithin a week, the web site had more than 95; 888 hits. !ome 0988 corporations, consultants, agencies and universities from ;8 countries registered for the challenge. #n 'pril *880, Fractal (raphics unanimously won (old$orp s prestigious international pri<e. #n a media statement announcing Fractal (raphics win, !enator 4ichard 'lston acknowledged the uniAueness and success of 'ustralian innovation.*7 $ustralian IT co panies are building an i pressive reputation for their ingenuity, de onstrated by co panies like 3ractal !raphics winning international co petitions/ 3ractal !raphics is an e(cellent e(a ple of the state7of7the7art capability of $ustralian co panies and is also testa ent to the application of cutting7edge technology to ore established industries such as ining
)ichard $lston $ustralian Senator

Fractal (raphics evolved in the late 0668s from a collaboration between a geology consulting group and the $!#4) Division of (eomechanics %now incorporated in the $!#4) Division of "xploration and Mining&. Describing itself as a Lfusion of scientists and engineers , Fractal (raphics is the world s leader in 7D geoscience and mining technology. 't present, Fractal (raphics focuses on two domains , C geoscienceJinvolving the synthesis of geoscientific maps and data into 7D geological models from terrane to mine scale, and C technologiesJdeveloping 7D geoscience visualisation and information management software, and diversifying into other areas of visualisation such as ecology and medicine. Through collaboration %with $!#4), the 'ustralian (eodynamics $4$, the 'dvanced $omputational $4$, Monash 3niversity and the 3niversity of -estern 'ustralia&, the -estern 'ustralian,based Fractal (raphics has developed geoscience software that is sought after by the world s leading exploration companies.
This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration


,-$! C N!#R% C*A&& NG ' MAIN!AINING !*


<ver the ne(t -. years we will need to find and ine up to five ti es all the etal produced to date.
Professor %rian Skinner =ale >niversity, 6...+?

The global demand for minerals will continue to increase. 'ustralia is well situated to encourage the ongoing growth of the minerals industryJprovided it remains a competitive location for research, exploration, discoveries and mining development.05 'ustralia is a leading mineral resource nation. #t has the world s largest economic demonstrated resources of lead, mineral sands, nickel, silver, tantalum, uranium and <inc. #t is in the top six countries for bauxite, black coal, brown coal, copper, cobalt, gold, iron ore, lithium, manganese ore, rare earth oxides, gem?near gem diamond and vanadium.* Bowever, 'ustralia faces increasing competition from other nations. Many other factors besides mineral endowment determine a country s attractiveness for investment. These include political, social and economic stability, land access, and access to geoscience knowledge and innovative technology. The importance of these factors is constantly changing, with global issues and trends affecting the level of exploration investment. 's well, some countries previously closed to international exploration are now becoming significant areas for exploration and mining investment. 'ttracting foot,loose risk capital for investment in mineral exploration and mining is now a highly competitive process. "ven stronger collaboration between industry and government is reAuired, therefore, if 'ustralia wants to remain an effective player in the global minerals industry.

!.e !/rann/ of "ept.

The #$ustralian& regolith, which consists of +..76.. etres of rocky rubble deposited by eons of weathering, is the greatest single i pedi ent to continued success in ineral e(ploration in $ustralia.
4r %ruce 1obbs CSI)< 4eputy Chief E(ecutive, +,,,+5

Mineral deposits in 'ustralia are becoming harder to find. (one are the days when prospectors stumbled over gold and iron deposits, because most economic mineral deposits close to the surface have already been discovered. More giant mineral deposits undoubtedly exist in 'ustralia, but they are likely to be buried beneath surface cover and hard to locate. 4ecognising this problem as a challenge, $!#4) has developed a new initiative termed LThe (lass "arth , which aims to find the next generation of economic mineral deposits by being able to Lsee through the top kilometre of the 'ustralian continent.; Bowever, even with advanced exploration concepts and new technologies, exploring the 'ustralian continent will not be easy and mining companies cannot confront the task alone. The private sector relies on regional geological maps, and data sets produced by government surveys, to select prospective areas for exploration. -ithout this information, the risks associated with
This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration

0/ mineral exploration are much greater. "xperience shows that private exploration increases when new government maps and data sets are released.06

Re0ommendation That 'ustralia continues to provide high,Auality, pre,competitive geoscience data to encourage exploration investment. This reAuires that the continent be mapped with new technologies, such as F'2$)+, so scientists can Lsee further into the "arth to locate new regions with potential or large mineral deposits. !uch techniAues will be faster, non,or less invasive, and more efficient than previous mapping efforts. Pre,competitive data compiled by '(!) and the state?territory geological surveys will ensure that 'ustralia remains competitive in the global minerals industry.

Maintaining t.e Intelle0tual dge

$ustralia"s inerals education syste , in its current for , is fragile / due to an acute shortage of talented acade ic staff, under7resourcing of inerals depart ents, low industry intake of new graduates
%ack fro the %rink' )eshaping Minerals Tertiary Education Minerals Council of $ustralia, +,,56.

#n 069/ the $ommonwealth (overnment established the 'ustralian (eological !urvey )rganisation %formerly the .ureau of Mineral 4esources, (eology and (eophysics& to assist in the national development of resource industries. #t was recognised that a comprehensive understanding of 'ustralia s geological framework was essential if there was to be a meaningful assessment of 'ustralia s mineral potential. #n con:unction with the state and territory surveys, a series of geological and geophysical maps were developed as a basis for future exploration and assessment. This contribution has had a ma:or impact on the development of the 'ustralian minerals industry.0; Today, $!#4), '(!), !tate?Territory surveys, $ooperative 4esearch $entres and universities are 'ustralia s main agencies for minerals research and development and innovative exploration technology. (eology, geophysics, geochemistry, information technology and engineering are some of the disciplines now reAuired to identify and delineate 'ustralia s mineral resources. 'lthough 'ustralia is at the forefront of mining software and mine,site technology, there are ma:or challenges and opportunities in areas of exploration technology and geoscience concepts. These must be broached if 'ustralia is to achieve world leadership and remain internationally competitive in these fields. Re0ommendation , That 'ustralia s research efforts be structured to provide better resourced and integrated minerals 4 N D centres, so that they can provide the next generation of exploration techniAues needed to strengthen and support the 'ustralian minerals industry. 's well, as outlined by the Minerals $ouncil of 'ustralia s +ational Tertiary "ducation Taskforce report, further select mineral research schools be established so 'ustralia can compete with the 3!', 3G and "uropean elite schools in these disciplines.

This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration


C.anging $o0ial Values and 1pe0tations

-ith the spread of globalisation and the need for sustainable development, communities increasingly are identifying social and environmental issues that need to be addressed. For this reason, mining companies are attaching greater importance to their environmental and social responsibilities before committing to new developments. Ma:or mining companies throughout the world have committed themselves to the (lobal Mining #nitiative %(M#& to provide leadership in the areas of economic, social and environmental performance. They see this as fundamental to the future of the minerals industry. They realise that by contributing to sustainable development and performance, they can build community trust and promote a better understanding of the positive role of the mining and minerals industry in society.*0 There is also an increased emphasis on the minimisation of waste in mining and mineral processing. Through life,cycle assessment, there is the potential to distinguish materials, processes and possibly resource producers that are environmentally superior. Minimising greenhouse emissions and an increased emphasis on recycling are also growing in importance. The 'ustralian minerals industry has to address issues related to land rights and land access, endangered species, and the social impacts of exploration and mining. The development of new exploration methods and technologies is particularly relevant to the issues of land access and land use for exploration. 4emote sensing techniAues such as the airborne F'2$)+ and T"MP"!T systems reAuire minimal, if any, immediate land access. Direct access to land is only reAuired for areas identified for intensive exploration and, ultimately, mining if discoveries prove economic. Future economic mineral deposits in 'ustralia are likely to be at depth, reAuiring underground mining with relatively limited impacts on the surface environment and ecosystems. Re0ommendation 2 That land access, a ma:or concern to the exploration industry in 'ustralia, is addressed by a collaborative effort between government and industry. #nnovation in both exploration technology and mining practices continuously addresses environmental, heritage and indigenous issues. Therefore, a positive approach to land,access issues involving industry and local communities needs to be encouraged by government.

Opportunities for Australia

The 'ustralian minerals industry operates in a global marketplace. This extends from the commodities produced, the technical services used and the research conducted in support of the sector, through to the educational facilities provided for the sector and the skilled professionals produced in those establishments. 'ustralia is currently a ma:or player in the global industry and has the opportunity to play an even larger role. The future market for mineral commodities will be immense as developing nations move towards a higher material standard of living. This drive will create opportunities not only for minerals, but also for the discovery, delineation and development of new ore deposits. 'ustralia has the breadth of resource production and a good foundation for expanding its high technology, research and education services to the point where it could become the world leader in this sector. .ut to capitalise on current strengths, 'ustralia needs to foster high,technology
This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration

0> exploration and the governmentDindustry collaboration that made it a significant player in global terms. (lobal market changes influence economic outlook, which in turn drives exploration investment. The economic contribution of exploration is freAuently overlooked. Iet the discovery of an economically viable mineral deposit provides the industry s largest value,added component. "xperience has shown that :unior exploration and service companies are an essential element in the high risk,high reward area of mineral exploration investment. Furthermore, the location of the exploration headAuarters of ma:or mining companies is important in determining where they direct their investment in research and development, and their choice of service companies. Re0ommendation 3 That Federal government provides an environment, which facilitates exploration investment by :unior companies and encourages larger companies to base their global investment exploration operations in 'ustralia.

This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration


$ustralia is well positioned to continue to prosper, provided it re ains a co petitive location for #e(ploration& invest ent and develop ent.
.arry $usack, Managing Director 4io Tinto, *880*9

'ustralia was the top,ranking country in the world for exploration budgets in *888. .ut in the same year, exploration in 'ustralia showed the largest decline of any country or region.5 +evertheless, 'ustralia is considered to be highly prospective for new ma:or mineral discoveries. #t has a history of stable government and a history of uniAue collaboration between government and industry in mineral exploration. 's the world enters a new era of exploration, where targets are concealed beneath the surface, there is a need for new understanding, new technologies and highly trained specialists to discover the mineral deposits that the world reAuires. The concepts, technologies and people involved will need to make ma:or contributions to the management of man s impact on the natural environment. There are challenges for 'ustralia if it wishes to build on its existing strengths in the exploration industry and become the global leader in that sector. Bowever, with a competitive business environment, government support for a new phase of regional surveys to stimulate private sector investment, and continuing efforts to develop world,class research and tertiary education establishments, 'ustralia can become the global centre for mineral exploration industry within this decade.

This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration


A)) N"I( Appendi1 A' Australian Mineral 1ploration Resear0. and "e4elopment' W.os W.o
Australian #ni4ersities !chools and Departments of "arth !ciences throughout 'ustralian universities are researching various processes and applications of geoscience. .ecause research provides the basis for understanding and locating mineral deposits, both industry and government have invested heavily in 'ustralian academic institutes. 's a result of this investment many centres of geoscience involving universities, industry and $ooperative 4esearch $entres have developed. They specialise in fields such as the study of ore deposits, geodynamics and geochemical evolution. !ome of these collaborative centres of academic excellence and research are , C CODES %$entre for )re Deposit and "xploration !tudies, 3niversity of Tasmania&. #ndustryDgovernment participation includes1 '4$, 'M#4', .BP,.illiton, M#M, -M$, (oldfields "xploration, +ewcrest, Bomestake, 'nglo'merican, -estern Metals and Pasminco. C EGRU %"conomic (eology 4esearch 3nit, Hames $ook 3niversity&. (overnment,#ndustry participation includes1 the $4$ for Predictive Mineral Discovery, Oueensland 2and Department, Oueensland Department of 4esources and #ndustries, "!!) 'ustralia, M#M, .BP,.illiton, "Auigold, Pasminco, 4io Tinto and -M$! C GEMOC %(eochemical "volution and Metallogeny of $ontinents, MacAuarie 3niversity&. #ndustryDgovernment participation includes1 '(!), $!#4) Division of "xploration and Mining, -M$, .BP,.illiton, (eoDiscovery, 4io Tinto, Gennecott $anada, Pasminco, Phelps Dodge, '+3, 3niversity of +ew "ngland, Oueensland 3niversity of Technology, 3niversity of +ewcastle, 3niversity of +ew !outh -ales, Bewlett Packard, +ew -ave 4esearch, 'M#4'. C CGM %$entre for (lobal Metallogeny, 3niversity of -estern 'ustralia&. (overnment, #ndustry participation includes1 '4$, 'M#4', Mining and "nergy 4esearch #nstitute of
This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration

*0 -estern 'ustralia %M"4#-'&, Department of $ommerce and Trade -estern 'ustralian (overnment: 'nglo(old, .BP,.illiton, Datamine 'ustralia, "arth 4esource Mapping, (oldfields "xploration, Bomestake, 2ion)re 'ustralia, Maptek, +ormandy, Perilya, Placer Dome, !ons of (walia, and -M$. #t is estimated that the total university 4 N D expenditure %including both government and industry contributions& relating to mineral exploration in 0666,*888 was P@78 million. Australian Geologi0al $ur4e/ Organisation 5AG$O6 '(!) is 'ustralia s national geoscience research and information organisation. #t is a prescribed agency within the Department of #ndustry, !cience and 4esources portfolio. Through the application of first,class geoscientific research, '(!) provides information %from continental to regional scale& that benefits 'ustralia s onshore and offshore exploration investment opportunities, improves resource management, and contributes to community safety. .y adapting and applying modern technology, '(!) provides pre,competitive data and analysis of 'ustralia s geology and resources. The geoscientific data gathered and enhanced by '(!) is maintained in national databases. This information provides insights into 'ustralia s geological framework and is used to promote 'ustralia s attractiveness globally to exploration companies. '(!) s appropriation for 0666,*888 was @/*.0m, of which @05.0m was spent on minerals related work. $tate7!erritor/ Geologi0al $ur4e/s "ach state in 'ustralia and the +orthern Territory has a geological survey that is an agency within the mines department. #n terms of the mineral resources sector, the main function of the department is to promote, manage and support the sustainable development of the minerals industry in the best interests of the particular state or the +orthern Territory. The geological survey collects and disseminates geological data and information %mainly geological, geophysical, geochemical and resource information& that will assist exploration and development activities of the mining industry. Data from the state and +orthern Territory governments encourages private sector exploration by reducing exploration risk and thereby contributing to a more efficient and effective exploration process. The state?territory surveys are, C C C C C C C Mineral 4esources Tasmania %Department of #nfrastructure, "nergy and 4esources& (eological !urvey of =ictoria %Department of +atural 4esources and "nvironment& (eological !urvey of +ew !outh -ales %Department of Mineral 4esources& (eological !urvey of Oueensland %Department of +atural 4esources and Mines& +orthern Territory (eological !urvey %Department of Mines and "nergy& (eological !urvey of -estern 'ustralia %Department of Minerals and "nergy& (eological !urvey of !outh 'ustralia %Primary #ndustries and 4esources !outh 'ustralia&

#n 0666?*888 the states?+orthern Territory collectively spent P@;5.;million on mineral exploration related activities. '(!) and the state?+orthern Territory geological surveys coordinate their research through the +ational (eoscience 'greement, which defines the complementary roles of the $ommonwealth and the states?+orthern Territory in stimulating exploration interest and investment in 'ustralia.

This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration

** '(!) s contribution is to provide key specialist geoscience activities such as geophysics, regolith, geochronology, national information management standards and national data sets. The geological, geophysical and geochemical data and information developed by '(!) and the state?+orthern Territory geological surveys has underpinned many ma:or mineral discoveries, including, C C C C C C C C Gambalda area, -estern 'ustraliaJseveral nickel mines, )lympic Dam, !outh 'ustraliaJcopper,uranium,gold,silver mine, $entury, OueenslandJ<inc mine, .oddington, -estern 'ustraliaJgold mine, (roote "ylandt, +orthern TerritoryJmanganese mine, Mc'rthur 4iver, +orthern TerritoryJlead,<inc,silver mine, (ove, +orthern TerritoryJbauxite mine, and 4anger, +orthern TerritoryJuranium mine.09,0;

C$IRO "i4ision of 1ploration and Mining $!#4) "xploration and Mining is the largest supplier of applied 4 N D to the 'ustralian exploration and mining industry. Focussing on research aimed at increasing the competitive advantage of the industry, the Division has an established track record in the delivery of innovative science and engineering to the exploration and mining sector. Priorities are set in close consultation with industry. #n addition, research initiatives are supported by a wide network of collaborative interactions with federal and state government agencies, universities and other research institutions, including $ooperative 4esearch $entres. $!#4) s research has produced significant results for the exploration industry, including , C +ew geophysical tools such as the !#4)T"M ground electromagnetic system, the T"MP"!T airborne electromagnetic system %see $ase !tudy 7&, the P#M' field portable mineral mapping system and new airborne hyperspectral sensorsK C +ew geochemical exploration techniAues including highly sensitive surface geochemical methods for gold exploration in the regolith and the use of Pb isotopes as a discriminator of anomalous geochemistryK C $ontinuing development of methods for processing and interpretation of spectral data from satellites and aircraft, which was recognised in 066; by the award of the 'ustralia Pri<e. 'n important new venture for $!#4) is the L(lass "arth initiative. L(lass "arth pro:ects are designed to make the top kilometre of the 'ustralian continent, and the processes operating within it, transparent with the aim of discovering the next generation of giant ore deposits. #n 0666,*888 $!#4) s appropriation budget for mineral exploration was @6.9 million, an amount that was supplemented by a further sum of @5.9 million from industry and other sources. Cooperati4e Resear0. Centres 5CRCs6 $ooperative 4esearch $entres bring together researchers from universities, the public sector and private industry. $4$s cover long,term, collaborative research and development efforts of very
This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration

*7 substantial Auality and si<e that contribute to national ob:ectives. The ob:ectives of the $4$ program are , C to enhance the contribution of long,term scientific and technological research and innovation to 'ustralia s sustainable economic and social development, C to enhance the transfer of research outputs into commercial or other outcomes of economic, environmental or social benefit to 'ustralia, C to enhance the value to 'ustralia of graduate researchers, and C to enhance collaboration among researchers, between researchers and industry and improve the efficiency of 'ustralia s research effort. $4$ s that were or are involved in mineral exploration research include, C $4$ 'M"T %'ustralian Mineral "xploration Technologies&J.risbane, Perth, !ydney. This $4$ was focussed on the development of technologies, particularly airborne methods, for the discovery of concealed ore bodies. The 'M"T $4$ was successfully concluded after developing several new airborne electromagnetic exploration systems including the state,of, the,art T"MP"!T system %see $ase !tudy 7&. The core participants were $!#4) Division of "xploration and Mining, '(!), MacAuarie 3niversity %!chool of "arth !ciences&, $urtin 3niversity %Department of "xploration (eophysics&, the (eological !urvey of -estern 'ustralia, and 'M#4'. C '( $4$%'ustralian (eodynamics&JMelbourne, Perth, .risbane, !ydney. This $4$ was established to elucidate the structural and dynamic processes within the "arth s crust using the techniAues of structural geology, geochronology and seismology as tools for determining the characteristics of the 'ustralian crust, with an emphasis on evaluating its economic potential. #t was successfully concluded after developing new concepts for the geodynamic evolution of 'ustralia, as well as new software for interpreting geophysical and geological spatial data sets %see $ase !tudy 9&. The core participants were $!#4) Division of "xploration and Mining, '(!), 2aTrobe 3niversity %Department of (eology&, Monash 3niversity %Department of "arth !ciences&, Melbourne 3niversity %Department of (eology&, and D"$ $omputing 'ustralia. C $4$ 2"M"0 %2andscape "volution and Mineral "xploration&JPerth, $anberra, !ydney. This $4$ successfully developed a new insights into geochemical exploration techniAues in important 'ustralian mineral provinces and has :ust evolved into $4$ 2"M"*. The core participants were $!#4) Division of "xploration and Mining, '(!), the 'ustralian +ational 3niversity %Department of (eology&, and the 3niversity of $anberra %Division of !cience and Design&. C $4$ 2"M"* %2andscape, "nvironment and Mineral "xploration&JPerth, $anberra, !ydney. This new $4$ will extends $4$ 2"M"0 s research into the area of environmental management, particularly land degradation management in 'ustralia s rural environment. #n addition to the core participants from $4$ 2"M"0, new core participants are the .ureau of 4ural !ciences, the +!- (eological !urvey, Primary #ndustries and 4esources !outh 'ustralia, 3niversity of 'delaide %Department of (eology and (eophysics&, $urtin 3niversity of Technology %!chool of 'pplied (eology&, $!#4) Division of 2and and -ater, and the Minerals $ouncil of 'ustralia. C PMD $4$ %Predictive Mineral Discovery&JMelbourne, Perth, $anberra, !ydney, Townsville. This new $4$ proposes to create a predictive environment for mineral discovery since the highest impact issue facing mineral exploration is the location and Auality of ore deposits. The $4$ will resolve key areas of uncertainty in existing exploration
This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration

*9 models and build 7D and 9D images of mineralising systems using the latest developments in airborne geophysics, seismic imaging, geoscience and isotope systematics. The core participants are $!#4) Division of "xploration and Mining, '(!), 'M#4', the =ictorian #nstitute of "arth and Planetary !ciences, Hames $ook 3niversity %Department of "arth !ciences& and the 3niversity of -estern 'ustralia %Department of "arth !ciences&. #n 0666,*888 (overnment funding of mineral,exploration funded $4$ s totalled some @/.5 million. Australian Minerals Industr/ Resear0. Asso0iation 5AMIRA6 'M#4' is an industry association that manages collaborative research for its members from the global minerals industry. .y taking a partnership approach to research and development, which 'M#4' manages, its members enhance their competitive position through access to leading, edge technology. .ased in Melbourne, 'M#4' represents more than >8 companies from 'ustralia, 'sia, "urope, +orth 'frica and !outh 'merica. #t encourages local research institutions in several countries to collaborate in the global minerals industry. 'M#4' operates by developing and managing :ointly funded research pro:ects on a fee,for, service basis on behalf of its members. #t currently manages ;> pro:ects attracting approximately @98 million of industry funding. )f this amount some @08.> million is directed annually towards mineral exploration research. Minerals Industr/ 's well as funding mineral exploration research and development through 'M#4', individual minerals companies may undertake significant amounts of in,house research and development, particularly when the benefits of this effort can be captured internally to give the company a competitive edge. !ometimes a return on in,house 4 N D investment is realised through the commercialisation of discoveries, and one of the most significant recent examples is the F'2$)+ airborne gravity gradiometer system developed by .BP %see $ase !tudy 9&.

This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration


CI! " R F R NC $

'.'4". *888. 'ustralian $ommodity !tatistics *888. $anberra1 'ustralian .ureau of 'gricultural and 4esource "conomicsK 9, 09>.

'(!). *888. 'ustralia s identified mineral resources. $anberra1 'ustralian (eological !urvey )rganisation.

3nited !tates (eological !urvey. *880. Mineral commodity summaries. -ashington D$1 3nited !tates Department of the #nterior.

$entre for #nternational "conomics. 0665. =alue adding in the minerals sector. $anberra1 Minerals $ouncil of 'ustralia.

!toeckel '. 0666. Minerals1 )ur wealth Down 3nder. $anberra1 $entre for #nternational "conomicsK i, 00, 95, 7*.

Gunte ', Bamilton G, Dixon H and $lemens M. 066>. "stimating national wealth1 Methodology and results. -ashington D$1 -orld .ank, "nvironment Department, environmental economics series paper ;5.

Metals "xploration (roup. *888. "xploration decline slowing down. The Mining HournalK +ov 08K 75*.

Pricewaterhouse $oopers. *888. Minerals industry survey report. $anberra1 Minerals $ouncil of 'ustraliaK *9.

!oker M, pub. 066;. Tomorrow s world1 The 'ustralian initiative. !ydney1 'ssociated Publishing $orporationK 0/8D0>0, 0>9, 067.

(oodland 4. 066;. !peech given at the 0;th 'nnual Meeting of the #nternational 'ssociation for #mpact 'ssessment, Durban, !outh 'frica, Hun */D78.

This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration


Minerals $ouncil of 'ustralia. 066/. $ode for "nvironmental Management. $anberra1 M$'.

-oodall 4. 06>6. The keys to successful corporate mineral exploration. !outh 'frican Hournal of (eologyK 6*%*&109>.

.lainey (. 0667. The rush that never ended. $arlton1 Melbourne 3niversity Press.


-oods 'H. 06>>. 4eview of the .ureau of Mineral 4esources, (eology and (eophysics1 'ppendix 0Ja report to the Minister for 4esources. $anberra1 'ustralian (overnment Printing !ervice.

-illiams + and Buleatt M. 066/. The importance of regional geological mapping in minerals exploration. )utlook 6/1 Minerals and energyK 71;0D;6.

!kinner .H. *888. Perspectives for mineral exploration in the *0st century. Geynote presentation to the 70st #nternational (eological $ongress, 4io de Haneiro, 'ug 5.

2ambert #.. *880. !ustainable development1 !trategic issues for 'ustralia s minerals sector. 'us#MM .ulletinK in press.

$!#4). 0666. !eeing right through 'ustralia. Media release 0666?0;6, Hul *0 %Mineral "xploration and Mining at

Day 4-. 066;. (eomap *88; program1 The key to unlocking Oueensland s mineral wealth. Oueensland (overnment Mining Hournal, !epK *8D70.

+ational Tertiary "ducation Taskforce. 066>. .ack from the brink1 4eshaping minerals tertiary education. $anberra1 Minerals $ouncil of 'ustralia, discussion paper.

Mc+eilly 4H. *888. The (lobal Mining #nitiative1 $hanging expectationsJmeeting human needs and aspirations. !peech to the *888 Minerals #ndustry !eminar, Minerals $ouncil of 'ustralia, Hun 5.

.roome 'H. *880. #n1 3nearthing the Future. "xporting 'ustralian Mineral #nnovation to the -orld. Minerals $ouncil of 'ustralian, 'nnual !eminar, $anberra, Hune *880.

'lston !enator 4. *880. 'ustralian company wins international #T competition. Media release, 'pr /.

)utlook *880. "xport records, consolidation and competition. Media release, Feb *>*880?mediarel?mrQ*8.BTM&.

Towards *88;1 ' prospectus for research and research training in the 'ustralian "arth !ciences, 066*. '4$, $anberra, pps ; and ;6

This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

Australia's mineral exploration


Filename1 Mineral"xploration.doc Directory1 D1RPM!"#$ Template1 M1Roffice templatesRuser Title1 'ustraliaMs Mineral "xploration !ub:ect1 PM!"#$ 'uthor1 !arah $lough Geywords1 $omments1 $reation Date1 0>?85?80 08180 'M $hange +umber1 * 2ast !aved )n1 0>?85?80 08180 'M 2ast !aved .y1 Gaty -yles Total "diting Time1 0 Minute 2ast Printed )n1 0>?85?80 08100 'M 's of 2ast $omplete Printing +umber of Pages1 *9 +umber of -ords1 5,6*0 %approx.& +umber of $haracters1 9;,0;* %approx.&

This paper was prepared by an independent working group for PMSEIC. Its views are those of the group, not necessarily those of the Co onwealth !overn ent.

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