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Case Study Internet Bubble - Aux Mailles Godefroy

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Page Under Construction Each of the pages in the Academie begins with research. We first collect information from various sources that is then woven into an accurate and thorough account of the topic. This page is still in the Note Taking Stage. Feel free to add any relevant content.

1. The Fall of Inte rne t Bubble 1999-2000 a. Sum m ary 2. C ase study of the Fall of Inte rne t Bubble a. Tim e line b. Pe ak of Inte rne t Bubble i. Sum m ary 3. Source s 4. R e late d page s

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Page in Progress - requires more context, introduction etc.

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The Fall of Internet Bubble 1999-2000

This is a concise event which can be used as an example of Saturn square Uranus with start of new Jupiter/Saturn Cycle. Internet Timeline Key dates relating to the Internet, from its creation to current times.

From October to March, Technology stocks (Ruled by Uranus were beating Saturn's conservatism. Uranus was winning, but there were other cycles at play - Jupiter/Saturn and also Jupiter/Uranus There was the question of whether Microsoft should be classified as new or old economy stocks?

Case study of the Fall of Internet Bubble

An example of Saturn square Uranus with start of new Jupiter/Saturn Cycle. See also Financial Astrology. See also Telecom Crash, 2001

Timeline 1/4


Case Study Internet Bubble - Aux Mailles Godefroy

1999 - 2000. Saturn squares Uranus three times. July 17, 1999, November 11, 1999,May 13, 2000. Friday, July 16, 1999, record high of the S&P500 index. July 17, 1998 had been another high for the market which was followed by a large equity market correction. July 16th 1996 had a mini-crash. (Robert Hitt) Microsoft lost in court cases, causing a drop in Nasdaq. A T-square was active. (NEED PLANETS AND MORE INFO). By January 11, 2000 Saturn turns direct. It is popular knowledge that internet stocks are widely inflated and people were losing optimism. Saturn is about consequences and preserving long term status quo. Uranus is about change and technology. (Three more squares to Uranus to happen by May.) Uranus is in Aquarius, it should be strong. Saturn is in Taurus, concentrated in the valuation, interest rate, and monetary issues. Some dignities, but not a rulership.Uranus has been causing outof-control changes. Saturn is ready with consequences of challenges to the structure of the financial world. (Third square around February 13, 2000) Microsoft loses again in court, slows markets and Nasdaq. Marks end of the internet bubble. May 2000 final Saturn Uranus square. Jupiter was conjunct Saturn, so also square to Uranus. Jupiter square Uranus indicates wild speculation Jupiter conjunct Saturn starts a new 20 year economic cycle. Jupiter in the mix makes things more extreme. Major repercussions happen after the final square when the truth of the economic situation has been exposed. Major changes in infrastructure, in the nuts and bolts of commerce - going to the store vs ordering on the web and delivery of goods. Mini crash April 4 (at the New Moon). Nasdaq had huge crash May 24 (Saturn sq Uranus May 13, Jupiter - Saturn Conjunction May 28, 2000.)

Peak of Internet Bubble

The dot-com bubble burst, numerically, on March 10, 2000, when the technology heavy NASDAQ Composite index peaked at 5,048.62 (intra-day peak 5,132.52), more than double its value just a year before. The dot-com bubble crash wiped out $5 trillion in market value of technology companies from March 2000 to October 2002. See Wikipedia on the Dot Com Bubble

March 10 2000 Composite Chart Summary

March 10 2000 Composite Grid

March 10 2000 Chart of the Day at noon

October to March, Uranus's Tech stocks were beating Saturn's conservatism. There was the question of whether Microsoft should be classified as new or old economy stocks? Uranus was winning, but there were other cycles at play - Jupiter/Saturn and also Jupiter/Uranus

Sources 2/4


Case Study Internet Bubble - Aux Mailles Godefroy

Theosebia Robert Hitt, AstroEcon article, July 1, 2000 Related pages: Financial Astrology A guide to Techniques and Tools for all finding answers using Financial Astrology. This is focused on Mundane Astrology but also links to Natal Techniques of personal finance. "Where will I make Money?", a Natal Astrology Technique Mundane Astrology Directory to all pages on Mundane Astrology for predictions about the world and world events Astrology Techniques Directory to the Disciplines of Astrology including Horary, Forecasting, Natal, Mundane, Financial, Medical, Physical Appearance, and many more such as interpretations of aspects. Our site is filled with Astrology Tables: Planet Tables, Zodiac Tables, House Tables which simplify many tasks and provide unique insights into the information. Astrology Topics Directory for the Foundations of Astrology, introducing large areas devoted the Zodiac, the Planets, the Houses, an overview of reading a chart, the core meaning of each planet, Definitions of Aspects and Special aspect patterns between planets and interpretation of each combination of planets, The Qualities, Special Points and Astronomical information about the planets. Timelines A Directory to various Timelines on the site, useful when chronology is important. Astrology the Directory for information in our vast Astrology Center. Also, a brief introduction providing insight into the philosophy and techniques spanning thousands of years. Foundations of Astrology: Directory for the Foundations of Astrology, introducing large areas devoted the Zodiac, the Planets, the Houses, an overview of reading a chart, the core meaning of each planet, Definitions of Aspects and Special aspect patterns between planets and interpretation of each combination of planets, The Qualities, Special Points and Astronomical information about the planets. Techniques of Astrology: Directory to the Disciplines of Astrology including Horary, Forecasting, Natal, Mundane, Financial, Medical, Physical Appearance, and many more such as interpretations of aspects. Our site is filled with Astrology Tables: Planet Tables, Zodiac Tables, House Tables which simplify many tasks and provide unique insights into the information. Astrology Sky Archive This is your guide to the movements of the planets in the night sky 2008, 2009, 2010, Zodiac Calendar, Solar Ephemeris, Retrograde Transits, Eclipse Dates, Movements and aspects of outer planets past, present and future, Current transits of the outer planets and significance, and more. Scientific Prejudice: It's not easy when an individual, no matter how distinguished, challenges the status quo, the commonly held assumptions. This is one of the worst hurdles in science today - for controversial results the answer should be "How could that happen?" rather than destruction of the career of the scientist. Here we



rather than destruction of the career of the scientist. Here we examine a few cases where the ostracized scientist was ultimately proved correct after years of hardship.

Case Study Internet Bubble - Aux Mailles Godefroy

Last e dite d June 22, 2009 (history)

C opyright 2006-2011 Aux Maille sGode froy -- Le galNotice

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