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A Project Study Report On Training taken at


INDUCTION AND INDUCTION FEEDBACK PROCESS Submitted In Partial Fulfillment for the Award of Degree

a!ter of "u!ine!! Admini!tration #$$%&#$''

Arya Institute Of Engg. & Technology, Jaipur

Submitted "y( Tanu Sharma "A+II year, Submitted To( r!) *amita Sharma -ecturer "A Deptt)

Induction of new employee! to their workplace! and their job! i! one of the mo!t neglected function! in many organi.ation!) An employee handbook and pile! of paperwork are not !ufficient anymore when it come! to welcoming a new employee to your organi.ation) /ith an ongoing labor crunch0 de1eloping an effecti1e employee induction e2perience continue! to be crucial) It i! critical that new hire program! are carefully planned to educate the employee about the 1alue!0 hi!tory and who i! who in the organi.ation) A well thought out induction program0 whether it la!t! one day or !i2 month!0 will help not only in retention of employee!0 but al!o in producti1ity) Organi.ation! that ha1e good induction program! get new people up to !peed fa!ter0 ha1e better alignment between what the employee! do and what the organi.ation need! them to do0 and ha1e lower turno1er rate!) To check the induction proce!! !tatu! and what employee! feel about the induction proce!!0 there !hould be !ome induction feedback proce!!) Induction Feedback 3ue!tionnaire !hould be filled by the employee! and it !hould be e1aluated by the 4R manager and correcti1e action! !hould be taken) Thi! project i! an endea1or to di!cu!! the method! and benefit! of Induction and Induction Feedback Proce!!)

The bli!! and euphoria that accompany the !ucce!!ful completion of any ta!k would not be complete without the e2pre!!ion of appreciation of !imple 1irtue! to the people who made it po!!ible) Fir!t and foremo!t0 I would like to thank my ad1i!or *amita Sharma0 -ecturer r!)

"A department) 4er attitude wa!

toward e2cellence0 her helping nature and her enthu!ia!m ha! been !ource of con!tant in!piration) I am grateful to her for all the ad1ice0 encouragement and !upport !he ha! gi1en me during my work with him0 I don5t think thi! project would be a! !tructured a! it i! now without her 1aluable guidance)

I would like to thank to

r) Rajan Arora0 Academic 4ead0

"A Department and al!o to my friend! for their e2cellence !upport during my work) They were the true dri1ing force behind me through out0 con!tantly encouraging me to do my be!t and in!piring me to aim higher)

Tanu Sharma

E&EC'TI(E )'%%AR*
I ha1e taken training from "ajaj Allian. -ife In!urance 6o) -td) in the 4R department) There I ha1e worked upon the project named Induction and Induction Feedback Proce!! under the guidance of the 72ecuti1e 4R of "ajaj Allian. -ife In!urance 6o)-td) In thi! project I ha1e learned how the induction and induction feedback proce!! i! conducted in the "ajaj Allian. -ife In!urance 6o) -td) Thi! project include! the induction of the new joining employee! to make the employee! aware about the company0 working !cenario and about their benefit!) The induction proce!! in "ajaj Allian. -ife In!urance i! named a! PARI64A8) Induction Feedback Proce!! i! al!o conducted in the "ajaj Allian. -ife In!urance to get the feedback of the employee! and to know the le1el of awarene!! of employee! about the company) Induction Feedback Proce!! in "ajaj Allian. -ife In!urance i! named a! DOST) "y thi! project I ha1e learned the importance of the induction and induction feedback proce!! for the company and for the employee!) I ha1e ob!er1ed that it i! a continuou! proce!! conducted in the "ajaj Allian. -ife In!urance whene1er the new joining of employee! take place a! well a! the employee! promoted to the new po!ition in 1ariou! department!) /orking a! the Summer project trainee in the "ajaj Allian. -ife In!urance 6o) -td) gi1e me the per!pecti1e of working

!cenario in the corporate) I ha1e learned about the 1ariou! a!pect! and different acti1itie! conducted under the 4R department)

') #) 9) :) <) =) ?) @) %) '$) 11. '#) '9) ':) '<) 6ompany Profile Introduction Re!earch ethodology

/hat i! Induction; Purpo!e! of Induction Re>ui!ite! of an effecti1e Induction Programme Induction in "ajaj Allian. Problem! of Induction Induction Feedback DOST Data 6apture Form +3ue!tionnaire, Data Analy!i! and Interpretation S/OT Analy!i! 6onclu!ion Recommendation! and Sugge!tion! "ibliography

"ajaj Allian. -ife In!urance i! a union between Allian. S70 one of the large!t In!urance 6ompany and "ajaj Fin!er1) Allian. S7 i! a leading in!urance conglomerate globally and one of the large!t a!!et manager! in the world0 managing a!!et! worth o1er a Trillion +O1er I*R) <<0 $$0$$$ 6rore!,) Allian. S7 ha! o1er ''% year! of financial e2perience and i! pre!ent in o1er ?$ countrie! around the world) At "ajaj Allian. -ife In!urance0 cu!tomer delight i! our guiding principle) Our bu!ine!! philo!ophy i! to en!ure e2cellent in!urance and in1e!tment !olution! by offering cu!tomi!ed product!0 !upported by the be!t technology)

Accelerate, $ro-th Fiscal *ear

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S7TTI*A "7*64 ARBS

ore than 9? million policie! !old !ince inception a!

Strong Di!tribution *etwork to reach the cu!tomer! -i!ted in the DTop <$ !er1ice brand!5 in the !ur1ey

acro!! the country with '%<0$$$Cagent!0 with '0'=: office!) conducted on D o!t Tru!ted companie!5 by 7conomic time! brand e>uity) "ajaj Allian. -ife In!urance wa! one of the few pri1ate life in!urer! that made profit! in the Fi!cal year $@&$%) "ajaj Allian. Aeneral In!urance wa! the only pri1ate general in!urer to ha1e generated o1er R!) '$$ crore in P"T con!i!tently for the la!t three year!) "ajaj Allian. Aeneral In!urance ha! recei1ed0 EiAAAF oody5! In1e!tor Ser1ice!0 for rating0 by I6RA -imited0 an a!!ociate of and a fundamentally !trong po!ition)

6laim! Paying Ability)Thi! rating indicate! highe!t claim! paying ability

"ajaj Allian. -ife In!urance 6o -td i! a uni>ue joint 1enture among the global giant! Allian. Aroup +AA, and "ajaj Auto) Allian. AAG! world ranking e!tabli!he! it among the top in!urance companie! in the world) "ajaj i! the bigge!t two and three wheeler manufacturer in the world) "ajaj Allian. -ife In!urance 6ompany boa!t! of a nationwide pre!ence with @?= office! and o1er : million !ati!fied cu!tomer!) The 1ariou! in!urance product! include

To be the "7ST -ife In!urance 6ompany in India ETo "uy From0 /ork For H In1e!t InF

A! a re!pon!ible0 cu!tomer focu!ed market leader0 we will !tri1e to under!tand the in!urance need! of the con!umer!

and tran!late it into affordable product! that deli1er 1alue for money) A Partner!hip "a!ed on Synergy

"ajaj Allian. Aeneral In!urance offer! technical e2cellence in all area! of Aeneral and 4ealth In!urance a! well a! Ri!k anagement) Thi! partner!hip !ucce!!fully combine! "ajaj Fin!er1G! in&depth under!tanding of the local market and e2ten!i1e di!tribution network with the global e2perience and technical e2perti!e of the Allian. Aroup) A! a regi!tered Indian In!urance 6ompany and a capital ba!e of R!) ''$ crore!0 the company i! fully licen!ed to underwrite all line! of general in!urance bu!ine!! including health in!urance)

"ajaj Allian. ha! recei1ed IiAAA rating0 from I6RA oodyG! In1e!tor! Ser1ice!0 for -imited0 an a!!ociate of

6laim! Paying Ability)Thi! rating indicate! highe!t claim! paying ability and a fundamentally !trong po!ition "ajaj Allian. Aeneral In!urance ha! recei1ed the E"u!ine!! -eader in Aeneral In!uranceF0


awarded by *DTJ Profit "u!ine!! -eader!hip Award! #$$@) The company wa! one of the top three finali!t! for the year #$$? and #$$@ in the Aeneral In!urance 6ompany of the 8ear award by A!ia In!urance Re1iew)

OFFERI $) +* +A"IC

In,i.i,uals Plans

Knit Aain In!urance! Term 6are Plan! -ifetime 6are In!urance Policy "u!ine!! In!urance Policie! Sa1ing! And Security Policie! For 8ou And 8our


Rural In!urance Plan 4ealthcare In!urance Financial In!urance Pen!ion Plu! Retirement Plan! 6hildrenG! Policie! 7ndowment Plan! and many more)

$roup Insurance )che/es

In!urance For 7mployee&7mployer Aroup! In!urance For *on&7mployer & 7mployee Aroup! 7mployee! Depo!it -inked In!urance *ew Aroup Superannuation Scheme *ew Aroup Aratuity 6are Scheme RI0s

)pecial Insurance Policies for

In1e!tgain 7ndowment Plan 6a!hgain oney "ack Plan L6hildgain Bid! Special Plan Swarna Ji!hranthi

"ajaj Allian. India offer! con1enient premium payment and receipt option!) The payment! can be direct through che>ue!0 DDG! or directly from your account! or through credit card) The premium! can al!o be paid online) The in!urance policy holder! who al!o ha1e an account with Standard 6hartered "ank can a1ail the direct debit mandate facility) The "ajaj Allian. -ife In!urance web!ite offer! human life 1alue e!timator0 child education co!t calculator0 retirement !olution! and re>uired pen!ion e!timator and premium calculator online) The "ajaj Allian. in!urance agent! will guide you about the general life in!urance policie! be!t !uited to your need!) The in!urance agent al!o brief! you about the in!urance >uote and the term! on the policy >uote!)



J%y,eep C'%u)e He%, HR

HR Ope)%#"o $ Rajesh Mishra

Bu$" e$$ HR Thomas Augustine

Pe)!o)m% -e (.m#./ T%le # (.m#. Sanjay Bhole

T%le # A-0u"$"#"o Sagar Vadapurkar

Le%) " . / De1elopme #

Harsh Bharadwaj

1R Operations )tructure R%& ee$' ("$')%

K Sub)%m% "%m

*%u#%m S%'%

Deep%2 S'elpe

Ne'% J%"


%I),E/ployee ER Hub #ata3ase,1RI) 1R Operations 2 Key Areas

Payroll 7mployee "enefit! 6ompliance Full H Final Settlement

Deep#" R%u#

T)up#" Ke)"m% "

+")%& K'%b"y%

Employee Be e!"#$ F&F



4RIS +4uman Re!ource! Information Sy!tem, 4R Audit 4R IS+4R anagement Information Sy!tem,

7mployee Relation 4ub Single 7mployee databa!e

Talent /anage/ent 2 )tructure

S% &yo# B'ole Se "o) (% %.e)

S')u#" S')"1%$#%1% A$$"$#% # (% %.e)

Sm)"#" S%" " Se "o) E3e-u#"1e

+usiness 1R 2 1ierarchy

J%y,eep C'%u)e He%, 4 HR

T'om%$ Au.u$#" e A+P 5 Bu$" e$$ HR

Zo %l HR (% %.e)$

S#%#e HR (% %.e)$

Se "o) E3e-u#"1e6 E3e-u#"1e 5 S#%#e 7"$e

CSR4 S#%#e 7"$e

Role of +usiness 1R
6ompliment! the 4O 4R team a! repre!entation at the 72tended arm of the 1ariou! 4R product team! from 4O)

ground le1el catering to the 4R need! of the 1a!t !pread of office!)

channel!) by 4R)

One !top for all 4R need! acro!! the country acro!! all Implementation and feedback of all initiati1e! undertaken Kndertake! "ranch 1i!it!0 4R induction0 Attendance anagement0 Performance anagement among a

proce!!ing0 7mployee grie1ance management0 Policy awarene!! 0 Talent Ac>ui!ition0 Talent ho!t of other 4R acti1itie!)

*ew employee orientation i! the proce!! you u!e for welcoming a new employee into your organi.ation) *ew

employee orientation0 often !pearheaded by a meeting with the 4uman Re!ource! department0 generally contain! information about !afety0 the work en1ironment0 the new job de!cription0 benefit! and eligibility0 company culture0 company hi!tory0 the organi.ation chart and anything el!e rele1ant to working in the new company)

A! new employee! enter an organi!ation0 they find them!el1e! thrown into a new en1ironment and a confu!ed !tate) Thi! i! where induction training can help familiari!e them with the organi!ationG! way! and culture) *ew employee orientation often include! an introduction to each department in the company and training on&the&job) *ew employee orientation fre>uently include! !pending time doing the job! in each department to under!tand the flow of the product or !er1ice through the organi.ation)



7mployee! were a!ked what they wanted and needed from orientation) They were al!o a!ked what they liked and didnGt like about orientation) *ew employee! were a!ked what they wanted to know about the organi.ation) Additionally0 the organi.ationG! !enior manager! were a!ked what they belie1ed wa! important for employee! to learn when joining the county payroll) Induction Feedback 3ue!tionnaire !hould be filled up by the employee! and !hould be e1aluated by the 4R department It can be u!ed to know the induction proce!! le1el and what the employee! want from the organi.ation) "y thi! it i! al!o po!!ible to check the awarene!! le1el of the new employee!) The 3est ne- e/ployee orientation4

ha! targeted goal! and meet! them0 make! the fir!t day a celebration0 in1ol1e! family a! well a! co&worker!0 make! new hire! producti1e on the fir!t day0 i! not boring0 ru!hed or ineffecti1e0 and u!e! feedback to continuou!ly impro1e)

Research can be defined a! the !earch for knowledge or any !y!tematic in1e!tigation to e!tabli!h fact!) The term research i! al!o u!ed to de!cribe an entire collection of information about a particular !ubject) Research Process42

Research Characteristics42

Originate! with a >ue!tion or problem) Re>uire! clear articulation of a goal) Follow! a !pecific plan or procedure) Often di1ide! main problem into !ub problem!) Auided by !pecific problem0 >ue!tion0 or

hypothe!i!) Accept! certain critical a!!umption!) Re>uire! collection and interpretation of data) 6yclical +helical, in nature)

#ata Collection
Research /etho,ology talk! about data collection of the project work) The data collection a! !uch i! di1ided into

Pri/ary ,ata collection& Data collected through 3ue!tionnaire !ur1ey0 Telephonic Se!!ion0 etc)

)econ,ary ,ata collection& Data collected through -iterature !ur1ey0 Nournal!0 Internet !earch0 6ompany record!Mbulletin0 6ompany report!0 etc)

In thi! Project new joining employee5! data i! taken from the company5! 4R IS) The information re>uired for the induction and induction feedback proce!! i! taken from 4R IS) Then the Induction Feedback 3ue!tionnaire i! made filled by them by a!king them >ue!tion on the telephone !e!!ion)

!1AT I) I #'CTIO 5
In,uction0 al!o called orientation i! de!igned to pro1ide a new employee with the information he or !he ned! to function comfortably and effecti1ely in the organi.ation!) It i! a planned introduction of new hire! to their job!0 their peer! and the company)

Typically0 induction con1ey! three type! of information& (i (ii general information about the daily work routineO a re1iew of the firm5! hi!tory0 founding father!0 objecti1e!0

operation! and product! or !er1ice!0 a! well a! how the employee5! job contribute! to the organi.ation5! need!O and (iii a detailed pre!entation0 perhap!0 in a brochure0 to the An in,uction progra//e i! the proce!! u!ed within many bu!ine!!e! to welcome new employee! to the company and prepare them for their new role) An induction programme i! an important proce!! for bringing !taff into an organi!ation) It pro1ide! an introduction to the working en1ironment and the !et&up of the employee within the organi!ation) The proce!! will co1er the employer and employee right! and the term! and condition! of employment) A! a priority the induction programme mu!t co1er any legal and compliance re>uirement! for working at the company and pay attention to the health and !afety of the new employee) An induction programme i! part of and an i! organi!ation5! policie!0 work rule! and employee benefit!)

organi.ation! knowledge

management proce!!

intended to enable the new !tarter to become a u!eful0 integrated member of the team0 rather than being Ithrown in at the deep endI without under!tanding how to do their job0 or how their role fit! in with the re!t of the company) A good induction programme! can increa!e producti1ity and reduce !hort&term turno1er of !taff) /hen you take on a new employee0 it i! important that you gi1e them the right induction that will benefit them!el1e! and your bu!ine!!) Thi! induction period can be con!idered a!

the foundation! for getting the mo!t out of the employee and to determine their long term !ucce!! in your bu!ine!!) An induction !hould be gi1en at the beginning of employment and may !tretch for !e1eral week!0 or e1en month!) During thi! time0 the >uality of the induction will ha1e an effect on how the employee 1i!uali.e! your bu!ine!! and how well they will integrate into it) Some companie! often make the mi!take of ignoring induction period!) In!tead0 they lea1e the new employee to pick thing! up them!el1e!0 and from e2i!ting employee!0 which co!t! time and money) Thi! defeat! the idea of induction which i! to integrate the employee !o that they reach their full potential a! !oon a! po!!ible) If your new employee i! to be recruited through an inter1iew0 then it i! a good idea to !tart the induction at that !pecific time) 71en if the applicant i!n5t definitely going to be your new employee0 it !till gi1e! them a chance to maintain intere!t in your bu!ine!!)

7mployer! ha1e to reali.e that orientation i!nGt ju!t a nice ge!ture put on by the organi.ation) It !er1e! a! an important element of the recruitment and retention proce!!) Some key purpo!e! are(

To Re,uce )tartup Costs4 Proper orientation can

help the employee get Iup to !peedI much more >uickly0 thereby reducing the co!t! a!!ociated with learning the job)

To Re,uce An6iety4 Any employee0 when put into a

new0 !trange !ituation0 will e2perience an2iety that can

impede hi! or her ability to learn to do the job) Proper orientation help! to reduce an2iety that re!ult! from entering into an unknown !ituation0 and help! pro1ide guideline! for beha1ior and conduct0 !o the employee doe!nGt ha1e to e2perience the !tre!! of gue!!ing)

To Re,uce E/ployee Turno.er4 7mployee turno1er

increa!e! a! employee! feel they are not 1alued0 or are put in po!ition! where they canGt po!!ibly do their job!) Orientation !how! that the organi.ation 1alue! the employee0 and help! pro1ide the tool! nece!!ary for !ucceeding in the job)

To )a.e Ti/e for the )uper.isor4 Simply put0 the

better the initial induction0 the le!! likely !uper1i!or! and co& worker! will ha1e to !pend time teaching the employee) To #e.elop Realistic Jo3 E6pectations, Positi.e Attitu,es an, Jo3 )atisfaction4 It i! important that employee! learn a! !oon a! po!!ible what i! e2pected of them0 in addition to learning about the 1alue! and attitude! of the organi.ation) "y induction employee under!tand job e2pectation! and bring! po!iti1e attitude and job !ati!faction)




Induction Programme0 to be effecti1e0 mu!t be ba!ed on !eriou! con!ideration to attitude!0 beha1iour! and information that new employee! need) Seldom are the!e ob!er1ed and it i! rare that the !y!tem i! effecti1e) 4owe1er0 following are !ome of the re>ui!ite! of an effecti1e !y!tem) Prepare for ne- e/ployees4 *ew employee! mu!t0 initially0 feel that they belong to the organi.ation and are important)

Therefore0 both the !uper1i!or and the 4R unit !hould be prepared to recei1e the employee) It i! 1ery uncomfortable for a new employee to arri1e at work and ha1e a manager !ay0 FOhP0 I didn5t reali.e you were coming to work todayF or E/ho are you;F Thi! deper!onali!ation0 ob1iou!ly0 doe! not create an atmo!phere of initial acceptance and tru!t) In addition0 co&worker! mu!t al!o be aware of the arri1al of a new worker) Thi! i! particularly true when the new employee5! entry i! likely to erode the po!ition and !tatu! enjoyed by the current employee!) In thi! ca!e0 management mu!t take the pre!ent employee! into confidence and con1ince them about the need for hiring the new employee) #eter/ine Infor/ation e- E/ployees !ant to Kno-4 The o1erriding >ue!tion guiding the e!tabli!hment of an induction programme i!0 F/hat doe! the new employee need to know now;F Often0 new employee! recei1e information on i!!ue!0 much of which i! not immediately re>uired) At the !ame time0 they fail to get 1ital information needed during the fir!t day of a new job) Some firm! u!e an induction checkli!t to a1oid any o1erlapping of or mi!!ing out on information) Such a checkli!t !hall contain item! to be co1ered by the 4R unit and the line manager) #eter/ine 1o- to present Infor/ation4 -ine manager! and 4R repre!entati1e! !hould determine the mo!t appropriate way to repre!ent the induction information) For e2ample0 rather than telling an employee 1erbally0 information on company !ick lea1e and holiday policie! may be pre!ented on the fir!t day in a handbook0 The manager or the 4R repre!entati1e! can re1iew thi! information a few day! later to an!wer any of the employee5! >ue!tion!) Co/pletion of Paper-or84 All e!!ential paperwork !hould be completed during orientation !o that the employee get! paid

accurately and on time) Jariou! ta2 and in!urance form! a! well a! time card! and other item! need to be completed in a timely fa!hion) There i! nothing more for a new employee than to mi!! the fir!t pay che>ue or to be paid improperly becau!e the correct form! were not completed accurately)



Induction in "ajaj Allian. -ife In!urance 6o) -td) +"A-I6, i! done for all new joining member! in all department!) In "A-I6 induction proce!! i! named a! PARIC1A*) Induction in "A-I6 i! done through 1ariou! way!( online induction PARI64A80 cla!!room induction PARI64A80 telephonic induction) In the induction in "A-I6 1ariou! important a!pect! re>uired for the new employee to know about the working culture in the company i! pre!ented) In the induction new joining employee i! made familiar with hierarchy of the organi.ation0 tell them about employee benefit! 0 about lea1e!0 about !alary procedure0 talent management in company 0 apprai!al cycle 0 target !etting 0 bu!ine!! 4R role0 etc) In the "A-I6 !ale! induction i! conducted !eparately in which !ale! profile of the company i! pre!ented) Some important a!pect! co1ered in induction +PARI64A8, in "A-I6 i! gi1en below)

1R:' ; 1R Portal
tran!action!) < day! after the creation of your employee code0 "A-I6 ha1e a 4R Portal +called 4R:K,) Thi! i! a 1ery

important platform for communication a! well for 1ariou! 4R related

7 mail ID and 4R:K ID i! generated) 7mployee! !hould make !ure that they login to 4R:K

regularly and remember their pa!!word) 4R:K !ite( http(MMhr:u)

') #) 9) :) <) Form)

4R:K feature! Attendance -ea1e! Regulari.ation! Per!onal detail! 6orporate Detail! Family Detail! Performance edicare 4R format! Q 6laim Form0 Policie!0 PF anagement

)alary & Atten,ance Facts

Point! related to !alary and attendance are told during the induction& Attendance 6ycle QAttendance from '%th of pre1iou!

month to '@th of current month i! counted for the !alary proce!!) day! of date of joining) Salar hold for non !ubmi!!ion of PA* H "A*B will -ea1e! Q7arned -ea1e0 Sick -ea1e0 aternity -ea1e

PA* *o) H "ank Account detail! Submi!!ion Salary will be hold put on hold if PA* i! not

!ubmitted within % day! or if "ank Account *o) i! not !ubmitted within :<

be relea!ed by ##nd of e1ery month0 if detail! !ubmitted before '<th ) Rea!on! for le!! !alary will be told) Rea!on for !alary not recei1ed will be di!!cu!!ed) Timeline!! for Ad1ance SalaryM4old Salary relea!e) Salary Slip! detail! will be told) Salary related >uerie! will be di!cu!!ed)

E/ployee +enefits

'#R of ba!ic !alary)

E/ployee Pro.i,ent Fun, 7mployee and 7mployer e>ual contribution0

*ew entrant! could tran!fer the pre1iou! 7PF

H 7PS through filling up the form '9)

declaration of # month!)

7PF and 7PS could be withdrawn through form

'% and form '$ 60 pro1ided there !hould be a non&employment

In ca!e of death of a employee the nominee

claim! the pen!ion by filling up for ' D) For any 7PF and 7PS withdrawalM tran!fer0 a

filled up SS* form i! preferred at the time of !ubmi!!ion) +4R:K,) All !pecific form! are a1ailable in 4RIS

all employee!) Aratuity Act) continuou! !er1ice, accident or di!ea!e)

$ratuity "A-I6 ha1e a Aroup Aratuity Scheme policy for

An employee who work! for a complete fi1e year!

of continuou! !er1ice i! entitled for Aratuity0 a! per the payment of

+-a!t drawn ba!icM #=S'<S number of month! M'#,

!er1ed in the period of !er1ice)+Subject to the pro1i!ion of fi1e year!

Aratuity !hall be payable to an employee on (

RetirementM Re!ignation0 Superannuation H death or di!ablement due to

In the e1ent of death of an employee the gratuity

amount goe! to the nominee a! declared in the form F0 a nomination form) The Aratuity claim get! !ettled and credited to the

employee5! !alary account online)

To the limit of R!)90<$0$$$ i! e2empted from the

ta2able income in a life time)


$roup ter/ life Insurance & A,,itional ,eath

It5! a Aroup -ife In!urance 6o1erage e2tended to

all employee! from the date of joining onward!) The co1erage amount 1arie! from employee a! it!

=$ time! of the ba!ic !alary and where the minimum co1erage i! < lac! and the ma2imum i! 9$ lac!) get! doubled) The premium i! borne by the company) In ca!e of an Accidental Death the AT- co1erage

E/ployee #eposit "in8e, Insurance<E#"I= It a 7mployee Depo!it -inked In!urance0 and all

employee! are co1ered under thi! who are !ub!cribed in the 7PF) Knder the 7D-I !cheme the life in!urance benefit

i! e>ual to the a1erage balance to the credit of the decea!ed employee in the pro1ident fund during the la!t '# month!0 pro1ided that where !uch balance e2ceed! R!) 9<0$$$M& plu! #<R of the amont in e2ce!! of R!) 9<0$$$M& !ubject to the ma2imum of R!)=$0$$$M&) If an employee! length of !er1ice i! low andM or the

!alary i! low0 the a1erage balance accumulated in the pro1ident fund i! low and therefore the benefit to the employee5! family i! an inade>uate)The alternati1e gi1en by IRDA i! that for the !ame amount

contributed by the employer can be paid to an in!urance company where the co1er !tart! from R!) =#0$$$M& to a ma2imum of R!)'0<$0$$$M&) The "ajaj Allian. Aroup Term -ife In!urance in

-ieu of 7D-I i! a better alternati1e to pro1ide more life in!urance protection to the employee!) A! the premium i! alway! le!! than the $)<R contributed by the employer and the life co1er more than what the PF pro1ide!0 it! beneficial for an employee)

E/ployees )tate Insurance Corporation<E)IC= 6o1erage of employee! drawing wage! upto

R!)'<0$$$M& per month engaged either directly or through contractor) Rate of contribution of the wage! employer5!

:)?<R and employee5! ')?<R) Dependent! Allowance0 "enefit!( To the employee! under Act& aternity0 be!ide! Funeral 72pen!e!0 edical0

Sickne!!0 72tended Sickne!! for certain di!ea!e!0 7nhance Sickne!!0 Rehabiliation edical "enefit! to in!ured per!on and hi! or Spou!e) /age! for 7SI contribution! to be deemed a!

wage!( "a!ic pay dearne!! Allowance0 4ou!e rent Allowance0 6ity 6ompen!atory Allowance0 O1ertime wage!+out to be taken into account for determining the co1erage of an employee,0 Du!t) Payment for day of re!t0 production incenti1e0

"onu!e! other than !tatuatory "onu! night Shift Allowance 4eat0 Aa! H

Allowance payment for un!ub!tantiated holiday!0

mealM food allowance0 !u!pen!ion allowance0 lay off compen!ation0 children education allowance +not being reimbur!ement for actual tuition fee,) o!t of the abo1e benefit! ha1e been taken care

from the in!urer with an enhanced option!)

$roup Personal Acci,ent<$PA= Knder the!e policy employee! are co1ered for

di!ability ari!ing out of accident!) Death i! not co1ered under thi! policy) It compen!ate! only lo!! of pay0 ari!ing out when

lea1e balance get! e2hau!ted) The company pay! the premium for thi! co1erage)

%e,icare All team member! are eligible to join the medicare edicare Ser1ice! -td)

ho!pitali.ation policy entered nto with the

7mployee! ha1e an option to !elect a Family

Floater co1er for !elf0 !pou!e0 two children and parent!M in Q law! for a floater amount of R!) 90 <0 ?)<0 '$ or < lac!) 7nrollment into thi! !cheme i! done only through

4R:K) In ca!e employee fail! to do hi!Mher enrollment within '< day! from the date of creation of hi! 4R:K ID0 the company gi1e! himMher default co1erage of R!) 9 lac! for !elf only)

The co1erage amount once !elected or gi1en by

default cannot be changed during the policy period + '!t Sept) to 9'!t Aug),) 4owe1er family member! can be added at any time) Aug), toward! the following path( 4R:K T edicare T edicare Detail! There i! a company !ub!idy of R!) <$$$M& +Sept)& edicare Premium) Any premium amount e2ceeding R!) <$$$M& i!

reco1ered from the employee5! !alary) Detail! are uploaded on 4R:K on

Talent %anage/ent & E/ployee engage/ent

The talent management H employee engagement

function undertake! and implement! all employee de1elopment M engagement initiati1e! in "A-I6) 6urrently the initiati1e! undertaken are(& Talent anagement program+T P, which i!

currently open for -9" H abo1e and aim! to holi!tically a!!e!! both performance H potential of employee H enable! u! to de1elop an organi.ation wide talent map) Succe!!ion Planning that facilitate! the

!ucce!!or! for each critical po!ition to be determined) 72cellence Award! which recogni.e all

out!tanding achie1er! in "A-I6 in non&!ale! function!)

Appraisal Cycle

The performance apprai!al proce!! in "A-I6 i!

biannual i)e) all eligible employee are a!!e!!ed again!t their !et BRA! twice a year& in October and April) September) Annual Apprai!al!( & '!t Oct) to 9'!t arch) The re1iew period look! a! under( Target !etting with in ' month of joining) id Q year Apprai!al!( '!t April to 9'!t

Target )etting
month of joining) with their !uperior!) The target !etting and apprai!al proce!! i! done 7mployee! ha1e to di!cu!! and finali.e their target! 7mployee! ha1e to complete their target !etting in '

through the 4R portal i)e) 4R:K)

An Induction programme can go wrong for a number of rea!on!) The 4R department !hould try to a1oid !uch error!) Some of them are(

') or i! to bu!y) #) in a !hort time) 9) :)

Super1i!or who i! entru!ted with the job i! not trained

7mployee i! o1erwhelmed with too much information

7mployee i! o1erloaded with form! to complete) 7mployee i! gi1en only menial ta!k! that di!courage

job intere!t and company loyalty) <) 7mployee i! a!ked to perform ta!k! where there are

high chance! of failure that could needle!!ly di!courage the employee) =) 7mployee i! pu!hed into the job with a !ketchy

induction under the mi!taken belief that Dtrial by fire5 i! the be!t induction) ?) le1el) @) %) '$) 7mployee i! thrown into action too !oon) 7mployee5! mi!take! can damage the company) 7mployee may de1elop wrong perception! becau!e 7mployee i! forced to fill in the gap! between a broad

induction by the 4R department and a narrow induction at the department

of !hort period! !pent on each job)



6ompany in induction feedback a!k! employee! to complete a >ue!tionnaire e1aluating the programme) It i! de!irable that the >ue!tionnaire i! admini!tered after !ome length of time0 in order to enable the employee to gain !ome per!pecti1e about the work and the company) In the

alternati1e0 the 4R repre!entati1e or the !uper1i!or may conduct follow&up inter1iew! to elicit the employee5! opinion) /hate1er the approach0 the feedback from the employee! enable! a firm to adopt it! induction programme to the !pecific !ugge!tion! of the new employee!) In addition0 firm! !hould reali.e that the new employee! will recei1e an induction that could help them impro1e their performance) It i! certainly in the be!t intere!t of the firm to ha1e a well& planned and well&e2ecuted programme) In "A-I6 induction feedback proce!! i! named a! #O)T #ATA CAPT'RE. In which #O)T #ATA CAPT'RE FOR% +3ue!tionnaire, i! made filled by a!king the employee! on the telephonic !e!!ion) The DOST Data 6apture Form i! di1ided in three round! a! on the ?th day of joining0 '<th day of joining and 9$th day of joining) The detail of new joining employee i! taken from the 4R IS like the name of the employee0 contact number of the employee and date of joining of the employee) To e1ery new employee on hi!Mher ?th day of joining a!ked !erie! of >ue!tion! on the telephonic !e!!ion0 then on '<th day of joining a!ked another !erie! of >ue!tion and then again on 9$th day of joining a!ked another !erie! of >ue!tion) At e1ery call re!pon!e! of the employee noted on the DOST DATA 6APTKR7 FOR and at la!t the!e data i! analy!ed to make correcti1e action!)


<I= >th #ay of Joining
') 4a1e you been introduced to your colleague!;



Are you marking your attendance through 4R:K and

manual attendance; 9) medicare benefit!; :) <) =) ?) I! your webmail acti1ated; 4a1e you updated your "ankMPA* detail! in 4R:K; 4a1e you declared your in1e!tment plan in 4R:K; 4a1e you completed the online induction PARI64A8; Initial Orientation -e1el& a! a!!e!!ed by the "4R +72cellentMAbo1e A1erageMA1erageM"elow A1erage, 4a1e you enrolled your!elf Myour family member! for

<II= ?@th #ay of Joining

') #) Admin I track; 9) :) letter; <) =) 4a1e you di!cu!!ed the target! with your !uper1i!or; Are you aware of the payroll cycleMattendance cycle; Are you aware of < day non&login procedure; 4a1e you recei1ed the hard copy of appointment 4a1e you completed the !ale! induction; Are you aware of 4R cataly!tMAdmin I trackMSale!

<III= ABth #ay of Joining

') Are you aware of 7&-earning; 4a1e you !tarted

acce!!ing the a!!igned cour!e! ;

#) 9)

4a1e you recei1ed your fir!t !alary; 4a1e you completed the PARI64A8+cla!!room,; &&'!t random >ue!tion by "4R to a!!e!! the awarene!! of employee) &&#nd random >ue!tion by "4R to a!!e!! the awarene!! of employee)

the employee)

Ob!er1ation by "ranch


Any concern area!M !ugge!tion!M feedback from

FACT) A # FI #I $)

In the project Induction and Induction Feedback Proce!!0 "A-I6 conduct! the induction of new employee through 1ariou! proce!!e! like cla!!room induction0 online induction and telephonic induction !e!!ion!) In the induction company deli1er! the information about the company0 employee benefit!0 lea1e! procedure!0 !alary and attendance related fact!0 etc) In Induction Feedback Proce!! 6ompany u!e the Induction Feedback Proce!! 3ue!tionnaire +Do!t Data 6apture Form,0 which i! made filled by the employee! through the telephonic !e!!ion) The 3ue!tionnaire i! di1ided into three part! i)e) ?th day of joining0 '<th day of joining and 9$th day of joining) In all the!e three part! different >ue!tion! are a!ked by the employee to know that they get introduced with their colleague!0 whether they are aware about the benefit!0 !alary procedure0 etc) After the completion of thi! project and analy!i! there are !ome outcome!(&

"A-I6 u!ing the 1ariou! way! of induction which are

beneficial for the company a! well a! for the employee) "A-I6 u!ing the induction feedback proce!! in

>ue!tionnaire form which gi1e! the feedback of employee! in proper format) 6ompany u!ing the >ue!tionnaire di1ided in part! according

to the day of joining which gi1e! the updation of the le1el of induction of employee!)

6ompany follow! the induction and induction feedback

proce!! not only for the new employee! but al!o for the employee! promoted to the new po!ition)


<I= >T1 #ay of Joining

') 4a1e you been introduced to your colleague!;

In tro , u c tio n to C o lle a g e s

8 e! *o





introduced with other employee! after a week in the company)


Are you marking your attendance through 4R:K and

manual attendance;

% ar8 ing Atten, an ce

Only marking manual A ttendance '$R *o '=R 8e! ?:R



Only marking manual A ttendance





mark their attendance in the 4R:K and '=R of employee mark their attendance manually becau!e their employee code i! not generated)

9) 4a1e you enrolled your!elf Myour family member! for medicare benefit!;

Enrolle, for /e,icare 3enefits

8e! :'R *o <%R

8 e! *o

About <%R not enrolled for the

medicare benefit! and :'R ha1e enrolled them!el1e! and their family)


I! your webmail acti1ated;

!e3/ail Acti.ate,

9$ #< #$ '< '$ < $ 8e! *o

/ebmail i! the mail ID which

i! generated by the company only for the employee!) not po!!ible for !ome employee!) o!t of the webmail i!

generated within !e1en day of joining but due to !ome rea!on! it may be

<) 4a1e you updated your "ankMPA* detail! in 4R:K;

'p,ate, +an8CPA 9$ #< #$ '< '$ < $ 8e! *o Only bank detail! gi1en Only PA* detail! gi1en #etails

o!t of the percentage of

employee not updated their detail! becau!e their account i! not open in the tie up bank and Pan card are not generated)

=) 4a1e you declared your in1e!tment plan in 4R:K;

#eclare, in.est/ent Plan

<$ :$ 9$ #$ '$ $ 8e! *o

becau!e they are not aware)

o!t of the ha1e declared

?) 4a1e you completed the online induction PARI64A8;

Online In,uction Co/plete,

9< 9$ #< #$ '< '$ < $ 8e! *o

@) Initial Orientation -e1el& a! a!!e!!ed by the "4R +72cellentMAbo1e A1erageMA1erageM"elow A1erage,

Initial Orientation "e.el

#< #$ '< '$ < $ 72cellent Abo1e A1erage A1erage S' "elow A1erage

ainly induction i! a1erage

in rating becau!e mo!t of the people are not aware about the importance of induction and they are not intere!ted)

<II= ?@th #ay of Joining

') 4a1e you completed the !ale! induction;

Co/plete, )ales In,uction

*o :9R 8e! <?R 8e! *o

completed the !ale! induction)

About <?R of employee! ha1e

#) Are you aware of 4R cataly!tMAdmin I trackMSale! Admin I track;

A-are of 1R catalystCA,/in I Trac8C)ales A,ni/ I Trac8

8e! #=R

*o ?:R

9) Are you aware of < day non&login procedure;

A -are of @ #ay on2"ogin Proce,ure

8e! 9=R
8 e! *o

*o =:R

About =:R of the people

are not aware about the non login procedure)

! 4a1e you recei1ed the hard copy of appointment letter;

Recei.e, har, Copy of Appoint/ent "etter *o 9@R

8e! =#R

8e! *o

About =#R ha1e recei1ed

the hard copy of appointment letter)

". 4a1e you di!cu!!ed the target! with your !uper1i!or;

#iscusse, the Target -ith )uper.isor

:$ 9< 9$ #< #$ '< '$ < $ 8e! *o





di!cu!! their target! with the !uper1i!or!)

#. Are you aware of the payroll cycleMattendance cycle;

A-are of Payroll CycleCAtten,ance Cycle

9< 9$ #< #$ '< '$ < $ 8e! *o

ajor of percentage of employee are not aware of the Payroll

cycle M Attendance cycle)

<III= ABth #ay of Joining

1. Are you aware of 7&-earning; 4a1e you !tarted acce!!ing the a!!igned cour!e!;

A-are of E2"earning & starte, accessing courses

9< 9$ #< #$ '< '$ < $ 8e! *o

o!t of employee are not aware about the 7 -earning)

$. 4a1e you recei1ed your fir!t !alary;

Recei.e, First )alary 8e! '%R

8e! *o

*o @'R

About @'R of employee! not get their fir!t !alary on the 9$ th

day of joining becau!e they do not ha1e regulari.e their attendance !ome of them ha1e not gi1en the completed detail! in 4R:K)

%. 4a1e you completed the PARI64A8 +cla!!room,;

Co/plete, PARIC1A* <Classroo/=
9< 9$ #< #$ '< '$ < $ 8e! *o

6la!!room induction i! completed by the mo!t of the employee!)

)!OT A A"*)I)

S/OT Analy!i! of Induction and Induction Feedback Proce!! i! done after the completion of the project to know the following point! regarding the induction and induction feedback proce!! conducted in the company)


Through the induction the employee get! ea!ily familiar with 7mployee get! knowledge about the employee benefit!0 Induction feedback proce!! gi1e! the feedback from

working culture of the company) !alary procedure0 lea1e! procedure0 etc) employee! what they want from company and le1el of the awarene!! of the employee regarding the company) Induction remo1e! the conflict in the mind of the new employee!)


Induction i! time con!uming for the company) Induction create! the boredom and o1er whelmed for the Sometime! employee do not take intere!t in the induction

new employee!) a! well a! in the feedback proce!!)

/ith the help of planned induction proce!! create! the

feeling in the mind of the employee that the company i! concerned about them)

Thi! create! the loyalty of the employee! toward! the Aood induction program! get new people up to !peed

company) fa!ter0 ha1e better alignment between what new people do and what the organi.ation need! them to do0 ha1e happier employee!) Through the good induction program company may ha1e low turno1er rate! in future)

The re!ult of not planned induction i! often a confu!ed new

employee who take! a long time to become producti1e0 or become! fru!trated and >uickly lea1e! the organi.ation)

The co!t of unplanned induction can create problem in the

co!t control and co!t effecti1ene!! for the 4R department)


A good induction can determine how >uickly your employee !ettle! into the bu!ine!! and the !peed at which they de1elop to reach their full potential) Ai1ing the employee all they need to know in relation to their time at your bu!ine!! will further determine it! effecti1ene!!) Induction Feedback i)e) DOST DATA 6APTKR7 i!

nece!!ary for the new employee a! well a! for the company to be conducted becau!e it !how! the awarene!! of the employee and concern area! to take correcti1e action! by the company) In1ol1e e1eryone that you feel e!!ential to create good relation! between the new employee and tho!e that they will ha1e connection! with) ake the employee feel welcome and comfortable in all area! that will in1ol1e their pre!ence)

RECO%%E #ATIO ) & )'$$E)TIO )

"y the project and the conduction of the project in the "ajaj Allian. -ife In!urance I found !ome area! which i! to be re1i!ed in proper manner) Some !ugge!tion that I like to gi1e to the company are a! follow!)
6ompany !hould make the induction program effecti1e to

get the intere!t of the employee) 6ompany !hould tell the employee! that it i! important for them to know the employee benefit! and other fact!) 6ompany !hould not take too much time in the creation of the employee code !o that they can acce!! the 4R:K portal) 6ompany !hould make the induction program co!t effecti1e) 6ompany !hould a!k the employee! to gi1e their full detail! in the 4R:K portal)
6ompany !hould tell the employee! to !tart 7 learning

cour!e at the proper time) 7mployee! are not intere!ted in gi1ing their feedback company !hould tell them to gi1e feedback whene1er a!ked)

R)B)Aupta www) www)google)co)in www)citehr)in D4uman Re!ource DStrategic 4R anagement5 by B A!wathappa and "u!ine!! performance5 by Prof)

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