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In a large employing mostly highly organization educated professionals is another perspective on management theory and practice was also

emerging. Generally referred to as classical organization theory, this perspective is concerned with structuring organizations effectively. Whereas scientific management studied how individual workers could be made more efficient, classical organization theory focused on how a large number of workers and managers could be most effectively organized into an overall structure. The basic premises underlying the human relations movement are that people respond primarily to their social environment, that motivation depends more on social needs than on economic needs, and that satisfied employees work harder than unsatisfied employees (COMPANY, 2006).

In a large organization that employs highly educated professionals, it is important for the organization to fulfil the self-actualization needs of the professionals. Managers using Maslows hierarchy to motivate employees do things to satisfy employees needs, but the theory also says that once a need is substantially satisfied, an individual is no longer motivated to satisfy that need. Besides that, the ways to fulfil their self-actualization needs is a persons needs for growth, achieving ones potential and self fulfilment. A persons need to become what he or she is capable is becoming. It known as high order needs. The behavioural theory of management holds that all people including employees have complex needs, desires, and attitudes. The fulfilment of needs is the goal toward which employees are motivated. Effective leadership matches need-fulfilment rewards with desired behaviours in tasks that accomplish organizational goals. For example the marketer will only purchase luxury product. Meanwhile, marketer will think creatively to sell the product with satisfy the needs and wants to satisfy these through hard work (JAYA, 2014).

Besides that, how managers can apply theory Y to motivate the highly educated professionals is Theory y is the assumption that employees are creative, enjoy work, seek responsibility, and can exercise self-direction. Theory Y manager is the only way to motivate employee. For example, managers should adopt participative decision making, provide challenging jobs and have good group relations to motivate workers such as job satisfaction are the major causes of employee behaviours such as job performance. The ways to fulfil their need for achievement is by using three need theories is need for achievement is the drive to succeed and excel in relation to a set of standards. Thus, need for power is the need to make others behave in a way that they would not have behaved otherwise. Besides that, the

last is need for affiliation is the desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationship (JAYA, 2014). Organic structure is more suitable for motivating the highly educated professionals is some people prefers mechanistic structures because highly adaptive form that is as the mechanistic organization is rigid and stable. Rather than having standardized jobs and regulations, the organic organizations loose structure allows it to change rapidly as required. Thus, employees tend to be professionals who are technically proficient and trained to handle diverse problems (P.ROBBIN, 2014). Some people prefers organic structures because of the low work specialization (challenging jobs), the wide span of control (distant supervision) and Decentralization (more autonomy, freedom, flexibility).

Therefore, some people prefers mechanistic structures because of the high work specialization (repetitive and predictable work tasks, feel more secure), the narrow span of control (boss that available at all times) and centralization (less ambiguity, minimal intellectual demands). To maximize employee performance and satisfaction, managers must take individual differences (experience, education, personality) into account.

In conclusion, Organizations constantly encounter forces driving them to change. Because change means doing something new and unknown, the natural reaction is to resist it. Extension programme managers must overcome this resistance and adopt innovative and efficient management techniques to remain high performers. They must improve their personal, team, and cultural management skills if they hope to adapt themselves to a changing world. To carry out their responsibilities, managers need to obtain recent, relevant information that exists in books, journals, and people's heads who are widely scattered within and outside the organization. They have to make decisions based on information that is both overwhelming and incomplete. In addition, managers need to get cooperation from subordinates, peers, superiors, and people over whom they may have no formal authority. Factors that affect managers include level of management, size of the organizational unit, and function of the unit, lateral interdependence, crisis conditions, and stage in the organizational life cycle. Management can be defined as the rational assessment of a situation and the systematic selection of goals and purposes; the systematic development of strategies to achieve these goals; the marshalling of

the required resources, the rational design, organization, direction, and control of the activities required to attain the selected procedures.

Diploma Business Administration 3BES0903N Organizational Behaviour

(SCSJ 0013349)

WORD : 467

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