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Activity: How a Bill Becomes a Law

Part 1 Learn more about how a bill becomes a law at Bens Guide to U.S. Governments. Use this graphic organi er to ta!e notes as you visit the website and learn more on how a bill becomes a law.

House"Senate Senate"House #. Representative has an idea for a new law, he/sheis sponsor of that bill. They then place the bill in a
hopper. Clerk assigns a legilative number to bill, with H.R. for bills introduced in House and S. for senate. !" then prints bill and distributes copies to each Rep.

$. #ill is assigned to a committe by speaker of House so it can be studied. Standing commitee studies bill
and hears from e$perts and people intreseted. Committee may then release the bill with recommendation, revise it, or lay it aside for note vote. Releasing the bill is %reporting it out%. setting aside is %tabling&

%. 'f bill relased, it goes on a calendar. House Rules Committee could call for a (uick vote on the bill, limit
the bedate, or limit or prohibit amendments. )ndisputed bills can be passed by a unanimous sonsent, or by a */+ vote if there is an agreemnent to suspend the rules.

&. #ill goes to floor of House to consider it and begins with a complete reading of the bill. , third reading
occurs after amendment added. 'f passed by simple ma-ority, *./ out of 0+1, the bill moves to Senate.

'. , Senator must recogni2ed as the presiding officer and announce the introduction of the bill in order for
the bill to be introduced to the Senate. Sometimes, when a bill passes in one house, it is an %act%. However, this means a bill that has been passed by both the House and the Senate and becomes a law.

(. "nly in the House, the bill then is assigned to a committe. ,ssigned ne$t to one of the Senate&s .3
standing committees. The Senate committee studies it and then either releases or tables the bill.

). 4hen the bill is released, it goes to the Senate floor for consideration. #ills are voted in the Senate
based on the order they come from. Though, an urgent bill may be pushed ahead by the leaders. 4hen Senate considers the bill, they can vote on indefinitely. 4hen there is no more debate, bill is voted on. Simple ma-ority passes the bill 51. out of .667

*. The #ill now moves to a confernce committee, that has both House and Senate members. Committee
works out any differences between House and Senate versions. Revised bill sent back to both houses for final approval. 'f approved, bill then is printed by ).S. !" by enrolling. Clerk from the introducing house certifies final version.

+hite House ,. 8nrolled #ill is signed by Speaker of House and then the vice president. 9astly, sent for presidential sondieration. !resident has .6 days to sign/veto the enrolled bill. 'f vetoes, it can still become a law if */+ of Senate and */+ of H"use then vote in favor.

+hite House -art $ .rac!ing Legislation: Go to the .he Library o/ 0ongress website and view
.homas. Select an issue and the current year. Loo! at the status o/ the bill. 1ote i/ there are any issue groups also interested in this bill.

Answer the /ollowing 3uestions thoroughly. 4ou may copy and paste these 3uestions into the assignment. .he answers you provide5 as always5 should be your original wor!. #. +hat is the title o/ the bill6 H.7.$%,)8 9epartment o/ 9e/ense Apppropriations Act5 $:#& $. +hat is the bill about5 in general6 -rohibits use o/ /unds by the 1SA to target U.S. citi ens or ac3uire and store the content o/ a U.S. citi en;s communications5 including <8mails and phone calls. %. +hat is the status o/ the bill6 =>s in still in committee6 9id it become law6? Last recorded actions was @loor 0onsiderations by the house with a recorded vote o/ &:,8#$. &. +hat 0ongress member sponsored the bill6 7epresentative -ompeo5 Ai!e =78BS8&? '. How do you /eel about the bill6

' think it is a good start to stopping spying on ,merican citi2ens by the :S,.

' really hope it passes because ' do not agree with the some of these actions preformed by the :S,.

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