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Shiur notes in memory of Jane Freedman '' Petach Tikvah 17/2/201 !

iriam "ros#ie

We all know that HaShem has many faces and this shiur was given from my knowledge and friendship with Jane. All of those present have different memories and relationships with Jane but the concepts I chose spoke to me of what Jane's essence meant to me.
Heart. Wisdom. Mitzvos. The wise of heart will seize mitzvos, but the one of skeptical lips will be confused. [10-08]

My thoughts: ne who is wise of heart will search and seek opportunities to do good deeds! even when he has no immediate obligation to do so. "ontemplation of how short life is! and how imminent death is! will spur him on to amass as many merits as possible for the benefit of his soul # $ %onah& We remember that 'oshe concerned himself with taking the bones of Joseph out of (gypt instead of amassing wealth. ne who is wise of heart does not postpone good deeds. )hroughout her life Jane gave all she could to those people who came seeking advise and support.
Integrity. nte!rit" refers to a sense of discipline or conscientiousness that !uides the fair-minded person to maintain consistenc" in his practices so that he is enabled

Shiur notes in memory of Jane Freedman '' Petach Tikvah 17/2/201

to resist temporar" aberrations caused b" need or temptation. #ecause of the man" challen!es to his character that a person faces in life, this $ualit" is ver" demandin!. nte!rit" calls for serious self-control [10-0%, 11-0&]

My thoughts: I always felt that Jane had a high standard of integrity in all her dealings relationships.
Heart. The heart refers to the inner bein! of a person that directs his actions. ' person with self-control has trained his heart to be !uided b" his wisdom. (e is then referred to as )wise of heart*. +ithout this !uidance, the person is free to follow the passions of the moment. (e is then said to have a deficient heart )chasar lev*. [10-1&]

My thoughts: A rod should be used for one who lacks understanding! but love covers all transgressions. Jane always responded with love and compassion and without hatred$
Attitude. Behavior. A mans pattern of behavior is governed by his overall attitude. Over time that attitude leans toward either serving Hashem or pleasing himself. At the positive extreme he is described as a righteous man (tzadik and at the other extreme he is described as a wicked man (rasha . !he act of a tzaddik is for life. !he outcome of the act of the rasha is for failure." #$%&$']

My thoughts:

Shiur notes in memory of Jane Freedman '' Petach Tikvah 17/2/201

*or the righteous not only is the outcome of their actions good! but even the means they use. (ven though Jane always asked for the gossip! she really meant mundane things. Jane would always change the sub+ect if she thought that we were crossing the line into speaking ill of a person.
Fair-Mindedness. ,air-mindedness refers to the $ualit" of decenc" that motivates a person to act in a balanced and e$uitable manner. ' person ma" be fair-minded from birth or as a result of the wa" he was brou!ht up. ' person with this $ualit" is able to reco!nize and appreciate fair treatment, even in ambi!uous situations.[01-01, 11-0&]

My thoughts: Jane could always look for the good in a person.

Kindness. Callousness. .' kind man treats himself with kindness but a cruel person afflicts his bod". [11-1/]

My thoughts: Jane always treated each person with kindness and respect in all her dealings. I never heard a harsh word from her.

Life. Charity. .0ivin! true charit" [leads] to life, but [for] the pursuer of evil [intentions] it leads to his death.- [1118]

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My thoughts& ne who sows righteousness deems truth! meaning that +ust as a dam confines small fish in one area! guaranteeing that many will be caught' so too! one who acts righteously. $av ,achya e-plains that this verse speaks of the great reward for giving charity. I am sure that Jens will be sitting at the right hand of HaShem for all her good deeds.
Compassion. Cruelty. .The tzadik knows the needs of his animal, but the compassion of the resha1im is cruelt".- [12-10]

My thoughts. As we know Jane always put the needs of Soofee before her self. Jane's love of cats is well known among her friends. n many occasion she helped my husband and daughter to cut the claws of our cat.
Ideas taken from NAFSHI , A Unique Online Torah Learning Resource and ArtScroll Tanach Series- Mishlei [2]

Shiur notes in memory of Jane Freedman '' Petach Tikvah 17/2/201

(%) This article was used to remind us all of Jane's Emunah

in Hashem.
Nesivos Shalom The Holiday of Emunah and Bitachon

Each special da of the calendar contains a hidden dimension! and therefore offers us its own gift. "e are instructed 2to #as$ and in%uire& a'out the halachos ( the laws ) of each da as the occur. *rimaril ! this means to read ourselves to do whatever the mit+vos lin$ed to that particular the da re%uire of us. ,t also includes! however! our as$ing and in%uiring from Hashem to prepare ourselves attitudinall to the halichos! the special wa s and paths of the approaching event! and to understand their course through our neshamos. "here are the designed to ta$e us- How do we read ourselves for the .ourne - "e must as$ Hashem for guidance as to how we should come in to the holida ! and with what changes we can e/pect to emerge from it. 0hanu$ah and *urim are the completion of the set of seven ra''inic mit+vos. 12dded to the 341 mit+vos of the Torah! the form $eser 5 6numericall : 3278! or #crown.& 9ensing the 'itter and length e/ile that :nei ;israel would face after the Temple<s destruction! 0ha+al provided these two da s to accompan them in this terri'le .ourne . Each ear! these da s would sustain us through our difficulties ' shining upon us a light of emunah and 'itachon. Emunah and 'itachon 'rought a'out our salvation at the founding events of each of these holida s. "e awaited the implementation of a decree to ph sicall destro us at the time of the first *urim. The decree had 'een written and then sealed with the seal of the =ing of =ings. 2n hope of

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survival at the time e/ceeded the ordinar and natural. "e found emunah and 'itachon which were 'e ond the ordinar . >rom it we drew our salvation. The same was true of 0hanu$ah! where our spiritual e/istence was threatened! and where once again we found emunah and 'itachon where the could not have 'een e/pected to survive. >rom that 'elief and trust! we drew down the miracle from its Heavenl source. ,ronicall ! in one regard 0hanu$ah and *urim surpass the accomplishment of the E/odus from Eg pt. There! drawing upon emunah alone! we were freed from the hand of our oppressor. 2t the time of *urim! however! we turned the ta'les on our enemies. ?ot onl did we escape the designs of our oppressors! 'ut we achieved dominion over them. @2t 0hanu$ah as well! we reesta'lished political independence for almost the ne/t two hundred ears. A,n 'oth of these cases! adding 'itachon on to emunah made the difference. ,n the final anal sis! Torah and good deeds 'ring certain powers into pla . *ra er adds other powers. *erched on top of 'oth of them are emunah and 'itachon! which provide access to the most potent of powers Hashem sends our wa . 2t times! we can feel that the power of our tefilah is 'lunted! that various adversarial forces 'loc$ the effectiveness of our pra ers. These forces have no power! however! against 'itachon. 2t such times! emunah and 'itachon accomplish what pra er cannot.

!ish+ei %1,02 -. /oman of "haracter0 (%1&10 thru %1&%1) 1 finished 2ith the thou3hts of 4in3 So+omon on the son3 . 2omen of "haracter$ To me Jane 2as our 2oman of character for a++ of her friends$ 5er stren3th di3nity and com6assion s6oke for themse+ves$

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she 2i++ #e sore+y missed #y a++ of us$

Key Concepts of Mishlei 31-02 (A Woman of Character)
(hlomo Hamelech closes the book of )ishlei with a song of praise and appreciation for the *ewish woman. Here he views her as an idealized wife and mother+ seen primarily from the perspective of her husband who is deeply grateful for the wonderful treasure granted to him by Hashem. ,n the first chapter of )ishlei (hlomo had compared the -ivine gift of wisdom to the idealized metaphor of a woman calling upon man to fulfill his potential. ((ee (egment %$&%.. ,n subse/uent chapters (hlomo had pointed out how the powerful influence a woman can exert upon a man has the potential to destroy him if she is the wrong kind of woman. ((ee for example+ (egment %0&%1. 2ow+ in this final chapter of )ishlei (hlomo has reverted to the metaphor of a virtuous woman who urges a man to overcome his failings and rise to moral perfection. He began the chapter with a message of admonishment from his own mother+ 3as (heva. (he urgently advised him to resist the temptations inherent in his role as a great king. ((ee (egment 1$&%$.

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2ow he turns his attention to an idealized image of the perfect *ewish woman and draws a word picture of the wonderful /ualities that make her so appropriate for her mission as wife and mother. !hese /ualities are the virtues of character (middos which (hlomo describes in terms of the specific patterns of behavior that reflect those virtues. Of course+ not every type of behavior is relevant to every woman. 4or example+ the woman in this metaphor spends a good deal of time spinning flax and wool into yarn. (he appears to be actively involved in generating income for her household and among her duties is the management of the household staff+ which apparently includes a number of maids. !he important point is that even though the specific behaviors will be different for each woman+ the underlying middos are universal+ and every woman should aspire to attain them. 5very man should see his wife as an embodiment of all the virtues as they fit her particular situation in life. ,n fact+ he should hold himself to the same moral standards as those he has come to expect from her.

Shiur notes in memory of Jane Freedman '' Petach Tikvah 17/2/201

Resource material:
[1] [2]Artscroll Tanach ["] eries! Mishlei
#(*%+ (1)

M# H$%# &'(&%)T

Accounta,ilit-. (v. $$61$ 7,f the tzadik is repaid while yet on earth8 how much more so will the rasha and the sinner9" #$$&0:; Anger. the hame. 7!he anger of a fool becomes known on day+ but a clever man covers up #same;

disgrace." #$0&$'; An.iet-. 7<orry in a man=s heart> ?et him subdue it. ?et a good word convert it to @oy." #$0&0.; Attitude. Behavior. A mans pattern of behavior is governed by his overall attitude. Over time that attitude leans toward either serving Hashem or pleasing himself. At the positive extreme he is described as a righteous man (tzadik and at the other extreme he is described as a wicked man (rasha . !he act of a tzaddik is for life. !he outcome of the act of the rasha is for failure." #$%&$'; Blessings. Memor-. Tzaddi/. Aecalling the life of the tzaddik is for blessing+ but the name of the reshaim will rot away. #$%&%:; Betra-al. 72o sin will happen to the tzadik but the resha1im will be filled with evil." #$0&00; Blessings. Head. Tzaddi/. 3lessings will cover the head of the tzaddik+ but the harm of the reshaim will cover their mouth. #$%&%';

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&harit-. $ife. 7Biving true charity #leads; to life+ but #for; the pursuer of evil #intentions; it leads to his death." #$$& $C; &ommunit-. 7!he entire city re@oices in the good of the tzadikim+ (righteous and when the reshaim (wicked perish+ there is @ubilation." 7!hrough the blessing of the yesharim (fair&minded the city is uplifted but through the mouth of the reshaim it is ruined." #$$&$%; &om0assion. &ruelt-. 7!he tzadik knows the needs of his animal+ but the compassion of the reshaim is cruelty." #$0&$%; &onfidentialit-. 7A gossipmonger reveals #what should be secret;+ but a trustworthy person conceals a matter." #$$&$0; &ontem0t. 7He who disparages his fellow lacks good sense+ but a man of understanding will /uietly reflect." #$$&$$; &ounsel. Treacherous &ounsel. !reachery is in the heart of #advisers; who plot harm+ but for those who counsel peace there is @oy. #$0&0%; &redi,ilit-. 7He who speaks truthfully testifies @ustly but a lying witness practices deceit." #$0&$:; *aas. Moral /no1ledge. !o have daas ( ) & is to know how to go about making the right choices in life. ,t effectively becomes true moral knowledge when it is trusted and valued by the person who knows it. Only then will he be able to ac/uire it. #%$&%0; *eath. 7<hen a wicked man dies+ hope is lost+ and the prospect of physical strength perishes." #$$&%:;

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*ece0tion. Bod- $anguage. He who winks his eye in the course of deceiving others+ brings grief upon himself+ and the fool who signals with his lips will become weary trying to convince his victim that he carried no malice. #$%&$%; *esire. Ho0e 7!he desire of tzadikim is only for good8 the hope of reshaim #ends up as; anger." #$$&00; *ignit-. Toil. 7,t is better to be undignified and do ones own work than to maintain self&esteem at the cost of going hungry."#$0&%D; *iscretion. A clever man conceals #his; knowledge+ but the #man of; foolish heart proclaims #his; foolishness." #$0&01; *iligence 23erizus4. 7!he diligent hand will master #the challenges of life+; but the deceitful #hand; will be subservient."#$0&0E; %nigma. &hidah. !eaching of the wise that is stated in enigmatic form+ such as through through a )ashal (Allegory . #%$&%$+ v.'; 5air!Mindedness. 4air&mindedness refers to the /uality of decency that motivates a person to act in a balanced and e/uitable manner. A person may be fair&minded from birth or as a result of the way he was brought up. A person with this /uality is able to recognize and appreciate fair treatment+ even in ambiguous situations." #%$&%$+ $$&%1; 5air!Mindedness. 6ighteousness. 7!he righteousness of the fair&minded will rescue them+ but the ungrateful will be trapped #in their own; false schemes." #$$&%';

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5airness. #ntegrit-. 7!he integrity of the fair&minded will guide them+ but the perversity of the ungrateful will rob them." #$$&%1; 5latter-. 7<ith his mouth the flatterer destroys his friend+ but tzadikim are extricated through knowledge." #$$&%D; 5ool. /e0tic. A foolish person ( ) & who scorns wisdom and discipline+ which are the components of daas (moral knowledge . #%$&%0; 5oundations. 7#<hen; the reshaim are overthrown+ they are no more+ but the house of the tzaddikim will endure." #$0&%:; 5utilit-. 7!he #because it rasha has performs no an act of but falsehood sowing may permanence;+ $$60E 7A

righteousness earns a true reward." #$$&$:; 7enerosit-. cattering (v. person scatter #his money by giving it away freely; and yet gain more #than he had before;. Another may skimp from #giving even; what is fair+ but #ends up; with a loss." #$$& 01; 7enerosit-. elfishness. Blessing (v. $$60. 7!he generous soul will flourish+ and one who refreshes #others; will himself be refreshed." #$$&01; 7enerosit-. elfishness. &ontrol (v. $$60' 7One who withholds grain #from the market to drive up prices; will be cursed by people+ but blessing will be on the head of the provider." #$$&01; 7enerosit-. elfishness. %nv- ($$60: 7One who diligently seeks good #for others; procures #Hashems;


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favor+ but he who looks for evil #for others;+ it will easily come upon him." #$$&01; 7reed. 7!he rasha craves the spoils of evildoers+ but the root of the tzadikim will provide #their livelood;." #$0&$0; 7uidance. &ertaint-. !he lips of the tzaddik feed the multitudes+ but the fools will die because of a deficient heart. #$%&0$; Heart. !he heart refers to the inner being of a person that directs his actions. A person with self&control has trained his heart to be guided by his wisdom. He is then referred to as achacham lev (wise of heart . <ithout this guidance+ the person is free to follow the passions of the moment. He is then said to have a deficient heart (chasar lev . #$%& $1; Heart. Chasar Lev. On the lips of the discerning thinker (navon will be found wisdom+ but a disciplining rod #must be applied; to the body of the person with a deficient heart (chasar lev*. #$%&$1; Heart. Chasar Lev. !he lips of the tzaddik feed the multitudes+ but the fools will die because of a deficient heart. #$%&0$; Heart. Wisdom. Mitzvos. !he wise of heart will seize mitzvos+ but the one of skeptical lips will be confused. #$%&%C; Honor. Wealth. 7!he woman of grace upholds honor but autocrats value wealth.8 #$$&$.; Ho0e. *esire. 7!he desire of tzadikim is only for good8 the hope of reshaim #ends up as; anger." #$$&00;


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Ho0e. 5ear. <hat the rasha dreads will come upon him and #Hashem; will grant the desire of the tzaddikim. #$%& 0E; Ho0e. 5ulfillment. 7!he hope of tzaddikim will be fulfilled in @oy+ but the hope of reshaim will fail." #$%&0C; #dleness. Toil. 7One who works his soil will have his fill of bread+ but he who follows idlers lacks #a self&disciplining; heart" #$0&$$; #mmoralit-. 9uic/ness. ,t is like a burst of laughter for a fool to implement an immoral thought and for wisdom coming to a man of understanding. #$%&01; #nsight. Tevunah. On the lips of the discerning thinker (navon will be found wisdom+ but a disciplining rod #must be applied; to the body of the person with a deficient heart. #$%&$1; #ntegrit-. ,ntegrity refers to a sense of discipline or conscientiousness that guides the fair&minded person to maintain consistency in his practices so that he is enabled to resist temporary aberrations caused by need or temptation. 3ecause of the many challenges to his character that a person faces in life+ this /uality is very demanding. ,ntegrity calls for serious self&control to achieve total perfection in ones middos. ($%&%D+ $$&%1 #ntegrit-. &ommerce. 7-eceptive balance&scales are an abomination to Hashem+ but a perfect weight pleases Him." #$$&%$; #ntegrit-. )erversit-. 7!he perverse of heart are an abomination to Hashem+ but He is pleased by those whose way is sincere." #$$&$D;

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tronghold. 7!he





stronghold to the tzaddik who lives with integrity+ but a disaster to wrongdoers." 7A tzaddik will not be toppled forever+ but the reshaim will not dwell in the land." #$%& 0D; #ntegrit-. Truth. He who walks with integrity+ will go forward securely+ but he who perverts his ways will be found out. #$%&%D; #ntegrit-. Wealth. A deceitful hand makes a pauper+ but a hand of integrity will enrich. #$%&%E; #ntellect. Heart. 7A man may be praised according to the power of his intellect but the man of corrupted heart is to be scorned." #$0&%C; #ntervention. *aas. 7He who loves moral discipline loves knowledge #for it is ac/uired with the aid of discipline;+ but he who hates criticism #even though it is well& reasoned; is a boor+ who will never achieve knowledge." #$0&%$; :ustice. 7#*ustice will meted out from; hand to hand+ evil will not be exonerated. 3ut the offspring of the righteous may escape." #$$&0%; :ustice. 5airness. Acting in an e/uitable and balanced manner even when the law is not specific. #%$&%$+ v.1; :ustice. Mish0at. Adhering to the exact re/uirement of the law. #%$&%$+ v.1; :ustice. Tzede/. Boing 3eyond the ?etter of the ?aw. #%$&%$+ v.1; ;indness. &allousness. 7A kind man treats himself with kindness but a cruel person afflicts his body. 8 #$$&$';

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$aziness. Ant. 7Bo to the ant+ you lazy fellow. Observe its ways and you will become wise." #%'&%0; $aziness. 5armer. 7!he intelligent son gathers #his crops+ even; in the #late; summer+ but the shameful son is #already; asleep at harvest time #in early summer;." #$%& %.; $aziness. )overt-. 73ut your poverty will come upon you like a highwayman+ and your destitution like an armed bandit." #%'&%0; $aziness. %0; $aziness. <inegar. 7?ike vinegar to the teeth and like smoke to the eyes+ so is a lazy man to those who send him." #$%&0'; $ife. &harit-. 7Biving true charity #leads; to life+ but #for; the pursuer of evil #intentions; it leads to his death." #$$& $C; $ife. $ongevit-. 7!he fear of Hashem prolongs the days of life+ but the years of reshaim are shortened." #$%&0:; $ove. Hate. Hatred provokes strife+ but love covers all offenses." #$%&$0; Malice. Wisdom. 7<hen malice comes+ disgrace follows+ but with modesty+ there is wisdom." #$$&%0; Mashal. Allegor-. Farables+ images+ and metaphors as used throughout the !anach ((criptures + but especially in )ishlei. An allegory may have multiple levels of interpretation+ each of which is valid. #%$&%$+ v.';. lee0-head. 7How long will you lay in bed+ you loafer> <hen will you get up from your sleep>" #%'&


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Matrimon-. 7A woman of character is her husbands crown+ but a shameful wife is like rot in his bones." #$0& %E; Melitzah. #nter0retation of a Mashal. !he interpretion may be clearly implied by the context+ by tradition+ or through inspired analysis by !orah scholars. #%$&%$+ v.';. Mussar. Middos. )ussar (moral discipline is related to the idea of the correction of past errors. ,t emphasizes a persons middos and suggests the deterrent power of punishment either through actual suffering or through self&analysis. #$%&$:; Mussar. Tochachah. #ntervention. He who holds on to moral discipline is on the path to life but he who forsakes reproof goes astray." #$%&$:; 'rnamentation. 7A golden ring in the snout of a pig8 #so is; a beautiful woman of bad character." #$$&0$; )arents. :o- and #$%&%$; )erseverance. 6e,u/e. !he tongue of the tzaddik is like choice silver+ but the the heart of reshaim is fleeting. #$%& 0%; )erversit-. #ntegrit-. 7!he perverse of heart are an abomination to Hashem+ but He is pleased by those whose way is sincere." #$$&$D; )overt-. *eceit. A deceitful hand makes a pauper+ but a hand of integrity will enrich. #$%&%E; orro1. A wise son will make his father happy+ but a foolish son is his mothers sorrow.


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)overt-. Wealth. !he wealth of a rich man is his citadel of strength.!he ruin of the destitute is their poverty. #$%& $'; )recedents. 2o sin will happen to the tzadik but the resha1im will be filled with evil." #$0&0$; 6ealit-. $ife. <hen the storm wind of @udgment passes+ the rasha is gone+ but the tzaddik is the foundation of the world. #$%&0.; 6esentment. 5alsehood. One who covers up hatred has lips of falsehood+ but the one who speaks out the words of his resentment is a fool. #$%&$C; 6es0onsi,ilit-. (eglect. (v. $$60D 7#!he fool who; ruins his household #by neglecting his responsibilities; will inherit the wind. And #in the end+ that; fool will become a servant to the wise of heart." #$$&0.; 6ighteousness. !he righteousness of a conscientious person will straighten his path+ but the rasha will fall because of his wickedness." #$$&%.; 6is/ Avoidance. 7)isfortune will befall the one who guarantees #a loan to an unreliable; stranger but a hater of handshake commitments #to guarantee loans; will be secure." #$$&$E; 6ole Models. Teachers. (v. $$61% 7!he fruit of a tzadik is #the fruit of; a tree of life+ but a chacham ac/uires souls #by sharing his wisdom;." #$$&0'; elf! ufficienc-. 7A good person seeks favor from Hashem+ but a scheming person brings about calamity." #$0&%0;


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0eech. Action 7A man will be filled to satisfaction with good from the fruit of his mouth and the reward of mans handiwork will be rendered to him." #$0&$E; 0eech. *ece0tive 0eech. 7!he words of the reshaim lie in ambush for blood #by deceiving their victims;+ but the mouth of the yesharim will rescue them #from the temptation to deceive;." #$0&%'; 0eech. *estructive healing." #$0&$C; 0eech. 7ood1ill. 7!he mouth of the tzaddik sprouts wisdom+ but a perverse tongue will be severed." 7!he lips of a tzaddik know how to placate+ but the mouth of reshaim speaks perversity." #$%&1$+ $%&10; 0eech. $ashon Hara. One who covers up hatred has lips of falsehood+ but the one who speaks out the words of his resentment is a fool." #$%&$C; 0eech. $asting <alue. 7#<ords from; truthful lips will last forever but #words from; a false tongue are but for a moment." #$0&$D; 0eech. Mouth. $ife. 7!he mouth of the tzaddik is a wellspring of life+ but the mouth of the reshaim conceals #their; harm." #$%&$$; 0eech. #$%&$D; 0eech. =nguarded trouble." #$0&$1;

0eech. 7(ome talk is like the

piercings of a sword but the tongue of the wise brings

ilence. <here there is much talking+ sin cannot

be avoided+ but one who restrains his lips is intelligent. 0eech. 7!here is a dangerous trap

in the misdeed of the lips+ but a tzadik escapes the

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ta,ilit-. &ontinuit- 7A man will not be established by wickedness but the root of the righteous will never falter." #$0&%0; trife. Hate. Hatred provokes strife+ but love covers all offenses. #$%&$0; u,stitution. 7A tzadik eluded distress and a rasha came and took his place." #$$&%C; Thin/ing Ahead. 7<hen there are no strategic plans a nation will fall #to the enemy;+ but in much counsel there is victory." #$$&$1; Thoughts. 7!he thoughts of tzadikim are #toward; @ustice+ but the strategies of reshaim are #toward; deceit." #$0&.; Tochachah. !ochachah (reproof or rebuke goodness and spiritual growth. #$%&$:; Tzaddi/. A tzaddik is a person with an intense desire to do what is right in the eyes of his Greator. <e refer to this /uality of the tzaddik as tzidkus (righteousness . #see $$& %.; Wealth. &harit-. !reasures of wickedness will not be effective+ but charity will save from death. #$%&%0; Wealth. *edication. !he intelligent son gathers his crops+ even in the late summer+ but the shameful son is already asleep at harvest time in early summer. #$%&%.; Wealth. Honor. 7!he woman of grace upholds honor but autocrats value wealth.8 #$$&$.; Wealth. Hunger. Hashem keeps the tzaddik from hunger by protecting his wealth. ,n contrast+ the wealth of resha1im will not last. #$%&%1;

refers to a

gentle admonition or reproof+ resulting in a motivation to

Shiur notes in memory of Jane Freedman '' Petach Tikvah 17/2/201

Wealth. #ntegrit-. *eceit. A deceitful hand makes a pauper+ but a hand of integrity will enrich. #$%&%E; Wealth. $ife. (v. $$60C 7#!he one; who trusts in his wealth will fall+ but the righteous will flourish like a leaf." #$$&0E; Wealth. Misfortune. <ealth will not help in the day of wrath+ but charity will save from death." #$$&%E; Wealth. )overt-. !he wealth of a rich man is his citadel of strength.!he ruin of the destitute is their poverty. #$%& $'; Wealth. Worr-. !he blessing of Hashem+ thats what enriches+ and He does not add worry with it. #$%&00; Wisdom. <isdom (chochmah is the knowledge that guides a person in making good choices in life. 3ecause such wisdom often runs counter to the persons instinctive nature+ it cannot be derived from human experience but must be ac/uired through -ivinely inspired teachings. #%$&%$; Wisdom. *iscretion. <ise men store up knowledge+ but the mouth of the fool brings ruin near. #$%&$E; Wisdom. Humilit- 7!he way of a fool is good in his own eyes+ but the one who listens to advice is a wise man." #$0&$.; Wisdom. #nsight. On the lips of the discerning thinker (navon will be found wisdom+ but a disciplining rod must be applied to the body of the person with a deficient heart. #$%&$1;


Shiur notes in memory of Jane Freedman '' Petach Tikvah 17/2/201

Wisdom. 9uic/ness. ,t is like a burst of laughter for a fool to implement an immoral thought and for wisdom coming to a man of understanding. #$%&01;


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