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Nume: __________________________________ 8lock: ___________ Lute: ______________

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*342 (

(55-6732- 8301- 9: !94;6 !34 (
Mlllturlsm, Alllunces, lmerlullsm und Nutlonullsm were ull underlylng cuuses for vorld vur l to
begln but one seclflc lncldent brought those muny cuuses to u cllmux.
/$012 "3 456 $032 76$"8 4" 9:;< '7"=4 456 0>>6%0'46 1'=?6 "@ 456 8'#-
. Eow dld the deuth of Archduke lrunz lerdlnund lnstlgute (urge on) the colluse of euce ln

<-453=> ?@90;6 A3B- *3471 :94 ;0=CAD ,2E *-2-41.04F :94 67==-4EG HI371-4 !7;A-;5 ((
1he ussumtlon thut the Luroeun wur would end qulckly wus fur from correct.
/$012 "3 456 $032 76$"8 4" 8'415 456 '30>'40"3 "@ 456 AB=47#6'2 "@ !'#C 03 :=#"D6- (Pluy the unlmutlon on the mu)
z. Eow dld the Schlleffen Plun suort lulser vllhelm's gouls ln the quote ubove?

$7:- 7= 2A- J4-=CA-1
After the lnltlul lnvuslon of lrunce by the Cermuns, the Allled troos ushed the Cermun troos
buck to u stulemute osltlon. Nelther slde would buck down, so they 'dug ln.'
/$012 "3 456 $032 76$"8 4" E068 456 15'D46# F G H#6315 8'#@'#6- (try to wutch the vldeos - lf
. ln the sectlon "Crgunlzutlon of 1renches,' whut were the four tyes of trenches used by the

. Lnlurge the lcture - <0'.#'> "@ 4#6315 ?I?46> vhy do you thlnk the trenches were formed ln
u zlgzug tye uttern?

. Lescrlbe "nomun's lund.'

J923; !34
8y , the wur hud become u globul wur. Cllck on the llnk below und reud ubout how the wur
hud become globul.
6. Nume wuys thut the wur hud become u globul wur - us oosed to slmly u ground wur
fought ln Luroe.

1he buttles on the vestern front ure known for thelr huge number of losses sustulned by the
Allled troos. Cllck on the llnk below to reud ubout the buttles.
,. Eow muny soldlers were lost ut the 8uttle of Somme, verdun & Yres?

Nume: __________________________________ 8lock: ___________ Lute: ______________
!"#$% !'# () *+,-"#.

!"#$% !'# () *+, !-./0-12
*342 ((
ln ,, ufter yeurs of combut, trench wurfure und the dlsrutlon of dully llves ln Luroeun nutlons,
muny countrles wunted to contlnue flghtlng to vlctory. Eowever, us tlme ussed und the nutlons
rejected ull euce lnltlutlves, eole on both sldes begun to questlon the munsluughter und
/$012 "3 456 $032 76$"8 4" #6'% '7"=4 456 %0?0$$=?0"3>634 '3% %0?"76%06316 "@ ?"$%06#? "3 456 @#"34
8. Eow dld mutlnles (or rebelllons) uffect the lrench und Russlun urmy?

Reud the sectlon lubeled H56 :3% "@ J6#"0?> - on the rlght slde of the Mutlny uge.
. Lxluln how the soldlers llvlng ln the trenches 'llved wlth the deud.'

Leslte the slnklng of the Lusltunlu ln Muy , Presldent voodrow vllson wus uble to negotlute
trude wlth belllgerents of the wur wlthout rovoklng Cermuny.
/$012 "3 456 $032 76$"8 4" #6'% '7"=4 5"8 ;>6#01' ."4 03E"$E6% 03 !"#$% !'# (-
c. vhut led to the Amerlcun lnvolvement ln the Creut vur?

8y 8, mllllon Amerlcun soldlers were ln unlform und hellng the Allled forces end the Creut
/$012 "3 456 $032 4" #6'% '7"=4 5"8 456 8'# 63%6%
. Lescrlbe whut events led to the colluse of the Cermun urmyjnuvy und thelr wur effort. Eow
dld the lulser's ubdlcutlon (glvlng u) of the throne uffect the wur effort?

M324-6 N M0=F-4
Cn the
duy of the
month, the Allles und Centrul Powers ugreed to un urmlstlce or ceuse
flre. Peole ull over the globe exerlenced feellngs of nutlonullsm, selfdetermlnutlon und the
oortunltles of democrucy but muny knew the euce wus not llkely to lust.
/$012 4" #6'% '7"=4 456 D6'16 '.#66>634 '3% 4#6'4>634 "@ K6#>'3I @"$$"803. 456 '#>0?4016-
z. 1hough the urmlstlce wus ln effect, how dld the Allles stlll wuge wur on Cermuny?

. vhen voodrow vllson urrlved ln Purls ln 8, whut wus the one thlng he wunted from the
euce negotlutlons?

Look ut the hotogruh ubove "Eutred & Eunger'
. vho were the 8lg lour ut the euce conference?

!34 !72A902 O=6
Cnce the wur ended, muny mllltury men were very uttuched to thelr exerlences of wur. 1hey hud
exerlenced cumuruderle llke never before.
/$012 "3 456 $032 76$"8 4" #6'% '7"=4 5"8 D6"D$6 86#6 '@@6146% 7I 456 8'#-
. Eow dld Cermuns feel dlfferently thun other Luroeuns ubout the wur?

Look ut the mu of Luroe 8zc.
6. Eow muny new countrles were creuted by the 1reuty of versullles? Comure thls mu to the
mu of Luroe ln .

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