Sie sind auf Seite 1von 189

- ,

. J.' .'

" I a. g"fl """

. ",,: HuDng Id~ ~ hfn ~.~ ti~~g Anh nhuh nhlt· . " .• :. Stdl ~c(j kern' ~eo n hi~1l mlu dUI" buDng - din . cho de bifL! . .

lti&~ yirl· tiEng bh ,. . . . . ... ' . -

. Ii phll'llng phAp h9< titnl' Anh nban~ .nhfr iira glup dlt d[ ~" IIQc va viEt tlfng )nh


Trong giao tlsp hang nqay, chunq ta c~n den ng6n ngQ, V?y ng6n ngQ dB. d6ng m¢t val tro het sue quan tronq trong dOl song va VI$c su dl,mg ng6n ngO nnu the nao d~ cam h6a long nguol, de dat ducc rnuc dlch lal la mot van de quan tronq hen. Ngoai qiao ttep bang lot thl vi$C viet thu, qua di$n thoai cOng khong kern phan quan trong.'Chung toi bien dlch cuon "Thuc nent» viet tbu tieng Anh" xoay quanh nhung mau thu thucnq mal, cam on, d~t phonq a khach san, han g~p, hoan lai va huy bo cucc hen, ... Nharn qlup cac ban co trong tay mot cucn sach mau qui gia de tham khao va tu tin hon khi viet mot la thu trong cong viec . Sau moi phan deLi co phan tu vunq va nhung cau chuan de cac ban tham khao.

Trong qua trinh bien dich du dB. rat co gang nhunq chac hAn sach khong tranh duoc nhOng so sot, ban bien dich chunq t6i rat mong don nhan duoc nhQng y kien dong gop chan thanh cua qui ban doc d~ Ian tat ban sau, sach ducc hoan thlen hen,

Ban bien dich •


Mqt viii l.yi khuyin

Vi~C chuyen tit met ngoai ngi1 nay sang ngoai ngiJ khac bao g6m hai buac khac nhau: "giai rna" khi .ta nhan duqc mQt buc thu cua met nguoi mroc ngoai (nguoi

Anh) gdi va "rna hoa" khi ta bien soan mQt lit thu tieng Anh.

Nhi~u ngu'Cfi nght fang dQC mQt la thu tieng nlioc ngoai thi de hon la viet mi)t hi thu bang tieng mroc do, tat nhien trnng viec trao doi thu tU hang ngay, co the cac 180 thu nhan dinrc khong dircc dich ro rang, mot each don gian va QP hlPu. Tuy vay, do chinh 1<\ cam b§.y: do doc qua nhanh, mot. sf; lui doi khi co thg gay ra nhung h~u qua nghiem trong, Ttl do chung tni xin co mot vai loi khuyen nay:

- Bung vQi tra tU dien de dich van ban thr-o tung hang, truoc het hay doc toan he) hi thu roi nam y.

- DQc lai van ban can th~n hen bang each xern eo lien h~ voi cac doan khac kh6ng.

- Khi nghia tong quat duqe thiet b}p, thi dua ra cac tu hoac cac cum til dat van d~:

• cu phap su dung (truong hop 84 buu, t.he' hi dQng, the tiep dien ... J;

• cac thanh ngu thuoc ngon nrJ' ni· ng khong co tliO'Ilg duong voi tung chir;

• cac cum tU (word clusters) cang ngay cang dliQ'c sU' dung trong each hanh van hien dai, cac cum tU nay co tinh co dong va don gian, nln(llg c10i khi cung co th@ gay ra su nham Ian doi voi ti.t>'llg mt¢c ngoai.

- Neu co SI! nghi-ngrr y~ nghla cua mQt so to' thi can xem to' dien hoac ngtr phap, hoac tot hon la nen hoi ro .m<)t ngUoi Anh. Con ve vi~c sli dung tv dien: trirdc het can nhan hiet chuc


nang ngil phap cua tit ta khong biet (co phai la mot danh W, rnqt tinh tit hay rnQt di}ng tit khong?) va sau do lua chon giil'a cae phAn nghia khac nhau, hfy ra nghia nao thich hop vdi ngu canh eua cau,

Phan bien soan m¢t la thu tieng Anh dQ-t ra nhieu va'il de hoan toan khac nhau: do Ia kich hoat nhtrng kien thirc

- Ngil.y nay ngtieri trao d6i thu tu kh6ng may quan tam den cac lai van, chi ~n thong di~p rO rang.

-·Vi the hay bo cac tlnr rna ta dinh viet cac thanh ngu thuoc ngfin ngil rieng thtiO'ng kh6 dien ta, hay thay the chung bang cae 16i van brnh tht10ng hon sao cho nguoi nude ngoai trao doi

thtt tit vo-i ta hie'u de dang hem. ..

- Tranh cac cau qua dai: vi se co nhieu loi va thong diep rAe r6i.

- Ngoai trit cac thtt dt1<Jc gdi den cho nhtlng nguci than thuoc, thi cac cau hoi tn!c tiep dttCrng nhu qua thang thirng va cAn tranh, Ngtferi ta se thich mc)t diu hoi theo 16i gian tiep hon.

Vi du: Would you let me know when we may expect· your visit?

- Trang cum tli, cac qui tAc khong dung hoa voi su te nhi, nhu the phai giO'vi trf.cua mc)t so tit co th~ lam thay doi am di~u cUa mQt Ia thir,

Vi du: Please would you send us your catalogue? mang mQt sAc thai kern Itch SI! hon cau

Would you please send us your catalogue?

vi giong di~u eua no qua nhan manh co th~ lam ngiroi doc bire minh.

D4'u ch4'm (full, stop, period) ke't' thuc eau. nau cham dtlqc sU dung d~ ghi cac tit vie't tilt, de' ghi cac s6 thap phan (11.3 =

eleven point three). .


Dflu phaty (comma) ghi nhan viec tarn ngung ngAn gon trong :au va diroc dung de:

- chia mQt tii hoac cum tii dAn nhap,

Vi du.Unfortunately, I am obliged to delay my visit. - phan mot loat W.

Vi du: Please complete. sign. and return this document. - tach mot W trong cau.

Vi du: Mr Astor, our next-door neighbour, will be glad

to hand you the keys when you arrive. .

- phan chia cac thuat ngtr trong IDQt danh sach hoac cac menh de trong cau;

- ghi nhan 51! giai thich.

Dau phay Iii dau phai duqc sa dung ciln than, V! tri cua no trong cau c6 the thay dtH tuy thea nghta. Vi du:

The Unilux Hotel says they official guide is unreliable.

Khach san Unilux noi ding ngiroi huorig vien chinh khbng dang tin cay.

The Unilux Hotel. says the official guide, is unreliable.

Theo nguoi hu6'ng dftn vien chinh thuc, thi khach san Unilux khong dang tin cay.

Dau cham ph:liy (semi-colon) ghi nhan viec tarn ngung trong cau va chia cac menh d~ dQc I<}p co SI! lien h¢ hop ly giua cac menh de nay.

Dau cham phay cang ngay cang diroc thay the bang dau cham, khuynh hirdng nay di theo mot loi van hien dai ngan gon hdn.

Dau hai chfim (colon): dau nay dua vao mot danh sach thuat ngi1, giai thich, li~n truoc cau trich dan ~rong dau ngoac


kep hoac phan chia hai cau khang dinh du'Q'c noi lien mQt each hop IY.

DAu gach ngang (dash) thirong duoc sa dung trong tieng

Anh. no thuong thay the cac Ioi noi them; n6 dUQ'C sa dung de:

~ them vao mot. y d cuoi cau;

~ dua ra mot hieu qua bang each ghi nhan vi~c ngiit y tudng. Di(u ngoi)c don (brackets) dua vao m9t thong tin phu khong

can thiet trong nghia cua cau.

Da'u chB'"m hoi (question mark) dUQ'c di;"tt d cu6i cau hoi true tiep.

Da'u cam than (exclamation mark) chi su ngac nhien, niem VUL

Dau cham lung (dots, omission marks) du'gc sil dung luc dAu de chi cau trich dan da hi hi) bat, gAn day, dau cham hrng duQ'c stl dung theo each dung mdi:

• ghi viec ngAt y tuang;

· nhan manh phdn tiep theo cua cau.

Trong ca hai truong hop tren c~ th~ dUQ'c thay the bang dau gach ngang.

DAu ngol}.c kep (quotation marks, quotes, inverted commas, single' hay double") luon luon du'Q'c dung bang cac dfiu d6i chi:

- each hanh van true tiep;

· ten cua mot cu6n sach, m9t va kich rna ta de cap:

- m9t tU hoac mot cau duqc dung trong nghia d$.c bi~t


GiB'"y va bao thu': mQt sO' co khuynh huang viet tren gifiy co tieu de (vai ten, dia chi, va so di~n thoai cua.nguci gai du'Q'c in (1 tren cao cua trang), nhirng mot 18. thu dtroc viet tren mot giay


con nguyen luon luon dU<;1C ira thich, Chu y dinh dang va mEW sl1c cua gia'y: dinh dang IOn (A4) neu d6 1(\ mQt hac thu dircc gdi den mQt ca quan hoac do 1a mot hi thu giao dich; nen su dung mau tr.!ing hoac kem; dinh dang nho hon khi ta viet cho nhung ngtio-i ban hoac cha me , mau sl1c va 51! trang tri trong trirong hop nay c6 th~ dap irng' theo 50- thich ca nhan cua nguoi gaL Tat nhien bao thu phai co chat hrong t6t cling nhu giay va kha rQng de c6 the chua i:1U<;1c hi thu dU<;1C gap lam bon hoac nhieu hen, hoac lam hai.

Viet tay hay danh may?

Tilt ca cac thu giao dich thuong dUQ"c danh may, mot la thu viet tay c6 the lam ngtroi doc noi gi~n, nhat la neu chu viet kh6 doc. Cang ngay nguO'i ta cang chap nhan la thir mang tinh chat ca nhan dUQ"c danh may (nhat la d My), nhirng d6i voi cac thong di~p chia buon hoac chuc mung thl can phai dUQ"C viet tay de chuyen den nhtrng tmh cam ca nhan cua mmh.

Trinh bay la thti:

- 'I'ren mQt giily con nguyen dia chi dAy du cua ngu'di g&i

• dUng quen rna so' buu dien va 56 dien thoai - duqc d!)t ,d trsn cao va ben phai

- d phan dudi ghi ngay, ngay c6 the dU<;1C ghi theo nhieu each: 2nd May 1984· 2 May, 1984 - May 2nd 1984· May 2nd 1984 - May 2 1984.

Tranh nhtrng con 56 c6 th~ dua den SI! hieu lam: 2-5-1984 = ngay 2 thang 5 trong tieng Anh, nhung trong tieng My 1a ngay 5 thang 2.

Cae til viet tAt (Oct., Jan., Nov., ... ). Chung c6 thf1 duoc sa dung nhung trong tieng Anh cae ten thang cung nhir cac ten r ngay trong twin bAt bUQC viet hoa d chu cai diu.

D6i v6'i cae thu giao djch,

Ten va dia chi cua ngtroi nhan dU<;1C viet d' tren cao va ben trai, Doi khi ct1ng can ghi ro muc dich cua la thir. Khi co mot 51!


tham chieu, thi phan tham chieu nay duqc dat d hen trai cung hang vdi ngay, tham chieu nay la cac chu van dau cua ngtroi ky la thu va van dau cua ngu'Cij thu ky.

Hmh thuc chao hoi.

Dear Sir, I Dear Madam, la hinh thuc thong dung d6i voi mot la thu mang tinh ~hdt hanh chinh (giao dich, hanh chinh), hoae khi ta gdi cho mot ngl1Cii nao do rna ta kh6ng biet rD.

Sir, hoac Madam, tU nay kh6ng con duoc dung nua,

Khi ta khong biet giOi tinh cua ngtroi nhan, Dear Sir la van phong thich hop, Dear Madam duoc gai de'n mot nguoi phu ncr dB. l~p gia dinh, cung co the la mot co gai tre (Dear Miss kh6ng duqc stt dung).

Khi ta biet ngiroi nao d6, chi la rdt it thi ta duoc phep dung ho gia dinh: Dear Mr Jones, Dear Mrs Smith. Ngiroc lai, Dear Jones va Dear Frank phai diroc stt dung can than.

MQt la thu ducc gdi cho mot l1gu'oi ban se btit dau 18 Dear John; My Dear John co ve than ai hon. Tuy vay, d My My Dear Mrs Stark trang trong hon Dear Mrs Stark.

Van phong Itch s1:f..

Van phong ket thuc thircng ddh gian hon trong tierig Phap.

Mot hi thu duqc bAt dau bang Dear Sir I Dear Madam se duoc ket thuc bang Yours faithfully; mQt Iii thu duqc bat dau bang Dear Mr Jones se ducc ket thuc bang Yours sincerely. Your truly d6i khi thay the cho Your faithfully. Khi nhung nguoi trao doi thu tu biet ro nhau, thi la thu giao dich c6 the duoc ke't thuc bang With best wishes, hoac With kind regards, phan ket thuc co the dircc su dung la Yours very gincerely trong cac thu duoc go-l den cho cac ban. Yours, Ever your, hoac Yours ever co the ke't thuc mot Iii thu giira cac ngiroi ban than trong khi With love from, hoac Love, se ket thuc mot Iii thu dtroc gai den cho cac ban than hoac cha me,


Trong tie'ng Anh cua nguoi My, Yours faithfully thuong dugc thay the' bang Sincerely yours, hoac Sincerely. Very truly yours cling thunng diroc dung.

Chil kyo

Trong cac 1a thu giao dich, chu ky duoc d~t d phia tren ten cua ngiroi ky duoc danh may. Ten c6 th~ dtroc li~n trudc hoac chile vi hoac Mr, Mrs, Miss ho*c Ms (khong pharr biet gidi tinh da IE).p gia dmh hay chua) hoac kern theo chuc vi.

Dia chi tren bao thli.

Chuc vu (Sir, Dr, Professor) se xuiit hien tren phan dia chi. Neu ngu"di. nhan la nam khong co chuc V1,l thi ta co the ghi Mr C. Brown, ho~c Cyril Brown Esq. (viet tAt ora Esquiree ecuyer),

Doi voi nhirng phu nu dB l~p gia dinh thl c6 the them vao van dau cua ten ngiroi chong: Mrs C. Brown.

Con d6i voi cac phu nu tre thl ta se d~t HEm tnrcc ho gia dinh bAng ten: Miss Catherine Brown.

6101 TUlEu NflifN(j lIi 'fit! to MAu fIll


DORTON DR3 1 NN. 14 May, 19 ..

Our Ref.: TT/GH M. Jules Lelnge, 14, rue des Sages,

80800 AMIENS.


Dear Sir,

I Intend to visit Picardy in June in order 'to examine the possibilities for organising coach tours of the Somme with


overnight stays in recommende hotels.

I wondered whether the project might interest you and whether you would be willing to find time to meet me some time in early June to discuss the matter. I am sure you will find my plans interesting,

Yours faithfully,

G. Harmotte, Maketlng Manager.

Cong ty trach. nhiem. hiiu. han. GRATELY& NORMAN

,;:". "-



Tham chieu: TT/GH Ngay 14 thang 05 ruim. 19 ... M. Jules Lelage,

14, rue des Sages,



Thua ong,

Toi co y dinli den tliam Pieardy VaG tluing 06 de xem xet nhilng khd ruing f8 chuc nhiing chuyen du lich. bang xe buyt cila Somme algi uai dem J nharu; hluicli san. dd duoc giai thieu.

Toi t¥ hoi du an nay co the' lam ong quan tam khong va ong c6 se san sang sap xep thai gian de' ggp t6i luc tuio d6 vao ddu. tluing 06 de tluio luan udn. de nay hay khang. Toi chdc rang ong se nluin thay nhung ke hoach. eila t6i 10, tlui vi.

Trdn trong,

G. Harmotte, Quan ly tiep thi,


NUrfN(j Ill¥t Tulf ('0 "tNU 1ul¥(' ('111)1 rUE

P.R. Ge.rmain, 11, rue du Pore, 21000 DIJON PRANCE

Ms Eliane. Sleeman, June 21, 1 g ..


Cultural Exchange Division State of Washington, Concord,

Washington 98503

Dear Ms Sleeman:

We would very much like to send our 15-year old son to one of your study camps for foreign students of English.

Please let us have your brochure STUDY ENGLISH IN WASHINGTON STATE.

Sincerely yours.

P.R. Germain, 11, rue du Pore, 21000 DIJON Pluip

Ba Eliane Sleeman, Ngdy 21 tluing 06 nam 19 ...

Giam deic,

B¢ ph/in. phu. trach. giao luu. van hoa, tu« bang Washington,


YVashington 98503

Thua ba Sleeman :

Cluing toi nit muon gili dua con 15 tudi cua chung t6i ddn mot irong nhiing truang /UIC cua ba danh. cho sinh uien. nude ngoai hoc tie'ng Anh.

Vui long cho cluing t6i tqp· sacli v~ chuang trinh. hoc ti€ng Anh if tiiu bang Washington.

Trtin trong,



Yen edn enng cAp tai lieu

NHO'NG LA THU vi: u cAu

2, Pine Walk, Dorton, Sussex, D024PP England

4th April 19 ..

Dear Sir,

Please let us hare a copy of your brochure on holiday accommodation in the Jura.

Yours faithfully.

P.R. Thomson (Mrs)

2, Pine Walk, Dorton, Sussex,

DO 24PP Anh

04 thang 04 nam 19 ...

Thua ong,

Hay cho chung toi mt)t ban sao tq,p sach. nhd cua


Ong ve nai tin. a trong ky nghi a Jura.

Trtin trong,

P.R. Thomson (Ba)


Apartment 226,323. First Avenue, Seatue, Washington 98109. USA.

March 61983

Dear Sir

My wife and I plan to tour your country this Summer. Please send us your list of 4-star caravan sites.I enclose a

self-addressed envelope and an International Reply Coupon.

Sincerely, Peter A. Schulz

Nhit sO 226,

323, dc}i 19 sO I, Seattle, Washington 98109, HoaKy,

06 thimg 03 niJm 1983

Thua ong :

Vq ctia toi va t6i co ke hooch. di du lich den oot nlibc eua Dng vao mua he nay.

Xin ang vui long giti eho tdi danh stich nhang eM d(J,t nha lztu dQng hang 04 sao ella (lng. T6i gi1i kem. thea mot phong bi ghi stin dia chi va m9t phiiu lro liii qudc teo

Chan thanh, Peter A. Schulz


3. The Hollows. Kilmarnock, Ayreshire, AY6SWW, Scotland

12th April 19 ..


14 bis, rue des Pierres, 75005 Paris.


Dear Sir,

We noted your recent advertisement for economy tours of the chateaux and vineyards of the Loire during

the months of September and October. We would be interested to receive further details of these holidays as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,


14 bis, rue des Pierres, 75005 Paris,


3, The Hollows, Kilmarnock, Ayreshire, AY65WW, Scotland,

12, :hdng 04 ruim. 19 ...

Thua {jng,

Chung t6i di j Quang ceo grin ddy cua ong v~ nluing chuyen du lieb: guim. gia v~Chateaux va Vineyards eua Loire trong sudt tluing 09 va thang 10. Chung tbi muon nluin. duac nhieu chi tiit han ve nhiing ki' nghi nay cang sa'" cang tot.

Chan thiinh,


1. Let us have : d~ cho chung t6i c6.

2. Brochure : t~p sach mong

3. Yours faithfully: chan thanh, tran trong

4. Plan to : len k~ hoach de

5. Touring holiday : ky nghi di du lich

6. 4 - star caravan sites: nhung ch8 d!)t nha luu d9ng

hang 4 sao

7. Self-addressed envelope: Bi thu ghi slin dja chi

8. Sincerely: Chan thanh

9. Would be interesled: Quan tam d~n,


1. Please send us a copy of ...

2. I have seen your advertisement for ...

3. We would be interested to receive particulars of..:

4. We are particularly interested in ...

5. We Intend to ...

6. If you want further details return this coupon to us with your

name and address.

7. I look forward to receiving your literature.

S. We wish to ...

9. We would be grateful if you could let us have any documentation on holidays in ...

10. Could you let us have ,any literature on these tours?

it. We are Informed by the Tourist Board that you publish a list of recommended hotels in the area.

12. We should be obliged if you would forward further details of your holidays in ... together with their cost to us at the above address.


1. Vui long gd"' cho chung toi m¢t ban sao cua ...

2. Chung toi da xem quang cao cua ang v~ ...

3. Chung toi muon nhan diroc nhung chi tie't v~ ...

4. Chung tal d~c biet quan tam de'n ...

5. Chung tai du dinh

6. Neu ong mu6n nhieu chi tie't hon hay gui phieu nay v~

cho chung t6i cung vdi ten va dia chi.

7. To i rnong cho nhanducc tai lieu cua 6ng.

8. Toi mong tioc

9. Toi se biet an neu ong co th@' cho chung toi tai lieu huang dan ve nhtrng ky nghi nay d ...

10. Ong co the de cho chung toi co nhung Uti li~u v~ nhung chuyen du lich nay khong?

11. Chung tai duQ'c thong bao bdi ban du Iich rna ang da cong b6 mot danh sach v~ nhtrng khach san dircc giai thieu trong vung nay.

12. Chung t6i bie't dn ne'u ang se gUi nhieu chi tie't hon v~ nhung ky nghi cua 6ng a ... cung voi gia ca cho chung toi a

dia chi tren, .

TRA LeU Vt:U cAu

Syndicat d'initiative de D61e,

1, Place de la Victoire. 39000D61e.

Mr J. Downing,

3, Pebble Mill 'Road, Chester,




Our ref. TV IPJ

15ApriI19 ..


Dear Sir,

In response to your latter of the ... we are pleased to enclose our literature. This will give you all the necessary Information on tourist accommodation as we!1 as the excursions and leisure facilities available in our region.

We regret however that we are unable to arrange bookings. Please contact the proprietor of the hotel or gite rural directly to arrange reservattons. Yours faithfully.

The Director.

Dear Sir.

In reply to your inquiry we are pleased to enclose the brochure on our new tours. We have a special offer of a day guided tour of all the chateaux of the region accompanied by a bilingual guide. The price Includes tavel and full board. We are sure you will find it attractive. But our brochure contains holidays to suit everyone.

Do not hesitate to contact us for further details. We will be pleased to provide any extra Information you may re~ quire.

Yours fithfully.

Syndicat d'initiative de DOle,

1, Place de La Victoire, 39000 Dole.

O[l.g J. Downing,

86' 3, duotu; Pebble Mill, Chester,





Kinh gili 6ng,

Be'drip lni yeu cau cua 6ng cluing t6i uui long gili kem theo tgp sacli m6ng v€ nhiing chuye'n du lich. moi ctla cluing toi. Chung toi e6 gidm girl dgc biet v~ mot chuyen. du lich. c6 nguai hufmg dan trong 5 ngiiy doi ooi tat cd nluing ltiu dai cua vung nay duoc tro giup hili mQt nguai huang ddn vien. du lich. bie't noi hai tlui tietig. Cia cd ke' cd di du lich. va tien. cam. Cluing toi chile chdn. rang cac ong se nhgnthliy n6 hap diin. Nhung t¢p sach. truing ella cluing toi c6 nhiing ky nghi thich. hap uai tilt cd moi v~guai, Bang do dl/ de' lien lac ooi cluing toi de c6 them nhiing chi t;.ct. Chung toi vui long de cung cap btit kj thong tin tuio ma ong yet: cdu.

Trtin. trong,

Tharn chieu. TYIP,]

15 tluing 04 ruim. 19 ...

Ttiuo Ong,

, Be dap lai la thi» ciia 6ng v@ ... cluing t6i oui long giti hem. thea tai lieu ctiacluing toi. Tci lieu. nay se cho dng tat cd nhiing thong tin can thiCt v~ sl/ tien nghi du iich. eung nhu nhilng cuoc du ngoan va nluing phuang tien. co san a lJung cluing Mi.

Tuy nhien. cluing toi hiet rang cluing toi khong co khd nang de sap xepdgt ch6 truoc. Vui LOng lien lac ooi 6ng clul ciia kluich. san hoac nha nghl J mien. que true tiep de dgt eh6 truac.

Chan thanh, Giam. doc


1. This will: day se

2. Bookings: su d~t tntdc

5. To enclose : gti'i kern thea

6. New tours: nhung ehuyen du lieh mdi

7. 5 - day tour : chuyen du lich trong 5 ngay.

8. Tour: chuyen du lich

9. Special offer: giam gia ~c bi~t

11. Treva.l: di du lich

12. Full board : ti~n cain trQ day dii

13. Information: thong tin

14. May: co the

I. Nai in •
2. Pin dja chi 1. accommodation
3. Quang cio 2. to address
4. Gii tr~n gui 3. advertisement (vilt t~t: ad).
S. f)~t chB tnt8c 4. all-in price.
6. f)~t chB trUic, sip xip dt llit 5. to book.
trll8c 6. to arrange reservations. to ar-
7. Lien I,c viii ngu-oi nio do range bookings.
8. Tijp sich mOng 7. to contact someone.
9. Ban sao 8. brochure.
10. Tii Ii~u 9. a copy.
10. literature
11. Du lich h, gii 11. economy tour.
12. G~i kem thea 12. to enclose.
13. Tiin in i dray du 13. fuI board.
14. Nhiiu chi tiet han, nhieu thing 14. further details, further particu-
t in c~ the' hlJ'n. lars 24
IS~ a.p. .. lick ei ~ '"'" din 15. guided tour.
16. Ii., 16. holiday(s)
11. c.. tIp,~ tin 17. to give information
II. __ ,~till 18 . a piece of information.
......... lii~fi 19. international reply
20. a.,iall 20. Journey.
21. nii ;.. rinh 21. leisure.
tt. Vi fn 22. site.
8. CW fiit, ...... a.i fiit ~ to' 23. details. particulars.
24. lei ki IIetch 24. to plan.
25. vi. cit 25. to require.
26. Tri Iii 26. reply
'D. Tri ~i .lIit phial 27. to return a coupon. fl., ,.,


14. rue des Saules, 75015 Paris NgAy 12 thang 04 nam 19 ...

Kinh gW ong. chang wi cO ke' hoach trai qua nhung ky nghi ctia chUng tOi d vilng eua ang trong mua he nay. Xin vui long giii 000 chung wi mQt danh sach v~ nht1ng khach san 2 sao d thanh ph6 cia ang.

Chan thanb,


1. Toi (chang' toi) gW kern IDQt hi thu c6 slin dia chi. 2. Chung VIi muOD nh4n i;4p saeh mong mdi cua ong ve nhung ky nghi (du Iieh) d' Hoa Ky. 3. Nhilng Sl!- ~t tntoc duoc slip xep true tiep hOi ang clui khach SQ.D co phai khong? 4. Vui long glti cho chung t6i nhi~u thong tin chi tiet han v~ chuyen du lich nay. 5. Gia uvn g6i cO tinh gia di du lich va gia an d khong?





~ ~ .'~

Dlac ve gIa

ea khaeh san

vt:U CAU


Dear sir,

We wish to holiday in Lianfern this year. We would be grateful if you could let us have your rates for a double room with twin beds and bath.

Yours faithfully.

Kinh gui ong,

Chung toi mong uoc di nghi. a Lianfern trong nam


Dear Sir I thank you for your inquiry of Our rates for

a room with twin beds and bath are £ per night.

This Includes English breakfast.

All our rooms are equipped with colour television and adirect dialling telephone.

Yours faithfully,


nay. Chung tiJi se biet an neu iJng co th€ cho cluing toi co nhilng gia cd v~ phong dai vai giuong diJi va phong tam.

Chan thanh,


ThUa ong,

Cam. an nhilng yeu cdu cua ong Vf? .. Gid cd cua cluing toi cho mQt phong co giuang doi va phong tdm lii ... do la m6i demo

Gia nay k~' cd biia dn seing thea ki€u Anh.

Tfit cd phong cila chutu; tBi dliqC trang bi uoi ti vi rruui va dien. thoai goi true tiep.

Chan thanh,


Dear Mrs McPherson,

My wite and I, together with our two children, would like to stay in Glenloch for a few days and wondered if you could let us know your charges for the Summer season. My wife and I would prefer adouble bed. The children could share a room. Please let us know what facilities you provide.

Yours sincerely.


Dear Mr Pantann,

Thank you for your Inquiry about my terms for the 19 .... season. The daily charge for two rooms would be £: ..•. linen included. I can offer a reduction for stays longer than one week.


There is hot and cold running water in all bedrooms.

I regret that I cannot accept children under 6 years of age.

Yours sincerely,

Cui ba McPherson,

Vq ctia toi va t6i cung viii hai dua con ctla chung toi, muon. a lai a Glenlocli trong vr.ii ngdy va do' tu hoi nell ba co thi eho chung toi biet gia cd eua ba v€ mua he, vr; t6i va t6i mudn mot giuong d6i. Nhiing dua con cung chung milt phong. Vui long eho chung t6i bUt nhilng phuong tien. gi rna bit cung cap.

Chan tluinh,

TR.A La] 6ng Pantana than men,

Cam. an yeu. cdu clla {jng v€ nhilng gin cd coo toi trong mila ndm ... niim 19 .. ~ Cia ca hang ngay dOi v{Ji nhi1ng phong hai ngrtiJi a se la : dO la k~ cd kluin ban va ra trai gittiJng. T{ji co the gidm gia neu a liiu han m(Jt tuan.

C6 nude ruing va nuac lanli a tat cd cdc phong ngti.

T6i tiec riing tdi kh6ng the' chap nluin. nhilng dua tre

duoi 06 tuoi. -

Tran trong

l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

To holiday : Di nghi Per night: moi dern

English breakfast or cooked breafast : Bua an sang Anh Dear Mrs McPherson : thira ba McPherson


Wondered if you could: Toi W hoi neu ba c6 the

To provide: cung ca'p

Facilities: nhtrng phucng ti~n


8. Yours sincerely: tran trong

9. Terms : gia ca

10. Daily: hang ngay

11. Would be ; se la

12. Linen: ra va khan trai ban

13. A stay: d lai

14. Under 6 years of age: nhung dua tn? duoi 6 tu6'i


1. I would also be grateful if you would let us know whether you have any vacancies for thls period.

2. As our holidays are flexible, we would wish to arrive before the high season.

3. We would be interested to receive particulars of your charges.

4. I wish to spend a week in ...

5. Could you let us know what leisure facilities the hotel pro-


6. Our weekly terms are advantageous.

7. We have received your for ...

a. The rates for the family package will remain effective until .... and include VAT. -

9. Unfortunately, we are obliged to add an extra charge of 5 % for payments by credit card.

10., We are forwarding acopy of our guide to .... under separate cover.

11. We a flow a discount of 10% forgroupbookings.

1. T6i cling se bie't on neu ong cho chung t6i biet {jng c6 nhirng phuong tien nao trong giai dean nay' hay khong.


2. Vi nhirng ky nghi cua chung toi la Hnh dQng, chung t6i mong mufin de'n trirdc giua mua nay.

3. Chung toi muon nhan nhung thong tin cu the ve gift ea ella ong.

4. T6i mong u6'e trai qua mot twin d ...

5. Ong c6 the de cho chung tai bie't nhtrng phirong ti~n trong

gio ranh nao rna khach san eung c&p?

6. Nhung gift ca hang twin thi thuan ti~n.

7. Chung toi da nhan du'qe de nghi ella ang ve ...

8. Gift tron g6i cho gia dmh se duy tri e6 hieu qua eho de'n ... va ke ca thue' gia tri gia tang.

9. Khong may chung tai buoc phai them gia 5% deli v6i nhung nguoi tra bang' the tin dung.

10. Chung toi dang glii met ban sao huang dlln ella chung toi

den .... diroi sll hi} trq rieng bi~t. '

11. Chung toi eho phep giam ghi 10% doi vai nh6m d~t truce.

vau cAu

Dear Sir,

Your address has been given to me by the ... Tourist Board. I would be grateful if you could give me some Information about your accommodation. We are a family of five with 3 ch ildren aged 4.10 and 12 years. Ou r young son could share our room while the 2 girls could share a room with twin beds.

We would like one of the bedrooms to have a bathroom and toilet. I would also like to know your rates for full board for the month of June.

Yours faithfully,


Dear Mrs

Thank you for letter of .... We can offer rooms with or


without bathroom facilities. All our rooms have twin beds. Children under 5 are allowed to share the parents room. A spare bed is supplied at no extra cost. if you intend to stay in our hotel at the beginning of June you will be able to take advantage of our off-season rates. These are guaranteed until the 15th of June.

We enclose a copy of our tariff.

Thank you for your interest in our establishment. Yours sincerely,

________ ~---'11111111111111~,......., ........

Tluta ang,

Dia chi cua ong da duac dua den toi bai ... ban du lich, Toi se biet an neu anh co the cho t6i oai thong tin ve nai an a cila 6ng. Chung t6i la milt gia dtnh. co 05 nguai ba tre 04, 10 va 12 tudi. Can trai tre nhdt cua cluing toi co the dung chung phong chung toi trong khi do hoi dua can giii co the dung chung milt phong doi. Chun'g toi muon mot trong nhiing photu; ngu co phong tam vc nha v~ sinh. Chung tvi ciing mudn biet nhilng gia ca' cua ang cho toan bil chi phi trong tluing 06.

Tran trong,


Thua ba cdm an hi thu cua bit ve .... Chung toi co the gidm gia nhiing phong kh6ng co nhiing phuang tien. piiong tam, tat cd phong cua cluing toi co giuang doi. Nhung dua tre duai 05 tudi duac cho phep dung chung phong val b6 me. Milt giuong tr6ng duac cung cap rna kh6ng pluii trd them tien rdu ban co dlj dinh. J lai hluich. san cua cluing tai vao dau thang 06 ban se co khd nang duac. uu dtii gidm gui trong mila van hhach. ctia cluing toi. Eieu nay duoc bdo ddm cho den ngay 15 tluing 05.


Cluing toi gUi kem. mt}t ban photo v€ bang gia ella chung toi.

Cdm. an sl! quan tam cua ba v~ t(/ cluic cua cluing t6i.

Tran. trong,

vsu cAu

Dear Sir,

I wish to spend a few days in your resort. Please send me details of the charge. of the different camp sites and the facilities they can offer.

Yours faithfully,

Thua ong,

T6i mong mu6n trdi qua mt}t vdi ngay a khu nghl mat cua ong. Vui LOng gili cho t6i nhflngth6ng tin chi tief v~ gid cd va nhr1ng vi tri trai kluic nluui va nhiing phuong tien rna hf) co th€ cung dip.

Tran. trong

1. has been given to me: Da dua cho tfii

2. accommodation: Noi an d

3. rates: Gia ca

4. full board: Tong chi phi

5. parents' room: Phong cua cha me

6. spare bed: Giunng trong

7. at no extra cost: Khong' tinh them ti~n

8. off season: Mila van khach

9. guaranteed: Du'c;tc bao dam 10. tariff: Bang gia

II. establishment: To chirc
12. resort: Khu nghi mat
13. ' camp site: Vi tri trai
1. GUi thu,n ti,n 1. advantageous price.
2. Oll9'e eho phep 2. albwed.
3. Tim I phong) 3. bath(room).
4. Gia ca 4. charge(s).
S. Bil. ditm tim nh~ 5. continental breakfast.
6. Hang ngay 6. daily.
7. f)i~n tho~i tr~e tiSp 7. direct dialling telephone.
S. Giam gia 8. discount.
9. Phong doi 9. double room.
10. Bila lin sang Anh 10. English breakfast.
11. Gis them 11 extra cost, extra charge.
12. G~i vi phfa 12. to forward.
13. Nh6m ~t trllBc 13. group booking.
14. Gill. mu. 14. high season.
IS. Kt ca 15. included.
16. Phuong ti~n trong gil' rinh 16. leisure facilities.
17. Khlin vi ra trai giu&'rtg 17. linen. (U.S.) linens.
18. Mu. ving khich 18. low season.
19. M6i dim 19. per night.
20. Sin ehdi 20. pitch.
21. Cung cip 21. to provide
22. Ty I" h,ng 22. rates.
'23. Khu nghi mit 23. resort
24. Chi phi dich v~ 24. service charge. 33

25. Phong 411n

26. Trai qUI m~t ky nghT hi (nhilng

ky nghij

27. S9' a I~i

28. Tijn 4~ng

29. Ban gia

30. Gia ca

31. Giltilng do i

25. single room.

26. to spend a holiday (holidays).

27. a stay.

28. to take advantage of.

29. tariff.

30. terms.

31. twin beds.




1. Chung Wi khong co nhung nha luu dQng trong thai gian nay.

2. Nhurtg phuong ti~n trong gii1 ranh nao rna khaeh san cung ca'p?

3. Chung toi cho phep giam gia 10%( mQt slf. giam gi? 10%).

4. Toi se hi€t on neu Dng d@' cho t6i hiet ..


Thl1a orig,

Vui long cho chung tOi nhilng thong tin chi tiet v~ nhUng phuong tien diroc de nghi bai to chire ella ong.


1. re; 2. Trai qua. 3. Neu' . 4. Co th~ (se). 5. se . 6. aDi. 7.

Chan thanh,



Dat trnoe ndi an 0

V•A .. LA .... th- d2•

Iee xae n an va ay OI sti

. . - .

diit eho b-tioe .

s'l D~T CHO TRUde

Dear Sir,

Will you please reserve a room with single bed and shower for me for the period from 7th to 14th Octobe r. Kind Iy confirm the booking by return.


Dear Sir.

Thank you for your letter of ... We have reserved the accommodation you require, namely a room with single bed and shower for the period 7th to 14th October inclusive.

We look forward to your arrival.


Ong cO vui lOng dtj.t truce m9t phong co gilii1ng dan


va phong tdm. co voi hoa sen cho toi trong thai gian tit ngay 07 de'n ngdy 14 thong 10. Xin vui long phiic dsip xac nluin. uiec dq,t phbng truce eua toi.

S l/ xA C NHJ-N

Thua ong,

Cdm an la tliu ctia ong ve ... chung toi dti dgt noi an , a ma ottg yeu cdu, la. mot phong co giuimg dan va phang tdm co uoi hoa sen trong thai gian tit ngay 07 den ngay 14 tluing 10.

Chung t6i mong cha ong den

su D~T TRUoe

Dear Sir,

We are organising a coach tour of the West coast for a party of 44 plus driver for the first two weeks of August. We would like to make a reservation for 20 double rooms and 5 single rooms, all with bath. We trust our booking will qualify for your group reductions. Please inform us as to the deposit you require.


Thank you for your letter of .... concerning a provisional group booking.

We are pleased to confirm that we have booked 20 double rooms with bath. Unfortunately all our single rooms with bath are taken for the period you require. We have provisionally booked 5 single rooms with shower and hope these will be satisfactory.

We do not usually give discount for group booklaqs in August but we,are willing to provide the driver's room free of charge.



Chung toi dang t6' chuc mot chuyin du itch bang xe buyt ve bo bie'n phia Tdy cho mot budi tiec 44 nguai c¢ng vai Uti xe trong 2 tudn. ddu ctla iluing 08. Chung Wi muon. drjt truac 20 giuang d6i va 05 giuang dan, tdt cd dfiu co phong tdm. Chung toi tin vi~c dq..t truac eua chung toi se lam eho cdc ong gidm gia cho cluing toi. Vui long thong brio cho cluing t6i de' dq..t CQC thea yeu cdu ctia cdc ong,

SU xAc NH~N VI8C BJT TRUde T~M THaI Thua ong,

Cdm an lei thu ctla ong ve ... uiec d(U truce tam thai cho nhom.

Chung tOi vui long xac nluui ding cluing t6i dii d(jt truce 20 photig d6i co phong tam. Kh6ng may ttit cd cdc phong dan ctia chung t6i c6 phong tam dii c6 hluich. trong thai die'm ong de nghi. Chung tOi tam. thai dq..t truac 05 phong dan co ooi Uim hoa sen va hy v9ng cluing se lam cdc ong vita y. Chung t6i kh6ng thuang xuyen. gidm gia cho nhiing nhom. dtf,t truce trong thong 08 nhung cluing toi se stin sang cung dip phong tai xd mien. phi.

1. will you please reserve: Ong co vui long d~t trudc

2. from 7 to 14 October; 'fiX ngay 07 de'n ngay 14 thang 10

3. kindly: T6t bung

4. by return: Tra loi

5. accomodation: Noi an a

6. to require: Yeu cau

7. namely: AS la, 13.

8. inclusive: Bao g6m


9. to look forward to: Mong dqi

10. coach: Xe buyt

11. for: Cho, trong khoang

12. to make a reservation: D~t truce

13. all; T§'t ca

14. as to: Ve

15. deposite: D~t CQC

16. provisional: Tam thai .

17. these will be. satisfactory, Chung se vira y

18. are willing to: S~n sang de

19. free of charge: Mi~n phi


1. I am writing to confirm our telephone booking of 17 April.

We sh a II be g ra tefu I if yo u cou I d rese rve th e E xe cutive su ite in the name of Michelot.

2. We wondered whether you have any rooms vacant for the 1 st week of April.

3. Mr Depont will require a suite with 2 bedrooms and a single bedroom on the same floor for his secretary.

4. I have reserved the accommodation as requested.

5. Mr .... would greatly appreciate it if you could let him have

his usual room. .

6. I shall be" glad to have an early reply so that I can complete

Mr Greene's ~fr>flvel arrangements.

7. An additional charge is payable for '"

8. We regret any inconvenience this might have caused you.

9. Kindly forward a receipt for the deposit.

10. You maybe sure that everything possible will be done to

make your stay aweeable. .


1. T6i dang vie't de' xac nhan viec dc)t triroc qua di~n thoai cua chung t6i ngay 17 thang 04. Chung toi se bie't on neu 6ng danh phong cho thea ten ngiroi d~t phong Michelot.

2. Chung t6i W hoi bng co nhung phong tr6ng trong twin dau tien cua thang 04 hay kh6ng.

3. Ong' Depont se de nghi m¢t day phong vdi 02 phong ngu va m¢t phong ngu don tren cung t~ng eho co thu ky cua ong tao

4. T6i da danh noi an d nhu dB. duoc de nghi,

5. Ong ... se nft cam kich neu ong de eho ang ay co mot phong binh thuong,

6. T6i se rat vui long de co diu tra loi s6'm d~ toi co the hoan tat nhung sAp xe'p ve chuyen du lich cua ang Greene.

7. Mi)t chi phi them co the duoc tra cho ...

8. Chung Wi lay lam tiec bat ky bat ti~n nao no c6 the gay ra cho bng.

9. Vui long gti'i bien lai d~t coc,

10. Ong co the chac chan rAng tat ca moi thti co the du'q'C thuc hien de Jam cho su d lai cua ang vua y.

HUV BO BO su O~T TRude

Dear Sir,

Two weeks ago I asked you to book me a room for the week 3 to 10 July.

Unfortunately my wife has suddeny fallen ill and it will be impossible for us to travel to .... as planned.We would be obliged if you would cancel the reservation and refund the deposit.

With apologies, Yours faithfully.



Dear Sir,

Following your letter of .... relating to the reservation of 2 double rooms I regret to inform you that we have no rooms vacant for that date. However I have passed your letter on to a hotel of similar quality which is on the same road. They may be able to accommodate you. We are sorry that we are unable to accept your booking.

Yours faithfully.

Thua ong,

Hoi tuAn truce tbi cO !Wi ong di dij.t tnIiJc eha t6i m9t p/Wng trong tudn til ngiJy 03 din ngizy 10 thimg Ul.

Kh6ng may, vq cua toi d9t nhi~n bi b~nh va di~u dO se lam cho chung t6i khong thi.di du lich din ... nhs: dii du dinh. Chung toi se biet em neu ong huy bd s,! di/.t truoc va hodn trti ti~n dtj,t C9C.

V6i nhilng Uri xin tOi, ' Tran trong


Thua ong,

Khach. sen. dii het ch6 thua ong, theo ld thzt cua ong v~ .. lien quan den vi~c dq,t tmac 02 phOng dOi. Toi Uiy lam tile dl thong bdo choong rdng chung wi khOng eon phong trdng trong ,,:gdy hom dO. Tuy nhien. toi dii chuy€n thu eua ong qua m9t kOOch sQ.n cO coot lll{lng tuang tu tuim treti cung dlli1ng. H9 cO thi cO cM coo ong. Chung tOi xin 16i chung toi kMng thi coop nh9n vi~c dtj,t truoc cua ong.



stJ xAc NH~N D~T mU{jc

Your terms for 2 rooms overlooking the sea, namely £ .... daily per person are perfectly acceptable. I would be grateful if you would reserve the rooms for the 24-31 August.

We expect to arrive at about 6 o'clock on Saturday afternoon. I enclose an International Money Order for .... F to cover the deposit.

In reply to your letter we confirm the reservation of a single room for 3 nights from the 13 October. We would be grateful if you would forward a deposit of .... F to confirm the booking.

Giri cd cua ong cho hai phong nhui ra bien, la ... do la moi ngay cho m6i nglliJi la co the~ cluip nhJjndllqc. T6i se biet un n€u {jng danh. eho nhang phong nay tit ngay 24 d€n 31 thang 08.

T{ji hy v9ng d~n vdo khodng 6 giG chieu thu 7. T6i gili kem mot phieu chuyin ti~n qu6c t~ tri giti ... franc de' d4t eoe,

De trd. lai thu eua ong t6i xac nluin. slj dqt truac mr')t phong dem eho 03 dem tit 13 thong 10. Chung t6~ biet an neu {jng giIi ti~n diJ,t C9C tri gia .. .franc de xac nluin. vi~e dq.t CQC.





Vui long d~t tnrcc m(}t phonq don W 13 den 15 thang 10. Clng.LUKES quan Iy ban hf!ng xac nhan scm nhat.


GiU mot phong don tU ngay 13 den ngay 15 thang 10 xac nnan d~t CQC, cam on.

1. 2 weeks : 2 tu~n

2. Ask: hoi

3. My wife having suddenly fallen ill : vCf eua t6i bi benh dQt


4. Planned : da len k€ hoach

5. Refund the deposit: tra lai titin d~t coc

6. Apologies : nhtrng Uti xin loi

7. Hotel was full : khach san da day ehb

8. No room vacant: khong con phong trong

9. To expect: mong muon

10. International money order: phisu dO'i titin qUele te'

11. PLS: vie't tAt cua chu Please: lam on

12. Soonest: s6'm nha't

13. Deposit confirms: SI!- xac nhan dl)t CQC

1. Co chi cho 1. to accommodate
2. Chi phi them 2. additional charge.
3. Xin Iii 3. to apologize.
4. Sip tap 4. to arrange, to make arrange-
s. NhU' di d~ nghi 5. as requested.
6. Co sfn 6. available (chambre) vacant
7. Chi phi ~t trlJjc 7. booking charge.
8. T ri Ii'i, tri I,i B. by return (of pest). 42
9. Xoi hi 9. to cancel.
10. Du lleh hing xe huyt 10. coach tour.
It Tiin d~t eqc 11. deposit.
12. Di, tra tiin d~t cqc 12. to. leave (to make, to pay) a
13. Hoil tra tiin ~t eqc 13. ta refund a deposit.
14. Hy Vtng 14. to expect.
IS. Ting nhi 15. floor.
16. MiSn phi 10. free of charge.
17. OJ dlll1e ~t trli8e 17. full booked, booked up.
18. Bit ti~n 18. Inconvenience.
19. T~m thai 19. provisional.
20. Mijt each t,m thii'i 20. provisionally.
21. Ngong chii' 21. to lock forward to.
22. AV Ii, Ii 22. namely.
23. Nhln xuing 23. to overlook
24. Tiii si hiit dn niu ing 24. I would be grateful.if you would.
25. Buoi ti,c 25. party.
26. ChUVin qua 26. to pass on.
27. Vi~e ~t trll8e t,m thili 27. provisional booking.
28. Chuvin tiin 28. to transfer money.
29. Voi tim hoa sen 29. shower.
30. O~t trli8c qua di~n tho,i 30. telephone booking.
31. Oil khi nang 31. to qualify for.
32:. Bien rai 32. receipt 43

iii" rqp


1. Vul long d~t tru'dc nhung phong dbi thea ten ngu'b'i d~t CQC Prot. 2. Kh6ng may chung Wi khong con phong trong trong tuan nay tU ngay 24 - 28 thang 7.3. Vui long xac nhan st! dl}t tru'oc bAng each tni lb'i qua boo di~n. 4. Chung toi lAy lam tie'c di! thong bao cho bng rAng chung tbi khong co kha nang de d~n d~ ... nhu duqc mong muon. 5. Chung wi se biet on neu bng huy bi) sl/ d~t trirdc nay.


1. Chung toi co ke' hoach a tai khach san cua bng trong viii ngay, 2. each 'day 02 nam tbi dB. trai qua mt)t tUAn rAt thu vi a chO tro va nhCi'ng btra an sang rna bng da phuc vu, 3. T6i da viet cho ong' each day 02 tuAn. 4. Toi muon trai qua mQt twin & cho

"tro va nhtrng bu6i an sang do ong phuc vu trong suot k:-! nghi he nay.



Thne UJot ean 11hA

. ,

hoae UJot ea~ ho

• ••• •


I.P. Richard & P.Swaine, Estate Agents,

Hanley House,

Renton on Sea.,


Dear Sir,

I intend to spend a fortnight in ..... with my family next Summer and am seeking furnished accommodation in the area.

I would be grateful if you could recommend a property which would suit a family of four. We should prefer a 3- bedroomed bungalow near the sea but would no exclude a suitable flat or other self-catering accommodation.

Yours faithfully.

8 May 19 ..


J.P. Richard & PiSuiaine, Nluin uien. bat df)ng san, Hanley House,

Renton on Sea,


Thua 6ng,

T6i du dinh. trtii qua 03 tudn a ... oai gia dinh. cua toi vao mua he tai va tai dang tim ki~m mot nai an a co edn. dd dac a trong uung nay.

Toi se bi~t an n~u OUb co the? giai thieu. cho toi mf)t nai rna no thich hop cho gia dinh ctia toi gom. co 04 nguai. Chung toi thich mot nha go mot tang co 03 gil/ling ngu gdn biin han nhung khong ngoai tru m{)t can h{) thich hap hoac mot nai an a an udng tl/ ttic khac.

Chan thanh.

08 tluing 05 nam 19 ...


Thua n« Richard,

Chung toi dd nghe ... rang ba d€ mot nai an a co ddy du do doc tai Falaizes.

Chung t6i muon. thue "Les Rouleaux" trong 02 twin

Dear Madame Richard,

We learned from ... that you let fully furnished accommodation at Falaizes.

We would be Interested in renting" Les Bouleaux" for the last two weeks in August. Please let us have details of the property and advise us whether it has been let for this period.

Yours sincerely.


VaG cu6i thiing 08. Vui long cho cluing t6i nhilng thong tin chi ti~t v~ nai nay va cho cluing toi bUt no co trong thai gian. nay hay kh6ng.

r-o« trong,


Further to your inquiry about the possibility of renting "Les Bouleaux" for twoweeks in August, we are pleased in inform you that the bungalow is still available for this period.

. My terms are ... Francs per week. An advance payment of 25 % is payable on reserving, the balance to be paid on arrival. Terms do not Include electricity and gas but linen, cooking, crockery, cutlery and cleaning facilities are SUPR plied. The property is cleaned between lettlnqs.

I will be happy to supply further particulars as requi."ed.

Them uao yeu cdu cua ong v~ klui nang co thi thue mgt "Lee Rouleaux" trong hoi twin vao tluing 08, cluing toi cui . nang thong bao cho ong rAng nha go mot tang nay van co san.

Gui cua toi la . ..franc m6i tudn. Trti truce 25 % khi d<'J,t truoc, pluin con lai duac tra vao khi d~n. Cia nay kh6ng bao di~n va gas nhung bao khan trtii giuang va khan ban, oiec ruiu. nuang, chen bat, ly tach, dao -nia va nhiing phuang tien lau chili cang dua« cung cdp. Nha nay duqc lua chili giiia nhiing ldn. cho thue.

Chung toi se san sang cung cdp 'nhieu. thong tin cu the' han khi duoc de ngh].


I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Estate Agent: Nhan vien bat dQng san Property: TRi san

Suit: Thichhop, vua

Should: Nen

Bungalow: Nha gO met Mng 3-bedroorned: Phong ngu 3 ngimi Flat: Can ht)

Self-catering: An u6ng tl,l' tUI; Yours: Ciia anh, chi

To let: Hay d~

To advise: Hay khuyen


Further to: Them vao

Renting: Vi~c thue

Still available: Vdn co s~n

Advance payment: SI! tra trlioc On-reserving: Phdn con lai, phan du To be paid: Du'Q'c tra

As required: Khi du'Q'c yeu cAu


1. We are writing to you now to inquire whether you know of any property for rent in the area.

2. M. and Mme Trenez spent an agreable holiday in your cottage last year.

3. I am looking for a flat if possible with lock-up garage.

4. A furnished house near the Industrial estate would be most suitable.

5. Could you let us have details of your terms and conditions?


6. The deposit is non-returnable but is deducted from the 1 st week's rent.

7 A deposit of $ ... is required for the use of the Hi-Fl equipment.

8. We reqret that breakages must be paid for.

9. We offer long or short lets.

1. Bay giCi chung tbi dang viet cho ong d~ hoi xern bng biet noi. nao cho thue. trong vung nay hay kh6ng

2. M. va Mme Trenez da trai qua mQt ky nghi d lang que cua ong nam ngoai.

3. Tai dang tim kiem m{)t can h{) ne'u co th~ co garage, ...

4. M()t can nha dAy dli dO dac gAn khu da"t cong nghiep Iii thich hop nhat, tot nhat.

5. Ong co th~ cho chung tOi bie't nhil'ng chi tiet v~ gia ca va di~u ki~n?

6. Ti~n d~t CQC kh6ng dUQ'c tra lai nhung dugc khAu trlt W tuAn thue thu' nhat.

7. Ti~n d~t CQC ... do la dU<Jc d~ nghi cho 811 dung thie't hi Hi - Fi.

8. Chung tai lAy lam tiec rang' nhung d6 hi vO' phai tra ti~n

9. Chung toi d~ nghi nhtrng By' cho thue dai boac ngan ngay,


TiM KI~M MQT CAN He> co uP.. V OU 06 D~C

I will shortly becoming to work in ., ,. for about 10 months.

I would be grateful if you would let me know of any furnished flats for rent as near as possible to the town centre.

I would prefer all modern conveniences (bathroom, fully equipped kitchen) with at least two bedrooms and at not more than £ .... per month.

Hoping for an early reply, I remain,

Yours ....


Thank you for your letter of .... Informing us of your desire to rent a furnished apartment. We are happy to be able to offer an apartment on the third floor of a building near the station. The apartment is in condition and includes living room, dining room, and 2 bedrooms. It has all modern conveniences (there is a dishwasher in the kitchen).

The monthly rent is $ .. , services not included, and is payable on the 1 st of each month. 2 months rent is paid as a deposit on signature of the rent agreement.

The inventory will be made on the day the tenant moves into the property. The tenant must give one month's notice of vacation by registered letter, if you find these conditions acceptable it will be possible to view the apartment by appointment. I would be obliged if you could let us have your decision as soon as possible.

yours ....


I am pleased to inform you that the flat that you offered in your letter of .... is perfectly suitable Mr Marly has viewed the property at my request and found it in accordance with the description and thought the rent fair.

I would therefore be grateful if you would let me have a


tenancy agreement which I will return duly completed as quickly as possible.

T6i se sam den tam vi~c a ... trong klwdng 10 thiing.

T6i se bitt an neu ong de cho toi biet bat ky nhung can he) co ddy drl do dac nao cang gan trung tam thanlt plui nay cang tot.

Toi thich nhflng tien. nghi. hien. dai han (phong tam, nha btp duoc trang bi day drl) vai it nluit 02 phong ngu va kh6ng qua ... do la m6i thiing.

Hy vflng co Sll trd lai sam, t6i vd~ u¢.y, Chan thanh. ...


Cam an lti tliu cua ong ve ... thong baa cua ong ve nhang mong uae cua ong di thue mgt can hg day riu do doc. Chung toi hanh. phuc de co the de nghi. m{)t can. hg tren tdng thll 3 eua me)t ng6i nha gdn nha ga nay. Can hQ nay la mQt dieu ki~n tuy~t uai va ke cd phong kluich, phong an va phong ngu. No co tat cd nhilng tien. nghi hien. dai (co mQt may rua chen btit it nha bep).

Tien thue hang tluing la ... d{j La, kh6ng ke nhiing dich. V,!-, va duac trti uao ngdy ddu tien ella thang. Pluii dtj,t eoc 02 thang tien thue khi kj bo» dong thue.

Bdng kiim he se duac lam uao ngay nguai thu~ den

u. Nguai thue phdi dua ra bdng thong baa ve ky nghi eua thting qua la thu bdo dam. Ntu ong nluin thay nhilng dieu ki~n nay co the clulp nhan duac tlii "no co the dune kiim tra qua mgt buo'i hen. T6i se bilt an neu ong de cho cluing t{ji bitt quyet dinl» eua {jng cang sam cang t6t. .

Chan ihanli ...


si: CHAP NHJ}..N

T6i vui long de thong bao cho ong ri'ing can hi? rna ang dd dk nghi trong thu ... lo. thich hop nluit. Ong Marly da kiem tra tai san nay theo loi yeu cau cua toi. va nluin. t1uly no dung uoi Slj rna ta va nghi ding tien. thue thi thicli hop.

Boi v¢y tal se biet an rdu ong de' cho chung toi co rn¢t bang hop dong thue nha rna toi se trd 19i dung luc hoan tat cang nhanh tang t6t.

1. having to: Bang phai

2. will be coming: Se den

3. shortly: Sam, ngan, ngay khi

4. period: Khoang thoi gian

5. any flats: Vai can h(>

6. all modern conveniences: Tilt ca nhung ti~n nghi hien dai

7. I remain: Toi v§.n the'

8. informing us: Vi~c thong bao cho chung tOi

9. we are happy to: Chung toi hanh phuc d~

10. 1st floor: Tang thir nhat

11. building: Toft nha

12. excellent: Xuat sac

13. services: NhG'ng dich vu

14. 2 months' rent: 'I'hue nha 02 thang

15. rent agreement: Bang hop d6ng thue

16. vacation: Ky nghi

17. perfectly suitable: Thic~ hop nhat '

18. property: TEd san

19. quickly: Nhanh chong

1. SI/ tro tru'iic 1. advance payment
2. Khuyen 2. to advise
3. Tit ci nhang ti~n nghi hi~n d~i 3. all modem conveniences
4. (Anh) can h~ 4. (GB) flat;
(My) can hq. (US) apartment
5. Phin con I.i S. balance
6. Phong vij'a de' ti~p khiieh vU"a di 6 . bed-sitter

7. Do hi vo 7. breakage
8. Nhi g8 mijt t~ng 8. bungalow
9. Nhi bi~t I,p 9. detached house
10. H~p ding tho thue 10. lease
11. May Tijl chen bit II. dishwasher
12. Dung lue 12. duly
13. Nhin vien bit dqng san 13. estate agent, (US) realtor
14. Co di d.e 14. fully furnished
15. Dung viii IS. in accordance with
16. HaV de" 16. to let
17. Thui 17. to rent
18. Garage co khoi 18. lock-up garage
19. Dlla ra bang thong bio . 19. to give notice
~O. 8ang hfP ding thue 20. rent agreement, tenancy agree-
21. TIm kiim 21. to seek
22. Ngu'Oi thui nhi 22. tenant
23. Kiim tra 23. to view
24. Khu tat eong nghi~p 24. industrial estate
25. Tho' bio dam 25. registered letter 53
26. Bing cuqc h,n 26. by appointment.
27. Trlng vung nay 27" in the area.
28. Thfch h~p 28. suitable.
29. Thue 29. rent. 54




At hiA

100 ··e ee xe

., -

Biit trUoe ehi)

trong nha hat


• .. • jI:


We want to tour some of your National Parks in July.

- Please 9ivfi us a quotation for renting a 5-berth trailer complete with linens and crockery.

We would also be interes'led to have your charges for a comparable 5-berth motorhome.

Sincerely yours,


In response to your letter of ... we have pleasure in quoting you as follows:

5-berth trailer complete with crockery and linens .... $ ... weekly (daily rent not available). 5-berth de-luxe motorhome


with roof rack. gas stove, toilet and shower ... $ ... daily. Weekly rates are negotiable and depend on length of rent.

All our motonhomes are fitted with cruise control (50 mph) and run on high-te~t gasoline.

All our vehicles have current year registration. Rent of a suitable towing vehicle can be arranged by calling us on 800.742.02.42 (toll free) or write us at ...

We attach a copy of our conditions of rent.

Thua quy ong :

Chung toi muon di du Itch m9t uai; c6ng oien. qudc gia eua quy 6ng vao thang 07.

Vui long cho cluing tOi m(Jt doan trich oon v~ vi~c thue m9t nha luu dl)ng co 05 giuang ngd co ra va khan trdi ban va chen. dia:

Chung toi cung quan tam dtn gid cd eua m9t xe buyt lam nha a co 05 giuong ngil tuang duang,

Chdn thanh,



Thlta ong:

Be'trd loi lei tha cua ong ve ... cluing t6i vui mung di trich ddn cho ong nhu sau :

M¢t nha luu d¢ng co 05 giuang ngil viii ddy dll ly chen khan trdi giuiJng va khan ban ... dola .. .tudn (gid thue kdng ngay kh6ng co srin). M¢t xe buyt lam nhd a luing sang 1"6 05 giuanl!., ngu viii thung xtp tren. mui, b~p gas, nha Vf sinh va uoi tdm hoa sen .. dola ... ngdy gid Jiang twin co thi thuang luang va phu. thuoe vdo thai gian thue.


Tdt cd cdc xe bujt lam nha a thich hap cho nhilng chuyen ai du ng~n (50 dam. m6i gia) da chq,y uai loai xiing qua kiim tra chat lw;mg coo.

Tat cd nhilng phuang tien. di lai cua cluing toi dang dll{lc ddng kj hang nam. Thue mQt phuang tien. di iai chuyen cha thich hap cO the duac sap xep qua cuQc g9i ai~n thoai cho chung t6i s6 800-742.02.42 (chi phi so! mi~n phi) hotj,c viet cho chung Mi v~ ...

Chung t6i g&n mQt bdn sao v~ nhilng di~u ki~n thue clla chung t6i.


Dear Sir,

We will be spending a short holiday in London from 6 to 10 December. Please book us 2 stalls seats for The Topcats Variety Spectacular now showing at the Adelio Theatre.

Any night would be suitable. I will forward payment on

receipt of your confirmation of this booking.

Your faithfully. Thlla ong,

Chung t6i se trtii qua m¢t kY nghl ngdn ngay a Ltuin. lJ6n tit ngdy 06 den 10 thang 12. Vui long d(f,t truce cho chung toi 02 ve xem va kieh. Topcats Variety Spectecular dang trinh. chieu a nlui hat Adelia.

Btlt kj dem. ndo thich hap. Toi se giii ti~n trd bling bien lai cho s,! xcic nluin. diJ.t truae nay eua ong.

Trtin. trong


1. National parks: NhO'ng cong vien qu6c gia

2. quotation: Doan trich dAn

3. trailer: Nha btu dong

4. linens: Ra va khan trai giu'ong

.5. not available: Kheng c6 s~n

6. negotiable: C6 the thuong lu'qng dl;1'Q'C

7. 50 mph: 50 dam mOi gia

8. high-test: Bu'Q'c kiem tra chat hrong cao

9. gasoline: }{Ang

10. re¢stration: St,i' dang' ky

11. towing vehicle: Phuong ti~n di lai chuyen cha

12. toll free.Mien phi

13. write us: Vi€t cho chung t6i

14. stalls seat: ChO ngoi

15. showing: Trinh chieu


1. The driver should not have been convicted of a serious motoring offence.

2. The driving licence must be produced at the commen cement of rental.

3. Please supply a quotation for the rental of a 4-berth mobile home for 3 weeks in July.

4. Vehicles are available from 3 pm and must be returned by 9 am.

5. We regret that we cannot accept payment by credit card for camping cars.

6. Deposits are refundable in full if written notice of cancellation is received 7 days in advance.

7. Our rates do not include fuel.

8. There is no cancellation charge.


9c Vehicles may be picked up/collected at any of our airport parking lots.

10. Tickets may be collected until ...

11. Valid travel documents and current driving licence must be produced when picking up vehicle.

1. Kh6ng nen krit tt)i tai xfi v~ mQt tai nan m6W nghiern trong,

2. Giay phep lai xe phai diroc dua ra hie bat eMu thue xe.

3. Vui long cung cAp doan trich dAn v~ -thue nha di di}ng c6 04 giu'ang ngu trong 03 tul1n vao thang 07.

4. Phuong tien di lai c6 sAn tU 03 giG chi~u va phai duqc tra lai vao 09 gia sang.

5. Chung t6i lay lam tiec rang chung Wi khong thg chap nhan tra bAng the tin dung eho nhirng xe ca cam trai.

6. Ti~n d~t coc dligc tra hili dl1y dii nriu d& thong bao hiiy hi)

viec nhan trudc 07 ngay,

7. Gia ea cua chung t6i kh6ng bao nhien lieu.

8. Kh6ng co chi phi huy bo.

9. Nhtrng phuong tien di lai co th~ don d tat ca nhung bai d~u xe a phi trirong nao cua chung t6i.

10. Ve co th~ du'qc lay eho den ...

11. Nhung van kien du lich hop li;l va giay phep lal xe hien hanh phai diroc dua fa khi nhan xe.


Dear Sir.

Thank you for the information on the hire of caravans and camping care

We would like to hire a 5~berth camping car from 15 to 29 July. We therefore enclose the completed reservation form.

Thua 6ng,

Cam an v~ th6ng tin thu@ nha luu d(Jng va xe cdm. trai.

Chung t6i muon. thue m9t xe cdm trai co 05 giUiJng ngtl. tit ngay 15 den ngay 29 thong 07. Vi vl,iy cluing t6i gui kern theo lsi dan d(tt truoc dl/J;1C ghi day duo

..... ~bo:I:.

DATE •.....•.......


ADDBESS ..•..••....

llAXE .


• TBANSMI88ION automatio 0 ma.nuaJ. 0 PERIOD OF HIRE FBOIrI

....... TO .


AT- ...•.............. E'rA ..••.........•. &


fllght No .

a.11'l1ne ...•........


name of ship : ..

line &


• BXTRAB ....... Qd10 0 cblld's sea.t 0 TV 0

speo1al equipment

(snow) 0


Co1l1s1on damage wa.1~

ver'l' (supplementary

premium)· 0

Personal acc1dent

1nslu&nce' covert:ng &I dri. verand passengers 0 NUMBER 011' DRIVERB NAME, AGE AND DBI~ VING EXPERIENCE OF

~8) .




TIllE .


NGAy ..


DIA cni .

LA.M .



*CHUONG TRiNH tv d9ng 0 bdng tay o


(J' '"





Chuyen bay so .

B,uc!n8, bay .


Ten tau .

DUOng tau .

NHA GA , ..

*Nhrlng vg.t ph!! .. , radio 0 ghe tre em o tiui 0

Nhiing dung c!! di'j,c biet (truat tuyet) .:. 0

*Tuy j

Phi bdo hUm b6 sung 0

Bdo hie'm tai nan. cd nhan tai xe va hanh. khach 0

86 TAl 1ft, TP:N, Tu6I vA KINH NGHIP:M LAl

lfE CUA TAl xE .

T6NG 86 TT2N EAT CQC FJUQC TM .. : ...... ................ H1NH THilc THANH ToAN.

KET rsuc vAo LUC ..

dcinh dfiu tick vdo 6 thtch hClP.


DearMrs ...

Further to your reservation by letter of the ... please find enclosed two tickets for the evening concert on the ... Seats' are held until 8-30 pm. ,

Doors close at 9 pm.

Dear Sir,

Every Easter we organise a trip for our club "The Silver Lining". We would be obliged if you would let us have a quotation for the hire of a coach and driver for the weekend of the 2nd April.


Thua btl ...

N6i them ve s1l dctt truoc cua bit qua lei thu ... uui long tim hai tdm ve duac giti hem. cho bu6'i hod nhnc toi h6m nay ... nhllng ghe duoc gill cho den 08 gia 30 toi. Cua d6ng hie 9 gia toi.

Thua 6ng,

M6i dip: ze phuc sinh cluing t6i t6' chucmoi chuyen du lich cho ctiu. lac b¢ ctia cluing toi (niem. hy oong). Chung toi se bUt on neu ong dt cho chiing toi co mot. doan trich ddn ve thue xe buyt va tai xd cho dip cudi tudn. uao ngay 02 thong 04.

1. The hire of (GB), rent of (US); Thue

2. camping-car : Xe cAm trai

3. we therefore enclose: Vi vf}..y t6i gU"i kern

4. completed: DI1Q'c dien dliy dli

5. ET A ~ Thai gian dl1Q' C I1d C tinh den

6. line rFnrong tau

8. premium: Chi phi bao hiem

9. covering rGdm c6

10. to tick :Banh da'u

11. 8.30 pm : 08 gic'1 30 t6i

12. Silver lining: Niem hy vcng



1. Gilling ngu

2. f)iin vi. mot Ii ddn

3. Gim co .

4. Gi~y phiip Iii xe

5. Thiri Jian !lie 'u,ng di n

6. Chuyen bay

7. Thui

8. H,p d6ng bi! hitm

9. Co ng vie n quae gia

10. Hinh khich

11. Chi phi baa hitm

12. I)on, I~y

13. f).,n trich din

14. T rich din IS. 81/ ding ky

16. Thiing dl/ng hanh 'V tren mui

17. I)inh d~u

18. Kee, cha

19. Nhien Ii~u

20. Hl1p Ie

!. .

21. Lay

22. f)lIa ra

23. $1/ huY bo

24. Cho diu xe

25. Co thi' au'l1c tra lai

26. Bip gas' .

27. 09 gia sang

28. Gas

29. Nhi IU'U 49"9

30. Li ph~c sinh

1. berth.

2. to.fill in a form.

3. to cover.

4. driving licence.

5. estimated time of arrival (ETA).

6. flight.

7. hire, rental.

8. insurance poliBBcy.

9. national park.

10. passenger.

11. insurance premium.

12. to pickup, to collect.

13. -quotation.

14. to quote.

15. reg istration.

16. roof rack.

17. to tick.

18. to tow.

19. fuel.

20. valid.

21. to collect.

22. to produce.

23. cancellation.

24. parking lot.

25. refundable.

26. gas stove.

27. 9 a.m.

28. (G8) petrol; (US) gas.

29. (GB) caravan; (US) trailer.

30. Easter.




LOi than phien



I refer to your letter of.. .. on the subject of a lost silver ring. I am happy to inform you that the ring was handed in by a cleaner shortly after you lett. On receipt of your letter I arranged for it to be despatched to your address. I would be obliged if you would let us have a check for $ ... to cover postage and packing.

Assuring you of our best intentions.

Dear Sir,

During my holiday in your country I spent a week

in .... and stayed in your hotel from 5 to 11 June. On returning home I discovered that I had lost a silver ring which belonged to my grandfather. I believe I may have left it in my room.

The ring has very little intrinsic worth but is of great sentimental value to me: if your staff have come across it I would be very grateful if you could send it on to me at the above address.

I will of course meet any expenses incurred.


Thua ong,

Trang suot ky nglti cua toi tren dtit nuac ctla ooe, toi dd trai qua mot tudn a ... va a trong kluich. san. ctla ang tit ngay 05 din ngay 11 tluuu; 06. Khi tra ve nha tai dd kham. phd rang-tai dd danh. mdt m~t chile nhan bang bac no-La ctla ang toi. Tai tin toi eo the danh. rai no trong phong cila Mi.

ChUc nhrin nay co gia tri dich thuc rat nh6 nhung gin tri tinh than doi uai toi thi rat lon. Neu nhan. oien ctia ong tinh. ca gt/p thdy no Mi se biet an- niu {jng co the gili no cho toi ve dia chi 0'- tren:

Dr nhien toi se thanh toan. bat ki chi phi t6'n thdt nao.


Toi tham khdo la thu eua ang __ . u~ muc dich mot chUc nhdn bi truit. Ttii thtjt eu hanh. phue de thong baa cho {jng rdng chUc noon nay dil duoc tim thtiy hai mot nguoi quet don. mot thai gian ngtin sau khi ang rai khdi day. Bd nluin duoc tliu cua ang tai dil stip xip de chilc nhdn duoc gili din dia chi cua {jng. Tal se bidt an n€u ong se de cho ciuuig tai mot hod dan ... d81a de trang trdi buts phi ua baa bi.

Bdo dam val ang ue nhang muc dich t6t nhtit cua cluing toi.


v n ~e O~T TRude NHAM LAN

Dear Sir.

Ten days ago I booked 2 single rooms in your hotel

for the weekend of the 14th May. On receiving the letter of confirmation I was surprised to see that we have been booked for 2 double rooms. I should be grateful if you woukl amend the reservation and confirm the amendment by return.


Dear Sir,

Thank you for pointing out our booking error. We

have amended the booking to 2 single rooms and must apologize for the misunderstanding.

We look forward to receiving your visit.

Th~d~ /

MUiJi ngay truce day toi dii dij.t trudc hai phOng don it khach. san cua dng cho d~p cudi tudn vtlo ngdy 14 thnng 05. Khi nhtj,n duqc ld thlt v~ s1/ me nhq.n wi dO. ngac nhien. thOy rCing Wi dii dij.t tnlbc coo 02 phimg d6i. Tdi bidt on ndu ong se thay d6i slj dij.t truoc va tni lui xac nluin. sf! thay ddi nay.


Thlla dng,

Cam on ve vii?c ehl ra vi~c dlj,t truOc nhdm coo chung toi. Chung tdi dti thay diJi vi~c diJ,t nay tlulnh hoi phOng don va phdi xin 16i v~ slj hila nMm nay.

Chung tdi mong chi! nhQ,n dlilJC chuyln vilng thiim ctla ong.


1. spent: Triii qua

2. on returning: Trl1 v~

3. had lost: DB. DJi(t

4. I believe: Toi tin

5. may have left.: CO th~ da d~ Iai

6- worth, GiA tri

7. value: Gia tri

8. staff NhAn vien

9. to come across: G.i):p tinh clJ 10. to ttcJ:ld ort: Ottl vA

II. meet: Thanh toan

12. hand in; NhiJ.t len, citra cho

13. on receipt of: Sa nh4n dlfQ'C

14. for it ot be depatched: B@ no dlfcJC gil'i di

15. best intention: Nhttng muc dich tOt nh~t

16. we have been booked; Chung tOi dlfqc d<}.t trudc


1. We regret that we have to complain about the quality of ...

2. Unless we receive a satisfactory reply to our complaint, we

shall be 'Obliged to take legal action.

3. You have charged for/sent .... instead of ...

4. sm me for the cost of returning the .... to me (US).

5. The house has a 4-star classification in your list but we felt many of the facilities were not up to standard.

6. Upon inquiry we found that there must have been some misunderstanding on your side.

7. We must ask you to accept our apologies for any trouble caused by the error.

8. We can assure you that this will not happen again.


9. We are sorry to learn that you were disatisfied with ...

10. We have looked into the matter of your complaint...

1. Chung t6i la'y lam tiec ding chung t6i phai than phien ve chat lttqng cua, ..

2. 'I'ru phi chung t6i nhan dliqc thu tra lCti vua y doi vdi Uri

than phien cua chung t6i, chung t6i buQc phai kien ra toa,

3. Ong da tinh gia/gU-i .. .thay vi, ..

4. Tfnh hoa don chi phi tra Iai ... cho toi.

5. Ngoi nha nay la loai 4 sao trong danh sach cua bng nhung chungtoi cam thay qua nhieu phtrong tien kh6ng dat tieu chuan,

6. Theo yeu d.u chung tbi nhan tha'y rling phai c6 mot 81,1 lam nao do ve phia bng.

7. Chung tbi phai xin orig chap nhan lui xin loi cua chung toi ve bat ky phian phuc nao do 81,1 nham gay ra.

8. Chung toi co th.g bao dam vdi bng ding dieu nay se khong tai dien,

9. Chung t6i lay lam tiec khi biet rAng bng khong hai long ve ...

10. Chung t6i dii dieu tra van de rna ang than phien ...




In response to our inquiry your agency recommended a chalet at Carlis to us for a holiday let. I am Writing to you now to complain most strongly.

On arriving at the chalet we were surprised to discover that the property did not in any way conform to the description you gave of it. The small rooms had only rudimentary furnishings. The plumbing in the kitchen and bathroom was very old and worked badly.

I therefore feel that the rent of £ .... for the 3 weeks.we spent in the chalet was completely unjustified I must ask you to contact the owner in order that this unsatisfactory state of affairs may be remedied.

We acknowledge receipt of your letter of .... expressing your dissatisfaction with your stay in the chalet at Carlis.

We have contacted the owner and examined the condition of the property. It appears that the chalet had been damaged during the preceding long let. We have therefore asked the owner to carry out the necessary improvements as 5001'1 as possible and must ask you to accept our apologies for this unfortunate experience.

We are prepared to offer a 20 % reduction on the rent for th~3 weeks or on a future booking as compensation for your inconvenience.

I do hope that this offer will meet with your approval.


I am writing to inform you that I am not completely satisfied with the two Shetland pullovers that you sent following my order of 29 March. I had specified russet for the color of the two articles. I received two beige pullovers. It would appear that there has been an error on your part and I would be obliged if you would supply replacements as soon as possible.


I am returning the pullovers and would be obliged if you would reimburse the cost of postage.

Dap lai lai yeu cau cua cluing t6i dai lj cua 6ng da. giai thieu. mot ngoi nha a Carlis cho cluing t6i thue trong ky nghi. Bay cluing tOi dang vi~t cho 6ng t6i thdy rang cluing toi rdt kh6ng hai long.

Khi d~n ngoi nha nay cluing t6i nlt'ng~c nhieti kham phd rang tai san naykhong dung uoi su m6 tii rna dng dua ra. Nhiing can phong nhd co tien. nghi noi thdt sa sai, h~ th6ng 6ng nuac a nha b~p va nlui tdm. qua cii va kh6ng hoat dQng te/t.

Vi vt;iy t6i cam thay rang giti~ thue ... dola cho 03 tudn cluing t6i dii trdi qua a ltgpi nha nay 10, hoan toan kh6ng hap lY. T6i phdi yeu cau 6ng lien. 19c uai 6ng chti de' tinh. trang kh6ng chap nluin cila nhtau; van d~ nay co thi duac boi hoan.

Chung t6i cang nluui 81! nluin. duoc lei tliu ctla ang v~ ... bay to SI! kh6ng hai long cua 6ng v~ 8t! a 19,i cua dng trong ng6i nha a Carlis. Chung tdi dti tiep xuc vai 6ng chil va xem xet dieu ki~n eua tai sdn nay. No trong co ve rCing ng6i nha nay dti bi hu hong trong sudt ldn cho thue tau dai truac day. Vt v¢y chung tOi yeu cau dng chii d€ thuc hien. nhiing eu cdi ti~n can thi€t cang sam cang tdt va phdi xin 6ng chap nhq,n nhr1ng lai xin l6i v~ SI! trtii qua dang tUe nay.

Chung t6i san sang dua ra s1l gidm giti 20% v~ tien thue trong ba tudn va d6i uoi vi¢c diJt truac trong tuong lai nh.a la eu boi thuang cho nhang bdt tien. eua 6ng.

T6i hy oong rang lai de nghi nay se lam {jng hai long.



Toi dang viet d€ thong bao clio ang rling t6i hoan. toan kh6ng hai LOng uai hoi chiec do nit len Shetland rna ong da giti thea yl!u cdu cua toi vao ngay 29 thdng 03. Toi dd dinh. ro mau sac cua hai mon hang nay. T6i dd nluiti hai chiec do nit len mau beige. No co ve nbu dd co m9t eu nhdm. ldn trong b9 ph¢n cua 6ng va t6i se biet an -'neu ong dap ung nhllng slj thay ddi cang sam cang tift.

Toi dang trd 19.i hai chiec do nit len nay va se biet an neu ong se phdi hoan 19i phi bua dien.

1. our inquiry: Yeu d.u cua chung t6i

2. I am writing: T6i dang viet

3. most strongly! Mi)t each manh me nhat

4. suprised: Ngae nhien

5. conform: Phu hop

6. small j Nho

7. worked badly: Hoat di)ng t6i ti;!

8. unjustified: Kh6ng hai long

9. it appears: N6 c6 ve nhu

10. I do hope :Th~t slf

11. experience! Su trai qua

12. we are prepare to : Chung -Wi san sang

13. I do hope! T6i hy vong

14. I regret: T6i lay him tiec

15. but I received: Nhung t6i da nhan


1. 10i de nh.n s~ nhfn 'rlfe 1. to acknowtedge receipt
2. Tnay dt! 2. 10 amend.
3. Thu~e vi 3. to belong.
4. Tfnh hoi don 4. to bill.
S. Ngli'D'i quit dt;tn 5. cleaner.
6. Than phiSn 6. to complain. to make a com-
7. HII h~i 7. damaged.
8. Thit Vt;t"g 8. disappointed.
9. Khing tlla liing 9. dissatisfied.
10. S\I cii tiin 10. implUlfement
11. Hanh d,ng hq, phi, 11. legal action.
12. Yiu c~u '12. order.
13. Yia ciu qua thll 13. mail order.
14. BaD bl, dong goi 14. packing.
IS. Phi bu'U di~n 15. postage; forwarding expenses.
16. S~ mua hing .. 16. purchase.
17. SI/ nh. n dtlq'c 17~ receipt
18. Nhin viin 18. the staff.
19. Nhitng khi khan 19. trruble(s).
20. Khi nh.n d~c Ii thll CUI in! 20. on receipt of yrur letter.
21. Nhim lin, sl/ hiiu nhim 21. error, misunderstanding.
22. Ki~n ra toa 22. to take legal action.
23. Ong chti 23. owner.
24. SI/ biji thli'D'ng 24. compensation.
25. Chiec nhin 25. ring.
26. Dia chi de ,hra trin 26. the above, address.
1.7. Ni khing diing giii 27. It is not worth it 72

2I~ n..,.. Ii.

29. Sf: tW ... flB!""

30. t;iIt .. cill! tit

31. a

32 •...... iii. - t6i

28. upon inquiry.

29. holiday let

30. assoonapoeulble.

31. to stay.

32. to meet the expenses .

.. ,rt' ~ IJiCH SANG _NG ANH

1. T6i phii hi!t sac than phien rang toi da khnng nhan duqe 51! ~t hlmg cUa wi vito ngay 12 truing 04. 2. Toi rat ngac nhien de thOng bao mOt lfii tren boa dmt. 3. Chung wi ra't lli'y lam tik bie"t ding oug khong hAi. long vdi nhO'ng m~a hang ella chUng tOL 4.. Toi pMi xin ong cMp nh4n nhfrng loi xin 16i ella chUng wi ve SI! nfuimli.n th4t tUng tiec nay. 5. Vi v~y toi yeu du hoan Iai nbilng phi rnA SJ! hieu Him nay gay ra.


1' ong.

each diy 02 tu8n wi eta viit cho ong d@ ~t tnto-e mQt phong dOi d kluich san aia ong. Toi DglJ.C nhien chua nhan dttqe 81,1' X8e nh4n ve SIf. ~t tnlctc nay ni!u khach san cua ong dd het cho vui long W; cho tOi bie"t cang sd'm cimg 16t.




• •

Tra loi uhUng e3n hoi v~ euoehen

• •


Dear Mr Schaeke:

I should very much like to discuss a number of lrnportant questions concerning your company with you. I shall be in El Paso from the 17 through 21 August and won-

• dered if you would be free some time during that period?

My timetable is fairly flexible, if you would like to propose a time and date I am sure they will be suitable.

Sincerely yours,


Dear Sir,

Mr 8qhaeke thanks you' for your letter of .... and has asked me to suggest an appointment on the 19th at 11 am.

Please let me know whether this is acceptable. Yours faithfully,

Secretary to Mr.8chaeke.


Kinh giti 6ng Schaeke :

T6i rat thich tluio luan. mQt so van de quan trong lien quan den cong ty cua ong uoi ong. Toi se a El Paso til ngay 17 den ngay 21 tluing 08 va tu hoi neu 6ng co rdnh. trong mat thai gian nao do trong suilt thai gian nay khong? Thai gian cila t6i thi kha linh dQng, neu ong muon. de nghi. mQt thai gian va ngay nao do t6i chdc rdng cluing se thich hap vai Mi.

Chan thanh,

TRA. LOl TU MQT NGUO/ THll lIT Thua ong,

Ong Sehaeke cam an la thzt eua ong ve ... va dii y~u cdu toi Je nghi mot CU9C hen vao luc 11 gia sang »sa» 19.

Vui long cho cluuu; t6i bilt thai gian nay co duac khong.

Tran trong,

Thu kj cila ong Schaeke


Dear Sir:

I am carrying out a survey of North Carolina and shall be visiting ., .. du ring the week of 12 through 19 February. I would be very happy if we could meet while I am there. Your advice and experience would be invaluable in helping me to complete my survey.

Yours faithfully,


Dear Mr ...

Thank you for your letter of '" I would be most happy to meet you while you are in the area.


Unfortunately, my timetable is very full during the period you mention. The only time I can offer is 5 pm on Tuesday 18 February. I wonder whether this would suit?

Yours sincerely,

Thua 6ng :

T6i dang thuc hien. mi)t cuoc tluim. do uung North Caroline va se vUng thdm ... trong suot tudn. nay tit ngay 12 d~n ngay 19 thiing 02. T6i se rat hanli phuc neu cluing toi gc'/p nhau trong khi t6i a do. Lai khuyen va kinh ngliiem. cila 6ng se rat qui gia trong viec giup do t6i de hoan. tat cuoc tluim. do cua toi.

Tran trQng,

TEA un

Kinh gui ong ...

Cam an lei thli cua ong v~ ... t6i nit hanh. phtic di gq,p ang trong khi on« a day.

M9t each. khong may mdn thai gian bilu cua t6i dii ddy trong Sltot giai doan. rna ong de nghi, Chi co thai gian t6i c6 th-e' la 05 gia chieu vao tlu: Ba ngay 18 thdng 02. T6i tu hoi kh6ng biet no co thich hap khong?

Trdn trong,

1. Dear Mr Schaeke: Thira ong Schaeke

2. to discuss ~ Thao luan

3. through: Xuyen sunt, xuyen qua

4. wondered if you would be free: TV hoi 6ng co ranh khong

5. fairly: Kha

6. Sincerely yours: Chan thanh

7. acceptable: C6 th~ chap nhan dl1Q'c


2. Theo nhnng d~ nghi cua ong v~ nhung san pham va nhirng dich vu cua chung toi ...

3. Toi hy vong den vung cua ong W ... den ... va se di~n thoai de sap xe'p mot cuoc hen,

4.. Toi nghI mot cuoc h9P se rat htru ich cho chung tao

5. MQt luc nao do vao sang ngay 14 se rat thuan ti~Ii nhirng toi cung hy vong ranh rOi vao ngay 15.

6. Toi hanh phuc d~ xac nhan ngay va gia rna ong d~ nghi cho eUQe h9P.

7. TOi ra't mong cho hu6i h9P cua chung tao

B. Toi tv hoi kh6ng biet toi c6 th~ g{Lp ang van ngay 14 hoac ngay 15 thang 11 duoc hay khong?

9. Tai hoan nghenh co co hoithao luan nhirng viin d~ rieng tu vdi ong.

10. Neu ong d~ nghi mot thai gian nao d6 toi rAt vui d~ sap xep thai gian.

11. Toi ra't mu6n thao luan mQt vAn d~ rna toi nghl n6 se him ong quan tarn.


MOl .

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your request for information on the BK707 which we brought out this year. I will be coming to your country from 14 to 30 September and would be very happy to give you a demonstration of our new model and show you its advantages. Please' let me know a date and time when I could come to your office.

REPLY (positive) Dear Sir,

Thank you for your letter of 30 August asking for an appointment. I could meet you on Tuesday 14 September at 3pm.


Looking forward to your visit REPLY (negative)

Followmg your letter of 30 Aug-ust we are sorry to inform you that we will be unable to meet you. However, we are still interested in your proposition and will not fail to contact you later to arrange a new appointment.

Thua 6ng,

Cam em nhiing d~ nghi clla ang v~ thang tin v~ BK707 rna cluing toi eho ra dai ruim. nay. Toi se din deft nuac clla ang til ngdy 14 de'n ngay 30 tluuu; 09 va se r(it hanh. phiic d€ trinh. bay rna hinh. mai ella chung toi va eho {jng biit nhiing tinli uu. vi?t cila no. VU/: long cho cluing toi biit ngay gia khi toi c6 the'den van phong ella {jng.

TRA. LdI (tich. cue)

Gdm an lei thu ctia 6ng vk ngay 30 thang 08 d~ nghi m9t budi hen. T6i c6 thi gtj,p ang vao hie 03 gio chih: thu Ba ngay 14 thong 09. N6ng LOng cha chuyen vieng thsim. eila bng.

Trd lai (tieu cue)

Theo la thu ella 6ng ngay 30 tluing 08 chting toi ldy lam tiec cho {jng ding cluing toi kh6ng th€ gtj,p ang.

Tuy nhien. cluing toi van quan tam den lai d~ nghi ella {jng va se tiep xuc ooi {jng sau de'sap xep m9t cuoc hen. maio



When we corresponded several months ago you suggested that I drop in to see you next time I came to , .. I find that I will be in your area from Monday next, if you can spare me a few minutes next week I'll be glad to make my plans accordingly.

Sincerely yours,

Khi cluing tai dsi viet thi: cho ong nhieu. thang truce day ong da de nghi. rang toi ghe tluim. 6ng thai gian tai khi t6i d~n ... t6i se a ch6 cua ong tit thit hai den, neu ong co the danh. cho toi mot it phtit t6i S.e rti't vui d€ sdp xep ke hooch. mot each. phu. hap.

Tran trong,


HANG _. _. .

Dear Sir,

We are examining the possibility of setting up a factory in your region, I would like to discuss some of the financial aspects of the project with you. Would Tuesday the 18th May at 11 am be convenient?

Thua 6ng,

Chung t6i dang xem xet nhung khd nang co the' de' thanh l¢p mt)t nha may J vung cila ong, toi muon tluio ltuin mt)t so' khia canli vetai cluinli du an nay v6i ong. Vao luc 11 giiJ sang thu Ba ngay 18 tluing 05 co thuan. tien kh6ng?


1. customer: Khach hang

2. information: Thong tin

3. BK707: May BK707

4. brought out: Dira ra, tao ra

5. a date and time: Ngay, giCi .

6. I could come to your office: Tai c6 th~ de'n van phong cUa ong

7. looking foward to your visit: Bang mong cho chuyen vie'ng tham cua orig

8. later: Sau nay
9. to arrange: S~p xep
10. to drop in: Ghe tham
11. I find that: Tai nhan thay rang
12. I'll be glad: 'I'oi se nit vui
13. possibility: Khii nang c6 th~
14. setting up: Thanh l~p
15. convenient: Thuan ti~n
1. Cuqc h~n 1. appointment.
2. Lai khuyin 2. advice.
3. Ghe thim ai 3. to call on somebody.
4. Hoin tit 4. to complete.
S. Thu~n ti~n, thach h,p 5. convenient, suitable.
6. Linh dqng 6. flexible.
7. Ph~m vi, fTnh vlfC 7. range ..
8. Thai gian bitu 8. timetable.
9. SI/ nghiin cuu, 11/ khao sit 9. study, survey.'
10. Thl/c hi~n mqt slf khao sit 10. to carry out a survey.
11. Mqf each khing may min 11. unfortunately.
12. Hoin tit mqt tl/ khao sit 12. to complete a survey. 81
13. 9i nghi 13. inqliry.
14. Tii I~V lim tiec thi", nl eM 14. I am sorry to inkmlyoo.
IS. 9i nghi m~t CutC ~n 15. request for an appointment
16. Phong "in 16. interview. meeting.
17. 6ng ci the" dinh chi tii it pUt 17. could you spare me a few min-
khang? utes?
18. Hiy 4t cho tii biit hay khing_. 18. Please let me know whether ...
19. Thii gian nay eo tltufn tiiD cho 19. Is the time convenient to yw?
ing khang?
20. Bi nghi 20. ta suggest
21. Cing ty 21. company.
22. Thanh I" 22. ta set up.
23. Xi nghi~" nhi miy 23. factory.
24. QUin tim din rin Ii Ii 24. ta be interested in something.
25. Vii ~t ngiy ltie do III iii, 25. at a later date.
26. Tii hoan I19hinh M!f di, -";f CfI 26. I waJd weloome the chancel
h ...... t .:: the OPporUlJty of ...
91 V8 •••
27. Di tha, lain .;t rill fi, . 27. to discuss a matter. to talk a'
matter OYer. 82


Th ... giOi thip. vit trii lOt


MQT cuec PHONG VAN' •.

Dear Mr Fritting,

Monsieur Doblieck, whom I believe you know, has suggested that you might be willing to help me lnvesti-

gate the possibilities of commercial development in your region. I expect to be in ... from 12 to 14 March and would be grateful if I could meet you while I am there.

Yours sincerely,


I was interested to receive your letter concerning future developments in our region. I note that you will be free on Tuesday and Wednesday. Might I suggest that we meet on the morning of the 13th? Please convey my best wishes to Mr Deblieck.

Kinh gui ong Fritting,

Monsieur Deblieck, nguoi rna tVi tin ld ong bitt, dCi de nghj rdng ong co -thi sdn sdng d€ giup da toi khdo


sci! nhang khd nang c6 the? v~ Sf! pluit trdn thuang mai a uung eita 6ng. T6i hy V9ng d ... til ngay 12 din ngay 14 thang 03 va se biit an ne"u ong c6 the' gq,p toi trong khi t6i d do.

Tran. trong,


Rdt vui khi nluui la thu cua bng lien quan den nhiing S1.f pluu. trihi trong tuang lai d uung cua toi. T6i chii y rang ong S€ rdnh vilD thu Ba va thu Tu. Toi eo tld de nghi rdng cluing ta gq,p nhau VaG sang »sc» 13 duac kh6ng? Vui long chuye'n nhiing loi chuc t6t dep nluit eua t6i den 6ng Deblieck.



Dear M r Gart,

A friend of mine, Michel Machtc, would very much like to meet you while he is travelling through Central Scotland. He is at present looking at the possibility of writing a book on luxury goods and wishes to gain knowledge of local conditions, I think you would be Interested to meet Michel and know you could give him a lot of help and advice. I would appreciate it if you could find time to see him although I know you have a very busy schedule.

Yours very sincerely.


Dear Peter,

I will do what I can to help Michel Machto, as you say, his project sounds interesting. Have him ring me when he lands.

I hope you are well. Francis Gart.


Kinli giti ong Gort,

M(Jt nguai ban cua toi, Michel Machto, nit muon. sa» ottg trong khi anh ta di du lich. trung tam Scotland hien. nay anh ta dang xem xet nhiing kha nang co thd vie't mot cudn each. ve xa xi pluim va mong uac dat duac nhiittg kiin thuc ve nhiing dieu ki~n dia phuong. T6i nghi ong se thii oi di gCfp Michel va biet ong co thk' eho ong to, nliieu. sl! giup do va loi hhuyen. T6i se cam kich n~u ong co thJi'/op xdp thai gian dti gQP anh ta mac du toi biet ong co "i(Jt lick lam oiec rat b4n ron.

Tran. trong.


6ng Peter,

Toi se lam nluitu; gi rna t6i co the' gitip do cho Michel Machta nliu ong noi, de an cua ong ta nghe thu vi. Mai anh ta goi difn thoai hhi anh ta den.

Toi vdn hy oong ong khoe. Francis Gart.

1. be willing (to help): SAn sang (giup dO')

2. might: Co the

3. I expect :Toi hy vong

4. if I could meet you: Neu toi c6 the g~p ong .

5. Might I suggest: Co the toi de ngh]

6. meet: G~p go

7 Ch "" ?

. convey: uyen, gUl

8. looking at: Xem xet, nhm vao

9. gain knowledge: Dat duoc kien thuc

10. to would be interested to meet M., Ong ~e thu vi de g~p M.

11. schedule (US): time table (GB), Thoi gian bieu


12. I would appreciate it: T6i cam kich

13. Your very sincerely: Tran trong

14. sounds; Nghe, duong nhir

15. have him ring me: Mci anh ta goi di~n thoai cho tai

16. to land: Den


1. On the recommendation of Mr .... I am writing to ask whether you would .,.

2. I enclose a letter of introduction which Mr .... very kindly gave me for you.

3. We would be only too pleased to perform a similar service for you should the opportunity arise.

4. Mrs George has asked me to write a letter of racornmendation. This I am very glad to do.

5. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity of meeting you.

6. - I would be very grateful if you would let me use you name in order to get an interview.

7. I should be most grateful if you could give .... any help or advice he may need.

8. The bearer of this letter, Jean Somoulet, is a friend of mine who is visiting your city on business. Anything you can do to help him would be greatly appreciated by your former colleague Jean Rivet.

- 1. Trong viec giro thieu ang ... Wi viet dtii hoi ong se..hay khong ...

2. Tai glti kern mQt 18. thir gi6i thieu rna ang ... rat tot bung da dira cho tOi v~ fmg,

3. Tai rat han hanh diroc phuc vu ong Ian nua neu co co hQi.

4. Ba George da yeu d.u t6i viet m¢t la thu gi6i thieu, Tai rat vui d~ lam di~u nay.

5. T6i rat lAy lam cam kich co co ht}i g~p ang.


6. Toi rat bie't on ne'u ong de cho toi sa dung ten cua ong de dat ducc m¢t cuec phong van.

7. Toi nft bie't on neu ong de cho ... bfit ky su giup diJ hoac lai khuyen nao rna anh fiy can

8. Ngiroi mang hi thu nay Jean Semolet la mot ngimi ban cua toi1ong ta dang cong Me vie-ng tham thanh ph6 cua ong, Bfit kjr di~u gt ong co the lam de giup ong ta se duqc ngiroi ban d6ng nghiep eCi cua ong Jean Rivet nlt cam kich.

THU GIOI THn~u Oi11§N NGUOI B4N 06NG NGHlep cO Dear Bill,

This is to introduce Jean Dutout who worked with me on a number of difficult negotiations and showed great talent. He is now working on a study of the distribution networks in your region.

I would very much appreclate-it if you could spare the time to see him as I am sure your axperlencq would be

most valuable. '

Best regards.


Dear Sir,

John Lee, whom I worked with for a long time, has mentioned that you would like to meet me. I would be happy to make available any documents and information necessary for your project. if you will get in touch with my secretary, she will arrange a meeting.

I look forward to meeting you.

Thua ong Bill,

Day La 10, thu giai thieu Jean Dutout nguai dCi lam vi~c ooi toi trong m9t 86 CU9C thuang luang kh6 khan


Thua ong,

John Lee ngUili rna toida lam vi~c uai ong ta trong mot thai gian ddi va da ·de cg.p rang ong mudn g(J,p Mi. T6i rat vui decung cap bat kj tai li~u va thong tin nao can thUt cho du an cua ong. Neu ong lien h~ voi thzt kj cua toi, co ta se stip xep gtj,p 6ng.

T6i mong chi! dlb/c g(J,p {jng

va cho thtiy tuing IVc tuy~t viii. Hien. nay {jng ta dang th.uc hi~n mot su nghien. cuu v~ phan ph6i iJ vung eua ong. T6i rtft cdm kich neu ong danh chat thai gian de g(j,p ong ta vi t{ji chdc rang kinh nghi~m eua {jng se la quy gia nhdt.

Glii den ong nhilng lai hOi tham tdt dep nhdt:

TRA. La]


Ong Simes,

T6i tin 6ng aa d~ cgp m9t l6.n rdng {jng Carter, giam. ddc cong ty cd? pluin. hi1u han. Fixtool la mpt trong nhang nguoi ban ctla Mi. T6i biet thgt kh9 de gq,p dng Carter. T6i ,se vo cung biet em neu ong giup Mi bdng vi~c-gi6i thieu. t6i den viJi ong tty.

Cdm an truce

Dear Mr Simes,

I believe you mentioned once that Mr Carter, Manager of (Chairman of) Fixtool pic was one of your friends. I know it is very difficult to meet Mr Carter. I would be extremely grateful if you could help me by recommending me to him.

Thank you in advance,


1. worked: Ba lam vi~c

2. showed great talen: Da cho thty nang h,tc tuy~t veri

3. most: Hau het • .nft

4. best ragard: NhO'ng liJi tham hoi tOt dep nMt

5. whom I worked with for a fong time: Ngtfi1i rna. Wi ·da lam

vi~c vd'i trong mQt ~O'i gian dAi

6. John Lee., me: John Lee .. wi

7. to make available: Cung cap

8. will: Be

9. arange a meeting: SAp xe'p mQt cuQc hop

10. meeting: MQt cuQc -MP ~t

11. plc, Public Limited Company: COng ty c6 phan hau han

I. PUt_ 1. to arise.
2. IItIti -t fie 2. bearer.
3. a.,t., pi 3. to convey.
4. kilt. 4. exports.
S. Ci,."- My 5. former.
6. Ui." Iii. 6. tu get in touch with someone .
1. ...... ' .... __ iii' 7. to investigate.
I. Ctic .... ri. 8. interview.
9. &iii tWi. 9. to intnxtuce.
10. Sf ti'i tWit 10. introduction.
11. Kil. tWc 11. knowledge
12. Ciii fIIij. 12. to land.
13. lit,..., 13. local.
14. CW t 14. to note.
IS. lI,t.,ti"." 'ii 15. a friend of mine.
16. Biit. 16. grateful. 89

17. Tii gU1 kim ""t Ii thllgi.i fhi ••

18. Xa xi ,him

19. CIIII9 tip

20. M~ng IlIii

21. Nhifng Uti thim hOi

22. T1ti'i gilll bila

23. Si, xip thii giln hii.

24. mllin, 10 u'ic

25. Sip xi, g,p~t; sip xip·· mit cufe phong dll

26. G" ~t n,Ui'i ni. dOli ..

giii thiiu ra!t ngu8i nil di.

27. liin quan dill, nii vi

28. lii biit lag rit ~n r'lI

29. Ong t. dang viing thim thinh phi cua ing trlng chuyin oing tic.

.17. I enclose a letter of introdtdion. 18. luxury goods.

19. , to make available ; to supply.

20. network.

21. regards.

22. schedule.

23. to schedule.

24. to wish.

25. to arrange a meeting; to arrange an Interview.

26. to meet someone, to be intro-

duced to someone.

27. to concern.

28.1 know you are very busy.

29. he is visiting your city on business.

tll,r,' A.DICH SANG nl1§NG ANH

1. Toi tI! hoi ong c6 the danh tho-i gian de g~p ong ta hay khong, 2. Toi c6 the d~ nghi chung ta g~p nhau ngay mai hay khong? 3. Toi vo cling biet <1l1 neu ong c6 the- giup toi. 4. T6i rat cam kich neu wi co the dQC dt! an cua ong tao 5. Toi rat vui neu ong co the g~p wi trong khi Wi iJ do.


1. wi vo cling cam kich neu ong goi di~n thoai eho wi. 2. T6i rat biet on neu ong co the giO'i thieu Wi den vdi ong tao 3. Ve vi~e gidi thieu ban dong nghiep eli cua ong Tilly t6i gtii kern du an eua tOi.



Thong 000 d~n

Thay d6i uhting slJ sAp x~p eho IDtt ,ehuy~n di

Tra liii


Dear Sir,

Thank you for your letter agreeing to a meeting while I am in .... I expect to arrive on the evening of the 15th, and will telephone you on arrival to confirm the time for the meeting.

Yours faithfully,

Thua 6ng,

Cam an la thu cua ongd6ng j co mot CU9C hen trang khi {jng dang a ... toi hy oong den vao dem ngay 15, va se , gQi di~n thoai den de xac nluin. thai gian g(j,p mitt.

Tran. trong,



Dear Mr Deplessis,

In my letter at ... I confirmed the suggested meeting on the 21st October. Unfortunately I am now obliged to delay my departure and do not expect to be in ... until the 26th.

I wonder whether you will still be free then, and would greatly appreciate it if you could agree to modify our arrangements so that we could meet at thls later date.

Yours sincerely.


Dear Sir,

I was sorry to learn that you have had to delay your trip.

I will be free. on the 28th October and hope that this new date will suit.

Yours faithfully,

Dear Mr Harton:

Thank you for your letter of ... informing me of the change in your plans, Unfortunately I expect to be out of the countryon the new date you mention. I hope we shall be able to meet at some future date.


Thua dng Deplessis,

Trang lti thu cua tdi v~ ... tdi dd xdc nluin. nhang bu6i gtj,p dd drtc;c de nght ngdy 21 thang 10. Nhung kh6ng may bay gia tbi bu?c phdi hotin. lai chuydn kh?Ji hank cua tOi vii co thd khdng co mtjt a ... cho ddn ngdy 26.

Toi tu hoi dtn khi do ong co rdnh kh6ng va toi rat cdm kich neu ong co thd d6ng y dd thay d,6i nhilng eu


sdp x6p cua cluing ta di cluing ta c6 th~' gf'!,p vao ngdy sau a6.

Trati trong,


ThUa ong,

T6i lay lam tiic Mit rang ong aa pluii tri hotin chuy€n di cua dng. Toi se rank vao ngay 28 thang 10 va hy vong rring ngay mai nay se thich hop.

Tran. trong,

Thua ong Harton:

Cam an la thu cila 6ng v& ... thong baa cho t6i ve s¥ thay do'i trong nhutu; dl! dinh eila 6ng. Khong may toi se xudt ngoai vao ngay moi rna ang de cap. T6i hy v9ng chung ta se c6 the' gtJ,p nhau vao mQt ngay nao d6.

Trtin. trong,

1. expect ~ Hy vong'

2. time for: Thci gian cho

3. do not expect to be: T6i hy vong la

4. I wonder whether ... and would greatly appreciate; T6i tJ!

hoi du'Q'c khong ... va rat cam kich

5. then: Luc d6

6. you have had to delayt Ong da phai hoan lai

7. to be out of the country: Xua't ngoai

8. to be able to: Co kha nang d~



1 I am writing to confirm the arrangements for my trip to ...

2. I am happy to confirm that my plans for the trip to ... are

now finalized.

3. I am now in a position to confirm the details of my visit to ...

4. Here are the arrangements for the tour of ...

5. I shalt be in , .. from , ..

6. I should expect to be in from ...

7, I should arrive at ... on ...

8, My flight/boat is scheduled to arrive at

9. I shall be flying to .. , on flight No AF449 arriving at ."

1 O. While I am there my address will be ...

11 . I will be staying at the ... Hotel and wonder if you could

have/leave a message for me there,

12. You will be able to contact me at ...

13. Messages should be addressed to ...

14. My phone number will be

15. Please cal me/give me a ring on arrival.

16. I will ring/contact you as soon as I arrive.

1. T6i dang vie't d~ xac dinh nhung sl! sAp xe'p cho chuye'n di cua toi d€n,.,

2. Toi rat vui de xac nhan rang nhung du dinh cua toi v~

chuyen di de'n" ,

3. Bay gio Wi xac dinh ehi,tie't v~ chuyen di cua t6i de'n ...

4. Day Iii nhirng su sap xep eho chuyen du lich ve .. ,

5. T6i se d".tU".

6. Toi hy vong d".tlL

7. Toi nen den ... vao .. ,

8. Chuysn bay/tau cua t6i du'<;fc len lich de d~n .. ,


9. T6i se bay de'n .. .tren chuyen bay so AF449 den tai ...

10. Trong khi tOi d do dia chi cua t6i se la ...

11. Toi se d tai khach san ... va t1! hoi ang c6 the de lai loi

nhan cho t6i d d6 khong.

12. Ong' se c6 kha nang dg lien lac vdi Wi tai, ..

13. Nhi1ng Wi nhan nen duqc di~n dia chi de'n ...

14. 86 die n thoai ella t6i se la..

15. Vui long goi eho Wi hie den.

. .

16. T6i se goi/lien lac vui ang ngay khi Wi den.


When I last spoke to you on the telephone we agreed to meet at New York Airport on my arrival in America, Unfortunately serious family problems prevented me from leaving as expected, and they will detain me in Paris for some time, I hope that you received my telegramme before you left for New York, and hope you will understand that the non-arrival was due to circumstances beyond my control. I will be able to leave Francetrom Tuesday 12 September, and le:.:ve the choice of the date and place of our next meeting to you.

Once again, my sincere apologies.

Thua ong,

Khi toi noi chuy~n uai ong ldn sau cung tren di~n thoai cluing ta ad dong y d€ gq,p nhau tai phi truang New York khi t6i den Jrty. Tha: kh6ng may nhiing vdn de nghiem. trong dti ngnn. can toi den d6 nhu dii mong dai, va Iio se giu toi a lai Pari trong mot thai gian. Toi hy oong rdng ong dii nluin duac buc dien. tin eua toi truac khi t6i den New York, va hy v9hg ong se hiiu


rdng khang dIn dl1{1e Lii do nhiing hoan. ednh ruim. ngoai y muon eua toi. Co khd ndng tai se rai Phap tit thu Ba ngay 12 thang 09 va xin ong chon ngay oa dia die'm eho ltin g(jp tai cua chung tao

M(Jt ldn. nita thanh. thtJ,t xin 16i ang.


Dear Sir,

A month ago we all agreed to meet on the 25 May to take a final decision on XY Ltd. An unforeseen development obliges me to leave for Australia immediately, and I would be grateful if you would contact your colleagues in order to postpone the meeting, if possible until sometime between 14 and 21 June.

Thank you for your understanding.

Thua dng,

M¢t thang truce day tat ca cluing ta dd dong y dd g(j,p nhau vao ngay 25 thang 05 di co trach. nhiem cu6i cung v~ djng ty track nhiem hiiu. han. XY. M¢t eu pluit trien khdng duoc du kUn truce dd buoc toi din (fc ngay ltjp tuc, va t6i se biet on neu ong lien lac voi nhang ban. d6ng nghi~p eua toi dd tri hoiin. bu5i gij,p mtf,t, n€u co thi tOi se din VaG khodng giaa ngay 14 va 21 thong 06.

Cam on v~ eu thong cam cila ong.


su OIl§N al HoAN ~I

Dear Sir,

We confirm the arrival of the group Amitours on the 15 may. However, we have had to modify our itinerary at the last minute: instead of arriving at .... in the late afternoon as expected, we will not arrive until the early evening, at about 8pm.


Dear Sir,

Thank you for your letter of 30 April informing us

of the change in your itinerary and the time of arrival.

We are happy to confirm that exceptionally, we will hold the reservations until 9pm.

Thua ong,

Chung t6i xac nhar: SI! den cua nh6m Amitours vao ngay 15 thang 05.· Tuy nhien chung t6i pluii thay dli l¢ trtnli cua chung tdi vao phut chat: thay vt den vil.O ... chi~u tdi nhu dO. mong doi, ehutu; tdi se den vao budi tdi khodng 08 gia.

TRA. La!

Thua {jng

Cam an lei thu eua ong vao ngay 30 thang 04 th6ng bao cho cluing t6i v~ eu thay d6i trong 19 trinh. eua ong va thai gian den. Chung toi ,-dt vui d€ me nluin. rdng, mot each. dtJ,c biet chlfng t6i se giil sl! dtJ,t truce cho den 09 gia toi.


1. when I last spoke to you; Khi wi n6i vdi ang Lin euoi

2. on the telephone: Qua di~n thoai

3. prevented me from leaving: Ngan can wi ro-i khoi

4. telegramme; ~ac di~n tin

5. before you left: Trude khi wi rai khoi

6. you will understand.- 6ng se hieu

7. that the non-arrival: Chuyen khong den

8. from Tuesday! TIt thir Ba

9. leave the choice of ... to you: Hay chon ... eho Dng

10. unforeseen: Khong du kie'n tnt{te

11. I would be grateful: Toi se bie't an

12. between 14 and 21 June: Giua ngay 14 va ngay 21 tMng 06

13. on 15 May: Vao ngay 15 thang 05

14. We will not ar~ive until: Chung wi se kheng de'n cho de'n khi

15. to confirm that: De xac nhan rAng

1. Ding V 1 1. to agree.
2. Khong cia nhi 2. to be out.
3. {j trong vi trf ii 3. to be ina position to.
4. S~ thaV Iii 4. change.
S. L\la ch,n 5. to choose.
6. Tri hoin 6. to delay.
7. Chuvin khii hinh 7. departure.
8. eim giU' B. to detain.
9. Hoin tit 9. to finalize.
to. BaV 10. to fly.
II. G,i di'n 11. to telephone,. to phone.
to ring give a ring. 98

12. Chuyin·..,

13. tri hein

14. Giii Sf ~t .ra8c • fin ...

IS. S. .it ti,n 16. l, trinh

11. lim ~uen vii ..... agdii nil c1i

18. Bit hit

19. T rl hoin

20. Ngin cin

21. Sim, ching .. lia

22. Churin clns tic

23. Khing ... kiln t_

24. trj hein nat. cr..,in kWi .inh cia • i

25. Mit cach khift! 1lIIY min

26. Xllit ngt9i

21. Vii m;t ., nil c1i

28. lii, ric npji nil H, liin hi ngu8ini.H

29. Rti khii

30. lii Ii pOi thly at. nhung dIf l!nh cu. tii,

12. flight.

13. delay.

14. to hold (the) reservations un-


15. inconvenience.

16. itinerary; route.

17. to make someone's acquain-


18. to oblige, to compel. 19. to postpone.

20. to prevent from.

21. shortly.

22. a business trip.

23. unforeseen.

24. to delay One's departure .

25. unfortunately.
26. to be abroad, to be out of the
2'1. at some future date, at a later
28. to contact someone, to get in
touch with someone.
29. to leave.
30. I have had (I had) to change
my plans. to alter my plans . •. ",


1. Toi ses6'm.a va se goi di~n thoai de SAp' x#"p mOt cuoc g~p m~t khi wi de"n. 2 • .Mctng cho- cuQc ~p m~t cua cluing tao 3. T6i


long chap nhan nhung lifi xin 16i v~ nhung bat ti~n dB. gay ra. 5. Toi hy vong n6 se c6 the cho de"n khi chung ta g~p nhau. 6. Tai hy vong nhung su phat tri~n nay khong ngan can yeu ctlu chung taL 7. Toi gii'i kern tat ca. nhtrng thong tin hisn nay. 8. Toi se rat bie't on neu ong co the thtra nhan cuoc phong van cua co tao



Huy bo moteuoehen

• • •


Nhiing liJi xin loi

Trii loi


Dear Mr Desage,

A short time ago I wrote to you arranging the date for our meeting. However, owing to a sudden illness, I will be unable to travel for several weeks, I very much regret that it will not be possible for me to meet you as planned and hope that the sudden change of plan will not inconvenience you. I will write to you as soon as I am fit again in order to arrange a new date.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Mr. ...

i was very sorry to learn that you are ill. I quite under-

stand that you will be unable to keep our appointment.

Let me wish you a speedy recovery. Yours sincerely,

Peter Desage.

Thua ang Desage,

Mpt thai gian ngdn trrJiJc day toi dti viet cho {jng d~ SQp xep nga,y cho buOi gljp m{it cila chUng ta. Tuy nhien vi hi benh. apt xufit, tdi se kh{jng th~ den trang oai tuan. Ttn. rti.t ldy lam tiec rdng tOi khong the g(ip ong nhu dii du dinh. va hy v9ng rUng Sl,i thay dOi apt xufit cila di; dinh. nay se khOng btit tien. cho {jng. Toi se viet cho dng ngay khi toi lanh. benh. de SQp xep mot ngay moi.

Tran trong

TRA. La!

Thua {jng. ..

T6i rat tile khi biet rang dng bi benh, T6i rat hiiu

rdng ang se kh6ng thi gia dU{1c bu6?i hen cua chung tao

T6i mong uoc ong eam binh. phuc.

Tran trong,

Peter Desage.


SUVANG MAT (khong d6n bU6i hQp)

Dear Mr Grint,

I am writing to apologize for my failure to keep our appointrnent at .... on ... This was due to an accident which

prevented me from completing the journey. .

i attempted to reach you through the airport and through your secretary without success.

I do hope we will be able to meet next time.

Thua 6ng Grint,

T6i viet th.u nay de xin L6i v~ uiec kh6ng gill buiJi hen. ctia chung ta luc ... tai.Dieu. nay La do tai nan. lam t6i kh6ng the' hoan. tdt chuy~n'di.

Toi eta co giing de g9i dien. thoai cho ong qua phi tnJimg va . qua co thu ky coo ong nhung kh!Jng thanh. congo

T6i hy oong cluing ta co the' gr'/p nhau trong thai gian tai.


Dear John,

I really don't know how to break this to you but I have decided that we should stop seeing each other. Please understand that this is a decision I have not taken lightly. Since I am convinced that sooner or later our relationship will have to come to an. end, it would probably be less painful for both of us if we broke off now. I will always remember the wonderful times we had together and hope you will treasure these memories as I do.




Yeu thuang,

T6i thuc su kh6ng bUt lam thl 000 di cdt dUt m6i quan h~ nay vai anh nhung tOi dti quyet dinh. rting chung ta nen ngitng gtJp nhau. Xin hilu rdng day la mQt quyet dinh. rna kh6ng phdi toi dua ra mljt each. hai hot. Vi tOi tin ding mfii quan h~ cua chung ta se di vao duang cung, no Sf! co thl it dau khd han cho cd hai chung ta neu chung ta chdm dUt ngay btiy gia. T6i se luon. luon. nha khodng thai gian tuy~t viii rna chungta dd co va hy v9ng anh Sf! trdn trong nhilng kj ni~m nay nhu' toi.


1. short time: Thai gian ng8.n

2. However: Tuy nhien

3. it will not be possible for me to meet you: Toi se khnng

th(g~p ong

4. will not inconvenience you: se khong' b,"t ti~n cho ong

5. as soon as I am fit: Ngay khi Wi Ianh b~nh

6. appointment: CUQc hen

7. This was due: Di~u nay l8. do ...

8. do hope: Hy vong

9. next time you are passing through: Thbi gian t.&i Ong se ghe qua

10. to break (the news) to sombody: CAt dllt lien h~ (tin tlk:) vOi ai

11. relationship: M6i quan b~

12. to treasure: Tran trong


1. I am writing to cancel our appointment on the ...


2. I am very sorry that I was unable to attend the meeting.

3. I was verY sorry to be unable to be present at ...

4. I apologize most sincerely for my absence from the important meeting on the •..

5. I now feel that this may not be the ideal moment for a meeting and would prefer to cancel the arrangements.

6. I think you will agree that, given the circumstances, it would

be inappropriate for us to meet.

7. This was due to strikes which affected ...

8. A sudden bad attack of 'flu prevented me from traveling.

9. A sudden bereavement prevents me from leaving.

10. Owing to circumstances beyond my control I shalt not now be in .... as planned.

11. I do hope you will see my point of view.

1. Toi viet thll nAy d@ huy bi) cUQc hen cua chung ta vao ...

2. Toi rAt tie'c rAng ong khong th~ d~n du bu6i hop dug'c. 3. - Toi rAt tiec khong th€ co ~t d ...

4. TOi thanh tbl)t xin lOi v~ Sl,l' vllng m~t eua t6i d bu6i h9P quan trong vao ...

5. BAy gio- Wi cam thAy rang dAy kh6ng phai la thoi gian ly t\lOng cho bu6i h9P va mu6n b6 nhirng sl,l' sAp xep nay.

6. T6i nghf bng se d6ng j rAng nhtrng hoan canh duqc dua ra se khbng thich hop cho chung ta g~p nhau.

7 . Di~u nay lA do nhilng cu~c dinh cbng rna n6 anh hUCtng

den ....

8. MQt can cam cum ~ng dB. ngan ch~n tOi di

9. M{)t st! mAt mat dQt xuat cia ngan din Wi rdi khoi,

10. Do nlnmg tinh hu6ng ngoai j mu6n, bAy gid t6i se khong O' .. .nhu da d1j dinh

11. Tbi by vf,mg bng se thay quan di~m coo. tOi.


LA THU XIN LOI ( mit a mot bU6i hqp vai b,n be) Dear Freddie,

We were looking forward to spending an evening with you last Saturday. Unfortunately, just as we were leaving, we received a telephone call Informing us that my mother was seriously ill and we had to go to her at once

Please forgive us for our absence and for not having been able to let you know beforehand.

With every best wish,

Freddie thdn men,

Chung t6i dii mong cha trtii qua mot budi t6i thu bdy oai ban vita r6i. Nhung khong may khi chiing t6i vita di, cluing t6i dii nhan. di~n thoai thong baa ding me cua toi dii bi benh. ntJ,ng va cluing t6i phdi di den cho ba ta ngay lQP tuc. Xin tha llJi cho ehung toi v~ slj. vdng mat cua cluing t6i ma kh6ng thi cho ban bilt truac.



I was supposed to beat the meeting of ... at where we

, were going to discuss new commercial prospects in the region. I was very keen to be at the meeting and am very sorry that I was unable to attend. An unfortunate break· down delayed me considerably and I missed my flight by a few minutes. Please make my apologies to my colleagues for me. I enclose the dossier that I intended to present.

REPLY (cold)

I have just received your letter apologizing for having been unable to be present at our AGM. I understand that the attack of influenza obliged you to remain in bed, however, your absence was unfortunate as you were supposed to present your financial report. I would be obliged if you

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