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16th Century Bantu Humanoid Aliens By: Terrence Ward P.O. Box 173184 Hialeah, FL 33017 E-Mail: Tward83@yahoo.

com Genre: Conspiratorial Studies and Government

The past image of Venus 4+ billion years ago is a planet with an atmosphere very much like Earth with numerous different life forms in abundance. There were also substantial quantities of liquid water on the surface; yet, runaway greenhouse effects caused the evaporation of that original water...which generated a critical level of greenhouse gases in its atmosphere that evaporated the water as the temperature rose and eliminated most of its life forms. Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech

The present image of Venus in the 21st century is a planet covered with an opaque layer of highly reflective clouds of Sulfuric Acid... which prevents its surface from being seen from space in visible light. Venus has the densest atmosphere of all the terrestrial planets in the Solar System consisting mostly of Carbon Dioxide. Nevertheless, closer to the Sun than Earth Venus is a lot much warmer; but, still inhabited by few life forms which have been able to evolutionary adapt to the surrounding environment. Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech

The future image of Venus is a planet that has undergone terraforming and colonialization in the distant future to make it more suitable for Earth humanoids. To make this possible there needs to be A). a reduction of Venus's surface temperature, B). eliminating most of the dense Carbon Dioxide atmosphere, and C). addition of breathable oxygen to the atmosphere, e.t.c. Source: CosmosFrontier

Why are so many UFO contactees all afraid to speak in public for fear people would either A). laugh at them, B). ruin their careers, and/or C). cause physical violence to aliens and/or capture their technology, e.t.c.? Bantu Aliens are a species of humanoid extraterrestrials who resemble African racial images and/or more specifically Bantu Sub-Saharans [See Figure 1]. Bantu Aliens are typically described as four to eight feet tall with straight and/or kinky wooly black hair (i.e. sometimes in dreadlocks, e.t.c.), dark brown eyes and dark melanated skin, e.t.c. Bantu Aliens are commonly reported as being mostly male; yet, sometimes female. Their skin is said to range from olive green, light brown, dark brown (i.e. reddish brown hue, e.t.c.) to jet black (i.e. sun scorched, e.t.c.) and they are sometimes reported to wear A). skintight single garments of silky material embroidered in many colors, B). loincloths, C) occasionally walk around naked, and D). dress in long Black hooded robes or in all black, e.t.c. During the Black Death (i.e. Black Plague, e.t.c.) of 14th century Europe Bantu humanoid type aliens with dreadlocks were reported to be on hills watching as entire towns died. Moreover, in France during the UFO wave of the 1600s a few contactees (i.e. Bernard Fontenelle, e.t.c.) reported descriptions of Bantu humanoid type aliens. Such claims increased overtime in the mid 19th century as in the abduction case of Amaury Rivera in 1988 and the 1994 Ariel private school UFO landing in Ruwa, Zimbabwe where 62 school children witnessed dark skinned aliens during recess. Bantu Aliens are still occasionally reported! Some sources such as A). fictional pirate Carson Napier of Edgar Rice Burrough novels describe Bantu humanoid type aliens as Amtorians (i.e. Venusians, Venesians, Venetians, Venerean, Cytherean, e.t.c.), B). the Holy Tabernacle Ministries refer to Bantu humanoid type aliens as Rizqiyians from a different Solar System (i.e. Illyuwn 19th Galaxy, e.t.c.) [See Figure 2], and C). Prophet Yahweh who claims to summon superhuman black extraterrestrials travelling around the universe in spaceships preparing to be seen by the world. Figure 1

Bantu Racial Type Bantu humanoid type alien. Source: 1932 Meyers Blitz-Lexicon

Figure 2

Illyuwn 19th Galaxy An extrasolar trinary star system believed by members of the Nuwaubian doctrine espoused by self-described contactee Dwight York to have been the home world of the Annunaki Eloheem. Its located in the orbit of HD 188753 BC and discovered to house a gas planet (i.e. hot Jupiter). Source: Wikipedia

The 16th Century:

Bernard Fontenelle [See Figure 3] was a French academic in the late 16th century (i.e. Age of Enlightenment, resurgence of Cosmic Pluralism, e.t.c.) who wrote a Popular Science treatise of Bantu humanoid type aliens of the planet Venus and their taller planetary counterparts of Mercury within our Solar System (i.e. Milky Way Galaxy, e.t.c.). In reference to the inhabitants of Venus Bernard Fontenelle succinctly describes them as: "I can see what sort of people the inhabitants are! They are much like the Moors of Granada. A little black people, sun-burnt, scorched with the sun; full of wit and animation, always in love, always making verses, listening to music, having galas, dances and tournaments. Give me leave to tell you that you know but little of the inhabitants (i.e. Venusians, Amtorians, Venetians, Venisians, Cytherean, e.t.c.) on the planet Venus". [Fontenelle, Bernard. "Conversations on The Plurality of Worlds". Pater-Noster Row; Page# 86, 1688]
Figure 3

Bernard Fontenelle

Source: Wikipedia In the above passage the inhabitants of planet Venus were observed as "little black people" [End Quote] who resembled the black Moors of Spain [See Figure 4] when they ruled half of Europe for 700 years. This description of Bantu humanoid type aliens correlates with the modern day research of Bantu people in Sub-Saharan Africa. An African subrace of Negroids who inhabit southern Africa and stand no more than approximately 4-8 feet tall. Nevertheless, in reference to the inhabitants of the planet Mercury Bernard Fontenelle describes their characteristic traits as:
Figure 4

Born in Rouen, France and died in Paris just one month before his 100th birthday.

"But what must the inhabitants of Mercury be? They must also be mad with vivacity (i.e. Liveliness of Spirit, Cheerful, e.t.c.) like most of the Negroes (i.e. black people). They are without memory, never reflecting, acting by starts and at random. In short Mercury is the bedlam (i.e. Land of Chaos and Confusion, e.t.c.) of the universe". [Fontenelle, Bernard. "Conversations on The Plurality of Worlds". Pater-Noster Row; Page# 86, 1688]
The Moors of Spain In the above passage Bernard Fontenelle knowingly associated the inhabitants of Mercury with the plight of People of African descent or the black race throughout Earth. In all their struggles specifically the Moors were in against A). tribal warfare, B). non-African foreign slave western Europe from 710 AD until the late 1400's. traders and colonialism, C). 19th-20th century scientific racism, and D). their fight for Civil Rights in an end to Source: Prof. Booker Coleman oppression black men/women of Earth are "without memory, never reflecting, acting by starts and at random [End Quote], e.t.c. Is it any wonder; then, why the black race of Earth is the only race of people who were forced by foreign Slave Traders to forget their cultural heritage? They adopt other peoples religion, nationality and customs; yet, fail to understand the totality of themselves as a people who reach far beyond the stars. What little is known of black history has been re-claimed by numerous scholars; but, even then the history is still incomplete.

Therefore, when I discuss that the black race of Earth has forgotten their cultural heritage it is to say that the search for their blackness has been incomplete....where as now in the 21st century new paradigms are entertained and old unsupported racial stereotypes of Africans as savages incapable of civilization has been debunked. Nevertheless, Bernard Fontenelle; then, goes on to describe the skin color of the inhabitants of the planet Mercury: "The sun appears there (i.e. Mercury) nine times larger than it does to us. The light they (i.e. Mercurians) receive is so brilliant that our finest days would be but twilight in comparison to theirs. For scorched as they are with the fierceness of the sun". [Fontenelle, Bernard. "Conversations on The Plurality of Worlds". Pater-Noster Row; Page# 86, 1688] Now! Let me give an historical background on this 300 year old text: "Conversations on The Plurality of Worlds offered an explanation of the heliocentric model of the Universe. It is Bernard Fontenelle's most famous work and is considered to be one of the first major works of the Enlightenment Age. Bernard Fontenelle addresses female readers and suggests that the offered explanations should be easily understood even by those without scientific knowledge. This book written so long ago was a critical success as it explained the heliocentric model of the universe and also muses on the possibility of extraterrestrial life. At the same time, Bernard Fontenelle avoided challenging the Catholic Church and its view of the world. The book was very well received both in France and elsewhere, and was regularly published. In 1691, Bernard Fontenelle was elected to the French Academy of Science." [Wikipedia. "Conversations on The Plurality of Worlds". Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, 2007-2011] It seems more likely that Bernard Fontenelle was definitely challenging the Catholic Church. For such theories as life on other planets in the era of the 16th century was considered to be heretical. It is because Bernard Fontenelle wrote in the era of the Enlightenment Age that his ideas were "largely received" [End Quote]. Bernard Fontenelle didnt pass up [End Quote] any opportunities at challenging the Catholic Church; yet, demonstrated his commitment to educate females [End Quote] at a time when the Catholic Church considered women unsuitable for teaching [End Quote].

Bantu Alien Language:

The original language of Venusians hasnt been lost in its entirety. I speculate that maybe their language could have been quite similar to the Bantu of Southern Africa: The Bantu language with the largest total number of speakers is Swahili! It has over 80 million speakers across eight countries and this number is growing. Bantu languages are believed to have originated in the general Nigeria and Cameroon area of West Africa. Between 25003000 years ago speakers of the original proto-Bantu language group began a millennia long series of migrations eastward and southward. This agricultural Bantu expansion is suggested to have played a significant role in populating the Sub-Saharan region, an area where Bantu peoples now constitute a dominant population element. [Wikipedia. Bantu Languages. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, 2010]

On the other hand, the little information that has been salvaged was preserved by Edgar R. Burroughs in his book Pirates of Venus published in 1934. He was able to re-create the Venusian alphabet in use among the Venusians (i.e. Amtorians as Amtor is what the natives call their planet). His Amtor Letters flow nicely together like cursive writing: The Venusian alphabet consists of twenty-four characters, five of which represent vowel sounds, and these are the only vowel sounds that the Veusian vocal cords seem able to articulate. The characters of the alphabet all have the same value (i.e. there being no capital letters). Their system of punctuation differs from ours and is more practical. For example, before you start to read a sentence you know whether it is exclamatory, interrogative, a reply to an interrogation, or a simple statement. Characters having values similar to the comma and semicolon are used much as we use these two. They have no colon; so, their character that functions as does our period follows each sentence, their question mark and exclamation point preceding the sentences the nature of which they determine. A peculiarity of their language that renders it easy to master is the absence of irregular verbs. The verb root is never altered for voice, mode, tense, number, or persondistinctions that are achieved by the use of several simple auxiliary words. [Burroughs, Edgar. "Pirates of Venus". Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc; 1934]

How to contact Bantu Aliens:

There are multiple methods to contact UFO's! Prophet Yahweh (i.e. The Seer of Yahweh, e.t.c.) claims to have revived an ancient method in the Old Testament of the Bible to do this...while Ted Owens uses the process of visualization and Amateur Radio Operator Bob Renaud in the 1960s built a special Ham Radio that is capable of tuning into the frequency signals of extraterrestrials. It seems that Prophet Yahweh, Ted Owens, Bob Renaud, e.t.c. have discovered convincing methods to contact the SI's (i.e. Saucer Inteligences, Space People, UFO Intelligences, e.t.c.). Here is brief excerpt from Ted Owens: "During the last three years I have successfully communicated with UFO's. My absolute indisputable proof of this lies in the fact that prior to UFO appearances and actions I would write to various government agencies, scientists, responsible people and state officials that UFO's would appear and/or when or what they would do. Then, after it occurred and was written up in the newspapers I would append the news clips to my letter, written some days or weeks before, and have a complete case of successful proved communication with UFO's. I have, and can, communicate at will with flying saucers! The UFOs gave me a system to use to call upon them, just as if I'd pick up a phone and talk. They showed me, in my Mind's Eye, a small chamber. Inside the chamber were two small creatures (i.e. resembling grasshoppers) and insect like; but, standing on two legs". [Owens, Ted. "How To Contact Space People". Saucerian Books, 1969] Nevertheless, a central ingredient necessary to communicate with Space People in which the above listed UFO contactees failed to highlight is the pigment Melanin (i.e. a chemical substance in the nucleus of the brainstem that is highly melanized) which functions as a gate for all sensory, motor, emotional and motivational input or well as mediating conscious awareness. The presence of Melanin is a key agent in heightening psychic sensitivity in the human organism (i.e. especially among the Negroid division of the human species)! According to pioneering discoverer of Melanin's organizing ability and other properties, Dr. Frank Barr, opens his technical work:

"The hypothesis is advanced that Neuro Melanin (i.e. in conjunction with other pigment molecules such as the Isopentenoids) functions as the major organizational molecule in living systems. Melanin is depicted as an organizational trigger capable of using established properties such as photon electron, photon conversions, free radical-redox mechanism, ion exchange mechanisms, and semi conductive switching capabilities to direct energy to strategic molecular systems and sensitive hierarchies of protein enzyme cascades. Melanin is held capable of regulating a wide range of molecular interactions and metabolic processes. Neuro Melanin (i.e. a dark pigment present in pigment bearing neurons of four deep brain nuclei) may join forces with the Glial Cells (i.e. the only glue of the Nervous System) to form a subtly triggered matrix for mental organization (i.e. The Mind's Eye)". [Barr, Dr. Frank. "Melanin: The Organizing Molecule". Medical Hypothesis; May 11th, 1983]

Bantu Aliens & Racial Purity:

The philosophy of Racial Purity and/or Single-Culturalism teaches unity within the race; so, Bantu humanoid type aliens are all about strategizing preventative measures rather than waiting for the worst outcome; then, figuring out ways to deal with the problems of Racial Mixing. Bantu humanoid aliens know that Racial Mixing is a problem among many inhabited planets and they are here to stamp it out (i.e. through preventative measures) completely before it gets worse than what it already is. Now! The question may be asked what do the Bantu humanoid aliens have planned to curve the proliferation of Racial Mixing and below is a brief summation of their goals: 1) Promote a climate of Racial Purity! School officials and parents can help deter Racial Mixing by encouraging acts of Racial Purity through the teaching of Melanin Theory in both public, private, and home based educational systems. Of course, the most effective way to foster a Racial Purity attitude in school or at home is for school staff and parents to model this behavior. 2) Survey schools and home life about Racial Mixing. A survey of students, teachers, children, and parents may reveal how pervasive Racial Mixing is in the school or at home. It may also indicate when and where students or children are being brainwashed with Racial Mixing propaganda.

Criticisms of text
I. Criticism #1 "Anybody who thinks there are black people on Venus and Mercury cannot be taken seriously". [JayTheRavenStar. "PUNT: Land of the Ancestors, Home of the Pharaohs, Egypt, Kemet, Nubia, Ethiopia". YouTube, 2011] How hypocritical of you! You expect black people to accept your wild flaky imagination of communicating directly with neo-Nazi Father Enki (i.e. self-proclaimed extraterrestrial leader of Joy of Satan Ministries); but, as soon as any mention of black extraterrestrials all-of-a-sudden you get uppity and/or bent out of shape. The universe doesn't revolve around your White Supremacist delusions.

II. Criticism #2 "Did Bernard Fontenelle actually meet any Bantu humanoid extraterrestrials or was his paper written on just guessing what they would look like?" [Hardy, Shirley. "Physical Descriptions of Venusians". The Extraterrestrial Data Collection Center, 2010] Bernard Fontenelle was a French academic who documented his Close Encounter of the 4th Kind (i.e. High Priority) in 1686. In fact, from 1608-1656 (i.e. approximately 48 years) before Bernard Fontenelle wrote his most famous Popular Science treatise (i.e. Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds) there were earlier sightings of UFO's and its occupants sketched in battle on numerous art paintings and/or depicted hovering over the countryside, e.t.c. In particular the space ship that these Bantu humanoid type aliens arrived in was engraved on a French coin (i.e. 16th Century French UFO Commemorative Medal) minted in the same French nation to commemorate this event [See Figure 5]: "After decades of seeking possible answers about a mysterious UFO like design on a 17th century French copper coin a prominent Numismatic expert says it remains just that (i.e. an unidentified flying object). A former president, Kenneth E. Bressett, of American Numismatic Association and owner of the curious coin said it was made in the 1680s France and the design on one side certainly looks like it could be a flying saucer in the clouds over the countryside". [NICAP. "Centuries Old UFO Coin Remains Mystery". National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon, 2005] Figure 5

French UFO Commemorative Medal Mint Date: 1640s Renaissance France *Wheel like Flying Saucer* Latin Words: It Came at an Opportune Time

Price: $100-$800USD Source: Art and UFO

As a former Field Investigator of Mutual UFO Network I can only speculate that Bernard Fontenelle experienced a UFO encounter of high priority. This was a Close Encounter of the 4th Kind (i.e. Category 4) in 1686 France. The descriptions and details throughout the text (i.e. Conversations on The Plurality of Worlds) is too observational and direct to be shrugged off as "innocent writings" [End Quote] e.t.c. In our popular age of Absolute Skepticism it has become fashionable to simply write off Bernard Fontenelle and his UFO experience as "speculations and/or scientific literature of guesses and hypothesis " [End Quote]. I am inclined to believe (i.e. based upon the eye witness accounts throughout the text) that Bernard Fontenelle information; therefore, was accumulated through personal direct contact with Bantu humanoid aliens from Venus and Mercury.

III. Criticism #3 "Every race that comes from other planets is not black. There are white Nordic aliens from Sirius B (i.e. a star that is 100x more powerful than our own). Nevertheless, this isn't about racism and saying only black people live here or there. It's about worldwide awakening to facts concerning the Galaxies". [DawgCityClev. "The Venusians". YouTube, 2009] True! However, the inhabitants of the planets Venus and Mercury were described as black people. If Bernard Fontenelle knew that there were other races on the planets Venus and Mercury; then, surely he would have admitted this or added a side note into the chapter (i.e. which he didn't). In any case, the planets Venus and Mercury are closer to the Sun and it makes a lot of sense for scientific and/or biological reasons that the inhabitants of many planets in our universe to be "people of color" [End Quote]. These Bantu dark pigmented humanoid aliens evolutionary adapted to the extreme harsh environment of their respective planetary atmosphere; so, there can be no worldwide awakening of the planets and/or galaxies until truth overcome lies. Only when the truth is revealed and black people are finally included into this universe of populated distinct life forms will there be liberation. Nevertheless, could you present a better theory as to why wouldn't the Venusians and/or Mercurians be any other skin tone but black? Darwianian Evolution suggests that the further a species is closer to the sun and/or tropical humid climates the darker its pigment (i.e. Melanin). Melanin is a key ingredient in the DNA of the genes and protects the DNA nucleus; so, therefore Melanin is the chemical key to life and/or evolution itself. Melanin also determines the quality of civilization one can achieve without being hindered from outside external forces. Modern Japanese scientist and others have proved that Race is a scientific biological reality because inside the Melanocytes (i.e. skin pigment) are tiny pockets called Melanosomes that contain Melanin. Races differ because of Melanin! All Nordic humanoid type aliens of non-mixed ancestry lack Melanin and this explains why they are racially different from Bantu humanoid type aliens who contain abundant amounts of Melanin. Nordic humanoid type aliens because they lack Melanin are only capable of Stage 1 and/or Stage 2 Civilizations while Bantu humanoid type aliens are capable of all stages of Civilization with Stage 4 being the highest technologically evolved society. IV Criticism #4 "I think George Adamski and others is the root to all awareness about the Venusians. Your source is not official and there is more fact of Venusians being described as tall European Nordics. Please! Present some more sources for your claims ". [MardLestat. "The Venusians". YouTube, 2009] George Adamski like all other Eurocentric Ufologist are Government Agents (i.e. Omnec Onec, Howard Menger, Luis Maertens, e.t.c.) involved in historical revisionism and/or cover-ups! They lived after Bernard Fontenelle first wrote his accounts of black Bantu humanoid aliens. There aren't any sources older than Bernard Fontenelle descriptions! Nevertheless, I first read about Bernard Fontenelle in the book Man, God, and Civilization written by the late professor John G. Jackson (i.e. member of the Rationalist Press Association of London).

In a lengthy discussion in a chapter entitled The Evolution of Civilization: The ArabMoorish Culture professor John G. Jackson cited numerous evidence from a wide variety of scientific fields (i.e. geology, archaeology, biology, sociology, and anthropology, e.t.c.) relating to the Moors of Spain as black skinned [End Quote] since the word Moor literally means black. Dedicated to every student of mans nature and history it offered a wealth of controversial and/or provocative material derived from authoritative sources and solid scholarship: "Nearly all the so-called world histories and histories of civilization, so popular in contemporary academic circles, are based mainly on what is known as European civilization. This species of parochialism gives a false picture of human history; and few students become aware of the fact that European civilization, speaking historically, is a product of the recent past, and that European culture was not indigenous, but was derived from other civilizations of Africa and Asia". [Jackson, G. John. Man, God, and Civilization. Citadel Press, 1972] Thus, in scholarly prose does professor John G. Jackson later quote the 16th century Frenchman, Bernard Fontenelle, who romantically depicts the inhabitants of the planet Venus as resembling the Moors [End Quote]. It is because of Bernard Fontenelle book (i.e. Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds) which was written in the Enlightenment era I disagree that its merely an "un-authoritative source" [End Quote]. The internet article (i.e. Venus In Fiction) lists numerous literary, film, and T.V. resources that have all been published since the early decade of the 19th century up until the 21st century: "Fictional representations of Venus have existed since the 19th century. Its impenetrable cloud cover gave science fiction writers free rein to speculate on conditions at its surface; all the more so when early observations showed that not only was it very similar in size to Earth it possessed a substantial atmosphere. Closer to the Sun than Earth Venus was frequently depicted as warmer; but, still habitable by humans. The genre reached its peak between the 1930s and 1950s at a time when science had revealed some aspects of Venus; but, not yet the harsh reality of its surface conditions. The term Venusian has been used for hypothetical and fictional inhabitants of Venus whether located on the planet or found elsewhere". [Wikipedia. "Venus in Fiction". Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, 2005-2010] From descriptions of Venusians as A). aquatic amphibians, B). spider-like creatures, and C). blond haired blue-eyed tanned skin natives, e.t.c. we could reasonably conclude that these new publications have deviated from the original theme of Bernard Fontenelle. It is these new theories and/or descriptions which have taken the original narrative out of context into descriptions so unintelligible that they literally describe Venusians as savages and/or monsters incapable of developing civilization: It is believed by some that Venus was once inhabited by several species, some of which were forced to move underground. Some of the terrestrial aliens may have moved into the spiritual fourth dimension and are now unable to be detected by humans. It is believed by some that Venusians may have visited Earth several times to make contact with humans. Some also believe that they taught the Egyptians how to write and helped build the pyramids. Many of the early alien sightings were apparently of Venusians who traveled to Earth in flying saucers. These cylindrical ships have become an iconic symbol of alien life.

Scientology's scriptures speak of aliens who live on Venus who want to harm humans or inconvenience them while they are in their spiritual form. L. Rob Hubbard wrote that Venus was a way station to help Thetans return to Earth. It is believed by some that no Venusian species has evolved to the point of intelligence that early humans went through. Therefore, this leaves Venus open for human colonization by Britian, Russia, China, America, and Japan. Thus, it is in keeping with the original theme as developed by Bernard Fontenelle that we can point to an external objective reality (i.e. Bantu Sub-Sahara Africans) that is corroborated by modern day research which amazingly was already known to Bernard Fontenelle five centuries earlier. Throughout these entire publications one begins to wonder if these authors have read Bernard Fontenelle as an original source document from which all others have developed their theories? Totally devoid of all scientific consistency many of these modern day sources go so far as to claim that the inhabitants of Venus A). live in the sea water, and B). live in different spheres of existence, e.t.c. Nevertheless, the only sources after Bernard Fontenelle which discusses black extraterrestrials are written by Dr. Malachi Z. York in his book "The Holy Tablets" (i.e. 1,996+ pages). Moreover, there is the author Edgar Rice Burroughs in his fictional book "Pirates of Venus" (i.e. 190+ pages) which describes light brown and dark brown skinned Venusians (i.e. Vespajans) as distinctly separate from white skinned Nordic humanoids: "In the subdued light of the forest the Vepajans appeared no different from an Earth man. They were about my own height and in every detail of their visible anatomy appeared identical with terrestrial human beings, nor was a great deal left to my imaginationthe men were also naked! The Vepajans skin appeared to be much darker than mine; but, not as dark as a Negro's and their faces were smooth and handsome. The Vepajans were men of fine physique, a little shorter than I; by daylight, I could see that their skin was about that shade of brown that a heavy sun tan imparts to people of my own race. Their eyes were dark brown, and hair black. Their appearance formed a marked contrast to my light skin, blue eyes and blond hair. The Vepajan women were both uncommonly good looking, their skins being a shade lighter than those of men. I was a type either entirely unknown on Venus or at least rare, for my blue eyes and blond hair caused quite as much comment as my clothing". [Burroughs, Edgar. "Pirates of Venus". Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc; 1934] There are mainly six different subcategories (i.e. race within a race) of the Negroid racial type (i.e. Bantu Race, Nilotic Race, Pygmy Race, Sudanic Race, Khoisan Race, and Capoid Race); so, in the above passage we see that the Vepajans are described as pigmentally related to the Capoid race of Earth humanoids with their golden brown skin hue. Moreover, there is another race of humanoid winged men on the planet Venus with dark black skin located in the equatorial zone of the planet: "The Voo Klangan talked a great deal among themselves, shouting to one another laughing and singing, seemingly well satisfied with themselves and their exploit. Their voices were soft and mellow, and their songs were vaguely reminiscent of Negro Spirituals...a similarity which may have been enhanced by the color of their skins which were very dark. One particular Voo Klangan wore a necklace from which depended a metal disc bearing a hieroglyphic". [Burroughs, Edgar. "Pirates of Venus". Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc; 1934]

V Criticism #5 Bernard Fontenelle wasn't a scientist; but, he was only an essayist. In fact, he was just a secretary for the French Academy of Science. You think he knew everything? He was nothing more than a strawberry eating Frenchman. [1492CrE8edBabylon. White Man Submits to Black Hebrew Israelite Hate. YouTube, 2011] False! The Frenchman Bernard Fontenelle was both a scientist and a self-published author with an undergraduate education in Law. In fact, after he published his most famous Popular Science treatise (i.e. Conversations on The Plurality of Worlds) he was elected to the Academy of French Science. The French Academy of Sciences was founded to encourage and protect the spirit of French scientific research. It was at the forefront of scientific developments in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. It is one of the earliest Academies of Sciences. Bernard Fontenelle was a scientist in every usage of that term! He was a student of not only the hard sciences (i.e. Mathematics, e.t.c.); but, of the soft sciences (i.e. Popular Science writing, e.t.c.) as well. No! Bernard Fontenelle doesn't know everything; but, what he did know for certain is that the Negroid race of Earth (i.e. specifically Bantu Sub-Saharans) are both ethnically and culturally related to the black skinned Venusians and/or their taller counterparts of the planet Mercury. This was revealed to him through a Close Encounter of the 4th Kind (i.e. High Priority) in late 16th century France. Nevertheless, as you stated about Bernard Fontenelle being a "strawberry eating Frenchman" [End Quote] should know that strawberries have been known to prolong life. This explains why Bernard Fontenelle lived up to the ripe old age of 100+ years. The French loved strawberries so much they knew the medical benefits of it and even bathe themselves in strawberry juices. VI Criticism #6 I Googled the Wikipedia entry about the Northeast Blackouts of 1965 and it was only a MYTH that there were UFO's causing electrical disturbances". [ Anonymous. Black Atheist: 16th Century Bantu Humanoid Aliens Instrumental: In Loving Memory to Bakaratini. YouTube, 2012] You haven't done your research and neither has Wikipedia....because they failed to cite the UFO literature of Ted Owens who months and/or weeks before the electrical disturbances occurred he faxed local media authorities and government agencies information that only someone with foreknowledge that UFO's were going to cause massive blackouts would have known. Moreover, Ted Owens took lie detector test(s) and passed with flying colors: 1). "I would write to various government agencies, scientists and responsible people. I would state that the Si's would appear, and/or when, and at times what they.would do. Then, after it occurred and was written up in the newspapers I would append the news clips to my letter written some days or weeks before and have a complete case of successful proved communication with the Si's. In my book you will see signed notarized statements from responsible people to the effect that I have communicated with UFO's. I will tell you the secret of my communication with the saucer intelligences so that you too can try your hand at communicating with these remarkable more-powerful-than-we UFO Intelligences". [Owens, Ted. "How To Contact Space People". Saucerian Books, 1969]

VII Criticism #7 What are you smoking? Black extraterrestrials in spaceships and laser guns? Ha!. [Anonymous. Black Atheist: 16th Century Bantu Humanoid Aliens Instrumental: In Loving Memory to Bakaratini. YouTube, 2012] Well, if you had the academic credentials I have in the field of Ufology, investigated the cases I've interviewed with military officials, educators, and read the literature I've read the very notion of black people from outer space doesn't seem too far-fetched. The ancestors of black people arrived on Earth in spaceships capable of super light speeds and took approximately 50 of our Earth years to bring 3,600,000 black people to Earth; but, only the very young were required to make this trip across the galaxy leaving behind the aged and infirmed on their castaway planet Bakaratini: "The Bakaratinians had explored all of the planet Earth before establishing their bases and were absolutely persuaded that no human life existed before their arrival. Often they thought they had located a humanoid form of life; but, realized they had made contact with a species of large apes. When they migrated from the planet Bakaratini these black extraterrestrials were about 8 feet tall. They were a beautiful race!" [Desmarquet, Michael. "Thiaoouba Prophecy". Arafura Publishing, 2004] VIII Criticism #8 The Russians sent probes to Venus in the 1960's that disproved life on Venus. [Anonymous. Dr. Delbert Blair Chats with Aknhkakek & Nikki Love. YouTube, 2009] False! The Russians sent a total of 16 unmanned probes all named Venera to the planet Venus; but, there are only 6 unmanned probes on record that the Russians sent during the 1960's; so, how could the Russian probes Venera 1-6 have disproved life on Venus when: 1). Venera 1 was launched on February 12, 1961; but, Telemetry on the probe failed seven days after launch. 2). Venera 2 launched on November 12, 1965, but, also suffered a Telemetry failure after leaving Earth orbit. 3). Venera 3 crash-landed on March 1, 1966. However, the spacecraft's data probes failed upon atmospheric penetration and no data from within the Venusian boundary was retrieved. 4). Venera 4 became the first spacecraft to measure the atmosphere of Venus on 18 October 1967; but, was crushed due to surface pressure upon landing. 5). Venera 5 and Venera 6 were sent only as atmospheric probes that recorded approximately 50 minutes of data; but, the batteries eventually failed Nevertheless, perhaps you're referring to the Russian probes that were sent in the 1970's-1980's; but, very much like the previous probes that were sent in the 1960's all of them suffered the same fate either A). lost contact, B). battery failure, C). antenna misalignment causing weak radio signals, D). not enough data to make valid scientific conclusions, E). no cameras attached to probe, F). camera lens not being able to release, e.t.c. There were many scientific findings about Venus from the data retrieved by the Russian Venera probes and only concluded atmospheric/geological data not related to anything biological. It wasn't the mission of the Russian probes to prove and/or disprove life!

IX Criticism #9 Why all this talk about UFO's when it's nothing more than pseudoscience?". [Anonymous. Black Atheist: 16th Century Bantu Humanoid Aliens Instrumental: In Loving Memory to Bakaratini. YouTube, 2012] Ufology is not a a matter of fact Martin Plowman of Melbourne University in Australia is the first person to receive an accredited Doctorate of Philosophy in the field of Ufology. So, we see before our eyes a field of study that was once ridiculed and now being taken seriously....because there is obviously something there that has peaked the interest of academic faculty to develop curriculum program(s).quite possibly with the help of secret service members established as college professors throughout universities across the world. Secondly, if the field of Ufology is nothing more than a schoolyard joke; then, why when you submit a Freedom of Information Act request to our beloved federal government they'll send you back a 300 page document with 80-85% of the most vital information blacked out except for page numbers and job titles? What's there to hide if Ufology isn't a credible academic discipline?

When I meet someone who says they've seen something strange, that's fair enough because maybe they have. I don't know what it is, though. They seem like something has happened to them! The first time you meet an abductee as they are called, it can be quite confronting because they are trying to come to terms with it it is something that can stay with people a long time. In the Andes, in Chile, they showed me a rock where they claimed an alien had stepped and left a footprint in the rock. It captured my imagination! Having a look at them, I realized this was a whole world unto itselfit had rules and ideas and history, and it hadn't been looked at much; so, my enthusiasm came back and I thought this is a story that I want to look at. [Plowman, Martin. A Degree in Strange Flying Objects Alien no longer-National. The Sydney Morning Herald, 2008

X Criticism #10 Who is the Domain Expeditionary Force? What do they have to do with Atheism? I have not read Alien Interview. [Anonymous. Black Atheist: 16th Century Bantu Humanoid Aliens Instrumental: In Loving Memory to Bakaratini. YouTube, 2012] Well, many people have this belief that Atheism and Ufology don't mix; but, they are sadly mistaken. Believe it or not there are nine mansions of Atheology (i.e. Atheism) and the UFO subject dominates 3/6 of this field of study: 1. Vorilhon Raelism 2. Lynian Capitalist Creatology 3. Matilda MacElroy Immortal Spiritual Beings (i.e. Spiritual Atheism) The message(s) throughout Alien Interview were telepathically communicated to Ms. Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy, U.S. Women's Army Air Force Medical Corp Flight Nurse, by a self-proclaimed Immortal Spiritual Being (i.e. IS-BE) called Airl...Airl claims to have the ability to manifest itself in physical form; yet, neither was biological or mechanical in dimensions which baffled Earth government scientist as to its physical properties. Airl claimed to be a member of The Domain Expeditionary Force. a group of Atheist Immaterial beings with the ability to manifest in physical shape in this sector of the Milky Way Galaxy for 7,000 years: Airl did not understand the concept of God or worship as we do. The people in her civilization were all Atheists! My impression was that they think very highly of themselves and are very prideful indeed. Airl and her people do not fear any God or Gods and have no regret for their actions. This idea reinforces my suggestion that Airl and her people are Atheists! [MacElroy, Matilda. "Alien Interview". Lawrence Spencer: 1st Edition, 2008]


1). Certificate of Science: Conspiratorial Studies, April 22nd, 2011 American Institute of Metaphysics: Jonesboro, GA 30236 Distance Education: Grade Point Average, 4.0GPA 2). Diploma of Science: Detecting Counterfeit Coins, March 31st, 2010 American Numismatic Association: Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Distance Education: Grade Point Average, 3.0GPA

3). Diploma of Science: UFO Explanations, September 4th, 2009 The College of Management Science: London, UK WC1N 3XX Distance Education: Grade Point Average, 4.0GPA 4). Letter of Completion: Field Investigator, October 15th, 2010 Mutual UFO Network: Greeley, CO 80631 Distance Education: Grade Point Average, 3.0GPA Field Investigator ID#: 17676

*Note: For those interested in further reading here is a list of literary resources: Non-Fiction Literature: 1. Bunseki, Kiau-Fu. "African Cosmology of the Bantu-Kongo". Athelia Henrietta Press 2nd edition, 2001 2. Kaula, Edna. "The Bantu Africans". Littlehampton Book Services, 1971 3. Tempels, Placide. "Bantu Philosophy". HBC Publishing, 2010 4. Cullis, John. "Seven from Heaven: A Biography of a Bantu Slave 1700-1860". Cat Publishing Company 1st Edition, 1996 5. Vallee, Jacques; Aubeck, Chris. "Wonders in the Sky: Unexplained Aerial Objects from Antiquity to Modern Times". Tarcher, 2010 6. Murphy, Jefferson. "The Bantu Civilization of Southern Africa". Harpercollins Childrens Books, 1975 7. York, Dr. Malachi. "The Spell Of Leviathan: The Spell Of Kingu 666, Parts 1-2". Holy Tabernacle Ministries: Scroll#015, 1993 "The real color of your skin is green [See Figure 6] not brown! Though you may say this sound crazy you are brown because you have rusted. Let me explain. You have taken in so many ions and oxygen (i.e. which is poisoning your system)! This olive green skin tone you are lacking is because the melanin in your body is deficient of a vital Figure 6 molecule called magnesium. Many people think that melanin is supposed to make your skin color brown; however, it doesnt. Magnesium was lost from the melanin and that was when iron took its place. When you The ancient Egyptian deity Nephthys mix iron with water and In Egyptian mythology Nephthys is a member oxygen it rusts. This rusting of the Great Ennead of Heliopolis (i.e. a color is your brown skin tone. daughter of Nut and Geb). Now! It is no longer Source: magnesium that is dominant; but, the iron when mixed with water and oxygen (i.e. both elements are essential to your life) and is what turns your skin color brown instead of green. Oxygen has now become toxic to your bodies. Believe it or not the constant inhaling of oxygen to the system is poisonous. It has certain radioactive isotopes in it 14-0, 15-0, 19-0. If you do a little research you will find that it clears up many oddities about our present biochemistry. The constant inhaling and processing of toxic oxygen and especially the content of CO2 in the air as it is you are killing yourselves. You are speeding your life force and are bright and healthy looking; but, you are aging more quickly than usual. We dont have enough zinc in our systems and this is why black females labor so much in childbirth because of the lack of zinc". [York, Dr. Malachi. "The Spell Of Leviathan: The Spell Of Kingu 666, Parts 1-2". Holy Tabernacle Ministries: Scroll#015, 1993]

8. Sertima, V. Ivan. "The Golden Age of The Moor". Transaction Publishers, 1991 9. Torrend, Julius. "Specimens of Bantu Folklore". Kennikat Press, 1973 10. Grinspoon, David. "Venus Revealed: A New Look Below The Clouds Of Our Mysterious Twin Planet". Basic Books, 1998 11. Fontenelle, Bernard. "Conversations on The Plurality of Worlds". PaterNoster Row; Page# 86, 1688] 12. Clark, Jerome. "Extraordinary Encounters: An Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrials and Otherwordly Beings". ABC-CLIO, 2000 13. Werner, Alice. "Myths and Legends of the Bantu". Routledge, 1968 14. Boughner, Steven; Hunten, Donald; Phillips, Roger. "Venus II: Geology, Geophysics, Atmosphere, and Solar Wind Environment, Space Science Series ". University of Arizona Press, 1997 15. Good, Timothy. "Need to Know: UFOs, the Military, and Intelligence ". Pegasus, 2007 16. Blench, Roger. "Central African Hunter-Gatherers in a Multidisciplinary Perspective: Challenging Elusiveness, Are the African Pygmies an Ethnographic Fiction?". Research School for Asian, African and Amerindian Studies: University of Leiden, 1999 African Pygmies are the genetic inheritors of a specialized hunting and gathering sub-caste of the Adamawa-Ubangian and Bantu speaking peoples which evolved to seasonally exploit the tropical forest. Figure 7 Therefore, Pygmie origins may lie approximately much less than 4,0005,000 years old. Prior to this period the African continent was inhabited by a range of other hunting-gathering peoples including the surviving Khoisanoids. Jonathan Kingdom in his 1993 book "Self-Made Man and His Undoing" published in London by Simon & Schuster put forward the innovative argument that modern Africa populations are related to the Andamanese [See Figure 7] and Veddoid [See Figure 8] groups which represent a strandloper back migration (i.e. reverse migration, re-population, e.t.c.) to Africa from Asia. While this is not impossible without more convincing physical evidence it must be deemed very unlikely. [Blench, Roger. "Central African Hunter-Gatherers in a Multidisciplinary Perspective: Challenging Elusiveness, Are the African Pygmies an Ethnographic Fiction?". Research School for Asian, African and Amerindian Studies: University of Leiden, 1999]

Two Andamanese men Source: 1875 Oxford, Museum

Figure 8


Veddoid school girl Source: Wikipedia

19. Grinspoon, David; Marov, Mikhail; Owen, Tobias; Levchenko, Natasha; Mastaler, Ronald. "The Planet Venus: The Planetary Exploration Series". Yale University Press, 1998 20. Cattermole, Peter; Moore, Patrick. "Atlas of Venus". Cambridge University Press, 1997 21. Knappert, Jan. "Bantu Myths and Other Tales: Nisaba". Bill, 1977 22. Owens, Ted. "How To Contact Space People". Saucerian Books, 1960 Ted Owens was given specific instructions in his book "How To Contact Space People" by the SI's (i.e. Saucer Intelligences, UFO Intelligences, e.t.c.) who resembled incest like Grasshoppers and they told Ted Owens on the future rise of Black Militancy and that Nordic humanoid aliens will A). be chased down and/or hunted to the ends of the universe because of the physical violence they've inflicted on inhabited planets, and B). cause all sorts of electrical disturbances across the United States, e.t.c. Does the reader remember the Great Blackouts of New York, New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware in the 1960's. Guess what? Ted Owens caused those events to happen with the help of the SI's (i.e. Saucer Intelligences, UFO Intelligences, e.t.c.) and they also told him about the rise of Bantu humanoid alien economic dominance over the entire universe. 26. Hamilton, Warren. "An Alternative Venus". Geological Society of America Special Papers 482, 2007 27. Stevens, Henry. "Hitler's Flying Saucers: A Guide to German Flying Disc of the Second World War". Adventures Unlimited Press, 2003 28. Suzar. "Blacked Out Through Whitewash: Exposing the Quantum Deception/Rediscovering and Recovering Suppressed Melanated". A-Kar Productions, 1999 29. Rose, Bill; Buttler, Tony. "Secret Projects: Flying Saucer Aircraft". Midland Publishing, 2006 30. Randle, Kevin. Scientific Ufology: Roswell and Beyond, How Scientific Methodology Can Prove the Reality of Ufos. HarperTorch, 2000 31. Ward. Terrence. "Field Investigator: UFO Case Files, Parts 1-4". Atheos Records Press, 2010-2011 32. Lafayatte, Maximillien. Biographical Encyclopedia of People in Ufology and Scientific Extraterrestrial Research. CreateSpace, 2008 33. Lewis, David. On the Plurality of Worlds. Wiley-Blackwell, 2001 34. Almond, Philip. Journal of Religious History. Religious History Association: Volume 30, Issue 2; 2006 This article examines the question of the existence of nonAdamic extraterrestrial persons in early modern Europe. It analyses the polygenetic origins of the human race and discussions about the plurality of worlds. 35. Nohl, Johannes. "The Black Death: A Chronicle of the Plague". Harper & Brothers, 1926 It was witnessed that before a plague ever occurred people have witnessed men dressed in black and lights in the sky. This usually followed a foul stench of mist and/or smoke in the air that resembled a pale fog (i.e. gas, chemtrails, e.t.c.). Within contact of the mist, people died between 3 to 4 days later. Once the medieval Black Death got started noteworthy aerial phenomenon continued to accompany the dreaded epidemic. The accounts of all the aerial lights and the mist surrounding these horrible incidents are uncanny.

36. York, Dr. Malachi. "The Holy Tablets". Holy Tabernacle Ministries: 1st Edition, 1996
The Holy Tablets are claimed to be divinely inspired and holy as the Holy Bible and Koran and is to be treated in the same way. It is a revelation from the Most High (i.e. ANU) to set straight the records and to remove the falsehoods. The Most High (i.e. ANU) and his Heavenly Hosts have decided that it was time to renew Nubian (i.e. black race) history. Dr. Dwight York scripture (i.e. The Holy Tablets) claims our human ancestors originally came from the planet Rizq. They later moved to a planet called Kesiyl in the Orion Constellation; then, to Mars (i.e. the canals on Mars was said to have been built by them), then to Pluto and finally to Earth. Dr. Dwight York says Earth has been visited by scientifically advanced beings from outer space who taught us their technology. 37. Murdoch, James. "Gray Apocalypse". Demand Publications, 2009 Amaury Rivera, a resident of Cabo Rojo in southwest Puerto Rico, claimed his alien abductors showed him an image of an enormous asteroid striking the Caribbean Sea near Puerto Rico. A catastrophe they predicted for the near future that would cause universal destruction and leave only a remnant of human civilization. 38. Hind, Cynthia. "UFOs Over Africa". Horus House Press, 1997

Africa's foremost Ufologist sums up in detail a lifetime of work spent in careful investigation of a host of most unusual cases. Cynthia Hind leads us through the strange appearance of silvery-suited aliens and unique light phenomena at the La Rochelle estate...through the abduction chronology of two Johannesburg women and tells the complete story of the Ariel school UFO landing with firsthand accounts by over a dozen young students. Many cases highlighted feature her special extended-interview technique. 39. Fowler, Raymond. "Mufon: Field Investigators Manual". Mutual UFO Network, Inc: 5th Edition, 2011 Figure 9 Mutual UFO Network has established a program to train member volunteers as Field Investigators. The heart and soul of this program is the MUFON Field Investigator's Manual [See Figure 9]. This 311-page manual comes bound in a sturdy 3-ring loose-leaf folder and includes instructions for investigating a variety of UFO phenomena. Field Investigators Manual 40. Grevlar, Ann. "Transvaal Episode: A UFO Lands Investigate UFO phenomenon. st in Africa". Essene Press: 1 Edition, 1958 Source: Mutual UFO Network 41. Sante, Frank. UfOs in South Africa. Vantage st Press: 1 Edition, 1985 42. Pye, Lloyd. Intervention Theory Essentials: A Basic Guide to the Intervention Theory of Origins. EBook, 2011 43. Beckley, Timothy. "Mystery of the Men in Black: The UFO Silencers". Inner Light: Global Communications, 1990 44. Barker, Gray. "Men in Black: The Secret Terror". CreateSpace, 2011

45. Keith, Jim. "Casebook on the Men in Black". Adventures Unlimited Press, 2011 46. Randles, Jenny. "The Truth Behind Men in Black: Government Agents or Visitors from Beyond". St. Martin's Paperback, 1997 47. Hawton, Hector. "The Flight From Reality". Watts & Co., London, 1941 "Confronted by the spectacle of tottering thrones, the hungry plague smitten masses, whose miseries no words of power could relieve, lost faith in kings, priests and gods. They ceased even to search for the empty boon of a paradise after death". [Hawton, Hector. "The Flight From Reality". Watts & Co., London, 1941]. 48. Wallace, Shurlene. "From the Motherland to the Mothership: A True Story of Twins Who Reunite, As One Begins An Incredible Odyssey of Interaction with Extraterrestrials from Other Worlds". 1st Book Library, 2001 49. B. Fox. "The Alien Agenda: The Real Reason They're Here". Morris Publishing 1st Edition, 1996 "The July 1947 UFO crash at Roswell proves that extraterrestrials may be well advanced beyond us in technology; but, are still vulnerable to make mistakes. They can crash, burn and die! The church community continues to ignore these extraterrestrial species or brush them off as manifestations of angels, devils and demons; but, the crash at Roswell proves they are not Fallen Angels. If these people from the far corners of the universe can crash, burn and die, this takes them out of the realm of angels, demons and devils. They are not supernatural...they are not gods! The fact that extraterrestrials can die prove they certainly are not supernatural nor do they deserve the title of God. They merely have superior technology and have been reported to have such command of magnetic force that they are capable of flying from the region of one solar system to the next. They can also levitate themselves and others, use mental telepathy, mind control, e.t.c. These extraterrestrials need spaceships to travel in and are mortal!" [B. Fox. "The Alien Agenda: The Real Reason They're Here". Morris Publishing 1st Edition, 1996] 50. Lyne, William. Pentagon Aliens: Formerly Space Aliens From The Pentagon. Creatopia Productions: 3rd Edition, 2007 I have no mystical beliefs and accept nothing on faith! I had been a junior mason/charter member and officer of the Winkler County chapter of the Order of De Molay when I was a boy; but, never considered becoming a full-fledged mason because I am an Atheist. I would have invented the Flying Saucer if it had not been re-invented by Atheist Nikola Tesla...since the concept occurred to me when I was a boy studying electricity. At age 15, I prepared for a career in Aerodynamics! I had been building powered model Flying Saucers for four years and I knew that Flying Saucers were real man-made flying machines powered by electricity. [Lyne, William. Pentagon Aliens: Formerly Space Aliens From The Pentagon. Creatopia Productions: 3rd Edition, 2007]

51. Dennis, Glenn. "Sworn Affidavit of Glenn Dennis". N/P, 1991 She drew me a diagram of the bodiesincluding an arm with a hand that had only four fingers. The doctors noted that on the end of the fingers were little pads resembling suction cups. She said the head was disproportionately large for the body, the eyes were deeply set, the skulls were flexible, the nose was concave with only two orifices, the mouth was a fine slit and the doctors said there was heavy cartilage instead of teeth. The ears were only small orifices with flaps. The aliens had no hair and their SKINS were BLACK! They were three feet tall!. [Dennis, Glenn. "Sworn Affidavit of Glenn Dennis". N/P, 1991] 52. Jackson, G. John. "Man, God, and Civilization". Lushena Books Inc, 1972 The priestly and kingly offices were frequently combined in the person of one man. The doctrine of the divine right of kings stems from the belief that kings in olden times were actually gods. We can easily imagine how, in the process of social evolution, priests in certain communities might rise to positions of dominance. A good way for such a king to make his position secure would be by declaring himself a god. We know from ancient Egyptian historical records that the priest kings were running a dictatorship under the guise of divine kingship. Many ancient Egyptian citizens rose up in revolution to combat the religious tyranny and denied the Gods ever existed (i.e. Positive Atheism). [Jackson, G. John. "Man, God, and Civilization". Lushena Books Inc, 1972] 53. Miller, Steven. "Social Security: The Mark of The Beast". Family Guardian Fellowship, 2011] In Greek the word Theos was often translated as God/Gods; but, these terms were also used to identify judges or magistrates while exercising their authority in common courts in Rome and Israel. For example, at the ceiling of the U.S. Capital Dome depicts the APOTHEOSIS of George Washington. The Greek word for God is Theos which means a magistrate (i.e. city official)! In Roman days you would address a judge as God...while Emperors were referred to as ApoTheos (i.e. creator of Gods). This lordship and/or Godhead continued down through the centuries with the kings claiming divine authority to rule". [Miller, Steven. "Social Security: The Mark of The Beast". Family Guardian Fellowship, 2011] 54. Kraspedon, Dino. "My Contact With Flying Saucers". Spearman, 1959 I was an Atheist in the widest sense of the word! I hated long biblical dissertations and had an aversion to anything that smacked of religion. I could never believe in the existence of God! In November 1952 I was touring with a friend in the State of Sao Paulo. We were confronted by five Flying Saucers hovering in the air. The Flying Saucer then landed and allowed us to enter their ship and meet its crew. The people of Mercury are tall and short as the African pygmies on Earth! They are strong, dark skin complexion, intelligent, energetic and active. They have small eyes, no beards, low foreheads and well-made Negro shaped noses. [Kraspedon, Dino. "My Contact With Flying Saucers". Spearman, 1959]

55. Vizzutti, Richard. "Waking From A Dream". E-Book, 2011 I was raised into an Atheist family with a lot of freedom and parents being born again Atheist. [Vizzutti, Richard. "Waking From A Dream". E-Book, 2011] 56. Vandinja, Daniel. "Rael: The Masonic Messiah". N/P, 2007 57. Crowe, Michael. "The Extraterrestrial Life Debate, Antiquity to 1915: A Source Book". University of Notre Dame Press: 1st Edition, 2008 58. Ward, Peter. "Rare Earth: Why Complex Life Is Uncommon in the Universe ". Springer, 2003 59. Dick, Steven. "The Biological Universe: The Twentieth Century Extraterrestrial Life Debate and the Limits of Science". Cambridge University Press, 1999 60. Desmarquet, Michael. "Thiaoouba Prophecy". Arafura Publishing, 2004
According to Thiaoouba Prophecy black people of Earth are descendants of an ancient black extraterrestrial civilization on the planet Bakaratini in the constellation Centaur....which eventually became inhospitable for life because of nuclear warfare amongst nations on the planet Bakaratini. It seems that in the evolution of sentient life forms each civilization comes at a stage of discovering and/or re-discovering the atom and more often than not this power falls into the wrong hands. Nevertheless, approximately 1 million years ago the black leaders of the planet Bakaratini after careful deliberation; conferences and reconnaissance expeditions decided to send inhabited vessels (i.e. spherical metallic long range spaceships) to the planet Earth in order to evacuate their people to a planet similar to theirs without radiation exposure which devastated their home planet. As a strict rule these black humanoid extraterrestrials vowed never to return to their planet and to make Earth their new home. The gravity on Earth caused these black extraterrestrials to eventually shrink in size from 8 feet+ to approximately 4-6 feet in height (i.e. which is the average height for Earth based humanoid species). The religious cult belief of these ancient black extraterrestrials was very simple and encompassed a belief in reincarnation similar to modern day Lamaists in Peru. The reason that modern day blacks of Africa are in the predicament they are in is because they rightfully chose a secessionist course of action against tyrannical black priest kings (i.e. Brotherhood of The Serpent, Priest of Amun, Ptahites, e.t.c.) who found a way to divide the populace. Classifying individuals into groups, religions, e.t.c. under their leadership (i.e. doctrine of Divine Kingship, e.t.c.). This division among blacks had disastrous repercussions (i.e. mass migration, abandonment of oppressive political systems, puppet state rulers manipulated by so-called priest Gods/Goddesses, e.t.c.). This secessionist group of blacks (i.e. the welfare class, working Class, e.t.c.) eventually immigrated to so-called sub-Saharan Africa and was not allowed to take weapons (i.e. laser guns, e.t.c.) and/or technical equipment with them. The tyrannical leadership of the black priest kings political muscle was so far-reaching that they had constructed temples to magnify their wealth and power...taxing their underprivileged and victimized black populace heavily throughout Africa. From Idolatry worship it wasn't too long; however, before these black priest kings demanded human sacrifice(s) among their downtrodden populace. So, now two distinct classes were born at this juncture the very rich and the very poor.

Internet Articles:
1. TheUFOFiles."France: UFOs in History August 1608". Pegasus Research Consortium, 2001-2011

"In August 1608 the Figure 10 inhabitants of the South France (i.e. from Marseilles to Genoa) witnessed three strange luminous vessels [See Figure 10] which evolve at high speed above the city. The three machines stop near the fortress and 1608 French UFO battle descend to just above the water where they cause Source: Pegasus Research the water to boil and emit A true UFO flap reported in a chronicle entitled a red-orange vapor. "Speech of Terrible and Extraordinary Signs Numerous witnesses saw Appeared on The Sea of Genoa". two humanoid beings with large heads and large luminous eyes dressed in a red suit with silver scales connected to the flying machine by tubes and engage themselves in several hours of strange work". [TheUFOFiles."France: UFOs in History August 1608". Pegasus Research Consortium, 2001-2011] 2. Mar, S.E. Evidence of Civilization on Venus Department of Interplanetary Affairs, 1970-1989 The physicist William Plummer and John Strong stated that Venus may have large areas of bearable temperatures. The regions near the Venusian north and south poles would be much cooler than the areas reportedly monitored by space probes. Moreover, according to Russian professor Alexander Lebedinsky in data suppressed by the United States pentagon the usual surface temperature of Venus must be about 110 degrees Fahrenheit...even though radio electric measurements indicated 700 or more degrees. On Earth 7,000 feet under the ocean in pressures that would crush humans without a diving suit biologist have discovered crabs, shrimps, and snails living in 530 degrees Fahrenheit boiling water...while large worms living in poisonous chemicals from vents erupting from the sea bottom. These creatures even ate the deadly chemicals to live! We are told by NASA that the atmosphere of Venus is over 100 times denser than Earth; but, Russian scientist were able to land their spacecraft Venera on the surface of Venus showing a bright landscape of hills and rocks (i.e. much like our deserts on Earth); yet, according to NASA with an atmosphere so dense it was expected to produce photos of total darkness. 3. TheUFOFiles."Strange UFO Coin from 1680 Puzzles the Experts". Pegasus Research Consortium, 2001-2011 4. Desmarquet, Michel. "The Book: Frequently Asked Questions". Thiaoouba Prophecy, 1996 Thiaoouba is most likely in the Pleiades Constellation! Our Sun is barely visible from there. Pleiades is quite a unique group of stars in which unlike in most other constellations all stars are very close to one another. There are very few such groups of stars in our Milky Way Galaxy!. [Desmarquet, Michel. "The Book: Frequently Asked Questions". Thiaoouba Prophecy, 1996]

5. Sean, Henahan. "Life on Venus?". Access Excellence: National Health Museum, 1997 Four billion years ago the sun was 40 percent cooler than today. During that time Earth and Mars probably were frozen. Venus; however, is closer to the Sun and may have had warm liquid oceans and a mild climate at the time". [Sean, Henahan. "Life on Venus?. Access Excellence: National Health Museum, 1997] 6. ScienceDaily. "Was Venus Once a Habitable Planet?". Science News, 2010 Billions of years ago Venus probably had much more water. Venus Express has certainly confirmed that the planet has lost a large quantity of water into space. It happens because ultraviolet radiation from the Sun streams into Venus atmosphere and breaks up the water molecules into atoms A). two hydrogens, and B). one oxygen. These then escape into space. [ScienceDaily. "Was Venus Once a Habitable Planet?". Science News, 2010] 7. StrawberryWeb. Strawberry: Strawberries Facts. Strawberry Web, 2007 8. Thomas, Sebastian. "The Black Death: Associated with UFOs?" Yahoo!Voices, 2009 9. AlienQuarters."Alien New Mexico Parody Quarters". Freedom Tokens, 2004-2010 Roswell, New Mexico themed comedy coins [See Figure 11] with open desert, smoking UFO spaceship, cacti and barrier caution with biological and radioactive symbols. Alien Quarters come packaged in unique novelty coins holders and made from genuine quarters. [AlienQuarters."Alien New Mexico: Parody Quarters". Freedom Tokens, 2004-2010] 10. VmdAmico. "Was There Once Life on Venus?". Environmental Graffiti, N/D
Figure 11

Alien New Mexico Quarters

Water is thought to be a crucial ingredient for the evolution of carbon-based life forms, making the existence of standing water on Venus at some point in history appealing to Astrobiologists studying the origin of life in the solar system. [VmdAmico. "Was There Once Life on Venus?". Environmental Graffiti, N/D] 11. OConnor, JJ; Robertson, E.F. "Bernard le Bovier De Fontenelle ". University of Saint Andrews: School of Mathematics and Statistics, 2009 Bernard Fontenelle caused some theological controversy. He suggested that oracles did not produce supernatural effects; but, were usually the result of priestly fraud. He compared Greek and American Indian myths and suggested that there was a universal human predisposition toward mythology. He saw myths as absurd; but, argues that the stories had grown in earlier more primitive human societies.

UFO novelty coin. Price: $30-$100USD Source: Freedom Tokens

12. TheGalacticLeague. "Galactic Galactic League, 2009






The Ne-Bantu Nation is a race of Figure 12 transplanted Africans [See Figure 12] who are the foremost agrarian culture in The Galactic League. Their trade relations with other League worlds make them a major economic/ political force in the Council. Democracy serves Ne-Bantu well on the state and local levels; but, a powerful monarchy makes the decisions in planetwide and offworld politics. King Jua and The Ne-Bantu Queen Florese represent the third Source: The Galactic League generation of the Mfalme dynasty. The spear, elephant tusks and war mask all symbolize different aspects of the Ne-Bantu civilization. 13. TBV. "Prophet Yahweh". The Black Vault Encyclopedia Project, 2006 Prophet Yahweh [See Figure 13] claims to have the ability to summon UFOs by Figure 13 using passages from the Bible. He says that he developed this ability after studying the Old Testament in its original Hebrew form and acquiring knowledge related to UFOs from his personal studies. He claims that UFOs are spacecraft; however, unlike traditional thinking by Ufologists he claims they are automated and not Prophet Yahweh manned. Although Prophet Yahweh has Source: The Black Vault adopted the alias Prophet he claims he is not truly a Prophet and is not the central figure in any coming religious revelation. He is a mere seer and messenger instructed by Yahweh to bring his message of coming UFO sightings to the people of Earth. 14. Wikipedia. "Dwight York". Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, 2008-2011
Dr. Malachi York [See Figure 14] identifies with a loose Ancient Egypt theme eclectically mixing ideas taken from Black Nationalism, Cryptozoology, UFO religions and popular Conspiracy Theory. During the 1980s he was also active as a musician publishing under the Passion Record Label.

Figure 14

Dr. Malachi York Source: Wikipedia

15. Wing. David "1680s French Coin with UFO Hovering Over Countryside". Rense, 2000

Well known Crop Circle in England.

Videos: 1. Nova. "Venus Unveiled". Nova: Public Broadcasting Station; October 17th, 1995

Figure 15

England Crop Circle Venus is a world of innumerable secrets Source: Rense.Com that it only reluctantly reveals. Nova reviews the many decades of frustrating exploration that finally reveale d a world that is beyond belief. [Nova. "Venus Unveiled". Nova: Public Broadcasting Station; October 17th, 1995] 2. Smith, Richard. "Voyage to the Planets: Venus and Mercury, Parts 1-4". Australian Broadcasting Corporation TV , 10/06/2010

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

If you're walking on the surface of the planets Mercury or Venus you'd need one hell of a space suit (i.e. Melanin, dark skin pigment, e.t.c.). [Smith, Richard. "Voyage to the Planets: Venus and Mercury, Parts 1-4". Australian Broadcasting Corporation TV, 10/06/2010] Our first attempts to unveil Venus were confounding. Every spacecraft that plunged beneath her clouds inexplicably vanished! It wasnt until 1975 that the first robotic probe made it to the surface and revealed the horrible truth. Something happened here to make Venus turn bad and it could have something to do with why the planet is the only world in the Solar System to rotate backwards and slowly.[Smith, Richard. "Voyage to the Planets: Venus and Mercury, Parts 1-4". Australian Broadcasting Corporation TV, 10/06/2010] I think Venus is the most alien planet we have! There is some speculation that Venus may still harbor life even though it is such a hostile place. [Smith, Richard. "Voyage to the Planets: Venus and Mercury, Parts 1-4". Australian Broadcasting Corporation TV, 10/06/2010] Freidman, Stanton. "Flying Saucers are Real". UFO TV: 2 Disc Set, 2004 Fox, James. Out of The Blue: The Definitive Investigation of The UFO Phenomenon. Hannover House, 2004 Freidman, Stanton. "UFO Secret: MJ-12, Do you Believe in Majic?". UFO TV: 2 Disc Set, 2006 Lyne, William. Government Media Tampering and Man Made UFOs. YouTube: Parts 1-9, 2009 Fox, James. I Know What I Saw: Government and Military Officials Reveal the Truth about UFOs. A&E Home Video, 2010

Fiction Literature: 1. Burroughs, Edgar. "Pirates of Venus". Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc; 1934 The inhabitants of Venus believe that their world is saucer shaped and floats on a sea of molten rock. Further, they believe that the region at the equator is located in the centre of the saucer and the polar cap is around the rim: VENUS WESTERN HEMISPHERE


This map drawn by cartographer Frank Brueckel is on a cylindrical projection: VENUS SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE

This map by cartographer Laurence G. Dunn is a redraw of the map of Venus. It is reoriented with the pole at the center and the equator at the rim. The map is therefore drawn in a form familiar to Earth cartographers:

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