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In many countries, schools have severe problems with student behavior.

What do you think are the causes of this? what solutions can you suggest? Sample 1 Today, it is evidently noticed that public awareness regarding students' behavior has substantially increased in comparison with a recent past. However, bad behavior is believed to be the negative effects of novel society, it could be seen as a valid means of a natural reaction to treatments of parents and schools. A chief reason for behaving unbalance as a child could be attributed to the way parents breed their child. Wrong way of raising a child may be rooted in lack of information about effects of a parent's behavior on his/her children. n this regard it could be beneficial, whether for children or parents, to attend some social classes which are held in educational centers. A contributory factor that effects on inappropriate behavior of a child are weak relationship of her/his parents with each another. !arents who don't have a constructive relationship might influence their children unwantedly, especially when they don't try to compensate their mistakes. "onse#uently, the relationships might be so ice$ cold that child feels lonely and as a result she/he will be aggressive. !arents could register in some psychology classes or for instant, %on$&overnmental 'rgani(ations )%&'s* association to learn how to manage their relationship with their children and spouse. +ast but not least, a reason for bad behaving among students could be born from absence of ability to communicate with their fellows and partners. ,any of students in teenage time might encounter with this situation in which depression will find new connotation and thus has a gloomy impact on them. -chool and parents could play a significant role in this part as they are able to teach students and children how to make a friend and assist them to be more social. To recap, parents and schools and overall society, could influence these future decision$makers because new generation is always a result of older generations' nation. All and all, it is always wise to turn to the e.perts for more consultation. Sample 2 +ast few years, authority as well as government is highly concerned about the school atmosphere. -tudents' behavior deteriorates a good environment in school. A large number of students as a result are disturbed due to the cause of student/s manner. However, there are many compelling reasons behind the cause. -chools which are mainly the purpose of learning and teaching to the students, have several problems around which may madden students like lacking of air conditioning, inade#uate sports ground, over$crowded number of students and so on. n fact, these will be the primary reasons of student/s bad behavior. Adult students are always aware of legal demand when something is missing suddenly they grow annoyed. 0or e.ample, if a teacher failed to conduct class, rough behavior grows instantly towards him. ,oreover, when no teacher in the class, students speak out with each other and make noise. 'n the other hand, many of them are naturally impatient which occurs various disorders in a teaching environment. The solution should not merely come out from authority but students have to be given parental care properly. -tudents are influenced by his or her partner. They will have to provide proper guideline as well as teaching of good behaviour. 0or instance, mother/father will teach his or her child how to adapt with the school environment, how to behave with teachers. They should be encouraged in terms of having bad results. n conclusion, in my view, due to the lack of proper instruction in the field of school environment students creates worse nature towards teachers as well as ne.t to the partners. Authority should take punitive measures to those of bad manner students. Sample 3 We live in a world where technology and human interaction are now congenitally related. This has surely re$ shaped our social behavior. %ow, even children have many channels to get information such as internet, 121s, T2, etc. f they are not too old enough to distinguish between good and bad things, they will imitate what they see. 3et, the effect of such massive revolution needs to be checked in case of children/s behavior patterns in schools.

"hildren behave in a way that gratifies their needs. And so their main focus will always be on how to draw their parent/s attention towards them. As a result, they start misbehaving or do notorious acts.However, the parallel intention to 4ac#uire more fame5 among peers even persists in schools, which leads to misbehavior. nfluential anti$social gang groups and disreputable school seniors also can be a cause for interrupting a child/s good behavior at school. 0urther, studies indicate that in some cases it is a lack of social skills which leads to misbehavior and improving social skills such as group work and learning appropriate social eti#uettes will improve a student/s behavior. The need now is to practice pro$regulation with student misbehavior. Teachers must promote positive behavior6 this is accomplished by encouraging students to feel that they are valued within the classroom environment. They must also individuali(e the needs and issues of each student. A student can be rewarded in front of other students for the behavior that the teachers want to encourage, and so students will then learn vicariously to increase the desired behavior. n the end, it is the adults that play a pivotal role in determining a child/s social behavior. And so, proactive steps as indicated above can prove to be a great means for promoting an idealistic model of social behaviorism among school children. Sample 4: With the changing lifestyle and perceptions, some really unwarranted phenomenon is being generated. ,ost commonly observed factor is unruly behavior of pupils in many nations. !eople are really concerned about this new development and are rigorously looking for appropriate answers that can help them to control and monitor attitude of younger people. 7efore we hunt for answers we need to look into factors that are generating such a behavior pattern among pupils. ,ost commonly observed sourced of these issues is lack of parent participation in family. As times are becoming comple. and people are spending more time at their work, they have lesser time at their disposal to be with family. This creates vacuum in upbringing of children and they are allowed to live and behave as per their convenience. This definitely effects monitoring of kids, which often has drastic and serious conse#uences. 7esides lack of monitoring by parents, schools have an e#ual share in creation of this social issue. %owadays various educational institutions are merely focusing on academic perfection and have completely ignored e.tra$ curriculum activities that fuel personality grooming. This overstress creates grounds for rebellious attitudes thus resulting in subversive attitudes 7est answer to this pu((le can only be sourced from parents and schools 8ointly. !upils need some time for activities that are connected to development of their personal profile for e.g. activities like sports and hobby classes can help to utili(e energy in constructive ways. !arents must also involve themselves with children for e.g. they can take kids out on occasional e.cursions to develop mutual confidence and understanding, which would help kids to pick up clues about good behavior. n conclusion, would insist that behavior of pupil is controllable and always mendable, what we need is the right attitude and approach.

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