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Philosophy of Labour Welfare Definition Oxford: Efforts to make life worth living for workmen Anything done for

the intelle ctual, physical, moral and economic betterment of the workers, whether by employ ers, by Government or by other agencies, overand above what is laid down by law or what is normally expected as part of thecontractual benefits for which the wo rkers may have bargained. It covers all the efforts which employers make for the be nefit of theiremployees, over and above the minimum standards of working conditi ons fixedby Factories Act and over and above the provisions of the social legisl ationsproviding against accident, old age, unemployment and sickness. DEFINITION OF LABOR WELFARE Labor welfare has been defined in various ways, though no single definition has found universalacceptance. The Oxford dictionary defines labor welfare as "Effo rts to make life worth living for workmen." Chambers dictionary defines welfare as "A state of faring or doing well. Freedom fromcalamity, enjoyment of health a nd prosperity. The Encyclopedia of Social Science defines it as "the voluntary efforts of the e mployers to establish,within the existing industrial system, working and sometim es living and cultural conditions of employeesbeyond what is required by law, th e customs of the industry and the condition of market". In the Report II of the ILO Asian Regional conference, it has been stated that w orker's welfare may beunderstood to mean "such services, facilities and amenitie s, which may be established outside or in thevicinity of undertakings, to enable the persons employed therein to perform their work in healthy andcongenial surr oundings and to provide them with the amenities conducive to good health and hig hmorale."The Labor Investigation committee (1944-46) includes under labor welfar e activities "anything done for the intellectual, physical, moral and economic b etterment of the workers, whether by employers, bygovernment or by other agencie s, over and above what is laid down by law or what is normally expectedas per of the contractual benefits for which the workers may have bargained." The Report of the Committee on Labor welfare (1969) includes under it "such serv ices, facilities andamenities as adequate canteens, rest and recreation faciliti es, sanitary and medical facilities, arrangementsfor travel to and from work and for the accommodation of workers employed at a distance from their homes and su ch other services, amenities and facilities including social security measures a s contribute toimprove the conditions under which worker are employer." Thus, the whole field of welfare is said to be one "in which much can be done to combat the sense of frustration of the industrial workers, to relieve them of p ersonal and family worries, to improve their health, to afford them means of sel f expression, to offer them some sphere in which they can excel othersand to hel p them to a wider conception of life". It promotes the well-being of workers in variety of ways.

Scope a) Welfare amenities within the precincts of the establishment: Latrines, urinal s,washing and bathing facilities, crches, rest shelters and canteens, drinkingwat er, uniform, protective clothing and shift allowances b) Welfare amenities outside the establishment: Maternity Benefits, socialinsura nce measures like gratuity, pension, provident fund and rehabilitation,medical f

acilities, education facilities. Aims and Objective 1) To win over employees loyalty and comate trade unionism 2) To build stable labour force, to reduce labour turnover and absenteeism andto promote better relations with employees 3) To develop greater efficiency and output form works 4) To save from heavy taxes 5) To create an atmosphere of good-will between labour and management andalso be tween management and the public

Principles 1) Should be pervade the entire hierarchy of an organization 2) Should not bargain labour welfare as a substitute for wages or monetaryincent ives 3) Participation of union and works in formulating and implementing labourwelfar e programs 4) Periodic assessment or evaluation of welfare measures and necessary timelyimp rovements

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