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By: Estee Woods

Aspergers is known as a high fun tioning for! of Autis!" #ore pre$a%ent in !a%es E$ident in hi%dren & years of age Etio%ogy is unknown 'nfa$ora(%e episodes in pre and postnata% periods an in rease risk In reased fre)uen y of the Asperger*s a!ong fa!i%y !e!(ers that ha$e the disorder +ri$ia: Einstein, Bi%% Gates, #ark +wain and -enry .ord ha$e (een said to show signs and sy!pto!s of Aspergers"

I!paired theory of !ind an he%p e1p%ain why sar as! and hu!or are per ei$ed as %itera%" 2euroi!aging studies ha$e identified a(nor!a%ities in a!ygda%a and fronta% orte1" 'n %ear as to whether it is a !utation in the (rain or disruption of (rain de$e%op!ent 'n(a%an ed e1 itatory3inhi(itory networks

8/I2I8A/ 8O'RSE
/ater onset then Autis! 4age &5 2o ogniti$e de%ay in thought or %anguage ski%%s
#any are a(o$e a$erage or of gifted inte%%igen e

Pro(%e!s are !ore so ia% and !otor oriented -ard to de$e%op peer re%ationships +rou(%e with e!otiona% re ipro ity So ia% integration diffi u%ties are usua%%y %ife%ong Independent with se%f3 are and dai%y a ti$ities Depression is $ery o!!on 6Aspie7 $s" 62eurotypi a%7

Be o!e o$er3fo used or o(sessed with one o(9e t or task Pro(%e!s with non3$er(a% o!!uni ation 'na(%e to respond with p%easure to other peop%es happiness 8oordination pro(%e!s or distur(ed gait -a$e trou(%e for!ing re%ationships 2ot f%e1i(%e a(out routines or ritua%s Engage in repetiti$e (eha$iors -eightened Sensory


#ore support:Better out o!es Indi$idua%s and fa!i%ies %earn to ope #any work in !ainstrea! 9o(s and are su essfu% So ia% i!pair!ent is %ife%ong 2or!a% %ifespan

http:;; www"youtu(e" o!;wat h< $:=>8?@nP( 1ABfeat ure:f$wre% De!onstrating repetiti$e (eha$iorC http:;;www"youtu(e" o !;wat h< $:D!ED.FRG -kBfe ature:re%ated -igh S hoo% Batt%esC

ED'8A+IO2 Iu%nera(%e to se1ua% a(use #ini!iJe a%terations to en$iron!ent and s hedu%e I!pro$e 8oordination -andwriting Ski%%s Adaptation 8oa h appropriate (eha$ior En ourage so ia%iJation E!pathy ro%e3p%aying Re%a1ation training -e%p with sensory pro(%e!s #edi ation for an1iety, depression and aggression

O+ RO/E A2D +REA+#E2 +

8O##'2I+0 S'PPOR+
ASPE2 4Asperger Syndro!e Edu ation 2etwork, In "5" #id3#i higan Autis! 2etwork .a!i%y Support 2etwork of #i higan
6She%don7 fro! Big Bang +heory

A(ra!son, R" H", Brink%ey, K", 8u aro, #" /", Gi%(ert, K", -a%%, A", 2ations, /", """Wright, -" -" 4LDD?5" A 8o!parison of Repetiti$e Beha$iors in Aspergers Disorder and -igh .un tioning Autis!" Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 374M5, &M?N" At hinson, Ben K", Dirette, Diane H" 4LDD?5" Conditions in Occupational Therapy: Effect on Occupational Performance. Phi%ade%phia, PA: /ippin ott Wi%%ia!s Wi%kins" Bood, S"3A", Ede(o%, -", H9e%%gren, A", B 2or%ander, +" 4LDD@5" Enhan ed independen e and )ua%ity of %ife through treat!ent with f%otation3Restri ted En$iron!enta% Sti!u%ation +e hni)ue of a patient with (oth Defi it -ypera ti$ity Disorder and Aspergers Syndro!e: a ase report" Cases Journal, , F@?@" Brasi , Ka!es" 4LD=D5" !sper"er #yndrome. $edscape. http:;;e!edi ine"!eds ape" o!;arti %e;@=LL@F 8%arke, D" 4LDDA, .e(ruary5" Hids in the Syndro!e #i1 of AD-D, /D, Aspergers, +ourettes, Bipo%ar and #oreO Paediatric %ursin", &4=5, ?" Haneshiro, 2ei%, H" 4LD=D5" !sper"er syndrome: Pervasive developmental disorder" http:;;www"n (i"n%!"nih" "ov'pu(medhealth'P$H&&& )*+'


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