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ESL 4 Week 3 Gallagher

Summary Paper Assignment


You will post a Summary paper to the Week 3 Summary Paper Assignment Link. This paper is worth 1 points !or ea"h se"tion# to total 4 points. Answer these 4 $uestions% &1 'ow (oes )rashen*s +atural ,r(er 'ypothesis impa"t morpheme a"$uisition !or ELLs- Gi.e one e/ample.

Stephen )rashen has pu0lishe( se.eral hypotheses regar(ing se"on(1language a"$uisition. A""or(ing to his 2+atural ,r(er 'ypothesis3# )rashen asserts that learners a"$uire the ne"essary pie"es o! language in a pre(i"ta0le or(er. 'e that some grammati"al stru"tures are pi"ke( up early in the pro"ess# while others "ome later. )rashen !urther "laims that while this natural or(er hypothesis applies to the learning o! 0oth the !irst an( se"on( language# with 0oth !ollowing a pre(i"ta0le pattern# the or(er o! learning (i!!ers somewhat. 4nterestingly# his theory states that all su0se$uent L5s appear to !ollow the same path as the !irst one. 6or e/ample# it seems that ELLs pi"k up the grammati"al stru"ture o! yes/no $uestions 0e!ore they a"$uire the a0ility to manipulate the who/what/why/where/when $uestions. 7egar(less o! the amount o! e/pli"it instru"tion pro.i(e(# this is the 2natural or(er3 o! a"$uisition. A tea"her# e.en one who attempts to (eli0erately alter the se$uen"e o! instru"tion to "hange the 2natural or(er3# is typi"ally una0le to a!!e"t a (i!!erent path. Simply put# )rashen that tea"hers shoul( 0e aware o! 8an( thus em0ra"e9 the or(er in whi"h stu(ents 0est a"$uire a se"on( language. 4n (oing this# they are in"reasing the o((s o! stu(ent su""ess. 'e also suggests intro(u"ing easier "on"epts# then using a s"a!!ol(ing te"hni$ue to 0uil( up to the more (i!!i"ult language "on"epts. Some "olleagues o! )rashen are $ui"k to point out !laws in this hypothesis. To generali:e# ELLs learn English morphemes in a pre(i"ta0le se$uen"e that is similar to one !ollowe( 0y "hil(ren learning English as their !irst language# 0ut it is not i(enti"al. )rashen that this is "on!irmation o! the .ali(ity o! his hypothesis. ,ther "on!irmation "omes !rom morpheme stu(ies (one in a(ult resear"h that shows learning English as a se"on( language outsi(e o! "hil(hoo( also !ollows these or(ere( pathways. ' generali:ing these results "an lea( to errors an( !alse pro(u"ts 0e"ause the stu(y only resear"he( a limite( set o! English morphemes that o!!ere( no in(i"ation that the ELLs a"$uire any other linguisti" !eatures 80esi(es phonemes9 in any 2natural or(er3 at all. Another "riti"ism "omes !rom linguists an( e(u"ators alike who "laim that )rashen*s hypothesis !ails to make a""ount o! the "onsi(era0le in!luen"e that a person*s L1 has on learning an L5. 6or e/ample# an L1 that is grammati"ally an( .isually similar to the se"on( language has a huge impa"t on the ease with whi"h a person will a"$uire that se"on( language. Learning a new set o!

sym0ols or "hara"ters woul( make the pro"ess signi!i"antly more "hallenging !rom the onset o! the pro"ess.

&5 What is a "ognate- ;reate a list o! "ognates an( strategies use( to tea"h these "ognates to ELLs.

A "ognate is a wor( that looks or soun(s in one language like it (oes in another language. 84t "an look alike# or soun( alike# 0ut (oes not nee( to (o 0oth to "ount as a "ognate# an( it (oes not ne"essarily ha.e to mean the same thing.9 ;ognates are (i.i(e( into !our (istin"t groups# !or whi"h 4 will pro.i(e (etails an( e/amples 0elow. 4 !eel .ery strongly a0out early instru"tion o! "ognate awareness in any se"on( language "lassroom. 4 0egin tea"hing "ognates with my kin(ergartners# an( "ontinue to rein!or"e this "on"ept throughout all le.els as a tool !or making "onne"tions 0etween the L1 an( the L5. Stu(ents who ha.e an awareness o! "ognates are $ui"ker to re"ogni:e patterns in the L5# an( "onse$uently pi"k up new .o"a0ulary easier. 4 ha.e !oun( through my (e"a(es o! tea"hing that stu(ents who "an i(enti!y "ognates spen( !ar less time running 0a"k an( !orth to the Spanish1English (i"tionary or online translator. 4t is rare !or a "lass session to o""ur without mentioning "ognates. At !irst 4 e/pli"itly point out the "ognates# asking the stu(ents to in!er meaning an( i(enti!y whi"h type o! "ognate is represente(. E.entually# the stu(ents (e.elop a "ertain 2ra(ar3 !or "ognates# pointing them out to me 0e!ore 4 get a "han"e to gui(e them in that (ire"tion. With my ol(er stu(ents we ha.e a 0ulletin 0oar( that we a(( to when we en"ounter new "ognates. The stu(ents group an( organi:e the wor(s on the 0oar( to !in( patterns an( to make "onne"tions 0etween what they alrea(y know an( the "on"ept "urrently 0eing taught.


EXACT COGNATES These are the easiest !or stu(ents to !in(# as they appear or soun( the same in one language as they (o in another. Some e/amples in"lu(e% W'Y 4T 4S A+ E=A;T ;,G+ATE While the ' is silent an( not pronoun"e( in hotel hotel Spanish# the wor(s are spelle( the e!a"t same way in 0oth English an( Spanish. While the spelling might 0e slightly o!! train tren 0etween Spanish an( English# the two wor(s are pronoun"e( almost e!a"t#y the same. The spelling an( pronun"iation o! these two so!a so!> wor(s are e!a"t with the e/"eption o! that one little a""ent mark. $%RECT COGNATES <ire"t "ognates are ones that re$uire little alteration 0etween one language an( another# an( are typi"ally pretty easy !or a stu(ent to spot. Some e/amples in"lu(e% E+GL4S' W,7< SPA+4S' T7A+SLAT4,+ W'Y 4T 4S A <47E;T ;,G+ATE E+GL4S' W,7< SPA+4S' T7A+SLAT4,+







The spelling an( pronun"iation o! these two wor(s are &ire"t 0e"ause there is little (i!!eren"e 0etween them 0esi(es the letter a at the en( an( an a""ent mark. @oth on paper an( orally the similarities 0etween these two wor(s mark them as &ire"t "ognates. ;lose enough to i(enti!y them as relate(# 0ut not so "lose that they "oul( "ount as e/a"t "ognates. The spelling o! the English en(ing tion as cion in Spanish is a "ognate tri"k 4 tea"h to my stu(ents. This &ire"t "ognate pattern# among many others# is an important (e.i"e !or su""ess!ul .o"a0ulary a"$uisition.

%N$%RECT COGNATES 4n(ire"t "ognates are ones that re$uire a step 0etween its spelling in one language an( the spelling in another# an( "an 0e somewhat tri"ky !or stu(ents to lo"ate. Some e/amples in"lu(e% E+GL4S' W,7< (an"e SPA+4S' T7A+SLAT4,+ 0aile W'Y 4T 4S A+ 4+<47E;T ;,G+ATE The spelling o! these two wor(s shows no hint o! why they are in&ire"t "ognates# 0ut their pronun"iation (oes. @aile is pronoun"e( 20i1lay3 an( is "losely linke( to 20allet3# whi"h is a (an"e. PeriA(i"o in Spanish is reminis"ent o! a 2perio(i"al3# whi"h is another term use( to re!er to newspapers an( other literary works that are release( 2perio(i"ally3. The Spanish wor( serpiente is linke( to the English wor( 2serpent3# a "ommon synonym !or a snake.





FALSE COGNATES Stu(ents must always 0eware 6alse ;ognates. These wor(s are proo! that not all wor(s in the L5 are what they seem# an( that "ognates are not a per!e"t s"ien"e. Some e/amples in"lu(e% SPA+4S' W,7< 0ota em0ara:a(a "arpeta L,,)S ,7 S,B+<S L4)E 0oat em0arrasse( "arpet W'AT 4T A;TBALLY CEA+S 4+ E+GL4S' 0oot 8a 0oat is a 20ar"o39 pregnant 8em0arrasse( is 2a.ergon:a(a39 !ol(er 8"arpet is 2al!om0ra39

&3 ;ompare the list o! strategies in your 0ook with your list o! strategies you ha.e (e.elope( to tea"h ELLs a"a(emi" language in the regular "ontent areas. 6or e/ample# i! you tea"h s"ien"e# how (oes your list (i!!er !rom the one in the 0ook-

This topi" is a stret"h !or me 0e"ause my answers will 0e primarily 0ase( on "onDe"ture an( guesswork sin"e 4 (o not ha.e an ESL "lassroom# nor (o 4 tea"h a "ore su0De"t. The strategies

!eature( in our te/t0ook are .alua0le an( worthwhile. The authors re"ommen( using authenti" materials# supplementing with plenty o! .isuals# an( implementing a"ti.ities that a"ti.ate or 0uil( upon prior knowle(ge. They also suggest that impli"itly i(enti!ying patterns# like "ognate re"ognition an( su!!i/esEpre!i/es# are help!ul !or instru"ting ELLs in any "ontent area. Learning to re"ogni:e wor( parts an( their meanings# then gra(ually 0uil(ing up to "om0inations o! those wor( parts# is an important skill !or an ELL. )nowing the roots an( 0a"kgroun(s o! these wor(s an( wor( parts "an pro.i(e stu(ents with a more relata0le an( meaning!ul a"a(emi" e/perien"e. Cy list (oes not so mu"h (i!!er as expand upon the strategies (etaile( in the 0ook. 6irst# 4 am a in well1time( "lassroom (is"ussions. A 0rie! "hat prior to a lesson helps a tea"her gauge stu(ents* pre.iously learne( knowle(ge. Stopping to talk (uring the lesson is a great in!ormal assessment to see i! the "lass is gaining an un(erstan(ing o! the topi". A !inal (is"ussion at the "on"lusion o! the lesson not only to see what the "lass has learne(# 0ut it also pro.i(es a way to wrap things up an( help the stu(ents (raw lasting "on"lusions a0out the su0De"t learne(. 4 remem0er rea(ing somewhere that a 2wrap up3 at the en( o! a lesson# e.en i! it*s less than a minute an( only highlights the key topi"s# 2"ements3 the "on"epts into a stu(ent*s 0rain 0etter than Dust sen(ing them out the (oor when the 0ell rings. 4 am also a !an o! 2purpose!ul grouping3 o! stu(ents. 4 always support "olla0oration in my "lassroom# 0ut 4 am "autious o! who 4 group together. 4 allow stu(ents to "hoose their own groups# an( 4 swit"h groups aroun( o!ten. With some a"ti.ities it seems to help when stu(ents are groupe( together with others who "olla0orate in a similar !ashion# to "reate harmony an( ma/imi:e the amount o! work a""omplishe(. ,ther times it is smarter to mi/ the (i!!erent styles o! learners together so that the group*s strengths an( weaknesses "omplement one another# an( so that e.eryone 0rings a .alua0le skill to the ta0le. 6inally# 4 woul( rely hea.ily on s"a!!ol(ing te"hni$ues# strategi"ally utili:ing things like .isual ai(s# graphi" organi:ers# help !rom peers# an( other metho(s gi.e stu(ents an opportunity to meet the s"hool*s rigorous stan(ar(s in "ore su0De"ts.
&4 Summari:e impli"ations !rom morphology that a tea"her must "onsi(er when tea"hing rea(ing# an( a se"on( language like English to ELLs. E/plain how rea(ers make use o! their knowle(ge o! wor( parts an( wor( or(er 8synta/9 in senten"es as they rea(.

The authors assert that as an ELL 0egins to learn wor(s an( wor( parts in English# it is important to e/pli"itly tea"h things like a!!i/es# 0ase wor(s# an( root wor(s. Gaining an un(erstan(ing o! these patterns "an make the enormous task o! learning all o! that English .o"a0ulary less (aunting an(

more meaning!ul. Applying the "on"ept o! "onte/t to rea(ing is also a help!ul pra"ti"e. When instru"ting rea(ing# a tea"her must "onsi(er "are!ully that all wor( parts are not "reate( per!e"tly. The te/t0ook the e/ample o! 2hotel3. @reaking it into the parts 2hot3 an( 2el3 in no way woul( ai( a stu(ent in his $uest to !in( the meaning o! that wor(. ' that (oes not (e"rease the .alue in tea"hing this strategy to ESL stu(ents. @y taking their 0a"kgroun( knowle(ge an( "om0ining it with the te"hni$ue o! learning root wor(s an( a!!i/es# ELLs are a0le to rea( in a manner whi"h is strikingly similar to 0uil(ing a pu::le. They make use o! all o! the 0its an( pie"es o! in!ormation they*.e a"$uire(# putting it all together to glean meaning !rom a rea(ing sele"tion. 4nitially# the pro"ess is (eman(ing# 0ut time it 0e"omes inate an( then the goal gra(ually shi!ts !rom wor( analysis to rea(ing "omprehension. At !irst it*s mostly 2un(erstan( this wor(# ok# now the ne/t wor(# an( the ne/t wor(3 0ut at some point the goal shi!ts to 2ok# 4 Dust rea( that whole thing# now what (oes it mean?3 ,n"e a rea(er rea"hes the stage o! 0eing a0le to "omprehen( without to "ontinually stop to 0reak (own the language into wor( parts# he "an then 0egin to !o"us on other aspe"ts o! rea(ing# like making pre(i"tions an( e/ten(ing the story. This is when higher le.el "riti"al thinking is more likely to take pla"e# whi"h is the o0.ious goalF the pot o! gol(# so to speak. Corphology is the rain0ow that lea(s to that pot o! gol(G

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