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What Is Recreation? The word recreation means refreshment of health or spirits by relaxation and enjoyment.

It also refers to an activity that refreshes and recreates What Does Leisure Mean?

Leisure is another word for time spent for enjoyment. It is often used to describe a person's free time away from work. DIFFERENCES OF LEISURE AND RECREATION
Leisure is generally defined as time spent away from work. So we usually say "I like to spend my leisure hours watching TV." It could also refer to your rest period coz you're off work when you're resting. Recreation, on the other hand, refers to an activity that amuses or stimulates the body and all its senses for example, swimming, going to the park, exercising at the gym, etc. Recreation is usually done outside the house.

What is recreation and leisure? *

Recreation is about activities, pastimes, and experiences which are freely chosen. They are usually undertaken in free time and produce feelings of well being, fulfilment, enjoyment, relaxation and satisfaction. They are opportunities to express creativity, achieve and master new things and feel good about doing so. Community based recreation offers an opportunity to meet people while enjoying a range of social, cultural or physical activities.

Why is recreation and leisure important? *

Recreation is important in promoting quality of life. It increases self esteem and confidence.

Gives people the opportunity to make their own choices. It gives satisfaction, enjoyment and pleasure.

It enables us to become involved and feel part of the community. It increases the opportunity to gain and develop new friendships. It allows us to be challenged, take risks and experience new things.

It bridges the gap between attending and participating in the community.

It allows people to contribute their skills and feel a sense of belonging and accomplishment. It promotes frienships through shared experiences.

The environmental aspects of tourism and recreation are discussed in the context of the interrelationships and interactions between other non-tourist parameters shaping the ecosystems of the planet. Divided into three parts, part one contains two chapters which focus on tourism and tourists, and natural tourist resources as objects of impacts. Part two concentrates on the positive and negative impacts of tourism on the natural environment, such as the agents and factors responsible for surpassing the limits of recreational carrying capacity of a tourist destination leading to overdevelopment and crowding; and the impacts of tourist development on various types of ecosystems. Four chapters in part three describe a number of measures aimed at making tourism environmentally sustainable. Chapter 7 is devoted to the issue of carrying capacity, chapter 8 to the role of agents responsible for the minimization of impacts, chapter 9 to planning and management, and chapter 10 is devoted to ecotourism.

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