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Stellistics~Jyotish~Astrology lecture on the sign Gemini

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Original obsolete reference: Astrology Class A-4, Session 2

Taught by Shri Kirpal Bahadur Mann, in New Jersey, USA April 28, 1990

Copyright 1990 Kirpal Bahadur Mann All Rights Reserved Transcription of original obsolete reference by: CW, 13th - 16th Jan., 1992

Excerpted & revised section on : GEMINI, the 3rd sign

[ A study of Gemini as a sign, with some reference to it as an Ascendant ]

Date of this revision: 16th December, 2005; revision # B-0

This is primarily a discussion of Gemini as a sign of the zodiac, which represents the natural 3rd house. It is not especially a discussion of it as the Ascendant or as the Sun Sign or the Moon sign. Each sign, when it becomes the actual Ascendant, places different signs in the different houses of the horoscope, because of the blending of which a unique picture emerges. This picture is further very dramatically and deeply modified by the placements of the different planets, and the numerous varied combinations they form in each individual horoscope.

Note: A study of all the signs, specifically as Ascendants, is in a later group of

lectures, and also in Star*Book

Shri Mann: All right, now we come to the fascinating sign Gemini, the natural third

house. Well, what happens after we have come into the world? In the very first sign, Aries, we have manifested. We now have a family, we have a home, we have a support system, which is the 2nd sign, Taurus. What happens next, now that we have grown up a little? We are no longer suckling babes, but we have not yet entirely grown up either. We have already learnt of the concept of mine and yours, about property, belongings, acquisitions, and also about appearances. What does a child do after that? A student: Go to school. Shri Mann: Yes. In other words, he or she becomes a student. That is one. Two, the moment anyone becomes a student there are colleagues, associates, peers. So, the third sign, Gemini, as well as the third house, have to do with associations, colleagues, peers, friends, companions outside of the family and also with siblings, especially of similar age or twins. These relationships are also the mediums through which we develop skills involved with learning, communicating our thoughts and ideas, and expressing our feelings to others in acceptable ways. In these interactive and competitive activities, most of the social capabilities are acquired. Here, you could reasonably ask, and should ask: How is it that communicating or speaking, learning and self-expression were first the significations of Taurus, and now they are those of Gemini? I have intentionally introduced this question at the very beginning of Gemini, to clarify the distinctions and remove confusion.

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In the most fundamental sense, the rulership of Taurus over verbal matters pertains more specifically to the physical apparatus of speech, the physical organs of speech, i.e., the mouth and throat and their sub-organs. Along with that, it also rules the initial primitive acquisition and development of lingual skills. Therefore, the tongue or language naturally acquired from the family, the native-language or mother-tongue, is ruled by it. It is a natural heritage and asset. Now we come to a most vital aspect of the natural second house and sign, which is that it is the house of the earliest conditioning during childhood, and of the values which develop therefrom. This early conditioning is the result of the familial, social and material circumstances and environment attending the single digit years. The second house and Taurus are the store of the values resulting from this total initial conditioning, and are the most ingrained and deeply rooted ones. From it comes learned behaviour of the most incorrigible or unalterable kind, which is in keeping with the fixed, immovable nature of Taurus. Here, I will say something of paramount importance, which is that this conditioning pertains to the present incarnation. It may or may not be in harmony with the essence of our beings as reflected in the sum total of our karmic past. The subject of karma lies largely in the province of the twelfth sign and house, but that is not a matter with which we will concern ourselves now. Suffice it to say that the more disparity there is between that essence, which is also our real deeper self which is brought over from past lives, and the early conditioning in this life, the more the conflict and hypocrisy in this existence[1]. The proper understanding of this subject can only be developed at the very end of our studies, since, in a manner of speaking, this achievement defines the pinnacle of our work. Now, it is vital that we draw distinctions between the types and modes of learning and knowledge. Broadly, there are two basic modes of learning. The first is the process of learning through example, observation and experience, usually of a repeated nature. Almost invariably, the parents, their beliefs and values, and the early life circumstances are the chief instructors. Though this learning is of an unstructured, informal kind, it is by far the more powerful of the two, and retains an extremely tenacious grip on the psyche throughout life. This process essentially bypasses the intellectual functions and filters, and permeates the deepest recesses of our consciousness, almost as phantoms go through walls. The information received in this mode is not examined mainly because we do not identify it as something we are learning and, therefore, it journeys unsuspected and unchallenged into the heart of our consciousness. Besides, the bulk of this learning occurs during the formative years, when the intellectual faculties and the conscious concepts connected to learning and knowledge are undeveloped or underdeveloped. Therefore, it is this accumulation of raw, unconscious impressions, ideas, fears, preferences and dislikes which forms the core, the guts of our belief-system and value-set. The best opportunities for recognising and identifying a conditioned core-belief or value are presented by those occasions when we cannot rationally explain why we feel a certain way about a certain thing, whether this feeling is pleasant or unpleasant. The more aware we become of these, the more capability we have to expose them to rational or logical view and analysis and, thereby, reform or modify them, where necessary. The sign Taurus (and the second house) governs this form of conditioning and learning, which can well be called gut-education. It is also the house of vision and consequently of observation. We can also say that the concept of example is one of its significations and, by extension, it also rules learned behaviour. Lastly, in the light of all the above, it should be easy to see how this sign, or the second house, will have a strong say in matters of character, values, morals and ethics its power being derived mostly from its hidden state. The nature of afflictions to Taurus and the 2nd house usually indicate deeper

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character defects of various kinds. The second mode of learning is the orthodox and more structured, conscious form. It is the conventional method employed by all types of schools and colleges. In such situations we know we are supposed to be learning, and most of the time the subject matter is a well defined systematic progression of information and ideas. The simple awareness that we are learning and that whatever we are learning is a form of knowledge, changes the channels through which it is absorbed. The filters and functions of rational analysis are activated and the information is finally archived on the intellectual plane. It rarely reaches the gut-level and therefore usually never becomes intrinsic to our personality. This is the domain of learning, information and knowledge which is represented by the sign Gemini and the third house. In a manner of speaking, our more mental and, therefore, our shallower and more changeable or mutable self is expressed here. To continue, the second house, then, is our capital, our storehouse of values. It would be logical to conclude that this would become the bank from which we borrow and invest in every other area of our life, so to speak. And, just as a bank loses or receives back the loaned capital with interest, the gains and losses we incur in the different areas of our investment, in our life, would also be reflected in the balance sheet of the second house. Further, just as banks lend with conditions or strings attached, so does the second house. Therefore, the second house becomes a controller of our investments or a regulator of how we may use the loan in any given area. The third sign or house, borrows from and returns to the second and, through this exchange, both continue to undergo modifications. So, the process of the development of the more sophisticated or refined skills in communications, self expression and peer relationships, or the acquisition of information, the expansion of our knowledge, are all fuelled and directed back-stage by the values provided by the second. Fortunately or unfortunately, as the case may be, this is not the end of the matter. The second then receives the sum result of the activities of the third house, a feed-back which may have a further conditioning influence on it and modify its root values. So, it is an ongoing interactive process. Here I would like to inform you that one of the key representations of the third house or Gemini is opinions and prejudices. From the foregoing it will be clear to you that the root source of those opinions and prejudices is the second house. That is from where most of these are borrowed. It would be more descriptive to say that the intellectual rationalization of the 2nd house values and prejudices occurs in the 3rd house or Gemini. Now, I think, we can proceed with the rest of our discussion on Gemini. It governs the primary development of the rational mind. It also signifies the germination of worldly desires, whose essence is developed in the 2nd, in their more intellectually defined form. As the signifier of the initial intellectual mind which is formed on the basis of acquired structured learning, it becomes the most significant signifier of the student, the pupil, the apprentice, the disciple. What may anyone learn unless there is some degree of inquisitiveness, of curiosity? Therefore, the third sign, Gemini, and the third house, are strong signifiers of these, which develop into a burning thirst for higher knowledge and wisdom in the healthy expression of Sagittarius, who finds the answers, becomes the sage, the adept, the master. What is curiosity? It is question. Therefore, Gemini and the third house represent the question, whilst, opposite to these, Sagittarius and the ninth house, signify the answer.

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Gemini belongs to the desire group. It is the third sign. It is an air sign, and it belongs to the Km trinity, which is the desire trinity. It is an odd numbered sign, masculineneuter in gender, and it is mutable in conformity with its ruler, Mercury. Changeable, changeful. The twins are its popular and apt symbol. It primarily signifies the blue colour, [2] secondarily the colour green, and the blending of the two, aquamarine . Its chief metal is mercury or quicksilver. Secondarily, in major partnership with the Moon, it also represents the metal silver. Its gems are the aquamarine and the emerald. More importantly the aquamarine. Emerald relates more fully to Virgo, the other sign ruled by Mercury. The base of both these gemstones is Beryl, the lightest and softest material in the precious class. Since Mercury rules over Wednesday, so does Gemini. Its number is Five, because it governs the hand which has five fingers, which is also the number of Mercury. **Before we go further, I would like to mention something which may be of great help in deciphering and understanding issues of colour in your work later. In complete harmony with the principle I have outlined earlier that within the first four signs are to be found all of the most raw and basic representations, the first three signs denote the three primary colours: red, green, blue. Aries is red, Taurus is green, and Gemini is blue. The first three signs also complete the first motility set, i.e., Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable. The element of Aries is Fire, which is red, that of Taurus is Earth, which is green, and that of Gemini, Air (and airspace is the sky), which is blue. The fourth element, water, is represented by Cancer, the four sign. The air signs together constitute the mental group as well, but we will expand on that later. Now, what happens when we associate with our colleagues, with our peers in classrooms situations and later on in professional, occupational environments? We interact, communicate, compete. So, the third house is the house of interactions, communications, competition. Strong affliction to the sign of Gemini or to the third house can indicate severe difficulties in communications and interactions in general. When afflicted, peer and sibling rivalries are signified by it. Connotatively, competition is striving, which is an exertion, an effort, which is also movement, activity, change. Thus, Gemini is a signifier of all these. What else do we see here? What would we use as the symbol for this? One of the most ideal portraits or symbols of Gemini is offered by the teenager. What is the personality of the teenager? The typical teenager is full of restlessness, movement, energy, curiosity. Teenagers mix and make friends very easily and quickly, and adapt to others and to different conditions and situations readily. What is mercury? The metal mercury, earlier popularly known as quicksilver, is governed by the planet Mercury. In fact, these two share many characteristics in common. Changeable, constantly moving, fragmenting, and very elusive. Have you ever tried to hold a ball of mercury in your hand? Well, I doubt any one has yet managed to hold one, nor can one keep a teenager pegged down, for that matter. As we carry on, we will enlarge and study the portrait of the teenager. The average teenager is always on the go, full of energy, curiosity and inquisitiveness, gossiping or talking a good part of the time, visiting neighbours or friends, going over to the nearest fence or telephone and chatting, usually discussing light, superficial or irrelevant matters. A student: Pyjama parties. Shri Mann: Pyjama parties, such as the one the children had here last night. There was so much noise that we were in danger of being deafened as we sat outside with all the

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doors closed. We had to have the class in the backyard outside the house. Now, let us examine the parallels between the metal mercury and the planet Mercury, which rules Gemini, the sign symbolised by the teenager. Many of these qualities are found in the sign of Gemini. The metal Mercury, is oversensitive to temperature changes, which may be described as a condition of over-reactivity. In other words, the quality of exaggeration. What are the properties or qualities of mercury, the metal? Besides being naturally the most polished reflective mirror-surface, it reflects the slightest change in temperature in an exaggerated manner. It is the most responsive metal we have, and the only metal which is a fluid. These qualities have their own uses and are employed very profitably in thermometers. Typically, what do teenagers do? They exaggerate. They naturally embellish and exaggerate things, be they their own feelings or stories they make up or hear. This develops from childhood, as mother pays more attention to exaggerated complaints. Also, imagination, lies and truth become blended in their communications. So, you never really know whether they are saying something true or false, or both. So, rumours, are governed by Gemini, and since speech and sound favour the air medium, this sign of communication becomes the appropriate instrument for the propagation of gossip and rumour. By the same token, Mercury and Gemini govern fiction of all kinds, including flattery. Thus we find that rumours, gossip, fibs, lies, fiction and flattery are all ruled by Mercury and Gemini. Incidentally, you may never have thought of flattery as fiction [smiles]. The medium of speech is air. So, vocalisation, verbalisation has much do with it, and we see teenagers doing that a good deal. There is a lot of vocalisation in the course of their interactions with siblings, peers and friends. Teenagers have the gift of the gab as they say. I wish to point out that every root and secondary signification is always logically related to and supported by others, else it cannot belong to the potentials of any astrological factor. Here, for instance, the quality of loquacity feeds the potential for lies, exaggerations and fibs, since a person who is usually silent cannot tell too many lies, and if he does, they will be well-considered and either for very benevolent or very sinister reasons. I have brought this up only to help you develop an insight into the logical infrastructure of significations and potentials. Without it, no true grasp of this grand and profound science is possible. The ears, especially the right ear, are ruled by Gemini. Eavesdropping is another of its activities, though not usually for any sinister purpose, because the average Gemini native is potentially less sinister or evil than some other signs, although a severely afflicted Mercury in a very imbalanced and disturbed horoscope can make for an arch-villain. Mostly, Gemini is essentially curious and inquisitive. What are teenagers? Curious, inquisitive. They want to know everything, even though they may not have any use for it. They want to know simply for the sake of information, which, incidentally, is a major signification of Gemini and the 3rd house - data and information. They want to know where you are going, where you have come from, what you are doing, etc. , even if you are a stranger to them. They will keep asking and you can go on answering their questions. They ask many such questions, though they do not usually need these answers nor are they necessarily going to do anything with them. They usually forget it all a minute later. So, talkativeness, curiosity, inquisitiveness, inquiry, which are precursors, if not prerequisites, to higher learning, higher knowledge, deepened thought and understanding, are all very much a part of Gemini. The search (or research) which begins in Gemini, culminates in Sagittarius. The basic tools for conscious learning and knowledge are all present in Gemini, but in a relatively less developed or less discerning state. Yet, each sign, having the right planets within it, the right aspects to it, can become ripe. For example, Gemini, of all signs, is the rising sign of Albert

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Einstein, who is considered one of the sharpest minds in terms of scientific thought. Of course, his work was only allegorically Sagittarian, and that, too, only in an undesirable sense, in that it helped bring to reality the worst and most unthinkably dreadful thunderbolt, the nuclear bomb. I should hasten to clarify that nuclear power does not intrinsically belong to the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, but to the Leo-Aquarius axis. Much more on this matter will be said in future. A student: There is a new book about his first wife and, according to it, she was really a genius and a lot of his theories were hers. She got the money from the Nobel prize. Shri Mann: I was looking at his chart during class in one of the previous courses. I said his horoscope indicated that he should have been married twice, but no one in class seemed to know. Now that is clarified. So, did he eavesdrop? [smiles]. Well, here we see a potential possibility of that. As we go on, you will learn how Mercury and Gemini govern copying and duplication in a broad way, in conjunction with the Moon and Cancer, though there are differences between their significations in this area. You see, Gemini especially signifies duplication, since its very symbol, the twins, represents the duplicative function or replication. Therefore, by extension, among its negative representations, are listed forgery, impersonation, plagiarism, etc. These are such forms of duplication which also constitute a kind of cheating, stealing or theft. Incidentally, kleptomania and the so-called five-finger-discount may be included in its repertoire. Quacks, fakes, any and all conditions of spuriousness in general, all belong to a negative Gemini. However, merely on the basis of all this, it should not be concluded that Einstein was a plagiarist, though it is sufficient to allow the probability. A deeper sense of the signs ruled by Mercury, or any other planet, is more unforgettably and easily developed by a look at the mythological personalities, of different times and cultures, represented by it or those well-known personalities who reflect a qualitycomplex matching what we know of the planet. A legendary or mythological personality is usually a more pure (though not always, and nor in all respects) synthesis of logically related attributes than most actual or historic ones. One of the reasons for this is that, over time, the reason and wisdom of the culture refines the portraits of their heroes and legendary figures into relatively logically consistent and meaningful wholes. Of course, the adjective mythological implies that a personality may be fictitious but it does not make any such absolute assertion. What that really means is that the truth of the matter cannot be verified. In any case, we are not concerned with establishing their historicity. I feel it is essential to point out at this stage that neither the definition nor the understanding of the representations of planetary factors rests upon or needs any mythological or religious beliefs, stories, deities or personalities. I did not derive the significations and potentials, which I am conveying to you, from such references, but from their own actual realities whose truth can ascertained by any student of this science through patient practical experience, observation and research. Even where I pursue or point out rational reasons for any particular representation, or for logical connections between them, its foundation is not the reasoning itself but their actuality. Because of numerous pitfalls and variations in the reasoning process, reason does not always lead to the discovery of realities, but, to some extent, reality can be framed, conveyed and understood in the light of reason. This is what I endeavour to do for you. Wherever I use the type of references just mentioned, it is in a manner similar to showing a picture, which is equal to a thousand

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words. However, I would like to caution you that these pictures enlarged based on your knowledge or discovery of more qualities, characteristics of any referenced picture. Not all attributes or aspects of actually conform to the reality of the astrological factor for whose depiction been used.

should not be attributes and many of these they may have

There is one other related matter which I would like to touch upon. Despite the fact that an unquantifiable part of the myths, legends and religious writings of most of the numerous older cultures were either lost or never recorded in an enduring medium, there still exists an enormous amount of them. Anyone who seriously delves into even one of them, can be overwhelmed by its complexity and convolution, not to mention contradictions. Besides, there is often more than one version of a myth, legend or story. From whatever is known of its beginnings, the qualities and status of different heroes, gods and deities usually mutate over time in the given mythology. In nearly every mythology, heroes, gods and deities appear and disappear, gain or lose seniority or prominence, change in their powers and characteristics, sometimes even in their basic character. More importantly, most of the meanings which are presumably embedded in it are not usually self-evident, unequivocal or clear, but are open to many widely differing interpretations each having its own merit. The accumulated mythology of any culture, as a whole, is more confusing than clarifying, except in amorphous, broad and general ways. However, a cross-cultural study of mythologies and religious deities does indicate one thing clearly, which is that many obvious overlaps and parallels can be found between many of them. In numerous instances, it is mostly a mutation of the involved name or names and variations of some of the details with respect to a myth, legend, hero, god or deity. Many of these changes and adaptations were the natural result of time, while many others were deliberately brought about for political reasons, yet others because the clergy or priestly class introduced them for their own benefit, most often the rulers and clergy both collaborated. The point is, the religious mythology of any culture is not the sum of its wisdom or of truths it has discovered or borrowed. In fact, most elements of mythologies (and their redundancy) represent an obscuration, and often enough, a distortion of the wisdom and truth which may have once been its heritage in some distant time. In other words, they are not a reliable source of useful facts and truths, although they do contain many. For even the most clever and worldly-wise person, it is not possible to precisely identify and separate their meaningful content. Keeping all this in mind, we should proceed with our own study. In Roman mythology, the god Mercury was the herald and scribe of the gods, and the messenger of the gods to humans. The Mercury of the Greeks was initially the Hermes of the Greeks. In the beginning, in Greece, he was known as Hermes, and was regarded as the patron-god of herdsmen, shepherds, cowherds, flocks, athletes, poets, travellers, thieves, traders or merchants. Athletics and sports, the arts, literature, poetry, eloquence, oratory, commerce, weights and measures, cunning, invention, boundaries and those who crossed them, travel and thievery, were all in his domain. Hermes was the son of Zeus and Maia, and it is said that soon after his birth he grew up very swiftly, stole away from his sleeping mother and stole the flock of Apollo. Then he invented the lyre and played it while the flock grazed. He is also considered the inventor of the flute and syrinx. He is portrayed as a [3] graceful, nimble youth, carrying the staff of Caduceus , wearing the garments of a traveller, worker or shepherd, a travellers wide-brimmed, low-crowned winged hat (petasus), and winged sandals. The wings on the hat as well as the sandals are small.

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The Egyptian god Thoth (also spelled Thout or Thot), who was regarded as the originator of Egyptian art, science, magic, alchemy, and religion, and was associated with wisdom, weights, measures and measurements, initially came to be called Djehuty in Greek, and was afterwards identified with Hermes by them. He is believed to have written two books, the Emerald Tablet and the Corpus Hermeticum, which became the basis of alchemy (and later, of modern chemistry), and those alchemists who believed in his philosophy came to be known as Hermetics. Magical powers were attributed to him, and it was said that he could magically seal treasure chests in such a manner that nothing could open them. The term hermetically sealed originates in this myth. Later, Thoth or Djehuty was blended into Hermes, and came to be known as Hermes Trismegistus (thrice greatest) by the Greeks, and later called Mercurius ter maximus (Latin) by the Romans. In many mythologies, gods or deities fuse with each other (with regard to public understanding or worship) through syncretism. The same occurs with deities of two separate mythologies, i.e., the deities of one religion or mythology becomes syncretized with those of another. Something found by serendipity or sheer good luck is called as a hermaion. Thus, it has a connection with co-incidence, unexpected meetings or a coming together of two things. By extension, it also means surprises. Unexpected occurrences, coincidences and discoveries of new things are all surprises. The Hellenic word Herma means a boundary stone, which represents a point of crossing over. Therefore, it symbolizes the boundary, the point of transition, transaction, interchange or change, of a moving into or out of something, a transitioning through, above or beyond, or recursion, reversal, retreat. It signifies the point or moment of transition to the other world, the point of crossing the border between life and death, the point of cessation of breath. In other words, it signifies the point of choosing, the point at which a particular choice arises or a change occurs the fork in the road, the crossroads, the meeting point of the lines of a cross or X. Hermes (Mercury) embodies the essence of movement, change and exchange, action, interaction and reaction, choice and response. Fluctuations and shifts in fortune, for better or worse, are included in this essence. Aggression, trespass and transgression also involve crossing legitimate or rightful boundaries. As such, too, Hermes has a link with theft, stealth, appropriation and misappropriation. Debates, arguments, commerce, correspondence, all involve exchanges or interchanges of words, merchandise or information. The word hermeneutics comes from Hermes, which is the art of interpreting secret or hidden meaning. An interpreter is called a hermeneus because the dividing gulf between persons of different lands and tongues is bridged by a translator or interpreter. Bridges are connecting points, as also means and points of transfer, transition. Those who go to new places are strangers, and those whom they meet in new places are strangers to them, therefore, Hermes indicates strangers as well. The closest Indian mythological personality which may be considered a counterpart of Hermes is Nrad Muni, who is a messenger, a go-between among gods and mortals. He is known for his proclivity to gossip and cause mischief. Nrad Muni is one of the most popularly known Hindu sages. It is believed that he is the Manasputra, i. e., a son birthed by the mind, of Brahma. He is said to have come into being from Brahmas thoughts. Nrad Muni is considered to be a Trilok-sanchri, which means one who circulates or travels in the

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three worlds, the heaven, the earth and the nether world. According to popular belief, Nrad Muni is a tireless, restless nomadic wanderer who sojourns constantly between the three worlds, enquiring about the conditions and welfare of their residents, and carrying tales from one to the other. By nature, he is very loquacious, inquisitive as well as solicitous. It is said that he delights in causing mischief and is extremely fond of inciting and promoting misunderstandings, quarrels and disputes among gods, goddesses and mortals. However, all these activities are considered to be of a playful nature, having no sinister motive. [4] Nrad Muni is also considered the first practitioner or even the originator of Natya yoga, an approach involving special dances to achieve spiritual growth and liberation. It contained elements of Bhakti yoga, Hatth yoga and Raja yoga. This style of dance, in a much modified form, is still practiced by some dance schools in India. We have discussed the genders of signs, later we will fully define those of planets. For the moment, I will tell you that Mercury is considered to be a neuter planet, i.e., it is of neuter gender. Gemini is governed by it and also borrows that characteristic, secondary to its primary male gender. Now, the neuter gender signifies an undefined or undifferentiated condition. What is the condition of a teenager? By the rear view, one often cannot tell whether this is a boy or a girl. You may have noticed that there is an ambiguity to the form. It is not fully developed, not completely moulded into the masculine or the feminine, so the result is that there is a slight confusion due to the indistinct condition of the sexual development. In the abstract, this is a strong feature of Gemini. Ambivalence in the sexual area can be a very cardinal representation. Eunuchs are ruled by Gemini. In fact, the mythological Hermaphroditus was the son of Hermes (Mercury) and Aphrodite, who became united in one body with the nymph Salmacis (reminiscent of the quality of mercury to split and reunite). The difference between hermaphrodites and eunuchs is that the former are possessed of the sexual organs of both genders naturally, while the latter are usually surgically castrated males. Both classes are equally governed by Mercury and Gemini. A potential expression of disturbing influences on Gemini or Mercury, may be gender changes. Bi-sexuality or homosexuality are an obvious signification of these. On the positive side, teenagers can be very co-operative. Usually they are very sympathetic and helpful. Well, they have their irritating or sometimes even nasty ways and manners, some of which we have just discussed, but they also have a wonderful side arising from the fact that they are not yet developed into a full consciousness of self-interest, and, therefore, are not as selfish. That is very important to remember. Self-interest causes a gradually hardening condition which unfortunately consumes us all in the course of time and very tragically leaves us dressed in rock. That hardening ought to be fought all the time, but we should not remain Geminians all our life either. The teenager does not yet have that hardened condition, that crust. So, co-operation as well as team-work are third house matters. There are very logical connections between the different representations of Gemini, or of any sign, house or planet, for that matter. A sign which represents communications and interactions, peers, associates and colleagues, must, by necessity, also be a sign of sympathy, camaraderie and companionship and, therefore, of co-operation. In this sign, all qualities and skills required for harmonious and successful dealings with associates and co-workers, come into focus in a very interesting manner. Therefore, it also governs adaptability, flexibility, give-and-take, exchange, co-ordination, co-operation and tolerance but afflictions may evoke the negative condition of all these. You will rarely hear a Gemini person say no. If you say, can you give me a hand tomorrow? - certainly, back comes the answer. Of

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course, they may not turn-up at all, but that is different. Now, that is very like a teenager, but they will tell you that they will do it, and most likely fully mean it at that moment. So, cooperation, sympathy, extending the self for others, helpful effort, are significations of Gemini. Have you ever seen anyone put in as much effort, whether into something futile or worthwhile, as does a teenager? They will stay awake the whole night doing something if they have to or want to do it, most especially if they are also enjoying it. Therefore, this sign also represents enthusiasm, zeal and effort. You will note that enthusiasm and effort or endeavour go hand in hand. Enthusiasm propels effort. However, since zealousness and enthusiasm are quite opposed to the prospect of waiting, the third sign and house signify impatience, hurry, urgency, haste. Other significations of this house and sign further endorse these attributes. For instance, as ruler of exertion, effort and endeavour, it cannot idly sit by and wait. Usually, it also lacks the philosophical depth and wisdom to properly evaluate long term benefits and losses from hasty actions. So, the third house and Gemini, not only become indicators of hurry, haste and impatience, but also of rashness. Again, I remind you that the very opposite and positive qualities are always present as achievable potentials. It is the sign of the twins, but why was it given that symbol? The reason for this originates in the area of the body it corresponds to and also represents. As the third section of the zodiac, from above downward, it occupies the area of the shoulders, where the two arms begin, and the upper chest. As ruler of the twin arms, which are the first set of twin organs which act in co-ordination and yet independently, Gemini derives its most significant representation of dualism and pluralism, but very differently than that of Taurus, which signifies the entire environment of dualism (Maya), without any relation to particular pairs or sets or specific groups of inter-related parts acting in a mutually supportive, co-operative and co-ordinated manner. Therefore, it came to represent pairs, couples, sets, groups, similars, mirror images, copies, facsimiles. Consequently, it represents the concept of separations, splits, divisions. If Taurus is consolidation, Gemini is fragmentation. Then, through extension and extrapolation of the previous two representations, it signifies, opposites, alternation, alternatives, choices, comparisons, etc. Of course, this symbol also highlights the concepts of sharing, association, friendship, fraternity. It stands for all dual or split states, physical, mental or emotional. All dual organs, mechanisms and functions are signified by it, partially or fully. Mirrors, refraction, reflections, mirages, superficial conditions, frivolousness, trivia, temperatures, thermostats, lungs, two way-streets, bifurcations, cross-roads, pendulums, numeric fractions, the decimal point, are all in its rulership. I mention these diverse yet logically related significations as examples to deepen your sense of this sign. Incidentally, the lungs, especially the upper lobes, are governed by Gemini - these are twin organs, performing dual functions related to the air element, and their upper parts are located in that region of the zodiac which is occupied by Gemini and the 3rd house. Gemini governs all situations where we are presented with options, choices, forced to choose, to decide - but its rule ends the moment analysis ends and a decision begins to form which is represented by Sagittarius, the archer, who knows the target or goal. Therefore, comparison and analysis are Geminian functions. Thus, by extension, it rules over the concept of pros-and cons, therefore, over argument, debate, discussion, reasoning. For this as well as other reasons which will become more evident as we proceed, Gemini also governs lawyers, advocates, barristers. Yet, because it is the very first mental sign, it is not a

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sign of depth, its analyses and comparisons function on a relatively superficial plane though, it has the potential to evolve into a very deep thinker. As far as sign significations are concerned, profound discernments, deeper philosophical judgements and in-depth analyses, are more in the realm of the positive expressions of Sagittarius. Even from a rudimentary appraisal of only some of its significations, we can see how the third house and Gemini are representatives of tests, examinations, and trials. Since it signifies the apprentice and student, examinations and tests are necessarily indicated. Since it rules effort and valour, obstacles and trials are also indicated. It signifies learning, skills and courage, all of which must be tested. Lastly, it represents competition, which is a test in itself. Since tests are also obstacles or hurdles, this house and sign also signify these. Symbolically, our freedom is reflected in the unfettered, unrestricted condition of our hands. A prisoner or captive is hand-cuffed or manacled. Therefore, freedom or captivity, handicaps, restrictions, limitations, which are all also forms of obstacles, are very much signified by this sign and house. This is further endorsed by the fact that the third sign and house are the signifiers of choice, which itself represents liberty. Ultimately, it signifies what we do with our liberty, our hands, i.e., our actions and efforts, how these are directed and how these affect our freedom, what consequence we suffer or enjoy as a result of them. The signification of effort, learning, test, trials, valour and freedom, all culminate in Sagittarius, the other, higher numbered pole of this axis. One of the personalities symbolizing Sagittarius is the mythical and legendary Hercules. His famed twelve labours were trials or tests of not only strength and courage but also of wisdom. He atoned for his wrong and won his moral freedom through the successful fulfilment of these in the face of [5] tremendous odds, dangers and obstacles . Two of the most negative potentials of Gemini rising, are paranoia and jealousy. The basis of these can be found in two other representations of Gemini as well as seen in a certain characteristic of the teenager. Firstly, competition is one of its features, and excessive competitiveness can be one road to paranoia and jealousy. Secondly, this sign belongs to a very romantic axis, the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, the reasons for which cannot be explained fully at this stage. Suffice it to say, Gemini is a romantic sign and, in its negative mode, it can be very jealous for that reason as well. In the typical teenager we see great concern and worry about how it compares to or is seen by its peers, class-mates, school-mates and friends. The teenager wonders what peers and friends think, feel or say about her or him. Under affliction, this concern often takes on the form of paranoia as well as jealousy, which can give rise to backbiting or rumour- mongering. Just as much as it denotes strangers, it signifies neighbours, people who live nearby. Let me get this extension straightened out on the logical plane. You see, the second house is the clan, the family. Now, outside the family what do you have? Neighbours. So, the next logical development or extension of contacts is into the neighbourhood. Therefore, Gemini represents the neighbourhood and neighbours, especially those who live nearest. Visiting, commuting to-and-fro between them, and, therefore, short journeys, or anything short, for that matter. Short writings, short poems, etc. You see, we already have the communicational aspect of it, but the lighter side of it, not the heavy or the more profound aspect. Short communications, short articles, short or light novels, or works that are of a light nature, not of a very deep or profound nature. For example, it could be a thick novel, but it will be light or shallow in substance, in content. So, it would reflect writings that are either of a light,

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superficial nature or of a short or passing nature. By the same yardstick, also anything at all which is short, small, light or shallow. All three of these, as concepts, are represented by Gemini as well as by Mercury. Suppose the query was "There is a ship in harbour, and I have no means of knowing whether it is laden or empty, but I need to know if it is laden or not? Now, if your horary chart shows Gemini rising, it would indicate to you that the ship is light and, therefore, empty. If it came up as Sagittarius, which is heavy, which denotes weightiness, then you know it is laden. So, you can apply it in such ways. As suggested by the quality of reactivity in quicksilver, there is a reactive, and therefore, a responsive attribute of the planet Mercury. Being ruled by it, Gemini is a very responsive sign, but not necessarily a very responsible one though, it must be added, that wholesome Gemini natives can be extremely responsible, reliable and loyal. Quickwittedness, quick responses and, repartee are its features. It also has versatility, manysidedness. Gemini usually never looks at one thing just from one perspective. It attempts to view it from many perspectives. The Geminian state of mind is somewhat similar to the metal mercury which can fragment and scatter into numerous different pieces the moment you touch it, interact with it. In a positive Sagittarius, those pieces can come together as an indivisible, smooth and seamless whole. The Geminian perspective or approach concerning anything can be fragmented or richly diversified, depending on how negatively or positively this sign is manifesting. It can be both. It can be very fragmented, scattered or superficial in its negative mode or it can be facile, versatile and multifaceted in its positive expression. In Sagittarius, the higher pole of this sign axis, there can be multidimensionality of personality as opposed to simply a multifaceted state. So, Gemini signifies adaptability, versatility, quickness, speed. From these we get nimbleness, agility. All of these things are traits of Mercury as well as Gemini. This entire axis represents speed and dexterity. The above qualities can lead to fickleness, which often manifests as one of the most negative aspects of Gemini. Fickleness is potentially one of their primary problems, which also involves their own work, their profession, their attitudes, not just towards people but also towards their livelihood. Despite this, the more positive expression is manifested by a great many Gemini ascending natives to varying degrees, and some are extremely tenacious in their loyalty towards a cause, a friend or someone they love. This sign can also be very attached and loyal to its mother, sometimes in an excessive or imbalanced way. The reason for this is that Cancer, the sign of the mother, is its second house, its house of assets, family, etc. , which makes the mother very valuable to Gemini. Every native of every sign, including Gemini, will manifest itself somewhat differently, express more of some attributes and less of others. Also, some will tend to the more negative expressions, others to the higher and more positive ones. Only the whole horoscope can guide us into that individualised understanding. Another potential problem of Gemini is lack of focus, fragility of attention, easy distractibility. Under affliction, this sign may have the shortest attention span. One of the reasons for this is that their mind may tend to become too busy, too crowded, and thus prevent focused attention. Let us probe into some other things. After the neck, what do we have? The shoulders and the arms. Gemini naturally falls on the area of shoulders and the origins of the arms and hands, and generally represents these, but more specifically the right shoulder and arm. What are the arms? They are the instruments of achievement. What do we do with our arms? We implement our desires, we work, we make or create things, we execute our plans.

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So, these are our instruments of skill, effort and valour. Thus, the third house is legitimately the indicator of skill, dexterity, effort and valour. A strong third house can indicate great courage, valour and effort for sake of causes or enterprises. Many over-achievers have a powerful third-ninth axis of signs or houses. As a rule, this is not a cowardly sign by any means. Paradoxically, it can display great courage. I say paradoxically only because some of the other preceding characteristics may seem to belie bravery or suggest a flimsiness to the character. Quite to the contrary, it is potentially a more courageous sign than most others, and much more willing to sacrifice and to take risks, even rash ones. It also indicates powerful desire, which is the source of the enthusiasm to exert, to achieve, to risk. You see, it is a Km house. The third, is a desire house, as is the sign Gemini. So, it indicates that capability to enthusiastically strive and take risks. By obvious logical extension, this is the sign of adventure. What is adventure? One way to describe it would be to call it a hazardous enterprise into the mysterious or unknown, for sake of exploration or discovery, both of which arise from curiosity, an important signification of Gemini. In the well-developed Sagittarius, this adventure becomes a spiritual one, a voyaging or delving into the ultimate mystery. Gemini, represents detectives, mystery and fiction writers. This entire axis belongs to mysteries, quests, adventures and adventure has a connotation of romance, a romantic aspect to it. Why? No one adventures, dares, exerts, quests, seeks or risks without an underlying passionate desire, if not love for what it could bring. So, this whole axis is not only adventurous but also romantic. What do we call our close associates, colleagues or assistants? You may have heard people say So-and-so is like my right arm. So, close companions or friends find that comparison, that parallel. In general, all persons who are really close to us as neighbours, friends, associates, who share our efforts, help us in our work, help us achieve things, they also fall under the same influence and when we are trying to judge work conditions with associates or colleagues, we will have to study it. Whereas, for people who are very obviously subordinate to us (not necessarily younger), we will be looking at Virgo and the sixth house, also ruled by Mercury. By the by, many of ones enemies are to be found among servants or subordinates, which are also a signification of the sixth sign and house. Visitors to any area, temporary residents of any place or country, tenants, immigrants, migrant workers, gypsies, nomads, hobos, are all under the full or partial jurisdiction of Gemini. **Does it make sense now why America has Gemini in its ascendant? The entire country is founded and populated by immigrants from different countries at different stages. How do we express our skill? Mainly through our arms and hands, else through our speech. A person uses the skill of the hands whether they are painting, eating or writing, whether they are making something, or even directing, instructing or pointing. You see, you use your hands even to instruct, point or direct. So, Gemini becomes an indicator of skill and dexterity. As such it has a partial rule over all handicrafts, regardless of their specific nature. Now, since it implies team work with others, be they friends, associates or companions, it becomes an indicator of community, society. Neighbourly, social and communal concerns, issues and causes, all fall in its domain. By extension, it also signifies involvement with causes and crusades of various kinds. These may involve the neighbourhood, a minority or immigrant group or an oppressed group, or even ideas, ideals, or ideologies. Therefore, this is also a house of causes, and of crusaders, activists, and, in certain ways, of some types of lobbyists. In a manner of speaking, the Gemini-Sagittarius sign axis and 3rd-9th house axis are the sign/house axes of adventure, romance, chivalry, gallantry, courage, knights, causes and crusades.

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From all that has been defined so far, it is obvious that the arms and hands are our most loyal, obedient, useful and active agents. In fact, without these man would be quite helpless and inferior to most animals. It is the arms and hands which have given him sovereignty over all other species. As such, they represent his means of defence, offence, self-provision and survival. For this reason, they signify his excellence as well as longevity, both of which are, therefore, representations of Gemini and the 3rd house. Higher man, efforts toward attainment of perfection of spiritual excellence and eternal life, are signified by Sagittarius. Gemini is the natural 3rd house and expresses the primary potential for all striving, including for survival, self-preservation. Thus, most appropriately, it is the first house representing longevity. Besides, it rules the lungs, which administer air, breath, the most indispensable and almost constant nutritional need of the body. Breath is called prana in Sanskrit, which means life. The practice of prana-yoga is an effort to control breath and rise to the Sagittarian archers true goal, i.e., of an eternal life beyond temporal, temporary life. Of course, it is not quite appreciated that it is not the breath but the lower mind (the primary signification of Gemini) which must be overcome through Sagittarian wisdom, in order to realize the real and highest spiritual objective. Gemini rules the nervous system in whose framework the brain and the senses function. This network constitutes the basic fabric of the lower or animal mind. It is the fundamental physical basis of the five senses which empower and fuel the five passions, splintering, expending and dissipating the consciousness into desires concerning the sensorium and worldly ambitions, pursuits and activities. Controlling the breath does not weaken or eliminate these conditions, which are the actual obstructions to the higher and higher states of consciousness. A vital matter to give consideration to, is the importance of the nervous system with regard to all areas of health, mental, psychological or physical. Each and every organ of the body is connected to the brain through the neural network. Any impairment of this system weakens, disturbs or deranges the functioning of the brain-body complex. Therefore, the health of the nervous system is of primary and cardinal importance to mental and physical health. Since Mercury governs this system, and most especially through its rule over Gemini, this sign becomes a most crucial signifier of health, fitness and longevity. For this reason, and also since it is sign of so much relating to life and youth, it is also a signifier of youthfulness. Gemini natives can look very young even into their much later years. Under certain types of afflictions they may very prematurely appear quite aged. The sense of balance and co-ordination (and, therefore, co-operation) depend on the nervous system. Agility, nimbleness, reflexes, are all controlled by the nervous system, Therefore, all activities of an ordinary nature, but even more especially those of a specialized type, require a very steady and healthy nervous system. Because of this, athletic and sporting skills and abilities are very much in the province of Gemini, as are all exercises, since they also improve health and fitness. Because Gemini belongs to the same axis as the archer, it is also capable of very good archery and marksmanship. One of the personalities we can use as a particular portrait to illustrate Gemini, is that of Robin Hood, who was also an excellent archer. Incidentally, I wonder if his name is made up of the words robbing hood with the g dropped perhaps, those who wore hoods to conceal their faces, came to be called hoods. There may have been a number of people who lived in Sherwood Forest, wore hoods and robbed the rich. Whether much of his story is fictitious or not, he fits a particular profile of Gemini. He always wore green, was a master bowman, moved about constantly within the locality of

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Sherwood Forest, was elusive, nimble and quick-witted, enjoyed wine and song, was a romantic and an adventurer by nature, who took up the cause of the weak, the poor and the oppressed, was sympathetic to and helped the poor; was courteous, courageous, chivalrous and gallant; had a camaraderie and a close bond with his band of loyal companions, and had great loyalty to his crusading King, Richard, the Lion Heart; and was even a robber and a poacher to boot. The picture could not be more complete in most key attributes of Gemini, in the positive as well as some of the negative aspects. Since, usually, our first peers and associates are our brothers, our siblings, the third house becomes the indicator for brothers, siblings, or even those who have become brotherlike through association, through co-operation. Siblings are a general indication of Gemini, but more specifically it represents the younger siblings or twins. So, afflictions to this house can indicate difficulties or harm to or from younger siblings, or indicate their death or simply deny any younger siblings. All associates, colleagues and peers, in general, would also be effect by them. A student: Younger only? Shri Mann: Younger, basically, or more specifically. However, it does have a bearing on siblings, colleagues and associates in general, without respect to seniority or juniority. Afflictions to this house may have different results in different areas. A planet or a set of planets can afflict the third house from one perspective, while boosting it from another. For example, it may cause damage with regard to brothers and sisters, but greatly increase the natives courage. I will briefly, in passing, mention something which you will see the full and profound effect of when we get to those principles and apply them in real horoscopes. A malefic Mars in the third house can harm relations with siblings or even slay, hurt or entirely deny younger brothers. A student: That is what I have in the third house, also my Mars is debilitated. Shri Mann: In that case, you may either have no younger siblings or. . . A student: I have none. Shri Mann: None, there you are. To continue, this combination may, at the same time, give a great deal of aggressiveness, boldness or bossiness and rashness. It could increase the skill and ability to do and pursue certain things, for better or worse. In short, it could augment the side of energy, strength and valour while harming the relationships signified by it, but there are many rules for interpreting these effects, which we will be learning later. So, Gemini rules nimbleness, dexterity, the right arm specifically, both arms in general. Afflictions to Gemini or the third house can also indicate injuries, deformities or diseases of the upper and the sensory aspect of the breasts, the shoulders, arms, hands and fingers. The hands and fingers are the most dextrous and nimble part of our body and, therefore, our tools of fine skills. Very fine skills, technical or artistic, or any activity which requires precision in its implementation, would be governed to some extent at least by Gemini, the third house, and Mercury. Afflictions to these can affect these abilities in different ways, and also produce various disorders of breathing and the lungs, e.g., asthma, bronchitis, etc. Gemini signifies teenagers, and therefore also students, apprentices, novices,

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amateurs. Though it is essentially the sign of the student or the apprentice, it still signifies teachers and instructors in lighter areas or technical fields. Depth, mastery and profoundness are expressed in the full-blown positive manifestations of its opposite sign, Sagittarius. Thus we find a large number of Geminians who are teachers, instructors, directors, trainers, etc. Since it is a sign of diversity, its interests, abilities and professions are numerous. If the proverbial jack of all trades, master of none can be symbolised by any single sign or house as such, it would be Gemini and the third house. Since all the occupations of this sign cannot be listed, I will mention only some of the more common and broad fields of Geminian employment, e.g., those which relate to the media, communications, writing, publication, advertising, computers, sales, middlemanship, oratory, public relations, clerical work, science (especially chemistry), invention, athletics. Their work often concerns or requires travelling, commuting, communicating, speaking or writing. It produces many receptionists, clerks, technicians, computer programmers, jugglers, actors, writers, salespersons, scientists, chemists, mathematicians, teachers, athletes, dancers, merchants, physicians, preachers, newsmen. If a Geminian has a social or humane cause, he or she becomes a politician. Though usually a Gemini will enter politics chiefly out of idealistic or sympathetic reasons, only the whole chart will indicate whether that is, indeed, the motivation, and whether the character is corruptible or not. Gemini has a very distinct jurisdiction over one form of energy, namely electricity its opposite pole, Sagittarius, rules the most powerful form of electricity, the thunderbolt, and also lightning. Gemini governs the electrical circuitry of the physical body, so to speak. It would be correct to say that all electrical circuits and even electrical gadgets are at least partially ruled by it. This is perfectly rational and in accord with the fact that Mercury governs speed and Gemini rules dual systems, functions and processes. Electricity is quick, to say the least, and has parallel wires for the negative and positive currents. Mercury and Gemini regulate the electrical impulses of the body, brain and nervous system. These also control reflexes, as the representatives of reaction, response. Other astrological elements also have a say in these matters as well as over electricity, but since there is a very clear impact of Mercury and Gemini on this area, I have mentioned it. By the same token, it signifies electricians, radio-operators, etc. Electricity has a special relationship to chemicals. Apart from the conventional mechanical methods, it can be generated by chemical reactions, and conversely it produces changes in chemicals when applied to them. The messaging system of the brain operates through chemically generated and propagated minute electrochemical impulses by neurons through synapses. The nervous system is a highly sophisticated and swift messaging and communication network which perceives stimuli, and decides and coordinates responses to them. The fundamental circuit of the nervous system is composed of sensory nerves which sense and relay information to the brain regarding a stimulus received by the body. The brain, which is an extremely complex web of nerve cells, then processes the information and transmits the chosen response through the medium of motor nerves. The basic unit of the nervous system is the nerve cell, or neuron, whose essential function is to propagate messages as electrochemical impulses through a nerve in a manner similar to a telegraph wire. The neurons are not physically connected, but rather have a marginal space between them which is known as the synaptic cleft. The junctions between neurons are called synapses, and through these synapses, the electrochemical impulses of one neuron are passed to the next by means of minute quantities of special chemicals, known as neurotransmitters, which rapidly travel across the tiny space of the synaptic cleft. Almost all neurons produce

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their effect on the receiving cells by the release of neurotransmitters, which are miniscule amounts of special chemicals, sometimes also called chemical messengers. From all this, it is obvious that the operation of the nervous system is of an electrical as well as chemical nature. Given all this, it follows that chemicals and chemistry are as much in the province of Mercury and Gemini as is electricity. Besides that, it is clear that all grids, networks, webs (and, therefore, also matrixes, labyrinths and mazes) are also ruled by Gemini. How then may we leave spiders out? Included in its domain are the networks of arteries and veins, though other co-rulers also assert their authority concerning them. All chemicals which affect the sensorium, co-ordination, the brain or the nerves, for good or ill, fall most particularly in its domain. In that respect, all intoxicants and anaesthetics belong to that category. However, Pisces, among others, also has an important say in regard to these. We will be discussing these further along. From this it can be understood why Taurus ascending natives may have a predilection for alcohol or other intoxicants Gemini is in their 2nd house. This is the sign of the assistant, the adjutant, the aide, the helper. All persons or objects, tools and instruments which assist in some way, fall partially under its rule. Tools and instruments are similar to arms and hands in their function and utility. Though I may have mentioned some of them earlier, I will again give you a random sampling of objects signified, at least partially, by it. Here are some: gadgets, instruments, appliances, measuring devices, calculators, hearing aids, thermometers, cycles, motorcycles, telephones, radios, radio-waves, television, etc. Once again, to encapsulate, what are the broad matters signified by Gemini? Curiosity, learning, the arms and hands (more specifically the right arm and hand), skills, dexterity, agility, valour, courage, sympathy, endeavour, effort, action, activity, striving, adventure, peers, colleagues, siblings, particularly younger brothers, teamwork, co-operation, adaptability, communication, sociability, competitiveness, impatience, haste, and the ears, especially the right one. What does the ear do? It receives auditory information or communications through the air media, which is the element of this sign. So, talk, gossip, eavesdropping, communications. Many other things, too, which we have discussed. Now, based on all this, give me some examples. Yes, please, what did you say? A student: Writers? Shri Mann: Writers. Lighter or shorter works, short stories, articles or poems, smaller publications. A student: Reporting the news? Shri Mann: Oh, yes, news reporters and journalists would very much be governed by it, especially commercial, gossipy or social news. Such news and information as is of a transient, passing, ephemeral nature. Things of a durable, lasting, deep nature are governed by Sagittarius. Things of a short duration, matters which are passing, light, of the hour, are all governed by the third house and Gemini. I should elaborate here about news as a special signification of Gemini. The ruler of Gemini, i.e., Mercury, is the messenger. Any message is always a kind of news to the addressee. The word news almost certainly comes from new were something already known, i.e., old to ones knowledge as opposed to new,

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would hardly be news. Gemini and Mercury are both signifiers of that which is new or in process of transition, discovery, happening. For this reason, they also have to be related to inventions, especially of electronic gadgets (in conjunction with Aquarius). By the by, the phrase electrifying news is very Geminian, indeed. A student: Poets? Shri Mann: Yes, poets, too. It has much to do with writing, communicating and expressing. Even written correspondence, letters between people are ruled by it. Gemini also rules messages, missives, messengers, signals, electromagnetic signals or transmissions, the radio, newspapers, magazines, etc. A strong Gemini, a strong third house would be a great asset to a poet. However, Gemini rising by itself does not a poet make. Some other special poetic factors must also be present in the horoscope. Given those, Gemini ascending can produce very fine poets, and so it has, including Lord Byron. Remember, this can be a most romantic sign. What else? A student: The Wall Street people? Shri Mann: Yes, indeed. Also stock-exchanges, but in conjunction with other factors, including Taurus. Many Gemini ruled activities occur there - much shouting, talking, quick trading, quick changes and exchanges, rapid flow of information which is useful only meaningful in an immediate sense. All these belong to Gemini. It is the sign of salesmanship, commerce and trade. It is governed by the planet of commerce and trade, Mercury. Earlier, I was talking about the castes of planets. The caste of Mercury is trader, [6] the Vaishya . The financial representation of Gemini differs from that of Taurus, and this difference should be well grasped. Taurus signifies more the accumulation of assets, toward which the give-and-take, buy-and-sell activity of Gemini contributes. Commercially, Taurus is more like the banker, while Gemini is the more the trader. Gemini borrows from Taurus, and engages in trading. The investments or money lending of Taurus would require a surety or collateral, the way a bank gives a mortgage. Let me reiterate a few things again, and add some. Information, misinformation, exaggerations and fiction are all governed by Gemini and the third house. So are commuting, short journeys, short travels, continual change and movement, oscillation, vacillation. On the one hand it signifies fickleness and changeability, on the other, flexibility and adaptability as the negative and the positive expressions. Now, let us see what else you can put under its influence. A student: Gossip columnists? Shri Mann: Excellent. Yes, gossip columnists, indeed. A poor or lesser expression of Gemini abilities. A student: Carpenters, skilled people who work with their hands a lot, or draftsmen or something like that. Shri Mann: All skills which require dexterity are at least partially ruled by it. A draftsman, yes.

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A student: How about a person who works in the casinos, the dealers? Shri Mann: Yes, but it would not be governed by Gemini alone, because a more specific gambling influence is required. The gambling element most especially belongs to the fifth house. But there are other different astrological factors signifying the various types of gambles and gambling. So, we would certainly give Gemini an important but partial rulership over casino dealers, because it requires manual dexterity and skill. A student: Short writings? Shri Mann: Short writings, of course, as also any meaningless, trivial or gossipy information being imparted. A student: Would it rule a goldsmith or gem-cutter, as far as manual dexterity is concerned? Shri Mann: Normally, it would be in conjunction with other elements because it would also require the involvement of the Venusian side, the artistic side. So, we cannot allot rule over this craft to Gemini in its entirety. Yet, a good silversmith, goldsmith or lapidarist, or anyone who actually makes jewellery, would require a good third house, because of the fine-motor skills, the fine skills needed to do it. A student: How about a game show or a talk show host? Shri Mann: Talk and game show hosts would be very much under its rulership. You see games, sports, competitive and athletic activities are ruled by this sign and house axis. Here, we have these in conjunction with the fact that media and communication are involved, and further it is of a basically light, ephemeral nature. A student: How about trivia? Shri Mann: Trivia would be governed by it. A student: What about a doctor nurse type association? The nurse is the right-hand man to the doctor, or the right-hand woman to him? A student: The nature of that relationship would largely, not entirely, be in the province of Gemini, because she may be acting as a personally paid employee or a subordinate. Incidentally, doctors, and especially nurses, belong to the sixth house (also ruled by Mercury) and to the 12th house the Virgo-Pisces sign axis. Nursing is a 6th-12th house signification. These have to do with health, healing sickness, illness, and related things, in the most specific manner. Yet, in the capacity of a skilled assistant, as in the described situation, a nurse would certainly fall under the partial rule of Gemini and the 3rd house. These two are also longevity or life signifiers, and therefore they also have a relation with health and healing. You will understand more about that later. Gemini often takes a keen interest in medical matters, and many doctors have Gemini rising. In fact, they make good psychologists and neurosurgeons or neurologists, since Mercury and Gemini govern the intellectual mind and nerves.

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A student: Telephone operator? Shri Mann: Oh, yes, very much. Very good. A student: What about a comedian? Shri Mann: Comedians and clowns, yes. This would also require the entertainment elements to come into play with it. It will be in conjunction with them, but it would be partly governed by it. A student: I was thinking that if Gemini was afflicted, and since it is the sign of the twins, would that indicate schizophrenia or something like that? Shri Mann: Yes, schizophrenia is one of the mental disorders it specifically rules. Also, overall states which reflect ambivalence, an inability to make up the mind, to decide. It also rules over split as well as multiple personalities. A very wide variety of neurological and psychological disorders fall under the rulership of Mercury and Gemini in their afflicted or weak conditions. This is because the intellectual mind and the nervous system are governed by them. Therefore, it is a strong signifier of neurology and neurologists. A student: A dual marriage, I mean two concurrent spouses? Shri Mann: All things dual or multiple, concurrently or sequentially, are governed by it. The concept of variety and duality is signified by Gemini. What other profession, item or activity would we place under it? A student: A clown, a juggler? Shri Mann: Yes, a juggler would very much need the skill of Gemini. Excellent. Sleight of hand, magic, etc. , are all in the province of Gemi ni. True miracle, as opposed to magic, rests in the domain of the highest expressions of Sagittarius. A student: If the 3rd sign or house is afflicted, a con-man, someone who is always on the go, who talks people into things? Shri Mann: Yes. An afflicted Gemini, could indicate con-men, counterfeiters, thieves, cheats, all types of crooks. Confidence-men of a wide variety would certainly fall under it. In fact, it also governs all sorts of white-collar crimes. In terms of negative potentials, to a large extent, it rules over embezzlement and misappropriation. I must also tell you that a positive Gemini can be utterly honest and truthful. Yet, the idea of honesty and truthfulness is usually not so rigidly defined by a positive Gemini or Sagittarius as to exclude exceptions in a selfless, good and worthy cause. Honesty is not honesty, and truth is not truth when it can cause harm to an innocent person while serving no other ethical or beneficial end. In fact, honesty and truth can be, and often are, employed most unwisely or even selfishly. Then there are those rare occasions where the truth is served by a lie. To give you an example, if the murderous pursuers of a little girl, who had sought shelter from you, asked if you had seen her, would you be righteous in telling the truth or a lie? A student: What about the mailman?

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Shri Mann: The mailman. Very good. Excellent. Very suitable example. The mailman is the modern-day Hermes. A student: Would a mime be under the third house? Shri Mann: Now, duplication is also signified by Cancer and the Moon. We will be studying these next. Mimes, I should say pantomime, falls more specifically under the Cancer and Moon influence. Mimics and mimicry are more within the scope of Mercury, Gemini and the 3rd house, as also that of the Moon, Cancer and the 4th house. Both sets of signifiers of duplication and imitation have a connection with pantomime as well as mimicry. A student: How about a barber? Shri Mann: Barber, yes. Very much. A student: Because a barber is very talkative? Shri Mann: Yes, they may be that, too, but there is also the skill of the hands. A student: The barber knows everything about everyone. Shri Mann: Yes, gossip, rumours, idle chatter, often about neighbours, exchange of stories and information, all this while cutting the hair, which involves skill, speed, dexterity. Apart from these, there is the use of a twin-part instrument, the scissors. A student: Bartenders? They do a lot of gossiping, they eavesdrop, they make drinks with their hands. Shri Mann: This profession requires many Gemini qualities and elements. [Tape 2, Side 2] A student: Beauticians? Shri Mann: To a larger extent it mainly beauticians of the kind who require fine skills or instruments, e.g., manicurists who fix the nails, which are a part of the hands. Of course, it would also need a substantial element of Venus to produce a really good beautician. While on this topic, I will mention another negative potential of Gemini narcissism. Gemini represents mirrors and mirror-images and, therefore, mirages, which are formed by light refraction in the air. Narcissus fell in love with his own image, his image literally became his twin this can be a potential pitfall for this sign. It can become too concerned about and involved with its image, looks, appearance. There can be great discontent with ones looks or great vanity or alternate between the two. A student: How about a delivery man? Shri Mann: Yes, like a mailman, but depending on what they are delivering,

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additional rulers may come into play. The actual function of delivering would be under Gemini. A student: Milkman? Shri Mann: Milkmen, by profession, would fall under Taurus or Cancer, since the primary importance of their work is not as delivery men or carriers, but more as providers of milk. So, the Geminian and 3rd house significations would only apply to a smaller extent. I have correlated the third house and Gemini. Now we are thinking of the ascendant, if it is Gemini, what would we expect under it? We are not really referring directly to the third house anymore. A student: Would he or she be a quick thinker? Shri Mann: If an affliction free Gemini is in the ascendant, yes. Quick-witted, too. A student: Be able to assimilate knowledge very quickly? Shri Mann: Yes. A wholesomely manifesting Gemini would be the ideal student. A student: Have many ideas? Communicate things very decisively? Shri Mann: It is a mental sign, so they may have many ideas, and also be natural communicators. However, decisiveness is not the usually exhibited Gemini trait, though they can more easily persuade or convince others. That is why they make good salespersons. Yet, they are usually not decisive in their own heart. They may change their own mind ten minutes later, but at the moment that they are conveying their ideas to you, they can do it very persuasively with apparent conviction. It should be grasped fully that one of the fundamental functions of the third house and Gemini is to make choices and decisions, and these set or change the direction of life. If the direction is well set, it matures into the Sagittarian archers highest target. Without proper information one cannot even recognise the options one has, far less choose wisely. This is the reason why this house and sign are concerned with information and education, which always require communication. That is why, if afflicted, they indicate dissemination of false information, misinformation, misguidance, misdirection. From all this, it is apparent that this sign can manifest or express all kinds of conditions regarding choice and decision-making from vacillation, fickleness, paralysing indecisiveness, procrastination, on the one hand, to ill-considered, rash, hasty choices or actions, and much stubbornness, on the other. A student: Hypocrisy would be under that? Shri Mann: It could be very hypocritical, if afflicted. Any and every sign can be hypocritical, in different ways, depending on the entire horoscope and the environment in which the native is raised. An afflicted Gemini is more susceptible to being more split in different ways, which is essentially what hypocrisy is. Hypocrites are of two kinds. The first kind lives and expresses the self in ways he does not believe in, while the second believes in them as well as tries to live them, but is very much desirous of the opposite at the same time, which may also be privately or secretly indulged in. Who is the more fraudulent or hypocritical of the two? I will leave you to ponder this.

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Now, we must keep this in mind that when we speak about afflicted conditions and positive conditions of signs, neither is more than a potential, and each of these two faces arises from the degrees of polarity of the same things. For example, the gossip columnist is neither a deeply afflicted condition nor a healthy condition of it. All he or she is doing is expressing the skill of communication signified by Gemini in a shallow, trivial manner, but in the con-man or the forger, you see the expression of this skill in a most deceitful and clearly harmful manner. Forgers have special combinations which impel (not compel) toward such an expression. In a forger's horoscope, you will often see, Cancer and Gemini, Mercury and Moon, combine their influences together in particular ways to bring it about. You will see this in the course of your experience. Variations of these influences produce good actors, which is a form of emotional fakery or impersonation, if you will. For reasons you will understand better later on, Cancer can also be the ideal actor. When we come to Cancer, you will find it a most fascinating sign because of its varied emotional representations, among other things. Now we are considering Gemini purely as the ascendant without referring to its afflicted expressions. Let us focus on some of the positive expressions of Gemini. It has many positive sides to it. A student: What about a teacher? Shri Mann: Gemini rising can very much be a teacher, and a positive Gemini has the patience that it takes. In fact, given their affinity with younger persons, they can be excellent teachers. They can also be very capable scientists, since that involves investigation, inquiry. A student: Aeroplane pilots? Shri Mann: Aeroplane pilots, yes, because it is an air sign as well as a sign of movement, journeys, transport. Further, piloting is a technical skill. However, smaller and faster aircraft are more fully under its jurisdiction. Mercury is symbolized by Hermes, the winged god, so it rules wings. I should mention here that Gemini and the 3rd house signify birds. Not only do birds fly, they are light and have twin wings. In fact chirruping and twittering are Gemini sounds. Most Gemini rising natives are very fond of birds, and generally of all animals. Hermes is said to have stolen the flock of Apollo soon after his birth, and he invented the lyre and played it while they grazed. Most Gemini natives are animal lovers, and are very kind and caring toward them. A student: Radio announcers? Shri Mann: Indeed. What else? A student: People who used to do the keypunching? They do not do it anymore. Shri Mann: That reminds me of telegraph and telephone operators, which, too, are Geminian activities. Typists and stenographists are in the jurisdiction of Gemini as well. It also indicates taxi drivers, chauffeurs, commuters, messengers, salespersons, cyclists, people who commute or travel back and forth a lot. Travelling salespersons fit the Geminian representations quite well. They are commuting, visiting, communicating, talking, selling and, unfortunately, often lying or fibbing. Of course, the item they will sell best will be seen from other features of the individual horoscope, but generally they can make good

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salespersons. Remember, not every Gemini will make a good salesperson, because it is ultimately the whole horoscope which decides what the real gifts and talents are. What else? There is much more under Gemini. A student: Spies? Shri Mann: They can be excellent spies, but it is doubtful that they would make very good spies of the conventional and plodding sort. Though they have the curiosity and enjoy discovering things, the usual Gemini nature may be too impatient, hasty or impulsive for the long, boring tedium of the world of spies. Of course, exceptions can be brought about by particular combinations in individual charts. However, Gemini would make an excellent detective. There is a great difference between a spy and a detective. A spy espies what is hidden by furtively discovering it. The detective deducts the truth by a process of keen observation and logical deductive reasoning. As discussed earlier, Gemini is capable of cunning, secrecy and theft, as symbolized by Hermes. Because of these capabilities, it could be a superb spy if the matter under investigation is of real interest to it, is mentally stimulating and does not involve long periods of plodding work. That type of spying is more in accord with the Scorpio personality. The Gemini-Sagittarius axis rules over invention and discovery by rational, logical deduction and intuitive means. The fictitious personality of Sherlock Holmes expresses well the detective nature of this axis. If we were to look for an example of the kind of spy this axis would produce, another fictitious personality, James Bond, is very apt. A student: Conventional spies are ruled by Scorpio? Shri Mann: Yes, but it is not the only sign which has the nature, motivation and qualities needed for spying. Scorpio has the potential for secretiveness, the self-control, the patience and tenacity. So, they can do it, if they choose to. That is a very powerful sign by itself. A student: What about enjoyment, Km? Shri Mann: Well, Gemini has its share of Km, but, simply as an ascendant, it has more desire than fulfilment. The fulfilment part will be indicated by the rest of the chart, but if we see only the sign Gemini as an ascendant, the characteristics of immaturity, curiosity and impatience generally tell us that the recipe for frustrations and disappointments is present. By the same token, it should be noted that just as a teenager is easily pleased by small victories or rewards, so can Gemini be. However, that can change as they mature. If the evolution occurs along philosophical lines, then there is no difficulty. Else, it can lead to much discontent and frustration. This sign has the potential for a lot of involvement with worldly things and activities. You see, Gemini is the first desire sign and, as such, it expresses intellectualized desire in its most primal and elementary form. All air signs belong to the desire group expressing successive stages of desire evolution into mental definitions, structures and expressions. The first, second and the third air sign are each different in the nature and expression of desire. Each trinity has a succession of transformations as the signs ascend in sequence. We will be describing the evolution of the signs and houses later. This is a matter which we shall be discussing more fully later. At this time, we want to simply define and establish the various basic potentials of the different signs.

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A student: What about negotiators? Shri Mann: Yes, brokers, intermediaries, negotiators, arbitrators, go-betweens. However, the nature of brokerage which is suitable for the Geminian is not the same as the one for Taurus. The Geminian temperament would favour quicker roll-over and speedier transactions. A student: Interpreters? Shri Mann: Communicating, bilingually helping people exchange understanding, being a go-between - all these are inherent significations of Gemini. This is an excellent example. As mentioned earlier, translators are included in its representations. Mercury and Gemini partially or fully govern all sorts of carriers, fetch-its, errandboys, go-betweens, middlemen, spokespersons, diplomats, envoys, ambassadors, messengers. If someone sends a messenger to you, whoever that person is, and if you want to know, while he or she is on the way, what kind of a messenger has been sent, you would cast a horary horoscope and examine Gemini, Mercury and the 3rd house and its ruler in the horoscope. The kind of messenger who is coming to you will be depicted in that horoscope. When we learn how to interpret horary horoscopes you will see how it works. Fine instruments fall under the special governorship of Gemini. Why? Because what are the finest instruments of our body? The fingers. What do they fall under? Under Gemini. So, all fine instruments are also ruled by Gemini. Of course, there are other subclassifications. In a specialised sense, we have a very different set of implications. For example, Scorpio governs sharp instruments, or sharp in the pointed sense, and there are other signs which govern different shapes of objects or instruments. But, that is when we are trying to do a very specialised kind of appraisal. When we are talking generally, you can say that fine instruments, instruments which are used by experts, fall under Gemini. A pen is a good example of a Gemini instrument. Yes? A student: A tape recorder? Shri Mann: Yes. It is an instrument and it relates to communication. It has dual functions. It works on electricity. It records and reproduces. It is also a device of duplication. So, it is largely and mainly governed by Gemini. Radio, telephone and television are governed by Gemini. Pencils, particularly because they are erasable. You see, not only are they light in weight, and their imprint is light, but also they are erasable. Erasability, reversibility are both Mercurial attributes. So, pencils are basically a Gemini object. Not just pens or pencils, but all instruments of writing, publishing, printing, communicating will fall completely or partially under the rule of Mercury, Gemini and the 3rd house. These include paper. I am giving you examples which will round off your understanding of this sign, and show you the ways you can employ these significations. A student: Lead? Shri Mann: Lead is dark and heavy. It falls under Saturn. A pencil as a whole, as an instrument of writing as such, falls under Gemini, but if we are merely considering lead as a metal, we are referring to Saturn. I will discuss this in more detail when we study Saturn. However, my intention is not to create long lists of significations, but to develop and define

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the rational framework of the influences of astrological factors from which all their representations arise. This will give you the ability to quickly decipher the planets, signs and houses involved with respect to any question that is raised or any item in question, and to be able to build useful, dependable answers from there. This way, simply through sensibly applying your knowledge of the underlying logical network of the root qualities of planets, signs and houses, there should never arise a situation where you are not able to see what astrological factors govern it or relate to it. A student: How about perfume? Shri Mann: Perfumes are rather distinctly under the purview of Venus. Also the nose, the whole physical facial front, by and large falls under Taurus, and the second house. However, I think it is already time to introduce a more sophisticated view of rulerships. To open the subject, I will take the case of the nose. As stated, it is a sense or sensuous organ and is also a part of the facial front, and so it is ruled by Taurus and Venus. Yet, it is also a dual-function organ as well as a twin-part organ. The dual functions are inhaling and exhaling, the dual parts are the twin nostrils. Further, all sense organs operate on the elaborate functions and services of the nervous system, which is solely under the rule of Mercury and Gemini. Given all these, we see that it is not logically possible to deny the rulership of Mercury or Gemini over any of the sense organs, especially the nose. We already have given them jurisdiction over another pair of sense organs, i.e., the ears. Now, consider, when we are listening to song and music, is it a Mercurial or a Venusian service that the ears are providing? Clearly, it is Venusian, since music is a lovely art. This clarifies a very important issue, which is that the functions of the ear are governed by Mercury and Gemini, while its use or its experience can be Venusian or Mercurial, when we are listening to news, or Jupiterian when we are listening to spiritual or philosophical discourses. The same concept applies to the nose. As a sense organ, and all sense organs also have the Mercurial quality of reception and response, its functions are certainly governed by Mercury and Gemini. It belongs to Venus more as a possible source or implement of sensuous pleasure, and also as an item of aesthetic presentation as a part of the physical face. Put another way and, perhaps, more simply, the music and the perfume belong to Venus, the functions of hearing and smelling belong to Mercury, and as physical organs of appearance as well as instruments of sensual pleasure, both belong to Venus. Here, it would be appropriate to add that Mercury, by virtue of its rule over the nervous system, is also the primary ruler of the sensorium, composed of the five physical senses, just as it rules over the hand which has five fingers. Incidentally, the hand has the maximum nerves. This is also one of the major reasons that the number of Mercury is five. Now, with special regard to perfumes, more specifically, the more aesthetic air sign, Libra, also ruled by Venus, governs the particular subject of perfumes. In Libra we find the right element medium, i.e., air, and the right rulership, i.e., of Venus, for these sense-pleasing objects. A student: When you said instruments, did you also mean musical instruments? Shri Mann: I see, you are referring to the special instruments indicated by Gemini. Musical instruments, in their making as well as use, require the joint influences and skills of Mercury as well as Venus. Mercury has an extremely great influence in the area of the inventing, making and using of musical instruments, however the co-operation of Venus is indispensable for artistic excellence with regard to these. Gemini broadly signifies all

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instruments which help in any way, yet the extent of its representation will vary with each type of instrument, depending on the individual nature and function of the instrument. The most direct and significant influence of Mercury will be on such gadgets, implements or instruments which have dual functions or paired parts, use electricity or magnetism, e.g., a [7] compass , or assist in transporting or help in the task of communicating, whether that communication be oral, hand-written or printed. In these you could even include, printing presses, ink, paper, etc. It is interesting that the most popular earlier colour in ink was blue, the colour of Mercury and Gemini. Even here, as you reach for instruments of a more artistic expression, such as engraving instruments and paint brushes, or calligraphy pens, a greater influence of Venus begins to assert itself. Almost nothing is absolutely cut and dry or black and white. It is all in the blending of various elements of composition and function, that the nuances of rulerships change in various gross or subtle ways. A student: Mosaics? Shri Mann: Yes. Mosaics as well as inlay work of all kinds. All creations, which express fine, skilled work fall under the purview of Mercury, and depending on their exact nature, Gemini or Virgo. Of course, in each individual case or situation other signifiers may also be involved and, in actual experience, you will discover that they most often are. A student: Also the instruments of a sculptor? Shri Mann: A sculptor's instruments would also largely fall under Mercury and Gemini, but they would have other governors attached to them. Depending on what instrument we are considering, what kind of work it is used for, we will have other signifiers, but all instruments of fine skill in general fall under the purview of Mercury and Gemini. Why? The hands and fingers are our most skilled instrument and they are completely reflected by Gemini. So, instruments which are the extensions of those, certainly. All instruments which we use to facilitate better work, excellence in work, to improve dexterity. A student: Do artists fall under Gemini? Shri Mann: As we discussed earlier, all artists very much need the type of skills and other qualities provided by Mercury and Gemini, as also the instruments for their art, but they need the influence of Venus as well. Certainly, Gemini produces many artists, but usually other aesthetic and artistic combinations are also found in their horoscopes. All art is a combination of skill and aesthetics, but in such a way that it evokes delight or pleasure. An important part of aesthetics is refinement. Mercury is not without a great sense of refinement, since it rules over fine things, fine functions and matters. In fact, it rules Virgo, the sign of virginity, purity and what is finer than purity? However, the purity of Mercury is concerned with correctness of reason and action, so, Mercury relates more to artistic skills in the functional sense. Let us examine the difference between the art of a painter or sculptor and that of the dancer. It takes the function of skill to produce the end result where a painting or sculpture is concerned, but the functional skill is itself the art where dance is concerned. In both cases, Mercury is a major functionary, but in entirely different ways. If we go one step further, we see that either skill itself needs to be directed by an artistic conception to produce attractive results. The most precise strokes of the brush or the chisel will not produce a lovely work of art, nor the most precise movements of the body and limbs render an appealing dance. Venus rules that component of aesthetics which perceives and,

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therefore, also conceives beauty. Every art has a form, be it of objects as in a sculpture, or of actions as in dance. Venus relates to that form, and feels pleasure or displeasure in it. Therefore, it can be concluded that Mercury is the function and Venus is the form, where art is concerned. Neither can create art without the other. We may say Mercury directed by Venus produces art. A student: Hearing aids? Shri Mann: Hearing aids are very much Gemini gadgets, excellent. Just as eyeglasses are largely in the domain of Taurus, hearing aids are in that of Gemini. So, now do we have an essential understanding of this sign and house? In our next session we will move on to Cancer, Leo, and Virgo. Any questions now? A student: Is it true that when a soul decides to incarnate, depending on what lessons they are here to learn, they choose their time and place of birth? Shri Mann: I would not say that most people choose their time or place of birth in a direct sense. That privilege belongs only to highly evolved souls who voluntarily choose to incarnate for a divine mission or purpose. For the vast majority, their karma is the deciding factor, and they personally have little say in the matter of where and when they are to take birth. A higher intelligence decides the most appropriate aperture in time which would describe the exact fate and destiny which they are meant to enjoy or suffer, or both. Of course, that destiny is arranged on the basis of their total past existences by this much higher, superior intelligence which determines what framework of lessons, of events, and what type of life environment, circumstances and situations will be the most fitting and beneficial for this person, be most suitable for overcoming the defects of his or her understanding, and most efficiently introduce such relationships where debts have to be paid or collected. So, it decides and, in coincidence with the planetary set-up which most matches it, the soul is propelled into existence here on the earthly plane. Here a great deal of free will is there, to different degrees, for different people. It is not the same for all - I will stress this. One of the strongest signifiers of free will is Jupiter. The stronger Jupiter is in the horoscope, the greater the free will the person possesses. The definition of free with reference to a persons will being the freedom the will enjoys from brought-over negative propensities, proclivities and tendencies. The weaker the Jupiter strength, condition and influence, the weaker is the free will. In other words, there will be greater strength to the lesser desires and weaker resistance to negative influences because of stronger predisposition and lack of discrimination. There are a number of other factors as well which indicate whether the element of free will is strong or weak, and in what areas. You see, we never have free will equally in all areas. Propensities are stronger in some, weaker in others. Besides brought-over predispositions, which are binding by virtue of being blinding, there are also some matters which are more or less pre-determined due to certain karmic reasons. There are some areas which are almost entirely fated, and some areas where we have tremendous room to change, to move, to grow, to choose, to make it worse or better. Those are outlined in the chart in a variety of ways. In time you will learn the methods and principles which expose those areas, and what can be done about them, and reveal the choices which exist in them. A student: Free will meaning what? As far as Jupiter is concerned, is it in the material sense?

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Shri Mann: Jupiter is the planet of knowledge, understanding and wisdom, which are the only keys to real freedom. Free will, as I have said, is in different areas, to different degrees, in different ways, but whatever the circumstances, it is never ever entirely lost or denied. Let me put it like this. Let us say, there are some people whose horoscopes indicate very great afflictions to the area of marriage. Defined differently, it could be said that they are fated to be unsuccessful in some way or the other in that area. Stated still differently, we could say that it is an area of difficulties, one way or another. Now that affliction is present in such a general and pervasive manner, what can these persons do? One choice is to not marry at all, which still fulfils the failure of that area, possibly without any resultant growth or debt cancellations. The second choice is to marry and suffer whatever befalls, which is a statement of no benefit at all from this foreknowledge. Can you think of a third option? There is still one left. Actually, the last option is such that it applies to every specific condition within life and to life itself. The key word defining that option is acceptance. From there, the rest becomes easy. It becomes easy largely because expectation is no longer the yardstick of success or failure. You will be amazed to discover how any circumstance or condition loses it sting and, surprisingly, even becomes enjoyable, when we meet it without any personal expectations, when we are willing to accept it for whatever it is and are willing to do our best and what is right within it. I have often said that expectation is the mother of frustration. Thus the third choice is a very evolved choice, enabling the development of those qualities which are ultimately responsible for spiritual liberation. It promotes detachment and a less self-centred state. Without these there is no wisdom either, only endless, fruitless pursuits. You see, on this earthly plane, there is no true oasis, only many mirages. To recognize the mirage is also to cancel the pain and suffering which trails the quest of these mirages. Such broadly fated circumstances may apply in any area of life. For example, afflictions in the area of children may be indicated, and there may not be very much one is able to do about this. It is there. One must accept it, that is all, and do the most and the best one can. As I indicated earlier, even within that which is fated, our response is never entirely predetermined, though our own karmic essence may predispose us to certain ways of responding. We can say that a predisposition or propensity to respond in a particular manner pre-exists in us, because of which we will most likely be inclined to feel this or do that in response to a given situation or condition. However, it does not bind us to act only in that manner. The response we make ultimately even to the problems fated for us is still open to free choice. We can always rise above certain things, we can always will ourselves to make a better choice, even though it be the more difficult one (which is usually the case, the better choice is often more difficult), which for the sake of our evolution we ought to make. And that is where we can succeed or fail in exercising our free will positively. So, even in apparently fated areas, we see how free will still grants us the capacity to escape much if not all of the suffering relating to them, while living out the circumstances which are unavoidable. Essentially, it can become similar to an actor playing a tragic role in a drama. The actor externally plays out the actions in the given setting, but suffers no pain within. In fact, the actor may even enjoy his part. However, there are many areas whose conditions and outcomes depend entirely on how we choose to address them. Some offer so many opportunities, so much room that we can make any choice we want. So, these are two major conditions reflected in life by our Karma, which I have just pointed out. One belongs to fate, the other to destiny. The first

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Stellistics~Jyotish~Astrology lecture on the sign Gemini

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requires acceptance and the best we can do, the second gives much opportunity to make a great destiny. A student: Have we all agreed to start at six o'clock from next week? A student: No, five o'clock, and for that we get two cheesecakes. Shri Mann: There should be a cheesecake every time for the six o'clock meeting [chuckles]. That should give everyone enough time to get here to enjoy it. A student: Third house, negotiations. Shri Mann: That is right. You should not have brought in such a tasty dish, you know. You have made addicts out of everyone here. All right then, we will call it a day. Thank you, and a very good night to you all.
~~~~~End of excerpt~~~~~

[End of class session]

[1] Jung, Carl Gustav (yng), 18751961, Swiss psychiatrist, founder of analytical psychology. In Psychological Types (1921) Jung elucidated EXTROVERSION AND INTROVERSION. He held the most significant task for any person to be the achievement of harmony between the conscious and the unconscious. The definitive edition of his collected works in English translation was published between 1951 and 1979. [1] [1] The Concise Columbia Encyclopdia is licensed from Columbia University Press. Copyright 1995 by Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. [2]

The colour of the previous sign, Taurus, is Green, which blends with the blue of Gemini in its first 1/3rd part, indicating different shades of Aquamarine. The next 1/3rd part of Gemini is pure blue. [3] An ancient Greek symbol of commerce, which later became associated with magic and alchemy. In modern times, it is one of the symbols of modern medicine, the other being the Rod of Asclepius, with which the Caduceus is sometimes confused. The Caduceus has two copulating serpents entwined around a staff with a winged head. Originally their were two ribbon wrapped around the staff, which later evolved into serpents. [4] There is some scriptural ambiguity regarding the actual origin of Natya yoga . It is uncertain if this form of dance was originated by Nrad Muni or by the Gandharvas, (divine musicians) or the Apsaras (divine dancers) at the court of Indra who may have received it from Lord Shiva. Priestesses, called Devdasis, practised this dance in Hindu temples even up till five centuries ago. As per Natya Shastra (one of the six Hindu scriptural treatises on various arts and sciences), N rad Muni, the Gandharvas, and, particularly, the Apsaras, all practiced it. [5] Very briefly and simply stated, Hercules slew his three children from his first wife, Megara , in a fit of rage induced by the spell of his jealous step-mother, Hera. On realizing what he had done, in deep grief he went into isolation in the wilderness, where his brother persuaded him to seek the solution from the Oracle at Delphi, who assigned him the twelve impossible tasks to fulfil in order to atone. Hercules fulfilled them all, and thereby won release from the burden of his wrong. In Greek mythology, his name is Heracles or Herakls. [6] One of the four castes among the Hindus, i.e., Kshatriya , Brahmin, Vaishya and Shudra. Commerce and trade are supposed to be the occupation of persons belonging to the Vaishya caste. The caste system was introduced by the Hindu sage, Manu. [7] A compass is drawn to the North Pole by the Earths magnetism, and it is also a direction finder, which is a navigational aid in travel. The Gemini-Sagittarius axis governs direction. Sagittarius is the archer, which signifies goals or targets, which require precision in course and direction. Mercury rules the skilled hand while Jupiter represents the Divine Hand. Jupiter is the specific ruler of the index finger, i.e., the finger used for pointing, which is similar to the compass in its function.

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