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Digital Photography I

Summer 2012 Hohing: Mon, Tues, Thurs 6:00-9:40 m 11!

"igita# $hotogra%h& is an introductor& studio course in the medium o' digita# %hotogra%h&. Students (i## #earn %hotogra%hic %rocesses, 'rom making an e)%osure to creating a 'ina# %rint. *m%hasis is on the %hotogra%hic image as a means o' e)%ression and the use o' the camera to e)%#ore and disco+er the +isua# (or#d. ,n this course, &ou (i## -e asked to o%en &our mind.s e&e to the %ossi-i#ities o' a (or#d inter%reted -& the digita# camera. Required course content: This course o''ers a -asic kno(#edge o' the digita# %hotogra%hic %rocess, inc#uding -asic camera o%eration, %ro%er digita# image e)%osure, %hoto %rinting, (e- hosting, and %re%aring a 'ina# %ort'o#io. Assignments: / minimum o' se+en concerns o' %hotogra%hic seeing are %resented to &ou as assignments. These 0%ro-#ems1 shou#d not -e %resent in &our (ork as ends in themse#+es, -ut as meaning'u# ad2uncts to the entire image. /ssignments are due on s%eci'ic dates to -e announced in c#ass. / minimum o' !3 images re'#ecting each assignment must -e made. Most assignments re4uire 4-6 'ina# images 'or criti4ue. 1.5 2.5 !.5 4.5 3.5 6.5 <.5 "e%th o' 6ie#d Motion 7sing 6#ash 8 9oom ,mage *diting $oint o' :ie( ;ight as Su-2ect $anorama

Camera Operation Exam: There (i## -e an e)am co+ering e+er&thing in+o#+ing #oaner camera o%eration i' it is e+ident a'ter the 'irst (eek o' c#ass that &ou did not stud& the a%%ro%riate manua# 'or &our #oaner camera. ,' &ou 'ai# the e)am, &ou (i## #oose the right to #oan a utgers o(ned camera. Students with privately owned cameras are exempt. Final Portfolio: 10 'inished, mounted %hotogra%hs must -e %resented 'or criti4ue. These %hotogra%hs (i## -e se#ected 'rom &our semester.s (ork, -ut need not contain (ork 'rom each assignment. =ra%hic "esign ma2ors ha+e the o%tion o' creating a %hoto -ook -ut must dec#are this intention -& mid semester. Course oals: The master& o' -asic digita# %hotogra%hic techni4ues as stated a-o+e and the -eginning o' the de+e#o%ment o' a %ersona# +ision. , tr& to ha+e no %re-concei+ed notions o' &our su-2ect matter, &our a%%roach, or &our methods. , e)%ect 4ua#it&, origina#it& and sensiti+it&. /-o+e a##, the %rocess o'

identi'&ing, de+e#o%ing and communicating &our indi+idua# %ersona (i## -e stressed. rades: >our 'ina# grade (i## re'#ect a com-ination o' the 'o##o(ing: 1. 2. !. 4. /ssignments ?riti4ue %artici%ation 6ina# $ort'o#io /ttendance

Attendance is mandator&. ,nstruction (i## not -e re%eated. ,' an a-sence is una+oida-#e, it is &our res%onsi-i#it& to noti'& me -& 10:00 %.m. the night -e'ore c#ass as (e## as to arrange 'or a means o' o-taining missed materia# 'rom a 'e##o( student. / student %hone num-er@emai# e)change is strong#& suggested. Two (2) unexcused absences result in the loss of one full grade from your final grade. Note: If an assignment is due on the day you have an excused absence, your assignment is not excused and must be on my desk or in the sakai Drop ox by the beginning of class to avoid a late penalty . !ssignments sent to my email will not be considered. Assignments: The (eek 'o##o(ing the assignment o' each 0%ro-#em1 &ou are e)%ected to %resent the re4uired num-er o' images at the beginning o' c#ass 'or criti4ue. These images must -e edited and shou#d demonstrate 4ua#it&. =rades (i## -e -ased on time#& com%#etion, an a-i#it& to understand and 'u#'i## the assignment, and 'ina##& the #e+e# o' se#' e)%ression &our %rints e)hi-it. Assignment grades : An time assignments recei+e three -ene'its. 6irst, &ou ha+e a+oided a #ate assignment %ena#t&. Second, &ou -ene'it 'rom 'eed-ack 'rom me and &our %eers during the 'orma# criti4ue session. ;ast, &ou ha+e a## -ut the #ast (eek o' the semester to re-do an& assignment &ou (ish to im%ro+e a grade 'or. This re-do %o#ic& can %otentia##& a##o( &ou to con+ert a ? grade to an / grade. "hese benefits are available to you only if you have submitted the assignment on time and it is complete in all re#uirements . !ate assignments are assignments that are not on m& desk or in the sakai "ro% Bo) -& the -eginning o' c#ass or assignments that are incom%#ete. ;ate assignments recei+e a one 'u## grade #ate %ena#t& that is assessed on#& once. This means that a ten minutes #ate assignment recei+es the same #ate %ena#t& as a 2 months #ate assignment. ;ate assignments (i## not -e 'orma##& criti4ued and cannot -e re-su-mitted (ith changes. "our final portfolios (i## -e due at the -eginning o' our #ast 'orma# session 'or criti4ue. /s stated ear#ier, these 10 %rints ma&, -ut need not inc#ude assignment %rints. The grade (i## -e -ased on %resentation, and shou#d demonstrate a distinct %oint o' +ie(. , am #ooking 'or a BA"> A6 CA D rather than a 'e( %rett& %ictures that s%eak on#& o' assignment 'u#'i##ment.

Computer Fees and !a# Access: /ccess to "6/ com%uter #a-s is granted to a## students enro##ed in c#ass and ha+e %aid their com%uter 'ees. >ou ha+e E25 (eeks 'rom the -eginning o' c#ass to %a& &our 'ee. Fon-%a&ment a'ter 2 (eeks resu#ts in discontinuation o' &our com%uter #a- rights and &our com%uter account (i## -e 'roGen. /#so, i' &our 'ee has not -een %aid -& semester.s end &ou (i## recei+e a T9 grade unti# such time (hen &ou ha+e %aid &our 'ee and %roduced &our recei%t to me so , can sign &our ?hange o' =rade 'orm. $e %arned& 6inding me a'ter the c#ass ends is +irtua##& im%ossi-#e and &our T9 grade (i## 4uick#& change to a 'ai#ure. After hours access is o-tained -& sho(ing &our ," to the $o#ice "is%atch o''icer (ho (i## o%en the com%uter #a- 'or &ou. /'ter hours change 'rom semester to semester -ut norma##& run (eekda&s 'rom H:!0a.m.-11:00%.m. and on (eekends 'rom 9:00a.m.-9:00 %.m. Required field trips: *+er& semester there (i## -e at #east one re4uired 'ie#d tri%. Forma##& the /rt Student.s ;eague 'ie#d tri% 'u#'i##s this re4uirement. ,' &ou cannot attend the tri%, &ou (i## -e gi+en a re%#acement assignment o' e4ua# im%ortance to the tri%. Tri% dates (i## -e announced ear#& in the semester.

A$'O!()E!" *O FOOD OR DRI*+ I* ),E !A$' A*D ')(DIO'&&&&&

'tudents found %ith food or drin- in la#s and studios are su#.ect to loose of their la# and studio pri/ileges and puniti/e measures such as .anitorial duties0 =ood #uck. ,.m #ooking 'or(ard to a 'un and stimu#ating semester together. +en ,ohing email: -hohing1camden0rutgers0edu

'tudent Agreement of )erms

$y signing this statement I am ac-no%ledging agreement to the terms and conditions set forth #y the sylla#us0 I fully understand that failure to pay the required fees %ithin 2 %ee-s from the #eginning of the course %ill result in the loose of my after hours access and that failure to pay #y end of course %ill result in a )3 final grade0 I also understand that food or drinin any fine arts classroom can result in loose of room access and4or other puniti/e measures such as .anitorial duties0 I agree to participate in any required field trip and if my schedule does not allo% me to attend5 I agree to complete a replacement assignment deemed of equal importance to the trip #y my instructor0 !ast5 I understand that success in this course %ill require me to spend at least t%ice as much time %or-ing outside of class as I %ill spend in class . 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666 Date66666666666666666

$A'IC CA7ERA 'E))I* '

To create an image (ith a camera &ou need three -asic settings. The& are:

/. /$* /T7 * E;*FS A$*F,F=5 - "etermines ho( much #ight (i## strike the 'i#m. B. SH7TT* S$**" - "etermines ho( #ong #ight (i## strike the 'i#m. ?. 6A?7S - "etermines ho( shar% and c#ear an image is. ,. APERA)(RE 8!E*' OPE*I* 9 - The #ight that %asses through the #ens to the 'i#m, this o%ening is ca##ed the /$* /T7 *. /. Sim%#e cameras - Ha+e (hat is ca##ed a 'i)ed a%erture, (hich means that the siGe o' the o%ening (hich #ight %asses through is one siGe and cannot -e changed. B. ?om%#e) cameras - These cameras ha+e the a-i#it& to change so that the& can a##o( more or #ess #ight to %ass through the #ens. 1. The term used to descri-e changing the a%erture to #arger or sma##er o%ening is ca##ed the 6@num-er or 6@sto%. 2. These 6@sto%s re%resent a 'raction simi#ar to the #ens o%ening. /%ertureI E;ens A%ening5 $ery %arge $ery Small 6@1.0, 6@1.4, 6@2, 6@2.H, 6@4, 6@3.6, 6@H, 6@11, 6@16, 6@22, 6@!2 %arge !mount Small !mount &f %ight %et In &f %ight %et In ISome cameras ha+e 6@sto%s in -et(een the regu#ar num-er settings, usua##& the& are not marked on the camera. FAT 6A7F" AF MAST ?/M* /S. ?. A$*F /$* /T7 * 1 STA$ - dou-#es #ight #et in. 0 0 2 0 - 4 times the amount #ight #et in. 0 0 ! 0 - H 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 4 0 - 16 0 0 0 0 0 0. So on and so 'orth. Refer to handout for further information concerning Aperture and Depth of Field0

,,. ',())ER 'PEED - This is the #ength o' time that the shutter E#ike a curtain that o%ens and c#oses5 #ets #ight in. /. Shutter c#osed - no #ight enters

B. Shutter o%en - #ight enters unti# shutter c#oses. TH* ;*F=TH A6 T,M* TH* SH7TT* *M/,FS A$*F*" Eusua##& in 'ractions o' a second5 is ca##ed the SH7TT* S$**". ?. SH7TT* S$**" M/ D,F=S AF ?/M* / ?amera Setting B T 1 2 4 H 13 !0 :; 123 230 300 1000 2000 < 6raction o' Second manua# manua# 1@1 1@2 1@4 1@H 1@13 1@!0 =4:; 1@123 1@230 1@300 1@1000 1@2000>

Danger of camera shake TRIPOD NEEDED

Safe to hand-hold camera No tripod needed

$ - Chen %ressed (ith s%eed set here the shutter (i## remain o%en as #ong as the shutter -utton is he#d. An#& (hen the -utton is re#eased (i## the shutter c#ose. ) - Chen the shutter -utton is %ressed the shutter (i## remain o%en as #ong as the shutter -utton is re#eased. To c#ose the shutter it is necessar& to %ress the shutter -utton again. >1@2000 - Fot 6ound An /## ?ameras.

DI I)A! P,O)O RAP," '(PP!" !I')

?A 'hort Course in (sing "our Digital Camera0@ Dennis Curtin o to ) dri/e in Digital photo folder to find the #oo- in 0pdf form0 Digital Camera 8D'!R preferred9 All cameras must ha/e manual capa#ility $lan- CDRs or Aump Dri/e for image storage =; pieces B,I)E mounting #oard ==@ C =D@ for final portfolio presentation0 =; sheets of 'tudio )ac or 'pray mount

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