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Fractional Toy Store Puts a New Spin on the Boat Club with Extended Shifts, New Toys, and

Fractional Toy Store introduces a new type of boat club, offering members more recreational vehicles, boats, and ice fishing houses in addition to expanded services. Woodbury, MN, March !, "#! $ Released March 24, 2014 by the Minneapolis online marketing agency, Brandography: Fractional Toy Store, based in oodb!ry, Minnesota, is re"ol!tioni#ing the boat cl!b model by o$$ering $!ll%day shi$ts, m!ltiple membership types, and a "ariety o$ seasonal o!tdoor toys& 'n the ()and o$ 10,000 )akes,* it+s no s!rprise that boat cl!bs are a pop!lar b!siness& , boat cl!b membership gi"es $amilies, indi"id!als, and e"en companies the ability to en-oy the .ater .itho!t .orrying abo!t maintenance and docking& /a"y "eteran Rick Barsto. so!ght to impro"e this model and pro"ide Minnesotans .ith more .ays to e0perience the o!tdoors, e"ent!ally $o!nding Fractional Toy Store& The company e0panded on the boat cl!b standard by b!ilding a $leet that incl!ded sno.mobiles, ,T1s, ice $ishing ho!ses, R1s and campers in addition to se"eral types o$ boats& 2lients are gi"en the choice bet.een $le0ible membership le"els and rental options that gi"e them all%day access to their reser"ed recreational "ehicles& ith a lo. membership ratio, Fractional Toy Store is able to g!arantee each member a .eekend .ith the toy o$ his or her choice& To top o$$ the package, rates are locked $rom in$lation $or members o$ good standing& Fractional Toy Store seeks to s!pport the solo ad"ent!rer, the o!tdoors%lo"ing $amily, and the corporation looking $or memorable team b!ilding acti"ities& 3ach ne. member recei"es personali#ed ser"ice to help choose the ideal plan $or his or her li$estyle and pre$erences& ,$ter e0periencing solid in 2014, Fractional Toy Store has plans to contin!e de"eloping its $leet thro!gho!t the year& 't e0pects to add additional boats, and possibly e0otic cars, by the end o$ 2014& )earn more by "isiting the company+s .ebsite at, or contact Fractional Toy Store directly at 561&215&7248, rick9$ractionaltoys&com, or thro!gh its online contact form& Contact: Fractional Toy Store 5571 Falsta$$ Rd oodb!ry, M/ 66126 561%215%7248 rick9$ractionaltoys&com About Fractional Toy Store: Fractional Toy Store .as $o!nded in 2012 by Rick Barsto., an e0perienced boater and /a"y "eteran& The company is b!ilt on a $ractional o.nership model, gi"ing members the ability to en-oy o!tdoor toys s!ch as boats, R1 trailers, $o!r .heelers, sno.mobiles, and ice $ishing ho!ses .hile a"oiding the total cost o$ o.nership& ith $le0ible plans and personali#ed c!stomer ser"ice,

Fractional Toy Store pro"ides e0cellent opport!nities $or sightseeing and e0ploration, team b!ilding acti"ities, do.ntime .ith $riends and $amily, and more& Contact: 2athy :irschner Fractional Toy Store 5571 Falsta$$ Rd oodb!ry M/ 66126 561%215%7248 pr9brandography&mobi http:;;...&$ractionaltoys&com <<<

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