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Mutual UFO Network

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April 2004
UFO Journal Number 432

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Following hypnotic regression, Stanley Romanek was able to draw the above sketch of entities that he
says he encountered in the early morning hours of Sept. 21, 2001, at his home. A discussion by Deborah
Lindemann of the hypnosis segment of this complicated, fascinating, and continuing case begins on Page
April 2004 Number 432

UFO Journal In this issue
(USPS 002-970) Romanek case: hypnosis by Deborah Lindemann 3
(ISSN 0270-6822) '* •* Triangular craft: what are they? by Richard Dolan 8
'-• Post Office Box 369 '
-• Morrison, CO 80465-0369
Physical traces update by Ted Phillips 11
Tel: 303-932-7709 Stevenson sighting 56 years later by Joel Barrett 12
* ' Fax: 303^932-9279 : Filer's Files by George A. Filer. 14
UFO Press: Challenges of Change 17
International Director
John F. Schuessler, M.S. ' View from Britain by Jenny Randies !....18
Bigfoot "expose" confusion by Robert Hieronimus 19
Editor: Perceptions by Stanton T. Friedman 20
'- rDwight Connelly, M.S. .;
The Night Sky by Walter N. Webb 21
-14026 Ridgelawn Road
Martinsville, IL 62442«. > Calendar 22
Tel: (217) 382-4502, MUFON Forum 22
_e-mail. , ... UFO Marketplace 23
Director's Message by John Schuessler 24
Advertising Director:
John F. Schuessler, M.S. Change of address and subscription/extra copies inquiries should
be sent to MUFON, P.O. Box 369, Morrison, CO 80465-0369.
Walter N. Webb, B.S. Copyright 2004 by the Mutual UFO Network. All Rights Reserved
George Filer, M.B.A. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without tne written permission of the
Jenny Randies Copyright Owners. Permission is hereby granted to quote up to 200 words of any one article,
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The Stan Romanek Case:

The hypnosis segment

By Deborah Lindemann, C.H.T.

he Stan Romanek case is one of About the author
the most extraordinary UFO
encounter cases Ihave worked Deborah Lindemann is a Certified, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, a
with since I began researching UFO en- graduate of the L. & P. School of Professional Hypnotherapy in Garden Grove,
counter cases in 1985. CA, a.state accredited and approved school in secondary education.
Stan's case is complex, with a wealth She is a member of the American Board of Hypno-
of evidence on many levels. There is ex- therapy (ABH), and the National League of Medical
tensive first-hand video from several Hypnotherapists (MLMH).
sightings events, numerous credible wit- She has been a speaker at numerous conferences,
nesses corroborating the events, and an including.MUFON's 1998 International Symposium
ongoing series of sightings in the Den- ("The Spectrum of Abduction: A Question Of Percep-
ver, CO, area beginning on Dec. 27,2000 tion"). She is also a scheduled speaker for the 2004
(see March, 2004, Journal). MUFON Symposium in Denver.
Stan's anomalous experiences con- In 1994 she co-produced and hosted a television pro-
tinue to this day. There has been physi- gram for MUFON of Los Angeles, "In Contact." She
cal evidence on Stan's body, in his hands, has authored a number of articles, including "Putting
as well as in his yard. In addition, during False Memory Syndrome To Bed" in the MUFON UFO Journal, February
and after our hypnotic session he drew 1997. She is currently working on a book on the subject of "close encoun-
advanced mathematical equations that far ters."
surpassed his educational background. . In 1994 she became a MUFON Field Investigator in Los Angeles, CA. In
Many of us have heard the term "high 1995 she co-facilitated a support group in Orange County, C A, and from 1998
strangeness," originally coined by Dr. J. to the present has facilitated an ongoing abduction support group in Fort
Allen Hynek. If Dr. Hynek were alive to- Collins, CO, where she has a private hypnotherapy practice.
day, he would definitely say that Stan's
case is full of "high strangeness."
He and his entire family have witnessed 2000, through Sept. 30,2001. An earlier agnosed with Dyslexia at an early age and
an ongoing series of eerie phenomena, article on the Stan Romanek case was had learning difficulties all of his life.
which seem to be deeply associated with written by Zeiler and published in the Later in this article I will briefly dis-
the sightings. MUFON UFO Journal in October, 2002. cuss the amazing mathematical equations
George Zeiler, former assistant to the The primary focus of this article is to that he drew which would seem to defy
International Director for MUFON, origi- give you my first-hand report of our re- his limited educational background.- '
nally brought this case to me in the spring gression session, and some glimpses, into It appeared that we were witnessing
of 2002. George had asked me to assist with this most important case. Due to the enor- one of the strongest evidential UFO cases
hypnotherapy and ongoing research into mity of information, I will focus on one to date, and yet up until his sightings,
this astonishing case that just seemed to portion of our session that explored a Stan never gave validity to the subject
keep unraveling'a tapestry of anomalies strange dream on the evening of Sept. 20, matter of UFOs. He was a man who cat-
never seen before in a single case. 2001 .A description of this event will fol- egorized the idea as pure ludicrous. He
This case initially attracted media at- low. says, "I didn't believe in them."
tention on a number of local news chan- On June 25,2002,1 conducted an ex- Yet he was caught up in an amazing
nels in the Denver area, as well as nation- tensive four-hour hypnotic regression and complicated case that has turned his
ally on programs such as "Entertainment session. What was revealed astounded world upside down, changing his life for-
Tonight." Audiences were stunned by the not only Stan, but also everyone present, ever.
staggering home videos taken by Stan of including his sister and Zeiler. The entire Stan is among the ten percent or less
two different UFOs seen by him on nu- session was videotaped. of the population who is able to go into a
merous occasions. The day of the regression was the first somnambulant state of hypnosis, which
Eyewitnesses a key element time I met Stan,, who had never had hyp- is the deepest level of hypnosis. It is in
If it weren't for the plentiful eyewit- notic regression done before. In fact, he this deepest level that hypnotic subjects
nesses during the sightings and the film- was originally quite reticent with the idea have been known to speak foreign lan-
ing, it would be all too easy to label this of having hypnosis done. guages from alleged past lives, and relive
case as a hoax. The ripples of this case One of the qualities that impressed me their memories with the greatest detail.
have extended outward nationally to cap- about Stan was the overall innocence and As I regressed Stan, I realized that he
ture the attention of many. frankness he exuded. I found it intriguing was not simply recounting his story, but
Although Stan's experiences continue that he exhibited many special talents, actually reliving it, and with an authentic
to this day, the initial timeline of major such as music and an excellence in graph- emotion that punctuated these events
sightings included four events in the ics arts; yet contrasted with that was the with startling poignancy.
greater Denver area beginning Dec. 27, fact that Stan had shared that he was di- One of the techniques I use to help
April 2004 MUFON UFO Journal Page 3
validate the potential accuracy and de- with the conscious memories? craft would reappear twice again. Stan is
tails of hypnotic memories during the ses- •Do the memories support or explain stunned and immediately leaves work and
sion is to begin by regressing my client physical evidence? drives home. On his way home it reap-
back to a non-re- •What is the motivation to come for- pears and seems to be pacing ahead of
lated positive or ward at this time? him at some distance all the way home.
neutral childhood •What would be the motivation to fab- Now in the habit of carrying his video
memory, a memory ricate or make up such a story? camera since his first sighting, he video-
that has been par- •Does any of the retrieved informa- tapes it while
tially or completely tion exceed or challenge the client's edu- driving home,
forgotten about cational level? and after arriv-
consciously. •Depth of hypnosis achieved. ing home it dis-
If possible, the There is insufficient space and time appears once
memories are then ft here to detail all of the above characteris- again.
either validated or Stan Romanek tics as it applies to the Stan Romanek case, He, his sis-
invalidated by rela- but I will state that Stan's hypnotically ter, and best
tives or friends who can vouch for their recalled memories do fit the criteria above friend watch the
authenticity. In Stan's case he regressed in terms of being consistent, congruent, video that night until late and recall hav-
back to an event at about age five when genuine, fitting, and supportive to his ing a headache and going to bed.
he was playing outside on his pedal car conscious memory. The next morning Stan recalls having
on the main sidewalk of their home. In addition, due to the multitude of a troubling dream about what he called
He was placing pebbles on the seat, witnesses during numerous sightings, it "possum people" coming to his door. He
and as he recalled the memory, his words is my opinion that a hoax should be ruled realizes there was something different
and actions regressed to that of a five- out. about this dream in that it felt very real,
year-old. Age regression (acting the age In regard to his motivation to come yet he also realizes the absurdity of see-
you have regressed to) is often an accu- forward at this time, as mentioned earlier, ing "possum people" and attempts to cat-
rate indicator for the depth of hypnosis. Stan was quite reticent to seek hypnosis, egorize it as simply a dream.
His sister later validated this memory. but was deeply troubled by his experi- In addition he awakens with a strange
Stan had not thought of the memory in ences and simply encouraged to seek pattern of deep oozing sores on his back,
years. hypnosis for therapeutic purposes. and hair is rubbed off his wrists and ankles
A safe place A complete analytical analysis of the in a band-like pattern. He can find no ex-
Typically, as with all clients, I had Stan Stan Romanek regression session is avail- planation for the marks or the dream.
choose a place of relaxation, or a "safe able by emailing The regression
place" he would like to go to as part of a We commonly hear the term "screen During hypnosis I regressed him back
deepening technique, as well as a place memory" in connection with the abduc- to the time when he had his dream. I had
he could retreat to if he felt uncomfort- tion experience. A screen memory is best him simply observe himself sleeping, and
able at any time. defined as a conscious memory that noticing anything important, moving him
Stan had selected a pleasant memory seems to mask or replace an actual moment-by-moment forward in time. Just
of a campsite he and his family had vis- memory with something more palatable before he had the dream I asked him what
ited as a little boy on the 4th of July. Stan's or easier to cope with. time the clock read. He said ... "about 2
sensory details were so vivid that after It is hard to know which screen memo- or 2:30 AM." I'd now like to share a par-
the session he expressed his surprise that ries are a result of a memory perhaps im- tial transcript from our regression.
"I could even smell the smoke of the planted into the mind by the aliens in- Stan Romanek (SR): Somebody's
campfire!" volved, for the purposes of keeping the knocking at the door! They woke me up.
For him it was a revelation that the event camouflaged, or whether it is a cop- It's the front door. Why the hell would
hypnotic experience could be so real and ing mechanism created by the person's anyone be knocking at the door?
exacting. I had begun to establish that subconscious mind as protection. Deborah Lindemann (DL): What do
Stan not only goes very deeply in hyp- Prelude to a dream you do next?
nosis, but his memories can be quite ac- Either way, the following event will SR: I'm getting up; maybe there's an
curate. demonstrate how a screen memory played emergency. Maybe someone is lost or
In validating the accuracy of memory out in one of Stan's experiences. Here is drunk.
recall, or even the authenticity of a case, a brief description of that event that led DL: What do you do to find out?
there is a list of characteristics I look for up to the strange dream. SR: I get up.
before and during a session: On the evening of Sept. 20, 2001, at DL: And then what happens?
•What is the consistency of what is around 7 PM, Stan is at work when told SR: I'm getting to the door, and my
reported within hypnosis? by employees of a large reddish pulsat- sister is opening the door. Oh my God!
•During hypnosis are there physi- ing balloon-like craft about 500 feet above DL: What happens when you open
ological reactions to what is being said, his work. Stan walks outside to see it. The the door?
and is it congruent with what is being size was estimated at 20 to 30 feet in di- SR: There's like three people there.
experienced? ameter. [See Romanek's sketch on the Jour-
•Are there emotional reactions to While watching the craft momentarily, nal cover.]
what is being recounted? Are the emo- it quickly disappears. By this time Stan is DL: And who are these people?
tions congruent with what is being said still reeling from his first sighting nine SR: They look like they're in Hallow-
or recalled? months earlier. However, this craft is dif- een costumes.
•Do the emotions seem genuine? ferent than the craft seen on Dec. 27,2000. DL: What makes you think they look
•How does the recalled information fit In addition to this sighting, this same like Halloween costumes?

Page 4 MUFON UFO Journal April 2004

to that memory on his own, simply by my
moving him forward in increments to the
next important memory.
In addition, he also recalled at one
point being restrained in an upright posi-
tion near a wall, with some type of electri-
cal device connected to both his wrists
and his ankles. The electrical device
seemed to act to control him or keep him
from moving, because every time he
would try to move he received an electri-
cal current that was somewhat uncom-
When he recalled complaining to them
about this, they seemed to convey it was
for his own good. This accounts for the
band-like missing hair on his wrists and
TTze wounds on Romanek's back. ankles the next morning as well. He did
not connect the memory to the question
SR: Because they're so weird look- A difference of how he received his back wounds or
ing. Stan also recalled that these "beings" the missing wrist and ankle hair until af-
DL: What particularly is so weird had large blue eyes with white sclera's, ter he came out of hypnosis.
about their costumes? quite different than most reports. This de- It was also during this encounter that
SR: They have really big heads and scription sounds similar to what many call he recalled receiving an array of math-
they look like they've got cancer; there's hybrids. ematical equations given to him by the
no hair hardly at all. It's like straggly hair. At this point in our regression Stan female "being." I've had many abductees
DL: What color is their hair? reported that the "beings" came in and who report receiving symbols, and/or
SR: It's white. It's like they have no pushed his sister aside, and that he yelled being given or taught strange equations
pigment. at her, "Don't let these freaks in." and unfamiliar language-many from a
DL: Is that true for all three of them? He tells me, "She just stands there young age.
SR: Yes, yes it is. looking kind of stupid." All this is hap- These symbols and equations had
DL: And how tall would you say these pening while Stan is standing in the hall- been haunting him to obsession for days
people are? way, about ten feet away from the "be- prior to our session. He recalls attempt-
SR: They're a little bit shorter than me, ings." He recalled them all looking di- ing to write what was filling his head, yet
about the same size as my sister. rectly at him. frustrated that he was remem-
DL: Where would they come up to on Then he starts to get his headache ber it clearly.
your body? again. He's scared. I make the sugges- Stunning details
SR: Oh, maybe to my chin, or a little tion that he hypnotically move outside Our session brought out the details in
above my chin. of his body, just observing what hap- stunning clarity, which I'll share in a mo-
DL: So you're about six feet tall right? pened next. Moving someone outside of ment. These mathematical equations were
SR: Yes. their body helps disconnect them from later analyzed by physicist Jack Kasher,
DL: So maybe around 5' 2" or 5' 3", or any upset or trauma by simply being an Ph.D. (MUFON State Director for Ne-
something like that? observer. braska); astrophysicist Bernie Haisch,
SR: Pretty close. During this portion of the regression Ph.D.; and physicist Hal Puthoff, Ph.D.
DL: And what do they seem to be he still believes what he's looking at are What is remarkable about Stan's equa-
wearing? some strange people with masks who have tions is that he has absolutely no ad-
SR: Oh one of them seems to be wear- come to rob or mug them. vanced mathematical education. Stan
ing a long kind of robe type thing, with a Soon after this, Stan seems to have openly shares that he has the equivalent
necklace, some kind of a weird necklace. been taken and finds himself aboard a craft of a fourth grade understanding of math,
And the other two are ... well, they're of some sort where the same three "be- and was diagnosed dyslexic as a child.
wearing robes too, but one of them is ings" are interacting with him. His dyslexia caused learning disabilities
more like a jumpsuit. During his memory of being with the that kept him from completing a degree in
DL: What color is this jumpsuit? "beings" on the craft, he recalled numer- higher education.
SR: It's a light blue. They're all wear- ous details of that encounter, including a After the medical procedures, he
ing the same color. procedure that seemed to involve taking found himself face to face with the female
SR: The female has big boobs and tissue samples from his back, which ac- "being." Stan recalls asking her numer-
seems to be wearing a robe. Their faces counts for the oozing marks on his back. ous questions typical of those asked by
are weird,... big heads. How do they hold He remembered that as these samples many experiences who are aware enough
their heads up? Big eyes. Like distorted were taken, they were somehow being to ask. He recalled that whenever he
Japanese or Chinese eyes. Their faces stored in a specimen box or drawer ,of would ask the female a question, she
where their mouth and nose is, is really sorts. would answer him telepathically, filling his
long. Their jaw line is long. The nose is I am careful not to use leading ques- head with visions, numbers, and weird
very tiny. Tiny little mouth. Have really tions during my sessions, and found it symbols.
tiny lips. It's just like a tiny interesting that without asking him about As he relived various memories of his
do they breathe? the cause of his back wounds he moved experiences, he realized that this face-to-

April 2004 MUFON UFO Journal PageS

face event was the source of the equa-
tions and symbols that had been haunt-
ing him. Before our session began, Stan
mentioned how bothered he had been
over the past 24 hours with strange sym-
bols and equations that were filling his
He had become obsessed with at-
tempting to write them down on his own,
but couldn't recall them accurately. Now
it was much more clear.
At one point after coming out of hyp-
nosis he stated he now remembered the
symbols he was given quite clearly. I
asked him if he could describe them. Bet-
ter yet, he said he could write them down.
A page in five minutes
So I handed him a large pad of paper,
and in just five minutes Stan wrote an
entire page full of equations and symbols.
It was amazing to watch how quickly and
precisely the information poured out of
him. Romanek i first equation.
After writing this page of equations
and drawings he explained each line as
follows. Pointing to the first line of equa- Haisch, "This would have been very dif- vanced civilization. Curiously enough,
tions, he said, "When I asked them where ficult for Stan to figure out on his own. Stan adds X 100 to the end of the actual
they're from, this part is what popped in That line cannot possibly be a random formula, suggesting perhaps that what-
my head." guess." ever the number of advanced civilizations
He then pointed to the seven dots on Haisch stated that the numbers them- we thought there were, this should be
the left side of the page and stated, "I selves are seemingly correct descriptions multiplied by 100.
asked where they came from, this part of the outermost electron shells for ele- This case and my hypnosis sessions
right here; I think is where they came from, ment 115. with him yielded several unusual sets of
I think." Later he recognized that as the Element 115 brings back memories for drawings and equations. In the end, noth-
constellation of Orion. many of us of a physicist named Bob Lazar ing he drew seemed to represent any new
Ten planets who allegedly worked at Area 51 many discoveries or unknown information.
You'll also notice a straight line of dots years ago developing top secret extrater- Highly complicated
(planets) with a small arc running through restrial reversed engineered propulsion However, many of the equations were
it. He said that this represented where we systems. He reported that element 115 was highly complicated, requiring even sea-
are from, but notice he had drawn our the element used by these advanced soned physicists to run to their techni-
solar system with ten planets, not nine, space craft for travel. cally-based textbooks to validate the ac-
plus the sun. He consistently drew ten Describing further Stan's equations, curacy of what he had written.
planets during several drawings in our the second line is one of Maxwell's four What is remarkable to me is that I wit-
session. equations from electromagnetic theory. nessed him writing these equations
Many are familiar with the hypothesis This particular Maxwell equation sim- quickly, with little hesitation-not know-
and work of historic scholars such as ply represents how you generate mag- ing their meaning- and with great accu-
Zacharia Sitchen who state that accord- netic fields from changing electric fields, racy, with the exception of a couple of
ing to the ancient Sumerians our original which is something which happens even symbols turned around due to dyslexia.
solar system had ten planets. The arc in the power lines in your house, but nev- Although the various equations seem
probably represented the Asteroid Belt, ertheless is amazing that Stan came up random and unrelated to each other, the
though Stan was unaware of its meaning, with this in my office. question to be considered is whether
as well as most of the rest of the equa- The Drake equation these equations are simply parts of a larger
tions or drawings on the page. In the middle of the page on the right puzzle of information still forthcoming.
From an initial conference call with hand side you'll see an equation that be- Eventually, I hypnotically moved Stan
astrophysicist Haisch and physicist gins with N=R and ends with X 100. Stan forward to when he's returned from the
Puthoff, as well as conversations with Dr. had no idea of what this meant either, but encounter with the three "beings," and
Kasher, the top equation with 115 circled accurately drew the Drake equation. he seems quite shocked to find his sister
includes references to helium and element The Drake equation is intended to be still standing by the front door, frozen in
115. a formula to help approximate the number position with a strange blank look on her
It appears to be the most likely correct of advanced civilizations in the galaxy. face.
ground state electron configuration for An advanced civilization is considered This seems reminiscent of reports of
element 115, which has not yet been cre- to be one that can be detected by its ra- family members being "switched off" dur-
ated. It is based on the best-known ex- dio transmissions, or is thought to at least ing an encounter. Stan then recalls that
trapolation of element 114, which was first possess the ability to emit radio trans- the two of them simply go back up to bed
created in 1998. In the opinion of Bernie missions, and that is the marker of an ad- as though nothing happened.
Page 6 MUFON UFO Journal April 2004
Earlier I mentioned that this hypnotic
exploration all began with the investiga-
tion into Stan's memory of the dream
about the "possum people." What Stan
realized after our session was that his en-
counter was being recalled through a
screen memory dream of possum people.
It's understandable how the uncon-
scious mind might interpret or confabu-
late and remember these "beings" as pos-
sum people. I asked him if he understood
how he interpreted them as possum
people. He replied, "Because possums
have long snouts, and long faces..."
The sketch
A few months after our session, Stan
consciously recalled his hypnotic memory
of what the possum people looked like at
his door, and he drew the sketch on the
previous page. He said this is the closest Missing hair area on Romanek's wrist fluoresced under UV light.
he was able to draw, and admits it's not
perfect. We hope to have a forensic artist
help him draw them more accurately dur-
ing a future hypnotic session.
An interesting note regarding the
NASA develops system to read
abraded oozing sores and missing hair
sections on his wrists and ankles found
the next morning is that they fluoresced
words before they are spoken
under UV light, a common phenomenon Maggie McKee software correctly picked up the signals
often connected to the marks left on news service 92 per cent of the time.
abductees. A computer program which can read Then researchers put the letters of the
There is ongoing sensitive research words before they are spoken by alphabet into a matrix with each column
and analysis being done on video foot- analysing nerve signals in our mouths and row labelled with a single-digit num-
age and physical evidence, including and throats, has been developed by ber. In that way, each letter was repre-
photo analysis, chemical and spectros- NASA. sented by a unique pair of number co-
copy testing, and more. The findings will Preliminary results show the button- ordinates. These were used to silently
be made public upon completion. sized sensors, which attach under the chin spell "NASA" into a web search engine
Upon initial observation of Stan's case, and on either side of the Adam's apple using the mind-reading program.
it would appear that something quite un- and pick up nerve signals from the tongue, "This proved we could browse the
earthly and unexpected perforated Stan's throat, and vocal cords, can indeed be web without touching a keyboard," says
safe and predictable world. used to read minds. Jorgensen.
Seemingly, he just happened to be at "Biological signals arise when read- Phil Green, a computer scientist focus-
the right place at the right time-a man ing or speaking to oneself, with or with- ing on speech and hearing at the Univer-
with no history of anything alien or un- out actual lip or facial movement," says sity of Sheffield, UK, called the research
worldly. Perhaps it was a cosmic wake- Chuck Jorgensen, a neuroengineer at "interesting and novel" on hearing the
up call to a man who professed his disbe- NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett news.
,lief in things as strange as UFOs. Field, California, in charge of the research. "If you're not actually speaking, but
On the other hand, we are left with The sensors have already been used just thinking about speaking, then at least
some intriguing pieces of his early child- to do simple web searches, and may one some of the messages still get sent from
hood that may cause one to contemplate day help space-walking astronauts and the brain to the vocal tract," he says.
an earlier connection. people who cannot talk communicate. The But he cautions that the preliminary
Those pieces include a military father sensors could send commands to rovers tests may have been successful because
who held high security clearances at both on other planets, help injured astronauts of the short lengths of the words, and
Grand Forks AFB and Minot AFB in control machines, or aid the handicapped. suggests the test be repeated on many
North Dakota. In everyday life, they could even be different people to see if the sensors work
This was during the wave of UFO used to communicate on the sly-people on everyone.
sightings in the late sixties and mid sev- could use them on crowded buses with- The initial success "doesn't mean it
enties surrounding Air Force bases and out being overheard, say the NASA sci- will scale up," he told New Scientist.
missile sites across the country. entists. "Small-vocabulary, isolated word recog-
During this same UFO flap, there was For the first test of the sensors, scien- nition is a quite different problem than
a major sighting by his brothers-and add tists trained the software program to conversational speech, not just in scale
to the mix a surreal woman who mysteri- recognise six words, including "go," but in kind."
ously contacted Stan on at least three "left," and "right,"and ten numbers. Par- The NASA team is now working on
occasions, beginning at age six. Stan's ticipants hooked up to the sensors sensors that will detect signals through
case continues to be studied. thought the words to themselves, and the clothing.
April 2004 MUFON UFO Journal Page?
Ours, alien, or both?
Triangular craft: what are they?
Rich Dolan
watched the object hover 10 feet above a
By Richard M. Dolan telephone pole, and noticed that it had About the Author
Copyright ©2003 by Richard M. Dolan. three lights (red, white, and blue), one on
each corner. He saw the object for a total Richard Dolan studied at Oxford
All rights reserved University, and did graduate work
of four minutes, "and then it was gone."
Neither of these witnesses described at the University of Rochester. While

S ightings of "impossible" craft in

the sky are universal. They are
also universally ignored. Ig-
nored, at least, by the official channels
and sources of power in our society.
the size of the craft they saw. In fact, the
sizes of these triangles have ranged from
small to immense. Most are slow-moving
and low-flying; occasionally people de-
working as a self-employed business
writer he became interested in "the
UFO problem."
Throughout 1995,1996, and 1997,
scribe them as boomerang-shaped in- he spent most of his spare time con-
One subset of the phenomenon, how- stead of triangular. ducting "a fairly systematic biblio-
ever, has broken through to the main- The fact that they fly so low and so graphic search," hunting down the
stream. Perhaps we should say-ahem- slowly is a problem that demands an ex- many out-of-print books and UFO
the "fringes" of the mainstream. These planation, both scientifically and politi- documents released over the years
are the infamous triangular craft. cally. Complicating the matter are the through the Freedom of Information
America's mainstream culture, ever many witnesses who describe exceptional Act.
rigid and narrow, yet acknowledges from speed and maneuverability relating to "Once I began to delve," he says,
^time to time that such things exist. Frankly, -these triangles, such as flat pivot turns "I found the amount of information
it would be hard not to. The reports are or incredible acceleration. It is a tricky nearly overwhelming. I was methodi-
simply too many and too clear. problem, indeed. cal, however, and eventually pre-
They also come in constantly. One The famous Illinois "cop sighting" in pared a detailed chronology of rel-
typical sighting occurred shortly after early 2000 of a giant triangular object is evant events, and realized it was
midnight on March 2, 2003. A security one of the best known cases of the flying more than enough for a useful text
guard at a gated community in Dallas saw triangles. In this instance, the object was on the subject. So I set out to write
"a single solid black triangle, with no substantially larger than a jumbo jet, fly- it." The result was his book, UFOs
lights of any kind," traveling west for ing at perhaps 500 feet altitude, either si- and the National Security State.
about 8 or 9 seconds. lent or extremely quiet, moving slowly, and Among Dolan's many speaking
The object was completely silent, and edged with an array of blinding white engagements was an appearance at
seemed to float across the sky at about lights. the 2002 MUFON International Sym-
1,200 feet. The witness watched the tri- All this is certainly extraordinary. But posium.
angle disappear behind one of the homes, what really makes this case difficult to
contacted the Dallas Police Department, explain is the object's manner of accel- ject. This was no mere New Year's Eve
and was told that no one else had reported eration. In the words of one officer, it was partying, either; the object was filmed with
the object. able to shoot away "in the blink of an a movie camera. The object was huge, tri-
This report is available on the web at eye" with "no sound whatsoever." One angular, flew at less than 500 feet, had
the National UFO Reporting Center moment, it was a few hundred feet away; bright lights, made tight circles in the air,
(NUFORC). Indeed, the witness spoke the next moment, several miles away.2
with Peter Davenport, who runs the or- and at one point shone a beam of white
ganization, and was found "to be quite The problem deepens light onto a highway.
sincere and credible."1 If this were an isolated incident, one In July, 1984, the same or a similar ob-
Here is another recent report from could write it off as a mistaken observa- ject invaded the air space of the Indian
NUFORC. On Jan. 24,2003, a man saw a tion of some sort. But this is not isolated, Point Nuclear Facility, disabling the elec-
triangular-shaped object while driving at and here the problem deepens. For an tronic and communication systems while
night down a quiet Arkansas road. He object possibly identical to this one was it hovered over a reactor. During the early
slowed down, turned off his radio, and seen many times in the early 1980s in the 1980s, the number of witnesses to such
rolled down his car window. He wondered Hudson Valley, just north of New York events in the Hudson Valley numbered in
if this was a helicopter, but he heard no City. the thousands.
sound. On Dec. 31,1982, people from several Indeed, on one occasion, video was
Coming to a complete stop, he different- locations reported such an ob- shot of a sufficient quality that it was sent

PageS MUFON UFO Journal April 2004

tournaments where a long distance shot
of an aircraft would be flashed on a screen
for a fraction of a second. At the time of
the sighting, he was writing an aircraft
recognition manual.
What he saw that day was a matte
black aircraft shaped in a perfect isosce-
les triangle, with the nose angle at 30 de-
grees, in a refueling operation with a KC-
135. Two F-111 fighters accompanied the
The triangular craft was slightly big-
ger than an F - l l l . Aviation writer Bill
Sweetman noted that "no aircraft other
than a supersonic vehicle, or a test air-
craft for such a vehicle, has ever been
built or studied with such a planform."5
Generally, people have attributed this
sighting to the fabled Aurora, the alleged
Security guard drawing of the object that hovered over the Indian Point successor to the world's fastest "official"
Nuclear Facility, July 1984. plane, the SR-71 Blackbird. Of course, the
Aurora doesn't officially exist, but the ru-
to the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena. mor mill gives it dimensions that seem to
Conclusion: something real, all right, but be compatible with what Gibson saw.
not a conventional aircraft.3 But given that the Aurora (or the same
Then we have the Belgian cases, which aircraft under a different name) exists, it
seem to have been part of a series of is unlikely that this is the craft that buzzed
sightings stretching from Britain to Rus- Belgium in 1989-1990, much less is re-
sia from late 1989 to early 1990. sponsible for the Hudson Valley
On Nov. 29,1989, a dark triangular ob- sightings. The Aurora is said to be hy-
ject, making a humming noise, hovered personic, meaning that it is faster than
over a Belgian police car and shone a bril- Mach 5, and is rumored to move as fast
liant beam of light on it. Many people re- Photograph of the triangular as Mach 8.
ported this object; it was seen through- object over Belgium, April 1, 1990. But, hovering? Changing altitude in-
out the winter, then most spectacularly stantly? There are no accounts of Au-
on thenightof March 30,1990. rora-none by aviation writers, anyway-
That night, thousands of witnesses UFO." Nick Pope, who soon after this that indicate it can do anything like that.
saw a low-flying triangular UFO (or manned the "UFO Desk" in Britain's Min- The Black Manta
UFOs) with bright lights flashing in the istry of Defense, had contacts within the There is an aircraft in the land of leg-
center. This object could fly as slow as 30 Belgian government who "elicited the ends that comes closer to fitting the de-
mph, but it accelerated to incredible conclusion that a structured craft had scription of some of these triangle
speeds. Witnesses were adamant that no flown over Belgium that night." They had sightings. It is the Black Manta, TR-3,
plane belonging to any air force could no idea, they said, what that object was.4 another aircraft that "doesn't exist." All
have caught this object. Like the other triangles people have we have, apparently, is the rumor mill,
Indeed, that night the Belgian Air seen, the Belgian object was real enough. which gives this object the ability to
Force sent two F-16s to do exactly that. The real question is, to whom did it be- hover silently.
The triangles were captured on several long? There are said to be two very different
NATO radar stations; the jet pilots could Ours? Or theirs? versions, the TR-3A and the TR-3B. The
also track the objects on radar, and even Many people have suspected this to first is supposed to be about 45 feet long
see them at times. be a secret American project. Officially, and 15 feet high, with a 65-foot wingspan.
But the F-16s-the top interceptors in however, there is no type of aircraft with The second is said to be a massive 600
the world-were completely outclassed by a perfectly triangular planform. feet across.
the triangular craft. Not only could it ac- The B-2 stealth bomber is an angular Bearing in mind that none of this can
celerate at incredible speeds, and not only and odd looking beast, but it's not a tri- be confirmed, the most detailed informa-
could it stop on a dime, but it could change angle. Nor can it do what the triangles tion I could find on this elusive creature
its altitude almost instantly. At one point, do. of the sky is that, among those who be-
for example, radar installations and There is good reason to believe that lieve it exists, it is said to be a tactical
amazed witnesses observed the triangle the U.S. has developed a triangle. In Au- reconnaissance aircraft, first operational
to drop about 4,000 feet in one second. gust, 1989, a former Royal Observer Corps in the early 1990s.
That's nearly a mile. member, Chris Gibson, was working on a Funding and tasking come from the
Moreover, this object moved intelli- North Sea gas rig about 60 miles off the NRO, NSA, and CIA. The outer coating
gently, at least in the opinion of the Bel- Norfolk coast. of the TR-3B is allegedly reactive to elec-
gian Air Force Chief of Operations, Col. He has been described as one of the trical radar stimulation and can change
Wilfried De Brouwer, who stated, "There world's experts in aircraft recognition, and reflectiveness, radar absorptiveness, and
was a logic in the movements of the competed in international recognition color. It is therefore exceptionally
April 2004 MUFON UFO Journal Page 9
Artist rendering of the TR-3A
Black Mania.

stealthy. More than this, however, it is

said to have indefinite loiter time at high
altitudes (as high as 125,000 feet), and
the ability to travel as fast as-strap your-
self m-Mach 9.
By no means am I an expert on the
technology involved here. Those who say
they are tell us that the TR-3B has some-
thing called a Magnetic Field Disrupter,
which is a circular, highly pressurized,
mercury-based plasma-filled ring sur-
Artist rendering of the Aurora aircraft.
rounding a rotatable crew compartment.
The plasma is accelerated to extreme cept that there are probably other deep- minute, then made a slow 180-degree turn,
speeds, which is said to result in "gravity black aircraft out there. "leaving a vapor trail." It then sat motion-
disruption," and can neutralize the effect The U.S. government has a history of less for a few seconds before taking off at
of gravity on mass by as much as 89 per- declassifying military technologies at its an amazing speed.
cent. convenience. By the time the U-2 was It stopped dead at a point about 15
This is not exactly antigravity, which public, its successor, the SR-71 Blackbird, miles away from them. It then lifted
provides a repulsive force, but for all in- was not long in following. straight up "at incredible speed" and was
tents and purposes makes the vehicle ex- We learned of the F-117A stealth gone. The object in question certainly
tremely light, with obvious correlations fighter in 1988, for instance, only when it seems to have had much in common with
in performance, including acceleration in was decided to increase production sub- the Belgian triangle, except it was seen in
all directions. stantially and that it would therefore be mid-October of 1968.
This, at least, is the claim from the impossible to hide any longer. As far as I know, this report has not
website of Edgar Fouche. One scientist Chronology problems been investigated, but at the National
has told me that the technical details, such But even the aforementioned candi- UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) you
as the speed of rotation of plasma, are dates don't explain the triangle phenom- can read 25 reasonably.detailed reports
"not credible." enon. Even if something as exotic as the of triangular UFOs that were seen from
While Fouche's site provides an ex- Black Manta is real, it is clear that this 1967 through 1973-and there are several
cellent overview of the Black Manta, would only explain sightings since the that are even earlier.
much of the information derives from 1990s. (Continued next month)
anonymous sources, and it is always pos- Or would it? How far back could we
sible that details can be wrong even while push the technology and this aircraft? References:
the big picture remains fundamentally Could the Black Manta have been re- 'The NationalUFO Reporting Center
sound.6 sponsible for the Belgian sightings of website is at
While recognizing that any discussion 1989 and 1990? -ufocntr/
of the Black Manta is highly speculative, And even if that is so, what does one Darryl Barker's website, Illinois UFO
some of the claims regarding it at least make of the Hudson Valley sightings, is at
come close to the performance character- which are earlier still? At what point do UPDATE.htm
istics of the triangular UFOs. Is the craft we move from the improbable, to the im- Wight Seige, The Hudson Valley UFO
real? I have no idea. plausible, to the ridiculous? Sightings, by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Philip J.
While a few aviation writers acknowl- I wonder whether the TR-3A or TR- Imbrogno, and Bob Pratt, Llewellyn Pub-
edge the possibility that it's real, no one 3B explain the following sighting: lications, Second Edition, 1998.
can confirm it, and most appear doubtful. On this occasion, a clear fall night in See Don Berliner (with Marie
Indeed, there those who even doubt that Hastings, MN, multiple witnesses saw a Galbraith and Antonio Huneeus), UFO
there is such a plane as the Aurora. triangular craft approach from the east at Briefing Document, Random House, 1995.
For my part, I find it difficult to deny a high rate of speed. When it was nearly Bill Sweetman, Aurora, p. 13-15,64.
that the U. S. military has a flying triangle. overhead at about 5,000 feet, it "stopped See http://www.pastpresent-
Knowing the credentials of Chris Gibson, dead in its tracks." The object had a red- fu t u r e . i n fo/a 1 i e n _ u f o _ s e c -
if he saw a matte black isosceles triangle dish orange light at each of its corners; ret_fouche_tr3b.html; by no means is
being refueled by a KC-135,1 am prepared these lights sometimes turned greenish. Fouche's the only such site on the Black
to believe him. I am also prepared to ac- It sat motionless and silent for half a Manta.
Page 10 MUFON UFO Journal April 2004
Information update

Center for Physical Trace Research

By Ted Phillips and the Environmental Quality Board deep rectangular track in the ground.
found radiation at the site. 04/18/03,1817-Russia, Kalinin-
As stated in 1998, the Center has no grad-A large number of local residents
desire to infringe on or take away infor- 01/26/03-Argentina, San Andres de
Giles-Locals found a circle some 23 feet watched as a "flying wing"-shaped ob-
mation from any investigator in the field ject flew over at high speed and plunged
or in his armchair. The purpose of this in diameter with burned grass and a white
ash-like substance at its center. Around into Kaliningrad Harbor.
project remains the same: gathering data The event was caught on video by a
on possible UFO landings and resulting the perfect circle, soybean plants were
green and two feet high. local RTR Russian State Television news
physical traces. crew, which was present on the naval
I have no idea why these events take 02/00/03-England, Horsham, West
Sussex-Witness reported seeing a silver base, filing a documentary segment on
place, where the objects might originate, the Russian Baltic Fleet.
or the purpose of said objects. suited 7-foot-tall man, who leaped across
the width of the road in one bound. There According to a Russian Naval Com-
I am currently mander, that object had been tracked on
involved with have been odd chemical odors, apparent
lack of oxygen, and rapid changes in tem- numerous radar systems as it came in. The
three projects: the light colored gray device, with no visible
Slovakian Cave perature in the area. A bright blue light,
when approached, was found to be a 40- seams or rivet patterns, was estimated to
Project, the Mis- be the size of a small airliner, with no
souri Project, and foot vertical flame in the middle of the
woods. sound.
a multiple wit- One Sovremini Class destroyer was
ness, long dura- 02/21/03, 2200-Canada, Welling-
ton-Five witnesses. House lights went slightly damaged by the ejected debris.
tion project in- Radiation was reportedly detected, and
volving orbs out and the two family dogs reacted.
They saw a bright light in the yard, like a debris less than one meter in size was re-
seen and photo- covered.
graphed in day- Ted Phillips camera flash in brightness. They could
then see three objects hovering for five 05/00/03-Russia, Moscow region-
light and at night The witness and her mother were sitting
with daylight landing events. More in- minutes. They changed shape and for-
mation, and moved vertically making 90- on the porch when they saw an unusual
formation on these projects will be in- "cloud" form. Thinking it was just a
cluded in the next update. degree turns.
A sixth .witness tried to use her cell cloud, they retired, and late that night they
Latest reports phone, but it wouldn't work properly. The awoke with temble headaches and an odd
02/10/04-UK, Meanwood-Eight wit- lights climbed at high speed and the vibration. A bright beam of light came
nesses observed an object some 50 feet house lights came back on. The witnesses through the window and moved across
in diameter and 20 feet thick. It ap- found a melted area of snow in a triangle the room.
proached and landed in a quarry with no with circles at each tip. The event lasted As soon as she was, out of the light
sound. 25 minutes. the headache ceased. The witness went
An hour later a check of the area re- 02/23/03, 0900-Argentina, Las to the porch and saw a pear-shaped
vealed three triangular depressions and Pailas, Salta-24-year-old Milagros ''cloud" just like the one seen earlier. It
damaged trees. The depressions were 25 Linquin had gone to a rocky hillside to was now much brighter, with silvery, blue
feet apart, and each was pushed 8 inches retrieve her goats when she noticed a beams of light and a protrusion resem-
into the ground. shiny object on the nearby hill. Close to bling an antenna. The witness ran toward
01/00/03-Australia, Wullagi, North- the summit she saw a metallic object, rec- the object and suddenly her body felt
ern Territories-A four-year-old child tangular in shape with numerous visible weightless and she seemed to float above
tells her mother that late one night three windows. the ground.
"frogmen"-like figures came in through She counted eight windows on the She floated quickly towards the bright
the bedroom window encased in a mist. object. Around the object she saw nu- object, and when she was less than two
She tried to wake her mother, who sleeps merous shiny objects, square in shape, meters away she fell and lost conscious-
in the bed with her, but is unable to. some larger than others. She counted 14 ness. She came to the next morning lying
The dog in the room does not react. of these square metallic "covers." At this on the cold ground. She had been there
The mother heard noises in the bushes point, her father, 74-year-old Don Linquin for over three hours.
outside the window, but she was unable came up and also saw the shiny object. She and her mother went to the spot
to get up from the bed. A scorched area In the meantime, Milagros had climbed where the object had been and found a
and burnt foliage was found on the a bit further and was now closer to the circular burnt patch on the potato bed.
ground in the yard. object. At this point both witnesses no- Nothing grew on the spot for three
01/01/03-Puerto Rico, Carolina- ticed several human-like figures wearing months.
Matmari and Martin Rodriguez C. saw an white garments and moving around the 08/00/03-Canada, St. Laurent,
object approaching which crashed object, apparently working on the shiny Manitoba-Four witnesses were driving
against the leaves of a palm tree and covers. There were five figures in total. south of St. Laurent towards the golf
burned about one meter of grass in their After about 30 minutes, Milagros course road when they saw flashing
yard- climbed higher in order to approach the lights over and above one of the build-
Officials for the Arecibo Observatory object. The object disappeared, leaving a ings on the course. The lights were hov-
April 2004 MUFON UFO Journal Page 11
ering in one area and very low over the
The witnesses thought, after seeing a
car pulled to one side of the road with the
lights flashing, that someone might be
breaking into the shed. Two of the wit-
nesses decided to sneak in to see if they
could catch someone causing damage.
The younger two went back home to
get their parents. As the two were half-
way down to the area, they passed near a
dugout and heard a loud, piercing scream.
They walked another 100 feet and a three-
foot tall being ran in front of them 25 feet
Both men ran back towards the road.
Shortly after, the two youths arrived with
their parents. Unusual holes were found
in the ground throughout the area.
08/11/03, 0500-Poland, Szcecinek- Pete Hctriinger, director of the Roundtown UFO Society, Circleville, OH,
Mr. Lech Hacinski was going home after stands at the site where Bruce Stevenson said he saw a UFO hover over
work when he saw three figures standing his farm buildings 56 years ago. (Photo by Joel Barrett, The Circleville Herald.)
under a nearby overpass. One of the fig-
ures left the others and walked to the
middle of the road with one of its hands
raised up. Hacinski was forced to stop
Farmer's report of UFO hovering over
his car as the figure stood in the road.
He claimed the figure asked him ques-
buildings still believed 56 years later
tions about the car and how it operated, By Joel Barrett
using telepathy. After something of a thought first it was flames from a fire, but
conversation, the figures floated to a The Circleville, OH, Herald, 2/2/04 then the glow moved between the
nearby field where a huge dark round hoghouse and a 120-foot-long tool shed.
object rested on the ground. From all accounts, Bruce Stevenson, ...Then he saw it."
The bottom of the device was sur- a salt-of-the-earth, hard-working farmer "The object was round like a- dinner
rounded by fog. The beings disappeared back in 1948, was among the first in the plate, a gleaming silver color with
into the object, which ascended to the modern era to claim to have seen a craft amber-lighted dome," the Citizen re-
west at high speed. On the field where from out of this world. ported. As he stood about 100 feet away
the object had landed, there was a 50- This week marks the 56th anniversary near a farm pump, the craft floated about
meter-wide circular area of flattened wheat. of what locals call America's first close 20 feet off the ground.
12/15/03-MO, Louisburg-The wit- encounter with an unidentified flying He noticed what seemed to be
ness reports, "As my wife and I were pull- object. propeller-like lights running around the
ing into our driveway after a dinner out, Stevenson was on his farm off state concave bottom of the saucer.
we noticed a bright light back in our fields. Route 56 in Pickaway County one cold "One detail in connection with the
We live on a farm, and our fields extend February morning in 1948 when he saw a silver-bottom section I noticed very
out for a mile behind our house. strange, brilliant craft hovering over his clearly. There was something whirling
"It was raining and the air was thick as outbuildings. around the bottom section, sort of like a
fog, but we could see this bright light in He kept quiet about it at the time, but big propeller or a series of propellers
the field. The light shot straight up into told a Columbus newspaper four years might do. The movement was clear, the
the sky, disappearing into the clouds. I later he'd never even thought about sci- bottom part did not turn. Something kept
didn't see anything but a big ball of light. ence fiction until that fateful cold Febru- whirling around the whole thing," he told,
"The next day we walked about half a ary morn. "I never drank, smoked, or the Circleville Herald.
mile and found a ringl 0 feet in diameter. I chewed in my life, and I never read any The dome-like top of the craft also
never believed in UFOs before and had science stuff before I saw it, and the only caught his eye. "This part was glowing
never seen anything like this." science I've read since then has.been with a bright amber light-all of it glow-
about these saucers," he told the media ing, not as though there were bulbs in-
four years after the sighting. side that would show bright spots," he
AIUFOFSR terminates It was about 2 AM on Feb. 1, 1949, said.
when he got up to check on some sows "There's no use saying why I didn't
UFO meetings. and piglets in his hog barn, a long run and call others. Somehow I just stood
The long-running Australian Interna- story-and-a-half tall building. As he spellbound, almost in a daze I guess, while
tional UFO Flying Saucer Research orga- stepped from his farmhouse's door stoop, I watched the saucer glide along the top
nization (AIUFOFSR) held its last UFO Stevenson was startled by what he saw. edge of the tool shed roof," he told the
meeting in December, 2003. The Adelaide- "As he came out his back door he saw Herald.
based organisation was founded in 1952 a strange glow from behind the Four years after the encounter,
by Colin Norris, and is one of the oldest hoghouse," the Columbus Citizen re- Stevenson estimated the overall diameter
UFO organizations in the world. ported on Aug. 10, 1952. "He said, he of the craft was about 60 feet, and the
Page 12 MUFON UFO Journal April 2004
John F. SchUGSSler
International Director
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Mutual UFO Network
Website: httpy/
Telephone: (303) 932-7709
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Bring the family to Denver in 2004!

Attend MUFON's 35th Annual Symposium

"Unconventional Flying Objects: The Body of Technological Evidence"

July 16-18, 2004

Pre-Symposium Kick-off at Six Flags Elitch Gardens on Thursday, July 15th

The first 100 registrations will be entered into a drawing for:

2 autographed House of Blues T-shirts and Blues Brothers harmonica!

All EARLY registrations paid in full by May 31st, 2004, will be entered into a drawing
for a Panasonic DVD player ($500 value, DVD-LV70 silver), handsome leather
carrying case & noise-canceling earphones!

"Not of this Earth" Package: $155 per person (price before June 30, $145)
Includes Six Flags (a $36 value per person) on Thursday, all speakers and work-
shops, Friday night reception, dinner with speaker, debate and Symposium Pro-
ceedings (a $25 value).

"Dimensions" Package: $135 per person (price before June 30, $125)
Includes: All speakers, workshops, Friday night reception, dinner with speaker and

"Cosmos" Package: $110 per person (price before June 30, $99)
Includes: All speakers, workshops and Friday night debate.

Registration at the door will be priced as follows:

All speakers and workshops for Saturday and Sunday will be $125 per person.
Saturday only will be $75 per person
Sunday only will be $50 per person
Single workshops: $15 per person, Single speakers: $25 per person
Friday night's debate: $35 per person

Six Flags Elitch Gardens

Thursday, July 15th from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm
Also sold separately for only $18 per person ($36.99 value)
Order online or contact
John F. SchueSSler \AI IIwlV^^.1 Website: '
- International Director /iT/ll It \^*J I ^ Telephone: (303) 932-7709
" Fax: (303) 932-9279
Muh 1 UF
USA " ° '**"*

Bring the family to Denver in 2004!

Attend MUFON's 35th Annual Symposium

"Unconventional Flying Objects: The Body of Technological Evidence'

July 16-18, 2004

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"Not of this Earth" Package: $155 per person (price before June 30, $145)
Includes Six Flags (a $36 value per person) on Thursday, all speakers and workshops, Friday night
reception,.dinner wjth.speaker, debate and Symposium Proceedings (a $25 value).
(Check one dinner entree: Lemon Thyme Chicken , Halibut. . NY Steak w/pistachios__)

"Dimensions" Package: $135 per person (price before June 30, $125)
Includes: All speakers, workshops, Friday night reception, dinner with speaker and debate.
(Check one dinner entree: Lemon Thyme Chicken , Halibut , NY Steak w/pistachios _)

"Cosmos" Package: $1.10 per person (price before June 30, $99)
Includes: All speakers, workshops and Friday night debate.

Make check or money order to: MUFON 2004 Symposium

Mail to: Post Office Box 369, Morrison, CO 80465-0369

Denver Marriott Southeast

You must contact the Marriott SE directly to reserve you rooms.
MUFON symposium rates for all attendees are:
Single or Double: $62.00 plus tax
These prices are good from July 13:20, 2004. These rooms normally go for about $129 to $149 a
night. Hotel reservations may be made online at or
by calling the Marriott SE Reservation Line at 800-228-9290 or 303-758-7000. For phone reserva-
tions, make sure you give the "MUF" code to guarantee you $62.00 a night MUFON room rate.
Even if you are late registering, please tell the registration agent that you are attending the
MUFON Symposium. All rooms credited to MUFON go towards paying for the facilities we will be
using. ; :
Canada Foreign

"The UFO Continuum: Past, Present, Future" 2003 27.50 35.00

"The Alien Influence: A Planetary Perspective" by Neil Freer
"Critiquing the Roswell Critics" by Stanton Friedman.
"It Never, Stopped: From Beyond UFO Secrecy" by John Greenewald, Jr. -•'•''
"Back Roads of the Universe" byJim Hlckman '• ' " '
"Field Research in Norway and Brazil", by Linda Moulton Howe
"Multiple Anomalies Within Crop Formations" byWilliam C. Levengood
"Even More Remarkable UFOs in. History: The USS Supply Sighting" by Dr. Bruce Maccabee
"Big Media and Little Green Men" by Jon NowlnskL .:
"Mysteries/ Anomalous Artifacts of North America:" by Tedd St. Rain
"The.50th Anniversary of the Kinross Incident" by David Walks-as-Bear . . .
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height of the dome-part was about 12 or plained that the blue-tinted lights were
13 feet. used by farmers to aid in reducing un- Puerto Rico
"Suddenly," he said, recounting the wanted bacteria. According to reports,
event, "just while I was wondering if
maybe the thing would hit the chimney
the lights may have been visible from
above through ceiling ventilation grids.
sightings reported
of my tool shed, the amber light went off, "I think it was the lights that gave them By Jorge Martin
and the thing traveled slowly off to my some kind of signal," Richards told the After a period of apparent calm in UFO
left and out of sight. The light stayed off, Columbus Citizen on Aug. 10,1952. events in Puerto Rico, sightings of
but I could see the silver," he said. Bruce Stevenson Jr. was only about anomalous flying objects have started to
The farm's sheds and barns are still 10 at the time, but still remembers those be reported again on the island. Among
intact today, as is an interest in blue lights. "I don't know if they worked, some of the reports are the following:
Stevenson's tale. Pete Hartinger, director but they were bright blue lights, and you 1. On thursday, Feb. 25,2003, Mrs. Elba
of the Roundtown UFO Society, said could seen them for miles," he said. Rivera and h'er husband, as well as sev-
Stevenson's close encounter is something He stands by his father's word. "He eral other people, sighted from the park-
that's getting lost in the passage of time. was a very honest person; he didn't tell ing lot of Santa Maria Shopping Center
"When I give talks locally, maybe one the story right away because he thought located in Rip Piedras (metropolitan San
in 20 people in Circleville even know who people would think he was lying," Juan) a large shiny silvery isosceles tri-
he was," he said. Stevenson said. "I'm a believer in them angle-shaped UFO.
On Sunday, Hartinger visited the site myself, because of my father's history. The triangle seemed to be motionless
and recounted what he calls one of the The universe is just so big." in the sky, and even though it appeared
first classic encounters with a UFO. Hartinger said the public's openness to be miles away, they described its size
While Stevenson told his family about to the existence of UFO is growing. as some three inches at arm's length. This
the encounter the next morning, he kept "Most sightings have never been re- indicates it must have been huge in size.
basically quiet for more than four years ported out of fear of ridicule," he said. It seemed to be suspended over the
out of fear of ridicule, not going public "We find that attitude is slowly chang- region of the city of Bayamon. The tri-
until 1952 when there was a reported UFO ing. Obviously, people who laugh at this angle remained motionless in the sky for
sighting over Washington, DC. subject have never done any research on about a minute until a dark cloud came
Historically, 1948 was a time of change. it. Our local library has a lot of materials from the east and covered it. When the
The Red Scare was beginning, the Berlin on UFOs, including a four-hour video. The cloud moved away the triangle had dis-
Wall had gone up, the Soviets had stolen Internet has been a great improvement appeared.
the "bomb" from the U.S., and the clouds for communications and research. Some- On March 4,2004, she, as well as sev-
of war were gathering over Korea. times you can find out about a sighting eral other people, observed another UFO,
Hartinger said Stevenson's encounter the same day it occurs." this time a shiny large silvery cylinder-
came about six months after the infamous Stevenson may .have been among the shaped object. She described its size as
Roswell, NM, incident, and about a month first humans to claim he saw an alien craft, "...almost six feet long," again seen from
after an Air National Guard fighter re- but Hartinger said he surely wasn't the a distance of several miles away. The ob-
ported seeing a UFO over Kentucky and last. Sightings continue today. ject flew from west to east, and
later crashed, according to Hartinger. "Bruce Stevenson's unusual experi- dissapeared in a matter of seconds.
Others may have seen UFOs locally, ence has been repeated to the present The UFO was also sighted by resi-
but only Stevenson spoke up and stood time by thousands of reported UFO dents in the areas of College Park and
by what he saw, Hartinger said. sightings worldwide by reputable wit- Altamesa in Rio Piedras. On both occa-
"He's not the only farmer that's seen nesses," says Hartinger. "I do know the sions the sightings occurred around 5-6
them-he's the only one who came out UFO phenomenon does exist. Knowledge PM.
and said so. He never changed his story is not a matter of belief or desire; knowl-
to the day he died. When there's a sight- edge is a matter of evidence. There is
ing, you look at the witness' credibility. plenty of evidence. The Roundtown UFO
Bruce's was outstanding, and he had an Society doesn't know the origin of the When does my
excellent view of the object." UFO phenomenon; we can only specu- membership/subscription
Others, such as Stevenson's nephew, late."
Pickaway County Commissioner John -Thanks to Pete Hartinger. expire?
Stevenson, said his uncle wasn't prone The answer to this question ap-
to flights of fancy: "I can't disbelieve what Group provides resources pears on the mailing label on each
he said. I knew him well, and he didn't Pete Hartinger. director of the Journal (see example below)
make things up. He wasn't a publicist." Roundtown UFO Society, notes that the
Steve Richards, Stevenson's grand- Pickaway County, OH, library has an ex- 2004/06
son, remembers hearing the story, hav- tensive collection of UFO materials, most John Doe
ing his grandfather gather all the children provided by the local UFO group. Street Address
together and show them how close he The collection includes more than 20 City, State and Zip
had been to the silver craft. books, the current issue plus ten years of
"That's one thing, the proximity to it," the MUFON UFO Journal, a two-volume This means the last issue of the
Richards said. "He was about 100 feet UFO encyclopedia, and a four-hour current subscription would be June
from it. And he watched it for a long time." video. 2004.
Original news clippings of In addition, there is an annual UFO
Stevenson's story make a special point display at the library. The Roundtown
of the presence of eerie blue-tinted lights UFO Society also holds their regular
in the hog barn. The news accounts ex- monthly meetings at the library.
April 2004 MUFON UFO Journal Page 13
FILER'S FILES By George A. Filer
Director, MUFON Eastern Region

Unless noted, these reports have not

been verified by official investigations. when the craft went away. When the craft Five discs in Arizona
left, there was a light red trail which hung SCOTTSDALE - A couple who are in-
around for about 10 minutes. Before the vestors and own two companies wit-
Caribbean cruise UFOs craft left, little black dots (like spores) fell nessed five disc-shaped ships enter the
COZUMEL, MEXICO - A group of ob- to earth. lower atmosphere at 11 PM from the
servers were on a Royal Caribbean cruise northeast and travel south on Feb. 3,
ship, the Navigator of the Seas. The wit- Florida Encounter 2004.
ness states, "I was celebrating my 15th ORLANDO - The witness reports, "It The reporting witness writes, "Two
birthday, and we got out of the disco for was about 8:45 PM, and I was catfishing ships were seen through my night vision
teens around 3:50 AM on Feb. 14,2004, at Lake Downy Park just east of down- scope, and this is how I know the shape
when my friends and my chaperons saw town Orlando on Feb. 6,2004.1 had a feel- of the ships.
three bright lights. ing something was watching me, and for "We could hear two ships as they flew
"They were white, about five minutes I kept looking around by. They sounded as though they were
they weren't moving, me and saw nothing. pushing against the air. All ships were
and they were posi- "It was very dark, but the moon made glowing red, blue, and orange. As the
tioned on a diagonal things OK to see. I heard footsteps in the objects accelerated faster, the lights
line. We thought woods/marsh on the side of lake near the would pulsate more rapidly. All the ships
they were planes, but dock I was fishing from, and I saw and were of equal size and shape.
they didn't move, and heard a ripple in the water near the shore. "We estimate each ship was the size
they didn't have Then I saw two stork-like legs and a head of a small airliner. Her background is as
lights like a plane. watching me. an advertising executive, and my back-
We were over water, "It looked right at me, and I was very ground is director of operations in my in-
so there wasn't any George Filer scared and yelled, "Hey!" It stood up like dustry." Thanks to Peter Davenport,
land nearby, and they didn't make sounds a man my size or so, and stared me dead UFOcenter.
like a plane. in the eyes. I went to run off the dock, but
"Then we thought they were lights when I did so, it walked at a slow pace Photos in New York
on an island, but there were no islands. toward the end of dock to trap me. I TRUXTON - The witness was stand-
They weren't satellites, because they were phoned 911 and they told me to stay put, ing on his front porch at 6 AM on Feb.
too close to the ocean. (The day before and the police were coming. 27,2004, and noticed a very bright star in
we left Cozumel, we heard of many "What I saw was not human, and was the clear sky, which appeared to be hov-
sightings in Mexico.) not a native animal, but apparently, it ering over the top of the tree line. He
"After a while the first UFO, the low- didn't want to hurt me, because if it states, "As I continued to look up at this
est one, took off; colored lights turned wanted to, it could have. Later, I called star, it suddenly started moving slowly,
on and it disappeared. The second low- the FBI, and they said they can't help. right to left, while making a humming
est UFO took off the same way, and there "Since then I can't sleep. I see that sound.
was no sound and no trail Finally, the face and I'm scared to even sleep. I'm 22 "It stayed above the tree line for ap-
third one took off the same way and we years old and never have seen anything proximately 15 minutes. I called my hus-
were really scared!! That's when I real- like that in my life. For proof, please call band at work, and he told me to get the
ized that maybe those stories about UFOs the Orange County Sheriff Department." camera. I took three pictures of the ob-
.could be true." Thanks to Peter Daven- Thanks to Peter Davenport, UFOcenter. ject. I am hoping the photos got a clear
port, UFOcenter. shot of what I witnessed. After the pic-
North Carolina flying triangle tures were taken, the object lowered it-
Cigar shape in the UK SHILOH - A criminal justice profes- self behind the tree line." Thanks to Peter
CHELMSFORD - The five craft hov- sional was coming home from work Feb. Davenport, UFOcenter.
ered in a triangle shape, and then seemed 8, 2004, at 6:20 AM, and spotted a craft
to freeze, according to the reporting wit- flying at treetop level. New York memory
ness. Then the craft sped off without a He reports, "As I crossed a little bridge STATEN ISLAND - The winess
trace on Feb. 13,2004, at 3 PM. on 343 the craft flared to the left and flew writes, "I'm 37 years old, and when I was
The objects were fully visible, and south along 343, steadily increasing about 14 years old, in 1983, my friend and
were quite low, and the bottom side of speed until I lost sight of the craft. The I were at a nearby pond and we looked up
the craft each had a black circle on the underside of the craft was unusual, with and saw the strangest ship. I will never
bottom. They sounded like a cross be- three conical-shaped depressions that forget it. It was oval to cigar-shaped, with
tween a lawn mower and a vacuum glowed a bluish color that turned to white lights around the whole ship.
cleaner. as it picked up speed. The top of the fly- "It moved very slowly back, forward,
Inside the house all radios had a ing triangle craft was jet black." Thanks up, and down. We both froze and were
strange chatter on them which stopped to Peter Davenport, UFOcenter. shocked. For two minutes we were still
Page 14 MUFON UFO Journal April 2004
looking at this ship, and then, it took off ALPHA - On Feb. 27,2004, when the small amount of light from the city below.
in a blink of an eye. I mean like turn your husband came home, his 12-year-old son "Thinking that my eyes were playing
lights off and on real fast." Topthat97. and wife were very excited and nervous, tricks on me, or my glasses had a glare, I
saying they had just seen UFOs and removed my glasses and was still able to
UFOs reported in Sweden caught them on video. They said the ob- see the object and the small amount of
KISTA - Strong bright lights with yel- jects were close, quiet, and moved unlike light reflected from it. I watched it until it
low, blue, and red colors were spotted on airplanes. became hard to differentiate from the night
Feb. 11,2004, at 10 PM. The witness re- The husband reports, "I watched a sky. At that time I ran inside to get my
ports, "The shape is different from craft few minutes of the tape, and. being an friend." Thanks to UFOcenter.
to craft, and some are round. They sud- airplane mechanic by trade, they did not
denly appear and just stop for two sec- have a classic light pattern of any com- Round object in Delaware
onds, go up higher in the air, and then mercial aircraft. It appears on tape to be NEWCASTLE - The witness reports,
they just fly away. three objects close together. Two close "Every night you can see this round ob-
"The speed is ten times an airplane. together, off to the sides, moving irregu- ject in the sky that only moves slightly in
First there were five, then they become larly, and one in the center. the vicinity of Newcastle Air Force Base.
18." Two girls, 17-18 year old students, "The one in the center was disc- Sometimes it will move real fast.
had never seen a UFO before. Thanks to shaped and spinning-as my wife said, "Other times you can see military
Peter Davenport, UFOcenter. 'Like a top.' Intrigued, I went upstairs to planes circling around it, usually when it
try to see what I just saw on tape for my- is lower. You can definitely tell it is not a
self, and I caught on video this time what plane, star, or anything that is a common
Australian ground traces
appeared to be an unusually bright ob- sight on a daily basis. On Feb. 28,2004, at
ALICE SPRINGS - On Feb. 10,2004, at
ject over eastern Pennsylvania, very far 6 PM, we saw it. You can see it best when
10:14 PM, a 16-year-old observer and a
away, maybe 8-10 miles. there are clouds in the sky and, there are
few friends were out in the bush looking "It was most certainly not in the air-
through a telescope when one asked, no stars visible to the eye. Sometimes it
plane flight path, as planes taking off .from will vanish suddenly, but it is very suspi-
"Hey what are those things floating
Allentown appeared to be moving from cious." UFOcenter.
around?" They watched for awhile and the NW to the SE towards me at a steady .
managed to get one in the telescope for a
speed. This object moved from the east Florida lights
clear view.
due west. NOKOMIS - The witness reports,
The observer says, "They were like "I've never really believed, but it was
saucers, but there were four of them that "The object appeared to be over the Gulf
unidentifiable to me. It was strange. Bright
had a green color, and were hovering of Mexico on Feb. 11,2004, at 8 PM. At
at times, moving rapidly in the distance,
about 15-20 meters from the ground. I first there were three lights with rays of
then gone. All total, maybe 20 minutes."
didn't see any sort of alien life forms, al- light above and below. Then two sets of
Thanks to Peter Davenport, UFOcenter.
though there were trees in the way, so we three smaller lights appeared between the
didn't get a clear view of the ground. three lights.
"But I did hear weird noises coming Florida disc "It began vertical, and, depending on
from the direction of the saucers that we WEST PALM BEACH - The witness where you stood, it was horizontal or at
watched for at least two minutes or even was called to the balcony to see a UFO varying degrees turned. There were up
more. There were about 6-7 that departed, by three other witnesses around 11:50 PM to 21 lights. I called the police, and an
so I think that some were on the ground on Feb. 11,2004. The witness states, "So, officer witnessed this as well. He called
just sitting there. In an instant they were I look out, and it has an orange shade/ in a helicopter, and when it was headed in
out of sight. glow, and it was oval/plate-shaped. the direction of the lights they disap-
"After they left, we found two patches "The other witnesses told me that be- peared, only to return within five minutes.
on the ground, and some faint footprints fore I came out it was really close to them. "We saw them in the same location
were observed. No one was around, so But it was now about four miles away. from nightfall until 8 PM or so for three
we stayed there for awhile, just looking at Little by little it started to fade, then when other nights, and then we returned from
the marks, and were totally amazed and a it did, I kept staring at its location, but it our vacation." UFOcenter.
bit freaked out. had disappeared.
"My friends are older than me: one is "It moved from one location to another Oklahoma saucer/triangle
20, and the other 22. We all saw it well in a quick flash, leaving a lightning-type
SALLISAW - The observers saw a very
.with the naked eye, and I also got the fade from its movement. It kept doing this
bright light in the southwest sky on Feb.
telescope on them. They looked unreal!" for about five more minutes, then it fi-
nally disappeared. I and my house mates 14,2004, about 7:30 PM, that seemed to
Thanks to Peter Davenport, UFOcenter. be hovering at a low altitude.
were amazed. We're still a little shaken."
Thanks to Peter Davenport, UFOcenter. They state, "We began to look around
Astronaut says we are not alone and saw two more, one to the east and
The St. Petersburg Times reports that the other to the west. We got our binocu-
Astonaut Edgar Mitchell announced that, Indiana dark triangle lars out to get a better look and saw a
"the Earth is being visited by extraterres- BLOOMINGTON - The witness was saucer-shaped object, it was very large.
trials." The sixth astronaut to walk on the at a friend's apartment on Feb. 15,2004, "The object seemed to have very
moon told 200 people in the audience that "and I noticed that there was a large tri- bright lights in quarter sections around
the Presidents after Kennedy were not angular object moving westward through it. The lights were fire red, purple, or-
briefed on the situation. the sky without any lights or sound at ange, .and a light green color. The other
10:50 PM. It moved slowly, and I could two were the same, but smaller.
New Jersey video see its outline because it blocked out the "The one in the southwest was lower-
background behind it. It also reflected a ing itself slowly to the ground, and as it
April 2004 MUFON UFO Journal Page .15
did, it'turned triangular-shaped, and all jects were flying in formation and were hovering in the same spot," he said. He
we could see was a fire red color with looking-marvelous." Thanks to Peter leaned up on his right elbow very slowly,
clear, :bright light glowing around it. It Davenport. and the light moved about half an inch
went down into the side of a mountain. further inside the trailer, and then bolted
"Then we started looking at the other Orange spheres in Missouri out the door.
two. They moved back and forth and up ANNAPOLIS - Two brothers were D. H. was unaware until that moment
and down, then they just disappeared." driving on Champion Springs Ranch road that the trailer door was open. He always
Thanks to Peter Davenport, UFOcenter. on the evening of Feb. 10,2004, at around closes and locks that door. The door
7 PM .near Black River when they saw slammed behind the light. He awoke that
Silver object in Ohio five very brightly shining orange spheres morning with a good sized bump on the
LYNDHURST - Driving north on in the sky. At first the objects shot around back on his head. Yet, he felt better than
Brainard road, just before May field, on like the balls that shoot out of Roman he had in months.
Feb. 11, 2004, at 8:22 AM, the witness candles. The door trim on the floor had a one-
noticed a long, silver object about 50 de- They then began to fly in V formation and-a-half inch outward dent in it. The
grees above the horizon. He was stopped like a flock of geese. This was in a wooded next night he closed his eyes for a minute
at a traffic light, and realized the object area, and at times the light from the and had a flashback of someone pulling
had no wings or tail assembly. spheres would shine across the tops of him by his ankles out of his bed.
It was 1/2 inch in length at arm's the trees. After the spheres vanished, All of the covers had been removed
length, with high reflectivity and one dark there were several blinking lights in the from his body, and he was terrified as he
spot midway on the body. The object kept sky that looked like airplanes. was being dragged feet-first by two hands
a constant side-on view, rapidly receded Then the witnesses heard very loud from his bed and through the trailer door.
away to the north in less than five sec- booms in the sky, like sonic booms. "I The dent was probably caused by his
onds, and disappeared. It did not bank later spoke to the owner of the ranch, who head striking the trim.
and rum, and there was ho vapor trail. No told us she saw the spheres as well and Later he remembered a large dark gray
sound was heard. that she had seen them on other occa- face about two feet away with thin arms.
Thanks to Peter . Davenport, sions," reported the witness. Thanks to He saw no ears, mouth, hair, or nose.
UFOcenter. Peter Davenport, UFOcenter. Joe Ryan (co-investigator) and Will-
iam Puckett have both interviewed D.H.
Texas disc-shaped object California Disneyland object He does not drink or use drugs, and has
ALEDO - The witness spotted some- ANAHEIM - On March 1, 2004, two no history of mental illness. He is very
thing outside on Feb. 27,2004, at 5:30 PM, witnesses noticed a black roundish ob- frightened and does not even want to dis-
and asked his family about the high fly- ject that was hovering above the cuss the case. Thanks to William Puckett,
ing object. The second witness went out- Disneyland hotel at 10:50 AM. There were UFOs Northwest, C A.
side and looked up to see a large object
no lights or sounds from the object, and MUFON Web Site
floating along at a leisurely pace.
The.object would waiver back and there were no surface features noticeable.
forth, showing that it was a flat disc. They It was an overcast day, and the object redesigned
appeared high and not very large.
watched it for about 10 minutes before it
The witness says, "At first we thought and renewed
floated quite high and became very hard It is our pleasure to announce
to see. There were no lights at all on the in might be a Mickey Mouse balloon, be-
cause it seemed to change shape slightly that the MUFON website at
object, there was no sound, and it had a has been com-
shiny metallic skin. as it floated. After about a minute it
started floating to the south very slowly, pletely redesigned and renewed. We
One witness "thinks" there might have are still adding content, but the new
been a design on the flat face of the ob- but it didn't quite behave like a balloon.
"Its movements were a strange kind site is up and functional.
ject. Thanks to Peter Davenport, The MUFON organization sec-
UFOcenter. of slow bobbing, and it was moving in
the opposite direction of the wind. After tion has been enlarged and modern-
five minutes of this, the object changed ized. The MUFON store has been
Flying triangles in Poland from a round shape to strait as an arrow greatly expanded offering many
WARSAW - The witness reports, "I and shot off to the east at a very high MUFON products. I hope you will
was going home with my friends, taking a speed. It was quickly out of sight in a all visit it soon and recommend it to
shortcut by the forest on February 21, your friends.
2004, at 2 PM. Suddenly we saw three couple of seconds, making no sound."
Thanks to Peter Davenport. The site design and development
triangle-shaped aircraft moving from work was accomplished by Pamela
south to north at a terrific speed. and Christopher Cisneros of
"We heard a little bit strange sound; it Washington State encounter Prologix Inc., and guided by James
was something like an electrical trans- EATONVILLE - On Dec. 26,2003, just Carrion, representing the MUFON
former or high voltage converter. Two of before midnight, D.H., age 41, was awak- Business Board. We want to express
these flying triangles had four lights, and ened in his travel trailer and clearly saw a our appreciation for a job well done.
three of them were in the corners of the red orb three inches in diameter floating In addition, we want to recog-
triangular shape objectss with a blue color. around. The baseball-size red ball had a nize and thank our previous
"One light was at the center of the two inch red mist around it, so its total webmaster. Bill Konkolesky, for his
plane/ship with a red/orange color and diameter was about five inches. several years of dedication and hard
was pulsing. Trie third ship was bigger Although the red light was "hazy," it work on the original MUFON site.
than .those two described above and had lit up the entire interior compartment of This has been a super team effort.
more lights located at the edges. The ob- the trailer. "It was an extremely bright light

Page 16 MUFON UFO Journal April 2004

Various sources
Indicate possibility
of life on Mars
A channeling experience in this book, despite the fact that Saddam's Evidence of water
Challenges of Change by Stanley A. whereabouts were a mystery when the "One of NASA's robotic rovers has
Fulham, 2003, ISBN 0-9687321-1-9, Amisk manuscript was sent to the printer last No- found evidence that parts of Mars were
Enterprises Ltd, 59 Trigwell Bay, vember. once soaked with enough water to sus-
Winnipeg, Canada, R3K OH7,5x8, soft Unfortunately, the Transendors failed tain life," scientists said on March 2,2004.
cover, 190 pages, $19.95. to correctly predict what would happen "Opportunity has landed in an area of
Reviewed by Dwight Connelly to Saddam, saying, "We don't see him Mars where water once drenched the sur-
In the Introduction of this extending his physical reality face," according to Ed Weiler, a NASA
book the author says, "Chal- much longer.. ..In all probabil- space science administrator.
lenges of Change reveals in- ity, he may turn up somewhere Evidence from meteorite
formation that some readers in a non-living state and no A NASA news release in August,
will find shocking, irreverent one will know what happened 1996, said that the team of James Hartfield
and unbelievable." While I to him." (Johnson Space Center) and David
did not find the information When Saddam did turn up- Salsbury (Stanford University) "found the
shocking or especially irrev- very much alive-the author first organic molecules thought to be of
erent, I did find most of it un- inserted an addendum to the Martian origin: several mineral features
believable. book, contending that characteristic of biologic activity; and
The subject matter in- Saddam suspected he would possible microscopic fossils of primitive,
cludes virtually every UFO be assassinated while hiding bacteria-like organisms, inside of a Mars
topic, current or historical, in Syria, so he returned to Iraq rock that fell to earth as a meteorite."
including Pleiadians, Billy Meir, the to hide and grow a beard in The journal Science reports the com-
Moon, Mars, Reptilians, Nazca, anticipation of an escape to South pounds they elicited from the meteorites,
Stonehenge, crop circles, abductions, America. found in Antarctica, were directly asso-
animal mutilations, Chupacabras, the Apparently even the Transendors ciated with fossil-like structures and car-
Mothman, the Philadelphia Experiment, don't get it right every time. bonate globules in the rocks.
the Voronezh incident, Sasquatch, the Equally unimpressive are the accounts Australian evidence
Vajginha (Brazil) case, etc., etc by the author of the various UFO inci- The Journal of Microscopy says that
And, believe it or not, each one of dents described, such as the Voronezh Australian scientists believe they have
these mysteries is solved and explained- entity sighting in Russia, Roswell, and the found evidence that life once existed on
at least so far as the author is concerned. Philadelphia Experiment. Mars. They have found that microscopic
If this were not enough, there are ex- The Philadelphia Experiment-which fossils of primitive bacteria-like organisms
planations for the Sphinx scrolls, the most ufologists agree was a non-event- in a Mars meteorite match characteristics
Black Hole, spaceships, wars, "the day was an unsuccessful attempt by the U.S. of bacteria found in mud in Queensland.
computers die," Russia's Yeltson and his Navy (assisted by Einstein) to test an anti- One of the scientisits, Dr. Taylor, says
challenge to the UFO "Cabal," the uni- gravity weapon involving repulsive mag- he has found enough evidence of life on
verse, the "Council of Eight," etc., etc. netic field technology, according to the Mars to warrant a manned mission to the
And wh~ere~'do all these answers come author. red planet.
from? According to the author, they The technology is called the Transfer-
come from a group called the Transendors ence Induction System (T.I.S.), says the Solar system's most
through the channeling of Rick Thurston, author, and would not only be the ulti-
who reportedly "acts as a medium, in a mate weapon, but would also protect Earth distant object discovered?
comatose state, and is not aware of the against asteroids and meteorites, ward off
unfriendly alien intrusions, and power our (CNN) - Scientists may have discov-
substance of the dialogue." ered the solar system's most distant ob-
The author does not otherwise explain spaceships to distant stars.
Also on the horizon, say the ject, more than three billion kilometers far-
who Thurston is. ther away from the Sun than Pluto.
The Transendors are described as "a Transcendors, is a variation of cold fu-
sion which will create free and inexhaust- The object-about 10 billion kilometers
spiritual group of approximately 43,000 from Earth-has been given the provi-
souls.whd exist in the Astral plane which ible energy. Is Dr. Greer listening?
mankind often refers to as Paradise, If you have lost faith in traditional re- sional name of Sedna after the Inuit god-
Heaven, Nirvana, the Happy Hunting search, science, and religion, then per- dess of the sea.
haps this book will fill that void. Dr. Michael Brown of the California
Grounds, and so on." Institute of Technology and his team of
I do not doubt the sincerity or good astronomers, using the recently launched
will of the author, who says he is a former Newsletters appreciated high power Spitzer Space Telescope,
officer in the North American Air Defense The MUFON UFO Journal staff ap- found Sedna during an ongoing three-
System. The fact that he believes what preciates receiving newsletters from lo- year outer solar system project.
he writes is, I think, borne out in the fact cal MUFON groups.' Sedna is the largest object to be found
that he dealt with the volatile topic of the circling the sun since Pluto was discov-
location and future of Saddam Hussein ered in 1930.
April 2004 MUFON UFO Journal Page 17
By Jenny Randies

The end of an institution? cover-up succeeded in covering up all in- tion. The problem is that some people did.
As I write these words the British me- terest in this field after nigh on 60 years? It is that cultural element that probably
dia are full of tales of doom and gloom. Will, as some pundits argue, future histo- kept UFO magazine afloat, and may. well
UFOlogy, which they hardly ever took rians be looking back from the end of the have started to desert it just as they did
seriously (outside of a few tabloids), is 21st century and thinking that UFOlogy The X Files towards the end of its long
being feted by some of the more respect- was a passing fad, distracting mankind, run. It is this aspect of the UFO commu-
able newspapers all but leading nowhere? nity-not its serious element-that may be
of a sudden. Frankly, I do not think so. I think this fading away. But that does not consti-
Why? Because shows the media love to shoot down tute the end of our entire community.
they can pro- things it has never really taken to heart. There are also crucial reasons why
nounce on its de- This alleged disintegration of UFOlogy UFO magazine was strongly dependent
mise once again- fits in with their judgement of the sub- upon its editor, Graham Birdsall, and could
just about the one ject, and also has a peculiar attraction to not .survive his tragic death last year. I
topic that is guar- people in the UK because we have a fond- doubt, that you can pass sentence on
anteed to get the ness for building folk up and then seeing UFOlogy because of the demise of one
highbrow media ex- them get knocked down. magazine that was never reflective of that
cited. UFOlogy is not about to curl up and UFO community in the first place.
Big stories and die any more is possible to stifle That said, there is an undoubted shift
Jenny Randies human interest in mysteries. It is what in the nature of UFOlogy which is being
RIP announce-
ments have been gushing forth. Several mankind is all about. We seek answers to reflected by this magazine's closure.
newspapers cited "UFOlogist and skep- riddles-always have and always will. UFOlogy has altered in its essence very
tic" Andy Roberts-although the calibre UFOlogy is a big riddle, and no significantly because of the development
of one best-selling newspaper was re- pontification by hacks;.or>skeptics will of the internet.
vealed by not even getting his name right change that. The internet could almost have been
and calling him Andy Smith instead. Revolution or evolution? devised with UFOlogy in mind, since it
One might hope that they did their The disappearance of UFO magazine provides most of what UFO groups,
homework better in researching the rest is sad, for it had a place in the hearts of magazines, and newstand journals used
of their story on the death of a popular many British UFOlogists, but it was a to offer-with more flexibility and less cost.
cultural icon. particularly homespun publication. Discussion forums are more fun than
Sadly, one suspects they did not, given Launched by the Birdsall brothers-two some of the UFO group meetings that I
that this newspaper also writes off the UFO enthusiasts who ran a local group have attended. You have no need to wait
Rendlesham Forest case as a hoax by a in Leeds in the 1970s-it rapidly expanded months to read about the latest big case,
disgruntled airman-a story the paper car- into their personal empire, with confer- as it will be on the net within hours.
ried in 2003, but which is about the one ences and merchandising. These things have changed our sub-
solution to this complex case that we can It caught the X Files generation ethos, ject profoundly, but change need not be
be reasonably sure is not a significant and probably made its mark in the public regarded in a negative sense.
part of the answer. domain for that reason. Of course, it had The UFO community has become more
Reasons to be fearful its readers amongst active UFOlogists, focused and smaller, but it has done so
What is the cause of this obituary for but they were not its target audience. I by removing a lot of the people who were
UFOlogy in Britain, and by inference ev- respected it, but rarely read it myself, and really only interested in perpetuating the
erywhere else? It seems to be the deci- only once wrote for it (because I was mystery for mysteries sake—not in find-
sion in March 2004 for the 20-year-old asked). ing answers.
newsstand magazine UFO to fold. The reason is not that I regarded it as The trick will be to mobilize our re-
This is presented as symptomatic of tawdry, but that it was aimed at a grass sources better and to tailor our methods
the massive decline of the subject, which roots support which was not especially to the new world in which we live.
Roberts (aka Smith) defines as a product conducive to progressing serious UFO UFO groups such as MUFON and jour-
of the 20th century that has faded away research-which is not to denigrate it. nals of record, such as this one, will al-
along with it. To be fair, his argument is What it did, it did supremely well, ways have a place because they exist for
more specific than as trivialised by some hence its undoubted success. But it did the people who are seeking the truth
media, and not entirely without merit. it mostly for the fringe of UFOlogy-popu- rather than seeking just to be titilated by
UFOlogy is undoubtedly not what it larizing the subject amongst a group of UFOs. Indeed they may become stronger
was, and we are at best in the sort of dark people with unrealistic expectations of in the absence of a newsstand alterna-
ages faced once before-in the early 1960s. what UFOlogy is really all about. tive presence.
Do we have legitimate reasons to be The X Files was great fun. But it was Nothing has died that we cannot live
fearful for this subject that we all love? never real life. You should not judge the without. UFOlogy is alive and well, but it
Have the naysayers won out? Has the nature of UFOlogy from this science fic- has evolved.
Page 18 MUFON UFO Journal April 2004
Similar name, different individual
associated with Bigfoot "expose"
By Robert R. Hieronimus, Ph.D. which they had erroneously confused with a crease down the center of the
21st Century Radio News creature's back. All gorillas have this fea-
ture which follows the direct alignment
Recently, a new attempt has been of their spinal cord into the crease of their
made to debunk one of the most famous buttocks.
images of Bigfoot in the world. In 1998 there were claims to have iden-
The Roger Patterson-Bob Gimlin film tified the "man in the suit" as someone
taken on Oct. 20,1967, in BlufTCreek, C A, named Jerry Romney-claims which soon
has been carefully analyzed for over 30 fizzled out. In 1999, USA Today; claimed
years, and this is just one of many at- to have spotted an object hanging from
tacks on its credibility by debunkers. Patterson's Bigfoot, resembling a metal
Ironically, however, this latest attempt fastener. This later turned out to be
to call this film a hoax has earned little "noise" in a printed photo from the film.
five-foot-five me a footnote in Bigfoot So the track record so far has been
history!!! Believe it or not, the man who based more on hype than on fact.
has so-called "gone public" to say it was And in typical debunking style, they
really him dressed up in a gorilla suit in are going after the biggest, best known
this famous film is named none other than case by trying to expose the Patterson
"Bob Heironimus"! film as a hoax.
He spells it a little differently, but it's Photo 'by Roger Patterson Remember this: even if their claims
obviously causing a good deal of confu- were to be proved true, this does not af-
sion out there, so here's my official state- thing I had no knowledge of! fect in the slightest any of the thousands
ment on this case: That was NOT me!!! While it is too soon to make any con- of other cases of Bigfoot sightings by
That's right; the "Bob Heironimus" clusions about these latest hoax allega- reliable witnesses worldwide, the foren-
claiming to be the man in the Bigfoot suit tions, let me simply tell you now about sic evidence collected from encounter
is NOT the same "Bob Hieronimus" who the track record of two of the proponents sites, and the lab tests done on them (in-
has interviewed countless Bigfoot re- of this story: Bob Kiviat and Kal Korff. cluding dermal ridges on footprints and
searchers about this very film and other Bob Kiviat you may recognize as the DNA tests of hair samples that are shown
cases on his 21st Century Radio(r) pro- name behind the infamous "Alien Au- to be from an unknown primate).
gram! topsy" footage of 1996. He has worked In fact, on the Patterson film alone, a
Ironic coincidence??? You decide. As with Korff and FOX TV since then on $75,000 study by the North American
unusual as my name is, I have been con- several debunking films, including previ- Science Institute was done, and their com-
fused with at least three other Bob ous attacks on the Patterson-Gimlin foot- puter enhancement analysis suggested
Hieronimi in this world, so this is not the age that turned out to be baseless. "that the creature's skin and musculature
first time I've been accused of doing sorne- First they pointed to an alleged zipper are what one would expect to find in a
living animal; not in a hairy suit, however
innovatively it was constructed."
The amount of physical evidence and
reliable witness testimony from around
WUFOD login & password the world is enough for any thinking per-
son to believe in the possibility of
for MUFON members Bigfoot.
WUFOD is MUFON's Worldwide UFO database, linked to the MUFON Even famed primatologist Dr. Jane
home page. URL for WUFOD is: Goodall has stated that she thinks it is
login (where it says Name) is: member likely that the Sasquatch is real, consid-
password is: [member! ering that large groups of intelligent pri-
mates have eluded discovery in the past.
Remember, the login is the word "member," NOT your name! Both login and
To learn more about why these and
password must be typed in lower case to enter WUFOD. other attempts have been made to dis-
Print out the user guide once you log in and read it for best use of the credit Patterson's film, I recommend Loren
database. Coleman's Bigfoot: The True Story of
Logins and passwords for investigators will be given them by their State Apes in America, published by Paraview/
Directors. All Field Investigators should be getting email from WUFOD when a Pocket Books.
case is entered in your state. If you aren't, please contact The London Times calls this book, "Objective, painstaking and exhaustive."
Loren Coleman's website it http://

April 2004 MUFON UFO Journal Page 19

PERCEPTIONS By Stanton T. Friedman

Technology and research wanting some comments from me about braries, especially ones with a large num-
Several months ago I took note of the how important Information Technology ber of periodicals from the 1940s on.
fact that we need new blood in MUFON has been for my UFO research. I noted Press reports
because so many of us oldtimers are in- that it helped to have e-mail for rapid Specifically, I believe it would be very
deed getting older. In recent days, how- communication, that it was great to use useful to review press coverage of cer-
ever, I have had a couple of experiences the internet to dig out a piece of trivia tain ufological events in order to have
that indicate that we oldsters still have (Nobel Prize winner in Physics in 1958?) ammunition in hand for approaching the
some useful background that counts. without leaving my desk, and that word media with what a poor job they have of-
A number of processing was great for me because I
ten done. Here are some specific time
conference and am a lousy typist. frames of interest:
program sponsors He asked how about all my research 1. Coverage of the Roswell Incident in
have urged me to on Roswell and MJ-12, and was shocked the period July 8-12,1947, paying particu-
"get with it" and when I pointed out that, generally speak- lar attention to the difference in coverage
start using Power ing. Information Technology was not im- between the evening papers from Chicago
Point in my lec- portant because the 20 document ar-
west, which had the story, and the morn-
tures instead of 35 chives I have visited aren't computerized. ing papers which didn't (all of them) on
mm slides. One has to go there, look at a finders July 8.
I offered sev- aid, select boxes to be brought, check the 2. USAF Gen. Samford's Washington,
eral objections, in- folders noted, copy what one wants, and DC, press conference on July 29, 1952,
cluding the fact request mandatory classification review after the many radar and visual sightings
that I don't have a for a document one wants declassified in in the DC area.
laptop computer, . Friedman the hope that it may be useful. 3. The Flatwoods Monster UFO sight-
that I often deal with students assigned There is no way to search electroni- ing and landing in Flatwoods, WV, on
to operate the projector, that I can teach cally, because those archives are not com- Sept. 12, 1952. This is a very important
anybody to operate a Kodak Carousel in puterized. Furthermore, digging out news- case researched in detail by Frank
30 seconds, and that all sponsors seem paper stories from July, 1947, for example, Feschino and to be reported in his new
to have one. required one to go to a library that has book due out before the summer. Some of
Moreover, the Power Point projectors those newspapers in hard copy or on mi- the meteor explanations were really quite
are much more expensive and take more crofilm. funny, along with the 6' owl as an expla-
skill to operate; I have loads of slides Sometimes one can get help from a li- nation for the "monster."
which I often change from lecture to lec- brarian who will look up somebody in a 4. The publication of a very widely
ture; it costs, locally, $2.50 each to get city directory, find the year when his name quoted USAF press release after the
slides put on a CD; I have never had a last appeared, get names and numbers for completion of a huge study by Battelle
bulb blow in over 700 lectures; and at ev- people living near by, and then see if any Memorial Institute entitled "Project Blue
ery conference where I have seen Power of the same people are still listed in the Book Special Report Number 14." The
Point used there has been a problem- latest version. press release, dated Oct. 25, 1955, did
sometimes several. AB shocked me by saying he just NOT give the title of the report, did not
I found a new advantage of slides hadn't realized how important libraries mention BMI or the authors, and had this
when I finally viewed the videotape of can be when doing research, and had not totally misleading comment by USAF
my formal debate with James McGaha at been in one for years! Secretary Donald Quarles:
Middle Tenn. State Univ. on Jan. 28. (The I guess he was even more shocked "On the basis of this study we believe
2 hr. video is only $15, including ship- when I pointed out that while I like using that no objects such as those popularly
ping from me at FOB 958, Houlton, ME the white and yellow pages on the described as flying saucers have over-
04730-0958) internet, it used to be that when one called flown the United States. I feel certain that
My slides showed up very well, telephone Information one spoke with an even the unknown 3% could have been
whereas the Power Point items with text operator who was in the area in which explained as conventional phenomena or
on them showed up poorly. I have con- one sought information and could answer illusions if more complete observational
sulted experts, who were not surprised. such questions as "Is that address in a data had been available."
It has to do with the brightness of the good part of town." The facts are that the UNKNOWNS
projector, the compatibility of the soft- Now the operator is nowhere near the were actually 21.5% of the 3,201 cases
ware, and, of course, slides have very area of interest and, of course, knows investigated, and that they were com-
much higher resolution than most digital nothing about it. . Until recently the ac- pletely separate from the 9.3% which were
images. Just because it is new high tech curacy was often poor, with wrong num- labeled INSUFICffiNT INFORMATION.
doesn't mean it is better. bers given in several instances. Furthermore, the undistributed report
Not compuerized The point is that not everything new showed that the better the quality of the
is better. What I would really like to do is case, the more likely to be listed as an
The second discovery came when I
to get readers to help me in a research UNKNOWN. The official lies have been
responded to an email request from AB
project requiring some leg work using li-
Page 20 MUFON UFO Journal April 2004
repeated over and over again by UFO
debunkers. I believe there were editorials
as well as the press release, and that no
newspaper noted the absence of a title,
author, organization, or the actual data. I
have the press release, but not much of
the newspaper coverage. hunt for the comet.
May (Southern Hemisphere observers may
5. In late March, 1966, (NY Times,
see both comets at a brighter peak 2nd
March 23) Dr. J. Allen Hynek, professor
magnitude.) Keep in mind that predicting
of astronomy at Northwestern University Bright Planets (Evening Sky): the brightness of comets is notoriously
and Air Force consultant on UFOs, noted Venus achieves greatest brilliancy in difficult. Consult
at a huge Detroit press conference that the evening sky on May 2. Shining then for the latest information and Sky & Tele-
some of the many UFO sightings in Michi- at magnitude -4.5, our dazzling planet scope magazine for finder charts.
gan that week might have been due to neighbor begins the month low in the
swamp gas. Here again there were some WNW, gradually sinking lower in the sky.
editorials and a number of cartoons, many Venus sets about 11:30 PM on the 1st, Messenger to Mercury:
of them not accepting the swamp gas ex- but about 9 PM on the 31 st. . A spacecraft called Messenger is
planation. During the latter part of May, even bin- scheduled for a Delta rocket launch this
6. The University of Colorado Study oculars will show the planet's relatively month. Eventually requiring three grav-
of UFOs, the Condon Report, was re- large thin crescent phase (nearly 1 arc- ity-boosts from Venus, Messenger finally
leased in early January, 1969, to wide press minute in diameter). The lunar crescent arrives at the planet Mercury in 2009 and
coverage . To date I have seen none that itself is near Venus on May 20 and 21. then orbits it to study its surface geol-
noted, as the American Institute of Aero- Mars (1.7), in Gemini, is low in the ogy and chemical composition. The mis-
nautics and Astronautics UFO Commit- WNW at dusk, setting in the NW soon sion is the first orbital survey of the Sun's
tee found, that 30% of the 117 cases stud- after 11 PM. Mars and Saturn are about 2 innermost planet.
ied in detail could NOT be identified. degrees apart on the 24th.
7. Project Blue Book was officially Jupiter (-2.2), in Leo, can be seen high Moon Phases:
closed on about Dec. 19,1969, with, again, in the SW at dusk. From there, it moves Full moon—May 4
a totally misleading press release. I noted westward. Last quarter—May 11
the many problems with it in TOP SE- Saturn (0.2), in Gemini, stands in the New moon—May 19
CRET/MAJIC, but cannot recall any W at twilight and sets in the NW about First quarter—May 27
newspaper pointing out the false claims. 11:30 in midmonth. The world with rings
8. The ridiculous MOGUL Balloon ex- gradually descends into the twilight glow The Stars:
planation for Roswell was released about by month's end. See Saturn.
Late in the evening the spring stars
Sept. 16, 1994. There was a huge front are well displayed in the S. From W to E,
page story in the New York Times, Sun- Bright Planets (Morning Sky): they are Leo the Lion, Virgo the Maiden,
day Sept. 18, accepting it without ques- Jupiter sets in the WNW about 2:30 Bootes the Herdsman, and Libra the
tion. Maybe some newspapers ques- AM in mid-May. Scales.
tioned it, but I haven't seen them. The summer patterns also are appear-
9. The Crash Test Dummies explana- A Tale of Two Cornets: ing farther E-Scorpius the Scorpion,
tion for the bodies seen at Roswell was This month two comets may become Ophiuchus the Serpent-Bearer, and Her-
touted in late June, 1997, and widely cov- visible to the naked eye, and for a time cules the Giant. Even the Summer Tri-
ered even in the UK, where I was when I observable in the evening sky simulta- angle (the stars Vega, Deneb, Altair) is
heard about it. Hopefully, some reporters neously. above the eastern horizon at 11 PM
noted that none of the dummies were Comet NEAT (after the Near Earth midmonth.
dropped until 1953 and that they were 6' Asteroid Tracking survey which discov- Alpha Centauri, the Sun's nearest stel-
tall and weighed 175 pounds. ered it) should become visible to the un- lar neighbor, and the Southern Cross
10. There were over 320 journalists aided eye in Northern Hemisphere skies (Crux) are best seen now in the southern
from all over the world in Roswell for the beginning the 2nd week of May. Look for evening sky from our extreme southern
50th Anniversary in early July, 1997, of that it in the W about 10 PM, using binocu- states.
crash retrieval. I am sure the press cover- lars to aid in finding the faint object.
age varied all over the place, judging by During the latter half of May, it should
the many interviews I did there during appear as a 3rd-to-4th-magnitude smudge Dr. Francis Costello
that week. of light sporting at least a short tail in the
I would be most grateful for copies of constellation of Cancer first, then Lynx. passes away
any clippings, and would be happy to pay More difficult will be Comet LINEAR MUFON field investigator trainee Dr.
copying and postage costs for any sent (after the discovering Lincoln Labora- Francis P. Costello, of Philadelphia, PA
to me at FOB 958, Houlton, Maine, 04730- tory Near Earth Asteroid Research sur- passed away on March 11,2004. He was
0958. Be sure to make note of the vey), a fainter 4th-to-5th-magnitude 70. A professor at Philadelphia Univer-
newspaper's full name, location, and date. smudge with a short tail appearing to the sity, he is survived by his wife of 45 years,
Sometimes university libraries (peri- S of NEAT toward the end of the month. Mary Ellen, and their sons Colin (Sharla)
odicals) have more old newspapers than Look for it in the WSW sky about 10 and Kylie, as well as his two beloved
do the local public libraries. PM around the borders of the constella- grandchildren, Chloe and Maxine. Memo-
Myfexnumberis 1-506-450-3832. Email tions Puppis and Hydra. Again binocu- rial donations may be made to MUFON
address is lars are useful, if not necessary, in the or The American Cancer Society.
April 2004 MUFON UFO Journal Page 21
April 9-ll-16th AnnualOzarkUFOCon-
ference, Eureka Springs, AR, featuring Timo-
The Hill case I am interested in finding out if others thy Good, Linda Howe, Wendelle Stevens,
Mrs. Budinger is to be congratulated within this individual's camp described Grant Cameron, Nancy Talbott, David
for conceiving of, and carrying out, a similar information in their diaries as well. Rudiak, Ted Phillips, Bev Trout, and Don
long-overdue analysis of the dress Betty (Those with additional information Ledger,
Hill wore on the night of her and Barney's should contact the Journal editor.) April 16-18-lst Annual Exopolitics Expo,
UFO encounter (January 2004 issue). Her Hilton, Washington, DC, featuring Stephen
tentative conclusions, speculations, and Glassy metal may be Bassett, Dr. William Birnes, Grant Cameron,
Philip Corso Jr.; Paul Davids, Richard Dolan,
recommendations are, in my view, very
reasonable. material of future Ann Druffel, Stanton Friedman, Timothy
Good, Dr. Steven Greer, William Hamilton,
As the original investigator of this his- By Brad Lemley
toric incident, I can state that I would have Terry Hansen, Paola Harris, Richard Hoagland,
Discover, April 2004 Linda Howe, Dr. C.B. Scott Jones, Jim Mans,
conducted many components of my in- The wispy metal strip in my hands is 8
vestigation quite differently had I known Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Nick Pope, Peter
inches long, 1 inch wide, and as thin as Robbins, and Dr. Michael Salla, Dr. Richard
exactly what I was dealing with back then. aluminum foil.
The Hill episode was my first expo- Sauder, Robert Wood, and Ryan Wood. Para-
"Try to tear it," says William Johnson, digm Research Group.,
sure to both a UFO "occupant" report a materials science professor at Caltech
and to a UFO abduction scenario. In- 202-431 -2459,
in Pasadena. June 5-6-National UFO Conference,
deed, back then UFO abduction cases I pull-first gently, but soon with all
were virtually unknown (or at least Campbelltown, NSW, Australia, featuring
my might. No go. Debbie Paye, Diane Harrison, Duncan
unpublicized). "See if you can cut this," suggests
During my Hill probe not everything Roads, Mary Rodwell, George Simpson,
Johnson's postgraduate assistant, Jason Bill Chalker, Rex Gilroy, Moira McGhee,
was explored that should have been. And Kang, handing me a mirror-bright piece
that includes close scrutiny of the dress. Sheryl Gottschall, Martin Gottschall,
of the same metal. It's an inch long, a quar- Leslie Kean, & Budd Hopkins. Hosted by
So kudos to Mrs. Budinger, and to Betty ter inch wide, and thinner than a dime.
for preserving the dress all these years! UFO Research (NSW) and UFO Society
I bear down with a heavy-duty pair of of Western Sydney, http://www.ufor.-
-Walt Webb, Westwood, MA wire cutters. The metal will not cut. I try
again, squeezing1 with both hands until July 2-5-2004 UFO & Abduction
An 1838 sighting? my fingers ache. Nothing. Conference,Roswell.NM,featuring
In the process of reading the early his- But the most amazing act in this show Bill Alnor, Stephen Bassett, Richard
tory of my church (1830 time period), I is yetto come. Dolan, Ann Druffel, David Flynn, John
have interpreted a diary entry to mean "Watch," says Johnson. From a height Greenewald, Mike Heiser, Jim Hickman,
and describe an appearance of a UFO of about two feet, he drops a steel ball Joe Jordan, Eve Lorgen, Guy Malone,
over a late-night campsite. onto a brick-size chunk of the metal. The David Sere'da, Chris Ward, and Jim
The information is found in Vol. Ill of ball.bounces so high and for so long-1 Wilhelmsen.
the Church History of the Church of Jesus minute and 17 seconds, with a metronomic
Christ of Latter-day Saints. The informa- tick, tick, tick-that it looks unreal, like July 16-18-MUFON International UFO
tion in this history is well respected and some kind of cinematic special effect. Symposium, Marriott SE, Denver, CO: "Un-
appears trustworthy. "When you try that with regular steel, conventional Flying Objects-The Body of
The diary inscription occurred when a it goes 'clunk, clunk, clunk' and stops," Technological Evidence." Speakers include
group of church members embarked on a says Johnson.If the metal were glued to Stephen Bassett, Grant Cameron, Peter Dav-
pilgrimage to Missouri from Kirtland, and an unyielding surface such as concrete enport, John Greenewald, Budd Hopkins,
occurred at night. In the book, the group (instead of sitting on Johnson's oak cof- Leslie Kean, Deborah Lindemann, Nick
pilgrimage is known as the Kirtland Camp. fee table, which absorbs a lot of the enr Redfern, John Schuessler, David Sereda, Ryan
Actual Entry (in quotes): "Sometime ergy), "the ball would bounce for more
in the night a luminous body about the Wood, George Zeiler.
than two minutes," he says. "I've done
size of a cannon ball came down from over it." September 24-25-Alternative Reali-
the encampment near the ground then ties Conference (ARC), Johnson City, TN,
whirled round some forty or fifty times featuring Kriss Stephens, Leah Haley, Jim
UFO Awareness T-shirt Hickman, Donald Ware, Jason Martell,
and moved off in a horizontal direction, MUFON has received a shipment
soon passing out of sight." Chester Moore, and Stacey Allen McGee.
of the UFO Awareness T-shirt. It is Www.AlternateRealities.orG.
The diary entry was for Sunday, July white with black letters.
22, 1838. The author was Judge Elias Director@AlternateRealities.orG, (423)
The MUFON logo is on the left 943-6477
Smith, acting as camp scribe, and the lo- front, and a slogan saying "you only
cation was Rush Creek, Logan County (I thought you knew..." is on the back. A reminder
believe Ohio) on the farm of a Mr. Partial, It comes in S, M, L, and XL. $ 12 +$3 State and local MUFON organizations
inkeeper in the town of Rush Creek. The S&H. Please add $4. additional for which have address changes, email
number of people who initially signed up . shipping outside the U.S changes, or web site changes need to
for the Kirtland Camp: 529. contact MUFON Headquarters.
Page 22 . MUFON UFO Journal April 2004
For advertising, contact John Schuessler,, 303-948-6224.
MUFON 2003
International UFO
JUST PUBUSOEP! Symposium Proceedings
Includes all of the papers pub-
Freni ttts team Dial brocotd no -j lished for the MUFON Symposium
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"V/c Botfi Know Whiit Happenec! Out There" 369. Morrison, CO 80465-0369.

UFO Newsclipping Service

Monthly collection of news stories and features about
4/04 UFOs and related phenomena from the world's press, in-
cluding translations. For a sample copy and additional
THE ALLIES OF HUMANITY: An Urgent Message information, contact or UFONS, 2 Caney
About the Extraterrestrial Presence in the World Today. Valley Drive, Plumerville, AR 72127-8725.
"I was greatly impressed with The
Allies of Humanity . . . Because the Delphos, A Close
message rings true. Radar contacts, Encounter
ground effects, videotape and film all
prove UFOs are real. Now we must of the Second Kind
consider ihe real question: the agenda MUFON has this book available
of their occupants. The Allies of Hu- for immediate delivery. It was written
manity forcefully confronts this is- by Ted Phillips and published by the
sue, one which may prove critical to UFO Research Coalition. 8 1 / 2 x 1 1 for-
the future of humankind." -Jim Marrs mat, soft cover, 177 pages. $20 + $2.50
Soft cover, 6 x 9,166 pages. $ 14.95, S&H. Please add $4 additional for ship-, Order from New Knowledge ping outside the U.S. Order from MUFON, P.O. Box 369,
Library 1-800-938-3891. ALLIES n is coming.... ?/04 Morrison, CO 80465-0369

Advertising rates Advertising deadlines

Ix 3x 6x Issue Ads due
Back cover $450 $425 $400 June 2004 5-1-04
Inside back cover $425 $400 $375 July 2004 6-1-04
Full page $350 $325 $300 August 2004 7-1-04
1/2 page $250 $225 $200 September 2004 8-1-04
1/4 page $150 $125 $100 October 2004 9-1-04
"Calling card" $55 $50 $45 (Occasionally deadlines can be modified. Inquire.)

The MUFON UFO Journal reserves the right to refuse advert is ing for any reason.

April 2004 MUFON UFO Journal Page 23


2004 MUFON International Davenport, Budd Hopkins, Deborah Yuma, and Washington Counties (James
UFO Symposium Lindemann, Nick Redfern, David Sereda, is also a member of the MUFON Busi-
and Ryan Wood. ness Board and architect of the Pandora
Planning for the annual MUFON UFO All speakers will be addressing the Project); Ethan Rich, Englewood, CO, for
Symposium is going very well. It is shap- subject of "evidence," making this a Broomfield, Douglas, and Jefferson Coun-
ing up to be an exciting and enjoyable unique and exciting event. ties (Ethan is also Director of Investiga-
event. tions for Colorado); and Davina Ryszka,
It will be held at the Marriott South- Delta, CO, for Archuleta, Delores,
east hotel in Denver on July 16-18. A The MUFON Pandora Project
Bob & Lin Simpson report that the Gunnison, Hinsdale, LaPlata, Mineral,
registration form is Montezuma, Ouray, Pitkin, San Juan, San
included in this is- beta testing of the project aimed at scan-
ning the 35 years of paper files is finished, Miguel, Delta, Mesa, and Montrose Coun-
sue to make it ties (Davina is also an Assistant State
easy for you to and scanning has begun. Since this is a
volunteer effort, it will be a very longtime Director for Western Colorado).
register for the
event. before all the files are converted to elec-
Early registra- tronic form and available for researchers New Field Investigators
tion is suggested to study. Kathleen Marden, Director of Field
if you want to cap- Recognizing the magnitude of the task, Investigator Training, has announced
ture the very low the MUFON Business Board has recom- that Andrew Fisher, Portland, MI: Kirk
hotel room rates mended seeking a grant that will allow Kirkman. Grand Junction, CO; George
that we have ad- the project to proceed with haste, thereby Raymer, Freeport, IL: Dr. Meh/in Redfern,
vertised. John Schuessler making the data available in the near term. Chuckey, TN: Will Sterling, St. Albans,
Joining the list of outstanding speak- MUFON members can assist by con- Herfordshire, England; and Andrew Tho-
ers this year is John Greenewald. His tacting businesses & influential people mas, Maida Vale, London, England, have
Black Vault has documented more than in their area to request a grant for this successfully passed the MUFON Field
100,000 pages of government documents project. Although the cost is fairly large, Investigator's Exam and are now MUFON
related to the UFO phenomenon. donors can be reminded that MUFON is Field Investigators.
This documentation has shown that a non-profit organization, and grants can
our government is still investigating and be tax deductible. Special recognition can MUFON Member Publications
hiding the results. John will be partici- be given to the donor as well. James M. McCampbell has an-
pating in the "Not of this World Day" at Some similar future scanning projects nounced the publication of his new book,
Six Flags on Thursday, July 15, and then that we have planned include converting Megacraters On Earth, an Introduction
will be a part of the Friday night sympo- all 34 years of MUFON International to Cosmic Geology. Jim looks at a 250-
sium kick-off event. UFO Symposium Proceedings to CD- million-year segment of the history of
For the rest of the weekend he will be ROM, followed by a similar project for Earth and documents more than 200 im-
the symposium master of ceremonies. converting the MUFON UFO Journals pact craters.
This is an excellent opportunity to get to to CD-ROM. Grants for these projects He connects these impacts with the
know John and hear about his research. will be considerably less costly than the changes that have made mining easier,
Stephen Bassett of the Paradigm Re- Pandora Project. the location of oil fields, and the appear-
search Group will present the case for ance of mammals and the development of
deception, denial, and disclosure. Steve Position Announcements mankind. His book is available from Digi-
was a candidate for election to the House Jim Bouck, State Director for New tal Books, 12 Bryce Ct., Belmont, CA
of Representatives from his home state York, appointed Thomas Koch of 94002 for $22.25 plus $6 S&H.
in the last election. He continues to be a Schenectady, NY, to the position of State Ryan Wood & Dr. Robert M. Wood
force for change and the release of UFO Section Director for Albany and have announced the publication of the
information. He says that in any court of Schenectady Counties. UFO Crash Retrieval Conference Pro-
law, first-person evidence is enough to Dr. Jack Kasher, State Director for ceedings. The conference was held in
convict. Since we have thousands of Nebraska, appointed Tom McArdle of Las Vegas, NV, Nov. 14-16,2003. The234-
documented cases of first-person evi- Lincoln, NE, to the position of State Sec- page, 8 1 / 2 x 1 1 format book is available
dence, we need to pursue our case in the tion Director for Lancaster County. from for $35
courts as well as the court of public opin- Leslie Varnicle, State Director for plus $5 S&H. Audio tapes are also avail-
ion. Colorado, has made the following State able.
John Schuessler will present a sum- Section Director appointments in Colo- Bill Jones has published a unique edi-
mary of the body of evidence collected rado: Allen Black, Colorado Springs, CO, tion of the Ohio UFO Notebook cover-
by MUFON and other organizations that for Crowley, Custer, Huerfano, Otero, and ing a large collection of UFO articles from
shows that Unconventional Flying Ob- Pueblo Counties; John W. Blake, Glade the National Enquirer. The clippings in-
jects (UFOs) are real and that they are Park, CO, for El Paso, Fremont, Park and cluded in Issue No. 27, January, 2004,
not ours. Teller Counties; James Carrion, were from the files of the late Earl J. Neff.
Other symposium presenters, as noted Bellevue, CO, for Boulder, Clear Creek, A dozen of the articles were investi-
in the March issue of the MUFON UFO Eagle, Garfield, Gilpin, Grand, Jackson, gated and written by MUFON member
Journal include Grant Cameron, Peter Larimer, Weld, Morgan, Logan, Phillips, Robert Pratt of Lake Worth, FL.
Page 24 MUFON UFO Journal April 2004

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