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Annexure -iii TERMS AND CONDITIONS Rule No. I Conduct of CCC and BCC 1.

An institute would be registered as Facilitation Centre for the conduct of training and fielding candidates for CCC and BCC on self certification basis, if it fulfils and certifies the availability of the laid out criteria and its application is accepted by NI !I". A uni#ue nu$ber would be issued to such Facilitation Centre. "his nu$ber would be %nown as e-provi ional nu!"er#. &. It is the responsibility of the 'Applicant Institute( to co$plete the Application For$ fully and accurately and sub$it it to the NI !I". NI !I" reserves the right at its sole discretion, to accept or re)ect any Application, without having to provide )ustification for acceptance or re)ection. "he registration of the institution is valid for the conduct of CCC and BCC for a particular address. For any change of address, whether per$anently or te$porarily, approval fro$ NI !I" is re#uired. Fee will be charged by NI !I" fro$ the institute for per$ission to register as Facilitation Centre for the conduct of training and fielding candidates for CCC and BCC on self, certification basis. A letter of registration of institution as 'Facilitation Centre( will be issued to the institute allotting the e,provisional nu$ber to serve the docu$entary proof of the sa$e. An institute re$ains to be a 'Facilitation Centre for conduct of training and fielding candidates for CCC and BCC on self,certification basis( if it holds a valid registration nu$ber.



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Rule No. II In titute Conduct 1. Institutes $ust co$ply with all local, state and national laws and regulations that apply to their institute and shall not engage in any business practice or activity that could discredit or da$age the i$age or reputation of NI !I". &. All presentation of NI !I" infor$ation $ust be co$plete and truthful, including but not li$ited to, instructions for filling of application for$s, rules of passing CCC e/a$ination etc. *. "his is the responsibility of the institute to get the latest infor$ation fro$ NI !I". +. No institute shall %nowingly sub$it false or $isleading infor$ation to the NI !I" and to the candidates. -. Institutions would not be allowed to use the ter$inology na$ely 0training centres of NI !I" CCC1BCC or authori2ed institutes for training of NI !I" CCC1 BCC3. .. No institute shall do anything detri$ental to the reputation and i$age of the NI !I", its courses, its logo and 1 or its na$e. 4. NI !I" shall have no liability to any institute in respect of any cost, loss, da$age, clai$s, de$ands, prosecutions, fines, penalties and1or organisation. 5. Institutes $ust co$ply with all NI !I" rules of conduct, policies and other rules and regulations and any a$end$ents or additions together with any procedures, reco$$endations, guidelines or instructions, which $ay be issued fro$ ti$e to ti$e by NI !I".

Annexure -iii 6. Any change in the telephone nu$ber7s8, fa/ nu$ber7s8, e,$ail address of the institute $ust be infor$ed to NI !I" i$$ediately. 19. Approval is re#uired fro$ NI !I" to change the address of the institute. 11. "he institute $ust sub$it the e/a$ination application for$ of all the candidates 7who wish to appear for CCC1BCC e/a$ination8 to NI !I" as per the calendar of events, as applicable fro$ ti$e to ti$e. 1&. "he certificates of the successful candidates would be despatched to the concerned Facilitation Centre. It would be the responsibility of the Facilitation Centre to disburse the certificates to the concerned candidates under inti$ation to NI !I". Rule no. III $rocedure for %it&dra'al of Re(i tration NI !I" $ay initiate proceedings for withdrawal of registration in case Facilitation Centre is found indulging in any of the following i$proprieties. 1. Failure to provide the necessary acade$ic and ad$inistrative support to the students as per schedule1nor$s fi/ed by NI !I" and1or furnishing false infor$ation to NI !I", &. :ver charging the students beyond the a$ount prescribed for fees by NI !I", li%e accepting e/tra $oney fro$ the students towards service charges or for any other reasons, *. Charging additional $oney for distribution of any docu$ent vi2. ad$it card1result1certificate, +. Furthering interests of any sector, caste, religious group or political party or subscribe to ob)ectives that go counter to the solidarity or unity of the country. -. ;eterioration of physical facilities and unwillingness to i$prove the$ to $eet $ini$u$ re#uire$ents in ter$s of satisfactory classroo$s, laboratory and library facilities, .. Any other $isconduct in connection with the ad$ission1 /a$ination1 any other area, which in the opinion of NI !I" warrants i$$ediate withdrawal of registration of the Institution. 4. NI !I" shall provide ade#uate ti$e and opportunity to the registered Institution served with a <=how Cause Notice< up to a $a/i$u$ period of three $onths for ade#uate co$pliance1re$oval of defects failing which NI !I" will withdraw the registration. =uch a decision by NI !I" shall be final and binding. Ot&er Infor!ation 1. For general in#uiry please contact the reception of NI !I". For en#uiry related to registration of institute as facilitation centre for CCC1BCC courses under all categories please drop $ail to ccc.accr> &. For further infor$ation about CCC and BCC e/a$inations write to NI !I" or send $ail to ccc>, bcc> ?ou can chec% our web site for up to date infor$ation on our progra$s. *. All disputes are sub)ect to ;elhi )urisdiction.

Annexure -iii

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