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The Mole Concept

Key Terms (your vocab for this section, know them for the quiz on Friday): I. Mole Avogadros Number Atomic Mass Unit Molar Mass Avogadros Number a. Avogadros Number (symbol N) is the number of _________________ in 12.01 grams of carbon. b. Its numerical value is _________________________. c. Therefore, a 12.01 g sample of carbon contains 6.02 x 1023 carbon atoms. II. The Mole a. A unit of measure for an _________________ of a ___________________________________________________ b. A mole is _____________________________ number of particles, that is 6.02 x 1023 particles so: i. 1 mol = Avogadros Number = 6.02 x 1023 units c. We can use the mole relationship to convert between the __________________________________and the ___________________________________________________. III. How Big is a Mole? a. The volume occupied by one mole of softballs would be about the size of the _________________. b. One mole of Olympic shot put balls has about the same _________________ as the Earth. IV. Mole Calculations I a. We will be using the Unit Analysis Method b. Remember: i. First we write down the unit __________________________________ ii. Second we write down the __________________________________ iii. Third we apply __________________________________ to convert the given units Unit Analysis Method (Dimensional Analysis) Unit factor (conversion factor)

given value (Step 2)

unit factor (s) x (Step 3)

unit in answer = (step 1)

c. How many sodium atoms are in 0.120 mol Na? i. Step 1: we want atoms of Na ii. Step 2: we have 0.120 mol Na iii. Step 3: 1 mole Na = 6.02 x 1023 atoms Na

d. How many moles of potassium are in 1.25 x 1021 atoms K? i. Step 1: we want moles K ii. Step 2: we have 1.25 x 1021 atoms K iii. Step 3: 1 mole K = 6.02 x 1023 atoms K


Molar Mass (MM) a. The atomic mass of any substance expressed in grams per mole b. The atomic mass of iron is 55.85 atomic mass units (amu) c. Therefore, the molar mass of iron is 55.85 g/mol d. Since oxygen occurs naturally as a diatomic, O2, the molar mass of oxygen gas is 2 times 16.00 g/mol or 32.00 g/mol


Calculating Molar Mass a. The molar mass of a substance is the sum of the molar masses of each element b. What is the molar mass of magnesium nitrate, Mg(NO3)2? c. The sum of the atomic masses is: 24.31 + 2(14.01 + 16.00 + 16.00 + 16.00) = 24.31 + 2(62.01) = 148.33 amu d. The molar mass for Mg(NO3)2 is __________________________________


Mole Calculations II a. Now we will use the molar mass of a compound to convert between _________________ of a substance and __________________________________of a substance i. 6.02 x 1023 particles = 1 mol = molar mass b. If we want to convert __________________________________ to _________________, we must first convert __________________________________ to _________________ and then we can convert _________________ to _________________ c. What is the mass of 1.33 moles of titanium, Ti? i. NOTE: We want grams, we have 1.33 moles of titanium. ii. Use the molar mass of Ti: 1 mol Ti = 47.88 g Ti

d. What is the mass of 2.55 x 1023 atoms of lead? i. We want grams, we have atoms of lead. ii. Use Avogadros number and the molar mass of lead

e. How man O2 molecules are present in 0.470 g of oxygen gas? i. We want molecules O2, we have grams O2. ii. Use Avogadros number and the molar mass of O2.

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