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Upgrade OBIEE to 11g

So we have successfully installed OBIEE 11G in my linux machine and we even applied a patch successfully, now let s ta!e what I have in the 1"G environment, the rpd, we# catalog files and turn it into 11G version$ %n upgrade process is called for$ %fter installing 11g, in its directory under Oracle&BI1'Bin folder, there is the upgrade utility, so (ust start running it) * Oracle&BI1'Bin) $'ua

+he upgrade utility window pops up, which will guide through the rest of the upgrade$ Since I am still connected to my environment through ,-. that I previously set up, the */isplay varia#le has already #een set when I was going through installation$

0ext page, we choose to upgrade #oth 12/ and .atalog)

+he rpd and we# catalog files from 1"g has #een copied on to this computer, therefore the next step is to enter the path of these 3 files$ 0ew username and passwords are also defined here$

+he next step is to enter we#logic related information)

+he rest of the steps are very straightforward, no more configuration needs$ 4ust let the system does its thing and the upgrade will #e done$ % 11G version of 12/ and will automatically #e placed in the right 11G directory and the 06Sconfig,I0I file will have a proper entry done$ +here is no need for any manual edition$ +here are a few little things we need to do to ensure our 11G environment is ready to run, +hese changes are typically done once after the upgrade) 1$ .onfigure the %dministrator user account in 11G) Since 11G has a very different security management system, the %dministrator account, which was managed in the %dmin +ool in 1"G will need to #e configured in the we#logic to ensure access using this account$ +o do so, go to 5e#logic console 7under 8y realm 9 and edit the %dministrator user #y clic!ing on it)

Give a new password)

1elease .onfiguration, test logging into 5e# 2resentation using this new password$ :ou will #e a#le to log in as %dministrator now

3$ .hances are in your 1"G environment, you have edited the instanceconfig$xml file to increase the num#er of rows allowed in your report$ I did that too$ So now in 11G, the content of the instanceconfig,xml file changes, therefore some of these entries will have to #e re;edited for it to wor! the same way in 11G$ Below the highlighted the text increases the num#er of max rows for my report, (ust li!e I had done in 1"G$ 0ow I will have to insert these text into the following location for the 11g s instanceconfig$xml file$

<$ I had configured the session time out period in 1"g #y editing the instanceconfig,xml file$ In 11G, these things can #e configured in the UI of we#logic) therefore, the entries I made in the instanceconfig$xml file will #e removed$

=$ .hances are, some of the newly upgraded reports throws the following error) It s #asically complaining a#out the setting of evaluate&support&level parameter in the n>sconfig$ini file$

In this case, (ust edit the file and set the parameter to 3 and then restart the services)

+here could #e other post upgrade issues, this relate depends on the cases and how your pro(ect is implemented #efore the upgrade$ In these cases, we will (ust have to deal with them specifically$ ?or example I am running into some issues that messes up my calculations on some of the reports, if you want to !now more a#out what it is and how to fix it, you can read it here$ +han!s

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