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Any primary infections or problems like cold, fever, pains, headache, stomach issues can be Insha ALLAH very efficiently cured by the following method : Take two pills each of Biochemic medicines Ferrum Phos 12x and Kali Mur 6x (preferably German) and powder them. Take two to three table spoonfuls of luke warm water and dissolve this powder. Take a one litter bottle with luke warm water. You can also use a sealed mineral water bottle. Empty 25% of water. Add warm water to the bottle so that the bottle is in total 80 to 85% full. To this add the dissolved medicine. Hold the bottle in your hand and beat it on to a rebounding material like a pillow, bed, sofa or any cushion, so that the water inside the bottle jumps up in a vertical direction with every beat. This process is called succussion. By doing it 100 times the medicine is ready for use. A word of caution about the bottle or spoons, it should be clean,dry and without any kind of odour. A dose is a sip from this bottle, it can be one tea spoon or one tablespoon. Makes no difference. Can be taken directly from the bottle. The important note here is that every time a dose is taken, it has to be succussed (beaten vertically) 3 to 5 times. These succussions (potentization) are very important each and every time. For a dose it is 3 to 5 times, and 100 times when it is a refill. The frequency of the dose depends upon the intensity of the problem. It can be anything between a dose every five minutes to a dose every five or six hours until the disease is completely cured. If the solution is consumed upto 80% and still medication is required, then add luke warm mineral water (to make it 80%) to this bottle (no medicine) and beat it vertically 100 times as explained above. Again do it repeatedly as you need more and more doses. Whenever the bottle is refilled to 80%, it should be beaten 100 times. When to stop : As the medication is in progress, a process of detoxification starts, and there is a flow established which purges out the disease. This may be through perspiration, nasal discharge, eyes watering, perspiration in the arm pits etc. Wait until this discharge process stops and stop the medication. The start of the process is indicated by discomfort and pain in forehead, cheek bones, headaches, pain in the back of head and body pains. After this starts the frequency of the medicine is to be tapered and stopped after the discharge completely stops. This is a very safe treatment and can be used for treating infants and old people also. If the disease has already entered a secondary stage before treatment, this method only gives relief and proper treatment of the secondary stage should be done.

PROPHYLACTIC TREATMENT : Homeopathic remedy Belladonna 30 (5 pills a dose) is a very very efficient medicine for preventing attacks of any kind of epidemic like influenza, meningitis, cholera, plague, chickengunia, birdflu etc.; etc. A dose of Belladonna 30 to be taken immediately after the knowledge of the epidemic. Even two doses can be taken with an interval of 4 to 5 hours. In case of very severe of versions of epidemics like influenza, birdflu, chickengunia etc. a single dose of homeopathic medicine influenzinum 200 is advised. TRAVEL SICKNESS : One dose of Homeopathic medicine Petroleum 30 one day before the journey is to be taken for any type of travel sickness. If the problem is very chronic and intense, three doses should be taken before the journey with interval of 4 to 5 hours. All this to be done before the journey. CRYING CHILDREN : Homeopathic medicine Chamomilla 30 should be given to infants or children who cry for unknown reason. Two or three doses may be repeated if necessary. For infants it is 2 pills and for children it is 3 to 5 pills.

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