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Narrative Text in Romeo and Juliet tragic and romantic story

There lived two families, the Capulets and the Montagues. They engaged in a bitter feud. mong the Montagues was Romeo, a hot!blooded young man with an eye for the ladies. "ne day, Romeo attended the feast of the Capulets#, a costume party where he expected to meet his love, Rosaline, a haughty beauty from a well!to!do family. "nce there, however, Romeo#s eyes felt upon Juliet, and he thought of Rosaline no more. The vision of Juliet had been invading his every thought. $nable to sleep, Romeo returned late that night to the Juliet#s bedroom window. There, he was surprised to find Juliet on the balcony, professing her love for him and wishing that he were not a %Montague%, a name behind his own. %&hat#s in a name' That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.% Romeo was ready to deny his name and professed his love. The two agreed to meet at nine o!cloc( the next morning to be married. )arly the next morning, Romeo came to *riar +awrence begging the friar to marry him to Juliet. The *riar performed the ceremony, praying that the union might someday put an end to the feud between the two families. ,e advised Romeo (ept the marriage a secret for a time. "n the way home, Romeo chanced upon his friend Mercutio arguing with Tybalt, a member of the Capulet clan. That -urreling last caused Mer-uito died. Romeo was reluctant no longer. ,e drew his sword and slew Tybalt died. Romeo reali.ed he had made a terrible mista(e. Then *riar +awrence advised Romeo to travel to Mantua until things cool down. ,e promised to inform Juliet. /n the other hand, Juliet#s father had decided the time for her to marry with 0aris. Juliet consulted *riar +awrence and made a plot to ta(e a sleeping potion for Juliet which would simulate death for three days. The plot proceeded according to the plan. Juliet was sleeping in death. $nfortunately, The *riar#s letter failed to reach Romeo. $nder the cover of dar(ness, he bro(e into Juliet#s tomb. Romeo (issed the lips of his Juliet one last

time and dran( the poison. Meanwhile, the effects of the sleeping potion wear off. Juliet wo(e up calling for Romeo. 1he found her love next to her but was lying dead, with a cup of poison in his hand. 1he tried to (iss the poison from his lips, but failed. Then Juliet put out his dagger and plunged it into her breast. 1he died

Romeo dan Juliet ,iduplah dua (eluarga, Capulets dan Montague . Mere(a terlibat dalam perseteruan pahit. 2i antara Montague adalah Romeo , seorang pemuda berdarah panas dengan mata untu( wanita . 1uatu hari , Romeo menghadiri pesta Capulets , pesta (ostum di mana ia diharap(an dapat memenuhi cintanya , Rosaline , (eindahan ang(uh dari sumur ! to!do (eluarga. 1esampai di sana , bagaimanapun, mata Romeo Juliet merasa atas , dan dia memi(ir(an Rosaline tida( lebih . 3isi Juliet telah menyerang setiap pi(iran nya . Tida( bisa tidur , Romeo (embali larut malam itu (e 4endela (amar tidur Juliet . 2i sana, ia ter(e4ut menemu(an Juliet di bal(on , menga(u cintanya dan berharap bahwa ia bu(an % Montague % , nama bela(ang sendiri . % pa arti sebuah nama ' /tu yang (ita sebut mawar dengan nama lain a(an bau manis . % Romeo siap untu( menyang(al namanya dan menga(u cintanya . 5eduanya sepa(at untu( bertemu di sembilan o ! 4am pagi beri(utnya yang a(an meni(ah. 5eeso(an paginya , Romeo datang (e *riar +awrence mengemis biarawan untu( meni(ah(annya dengan Juliet . *riar yang dila(u(an upacara , berdoa bahwa seri(at mung(in suatu hari nanti menga(hiri perseteruan antara dua (eluarga . 2ia menyaran(an Romeo disimpan perni(ahan rahasia untu( sementara wa(tu . 2alam per4alanan pulang , Romeo (ebetulan pada temannya Mercutio berdebat dengan Tybalt , seorang anggota (lan Capulet . /tu -urreling Mer-uito

disebab(an tera(hir meninggal . Romeo enggan lagi . /a menghunus pedangnya dan membunuh Tybalt meninggal. Romeo menyadari bahwa ia telah mela(u(an (esalahan besar . 5emudian *riar +awrence Romeo disaran(an untu( mela(u(an per4alanan (e Mantua sampai (eadaan dingin . 2ia ber4an4i untu( menginformasi(an Juliet . 2i sisi lain , ayah Juliet telah memutus(an wa(tu baginya untu( meni(ah dengan 0aris. Juliet ber(onsultasi *riar +awrence dan membuat rencana untu( mengambil obat tidur untu( Juliet yang a(an mensimulasi(an (ematian selama tiga hari . 0lot melan4ut(an sesuai rencana . Juliet tidur dalam (ematian . 1ayangnya , 1urat *riar gagal mencapai Romeo . 2i bawah (egelapan , ia masu( (e ma(am Juliet . Romeo mencium bibir Juliet satu wa(tu tera(hir dan minum racun . 1ementara itu, efe( dari obat tidur luntur . Juliet bangun menyeru(an Romeo . 2ia menemu(an cintanya di sampingnya , tapi tergeleta( mati , dengan secang(ir racun di tangannya . 2ia mencoba untu( mencium racun dari bibirnya , tapi gagal . +alu Juliet mengulur(an (eris dan ter4un (e payudaranya . dia meninggal

Narrative Story of The Cap Seller and The Monkeys "nce, a cap seller was passing through a 4ungle. ,e was very tired and needed to rest. Then, he stopped and spread a cloth under a tree. ,e placed his bag full of caps near him and lay down with his cap on his head. The cap seller had a sound sleep for one hour. &hen he got up, the first thing he did was to loo( into his bag. ,e was startled when he found all his caps were not there. &hen he loo(ed up the s(y, he was very surprised to see mon(eys sitting on the branches of a tree, each of the mon(eys is wearing a cap of on its head. They

had evidently done it to imitate him ,e decided to get his caps bac( by ma(ing a humble re-uest to the mon(eys. /n return, the mon(eys only made faces of him. &hen he begun to ma(e gesture, the mon(eys also imitated him. t last he found a clever idea. % Mon(eys are a great imitator,% he thought. 1o he too( off his own cap and threw it down on the ground. nd as he had expected, all the mon(eys too( off the caps and threw the caps down on the ground. 6uic(ly, he stood up and collected the caps, put them bac( into his bag and went away.

penjual topi samrt dan monyet 1e(ali , seorang pen4ual topi sedang melewati hutan . 2ia sangat lelah dan perlu istirahat. 5emudian , ia berhenti dan membentang(an (ain di bawah pohon . 2ia menaruh tasnya penuh topi di de(atnya dan berbaring dengan topinya di (epalanya . 0en4ual topi memili(i suara tidur selama satu 4am . 5eti(a ia bangun , hal pertama yang ia la(u(an adalah untu( melihat (e dalam tasnya . 2ia ter(e4ut (eti(a ia menemu(an semua topi nya tida( ada di sana . 5eti(a ia mendonga( langit , dia sangat ter(e4ut melihat monyet dudu( di cabang!cabang pohon , setiap monyet mema(ai topi di atas (epalanya . Mere(a rupanya mela(u(annya untu( menirunya 2ia memutus(an untu( mendapat(an topi (embali dengan membuat permintaan rendah hati monyet . 1ebagai imbalannya , monyet hanya membuat wa4ah dia. 5eti(a ia mulai membuat gera(an , monyet 4uga menirunya . (hirnya ia menemu(an ide yang cerdas . % Monyet adalah peniru ulung , % pi(irnya . Jadi ia melepas topinya sendiri dan melempar(annya (e tanah . 2an seperti yang telah diharap(an , semua monyet melepas topi dan melempar(an topi di atas tanah . 2engan cepat, ia berdiri dan mengumpul(an topi , menempat(an mere(a (embali (e dalam tasnya dan pergi.

Narrative Story ina Farmer and a Box "nce time, there was a poor farmer. ,e lived with his wife. "ne day, he dug up his field and found a big box. ,e then (ept it in their house. "ne sunny morning, his wife dropped an apple in the box. 1uddenly, the box begun filled with apples. No matter how many apples were ta(en out, more apples too( place in the box. "ne day, the framer dropped a gold coin into that box. t once, apples disappeared and the box begun filled up with gold coins. 1oon the farmer became rich. ,aving heard that his son got rich, the framer#s father visited the couple. ,is father was not very strong. ,e could not go out to wor( anymore. 1o the farmer as(ed his old father to help him ta(e the gold coins out of the box. ,is father wor(ed hard, too( the gold coins out of the box. &hen he told that he was very tired and wanted to have a rest, the farmer shouted at him7 %&hy are you so la.y' &hy can#t you wor( harder'. The old man said nothing and continued to wor(. 1uddenly the old man fell into the box, he died. t once the gold coins disappeared and the box begun filled up with dead men. The framer had to pull out and burried. To do this, the farmer had to spend all the money which he had collected before. &hen he had used up all his money, the box bro(e. The farmer was 4ust as poor as before.

Narasi Cerita di Farmer dan Kotak 1e(ali wa(tu , ada seorang petani mis(in . 2ia tinggal bersama istrinya . 1uatu hari , ia menggali bidangnya dan menemu(an sebuah (ota( besar . 2ia (emudian menyimpannya di rumah mere(a . 1uatu pagi yang cerah , istrinya men4atuh(an apel di dalam (ota( . Tiba!tiba , (ota( mulai dipenuhi dengan apel . Tida( peduli berapa banya( apel dibawa (eluar , lebih apel berlangsung di dalam (ota( . 1uatu hari , pembentu( men4atuh(an (oin emas (e dalam (ota( itu . 1e(aligus , apel hilang dan (ota( mulai penuh dengan (oin emas . 1egera petani men4adi (aya . 1etelah mendengar bahwa ana(nya men4adi (aya , ayah pembentu( yang mengun4ungi pasangan. yahnya tida( sangat (uat . 2ia tida( bisa pergi (eluar untu( be(er4a lagi . Jadi petani meminta ayahnya yang sudah tua untu( membantu dia mengambil (oin emas (eluar dari (ota( . yahnya be(er4a (eras , mengambil (oin emas (eluar dari (ota( . 5eti(a ia diberitahu bahwa ia sangat lelah dan ingin beristirahat , petani berteria( padanya , % Mengapa (au begitu malas Mengapa (au tida( bisa be(er4a lebih (eras "rang tua itu ber(ata apa!apa dan terus be(er4a Tiba!tiba lama' ' . . manusia 4atuh (e dalam (ota(, ia meninggal . se(aligus (oin emas menghilang dan (ota( mulai dipenuhi dengan orang mati . 0embentu( tersebut harus menari( (eluar dan dima(am(an . $ntu( mela(u(an hal ini , petani harus menghabis(an semua uang yang telah di(umpul(an sebelumnya. 5eti(a ia sudah menghabis(an semua uangnya , (ota( pecah . 0etani itu 4ele( seperti sebelumnya.

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